Daily Archives: March 19, 2017

White House Requests $30 Billion More for US Military – to Rebuild … – Scout

Posted: March 19, 2017 at 4:51 pm

The request includes $5.1 billion in overseas contingency operations funds so the department can accelerate the campaign to defeat ISIS and support Operation Freedom's Sentinel in Afghanistan.

WASHINGTON, March 16, 2017 In a letter to House Speaker Paul Ryan today, President Donald J. Trump asked for another $30 billion for the Defense Department in this fiscal year, which ends Sept. 30, to rebuild the armed forces and accelerate the campaign to defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

Air Force Tech. Sgt. Jeffery Self, 8th Security Forces Squadron, advances toward opposing forces during a training scenario at Kunsan Air Base, South as part of exercise Beverly Pack 17-2, a no-notice training exercise used to improve responses to base threats, March 7, 2017. President Donald J. Trump is asking Congress for an additional $30 billion in fiscal 2017 Defense Department funding to meet urgent military readiness needs. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Jeff Andrejcik

The fiscal 2017 budget amendment provides $24.9 billion in base funds for urgent warfighting readiness needs and to begin a sustained effort to rebuild the armed forces, according to the presidents letter.

The request seeks to address critical budget shortfalls in personnel, training, maintenance, equipment, munitions, modernization and infrastructure investment. It represents a critical first step in investing in a larger, more ready and more capable military force, Trump wrote.

The request includes $5.1 billion in overseas contingency operations funds so the department can accelerate the campaign to defeat ISIS and support Operation Freedom's Sentinel in Afghanistan, he said, noting that the request would enable DoD to pursue a comprehensive strategy to end the threat ISIS poses to the United States.

Continuing Resolution

At the Pentagon this afternoon, senior defense officials briefed reporters on the on the fiscal 2017 budget amendment. The speakers wereJohn P. Roth, performing the duties of undersecretary of defense-comptroller, andArmy Lt. Gen. Anthony R. Ierardi, director of force structure, resources and assessment on theJoint Staff.

Our request to Congress is that they pass a full-year defense appropriations bill, and that the bill includes the additional $30 billion, Roth said. We are now approaching the end of our sixth month under a continuing resolution, he added, one of the longest periods that we have ever been under a continuing resolution.

Crying Needs

The continuing resolution run for the rest of the fiscal year, Pentagon officials would find that extremely harmful to the defense program, Roth said.

We are essentially kind of muddling along right now in terms of borrowing resources against third- and fourth-quarter kinds of finances in order to keep things going, he said. But that game gets to be increasingly difficult as we go deeper into the fiscal year.

Under a continuing resolution, the department has to operate under a fiscal 2016 mandate, creating a large mismatch between operations funds and procurement funds, Roth explained. The department cant spend procurement dollars because theres a restriction on new starts and on increasing production, he said, but we have crying needs in terms of training, readiness, maintenance ... and in the operation and maintenance account.

The continuing resolution expires April 28, so before then, we would want a full appropriation and, of course, a full appropriation with this additional $30 billion, he said.

The Next Challenge

Roth said much of the money in the fiscal 2017 request is funding for operations and maintenance.

We're asking for additional equipment maintenance funding, additional facilities maintenance, spare parts, additional training events, peacetime flying hours, ship operations, munitions and those kinds of things, said he told reporters. This is the essence of what keeps this department running on a day-to-day basis. It keeps us up and allows us to get ready for whatever the next challenge is.

The officials said full support from Congress is key to improving warfighter readiness, providing the most capable modern force, and increasing the 2011 Budget Control Act funding cap for defense.

(Follow Cheryl Pellerin on Twitter @PellerinDoDNews)

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White House Requests $30 Billion More for US Military - to Rebuild ... - Scout

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Trump could ‘do an Andrew Jackson’ to save travel ban – WND.com

Posted: at 4:51 pm

Because there is a conflict in district court rulings on his temporary travel restriction, President Trump could go ahead and implement it, some constitutional scholars believe.

The Trump administration Friday afternoon filed for an appeal of a Marylandfederal judges ruling that the revised ban violates the First Amendment by disfavoring a particular religion. The case goes to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit in Richmond, Virginia.

But a federal judge in Boston approved the original order, noted attorney Robert Barnes in an interview with XM Sirius radios Breitbart Daily News.

Barnes, arguing the Constitution and federal law give the president the authorityto restrict entry to the country, said Trumpcould always do a true Andrew Jackson, the last president to challenge a court usurping authority they did not have.

Jacksons response to the Supreme Court, in that instance, was: Well, theyve issued their decision; now, they can enforce it.

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But Barnes noted Trump can argue that because the federal court in Boston approved Trumps Jan. 27 ban in a detailed 21-page order, the president would be in his legal rights to say: Theres a conflict between the courts. Until the Supreme Court addresses this, Im going to do whats appropriate to keep the country safe.'

Barnesacknowledged the media backlash that would ensue, but he noted that Harvard Professor Alan Dershowitz made that argument when the Ninth Circuit upheld a block on the original order by a federal judge in Seattle.

A Hawaii judge also put a temporary block on Trumps revised ban, but an appeal of that casewould have gone to the same San Francisco-based appeals court that rejected the originalversion of the ban.

Barnes pointed out that theHawaii judge issued a nationwide injunction against Trumps order.

His basis for doing so was an extraordinary interpretation of the right to travel and the freedom of association, which before, has only been associated with U.S. citizens, Barnes told Breitbart Daily News.

Every court decision in the 200 years prior to this has said that people who are not citizens of the United States, who are not present within the United States, have no First Amendment constitutional rights.

He explained the Constitution doesnt extend internationally to anybody, anywhere, anyplace, at any time.

The case was brought on behalf of Hawaiis leading Muslim imam, who wants to bring over family and friends fromSyria.

Trumps new order bars issuing visas to travelers from Syria and five other Muslim-majority countries for 90 days and suspends the entire U.S. refugee program for 120 days. It also caps the total number of refugees admitted this fiscal year at 50,000, instead of 110,000.

Hawaii contends Trumps order treats Muslims in the state as second class citizens, in violation of the U.S. Constitution and the Immigration and Nationality Act. The states petition cites comments by Trump and his surrogates during the campaign to argue that the temporary ban is motivated by animus toward Muslims, violating constitutional guarantees of religious freedom and equal protection of the laws.

The Hawaii judge, Barnes noted, ruled the imamhas a First Amendment constitutional right to oppose Trumps banbecause hes Muslim.

It was one of the most extraordinary interpretations of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment ever given, which is that because these are Muslim countries that were banned, where the issue of terror arises from, that that meant they had a special right to visit the [United States], he said.

Barnes pointed outthat the judge did not cite any prior decision.

Barnesargued the U.S. Supreme Court, in its Din decision last year, implicitly ruledthe right to association does not include a right to bring foreigners into the United States.

When you have law professors like Jonathan Turley or Alan Dershowitz or Jeffrey Toobin saying that the prior Ninth Circuit decision which did not go as far as this case did, as the Hawaii judge did saying it basically is bad law, then you know how bad the law actually is, Barnes said.

Reasonable restrictions

WND reported last week that if the administration continues to be thwarted by federal courts, it could implement an alternative security measure that would be authorized by the statute cited in the presidents executive order,according to a prominent Georgetown University professor.

John Banzhaf noted in an interview with WND that Germanys cabinet last month approved a measure allowing GPS ankle tracking devices for individuals who are suspected of posing a terrorist threat but havent been charged or convicted.

Banzhaf pointed out the U.S. law cited in the Trump order, 8 USC 1182(f), gives the president the authority to impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.

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If the federal-court block on the travel ban continues or the Trump administration loses the case, Banzhaf said, I think they would do well to consider the second part of that article, which permits the president to put any reasonable restrictions on which he wishes.

Its the first part of the statute, he said, that gives the president the authority to ban certain travelers.

It says that he can make an order based upon class of person. And I think any reasonable reading of that doesnt mean hes going to differentiate based upon tall people or short people or whether they have long noses or short noses, Banzhof explained.

When you say class, youre talking about ethnicity, youre talking about religion, youre talking about country of origin, he said.

The statute reads:

Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.

Trump is telling us, the Georgetown professor said, that based upon the very weak governmental structure, bordering on chaos, in many of these countries, it is virtually impossible to reasonably vet them, to be able to say beyond any reasonable suspicion these are not, in his words, bad dudes.'

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Trump could 'do an Andrew Jackson' to save travel ban - WND.com

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Religion Freedom Act advances from committee – Record Bee

Posted: at 4:51 pm

SACRAMENTO >> The Senate Appropriations Committee approved the Religious Freedom Act (Senate Bill 31) by a vote of 5-0 with two members abstaining. Senate Bill 31 prevents California agencies from sharing data that could be used to compile a federal registry based on religion, national origin or ethnicity.

Even our basic American values are being tested by the federal government and the current administration, and the Religious Freedom Act will prevent California from participating in the creation of a discriminatory and ineffective religious registry that tramples on the U.S. Constitution, said Sen. Lara.

On the campaign trail, then-candidate Trump proposed a Muslim registry.

No fiscal impact of Senate Bill 31 was found. The California Religious Freedom Act will soon be scheduled for a vote by the full Senate.

Speakers in support of Senate Bill 31 included Asian Americans Advancing Justice, the Council on American Islamic Relations, Coalition for Humane Immigrants Rights Los Angeles, the California Catholic Conference, the Sierra Club, the California Faculty Association, the California Federation of Teachers, the City of Long Beach, the City and County of San Francisco and the office of San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee, the office of Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, the Santa Clara Board of Supervisors, Alliance for Boys and Men of Color, California Labor Federation, the State Building and Construction Trades Council, SEIU California, PICO California, ACLU of California, NextGen Climate, Public Counsel, California Immigrant Policy Center, Equality California, the California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation, and the Southeast Asia Resource Action Center.


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Linda Leitz: Women, divorce and money: Financial independence is … – Colorado Springs Gazette

Posted: at 4:51 pm

Linda Leitz - Business (2014)

Basic mathematics will tell you that if a couple divide all their assets and income, they don't each end up in the same financial situation after the split. If they do this division of finances through a contentious divorce that ends up in court, they each won't even get half.

Women have made progress in getting equal pay for equal work and having fulfilling and lucrative careers, if they so desire. And while men aren't always the primary earner in a couple, many divorces still result in a woman who does not have a career that will allow her to be self-sufficient and who has not been involved in the family finances.

Whether you feel your marriage is solid or not, it's good to understand the family finances. You should know what the regular bills are, what the income is for the household and what assets and debts are owed.

Even if you're not in charge of the family money, you need to be a signatory on all accounts and know how to access everything online.

If a divorce might be in your future, get educated about your household finances. In Colorado - and many other states - money that's acquired during a marriage is marital, whether it's in one person's name or in the name of both spouses. Inheritances, gifts or what a spouse brings to the marriage is considered "separate property" and generally doesn't have to be divided as long as it has been kept only in that spouse's name.

Growth in separate assets is considered marital since it accumulated during the marriage, but loss of value isn't marital, nor is spending down separate assets.

A big mistake often made by a wife who has been the primary parent is insisting on keeping the house where the kids live. Assets are divided in an equitable manner, which means fairly. Many cases end up with the total of assets and debts divided in such a way that each spouse gets about half the value of their household net worth. So it's not reasonable to assume that you'd receive half the assets, plus the house. You do need a place to live, but you also need cash for emergencies and retirement assets. Being well-positioned financially better allows you to be a good parent - financially and as a role model - than putting all your financial eggs in keeping the family house.

Colorado statutes have a formula for spousal maintenance, which is another name for alimony. These guidelines aren't intended to equalize income for the two households after divorce but to have them with comparable means. And both former spouses are expected to utilize their skills to be gainfully employed.

It's not easy to start over after the trauma of a marriage ending. But being able to take care of yourself financially is more secure than depending on a former spouse.


Linda Leitz is a certified financial planner. Questions for this column can be sent to gazette@itsnotjustmoney.com.

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Linda Leitz: Women, divorce and money: Financial independence is best whenever possible – Colorado Springs Gazette

Posted: at 4:51 pm

Linda Leitz - Business (2014)

Basic mathematics will tell you that if a couple divide all their assets and income, they don't each end up in the same financial situation after the split. If they do this division of finances through a contentious divorce that ends up in court, they each won't even get half.

Women have made progress in getting equal pay for equal work and having fulfilling and lucrative careers, if they so desire. And while men aren't always the primary earner in a couple, many divorces still result in a woman who does not have a career that will allow her to be self-sufficient and who has not been involved in the family finances.

Whether you feel your marriage is solid or not, it's good to understand the family finances. You should know what the regular bills are, what the income is for the household and what assets and debts are owed.

Even if you're not in charge of the family money, you need to be a signatory on all accounts and know how to access everything online.

If a divorce might be in your future, get educated about your household finances. In Colorado - and many other states - money that's acquired during a marriage is marital, whether it's in one person's name or in the name of both spouses. Inheritances, gifts or what a spouse brings to the marriage is considered "separate property" and generally doesn't have to be divided as long as it has been kept only in that spouse's name.

Growth in separate assets is considered marital since it accumulated during the marriage, but loss of value isn't marital, nor is spending down separate assets.

A big mistake often made by a wife who has been the primary parent is insisting on keeping the house where the kids live. Assets are divided in an equitable manner, which means fairly. Many cases end up with the total of assets and debts divided in such a way that each spouse gets about half the value of their household net worth. So it's not reasonable to assume that you'd receive half the assets, plus the house. You do need a place to live, but you also need cash for emergencies and retirement assets. Being well-positioned financially better allows you to be a good parent - financially and as a role model - than putting all your financial eggs in keeping the family house.

Colorado statutes have a formula for spousal maintenance, which is another name for alimony. These guidelines aren't intended to equalize income for the two households after divorce but to have them with comparable means. And both former spouses are expected to utilize their skills to be gainfully employed.

It's not easy to start over after the trauma of a marriage ending. But being able to take care of yourself financially is more secure than depending on a former spouse.


Linda Leitz is a certified financial planner. Questions for this column can be sent to gazette@itsnotjustmoney.com.

See the article here:

Linda Leitz: Women, divorce and money: Financial independence is best whenever possible - Colorado Springs Gazette

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Equal writes and the best new women fiction: Book reviews – Express.co.uk

Posted: at 4:49 pm


Attack Of The 50ft Women:

How Gender Equality Can Save The World! by Catherine Mayer (HQ, 20)

During the q&a session at the end, Mayer found herself asking whether anyone else thought there should be greater focus on gender issues in mainstream politics.

An appeal for like-minded people to join her later in the bar led to the seeds of a new political party being sown.

In Attack Of The 50ft Women, Mayer tells the story of the evolution of the Womens Equality Party, a party that in the London elections in May 2016 polled a 5.2 per cent share of the vote, despite having existed for just over a year.

Mayers book goes beyond the brief history of the party to look at gender imbalances across the globe and in all walks of life. Her argument is that gender inequality is detrimental to men and women alike.

This could easily have been a book of pure rhetoric albeit inspiring and engaging rhetoric but her arguments are backed up by comprehensive research, not least with regard to the economic implications of the gender gap. She cites multiple studies linking female executives with profitability and a report forecasting a boost of 8.3 trillion to global GDP by 2025 if the gender gap narrows.

Mayer also argues that the structures of patriarchy, not least the pressures on men to be alpha males, harm men as much as women: Because of these structures, boys struggle at school; suicide rates are highest among young males, who are also more likely to murder and be murdered; and men drink more heavily and more frequently end up in prison.

However, the book focuses primarily on the inequities faced by women. She describes the glass cliff and saviour effect where women are catapulted to positions of power only when crisis hits (sound familiar, Theresa May?) then cast aside when stability resumes. She investigates global inequalities in pay and the restrictions faced by both mothers and fathers.

Comprehensive, wide-ranging and journalistically rigorous, Attack Of The 50ft Women is an important and timely book. Buy it for yourself, your husband or partner. Most importantly, buy it for your children.

Hannah Beckerman


Utopia For Realists: And How We Can Get There by Rutger Bregman (Bloomsbury, 16.99

Should all human beings be paid a living wage regardless of whether they work or not? Rutger Bregman, a 28-year-old Dutch historian and economist, passionately advocates the Universal Basic Income.

In his new book, Bregman suggests governments could work towards a new Utopia by abandoning the welfare system and giving everybody free money.

Immediately we imagine everyone spending all day with their feet up watching TV before cheerfully collecting a pay cheque. But Bregman cites numerous studies that suggest people receiving his Universal Basic Income would carry on working as normal.

He also provides the facts and figures to show how unemployed people receiving Universal Basic Income are more likely to find work than people on means-tested benefits. Whats more, our current welfare system costs more to administer than it saves the taxpayer

And we will all be grateful for the money as more of us are forced to job-share and work fewer hours as technology makes our jobs obsolete.

Poor children tend to be less well educated, they work less and have worse health. If these problems were eradicated by Universal Basic Income, each child would have effectively paid back the extra money received by the time they reached middle age.

I was moved and convinced by Bregman saying we might not achieve Utopia but could find solace in working towards a fairer world.

Bregmans style is sometimes cheesy but his book is energetic, passionate and rigorously intelligent. His commonsensical ideas deserveto be gratefully welcomed.

Jake Kerridge



Fancy an escapist read? Fanny Blake chooses the best new womens fiction

Orange Blossom Days by Patricia Scanlan (Simon & Schuster, 13.99)

La Joya de Andalucia is a plush seafront apartment complex on the Spanish coast and home to a community of residents from all over Europe.

They include an Irish couple woken from their dream of a leisurely retirement by the demands of their family, a Texan wife who pursues a younger man and a Spaniard in a difficult marriage who sets his sights on the presidency of La Joyas management committee.

A bright, sunny read in which these lives interweave with unexpected results.

The Little Teashop Of Lost And Found by Trisha Ashley (Bantam, 9.99)

Alice Rose was found abandoned as a baby near Haworth on the Yorkshire moors and she returns years later to look for her birth mother.

At the same time she is transforming a rundown caf into a premier afternoon tearoom. She quickly makes friends, including a dishy neighbour, but the path to achieving her goals is littered with obstacles, the story of Alices birth and abandonment adding depth and poignancy.


The Little Breton Bistro by Nina George(Abacus, 12.99)

From the author of The Little Paris Bookshop comes a new life-affirming novel. On a day trip to Paris, Marianne Messman throws herself into the Seine, desperate to escape her loveless marriage.

However fate intervenes and she is rescued from the brackish water. In hospital, Marianne spies a small painted tile of a Breton fishing village which beckons her to a new life, so she follows her heart to Kerdruc in Brittany.

At sixty years old, she believed her life was over, but the message of this gentle but pacey page-turner is that new loves, new friends and confidence can be found at any age.

Secrets Of A Happy Marriage by Cathy Kelly (Orion, 14.99)

The build-up to Edward Brannigans 70th birthday celebrations proves a catalyst for family drama. His new wife Bess is struggling to fit in, his daughter Jojo loathes her new stepmother and his niece Cari must face her ex-fianc at the party. Its an involving, heart-warming read about family, friends, love and disappointment.

About Last Night by Catherine Alliott (Michael Joseph, 12.99)

Molly, a widow, lives alone in a remote crumbling farmhouse. Her unexpected inheritance of a London house offers the change she longs for except first she will have to evict the elderly gent who lives there. The decision to return to the capital is complicated further when a figure from her past appears. An engaging, light-hearted romp.

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Equal writes and the best new women fiction: Book reviews - Express.co.uk

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The Electoral College is right for New Mexico – Albuquerque Journal

Posted: at 4:49 pm

.......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........

This is one of the most important documents ever created in human history. Our Constitution can trace its roots back to ancient Greece, through the Roman Republic, the Magna Carta, the Iroquois Confederation and many other political philosophies of history. Today, our Constitution is the pinnacle of political freedom. This document may remain the pinnacle for many centuries, but I am sure someday it will serve as the base document for something better. In the meantime we need to exercise great caution that we do not destroy this great document. It is certainly possible, even likely, we will destroy this document in an ill-advised effort to find utopia.

Nothing in our Constitution is new, nor was new at the time of adoption what was new is that all the great ideas of history were debated by people who read history and knew it well. They disagreed and argued about things and came to the miraculous document that governs us today.

When they argued about right vs. left they were not talking about the political spectrum we refer to today they were arguing about tyranny versus anarchy. What was the proper balance between being a subject of an all-powerful king and having no government at all?

How could we find elusive balance between enough government and too much government?

They knew that every true democracy in history fell apart and was replaced by a tyrant. It is an unavoidable truth; democracies fail every time and are universally replaced by the guy with the strongest contingent of armed alpha males.

So how did they solve the problem of democracies and still have a government that reflected the will of the people? How would they resolve the various interests of widely differing states?

This was one of the three great issues requiring extreme patience they truly wanted consensus, not just majority rule. This is why there were 60 votes taken before the Electoral College was finally adopted. Sixty votes and weeks of discussions were required before consensus was obtained, not just a majority vote.

This miraculous document, which governs only about 5 percent of the population of the world, enabled this meager population to create more wealth and spread it to more people than any other government in all of history. Not only has America created more wealth than all nations in all of history combined, it is also the most generous government in all history. Americans have given more to the rest of the world than the combined population of all other people in history.

Now, we want to go down the path of democracy and soon tyranny simply because Chris Wallace, in October of 2016, didnt ask Secretary Clinton if she would accept the results of the election.

What does giving up the Electoral College really mean to New Mexico? Elections will be decided in a few of the most populous cities in the country, period.

New Mexico has been the best predictor of presidential elections since 1912. We picked the winner in every presidential election except two: We voted for Ford in 76 and for Clinton in 16. New Mexico is important; thus most candidates come to New Mexico. Removing our meager electoral vote truly makes us useless fly-over country.

Our founders were adamant, we must teach history. If not we are doomed to repeat the seemingly perpetual collapse of great societies, and once again be relegated to the death and destruction that follows.

Now we are ignorantly proposing the elimination of the brilliant Electoral College, thus driving us toward the path of democracy, then tyranny.

For the sake of our children, keep the Electoral College as it was gifted to us. Let us not destroy the Hope of the world America and Americas Electoral College.

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Oceania title win has Josh back on track – Coffs Coast Advocate

Posted: at 4:49 pm

BEING crowned the Oceania champion was the pinnacle after a tough year for local mountain bike rider Josh Button.

After last year's season when Button reached the heights of a World Cup podium in April, the 27 year-old crashed to a horrible low breaking his hip in June.

With determination to return to the elite levels, Button not only made it back to racing, he made it all the way to the top of the winner's podium in Toowoomba last weekend while competing in the 2017 Oceania Continental MTB Championships.

"I thought I could have gone a bit faster but I'll take it, really stoked," Button said

"Just great to be back racing and can't wait for next weekend."

The next event on his radar is the 2017 MTBA National Championships which is being run this weekend at Canungra, west of the Gold Coast.

But to last week's triumphant return, Button finished only half a second ahead of New Zealanders Keegan Wright and Wyn Masters who finished in second and third respectively.

It was a run some doubted he was capable of as he approached the start line, even Button himself.

"I had a shocking morning practice having a small crash, and feeling a little off," he said.

"After some good food and an afternoon nap, I felt much better come race time. I put to together a really good run, with only a few minor mistakes."

After qualifying in fourth spot on Saturday, Button had a nervous wait as fastest qualifier Graeme Mudd was last down the hill but the Newcastle rider couldn't match Button's time of 2:46:05 and had to settle for fourth.

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Air Seychelles Receives New Aircraft – Footprint to Africa – Business and Financial News (press release) (registration) (blog)

Posted: at 4:48 pm

Air Seychelles has welcomed the first of two new Twin Otter DHC-6 400 aircraft into its domestic fleet.

In late 2016, the national airline of the Republic of Seychelles announced plans to undergo a major flee t expansion to significantly enhance its services and strengthen its regional network this year.

The new aircraft named Praslin after the second-largest island in Seychelles was welcomed by a delegation of government, tourism and airline officials.

TwinOtteraircraft have been an iconic sight in our skies for decades and its great to see the latest generation enter our fleet, not to mention the development of the dedicated, professional pilots who will be flying them, Jean Weeling-Lee, Chairman of Air Seychelles.

The new Twin Otter aircraft will enable the airline increase its number of flights by 12 per cent, providing more connectivity and convenience for residents and tourists in Seychelles.

Praslin will replace an olderTwinOtteraircraft and will be joined later by another DHC-6 400 turboprop called Farquhar.

TwinOtteraircraft are ideal and extremely reliable for the tropical environment of Seychelles. Air Seychelles believes that Praslin and Farquhar aircraft will serve the airlines business and guests for many years to come.

The airline also promoted five pilots in its domestic operations to the rank of Captain. Its strong pilot development programme sees a career path for Seychollois nationals progressing through First Officer to Captains on the Twin Otter aircraft and then onwards onto the Airbus Jet fleet.

Both Twin Otter aircraft will begin operations before end of March 2017.


Air Seychelles Receives New Aircraft - Footprint to Africa - Business and Financial News (press release) (registration) (blog)

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Caribbean Poet, Nobel Laureate Derek Walcott Dies At 87 – CBS San Francisco Bay Area

Posted: at 4:47 pm

CBS San Francisco Bay Area
Caribbean Poet, Nobel Laureate Derek Walcott Dies At 87
CBS San Francisco Bay Area
Walcott was a prolific and versatile poet whose dazzling, painterly work captured the essence of his native Caribbean and earned him a reputation as one of the greatest writers of the second half of the 20th century. Walcott was long the most prominent ...
Derek Walcott, Nobel laureate whose poetry celebrated the Caribbean, dies at 87Washington Post
Derek Walcott, Who Wrote Of Caribbean Beauty And Bondage, Dies At 87NPR
Derek Walcott, Poet and Nobel Laureate of the Caribbean, Dies at 87New York Times
Los Angeles Times -The Root
all 151 news articles »

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Caribbean Poet, Nobel Laureate Derek Walcott Dies At 87 - CBS San Francisco Bay Area

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