Daily Archives: March 10, 2017

Liberals in the classroom | Letters – The Courier-Journal

Posted: March 10, 2017 at 3:34 am

CJ Letters Published 3:09 p.m. ET March 9, 2017 | Updated 12 hours ago

Yes, we provoke, poke, prod, and challenge our students.(Photo: Illustration - ALLVISIONN, Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Regarding liberal bias in academia, Dr. Jones says, Admittedly, there are probably more liberal and progressive thinkers in the professorate than not. He then tells us that the more educated you are, the more liberal you are, on average. Then he says that he is in the less than 1.7 percent of the population that has a Ph.D., that he is educated, smart and a thinker. The only thing missing is but best of all, Im not conceited!

So, education yields progressives, which yields thinkers. Ergo, conservatives are not thinkers. Since he thinks his job is to teach his students to think, the only way they can demonstrate proficiency is to become more liberal. Therefore, professors arent biased; theyre just trying to get those dumb conservatives to think.

Paul Stine

Louisville 40204

It is coincidental that on the sameday I read Professor Ricky Jones' columntouting the intellectual superiority of liberal college professors I also read an article in the conservative magazineThe Weekly Standardon the death of conservative intellectual Michael Novak by Joseph Bottum, who writes, "If you can't picturea worldwithout widely read outlets for intellectual conservatism --a worldin which socialism and secularization were the unquestioned air thatallAmerican thinkers were assumed to breathe -- you should offer a prayer for the life of a man named Michael Novak."

Personally, I suspect thatJones has spent much of his life and time hobnobbing with professors of like-minded ideology and that his question of "why do well-educated people tend not to self-identify as conservative" suggests he is likely oblivious to the intellectual conservatism that abounds outside the confines of college campuses. Most liberals believe they should be in control of our culture, our society, and our nation for the simple reason they believe themselves smarter than the rest of us. Professor Jones need not worry about being considered "dangerous." He is so only to those who are actually convinced of his superior ability tothink.

James A. Ritz

Salem, Indiana 47167

Read:Yes,professors are dangerous | Ricky Jones

Read:Trump,Bevin are both bullies | Ricky Jones

Read:Trump,'true' Americans triumph | Ricky Jones

Read:RickyJones on bullies in leadership | Letters

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Liberals in the classroom | Letters - The Courier-Journal

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Trump supporters call for ‘liberal genocide’ and deportation of Jews at Arizona Rally – Raw Story

Posted: at 3:34 am

13-year-old tells Jewish woman to "go back to her own country" (Photo: screen capture)

Maricopa County burnished its reputation as theTrumpiest in Americalast weekend as hundreds of locals, including heavily armed militiamen, white nationalists and even a few electedofficials, gathered to support the 45th president. The ensuing March for Trump was as horrifying as it sounds.

I heard lock her up, lock her up, and we still need to pursue that, announced Arizona Congressman Anthony Kern; a nod to a prominent Trump campaign promise to imprison then-Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

If you dont like it here, go to Syria, go to someplace else, one attendee shouted.

I dont want em, as a veteran I dont want em, let em go back home, another seconded. If theyve got a problem, let Saudi Arabia take care of em.

Some even dared to tell Dan Cohen of the The Real News Network how theyd make America great again now that Trump was in office. And Muslims werent the only religious minority unwelcomed.

If she is Jewish, she should go back to her country, a 13-year-old Trump supporter said of a protester.

This is America, wedont want Sharia Law, one attendee explained. Christian country, he added.

One man insisted that Senator John McCain was a secret communist.

I think theres a lot there, he said of Pizzagate, a deranged right-wing conspiracy theory that Clintons campaign chairman John Podesta was running a child prostitution ring out of a Washington, D.C. pizzeria. Definitely enough to warrant an investigation.

The days proceedings would grow uglier still.

I just want to let them know that I cant wait for the liberal genocide to begin, an Oath Keeper shouted at a small group of protesters.

Thats the way to make America great again, he later toldCohen. Liberals are destroying the country.


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Trump supporters call for 'liberal genocide' and deportation of Jews at Arizona Rally - Raw Story

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Her teen son called her an intolerant liberal. So she launched a … – Washington Post

Posted: at 3:34 am

The online platform Bring It to The Table facilitates candid conversations with a broad range of people on highly charged issues. In this video, participants discuss if equal opportunity exists. (Video: Talking Eyes Media)

Thewake-up call she needed came from her 17-year-old son.

It was the middle of the Obama administration, and Julie Winokur, a self-described liberal, was so frustrated withwhat she saw as Republican obstructionism that she would immediately dismiss any argument from the right. Then one day, her own child flipped her narrative. He told her she wasthe most politically intolerant person he knew.

If the other side had a good idea, you wouldnt know because youre not listening,she said he told her. I realized in that moment that I was as responsible as the people I was pointing fingers at. You have to take ownership of your own contribution to the negativity.

That was 2012, at the height of the tea party movement and in the midstof that years presidential election,when itfelt like the partisanship and rancor couldnt get worse. Her sons criticisminspired her to stop lamenting it andinstead try to fix it.

[He dramatically changed his views on gay marriage. Heres how he says the nation can come together.]

So Winokur, a documentary filmmaker in New Jersey, set out on a cross-country journey to meetpeople of different ideologies to discuss divisiveissues. Carting a square folding table and a navy tablecloth with patriotic stars, she endeavored to take her sons advice and really listen to others viewpoints. She wantedto get beyond talking points and regurgitated soundbites to discoverwhy people who see things so differently from her believe what they do.

She couldnt have known then how novel that concept would seem by the next presidential election.

She took her table to towns big and small, gathering a diverse cross section of Americans to interview. Sheeven set it up outside the Democratic and Republican national conventions that summer.

The online platform Bring It to The Table facilitates candid conversations with a broad range of people on highly charged issues. In this video, participants discuss their views on immigration. (Video: Talking Eyes Media)

I always saw this as the citizens antidote to politicians. Its taboo to ask people about their politics, but after being on the road and having many, many people who want to share, they are much more rationale and reasonable than we assume them to be, Winokur said.When you preface something as an opportunity to have a sober conversation where people can share what they believe, its amazing how many people are empowered to help other people with what theyve experienced.

In that spirit,during last years presidential election, she took her finished film project, Bring it to the Table, to college campuses around the country to spread her message about civil discourse. Since shed embarked onher own self-discovery to understand the other side, the national political dialogue had further deteriorated.

In her presentations, Winokur teaches students how to frame questions and engage political others without being confrontational. She tells them to never flatly tell a person their ideas are wrong. Instead, she advises theyask the personwhat experiences theyve had that shaped their opinions on a particular issue. If there wasnt a personal experience that led them to their opinion, she said a follow-up could be asking what they might have read or heard that led them to their conclusion.

Then shell take out her table and invite students to try it themselves. Sometimes she steps in to facilitate the dialogue, while other times she has the students engage with each other.

The goal isnt to change someones mind, but rather to get people thinking more deeply about where their beliefs come from and, in turn, give the questioner a more well-rounded perspective of opposing views.

We regurgitate things, we have a lazy way of analyzing information, we jump on the bandwagon of simplistic language, she said. The primary breakdown is the lack of shared information; theres a huge breakdown because were gettingtotally different information. When you dont share presumed facts, the conversation isnt even. Youre in different rooms pretending youre in the same room talking the same language when youre not.

She had hoped to take a break after the election, but almost immediately after Donald Trumps victory there was suddenly high demand for getting Democrats and Republicans talking to each other. And with the rise of hate crime incidents on college campuses, shes been called in by university administrators scrambling to bridge divides they hadnt previously acknowledged, she said.

She has personally learned through this process how to separate an individualfrom the candidate they voted for; to see them as American citizens rather than political adversaries. Healing the countrys deep political divide wont happen overnight, but she believes that having these conversations is the only way forward.

You cant solve a problem unless you bring it out in the open, she said. I thought it was so bad five years ago, and then it got worse. And were in a moment where it could get even worse. I think its a long game. This is an ugly moment that will get uglier, but you cant remedy something unless you air it, unless youre honest about it.

Read more Inspired Life:

Americans are seriously stressed out about the future of the country, survey finds

A white Trump voter explains why he left a black waitress a $450 tip with an uplifting note

This election has divided the country. Getting Clinton and Trump voters talking is one way to heal.

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Her teen son called her an intolerant liberal. So she launched a ... - Washington Post

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One Nation candidate Margaret Dodd has labelled party leader Pauline Hanson a ‘Liberal puppet’ – NEWS.com.au

Posted: at 3:34 am

One Nation candidate Margaret Dodd says she will boycott the party?s how-to-vote directive for the WA election because she has been lied to by Pauline Hanson. CREDIT: ABC/7:30 Report

One Nation candidate Margaret Doddsays party leader Pauline Hanson lied to her. Picture: Colin Murty The Australian

ONE Nation has lost another candidate just a day out from the West Australian state election.

Candidate for Scarborough Margaret Dodd, mother of murdered teenager Hayley Dodd, quit the party on Friday and will contest the seat as an independent.

Ms Dodd said she could no longer run with the party as it lacked integrity, honesty and transparency.

I am of the opinion that this party is more adherent to a dictatorship than an democratic organisation and lacks principles, she said in a statement.

PHON in my eyes are not about the WA people and their future, but for personal power for senator Hanson, who will do and say anything to achieve her goal at whatever cost.

IM SORRY: Is Hansons apology enough?

One Nation candidate Margaret Doddsays party leader Pauline Hanson lied to her. Picture: Colin Murty The AustralianSource:News Corp Australia

Ms Dodd, who was a member of the party for four weeks, was criticised by One Nation leader Pauline Hanson for speaking out against the preference deal with the Liberals.

Ms Dodd refused to hand out how-to-vote cards with One Nations directive, instead telling voters to put the Liberals last.

Senator Hanson said on Friday morning that she no longer wanted Ms Dodd in the party.

Ms Dodd is the fifth candidate to leave the party during the election campaign.

Pauline, you are supposed to be listening to the people. If you cant listen to your own candidates, what chance have the people got? she told the ABC last night.

Dont be so dishonest, dont pretend that you are about something and then go and do deals with the Liberals unless you are going to be upfront and tell your candidates before they join that you are just a Liberal puppet.

Pauline Hanson is facing a revolt in WA. Picture: Colin Murty The AustralianSource:News Corp Australia

It makes me feel as though I have been lied to.

Ms Dodd said if One Nation leader Senator Hanson wasnt being honest with her own party, how could voters trust her.

It makes me feel that the party I have joined is dishonest and their only answer to any criticism is, you are disendorsed, suck it up or leave and you are not working as team.

Its very hard to work as a team when you are working in a dictatorship.

In a response to the ABC, Senator Hanson said Ms Dodds could leave the party.

There is still time for Ms Dodd to resign as a One Nation candidate and run as an independent, she said.

I certainly wouldnt stand in the way of her leaving the party, in fact, Id welcome it.

One Nation?s Western Australian candidates are a colourful bunch, to say the least, and the surge of populist politics among Australian voters may see some of them elected. In a talk show-style run-down from Labor Senator Sam Dastyari, six of Pauline Hanson?s candidates were mocked for being some combination of racist, homophobic, conspiracy theorist, or religious zealotry. Despite the far-right party?s poll numbers taking a dive compared to federal trends, the party was projected to win three seats and possibly the balance of power. Credit: Sam Dastyari via Storyful

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One Nation candidate Margaret Dodd has labelled party leader Pauline Hanson a 'Liberal puppet' - NEWS.com.au

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26-year-old teacher stuns Liberals to win nomination to replace Stphane Dion – Toronto Star

Posted: at 3:34 am

Emmanuella Lambropoulos told reporters she was "really shocked" after winning the Liberal nomination. I didnt give up. Door to door. As soon as I knew I wanted this I worked really hard. ( Graham Hughes / THE CANADIAN PRESS )

By Giuseppe ValianteThe Canadian Press

Thu., March 9, 2017

MONTREALA 26-year-old high school teacher who was a virtual political unknown defeated a former provincial cabinet minister Wednesday to win the Liberal nomination for a federal byelection in a Montreal riding.

Emmanuella Lambropoulos and her team couldnt hold back their surprise at beating the woman considered to be the Liberal party favourite, Yolande James.

Im really shocked, Lambropoulos told reporters after her win in Saint-Laurent. I didnt give up. Door to door. As soon as I knew I wanted this I worked really hard.

The Liberals said 1,353 party members voted, with Lambropoulos capturing just more than 600 votes to defeat Marwah Rizqy.

The winners supporters credited the fact she lives in the Saint-Laurent borough and wasnt parachuted in by the Liberal party as the main reason she came away with the victory.

We came from the bottom up, said Petro Vouloukos, 22, who helped Lambropoulos secure her win. We were the grassroots. Not from the top up like Mrs. James.

Read more:Five byelections wont be a test of Trudeau but do mark end of an era: Hbert

James, a former immigration minister in Jean Charests Quebec cabinet between 2007 and 2010, had recently left her position as a political commentator for Radio-Canada to seek the nomination.

Former foreign affairs minister Stephane Dion held the riding since 1996 and it has been Liberal for decades.

The riding is considered safe for the party and Lambropoulos is likely to become its MP after the April 3 byelection.

James, who was considered the heavy favourite, skipped out of a reception hall after learning she came in last out of three candidates.

Lambropoulos win is not without controversy as the man considered to be one of the strongest candidates, if not the strongest, was not allowed to run for the nomination.

Alan DeSousa, the well-known mayor of Saint-Laurent for the past 15 years, was not told why he was rejected as a candidate.

Many Liberal party members who voted Wednesday told The Canadian Press they were disappointed DeSousa wasnt on the ballot and said they would have voted for him.

Many people were upset, Vouloukos said about DeSousa not being allowed to run and the party seemingly favouring James. I think people being upset had an effect on the outcome but the most important thing is that she was able to mobilize the grassroots.

Lambropoulos was the only of the three candidates to live in the riding.

Her father, Athanasios, said her campaign started out with just him and her.

Our goal was to hit the road and get memberships, he said. We werent seen by the press; we were invisible.

Her mom, Matina, said Our headquarters was Grandmas living room.

The NDP has selected Mathieu Auclair to carry its banner in the Saint-Laurent riding, while the Tories have picked Jimmy Yu, who came in second place in the 2015 election behind Dion with 20 per cent of the vote.

The Bloc Qubcois has chosen Wiliam Fayad.

Four other byelections two in Ontario and two in Alberta will also be held the same day. Both Ontario seats are also considered safe for the Liberals, while the Conservatives are expected to retain the two ridings in Alberta.

The Liberals currently have 180 seats in the 338-seat Commons. The Conservatives hold 97, the NDP has 44, there are 10 Bloc Qubcois members, one Green party member and one Independent.

Dion quit politics recently and was later named ambassador to the European Union and Germany.

Note to readers: This is a corrected version. A previous story said the winning candidate captured 1,353 votes. That actually was the total number of ballots cast.

The Toronto Star and thestar.com, each property of Toronto Star Newspapers Limited, One Yonge Street, 4th Floor, Toronto, ON, M5E1E6. You can unsubscribe at any time. Please contact us or see our privacy policy for more information.

Read more from the original source:

26-year-old teacher stuns Liberals to win nomination to replace Stphane Dion - Toronto Star

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‘Fake spin’ with Liberal government: Brown – Toronto Sun

Posted: at 3:34 am

Toronto Sun
'Fake spin' with Liberal government: Brown
Toronto Sun
That's according to Progressive Conservative Leader Patrick Brown, who during a speech to the Toronto Region Board of Trade, evoked the Trump-ian term to describe Premier Kathleen Wynne's Liberals. Brown slammed the government during on a ...
Tory Leader Patrick Brown says Liberals hydro plan falls shortToronto Star
Liberal hydro plan 'fairer' - ThibeaultThe North Bay Nugget

all 78 news articles »

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'Fake spin' with Liberal government: Brown - Toronto Sun

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Privileged, Entitled, Violent Students and the Liberal Journalists’ Scapegoat – CNSNews.com

Posted: at 3:34 am

Privileged, Entitled, Violent Students and the Liberal Journalists' Scapegoat
Now, ironically, fifty years later, liberal (leftist) students are enthusiastically engaging in violence to restrict, gag, and suppress free speech at least to silence and muzzle the expression of views with which they disagree. In early March ...
Middlebury College and the generational clash within liberalismThe Economist

all 60 news articles »

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Privileged, Entitled, Violent Students and the Liberal Journalists' Scapegoat - CNSNews.com

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Tennessee highlighted for 2016 tax cuts – Maryville Daily Times

Posted: at 3:33 am

Tennessee is one of the nine states that significantly cut taxes in the 2016 legislative session, according to an annual report released last week by the American Legislative Exchange Councils Center for State Fiscal Reform.

In the ALEC news release, Johnathan Williams, chief economist and vice president of the Center for State Fiscal Reform, said that Arizona, Florida, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, Rhode Island and Utah were also highlighted for enacting changes that provided substantial taxpayer relief.

While hardworking American taxpayers have painstakingly waited 30 years for comprehensive tax reform at the federal level, states continue to take the lead by providing meaningful tax relief, he said.

Of the nine states, Mississippi, Florida, New York and Tennessee achieved landmark tax relief during their 2016 legislative sessions.

The report said Tennessees recent phase-outs of the death tax and Hall income tax the 6-percent tax on interest from savings, notes, stocks and bonds, which will be phased-out by one percent each year until its complete elimination in 2022 will likely heighten the states prosperity, based on evidence from other no-income states.

As Tennessee lawmakers are already considering ways to further provide taxpayer relief in the 2017 legislative session, the report pointed out that the burden of taxation can be successfully minimized by enacting a principled tax system that isnt aimed at class warfare or social engineering.

Tax reform may have stalled out on the federal level, but these nine states took a step in the right direction, Joel Griffith, director of the Tax and Fiscal Policy Task Force at ALEC, added in the release. After all, states with lower tax burdens and more economic freedom regularly outperform their higher tax and more restrictive counterparts. Legislators successfully implementing pro-growth tax cuts are leading the way for others.

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Amendment to property tax bill would eventually create flat tax increase of 3 percent a year – Las Vegas Review-Journal

Posted: at 3:33 am

A new amendment to a bill modifying how annual property tax increases are calculated would eventually create a flat tax increase of 3 percent a year for residential properties.

The Nevada Association of Counties presented the bill on Thursday to the Assembly Committee on Taxation, giving the committee members something new to think about during their second hearing of the bill.

The amendment also scrubbed a previous idea to calculate annual property tax increases using a 10-year rolling average of the Consumer Price Index. Instead, the annual increase would be set using the old method, doubling the previous years CPI or finding the 10-year average for the growth rate of taxable home value, whichever is higher.

For Clark County and most of Nevadas other counties, NACO executive director Jeff Fontaine testified, that would mean a newly established floor of 2.6 percent in fiscal year 2018 on both residential and commercial taxes.

The floor could increase to a maximum of 3 percent, where it would become locked. It could not decrease.

Fontaine said he expected most counties would reach 3 percent in five years.

At that point, residential property taxes would increase by 3 percent annually, because their ceiling is set at 3 percent. Annual increases in commercial property tax would retain their ceiling of 8 percent.

The point of setting floors is to avoid a situation like Clark County had in fiscal year 2017. Under the current property tax laws, both commercial and residential property taxes increased by only 0.2 percent.

The intent here is to stabilize a revenue source that the counties and other government sources rely on, Fontaine said.

More than 15 people most representing city and county governments testified in support of the bill, saying it would bring predictability to property tax revenues for local governments.

Lorinda Wichman, a Nye County commissioner and NACO executive committee member, said her county has reduced its staff by a quarter and eliminated services not required by law, such as subsidies to veteran services and animal shelters.

This amendment would allow counties to plan ahead when considering their budgets, she said.

About 10 people spoke against AB43, contending that an increaseed floor of 3 percent a year would hurt citizens, especially those living on a fixed income or enduring a financial hardship.

Were concerned about the fact that if you stabilize these taxes which may be good for government that for us when our incomes go down, (the tax) never goes down. It goes up every year, said Janine Hansen, state president of Nevada Families for Freedom.

Contact Michael Scott Davidson at sdavidson@reviewjournal.com or 702-477-3861. Follow @davidsonlvrj on Twitter.

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Amendment to property tax bill would eventually create flat tax increase of 3 percent a year - Las Vegas Review-Journal

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Gutting EPA’s Budget and Staff Would Endanger the Health of Millions of Americans – BillMoyers.com

Posted: at 3:33 am

EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt's Pruitts vow to empower the people means empowering corporations, and his claim that his agency will advance freedom is really about advancing the freedom to pollute.

Some governors and other state officials seem more interested in protecting polluters than their own citizens just one of a host of reasons why the Environmental Protection Agency needs more resources, not less, argues Elliott Negin. (Image by AK Rockefeller/ flickr CC 2.0)

A version of this post originally appeared at The Huffington Post.

During his nationally televised speech before Congress last week, President Trump vowed to promote clean air and clean water.

BY Bill Moyers | January 31, 2017

Is that right, Mr. President? Then why is your administration proposing to slash as much as 25 percent of the Environmental Protection Agencys current budget and cut its staff by 20 percent? That would cripple environmental safeguards, jeopardize public health and put future generations at risk.

The EPA has made remarkable progress cleaning up air and water pollution since its inception in 1970, but there is still more work to do. In 2015 alone, polluters dumped more than 190 million tons of toxic chemicals into waterways nationwide; at least 5,000 community drinking-water systems violated federal lead regulations; and some 116 million Americans lived in counties with harmful levels of ozone or particle pollution, which have been linked to lung cancer, asthma, cardiovascular damage, reproductive problems and premature death.

If anything, the environmental challenges of today suggest that the EPA needs more money and staffing to carry out its congressionally mandated mission, especially since Congress has already reduced its budget between fiscal years 2010 and 2016 by 28 percent in real dollars to $8.14 billion, a paltry 0.2 percent of the projected $4 trillion fiscal year 2017 federal budget.

Can state environmental agencies really compensate for an eviscerated EPA? The experts say no.

For his part, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt doesnt seem particularly fazed by the prospect of his agency having to make do with lot less, claiming that state environmental agencies can pick up the slack. As he explained during his Senate confirmation hearing in mid-January, he believes state regulators oftentimes best understand the local needs and the uniqueness of our environmental challenges, and, as far as hes concerned, they should shoulder the primary responsibility for enforcing the law.

But can state environmental agencies really compensate for an eviscerated EPA?

The experts say no.

States Rely on EPA Assistance

If anyone understands the relationship between the EPA and state environmental agencies, its Carol Browner, who served as EPA administrator during the Clinton administration after running Floridas Department of Environmental Regulation. State agencies, she says, are simply not equipped to take on the burden of federal functions.

State agencies play an important role in protecting their citizens from dangerous pollution, she said. But they cant do the job alone. They rely on the EPAs expert analysis and support to set and enforce pollution standards. Many states would not have the resources to replace the EPA work on which they rely.

What does that mean in practice?

I put that question to Ellen Gilinsky, who spent the last six years as an EPA water program policy adviser. Before joining the EPA, she was director of the Virginia Department of Environmental Qualitys water program.

States totally depend on the grants they get under the Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act [and other federal environmental laws], Gilinsky said. Fifty to 60 percent of the funds for the Virginia water program came from the EPA. If we had doubled our permit fees to help fund our water program, we still wouldnt have covered the cost. And if we had, the business community would not have appreciated higher permit fees.

The EPA provides more than just money. It provides supporting information, new technology evaluations, training materials and other expertise.

The EPA provides more than just money, she added. It provides supporting information, new technology evaluations, training materials and other expertise. The EPA water division, for example, offers a permit writing training course for state workers. EPA experts train them. States dont have the wherewithal to provide training.

Ken Kimmell, who ran the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (Mass DEP) before becoming president of the Union of Concerned Scientists in 2014, also stresses the importance of EPA technical assistance, as well as its state grants, which comprise a significant chunk of the agencys annual expenditures. In fiscal year 2016, those grants amounted to nearly 45 percent of the agencys budget.

Having served as a state environmental commissioner, I know from personal experience that state environmental agencies are already strapped, Kimmell wrote in a recent blog post. They typically lack the technical experts employed at the EPA, and stand in no position to take on additional enforcement responsibilities shed by the EPA.

Mass DEPs staff was cut nearly in half between 2002 and 2012 due to budget cuts, even as the agencys responsibilities grew, Kimmell continued. That occurred in a state well known for its strong commitment to environmental protection. As a result, my agency was forced to cut back on important and effective programs, such as water sampling to locate sources of bacteria that pollute rivers. If the EPAs budget is cut, it will mean even fewer resources for states, because states now receive a significant share of the EPAs budget to cover enforcement activities.

Massachusetts isnt the only state that has had to tighten its belt. Forty state environmental agencies have reduced staff in recent years, according to an October 2016 report by the Center for Public Integrity. Since 2007, staffing at environmental agencies in Illinois and Arizona dropped by more than a third, in New York by nearly a quarter and in Michigan and Florida by a fifth.

With state cutbacks like those, theres a clear need for more support from the EPA, not less. But EPAs staff has shrunk by 10 percent over the last decade, from 17,000 in 2007 to about 15,000 today, and President Trumps proposed budget would reduce it by another 20 percent, to about 12,000. It hasnt been that small since the mid-1980s. By comparison, nearly 100,000 people work at the Agriculture Department, nearly 47,000 are at the Commerce Department and nearly 78,000 are at the Department of Health and Human Services.

Pollution Ignores State Boundaries

Another reason why state environmental agencies depend on the EPA is because, as Delaware Sen. Tom Carper painstakingly explained during Pruitts confirmation hearing, pollution does not honor political boundaries.

Delaware, like many states on the East Coast, sits at the end of what is known as Americas tailpipe, Carper said. Ninety percent of the air pollution in Delaware comes from outside of the First State, from power plants hundreds of miles away in places like Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana and across the Midwest. As governor of Delaware, if I had eliminated every source of air pollution within my state, stopped every combustion source and ordered every motor vehicle off the roads, Delaware would still have faced deadly doses of air pollution.

Corporations may own polluting facilities in several states or a facility that emits pollutants into several states, making it difficult for a lone state agency to police them.

Moreover, corporations may own polluting facilities in several states or a facility that emits pollutants into several states, making it difficult for a lone state agency to police them.

Electric utilities, oil refineries and retailers like Walmart are all national companies, said Eric Schaeffer, director of EPA enforcement from 1997 to 2002. Only the federal government can deal with them. Take a BP refinery [in Indiana or Ohio]. It is polluting in more than one state. When the EPA takes enforcement action against a refinery, Schaeffer explained, states could be assured that refineries in other states were being treated the same way for the same violations.

Meanwhile, Walmart the nations biggest retailer had a consistent pattern of stormwater violations in a number of states, said Schaeffer, now executive director of the Environmental Integrity Project. It makes sense to deal with the company nationally. Why leave underfunded state agencies to deal with [Walmart] when you have these violations across the country? If you leave it to state agencies, companies can evade prosecution in states that dont have the ability to enforce the law.

Schaeffer also pointed out that states have little incentive to take action against major polluters within their own borders if their emissions wind up somewhere else.

You wont see a state agency, say in Ohio, bring an enforcement action against a large coal-fired power plant, he explained. It is not just a job issue. The bulk of the pollution from the coal plant is likely going into Pennsylvania, so you wont see Ohio sue. Thats why, Schaeffer said, its a good thing to have the feds come in from the outside to enforce environmental laws. Having the EPA standing behind state environmental agencies gives them leverage to negotiate with violators. States can say to a polluter: Either deal with us or with the EPA.

State Environmental Agencies Under Siege

To make matters worse, some governors and other state officials seem more interested in protecting polluters than their own citizens.

Florida is a prime example. Over the last six years, Gov. Rick Scott has ripped the states Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to shreds. When he ran for reelection in 2014, the Tampa Bay Times ran a scathing editorial calling his first term an environmental disaster.

Scott has bulldozed a record of environmental protection that his Republican and Democratic predecessors spent decades building, the editorial said. He weakened the enforcement of environmental laws and cut support for clean water, conservation and other programs. He simultaneously made it easier for the biggest polluters and private industries to degrade the states natural resources.

BY John Light | February 3, 2017

But Scott did much more than just weaken enforcement. He virtually eliminated it. In 2015, the Florida DEP opened 81 percent fewer enforcement cases than in 2010, according to an analysis of state records by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER). Case outcomes, meanwhile, were worse than in nearly any previous year. The Florida DEP collected the lowest number of fines in 28 years, PEER found and assessed no penalties in a third of the cases.

In Florida, polluters do not need a Get Out of Jail Free card because few pay any fine and virtually none risk going to jail no matter how egregious the environmental offense, Florida PEER Director Jerry Phillips, a former Florida DEP enforcement attorney who conducted the analysis, said in a press release. Under Gov. Scott, DEP staff are strongly discouraged from bringing enforcement actions and the plummeting numbers reflect it.

Despite the DEPs sorry record under Scott, a freshman US Representative from Florida, Matt Gaetz, introduced legislation in early February that would eliminate the EPA by the end of 2018 and devolve its responsibilities to state environmental agencies. Like Pruitt, Gaetz maintains that states and local communities are best positioned to responsibly regulate the environmental assets within their jurisdictions.

Of all people, Gaetz should know better. Before winning a seat in the US House of Representatives last fall, he served in the Florida Legislature, taking office in 2011 the same year Scott became governor. He had a ringside seat when Scott took an ax to the DEP.

Pruitt also should be well aware that a governor or other state officials, for that matter can run roughshod over environmental protections. After all, he did it himself.

Pruitt also should be well aware that a governor or other state officials, for that matter can run roughshod over environmental protections. After all, he did it himself.

As Oklahomas attorney general between 2011 and 2016, Pruitt dismantled his offices Environmental Protection Unit, halted efforts to reduce poultry manure in Oklahoma waterways, and sued the EPA 14 times to block stronger air, water and climate safeguards, including standards that would reduce regional smog and airborne mercury pollution.

Pruitt also stood idly by while hydraulic fracturing made Oklahoma the most earthquake-ravaged state in the country. Although Pruitts office does not regulate oil and gas development, he could have intervened to protect residents, for example, when their insurance claims were denied. And like Pennsylvanias attorney general, he could have investigated and prosecuted frackers for violating environmental laws and polluting the water supply. He did nothing.

Florida and Oklahoma are hardly exceptions. A number of other states have caved to polluters at the expense of public health. For example:

Americans Want a Strong EPA

Recent polls indicate that a majority of Americans support a robust federal environmental regulator and stricter environmental safeguards. According to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion survey released in mid-January, more than 60 percent of Americans want the EPAs authority preserved or strengthened under the Trump administration. Interestingly, nearly half of the respondents who identified themselves as Republican 47 percent agreed that the EPA should either remain the same or be strengthened or expanded. Meanwhile, a December 2016 poll conducted by the Pew Research Center found that 59 percent of Americans believe stronger environmental regulations are worth the cost.

Pruitt seemed to acknowledge that Americans want a clean environment during his speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference late last month. People across the country, he said, care about the air they breathe and they care about the water they drink and we are going to be partners with these individuals, not adversaries. He then went on to say: We are going to restore power back to the people. We are going to recognize the regulatory uncertainty and the regulatory state needs to be reined in, were going to make sure states are recognized for the authority they have, and we are going to do the work thats important to advance freedom and liberty for the future.

The administrations plan to wreck the EPA, however, belies Pruitts populist rhetoric. Reading between the lines, Pruitts vow to empower the people really means empowering corporations, which, after all, are considered people under the law. And when he says his agency is going to advance freedom, hes really talking about advancing the freedom to pollute.

How patriotic.

See the original post here:

Gutting EPA's Budget and Staff Would Endanger the Health of Millions of Americans - BillMoyers.com

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