Daily Archives: March 9, 2017

Why I’ve left my liberal comfort zone and found conservative friends – Christian Science Monitor

Posted: March 9, 2017 at 3:44 am

March 8, 2017 In November I had a conservative friend tell me about being berated by a co-worker who thought she voted for Donald Trump. She didnt actually say whether she had or had not voted for President Trump, but her co-worker blamed her for the election of Trump nonetheless.

In progressive areas like San Francisco and my hometown Berkeley, conservatives tend to keep a low profile. It grieves me that so many people feel that revealing their political leanings would be dangerous and that their fears are reasonable.

As the cofounder ofMoveon.org, I am steeped in the progressive culture. I often hear the argument that we must win by overwhelming the conservatives with greater numbers. I admit that Id be much more comfortable in a world where the voices of my progressive friends blaze our path forward, solving our shared challenges with or without the support of Trump voters.

However, true progress requires stretching myself beyond comfort. There is anotherapproach that I ask my progressive friends and everyone to consider "love thy neighbor."

Last week Nicholas Kristof wrote a New York Times op-ed about why we shouldnt otherize Trump voters.

Go ahead and denounce Trumps lies and bigotry. Stand firm against his disastrous policies. But please dont practice his trick of otherizing people into stick-figure caricatures, slurring vast groups as hopeless bigots. Were all complicated, and stereotypes are not helpful including when theyre of Trump supporters.

Mr. Kristof described the political cost of dismissing 63 million Americans, but there is a deeper cost. When we fail to recognize our common humanity we lose valued relationships. We also make our lives smaller, divide our communities, and fail to benefit from everyone's best ideas.

As the founding partner ofLivingRoomConversations.org, I have intentionally sought out friends with very different political beliefs. WithAllSides for Schools, I work to bring this practice to the next generation. I strive to better understand the political opportunities and challenges we face together. Despite the discomfort of challenging the progressive ideas that I hold close to my heart, I have found treasured friends who might seem like my polar opposite.

By connecting around our shared human experience we are discovering that there are opportunities to improve citizen representation in government that satisfy conservative and progressive values. Left and right efforts on criminal justice work has already begun to reduced prison populations.

Even in the area of climate change, meaningful opportunities are multiplying. Efficiency, energy independence through renewable energy, clean tax cuts all show promise for moving us toward shared goals.

When we care about each other and want to meet each others basic needs, much becomes possible. Even though I have not persuaded my good friend Jacob that climate is a critical concern, he cares more now in part because he cares about me. Also because I did not insist that he accept my view of climate science.

Instead I noted that I dont need proof that climate change is happening. Even if there is only a 10 percent chance that we are destroying the planets capacity to support future generations, I find that unconscionable. I dont allow my children to play Russian roulette.

This gave Jacob the space to consider the possibility that climate change is an unacceptable risk rather than react to a demand. And Jacob has caused me to see that climate change is the progressive end times story.

This is not a one-way exchange. I care about Jacobs concern that as religious conservatives he and his community are becoming marginalized. We have remarkably different beliefs, but we are learning to hold the tension of our differences and listen to each other with humility.

More and more of us are working to spark a movement of respect, using simple listening practices that open our hearts. I hope that honoring each others humanity will lead to more compassionate political discourse and elected leaders that we can all respect, even if they werent our first choice.

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Why I've left my liberal comfort zone and found conservative friends - Christian Science Monitor

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Liberals to pick candidate for Saint-Laurent tonight – CBC.ca

Posted: at 3:44 am

A 26-year-old high school teacher has defeatedformer provincial cabinet minister Yolande James for the Liberal nomination in the riding of Saint-Laurent.

Emmanuella Lambropoulos beat James and law professor Marwah Rizqy Wednesday night to secure the nomination.

She credited her win with a lot of work in the riding.

"I really went every day, door-to-door, with one or two other people. We worked really hard,"Lambropoulostold Radio-Canada.

She said that leading up to the party vote the media didn't pay much attention to her candidacy and that often, people didn't even know there was a third candidate running.

Lambropoulos, 26, is a high school teacher in Montreal's Rosemont neighbourhood. (Radio-Canada)

Lambropoulos and her team couldn't hold back their surprise at beating James, the woman considered to be the Liberal party favourite.

James was reportedly approached by the party to run and served as provincial immigration minister between 2007-2010 under former Quebec premier Jean Charest.

Lambropoulos is a high school teacher in Montreal's Rosemont neighbourhood and has worked for the Saint-Laurent riding association.

The Saint-Laurent riding has been Liberal for decades and is considered a safe seat for the party in the April 3 byelection.

The seat was left empty whenStphane Dionaccepted the role ofambassador to the EU and Germany.

The race has stirred upcontroversy, as long-serving St-Laurent borough mayorAlan DeSousawas blocked from seeking the nomination by the party without explanation. His appeal of the decision was unsuccessful.

A Liberal member at Wednesday's votewho has lived in the riding for 13 years,Bilal Hamideh, told CBC it was unfortunate DeSousa was not allowed to run.

"In general, I think it's discouraging to participate in the [nomination]system," Hamidehsaid.

"It does weaken the system in a way if it is not clearly explained why he wasn'tallowed."

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Liberals to pick candidate for Saint-Laurent tonight - CBC.ca

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WA election: Liberal-National alliance hits breaking point – The Australian Financial Review

Posted: at 3:44 am

WA Nationals leader Brendon Grylls is livid over planned cuts to regional spending.

WA Nationals leader Brendon Grylls would rather send West Australians back to the polls than form a minority government with the Liberals if his alliance partner does not drop plans to redirect funding from his signature Royalties for Regions policy.

Less than 48 hours before West Australians go to the polls, Mr Grylls attacked Mr Barnett for plans to "realign" $800 million from the Royalties for Regions to underpina return to surplus in 2018-19.

Premier Colin Barnett defended the decision and warned Mr Grylls that as the major party, the Liberals set the agenda.

"If we are elected we will form government," he said. "We will form government and will invite the National party to be part of that but we are the major party and we will set the agenda."

If the Liberals are able to withstand an expected massive swing to Labor it is likely to only be able to form government with the support of the Nationals.

"While they are bigger than us, if you don't have the votes to form government then it means nothing," Mr Grylls said.

"I will not be part of any government that plans to take $800 million from Royalties for Regions." Mr Grylls said the move represented a 40 per cent cut to the overall program.

Asked if he could form government with Labor, Mr Grylls said Labor's cuts to Royalties for Regions would be worse.

He said both major parties were preferring to hurt regional residents rather than tap a new revenue source from BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto, referring to his $3 billion a year plan to lift a royalty charge for the two miners.

Royalties for Regions aimed to quarantine 25 per cent of the state's mining royalties for regional spending above and beyond general government expenditure.

The fund has been raided before in 2013 more than $500 million was redirected to general expenses. But this was done by agreement with the Nationals.

In a press conference twice interrupted by costumed protesters, Mr Barnett denied the Liberals' relationship with the Nationals had been damaged beyond repair. The Liberals infuriated the Nationals by cutting a preference deal with Pauline Hanson's One Nation. The Liberals will preference One Nation ahead of the Nationals in upper house seats.

"It is the middle of an election, people say all sorts of things," Mr Barnett said.

"Let's wait and see what the results are. Brendon and I get on fine, we always have."

It came as Labor released an independent assessment of its costings, which forecasta surplus of $205 million in fiscal 2020.

The Liberals' plan, costed by Treasury, would return the state to a$417 million surplus in 2019.

Shadow treasurer Ben Wyatt said Labor's forecast spendingof $2.78 billion over four years would be covered by $2.98 billionof funding.

The Liberals have attacked Labor for not sending its costings to Treasury.

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WA election: Liberal-National alliance hits breaking point - The Australian Financial Review

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Trump’s anti-immigrant policies causing severe pain in Detroit – Michronicleonline

Posted: at 3:44 am

Trump's anti-immigrant policies causing severe pain in Detroit
Over the past fiscal year, Freedom House has helped 136 people from 26 different countries, 85 percent of whom were from Africa. The average length of stay was 217 days. Additionally, there were 7 percent from the Middle East, 3 percent from Asia, and ...

and more »

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Trump's anti-immigrant policies causing severe pain in Detroit - Michronicleonline

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Sean Lake aiming for Oceania time trial and road race defence – Cyclingnews.com

Posted: at 3:41 am

Last March, Sean Lake did the double at the Oceania Championships and is again aiming for dual success in 2017. The IsoWhey Sports Swisswellness rider had a disappointing ride at the national time trial titles in January but comes into the event confident in the changes he's since made.

"Things have continued to move forward in the last training block and I am feeling really good about what performance I can put in for this time trial," Lake told Cyclingnews from Canberra ahead of the 41km test against the clock. "I have gone back to the same position at last year's Oceania's after not quite getting it right at nationals and it feels a lot better. I hadn't quite got my power up to the level I wanted and thought I was at nationals after losing a lot of weight. I think it is now and some results might start to come."

Lake, 25, has had a slower start to 2017 than last season to ensure he is feeling fresh and full of confidence after claiming the first general classification victory of his young career. The former rower won the opening time trial at the Victorian Road Series Tour of East Gippsland stage race last month.

The Oceanias are being held in Canberra for 2017 and with the change to a lumpier parcours than last year's course in Bendigo, Lake anticipates a tough challenge to defend his blue and white jersey.

"Joe is always a definite challenge in any TT and he can definitely go well," he said of teammate and NZ road champion Joe Coper. "On a hilly course, Ben Dyball I believe will hard to beat. Especially after the good time trial he did at nationals. The other one which will be interesting to see will be Hamish Bond, the Kiwi rower. We know he has a huge engine and if he can go fast then he'll be one to watch."

Having started to carve out a niche as a time trialist, Lake has also shown his capabilities on the road with back-to-back Grafton to Inverall wins and his Oceania win last year. However, Lake is looking to ticking the time trial goal before turning his attention to Saturday's 154km road race whichIsoWhey Sports Swisswellness will start with several cards to play.

"Both are super important to me but I suppose you can prepare a lot more specifically for a time trial than you can for a road race," he said of his two titles. "And a lot more things can happen in a road race. For the time trial, you have to put in the work and make sure everything is where it needs to be and that is what I have done in the past and it has given me good road race form. I have done a similar prep to last year and focused my training around the TT but I think that still holds me in good stead for the road race."

Jason Lea, Neil Van der Ploeg, Sam Chrome, Pat Lane, Jeremy Cameron and Cooper will line out with Lake for the road race with the team also aiming to secure a fourth year in successive it has topped the Oceania Tour rankings.

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Sean Lake aiming for Oceania time trial and road race defence - Cyclingnews.com

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Mountain bike champ Jenny Blair hitting the road for Oceania Championships – The Sydney Morning Herald

Posted: at 3:41 am

Jenny Blair should be racing in the Oceania Mountain Bike Championships in Toowoomba this weekend, but decided a babysitter is cheaper than a flight to Queensland.

Instead the Canberran will compete in her back yard on Friday at the Oceania Road Championships, to be raced on the Cotter Uriarra loop.

Blair hails from Ireland where she won a national mountain bike cross-country marathon title, a feat she matched in Australia, and is looking forward to racing on a familiar route on Friday.

"I'm trying to get back to that elite fitness and I ride the loop twice a week so it's very familiar. It's called extras to the locals because it's the extra loop after brunch on Saturday," Blair said.

"However it's three laps on Friday which is about 100km, so that's a lot different to training over it once, but there's no expectation on me and I'm just happy to get to the start line.

"There are some really good riders in strong teams and I'm riding by myself, so I just need to be smart and sometimes it's just luck, other times you need the fitness to follow the moves."

After giving birth last year, Blair is getting back into the competitive swing of things and said she simply couldn't pass up racing in such a prestigious event so close to home.

"I'm a mountain biker but I still ride most mornings with the Canberra Cycling Club. I'm racing on Friday because it's on my doorstep, that and and a babysitter is cheaper than flying to Toowoomba," Blair said.

"My fitness is good considering I haven't raced over the summer and that my 10-month-old dictates my training, but he comes along in the back seat sometimes."

Women's favourite is Lucy Kennedy took out the individual time trial on Thursday after negotiating a difficult course at Tidbinbilla National Park.

The 28-year-old National Capital Tour yellow jersey winner admitted she was surprised when drug testers told her they needed a sample.

"The drug testers came along and said 'you've won, now come and get tested', I guess that was my prize," Kennedy laughed.

"It was a big surprise because I didn't think I'd gone that well. It's a hard course and it's never a good feeling coming off, but I descended really well and I climbed well so it all just came together," Kennedy said.

Sean Lake took out the men's time trial on Thursday with the teams event to be raced on Saturday.

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Mountain bike champ Jenny Blair hitting the road for Oceania Championships - The Sydney Morning Herald

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Oceania Natural Limited (NZSE:ONL): Does Low Debt-Load Make It A Financially Strong Company? – Simply Wall St

Posted: at 3:41 am

Small-cap companies such as Oceania Natural Limited (NZSE:ONL) with its market cap of USD $26 Million, benefit the most from improving economic conditions due to the growth potential, but on the other hand they also are highly prone to a downturn, thus making their financial strength an important factor in filtering out the risky ones. Although ONLs low debt-to-equity ratio of 19% indicates financial strength, theres more to it than just one ratio.

Primarily due to the lack of diversification in revenues geographically, often investors opt for a bundle of small-caps. While savvy investors arent wrong in looking for singular blockbuster opportunities and trying to achieve diversification on their own by allocating a small part of their portfolio capital to small-caps, that doesnt make these investments less risky individually. However, to help you reduce that risk, Im going to provide you with few basic aspects other than debt-to-equity ratio to gauge a ballpark estimate on how financially strong is the company. Check out our latest analysis for Oceania Natural

Despite low debt, for Oceania Natural to continue operations during a downturn, it needs a sound liquidity position. When evaluating financial strength, I compare a companys current assets (cash and liquid assets) to its total debt. ONLs current assets ($7M) easily cover the total debt ($1M), giving it enough control on its balance sheet to survive a downturn.

Oceania Natural (NZSE:ONL) Historical Debt Mar 9th 17

One of the key checks of Oceania Naturals financial health is to compare what it earns against the amount it pays as interest. This highlights the companys ability to service debt during a downturn. If a companys earnings are 5 times bigger than the amount it pays as interest, it is generally a good sign of financial health. In the case of ONL, the company is making a loss, therefore interest on debt is not well covered by earnings.

Oceania Natural (NZSE:ONL) Net Worth Mar 9th 17

Clearly, Oceania Natural has a significantly low debt on its balance sheet. The company fails to impress in terms of generating strong enough operating cash flows or earnings. Thus, for now, I dont find it a financially sound company. Now when you know whether you should keep the debt in mind as a risk factor when putting together your investment thesis, I recommend you check out our latest free analysis report on Oceania Natural to see what are ONLs growth prospects and whether it could be considered an undervalued opportunity.

PS. If you are not interested in Oceania Natural anymore, you can use our free platform to see my list of over 150 other stocks with a high growth potential.

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Oceania Natural Limited (NZSE:ONL): Does Low Debt-Load Make It A Financially Strong Company? - Simply Wall St

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Seychelles Tourism brings paradise to Travel & Adventure Show in San Diego – eTurboNews

Posted: at 3:41 am

Seychelles Tourism participated in a trade and consumer show that took place at the San Diego Convention Center in the state of California, from March 4 to 5.

The Seychelles Tourism Board (STB) was an exhibitor at the Travel & Adventure Show in the city of San Diego, in the state of California, located on the west coast of the United States of America.

It is one of the biggest trade and consumer shows in the United States, taking place every year for the past 13 years in important cities in America.

The shows serve to connect over 1.25 million US travel enthusiasts with over 3,000 unique travel destinations worldwide.

This marketing activity was part of STBs marketing efforts in North America for 2017 in order to provide support and updates to the travel traders and consumers present.

Furthermore, product knowledge and destination information were provided to the 5,000 consumers there.

STBs director for Africa and the Americas, David Germain, was present at the show in San Diego where STB had a 9-meter square stand, sharing with Qatar Airways, represented by its accounts manager, Nathan Venzon.

Qatar Airways and Six Senses Zil Pasyon Seychelles gave away a prize during the exhibition a holiday for 2 people to Seychelles, flights provided by Qatar Airways, and 3 nights accommodation from Six Senses, Zil Pasyon, Seychelles.

In order to increase arrivals from North America to Seychelles, STB must continue to take part in exhibitions and trade shows there. It is important that we are present and consistent with our efforts in the market place, Mr. Germain said.

Seychelles is included in various travel packages for North American tourists traveling to Africa and the Middle East, adding value to the package as well as an option for those tourists to consider visiting our islands, he said.

Arrivals from the Americas to Seychelles increased significantly since the past 5 years, and with the support of our trade and airline partners such as Qatar Airways, STB is confident that the market will continue to grow, said Mr. Germain.

North American Agents Fam trip to Seychelles took place during the month of February in collaboration with Gilt-edge Travel and Turkish Airlines. Another Agents Fam trip (USA & Canada) is scheduled to visit Seychelles during the month of March in collaboration with Ethiopian Airlines. In addition, various other marketing activities in the USA and Canada will be taking place going forward in 2017.

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Photographer unearths Jewish treasures of the Caribbean – Jweekly.com

Posted: at 3:40 am

Sand on the floor of a synagogue is not a typical interior design choice, at least in the Bay Area. But for a historic shul in the Caribbean, why not?

That there was and is a Jewish community in a region renown for reggae music and the golden age of buccaneers may come as a surprise to many Jews unfamiliar with the communitys early origins in North America.

But Jews there were, and they built some of the first synagogues, even before many in the United States.

Such historic sites from the 17th and 18th centuries are the subject of a book of photography and an exhibition of the same name at the Peninsula Jewish Community Center in Foster City. Entitled Jewish Treasures of the Caribbean, it is the brainchild of New York-based photographer Wyatt Gallery.

The inspiration for the collection came from his time working as a stringer in the region for the New York Times, Gallery tells J., where he came across several old synagogues and cemeteries. After witnessing the destruction following the 2010 Haiti earthquake, Gallery says that he set out to document every site, a mission that is now complete. He traveled to Barbados, Curacao, Jamaica, St. Thomas, St. Eustatius and Suriname.

The early settlers were Sephardic, and the architecture was based on what Gallery says was a mother congregation in Amsterdam.

There are five shuls left today, he says.

Gallery is not a religious Jew now, but grew up going to High Holy Day services with his grandfather, and says he feels connected to Jewish culture and his heritage.

While exploring historic Jewish sites in the Caribbean, Gallery learned that the community there was quite powerful much more so than its counterpart at the time in the U.S.

Many Jews living in the region were merchants and amassed a significant fortune selling arms to the American revolutionaries a fact the British used to blame the Jews for losing the war. And yes, some Jews in the region who ran plantations owned slaves.

The most interesting find for Gallery was a cemetery that is located far off the beaten path. To locate it he had to take a boat up the river in the rainforests of Suriname, and then hike. Only a few people know of the graveyards existence, and how to find it, he says.

Finding each of the historic treasures required the help of the various local Jewish communities scattered around the region most of the shuls were located right in the center of cities, nearby where the Jewish merchants used to operate.

Contemporary communities are small, usually consisting of about 150 to 200 people.

Gallery hopes his book will raise awareness in the global Jewish community, and is seen as a call for preservation. Many of the shuls and especially the cemeteries have been damaged by the weather over the years, he says, and in some cases vandalized.

The PJCC exhibit comprises 37 photographs Gallery selected that he says represent the 200 in the book. I chose those that would create a portrait of the entire project, he says.

A gallery talk and a question-and-answer session will be held at 7 p.m. March 28, concluding the exhibitions run at the JCC.

Originally posted here:

Photographer unearths Jewish treasures of the Caribbean - Jweekly.com

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Royal Caribbean: Cruise ship approaching Broward home was operating safely (w/ video) – Tampabay.com

Posted: at 3:40 am

Royal Caribbean Cruises said a cruise ship was operating safely and did not touch bottom in response to a Broward County couple's complaint that the boat had stopped within 100 feet of striking their waterfront home.

According to WFOR-TV and WPLG-TV in Miami, the Celebrity Equinox was leaving Port Everglades on Friday afternoon and heading toward the patio of Bill and Yasmine Todhunter.

Bill Todhunter said the cruise ships usually pass hundreds of yards away their home.

"I looked up and I knew something was wrong, because I was looking up at the bow of the boat," Todhunter told WFOR-TV.

Yasmine Todhunter grabbed her cellphone and began recording video, which shows engines on the front of the ship apparently trying to slow its approach. Her husband said the ship had "come aground."

Royal Caribbean Cruises, issued a statement saying the ship was navigating safely " under the guidance of local port pilots" and that it did not touch bottom.

The Equinox is 1,041 feet long and weighs more than 120,000 gross tons.

The Coast Guard told WFOR-TV that ships must report collisions or groundings, and Royal Caribbean has not. The Todhunters said they contacted the Coast Guard and said the agency was planning to investigate.

Royal Caribbean: Cruise ship approaching Broward home was operating safely (w/ video) 03/08/17 [Last modified: Wednesday, March 8, 2017 2:41pm] Photo reprints | Article reprints


Royal Caribbean: Cruise ship approaching Broward home was operating safely (w/ video) - Tampabay.com

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