Daily Archives: March 9, 2017

Aggressive tint in India-China relations – Free Press Journal

Posted: March 9, 2017 at 3:49 am

CHINESE foreign ministry spokesperson Geng Shuan may have overstated his case when he said recently that the Dalai Lama is engaged in anti-China separatist activities under the guise of religion, but the Modi government too needs to tell the Dalai Lama firmly that he must stay apolitical and that while this country would allow him freedom to move around freely in India, he must desist from making statements against China that further sour Indias relations with that country.

The kind of bullying and browbeating that China has been indulging in on the issue of the Tibetan exiled spiritual leader Dalai Lamas proposed visit to Arunachal Pradesh is not unfamiliar to India. But the difference this time from earlier occasions of Chinese intransigence is that Indias foreign policy, shedding its previous diffidence, has acquired an aggressive hue.

Under Prime Minister Modis prime ministership, there is a new assertiveness that China has to learn to cope with. This country showed that it is not shy of taking punitive action against Pakistani terror camps a few months ago when it openly admitted that its troops had crossed over into Pakistani territory to destroy terrorist camps in surgical strikes that eliminated some terrorists from across the border. The action was in retaliation for the killing of 19 Indian soldiers at an army garrison in Uri, Kashmir, on September 18 last year.

The objection to Dalai Lamas proposed visit to Arunachal stems from the fact that the Chinese claim it to be their territory which they want India to vacate as part of a future border settlement. But the Chinese have no business to regulate and decide who visits the Indian state of Arunachal and when. Only a month ago, it had objected to the visit to the State by the American ambassador to India, Richard Verma, on specific Indian government invitation.

What India calls Arunachal is Tawang to the Chinese which is home to the second largest Tibetan monastery in the world. Indeed, Tawang, bordered on Tibet in the north and Bhutan in the northwest, was ceded to India during British times by Tibet through an agreement in 1914. It has sent representatives to Indian Parliament in every election since 1950.

The eastern sector dispute is over territory south of the McMohan Line in Arunachal Pradesh, which included Tawang. The McMohan Line was the result of the 1914 Simla Convention, between British India and Tibet, and was rejected by China.

Significantly, Tawang was the so-called point of entry for the Dalai Lama into India when he fled Tibet in 1959 after a failed Tibetan uprising against Chinese rule. It has more so become a prestige issue for China since then and a bone of contention with India. For this country, Chinese control over Arunachal would bring the Chinese at our doorstep and jeopardise Indian security against a country that has fought a war with India in 1962 in which India got a few rude knocks.

When the Dalai Lama took refuge in India from Chinese oppression of Tibetans in 1959, there was a clear stipulation that he would not play politics. However, some of his statements in recent days sound political. His snide remark in an interview with a British-born comedian John Oliver in Dharamshala that Chinese hardliners have parts of their brain missing, even if said in jest, was in poor taste.

Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Geng Shuan may have overstated his case when he said recently that the Dalai Lama is engaged in anti-China separatist activities under the guise of religion, but the Modi government too needs to tell the Dalai Lama firmly that he must stay apolitical and that while this country would allow him freedom to move around freely in India, he must desist from making statements against China that further sour Indias relations with that country.

Meanwhile, Chinese attempts to browbeat India on the Arunachal issue must be resisted and rebuffed with all our force. The Chinese must drop all illusions that they can bully India.

The frank relationship of two equals that the Modi regime has built up with China has not been free of Chinese designs of hitting at Indian interestsbe it in terms of Chinas stand on Pakistan-sponsored terror and Indias bid to join the Nuclear Suppliers Group that Beijing has been blocking. If, in this backdrop, New Delhi wants to express its displeasure by rebuffing Beijings protests against Dalai Lamas visit to Arunachal, so be it.

This year, China has twice blocked Indias bid to get Pakistan-based terrorist group Jaish-e-Mohammed chief Masood Azhar declared a UN-designated terrorist. India holds Azhar responsible for many terrorist acts in India including the December 13, 2001 attack on Parliament as well as the January 2, 2016 attack on the Pathankot air force station. On record, Beijing says it stands against all forms of terrorism, but it has refused to end its technical hold on the ban on Azhar.

A new dimension has been added to the India-China relationship by Dai Bingguo, a former State Councillor and Chinas Special Representative for the boundary talks with India that began in 2003, asserting in an interview with a Beijing-based publication that a final settlement of the boundary question between China and India is within grasp.

If the Indian side takes care of Chinas concerns in the eastern sector of their border, the Chinese side will respond accordingly and address Indias concerns elsewhere (the reference was to Aksai Chin, another bone of contention between the two countries) , said the Chinese negotiator. Apparently, there cannot be smoke without fire. Though Dai Bingguo may well be exaggerating Indias favourable inclination, there may well be some headway on the boundary question.

But with the Opposition in India itching to show the Modi government in bad light, as one compromising the countrys integrity, ceding Arunachal to China could be a hugely disruptive and difficult exercise which could be politically risky for the BJP.

All in all, India and China must move towards a relationship based on mutual trust and understanding. Both countries have to be on an equal footing, conscious of each others sensibilities.

The author is a political commentator and columnist.

He has authored four books

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Aggressive tint in India-China relations - Free Press Journal

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Toward Community Healing – Middlebury Campus (subscription)

Posted: at 3:49 am

Over the past week, there has been a slew of media coverage of the protest and surrounding events that occurred on Thursday, March 2nd in response to Charles Murray [CM] arriving on campus to give a lecture. There are many narratives circulating within campus networks as well as more broadly in the national media. I would like to add a perspective that so far has gone unaddressed by the majority of the coverage. I hope to allow people to think about protest and these specific events on campus by introducing the idea of rhetorical violence and emphasizing the importance of empathy in responding to (rhetorical) violence.

Developing empathy as a practiced skill can help us move forward toward community healing.

In her most recent email, President Patton said that colleges and universities should uphold the right to free speech, even unpopular speech. This is upsetting given the ongoing reality of systemic oppression, consisting of racist immigration policy targeting people from predominantly Muslim countries, attacks on the Affordable Care Act that has increased access to health care, increasingly militarized police forces and government sponsored destruction of native lands for private profit.

These are facts of many peoples daily lives, both on and off campus and are openly supported in the public arena. In contrast to the idea put forth by President Patton that these ideas do not have platforms, these are spread in our daily news and are widely present in our government, especially under our new president. Creating a platform at Middlebury for similar kinds of racism and oppressive ideologies impedes students abilities to be academically successful and generally whole people within our community because it welcomes in rhetorical violence and emotional distress.

We as a community can act differently and find ways to make Middlebury a place of healing for the traumas that have been inflicted by institutional racism, but instead chose, and continue to choose, to deny these legacies of violence. This happens in many ways, one of which is the administrative recognition that student emotions are broader than anger and frustration. There is confusion, hurt, betrayal and a whole host of other emotions that are triggered by the kind of violent rhetoric that Charles Murray published. If we are going to heal, we need to find spaces where these emotions can be validated and accounted for, not just in a cordoned off protest area while dehumanizing rhetoric is spouted from a stage.

In his recent post about the events that took place last Thursday, CM acknowledges that he has been discredited as a white supremacist, racist, sexist, eugenicist and white nationalist at Middlebury and by many prominent scholars. He does nothing to address the fact that these are not labels that are used arbitrarily. They are used to designate someone who perpetuates the ongoing trauma of racism, sexism and eugenics that shape all of our lives in different ways. None of us are free of the histories of violence that have shaped racism and sexism. Some are forced to bear that trauma in daily life in the small slights and large exclusions that people from marginalized backgrounds experience. Others of us are able to bear that trauma in a different way: the privilege to tell others that their pain is not real.

When we think about community healing and a path forward, it is important that we take into account the ways that some members of our community, namely minority students, are told that their experiences are not real. To do so would look like an affirmative statement by the administration, acknowledging the pain that rhetorical violence such as Murrays can trigger, and providing avenues for healing that do not first require members of our community to be retraumatized by having their existence on campus put into question. Additionally, we need to do some work as students to think about the ways in which we have denied each other empathy, particularly for our peers who experience various forms of marginalization. Instead of denial, we can build tools of empathy by learning about our histories of violence and by practicing connecting with, listening to or simply validating the experiences of our peers when they are different from our own experiences.

For all of the reasons above, I stand in support of the protestors from Thursday night as they expressed the communal pain that bringing a speaker like Charles Murray to campus creates. It is not rhetorically resilient for students of color to be forced to experience another example of white supremacy and racism on campus. I stand with students of color on our campus who participated in the protest and also those who did not. I have seen so many students from marginalized backgrounds exhibiting rhetorical resilience in their daily lives, while at the same time seeing that privileged students so often lack the empathy to honestly and openly engage with those they perceive to be different from them.

Examining how we move forward can be a learning opportunity for those of us who do not experience oppression at Middlebury. Empathy is a skill, not an inherent quality, and I would ask that students with various kinds of privilege take some time to think about what empathy truly looks like, and what they might be able to learn about themselves and about other students on campus when they practice empathy.

Jeremy Stratton-Smith 17 writes about the importance of empathy in the aftermath of last weeks protest.

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Toward Community Healing - Middlebury Campus (subscription)

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Drug war only targeting the poor? That’s how it is, says Duterte – ABS-CBN News

Posted: at 3:48 am

MANILA President Rodrigo Duterte on Wednesday again defended his controversial war on drugs, amid criticism that it is only targeting the poor.

Critics say majority of the victims of the governments war on drugs are from poor families.

Duterte, however, said killing the poor who get quick money from selling drugs is necessary in destroying the apparatus. Besides, he added, it does not make sense for moneyed people to get involved in street-level drug peddling.

Ang sabi nila, puro mahirap iyan, eh wala na tayong magawa eh. Naghihintay siguro silang mag-recruit ng mga milyonaryo. Wala namang mayamang mag-standby dyan sa lugar mo, sa munisipyo mo, Duterte said in a speech in Pasay City.

Iyung talagang mahirap, iyan nga ang problema. We have to destroy the apparatus. It needs people killed. Wala talaga tayong magawa thats just how it is. You cannot stop the movement of drugs in the entire country kapag hindi mo yariin lahat.

International non-government organization Human Rights Watch (HRW) recently released a report detailing police abuses in Dutertes war on drugs.

Among the groups findings is that the war on drugs seemed to have only targeted the poor, and that many of the victims in the cases it examined were mere drug users, not dealers.

Almost all of the victims were either unemployed or worked menial jobs, including as rickshaw drivers or porters, and lived in slum neighborhoods or informal settlements, HRW said.

Since of the most of the killings took place in the slums, suspected drug users most of the time find themselves defenseless when policemen, who are sometimes accompanied by plainclothes men, bang on their door and barge into their rooms, in violation of their basic rights.

The assailants would not identify themselves or provide warrants. Family members reported hearing beatings and their loved ones begging for their lives, HRW said.

The shooting could happen immediately behind closed doors or on the street; or the gunmen might take the suspect away, where minutes later shots would ring out and local residents would find the body; or the body wold be dumped elsewhere later, sometimes with hands tied or the head wrapped in plastic.

Local residents often said they saw uniformed police on the outskirts of the incident, securing the perimeter but even if not visible before a shooting, special crime scene investigators would arrive within minutes.

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Drug war only targeting the poor? That's how it is, says Duterte - ABS-CBN News

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Casino Control Commission recognizes Problem Gambling Awareness Month – Press of Atlantic City

Posted: at 3:48 am

ATLANTIC CITY The Casino Control Commission approved a resolution Wednesday recognizing March as Problem Gambling Awareness Month.

Matthew B. Levinson, chairman and CEO of the commission, presented Neva Pryor, executive director of the Council on Compulsive Gambling, with the resolution following its approval.

We are neither for nor against gambling, Pryor said, adding she wants people to know the group is there for anyone having problems with gambling.

According to the council, one in 20 American adults will have some type of difficulty with gambling in their lifetime.

For 13 years, the National Council on Problem Gambling has designated March Problem Gambling Awareness Month. The NCPG is a nonprofit advocate for programs to help problem gamblers and their families.

ATLANTIC CITY When Trump Taj Mahal Casino Resort closed in October, the future of the Sout

Problem Gambling Awareness Month is a grassroots effort that brings together public-health organizations, advocacy groups and gambling operators who work to let people know hope and help exist.

Problem gambling is a disease that affects over 7 million Americans, yet few talk about it, said Keith Whyte, executive director of the National Council on Problem Gambling. Thats why we created the Have The Conversation campaign, to raise awareness of prevention, treatment and recovery services available for those adversely affected by gambling.

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Program Aims To Reduce Underage Gambling At Family/Youth Events – Putnam Daily Voice

Posted: at 3:48 am

PUTNAM COUNTY, N.Y. -- The National Council on Alcoholism and Other Drug Dependencies/Putnam (NCADD) has joined forces with the New York Council on Problem Gambling to carry out the YOU(th) Decide Program in Putnam County.

2017 marks the sixth year that the New York Council on Problem Gambling has worked with local providers in an effort to prevent underage and problem gambling.

YOU(th) Decide Program is designed to be a multi-dimensional prevention effort aimed at reducing underage gambling. Local providers participating in the YOU(th) Decide Project will educate youth, work with local community leaders to decrease the availability of gambling at family and youth-focused events, and will conduct media and outreach campaigns, according to a release from NCADD.

The most recent research indicates that among United States youth between the ages of 14 and 21, 68 percent have gambled in the past year, and 11 percent have gambled twice a week or more. Of those youth, 6.5 percent are at-risk for or have already developed a gambling problem (Welte, 2007).

Underage gambling brings with it a number of negative consequences, many of which are serious, and can be devastating to the youth as well as his/her family and friends. The younger an adolescent begins gambling, the more likely he/she is to develop a gambling addiction. Underage gamblers are at an increased risk of delinquency and crime, damaged relationships and poor academic performance (Wynne et al., 1996).

There is not just one person, nor just one group of people, affected by underage gambling; and there is not just one risk factor or protective factor that plays a role in underage gambling, according to the release.

Additionally, there is not just one strategy that will, alone, prevent underage gambling. A variety of strategies targeted at all levels of impact is the only effective way to prevent and de-normalize underage gambling, the release said.

Parents or their children who would like to learn more about YOU(th) Decide, or would like to get involved can contact Juliette Doyle at (845) 225-4646.

The New York Council on Problem Gambling is a not-for-profit independent corporation dedicated to increasing public awareness about problem and compulsive gambling and advocating for support services and treatment for persons adversely affected by gambling.

The Council maintains a neutral stance on gambling and is governed by a Board of Directors.

Find out more about the program at YOUthDecideNY.org.

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Program Aims To Reduce Underage Gambling At Family/Youth Events - Putnam Daily Voice

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Casino industry calls on Congress to keep coverage for gambling addiction treatment – News3LV

Posted: at 3:48 am


The casino industry is calling on lawmakers to retain treatment coverage for gambling addicts as Congress considers repealing and replacing Obamacare.

According to some studies, roughly six percent of Nevadans suffer some sort of gambling addiction.

Las Vegas attorney Doug Crawford is a recovering addict of almost 10 years.

I burned through $2.5 million of my money in the last year and a half before I lost my law license ... then started in my trust account which of course is a felony that's illegal that money belonged to them and I took it and gambled it away, recalled Crawford.

It was a life of drugs and gambling binges, some of which lasted 40 hours. Eventually, Crawford hit rock bottom.

So I took my shotgun out of my closet and laid it down on my living room floor and I was going to end it, said Crawford.

Crawford credits life-saving treatment for his comeback to the courtroom. Its the same type of weekly treatment that was covered for the first time under Obamacare but as Congress looks to make cuts to the current health care law, the casino industry is calling on lawmakers to keep gambling treatment intact.

The nations top casino lobbies sending a letter to Congress saying, in part: "We urge you to ensure that any ACA replacement policy continues to recognize gambling disorders as a public health issue and is included as an essential benefit."

While Crawford has a new lease on life and has paid back his clients, hes now worried about the number of lives at stake if treatment for gambling addiction disappears.

The moment that this goes away I'm predicting half of the treatment facilities in Las Vegas will go belly up, said Crawford.

Nevada Council on Problem Gambling

Knowing the Signs of Problem Gambling

24-Hour Problem Gamblers Helpline: 1-800-522-4700

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Casino industry calls on Congress to keep coverage for gambling addiction treatment - News3LV

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Gambling will not fix state’s many problems – SaukValley.com

Posted: at 3:48 am

Many who live in the Sauk Valley area might have read the column written by Austin Berg. Austinpointed out how our real estate taxesare spent oops, er, wasted.

Austin informs us of lavish salaries paid to some local government employees, courtesy of real estate taxes being assessed property owners. (The tax is also paid by those who rent, with property assessments passed on.)

Some workers, depending on thejob description, are earning as much as 60 percent more (often six figures) than those who are paying the taxes.

Other news: Lawmakers bank on bets to break a deadlock and help bail out the budget. Gambling? Soundcrazy? I agree with Anita Bedell, the director of Illinois Church Action on Alcohol and Addiction Problems; gambling will create more problems than it will solve.

Chicagosactionsusually have an effect on those of us living outside the city. So when Mayor Emanual comments that President Trumps stand on immigration is un-American and doesnt represent Americasvalues, well, having a bankrupt city and state is also un-American!

And, to make matters worse, the mayor and others of like mind are fine with having the city designated as a sanctuary city for illegals. That ought to helpeveryones bottom line!

Im attempting to figure this all out. The city of Chicago and the state are underwater financially, real estate taxes are near unsustainable, and now, more gambling? The questionable horses of gambling and property taxes arent going to cross the line as the winner or to place, unless, of course, its a race to the bottom; Illinois has already won that race.

Illinois would be a good state to be from. Would the last person to leave please turn out the lights?

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Gambling will not fix state's many problems - SaukValley.com

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Don’t go all in on gambling expansion to fix budget deficit – Lewistown Sentinel

Posted: at 3:48 am

Gov. Tom Wolf on Tuesday said he will seek an expansion to the states gambling laws in an effort to create more revenue without raising taxes, all in an effort to try and close a difficult budget deficit.

And while it may seem like a sure bet on paper and the governor deserves some credit for trying to find sources of revenue other than tax increases we remain skeptical this would be all it has been made out to be.

Wolfs proposal, made during a meeting with the editorial board of Pennlive.com, would be an expansion to allow licensed bars, Pennsylvanias six international airports and off-track betting parlors to have casino-style gambling in the form of video gaming terminals. It would also permit the states casinos to allow online gaming.

The claim is that permitting small-town taverns and social clubs to have VGTs will not only prove beneficial to the licensed facilities in the way of new revenue, it will also bring in people who dont live near a casino like people in the Juniata Valley who arent inclined to travel to Harrisburg or Pittsburgh very often just to play a few hands of blackjack or poker.

Supporters say a gambling expansion would mean several hundred million dollars of new revenue for the state.

But weve been down this road before.

Just as we were in 2004 with the legalization of slot machines and again in 2010 when table games were permitted for the first time, Pennsylvanians are being promised a financial windfall from the states gaming industry.

And while the revenue derived from gambling has undoubtedly helped Pennsylvanias budget, it hasnt exactly lived up to all it was sold to be either.

We havent yet heard anything that makes us believe this time around will be any different. That makes us question whether its really worth it in the first place, especially given the negative things that typically accompany an activity like gambling.

We are skeptical that enough new revenue will be generated by a gambling expansion to keep this promise, instead of it merely leading mostly to many of the same people who already gamble regularly choosing to do so in a different fashion.

Would an expansion lead to more money in the commonwealths coffers? Probably. But if youre asking us whether it will meet projections, well go with history and place our bet on the under on that one.

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Don't go all in on gambling expansion to fix budget deficit - Lewistown Sentinel

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Wisconsin Veterinarian sentenced 4 years for labor, sex trafficking – Woodbury Bulletin

Posted: at 3:47 am

Brian Lee Kersten, 61, of Pleasant Valley, Wis. pleaded guilty last fall to two felony counts of engaging in the sex trafficking of a person and aiding and abetting labor trafficking.

On Wednesday, Kersten received a 48- and 53-month prison sentence for each charge, respectively. His sentence will be served concurrently, meaning he will serve prison time for both sentences at the same time.

The case also marked the first labor trafficking conviction and sentencing in Minnesota.

Washington County Attorney Pete Orputs office has ramped up its focus on prosecuting sex trafficking by creating a special unit tasked with prosecuting cases ranging from adults who troll the web for underage girls and boys to traffickers who hire out adults and minors for sex.

Orput said in a statement that the case against Kersten is part of a wider trend in Minnesota.

This case merely shows the depth and breadth of the sex trafficking occurring in this state, Orput said. We, as a concerned public, need to acknowledge this and persevere in doing all we can to bring labor and sex traffickers to the justice they deserve.

Kersten, who owned a Baldwin Veterinary Clinic, admitted he transported women from China to the Extended Stay hotel in Woodbury last summer. Prosecutors charged him in September.

Imran Ali, the Washington County assistant attorney who prosecuted the case, said in a statement that Kersten was part of an international conspiracy to bring foreign nationals into the state where they would work as prostitutes.

An investigation found Kersten had been working with a Chinese national named Shixin Zhang who lived in New York.

Authorities said Kersten would give a cut of his profits to the New York madame for women he transported from the East Cost to Twin Cities hotels and advertised their services on the infamous website backpages.com.

According to court filings, a family member told Wisconsin law enforcement officials that Kersten had been bringing young girls from China to work in massage parlors.

We have to remember that these are not victimless crimes, Ali said. All these women being trafficked are indeed victims.

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Wisconsin Veterinarian sentenced 4 years for labor, sex trafficking - Woodbury Bulletin

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This VOICE tells racist lies – Socialist Worker Online

Posted: at 3:47 am

Donald Trump delivers his first speech to Congress

THE TRUMP administration is planning to create a new agency inside the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) whose main purpose is to inflame xenophobia and spread the lie that immigrants are likely to be violent criminals.

Trump first called for the creation of the VOICE (Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement) Office in his January 25 executive order. The details of how this order would be carried out were released a month later in a memo issued by DHS Director John Kelly. The order and Kelly's memo establish three priorities for VOICE:

First, act as a liaison between Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and "known victims of crimes committed by removable aliens," providing information to victims and their families about the immigration and custody status of the alleged offenders.

Second, issue monthly reports of "statistical data regarding aliens apprehended by ICE," including a wide variety of information concerning the alleged offenders' countries of origin, criminal history, gang affiliation, prior immigration violations, etc.

Third, issue weekly reports concerning "non-Federal jurisdictions that release aliens from their custody, notwithstanding that such aliens are subject to a detainer or similar request for custody issued by ICE to that jurisdiction"--in other words, to name and shame sanctuary jurisdictions for refusing to cooperate with deportation efforts. As outlined in Kelly's memo, this report, too, will contain as much information as possible about the alleged offenders.

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VOICE IS being proposed as a solution to something that few people outside the right wing's bubble think is a problem: that crime victims aren't given enough information about the immigration status of the alleged offenders. According to the DHS memo:

Criminal aliens routinely victimize Americans and other legal residents. Often, these victims are not provided adequate information about the offender, the offender's immigration status, or any enforcement action taken by ICE against the offender. Efforts by ICE to engage these victims have been hampered by prior Department of Homeland Security (DHS) policy extending certain Privacy Act protections to persons other than U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents, leaving victims feeling marginalized and without a voice.

This is pure demagoguery. If someone is victimized by, for example, a drunk driver, their concern is with the criminal act of drunk driving, not the immigration status of the driver. Not being aware a driver's immigration status doesn't make them any more marginalized or "voiceless" than not knowing the driver's religion or political affiliation.

The same principle applies to any crime, however serious: From the standpoint of seeking justice for victims and their loved ones, the immigration status of the offenders can make no possible difference.

It can, however, have considerable political value, and this is surely what Trump and Kelly are seeking to exploit.

There is an undeniable emotional power to claiming to the family of a murder victim that their loved one's killer "never should have been in the country to begin with." The shock and grief resulting from this news can easily be used for propaganda purposes: Even if the grieving family do not themselves become activists against "criminal aliens," their story can still be exploited to encourage others to follow this path.

It was for precisely this reason that, when announcing the creation of VOICE in his February 28 joint address to Congress, Trump pointed out "four very brave Americans" in the audience, all of whom have lost loved ones to violent crimes allegedly perpetrated by undocumented immigrants.

This, apparently, is what it means to "give a voice" to such people: trotting them out for an internationally televised event and publicly exploiting their grief and loss in order to further your own racist anti-immigrant agenda.

The executive order that gave rise to VOICE also directs the DHS to "prioritize the removal" of undocumented immigrants in a variety of categories, including those who have been convicted of a crime, charged with a crime--or committed "acts that constitute a chargeable criminal offense," but have not been charged or otherwise pose a threat to public safety or national security "in the judgment of an immigration officer."

The effect of these guidelines, in short, is to declare any undocumented immigrant whom an ICE agent thinks is a criminal to be a criminal.

It remains to be seen whether this very broad conception of "crime" will be carried over into the reports produced by VOICE compiling "statistical data" about crimes committed by undocumented immigrants and weekly reports concerning the non-cooperation of sanctuary jurisdictions. The possibility is certainly there--notice, for instance, that VOICE's monthly report will provide statistics about people apprehended by ICE.

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FROM THE earliest days of his presidential campaign, Trump declared loudly and often that the U.S. is experiencing an epidemic of crime committed by undocumented immigrants, and he cultivated alliances with racist anti-immigration groups and individuals.

Now that he's in power, Trump's executive order is an attempt to criminalize immigration itself--and VOICE is the poison he wants to pump into the culture to get people to go along with it.

One of Trump's key allies in this effort is Maria Espinoza, co-founder and National Director of the Remembrance Project, a Houston-based organization that "advocates for families whose loved ones were killed by illegal aliens," most notably by adding their names and images to its "Stolen Lives Quilt."

According to Espinoza's biography on the project's website--which doesn't mention her ties to white nationalists like John Tanton--she has worked since 2009 to "unite the 'stolen lives' families, educating the public of the epidemic of killings across the country, and raising the awareness of the effects of illegal immigration. It is not a victimless crime."

This brief passage lays bare the two lies at the heart of the Remembrance Project, and of Trump's own agenda: First, that undocumented immigrants are responsible for an "epidemic of killings across the country"; and second, that illegal immigration itself leads to violent crime.

In fact, research has consistently shown that immigrants are statistically less likely to commit crimes than native-born Americans, and that there is either no correlation between crime rates and levels of immigration. If anything, crime rates appear to decrease as immigration levels rise.

But even if immigrants were not less likely to commit crimes, VOICE would still be cause for concern. The clear intent of these measures is to stoke public hatred of immigrants--and the administration's rhetoric about "upholding the laws of this nation" is a coded racist message aimed at that end.

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THE UNVEILING of VOICE immediately--and rightly--prompted comparisons to Nazi Germany. As Peter Beinart wrote in The Atlantic:

In The Nazi Conscience, Duke historian Claudia Koonz notes that the Nazi newspaper Der Strmer ran a feature called "Letter Box," which published readers' accounts of Jewish crimes. When the Nazis took power, the German state began doing something similar. Frustrated by the failure of most Germans to participate in a boycott of Jewish businesses in April 1933, Adolf Hitler's government began publicizing Jewish crime statistics as a way of stoking anti-Semitism.

In Nazi Germany and the Jews: The Years of Persecution, the historian Saul Friedlander notes that, until 1938, Hitler's Ministry of Justice ordered prosecutors to forward every criminal indictment against a Jew so the ministry's press office could publicize it.

The parallels between the Nazis' use of crime statistics and those contemplated by VOICE are troubling enough. But because of its status as a "legitimate" government agency, VOICE's programs also have the potential to inject into the mainstream the propaganda of far-right publications and websites that are the modern-day equivalent of Der Strmer's.

These publications have already managed to do great harm. For instance, Dylann Roof, the anti-Black terrorist who slaughtered nine people in a South Carolina church in 2015, acknowledges that he he came across "pages upon pages of these brutal Black on white murders" on the website of the Council of Conservative Citizens (CCC), a notorious white supremacist organization.

In Roof's case, the connection between racist "reporting" of crimes and violence is unusually direct and explicit. But if his story is an extreme case, it is by no means unique. And, of course, the CCC is far from the only such group publishing lists of the alleged crimes of nonwhite Americans, as we've already seen with the Remembrance Project.

Notably, Breitbart News, when it was under the leadership of Trump's current chief strategist Steve Bannon, responded to the Black Lives Matter movement by gathering stories of alleged crimes committed by African Americans under the "Black Crime" tag.

These sites are notorious for cherry-picking their stories for maximum effect and publishing false or misleading information. One reason they've found a wide audience is that "Black-on-white" crime is also overreported in the more "respectable" media.

Now Trump, Bannon and Kelly want the U.S. government to get in on the act. We shouldn't let them get away with it.

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This VOICE tells racist lies - Socialist Worker Online

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