Daily Archives: March 2, 2017

Finnish parliament debates legalising euthanasia – Expatica Netherlands

Posted: March 2, 2017 at 2:46 pm

2nd March 2017, 0 comments

Finland's parliament on Thursday debated a citizens' initiative to make euthanasia legal, a widely supported cause in the Nordic country.

"A law on euthanasia is needed to add an alternative at life's end for those who cannot get sufficient relief to their unbearable agonies even from the finest of palliative treatment," the initiative read.

In Finland, citizens can require parliament to debate an issue by gathering a minimum of 50,000 signatures.

Thursday's debate was just the first step in the parliamentary process. A special committee will draft a more detailed memorandum for lawmakers to consider at a later, undisclosed date.

It is not yet known how much support the idea has in parliament.

But a poll conducted by public broadcaster YLE in 2015 suggests that nearly 60 percent of the current lawmakers are favourable to the possibility of an assisted death for a terminally ill patient.

And several polls in recent years have shown Finns to be largely supportive of the idea.

A survey conducted in December by pollster Taloustutkimus for YLE showed that 73 percent were in favour, 14 percent were opposed and 13 percent remained uncertain.

The Netherlands and Belgium became the first countries in the world to legalise euthanasia in 2002.

During Thursday's debate, opposing MPs called for better palliative treatment of dying patients instead of euthanasia.

"What kind of agony would be considered sufficient to trigger a (doctor's) decision to allow euthanasia? Statistics from the Netherlands prove that the most important reason for requesting euthanasia has not been pain but rather loneliness and fear of ending up dependent on help from others," MP Paivi Rasanen of the Christian Democrats said.

The citizens' initiative was undertaken by two retired politicians, former finance minister Iiro Viinanen and former MP Esko Seppanen, who both suffer from Parkinson's disease.

"I would have wished that my son, who died from cancer after atrocious pain, would have had this opportunity. He could have had a dignified and painless death," Seppanen told news agency STT when the initiative was published in November.

2017 AFP

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This Woman Just Saved 75 Dogs From Euthanasia When She Decided To Adopt Them All – The Holidog Times

Posted: at 2:46 pm

There were 75 dogs waiting in the hallway to die. All were supposed to be euthanized at the City Veterinary Office dog pound in the town of Bacolod in the Philippines. Local law states that all dogs whose owner has not come to claim them in the 10 days following their capture will automatically be considered abandoned and euthanized.

Thankfully, fate had it that Cher Herrera, a 37-year-old Philippine woman, decided to visit the establishment just before the date where they were scheduled to be killed. The young woman had come to feed an abandoned dog something she had been doing for several weeks when she heard about the tragic destiny that awaited the others.

After learning the news, she decided she couldnt sit around and do nothing, so she decided to adopt no less than 13 dogs, who she left with that same day. Knowing they were facing certain death from a bullet in the head Cher wanted to save as many as possible.

That night, it was impossible for Cher to sleep. She kept hearing the desperate cries of the other dogs in the shelter resonating in her head. Thats why, when she received her monthly salary a few days later, she made the crazy decision to adopt the 62 dogs who were left. To stop them, at all costs, from being killed: that became her unique objective.

Source: Facebook/Cher Herrera

With the help of some friends, Cher was able to place some of the dogs in temporary foster homes. Then she posted on Facebook calling on her friends generosity to help find all of the dogs a family. Her message was shared more than 14,000 times, after which many people offered their help.

Again, I am calling all the attention of all dog lovers. 58 dogs will be put down this week here in Bacolod City Dog Pound and they need our help. As much na gusto ko lahat sila e save lahat, hindi ko po kakayanin pag ako lang mag isa kailangan ko po ang inyong tulong lalo na ang inyong time. Maraming maraming salamat po. May nag donate na po sakin para sa adoption fee sa City hall pero ang problema ay wala malagyan sa kanila temporary habang nag aantay ng mag adopt talaga sa kanila. Kung sino po sana ang merong area na pwede sila ilagay na safe at kami na po ang bahala sa pagkain nila at pag linis. Sa mga pwede po maka help sakin ng kahit ano, Dogfood, vitamins, gamot, sabon etc are welcome po talaga at kailangan talaga ng mga dogs po ito. Lalo na po sa pwede maka pag assist sa akin facilitate in saving these furbabies, sobra ko po pasasalamatan.


Theresa Antaran Japsay Kim Obryan Jaja Llena-Ibarreta Ritika-Pooja Dowlani Ina Limcangco Kris Kring JT Einnoc Hcab Blin Evelyn Jules Trinidad Glenda Mae Puentevella Caleb Lopez Jannelle Antolo Jamandre Pam DC Montoya Casey Joy Mateo Cheyserr de la Cruz Ody Bulanadi


Publi par Cher Herrera sur dimanche 5 fvrier 2017

Certain social media users offered to adopt the dogs, while other donated food. Even better, an American animal protection organization offered to help construct a sanctuary where the animals can be rehabilitated, with the goal of being adopted later.

Source:Facebook/Cher Herrera

At this time, only a dozen of the dogs are still in the temporary shelter, and theyre the ones who have been traumatized by the abuse and mistreatment they experienced in the past, which made it necessary for them to wait longer to be adopted. As soon as theyre ready, they will also be adopted by loving families.


* * *

At Holidog, we aim to improve the lives of your furry friends. Enjoy your holidays with peace of mind, knowing your pet is in great hands (find a petsitter near you) and spoil them with our monthly subscription box filled with yummy treats and toys (get your free box here). You can count on us!

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This Woman Just Saved 75 Dogs From Euthanasia When She Decided To Adopt Them All - The Holidog Times

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Families of victims of Colombia’s paramilitaries get their day in US court – The Guardian

Posted: at 2:45 pm

The AUC rightwing paramilitaries left victims all over Colombia. Here family members mourn at a funeral in Buga, about 160 miles south-west of Bogot, in 2001. Photograph: Oswaldo Paez/AP

Hernn Giraldo Serna and the men who were under his command in a broad area of northern Colombia murdered more than 270 farmers, indigenous leaders and leftist organizers.

They forcibly disappeared and tortured many of their victims; thousands more fled their homes in fear. Giraldo won the nickname the Drill for the dozens of young girls and women he raped. Twenty-four bore his children.

But when Giraldo faces a federal court in Washington DC on Friday it wont be for any of those crimes. Rather, he will be sentenced for conspiring to import cocaine into the United States when he was a leader of a rightwing paramilitary group through which he lorded over the northern slopes of Colombias Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.

However, in a precedent-setting twist to the case, the family of Julio Henrquez, who was tortured and murdered by Giraldos henchmen in 2001, will be allowed to address the court about the impact of his crimes.

Fridays hearing marks the first time that Colombias brutal paramilitary leaders who escaped trial for crimes against humanity at home because of drug charges in the United States will face their victims in a US court, according to the Henrquez familys attorneys.

Roxanna Altholz, who represents the Henrquez family, said part of the conspiracy Giraldo has pleaded guilty to was offering armed protection to drug traffickers. And part of that armed protection was Julios murder because he was undermining the drug trade by organizing farmers to replace coca for other crops, she said. Coca is the main ingredient in cocaine.

Nadiezdha Henrquez said that she, her sister Bela and their mother, Zulma, would tell the story of her father Julios murder one more time in the hopes of seeing some sort of justice. He was addressing a meeting with farmers when two masked men burst in, and dragged him into white pickup truck. He was never seen alive again.

We want to make the court understand that there are people whose lives are destroyed by this supposedly victimless crime of drug trafficking, she said in an interview in Bogot before travelling to Washington. We want to influence the judges decision on how long Hernn Giraldo will stay in prison.

They will make a plea for the stiffest sentence possible, which is life in prison, and describe what it would mean for them and the communities of Colombias northern coast, where he once reigned, if he were to return home after a short sentence.

He is a very dangerous figure for the people of that area. If he returns, he will resume his business and the fear we lived with for so many years will return, said Zulma, Henrquezs widow.

Giraldo, 68, is one of 14 former leaders of the United Self Defence Forces of Colombia (AUC) who were extradited to the United States on drug trafficking charges in 2008 just as they began to confess as part of a demobilization deal the human rights crimes they committed in their purported fight against leftist Farc rebels and anyone perceived to be a supporter.

Critics claimed that justice for thousands of murder, rape, torture and disappearance victims was thwarted by the paramilitary leaders extraditions, although most continued to cooperate with Colombian prosecutors investigating the crimes.

Giraldo is the last of those extradited to face sentencing, after he pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to traffic cocaine.

Prosecutors are asking for a 20-year sentence, which would be reduced by half through the 10 years he has already served since turning himself in 2006 in Colombia before his extradition the United States in 2008.

In a memorandum seen by the Guardian, Giraldos defence suggests a 12-year sentence, arguing that he was compelled to become involved in the AUC because of patriotism and a sense of duty, honor, and obligation to protect the peasant community against leftist guerrillas.

The drug trafficking, according to Giraldos lawyers, was just a way to make money to maintain the counter-insurgency force.

In 2007, Henrquezs body was found in a clandestine grave. He was missing his jaw and a foot. Two bullets had pierced his skull.

Two years later, after Giraldo had been extradited to the US, a Colombian court convicted him of Henrquezs forced disappearance. He was sentenced in absentia to 37 years in prison and ordered to pay compensation to the family. But the sentence has not been executed because of the charges in the United States and a pending sentence under the special peace process mechanism.

But while Henrquezs family has been unable to get redress in Colombia, they hope to find justice in the US court. And acceptance of Henrquezs widow and daughters as victims in a case of international drug trafficking could open the door to future non-US victims of traffickers to have their say in court as well.

Victims of [the Mexican drug boss Joaqun] Chapo Guzmn or other leaders of cartels or members of security forces or politicians who face drug charges could also face their victims in US court, said Altholz.

Its a new way to look at drug conspiracies, she said. It says those tons of cocaine and ounces of heroin that reach the US are tainted with blood.

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Families of victims of Colombia's paramilitaries get their day in US court - The Guardian

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Breastfeeding bills aim to help children of incarcerated mothers – NMPolitics.net

Posted: at 2:45 pm

COMMENTARY: The New Mexico Legislature is considering two bills that would support the babies of incarcerated women. Both bills either save money for the state and counties, or involve minimal costs.

The New Mexico Breastfeeding Task Force and a number of respected pro-social organizations strongly advocate for the passing of both bills as concrete ways to support the physical and social health of mothers and infants in our state.

SB 277: Alternative Sentencing for Pregnant and Lactating Offenders (Ortiz y Pino)

Women offenders are often appropriate for diversion to alternative incarceration programs, as many have been convicted of non-violent or victimless crimes. SB 277 would allow the court to decide to either temporarily release or to place in community custody (eg. house arrest) a pregnant or lactating offender during the most vulnerable months of the fetus/childs life. This would happen only in cases where the women provided no perceived risk to public safety.

Courtesy photo

Lissa Knudsen

Alternative sentencing would allow a mother to access appropriate medical care, simplify visiting, make it more possible for her to attend foster care agency conferences and Family Court proceedings, and ultimately ease the reunification process when she is released. Participating in alternative sentencing might even prevent her children from entering or staying in foster care, depending on her personal circumstances. Once her child reaches 18 months of age, the mother would be expected to finish her sentence.

According to a Journal of Criminal Justice article, the adult children of incarcerated mothers are nearly four times as likely to serve time on probation and nearly three times as likely to be convicted of a crime at some point during their lifetime. By allowing mothers and children to form bonds and be housed together, the consequences of mother incarceration are lessened considerably.

SB 277 saves money, too when inmates with high-risk pregnancies need medical care, the city or county is responsible for the cost. Medicaid cannot pay for services provided while the patient is behind bars, but if they are out on release, Medicaid will pay for the care. Medical care can be costly for high-risk inmate pregnancies, allowing these non-violent women to access medical care outside of corrections reduces overall costs and provides rural counties and cities with significant savings.

The N.M. Association of Counties, the American Congress of Obstetricians & Gynecologists, the N.M. Pediatric Society, New Mexico Academy of Family Physicians, the N.M. Public Health Association, Southwest Womens Law Center, N.M. Association of Social Workers, New Mexico Voices for Children, Womens Agenda, PB&J Family Services, Wings for LIFE International, and the Gordon Bernell Charter School all support this bill.

This bill has made it through two committees and was approved by the senate on a 33-6 vote.

SB 293/HB 277: Lactation Policies for Female Inmates (Padilla/Maestas Barnes)

Of course, release or delayed jail time will not be an appropriate option for some female inmates. Considering the proven health and social benefits of breastfeeding to both the mother and the infant, SB 293 (and its mirror bill HB 277) would allow incarcerated mothers who wish to breastfeed or maintain their milk supply the ability to provide their infants with mothers milk.

This would be accomplished through the support they need to either express milk for delivery to their infant or, in some cases, to breastfeed their infants during daily visits. If the mother expresses her milk, accommodations would be made for freezing, storing and making the milk available for on-site pick up by the childs caregiver.

There are several precedents for this type of accommodation, including the California Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation, the Ohio Prison System, Coffee Creek Correctional Facility in Oregon, Travis County Jail in Texas, and the Washington County Jail in New York. All of these provide lactation support programs for the inmates.

Across the country, correctional facilities have provided four types of breastfeeding support (expressed milk can be frozen and distributed to caregiver on a biweekly basis):

An imprisoned mothers actions should not condemn her children to lose their rights to the benefits of breastmilk and breastfeeding. When children cant access the immunity-building and nutritional benefits of breastmilk (as well as the bonding that breastfeeding promotes) becausetheir mothers are in correctional facilities they, too, are sentenced to the lifelong ramifications of imprisonment.

Babies born to incarcerated mothers are more likely to end up incarcerated themselves. However, we know that babies who are breastfed are better able to bond with their mothers, thus reducing child abuse rates and improving other social outcomes. County jail officers have reported that mother inmates in breastfeeding support programs are motivated and have fewerbehavioral problems than mothers whoare not able to do anything for their off-site child.

The American Congress of Obstetricians & Gynecologists, the N.M. Pediatric Society, New Mexico Academy of Family Physicians, the N.M. Public Health Association, Southwest Womens Law Center, N.M. Association of Social Workers, New Mexico Voices for Children, N.M. Womens Agenda, PB&J Family Services, Wings for LIFE International, and the Gordon Bernell Charter School all support this bill.

This bill has made it through four committees and is scheduled to be heard on both the Senate and House floors this week.

In a tough budget year it is understandable that new programs bring up concerns about costs. However, HB 277/SB 293 and SB 277 have the power to lessen costs through reducing recidivism and reducing health-care costs for mother and child. Alternative sentencing will shift costs from municipalities to Medicaid. The lactation policies bill is flexible, allowing for each correctional facility to design a program that best matches itsresources and needs. For WIC-eligible children of incarcerated mothers, costs can be as minimal as providing storage bags for the milk. The N.M.Corrections Department has stated that even if the bill does not become statute, itenvisions being able to implement a lactation program within itsgiven budget.

Whenever programming is considered for the incarcerated population, safety is a concern. The courts will decide who would be eligible for release (using the criteria of what is in the best interest of public safety). Corrections administrators and medical providers will decide which inmates will be eligible to participate in the lactation support programs. Remember that women offenders are not generally dangerous and mother offenders are even less so. Programs like these provide opportunities for mothers to build self-efficacy and self-esteem, thus improving their outlook and motivation. It also promotes bonding, attachment and reduces child abuse rates.

Although there are safety concerns that may arise regarding the storage and transfer of the expressed milk, breastmilk is food and can be stored like food. Staff will receive training on how to label, store, and deliver expressed milk. These types of procedures are not complicated and are already done in child care facilities, NICUs, and other places that provide expressed human milk to babies.

We know rates of substance abuse are high among women who are incarcerated. The American Academy of Pediatrics, American Congress of Obstetricians & Gynecologists, and Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine all support breastfeeding by women who are enrolled in a supervised methadone (or buprenorphine) maintenance program and have negative screening for HIV infection and illicit drugs. Moreover, breastfeeding has been shown to reduce the symptoms of neonates experiencing neonatal abstinence syndrome as a result of in utero opioid exposure. This is, in fact, the best possible treatment. Medical providers test mothers both at birth (current standard of practice) and throughout the lactation period. This ensures that mother is not using illicit substances while lactating and that breastfeeding continues to be medically recommended.

Human milk should be the standard of nutrition care for babies born to mothers who are incarcerated. SB 277 saves the state both in incarceration costs and in labor and delivery costs. Both bills promote breastfeeding and thus decrease incidences of life-threatening infections and lengthy of hospital stays, improve mother and child bonding, and reduce child abuse rates and health care costs. Ultimately both of these bills help New Mexican babies have the best possible start to their lives regardless of their mothers crimes.

Lissa Knudsen, New Mexico Breastfeeding Task Forcechair, is a PhD Student in the Communication and Journalism Department (focusing on health communication) at the University of New Mexico, and she lives in downtown Albuquerque with her 12-year-old daughter.

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Breastfeeding bills aim to help children of incarcerated mothers - NMPolitics.net

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Philadelphia labor unions offer to repair, secure vandalized Jewish cemetery – Jewish Telegraphic Agency

Posted: at 2:45 pm

A visitor to the vandalized Jewish Mount Carmel Cemetery in Philadelphia views toppled tombstones, Feb. 26, 2017. (Dominick Reuter/AFP/Getty Images)

(JTA) Two Philadelphia unions said they will provide free services to help repair and secure the citys vandalized Mount Carmel Cemetery.

More than 100 gravestones were toppled and damaged at the Jewish cemetery in the Wissinoming section. The vandalism was discovered Sunday.

Bobby Henon, a Philadelphia City Council member with union ties who represents the Wissinoming neighborhood, tweeted Monday evening that the Philadelphia Building and Construction Trades Council offered to replace the toppled headstones and that the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Union Local 98 offered to install additional lighting and security cameras.

Labor leader John Dougherty of the Philadelphia Building and Construction Trades Council told reporters that the vandalism is a cowardly act of anti-Semitism that cannot be tolerated. His workers also offered to re-sod and clean the cemetery grounds.

Meanwhile, aGofundme campaignfor the Philadelphia cemetery launched by a private citizen, Raphael Caroline, 31, in the hours after the vandalism was discovered has raised nearly $20,000 in 24 hours, double its original goal.

The Jewish Federation of Philadelphia announced that a volunteer cleanup of the cemetery will begin at noon Tuesday and run every day from noon to 4 p.m.

The federation said it will begin cleaning up the cemetery Tuesday and asked for volunteers.

Representatives from the Jewish Federation will be on hand as well as up to 50 people per hour cleaning and working to help restore this important Philadelphia landmark, the federation said in a statement.

In response to the vandalism, the National Museum of American Jewish History, which is located in Philadelphia, has initiated a project to preserve the stories of the people who are buried there. The museum has called on those who have relatives or friends buried at Mount Carmel Cemetery to share a photo of the person, and one of the headstone, if possible, and a personal story of up to 150 words. They can be posted at http://MtCarmelStories.tumblr.com or emailed tocuratorial@nmajh.org.

The project is also open to those whose families were affected by the desecration that occurred last week at the Chesed Shel Emeth Cemetery in the St. Louis area.

We would like those who did this to understand that these are not victimless crimes, said Ivy Barsky, the museums CEO and Gwen GoodmanDirector. The individuals buried at Mt. Carmel were human beings with names, stories, and families. They contributed to the world while they were here and continue to do so through the loved ones they left behind. We honor their memories.

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Philadelphia labor unions offer to repair, secure vandalized Jewish cemetery - Jewish Telegraphic Agency

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New Political Terrain for a Liberal Discipline – Inside Higher Ed

Posted: at 2:42 pm

New Political Terrain for a Liberal Discipline
Inside Higher Ed
That's also true of populations whom the mostly liberal-minded anthropological profession may not initially empathize with, he said. Gusterson studies the people who make up the American security state -- members of the intelligence community ...

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New Political Terrain for a Liberal Discipline - Inside Higher Ed

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Liberal groups want Manchin removed from Dem leadership – The Hill

Posted: at 2:42 pm

Several liberal groups plan to deliver a petition to Senate Minority Leader Charles SchumerCharles SchumerLiberal groups want Manchin removed from Dem leadership Impact, incidence of Chinese currency controls largely overblown GOP's leaked 'repeal and replace' plan is the scorpion striking the frog MORE (D-N.Y.) Thursday morning calling on him to remove Sen. Joe ManchinJoe ManchinSenate confirms Perry for Energy secretary Sessions faces growing pressure to recuse himself from Russia probe Senate advances Rick Perry to be Energy secretary MORE (D-W.Va.) from party leadership.

The groups argue that Manchins lack of resistance to President Trump warrants his removal as the vice chairman of the Democratic Policy and Communications Committee.

There is no justification for Senate Democratic Leader Chuck SchumerCharles SchumerLiberal groups want Manchin removed from Dem leadership Impact, incidence of Chinese currency controls largely overblown GOP's leaked 'repeal and replace' plan is the scorpion striking the frog MORE to anoint someone as a member of Democratic leadership who consistently votes with Trumps extreme right-wing priorities, fails to defend our progressive values, and routinely collaborates with Trump by enabling his racist and fascist agenda grounded in xenophobia and hate, CREDO Action, one of the groups collecting signatures, wrote on its website.

One of the groups involved in the petition effort against Manchin, We Will Replace You, is threatening primary challenges to Democratic senators who have not committed to a full resistance of Trump's agenda.

The groups, which include We Will Replace You, Democracy for America, CREDO Action, Other98 and 350 Action, have collected more than 225,000 signatures for the Manchin petition.

We Will Replace You called for Manchin to be removed from leadership after leaked audio revealed that the senator took part in an off-the-record meeting with Breitbart News.

Activists plan to phone all of Schumers state and D.C. offices Thursday morning, as others deliver the petition to his office on Capitol Hill.


Liberal groups want Manchin removed from Dem leadership - The Hill

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Fedeli dismisses Liberal achievement with deficit – My North Bay Now

Posted: at 2:42 pm

The Liberals have lowered the current deficit to $1.9 billion but the provincial member for Nipissing doesnt see that as an accomplishment. In fact Vic Fedeli says the Liberals are artificially balancing the budget. Fedeli was reacting to a third quarter report the Liberals released under the Fiscal Transparency Act. The Tory finance critic says the Liberals managed to hit $1.9 billion by juggling a lot of one-time revenue streams. Theyre using the sale of Hydro One money, they also took $600-million from reserves and they got land transfer taxes mostly from Toronto that was up $500-million than they had planned because of a robust economy. said Fedeli.

Fedeli says relying on the land transfer taxes was tenuous at best and its something the Financial Accountability Officer was also concerned about. Were not always going to have a remarkable housing boom and he (the FAO) was cautious about that and cautioned the government about that, Fedeli said. Fedeli also said that in an earlier report, the FAO indicated Ontario is still facing a structural deficit meaning the Liberals continue to spend more money than they take in. The MPP says by using one-time resources that dont repeat to lower and eliminate the deficit, once the money is used up, were back into a deficit.

But Fedeli says the FAO paints an even gloomier financial picture. Not only will we have a deficit each year, but also for the next five years well have an increasing deficit, Fedeli says. The FAO shows a very different picture of what I call a true picture of Ontarios finances. Fedeli also says the Progressive Conservatives guilted the Liberals into releasing the third quarter report. He says under the Fiscal Transparency Act the report is supposed to come out every year by February 15th. He says only once since 2007 have they turned in a report and adds its because the Tories badgered the Liberals about its release.

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Fedeli dismisses Liberal achievement with deficit - My North Bay Now

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The Liberal/Media Freakout Rolls On – Power Line (blog)

Posted: at 2:42 pm

UPDATE/PROLOGUE: I see Paul noted the McCaskill hypocrisy (or early Alzheimers?) within seconds of my post here. Which just shows that Power Line is on the story. (More updates below.)

Liberals are now chumming the waters with news that Attorney General Jeff Sessions had two undisclosed meetings with the Russian ambassador last year, which somehow makes him Alger Hiss, though this is confusing since we all know Hiss was an innocent man framed up by Tricky Dick Nixon and why are we buying into a new Red Scare anywaythats something only liberal presidents like Woodrow Wilson get to do.

Anyway, it provides an opportunity for Democrats to discover their lost Cold War selves, like Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill who tweeted out that shes never had a meeting with a Russian diplomat. Except. . . oh heck, lets just let the Tale of the Tweets tell this story:

#doingmyhomework? I think she must have forgotten to turn in her homework.

Meanwhile, if you have eight minutes, Seth Meyers, of all people, mocks the media for their coverage of Trumps speech Monday night. And if youve lost Seth Meyers. . .

UPDATE: McCaskill is furiously trying to backpedal in full Clintonian style, with these two new tweets this morning:

I guess it depends on what the meaning of the word meet is.

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The Liberal/Media Freakout Rolls On - Power Line (blog)

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Liberal establishment is failing – Washington Times – Washington Times

Posted: at 2:42 pm


I didnt watch the Academy Awards, but I sure enjoyed them via Twitter. The collection of world-famous and super-rich liberals and leftists had one job, and they failed. The spectacular screwup of announcing the wrong winner for Best Picture wasnt even the issue, or about one person making a mistake. Mistakes are made all the time.

In reality, this vignette of fools is a perfect illustration of why the liberal establishment is in collapse: hate-obsessing on something that contradicts their own self-reverential worldview, condemning them to perpetual distraction. The result is the inevitable crashing and burning.

In other words, Democrats and liberals have been driving drunk while texting for eight years. Swerving into the wrong lane, they crashed into oncoming traffic and sit, dazed and confused, wondering what happened. The few survivors crawl out of the clown car screaming at the innocent people theyve harmed. After all, its never their fault, you see, its everyone elses for daring to get in their way.

Oscar host Jimmy Kimmel led the way, as Entertainment Weekly noted, The first salvo against Donald Trump was fired only a few minutes into the Oscars and then they just kept on coming. In what might be an unprecedented number of jokes, allusions, and sincere articulations inspired by a single person during an awards telecast, Hollywoods most luminous tackled Trump and his policies.

The target may have been President Trump, but the derision was meant for the people who elected him. Nothing says oops like ridiculing your audience.

I apparently was one of the millions who didnt tune in, causing the ABC network program to be the least-watched in nine years. The Los Angeles Times spent thousands of words trying to explain why the awards show had its third year of ratings decline. It was late, they explained, small budget films and, they mused pensively, maybe, just maybe, [t]he promise of strong criticism of President Trump from the Oscars participants may also have put off some viewers.

Ya think? But its not about criticism of any particularly president, its Hollywoods constant sanctimonious lecturing of the unwashed hoi polloi.

The transformation of actors into thugs condemning those who dont conform is something George Orwell would understand, and they are in the same free-fall as their beloved Democratic Party. Vanity Fair reported last year, The Atlantics Derek Thompson points out that in 2016, the film industry is on pace to sell the fewest U.S. tickets per person of any year since perhaps before the 1920s and the fewest total tickets in two decades.

Fortunately, on Oscar night the only people harmed by liberal clueless sanctimony were the smug liberals themselves. Much worse happens when they actually wield power.

Obamacare is Oscar night writ large: A concept based in fantasy, and as Jonathan Gruber, one of its architects was exposed as noting, it relied on the stupidity of the American voter. Obamacare, reliant on lies and presuming the average American is a rube, ruined peoples lives and almost destroyed our health care infrastructure.

The rise and spread of the Islamic State terror group in 2014, and the consequential U.N.-recognized genocide of Christians in the Middle East, was made possible by a president who decided (and publicly stated) the bloodthirsty terrorist group was a JV team, signaling that no action would be taken against them.

The National Review reminds us: In the following months, ISIS established a de facto capital in Raqqa, Syria; took large swathes of the country and swept into northern Iraq; captured Mosul, Iraqs second-largest city, before moving on Baghdad; attempted genocide against Yazidi minorities in northern Iraq; and drew the United States into an air campaign in September 2014.

As reported by The Sun, by the summer of 2016 a leaked White House intelligence assessment revealed ISIS now has fully operational branches in 18 countries.

The president was too distracted by his legacy and remaking American society to actually get his hands dirty dealing with a rising terrorist cancer.

Then there was Mr. Obamas dramatic red line declaration in 2012 about Syrias chemical weapons use on its own citizens. We have been very clear to the Assad regime, but also to other players on the ground, that a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized, Mr. Obama said.

Later that same year, Syrias butcher Bashar Assad murdered 1,500 people in a chemical weapons attack, but Mr. Obama backed down. Why? Business Insider learned: Obama reportedly declined to enforce a red line in Syria after Iran threatened to back out of nuclear deal.

Lots of talk, lots of drama and moral preening, then collapse when details and commitment matter.

The ultimate example of distracted Democrats fixation on completely the wrong thing leading to disaster is the debacle of the Hillary Clinton race for the presidency.

Perhaps they were relying on the stupidity of the American voter, but that was the wrong equation. In the various autopsies of that miserable campaign, her failure comes down to fixation on herself and entitlement. The presumption was the election was hers.

Overconfident and smug, her strategy required taking her base for granted and waltzing to the inauguration. For the entire campaign season, she was told there was only one name on the card in the winners envelope, and it was hers. Until it wasnt.

Sound familiar?

Tammy Bruce, author and Fox News contributor, is a radio talk show host.

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Liberal establishment is failing - Washington Times - Washington Times

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