Monthly Archives: February 2017

Liberal candidates revealed as preselection closes for South Australia election – ABC Online

Posted: February 24, 2017 at 6:56 pm

Updated February 24, 2017 18:27:34

Liberal preselection nominations for 18 South Australian state seats have closed, and among the candidates is a former Liberal minister who retired from politics more than 10 years ago.

Wayne Matthew was the member for Bright from 1989 to 2006, and held ministerial portfolios including police and emergency services in the Brown and Olsen governments.

He has nominated for the seat of Davenport and is one of many candidates who are taking a tilt at preselection, as boundary redistributions appear to have made a Liberal election win more likely.

Alex Brown, the son of former premier Dean Brown, has nominated for Colton, while six candidates are vying for retiring MP Isobel Redmond's seat of Heysen.

There is also strong interest in two Labor-held seats, with five nominees for both Transport Minister Stephen Mullighan's seat of Lee, and Sports Minister Leon Bignell's Mawson electorate.

Both seats have become more marginal under boundary redistributions.

"It is fantastic to see such a high calibre of people nominating for preselection to represent the Liberal Party at the next state election," Liberal state director Sascha Meldrum said.

"The party is calling for hard-working candidates committed to representing their local communities as part of a newly elected Liberal state government that will provide responsible leadership and deliver a clear pathway for the state's recovery and success."

Sitting MPs Rachel Sanderson, Corey Wingard, Vickie Chapman, David Speirs, Vince Tarzia and Dan van Holst Pellekaan have all been preselected unopposed.

The names of the other candidates remain confidential until they are endorsed by the party's review committee next week.

Topics: government-and-politics, states-and-territories, liberals, sa

First posted February 24, 2017 18:22:49

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Liberal candidates revealed as preselection closes for South Australia election - ABC Online

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Alan Colmes, liberal voice on Fox, dead at 66 –

Posted: at 6:56 pm

NEW YORK (AP) - Alan Colmes, the radio and television host and commentator best known as the amiable liberal foil to the hard-right Sean Hannity on the Fox News Channel, has died.

Fox spokeswoman Dana Klinghoffer confirmed his death Thursday. Fox also aired a tribute to Colmes, narrated by Hannity, and a statement from his family saying that he died Thursday morning after "a brief illness." Colmes was 66 and is survived by his wife, Jocelyn Elise Crowley, the sister of longtime Fox contributor Monica Crowley. In a statement issued through Fox, Hannity called Colmes "one of life's most decent, kind and wonderful people."

Colmes was a New York City native and Hofstra University graduate who worked for years in radio, notably on WABC and WNBC, and standup comedy before joining Fox in 1996. That same year he and the conservative Hannity began a 12-year run as co-hosts of the popular "Hannity & Colmes" program, which brought Colmes both fame and ridicule. Admittedly a minority voice on the conservative channel, Colmes was often mocked as too nice and easily overshadowed by the ever-aggressive Hannity. The liberal media watchdog Fairness and Accuracy in Media likened him to the hapless Washington Generals, the dependable losers to basketball's Harlem Globetrotters. Al Franken, in his best-selling "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them," imagined Colmes earning his salary by "adding toner to the copiers and printers, loofah-ing Roger Ailes in his personal steam room, and ordering Chinese food for editors working on misleading video packages."

Colmes was aware of the criticism, but said that getting mean was not his style.

"People say to me, 'Why don't you fight fire with fire?'" he told The Associated Press in 2003. "You fight fire with water, not fire."

Colmes continued to appear as a commentator on Fox after his show with Hannity ended. He also was an author, his books including "Thank the Liberals" and "Red, White & Liberal."

Published: February 24, 2017 7:51 AM EST

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Woes of the Liberal party go all the way down to arcane NSW state politics – The Australian Financial Review

Posted: at 6:56 pm

Tony Abbott, as a conservative, is the one figure who can shore up the party's base against the surge in support for Pauline Hanson's nativist One Nation Party, and the recent defection of South Australian Senator Cory Bernardi.

In Working Girl, a charming film made by Mike (The Graduate) Nicholls, a male character is caught by his girlfriend, played by Melanie Griffith, engaging in what H.G. Nelson calls "horizontal folk dancing" with another woman.

The male character, played by Alec (Saturday Night Live) Baldwin, blurts out: "This isn't what it seems."

Expressed in different ways, this has been pretty much the standard response of Liberal politicians to the all-but-declared warfare between former Liberal Prime Minister Tony Abbott, and the man who blasted him out of the job, current Liberal Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

But even this flimsy verbal charade collapsed on Friday in a welter of bitter recriminations against Abbott by Malcolm Turnbull and cabinet ministers such as Mathias Cormann and Christopher Pyne.

These followed Tony Abbott's attack on his successor at a book launch, followed by an interview on TV, in Sydney on Thursday night, including the incendiary: "The risk is we will drift to defeat if we don't lift our game."

In response, Turnbull said his nemesis "knows exactly what he's doing and so do his colleagues" and that Turnbull's government had achieved more in the last six months than had been achieved in the previous three years, when Abbott was PM.

Finance Minister Cormann, who backed Abbott during that fateful meeting of Liberal MP's on September 14, 2015, branded the former PM's intervention "deliberately destructive". Pyne, a senior moderate in the government and minister for defence industry, slammed Abbott's proposals, including sharp cuts in government spending and a slowdown in the immigration rate, as either "catastrophic" or ones that had failed when he was in office.

This new, open war phase means there will be intense focus on the result of a looming NSW Liberal Party ballot. At one level it is just a state parliamentary preselection, one that routinely creates little interest outside the relevant political party and political commentators.

But at another level the preselection result for Manly, a Sydney harbour-side seat held by NSW Premier Mike Baird until he suddenly resigned last month could affect the future course of the Abbott-Turnbull warfare, on the careers of both, and even the Turnbull government's survival.

Manly lies inside the federal seat of Warringah, which has been held by Abbott since he won a byelection in 1994. The current Liberal Party preselection for the seat is being contested by six candidates. These include Walter Villatora, who was campaign manager for Mike Baird when he first won the seat in 2007, and is President of the Liberal Party's Federal Electorate Conference (FEC) in Abbott's seat of Warringah.

The close ties Abbott has with Villatora showed up again last year when he backed him in his unsuccessful bid to win Liberal Party's preselection for the adjacent seat of Mackellar, which had been held by former Speaker Bronwyn Bishop since she, too, won a byelection in 1994. The final winner was Jason Falinski.

Complicating matters another strong possible Liberal candidate for Manly who is also on the right in a highly factionalised NSW Liberal Party is John Hart, the chief executive of Restaurant & Catering Australia. Hart lost his bid to succeed former federal treasurer Joe Hockey in the nearby federal seat of North Sydney in late 2015 to Trent Zimmerman.

He is well-liked in the Liberal Party, although he attracted some controversy as the head of Joe Hockey's now mothballed electorate fundraising arm, the North Sydney Forum.

But in what is shaping up as a close contest, both Villatora and Hart are facing a strong challenge from James Griffin, who, at 34, is already a director in the risk consulting practice of KPMG in Sydney.

In preselection manoeuvring, Griffin, a moderate, is being framed by the right as the candidate of the NSW Liberal Party's dominant moderate faction, but he is in fact non-aligned and has deep roots in the area as a former local councillor.

So far, Baird, who resigned as premier to spend more time with his family and sick parents, has studiously kept his distance from the preselection process. However, it would not surprise close observers of the Liberal Party if Baird swung his support behind Griffin, touted as a possible future minister, in the final stages of a preselection which is likely to occur in mid-March.

Whatever the outcome, attention will inevitably shift to Abbott's parliamentary future. His Liberal Party opponents will argue that Abbott cannot remain as an MP when he is openly undermining Malcolm Turnbull, and even publicly casting doubt on the ability of a Turnbull-led Liberal Party to win the next federal election.

But the Abbott argument for remaining as the Liberal member for Warringah assuming he wants to stay in that role was already being put by his close Liberal Party supporters in private conversations by the end of the week. The nub of it is that Tony Abbott, as a conservative, is the one figure who can shore up the party's base against the surge in support for Pauline Hanson's nativist One Nation Party, and the recent defection of South Australian Senator Cory Bernardi.

One of those who may be attracted to such an argument is Walter Villatora. As a seasoned Liberal Party figure, he also knows that even prior to last July's federal election, there were stirrings in Abbott's own electorate of Warringah.

At a tense four-hour meeting at the Warringah Golf Club last April, Abbott fought off an attempt to curb his control of the Warringah electorate by former Liberal Party Treasurer Philip Higginson, a one-time friend and now a fierce Liberal Party foe.

Higginson was defeated in his attempt to replace Villatora as President of the Liberal Party's Warringah Federal Electorate Conference, which selects the party's candidate for the seat. Villatora defeated Higginson 57-41.

The position of FEC President is honorary. It is also sensitive, and the tension at that closed meeting may be just a mild foretaste of what is to come.

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Woes of the Liberal party go all the way down to arcane NSW state politics - The Australian Financial Review

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NRA boss Wayne LaPierre lambasts ‘militant, paid’ liberal protesters who hate ‘everything America stands for’ – New York Daily News

Posted: at 6:56 pm


Friday, February 24, 2017, 2:57 PM

The NRAs top gun revealed a paranoid vision of the world in a Friday speech that painted Democratic protesters as well-paid criminals bent on terrorizing the country.

National Rifle Association CEO Wayne LaPierre unloaded on the left, saying its demonstrators are paid $1,500 a week to wreak havoc.

Theyre angry. Theyre militant and theyre willing to engage in criminal violence to get what they want, LaPierre said at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference in Maryland.

Many of these people literally hate everything America stands for.

Trump demands no more anonymous 'sources' after W.H. briefing

LaPierre described protesters in black ski masks who spit in the face of Gold Star families, tomahawk beer bottles and rocks at police, and smash business plate glass windows while customers cower inside.

And that was just on Inauguration Day, according to LaPierre.

The Lefts message is absolutely clear, LaPierre said. They want revenge. Youve gotta be punished. They say youre whats wrong with America, and now youve gotta be purged.

The NRA honcho also took aim at the media and lumped together reporters and protesters with drug lords and terrorists.

Steve Bannon says 'globalist media' will stay 'opposed' to Trump

If youre a member of the leftist media or a soldier for the violent left, a violent criminal, a drug-carteled gang member or a would-be terrorist, hear this, LaPierre said, youre not going to win and you will not defeat us. LaPierre cheered President Trump and chillingly exhorted the NRAs 5 million members to be prepared to fight back.

With all the threats facing America today, your right to protect yourself and your family may be more relevant and urgently needed than ever before, he said.

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NRA boss Wayne LaPierre lambasts 'militant, paid' liberal protesters who hate 'everything America stands for' - New York Daily News

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Dj vu all over again – The Capitol Fax Blog (blog)

Posted: at 6:56 pm

* He doesnt have an ownership stake in his law firm, he says his salary at the firm is less than his legislative pay and that his total compensation is less than the governors official salary and he doesnt work for or financially benefit from state-related clients. And yet

State Sen. Don Harmon, D-Oak Park, is one of the most powerful people in Springfield, talked about as a possible future president of the Illinois Senate.

Hes also a partner in a Chicago law firm thats been paid more than $9 million in the past five years for doing legal work for state agencies, government workers pension funds and local governments whose citizens he represents in the Senate, a Chicago Sun-Times examination has found.

That covers work done for more than 20 government bodies, including the city of Chicago, Cook County, the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District and the agency that owns McCormick Place and Navy Pier.

The firm Burke Burns & Pinelli has done work for agencies whose budgets Harmon votes on, including the Illinois Department of Transportation, and government pension funds regulated by Harmon and his fellow legislators, as well as the village of Rosemont, one of the suburbs he represents in the Illinois Senate, according to records and interviews. []

Harmon who once worked as deputy legal counsel to Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan, D-Chicago was elected to the state Senate in 2002.

Theres a whole lot of sizzle and not a lot of steak in that piece, not unlike an eerily similar BGA story from 2012

Since bringing an influential state legislator on board as a partner in 2005, a small Chicago law firm has secured at least $6.3 million in legal work from state agencies that receive funding and oversight from the General Assembly, the Better Government Association has learned.

While that relationship smacks of a conflict of interest, its not the only curiosity involving the legislator, state Sen. Don Harmon, and the firm where hes a partner, Burke Burns & Pinelli Ltd.

The BGA also found that Harmon a Democrat from Oak Park who once served as deputy legal counsel to Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan voted earlier this year on a casino bill that his firm helped craft on behalf of its client, the City of Des Plaines. []

A BGA review of state financial records shows Burke Burns, a firm of 10 or so attorneys, was paid more than $1 million in each of the past two fiscal years for state-related work.

Overall, the firm was paid more than $6.3 million or an average of $900,000 a year from 2006 to 2012 for state-related work, according to interviews, and documents obtained under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act. (Fiscal year 2006 was Harmons first full year with the firm.)

By contrast, in the four years before Harmon joined the firm, annual payments exceeded $575,000 only once, topping out at $711,734, records show. However, those totals may be incomplete because several state agencies indicated they no longer had data for fiscal years 2001 and 2002. In addition, some records relating to bond work are not always tracked by state agencies.

Harmon says if all payments were included it would show the firms state work hasnt increased dramatically since his hiring, especially given the rate of inflation. But he declined to disclose actual payments or turn over financial records to the BGA.

* One of the reporters who wrote todays Sun-Times story was with the BGA when that 2012 story was published. An opinion piece above his name was also published back in 2012. It threw the kitchen sink at Harmon

Harmons street cred as a reformer or progressive has to be questioned.

Why does his law firm advise public-sector clients not to speak to the media?

Why did he vote to water down the Illinois Freedom of Information Act, which ensures journalists and regular citizens can access most government documents?

Why did he accept $300 in campaign donations just a couple months back from D & P Construction, a waste-hauling company thats repeatedly (and publicly) been linked to the Chicago mob?

Why did he introduce a piece of legislation that would allow office holders to double dip hold two elected positions at once?

Peter Silvestri, a Cook County commissioner and Elmwood Parks village president, told the BGA that Harmon fronted that bill at his request. After the BGA learned of the legislation, Harmon relayed that he changed his mind and was withdrawing his support.

But about a month later he quietly resurrected the bill in the form of an amendment to an unrelated piece of legislation. When we tried to ask him about the flip-flop, Harmon wouldnt return our calls. He later told the BGA he regretted getting involved in the matter. The legislation was never approved.

Lastly, although were not into branding people with guilt by association, its worth noting Harmon started out his career as an aide to Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan, a Chicago Democrat who is the ultimate Machine guy one of the most powerful political figures in the state and one of the largest obstacles to reforming our troubled government system.

This isnt to say Harmon hasnt done good things. In fact, hes worked with the BGA on legislation, including a successful effort to kill the misused and abused legislative scholarship program.

But judged through a larger prism, Harmon isnt challenging the status quo. He is the status quo.

Ergo, todays piece.

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Dj vu all over again - The Capitol Fax Blog (blog)

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Solution created for county builders – Morehead News

Posted: at 6:56 pm

County builders who have had projects on hold due to lack of technical review will finally be able to start construction.

Rowan County Fiscal Court unanimously hired Richie Newton, county surveyor, to a two-month contract as the official in charge of enforcing the countys subdivision regulations during Tuesdays monthly meeting.

Those technical reviews are necessary before the Morehead-Rowan County-Lakeview Heights Joint Planning Commission can approve design plans.

With the retirement of city planner and building inspector Joe Parson last month, those wishing to construct within subdivisions in the county havent been able to begin.

Parson would approve the technical review before it moved to the Commission.

We are just looking for answers on what needs to happen because we have been on hold for months, said Cliff Lewis, area developer.

Lewis said he and his partner Greg Blackburn submitted plans to the city in November, meeting the 21-day requirement of submitting before Decembers commission meeting.

The commission did not meet again until February due to lack of a quorum.

I hope you all understand how big of a bind that this puts us in, said Blackburn. We have put a lot of money into projects in this county and we are really wasting a lot of time, especially with this great weather we are having now.

County Attorney Cecil Watkins said the county was only made aware of the ramifications of Parsons retirement after he had left.

We didnt know this would be the case and my correspondence with Cliff earlier this month was the first time that we were made aware of this issue, Watkins said. Thats something that I believe we need to make a decision on during this meeting so these guys can get to work.

Newton now has the authority through the county to approve the technical reviews so they can be sent to the Planning Commission.

He will be compensated $500 a month for his services.

The county does not having any zoning laws in place; however, there are certain restrictions on how subdivisions are constructed.

After Parson announced his retirement, Mayor Jim Tom Trent said they would begin a search for a new building inspector and city planner with the hopes of hiring someone by March.

In the past, the county has paid the citys building inspector $500 a month to enforce those subdivision regulations.

In other business, Fiscal Court appointed Ashley Adkins and Joe Sartor to the Rowan County Arts Board.

The Court also changed Eagle Trace Road (CR 1459) to Ben Lowe Drive. They added an extension to Rosedale Road (CR 1114).

Fiscal Court also approved Danny Knipps request to insure Freedom Park at $675 a year.

Knipp thanked the court on behalf of the 3,500 veterans in Rowan County.

Also unanimously approved was for all Rowan County dogs at the Tri-County Animal Shelter to be taken to Rowan County Veterinary Clinic to be spayed and neutered.

Brad Stacy can be reached at or by telephone at 784-4116.

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Solution created for county builders - Morehead News

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JCPenney to close 13 to 14 percent of stores – Rome Sentinel

Posted: at 6:56 pm

Published Feb 24, 2017 at 12:00pm

NEW YORK (AP) JCPenney said Friday that it will be closing anywhere from 130 to 140 stores as well as two distribution centers over the next several months as it aims to improve profitability in the era of online shopping.

The closures represent about 13 percent to 14 percent of the department store operators current store count, and less than 5 percent of total annual sales. The company said that it would also initiate a voluntary early retirement program for about 6,000 eligible employees.

The company stated it will not announce which stores are to be closed for a month. Locally, there are two locations in Oneida County. One is in Rome in the Freedom Plaza on Erie Boulevard West. The other is in Sangertown Square mall on Commercial Drive in New Hartford.

The news came as the Plano, Texas-based chain posted a profit in the fourth-quarter compared to a loss a year ago. But total sales were down slightly, and a key revenue metric declined slightly as well.

Penney is trying to recover from a catastrophic reinvention plan under former CEO Ron Johnson that sent sales and profits into a free-fall in 2012 and 2013. Business stabilized under Mike Ullman, who took the helm in 2013 after Johnson was pushed out. Under Marvin Ellison, who has been CEO since 2015, Penney is looking for new ways to increase sales while playing catch up in e-commerce. Like other department stores, JCPenney is trying to adjust to changing shopping patterns, and is joining other department stores like Macys, which are shrinking their store footprint. Consumers are shifting their spending away from clothing and toward experiences like beauty treatments or toward furnishing their home. And when they do pick up clothing, its more often at off-price stores or online as Amazon moves more into apparel.

Penneys results capped a week of weak fourth-quarter results from a string of department stores. Kohls Corp. reported Wednesday a drop in fiscal fourth-quarter profit as total sales declined. Revenue at stores opened at least a year dropped 2.2 percent in the quarter. Nordstrom Inc., the department store recently scolded by President Donald Trump, reported late Wednesday a better-than-expected quarterly profit with help from strong sales online and at Nordstrom Rack. But at the Nordstrom brand, comparable store sales decreased 2.7 percent. Macys, the nations largest department store chain, says its earnings for the quarter that includes the holiday period dropped nearly 13 percent as results were dragged down by lower sales, store closures and other costs.

Given the environment, Penney wants to be less dependent on clothing, and is focusing its efforts on its home area and rolling out major appliances in it stores. It has expanded the Sephora beauty shops and is updating its beauty salons, now branded Salon by InStyle. It is also beefing up its store label brands like St. Johns Bay. In the fourth quarter, top performing areas included home, Sephora, its salon business and fine jewelry.

The company is aiming to be more competitive in the digital arena. Penney is arming its store associates with mobile devices to help check out online shoppers who are picking up orders in the store.

For the fiscal fourth quarter, JCPenney reported net income of $192 million, or 61 cents per share. Earnings, adjusted for one-time gains and costs, came to 64 cents per share.

The results exceeded Wall Street expectations. Analysts surveyed by Zacks Investment Research were calling for earnings of 61 cents per share.

Revenue totaled $3.96 billion in the period, down 0.9 percent from a year ago. Analysts polled by Zacks expected $3.97 billion in revenue.

Sales at stores opened at least a year, a key gauge of a retailers health, were down 0.7 percent. This figure excludes results from stores recently opened or closed.

Penney expects full-year earnings in a range of 40 cents to 65 cents per share.

Its shares fell more than 3 percent in premarket trading.

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JCPenney to close 13 to 14 percent of stores - Rome Sentinel

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Successful Boomer Women Offer Financial Advice to Younger … – Fox Business

Posted: at 6:56 pm

With the youngest Baby Boomer women now in their 50s, there is no doubt that they have redefined middle age and retirement.It brings to mind Bob Dylans song from back in 1964, The Times They Are-A Changin.

Boomer women have achieved the highest levels of success in business, politics, media and the arts. They deserve much credit for helping to change the mindset that a womans most important job was to bear and raise children.

With that being the case, it is no surprise that a new Allianz Life study finds even more American women today are taking the reins of household finances, with the majority (51%) claiming they are the chief financial officer (CFO) at home. And more married women (37%) today are the primary breadwinner of the family (compared to 31% in the 2013 study). Additionally, 53% of women said they either have a great deal of responsibility or they do it all when managing the households long-term savings and investments.

While that sounds like reason to celebrate, despite having such a large impact on household finances, the number of women who say they have more earning power than theyve ever had has decreased to 50% (compared to 57% in 2013).

Factoring into this perceived decline in earning power, less than half (44%) claim they have leaned in' at work by asking for a raise or promotion they thought they deserved, said Katie Libbe, vice president of Consumer Insights for Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America.

This is a troubling trend and one that many Boomer women have no doubt seen evolve over the decades. Although many of these women are at the tail end of their working years or already retired, there are lessons they can pass on to younger generations about the growth in financial acumen and responsibility they've seen and/or experienced in their lifetimes, Libbe said.

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Here is what Libbe said younger generations can learn from Boomer women:

Keep learning: Although they say they feel financially secure, too many women still report uncertainty about their financial decisions. Sixty-one percent of women wish they had more confidence in their financial decision-making and 63% wish they knew more about financial planning and investing. Likely having experienced an evolution in their own financial knowledge and responsibility over the years, many Boomer women understand the importance of continuing education in this area. Those that put time and effort into increasing their financial knowledge said it paid. Do your homework. It is worth your time to ask questions and find answers.

Build a support system: Even though most women claim they are financially savvy, nearly two-thirds report financial information and the various investment options available to them can be overwhelming. Additionally, running out of money in retirement and managing the rising costs of health insurance remain worries that keep women up at night. Having the right support can make a major difference in addressing these issues. Approximately 40% of Boomer women report using a financial professional for guidance, and more than two-thirds of those wish they had done it sooner. By utilizing available resources or working with a financial professional, women can gain the insight they need to achieve more financial security.

Dont delay, start planning today: When asked, What advice should women pass on to their daughters or granddaughters about money? the majority of Boomer women said they thought future generations should focus on having financial independence and creating a good financial plan. The vast majority of Boomer respondents advise younger women to: start planning early, not depend on others for financial security, create a good financial plan and learn how to invest money. Hopefully, by taking more initiative with financial planning at home, younger women will be more assertive and have more confidence to take risks in their careers.

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Successful Boomer Women Offer Financial Advice to Younger ... - Fox Business

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No threat from 6.6 earthquake south of Tonga – Matangi Tonga

Posted: at 6:54 pm

Earthquake location near Minerva Reefs in Tonga. 25 February 2017. Source: USGS

An earthquake magnitude 6.6 or 6.9 was felt as a short shake in the Tongan capital at 6:29 am today, February25.

The quake wobbled furniture very briefly in the Matangi Tongaoffice.

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center advised that there is no tsunami warning advisory or threat, from the 6.6 earthquake due to the depth at 259 miles. The earthquake was located 439.8 kms south of Nuku'alofa, Tonga at 23.4 south 178.5 west. The area is in Tongan waters near the Minerva Reefs, on the Lau Ridge close to the Tropic ofCapricorn.

Tonga Meteorological Service at 6:46am advised that "Based on information above from the Tonga Geology Seismic Unit and Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre (PTWC), this event is unlikely to affectTonga."

Tonga Met stated that the earthquake was magnitude 6.9 - but appeared to be unsure of thedate:

"Tsunami Advisory: Tsunami No Threat Advice for Tonga No: 1 Issued at 6:46pm on 22 January, 2017 An Earthquake has occurred with these parameters: Origin time: 6:28AM local time on 25 Jan 2017 Coordinates: Lat: 23.38S Lon: 178.63W Depth 436km/266 Miles Magnitude: 6.9 Location: 428KM /266 MILE SOUTHWEST OF NUKUALOFA

The above magnitude is provisional and may be increased or decreased as more seismic data becomesavailable.

Based on information above from the Tonga Geology Seismic Unit and Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre (PTWC), this event is unlikely to affectTonga.

This is the final message for this event unless significant changesoccur.

NEOC Status: The National Emergency Operation Centre (NEOC) is not activated. Normal NEOC contact details apply: General Enquiries: (676) 26340 Issued by: Message authorized by the Tonga Meteorological Service General Enquiries: (676) 35355 Duty Officer: SV/ML"

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No threat from 6.6 earthquake south of Tonga - Matangi Tonga

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Hygge Is Where the Heart Is – New York Times

Posted: at 6:54 pm

New York Times
Hygge Is Where the Heart Is
New York Times
It's no coincidence, I think, that at the moment of a huge swing toward right-wing populism and every-man-for-himself, many readers feel wistful about a culture viewed as a liberal utopia, where citizens willingly give up a large chunk of private ...

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Hygge Is Where the Heart Is - New York Times

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