Monthly Archives: February 2017

Bloomfield Company Uses Disney Princesses To Promote Female Empowerment –

Posted: February 25, 2017 at 3:11 pm
Bloomfield Company Uses Disney Princesses To Promote Female Empowerment
Martha Peralta, the owner of Bloomfield entertainment company Bella Princess, said that she recently revamped her company's programs to use princess-related imagery to advocate for female empowerment and channel girls' potential for personal growth..

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Bloomfield Company Uses Disney Princesses To Promote Female Empowerment -

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Immigration Agents Discover New Freedom to Deport Under Trump – New York Times

Posted: at 3:11 pm

New York Times
Immigration Agents Discover New Freedom to Deport Under Trump
New York Times
I.C.E. has more than 20,000 employees, spread across 400 offices in the United States and 46 countries, and the Trump administration has called for the hiring of 10,000 more. Credit Clockwise from top left: Ann Johansson for The New York Times; David ...

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Immigration Agents Discover New Freedom to Deport Under Trump - New York Times

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Harriet Tubman’s Path to Freedom – New York Times

Posted: at 3:11 pm

New York Times
Harriet Tubman's Path to Freedom
New York Times
Tubman's freedom proved to be bittersweet, as she would recount in her biography. In Philadelphia, she was free, working odd jobs, but lonely. Tubman began plotting her return home to bring her kin back with her: I was free and dey should be free also.

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Harriet Tubman's Path to Freedom - New York Times

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Will Americans submit to despotism in an urge to escape from freedom? Erich Fromm saw it coming – Salon

Posted: at 3:11 pm

President Donald Trump took his rancorousfeudwith the press to afrightening new level last week when he posted an inflammatory tweet that echoed tyrantsof the past,callingthe all-caps FAKE NEWS media the enemy of the American People.

As many were quick to point out, the phrase enemy of the people has adisturbing and violent history, and has long been used by totalitarian dictatorsto foster resentment and hatred of certain groups, and eventually to crush dissent and opposition. The infamous French revolutionary and Reign of Terror apologistRobespierre declared that the revolutionary government owed nothing to the enemies of the people but death,while the term was widelyused in Stalinist Russia to single outdissidents,who wereeither imprisoned, executed or sent to the Gulag (in the end, almost all of the original Bolsheviks became enemies of the people during the great purge which in reality meant enemies of Joseph Stalin).

Needless to say, the fact that President Trump thought it was appropriate to usethis incendiarylanguage onthe free press long considered thebulwark of liberty is dangerous and alarming, and just the latest manifestation ofthe Trump administrations authoritarian tendencies. Just one month into his term, the president has spent mostof his time in publicscapegoating and demonizing the free press,blatantly lying and espousingconspiracy theories that undermine faith in the electoral system and displaying his contempt for the ideaof separation of powers and judicial review (once again attacking a sitting federal judge).

None of this behavior is particularly surprising fora man who has spent that past two years shattering democratic norms e.g., threatening to jail his political opponent, encouraging violence against peaceful protesters, publiclysympathizing with oppressive dictators, advocatingwar crimesand so on.

Itis tempting to write this all off as Donald being Donald an impulsive, thin-skinned little man-child who cant take any criticismbut that would be a mistake. Trump has surrounded himself with sycophantic enablers and right-wing extremists who appear eager to advance his authoritarian agenda. One of these individuals is the presidents31-year-old senior adviser, Stephen Miller, a weaselly young man who would be perfectly cast as a Star Wars villain. Last week, Miller madethe almost cartoonish assertion that our opponents, the media and the whole world will soon see as we begin to take further actions, thatthe powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned.

Like the phrase enemy of the people, this is the kind of language used by party hacks in a totalitarian state, not a free anddemocratic society.

Not long ago this kind of rhetoric would have provoked outrage from both sides of the aisle and widespread disapproval from the populace. But today, in our hyper-partisan political landscape, many Americans have instead cheered Trump and his administrations increasingly dictatorial and undemocratic behavior. This invites the question of whether the American people will stand up to autocracy if and when it comes, and how much of the populace is actually prepared to give up its freedom and submit to a strongman.

Shortly after the election, Yale historian Timothy Snyder, who recently said that we have at most a year to defend the Republic, wrote a chilling articlein Slate narrating Adolf Hitlers unexpected rise to power without once sayinghis name to draw parallels with our current historical situation, and to highlight how the German people quickly fell in line once Hitler had consolidated power and established his totalitarian regime.

One of the many brilliant Jewishintellectuals to fleefrom Germany after Hitlers rise, philosopher and psychoanalyst Erich Fromm attemptedto explain the shocking spread of totalitarianism in his lifetime with his influential and urgent 1941 book, Escape from Freedom. This classic investigation into the psychology of authoritarianism can help elucidate some of what is happening today. In the first half of the book, Fromm surveysthe profound cultural, economic and political changesthat had occurred since the Middle Ageswith the Protestant Reformation and the emergence of industrial capitalism, and explores how these shifts impacted the human psycheand the individuals interaction with the external world.

Fromm posits that industrialization and the rise of liberalismresulted in the complete emergence of the individual (i.e., individuation), along with newfound freedom, but also upended primary ties that hadonce provided men and women with security and a feeling of belonging and of being rooted somewhere. In other words, modernization freed man from traditionalauthorities that had greatly limited him, but also provided him withsecurity and meaning in life. Growing individuation, writes Fromm, means growing isolation, insecurity, and thereby growing doubt concerning ones role in the universe, the meaning of ones life, and with all that a growing feeling of ones own powerlessness and insignificance as an individual.

That brings us to Fromms powerful thesis:

If the economic, social and political conditions on which the whole process of human individuation depends, do not offer a basis for the realization of individuality while at the same time people have lost those ties which gave them security, this lag makes freedom an unbearable burden. It becomes identical with doubt, with a kind of life which lacks meaning and direction. Powerful tendencies arise to escape from this kind of freedom into submission or some kind of relationship to man and the world which promises relief from uncertainty, even if it deprives the individual of his freedom.

The crucialpoint Fromm was trying to get acrossis that personal freedom may not be enjoyable or even desirable to the individual if it also leaves him or her feeling isolated and powerless, or without any kind of meaning or purpose in life. Like Karl Marx, Fromm believed that capitalism had turned human beings into cogs in a machine, sapping them of their individuality and creativity, and leaving them alienated and susceptible to authoritarian forces.

Fromm distinguished between negative freedom, or the freedom from traditional authorities and cultural/social restraints, and the positive freedom to live authentically and realize ones true individual self. If one is granted negative freedom without positive freedom, and thus left uncertain, alone and powerless, he or she may be inclined to escape from freedom and submit to a higher authority. An analogy would be the urge that many adults have feltat least oncein their lifeto return to their mothers womb, where one is deprived of freedom, but safe from the dangerous and chaotic outside world.

It is not hard to see this psychology at work in modern America, where economic inequality has grown rapidly over the past several decades, where livelihoods have been outsourced or automated and where communities have collapseddue to the forces of globalization and the technological revolution, leaving millions of people desperate and isolated. When these economic factorsare combined withotherfactors, includingthe perceived dangers facing America(i.e., Islamic terrorism) which are greatly inflated by the mass media and politiciansand cultural/social shifts over the past few decades, the victory of an authoritarian demagogue like Trump becomes less surprising (as doesthe factthat Trump supporters are more likely to display authoritarian personality traits).

The danger of the increasingly authoritarian Trump administration is heightenedby the growing number of Americans who are nowpreparedto support a strongman if it means restoring, as it were,primary ties that once provided security and a feeling of belonging and of being rooted somewhere.

Seventy-five years agoFromm arguedthat to counteract thisdangerous drive toward authoritarianism,it was necessary to expand the principle of government of the people, by the people, for the people, from the formal political to the economic sphere. Democracy, he continued, will triumph over the forces of nihilism only if it can imbue people with a faith in life and in truth, and in freedom as the active and spontaneous realization of the individual self.

Like Bernie Sanders today, Frommadvocated democratic socialism and believed that only a trulydemocratic society politically and economically could stopthe dark clouds of despotism. Today, as President Trump rehashes the language of past tyrants, one can only hope that the desire for freedom will triumph over the urge to submit.

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Will Americans submit to despotism in an urge to escape from freedom? Erich Fromm saw it coming - Salon

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Catherine Rampell: Republicans take freedom away, in the name of freedom – Salt Lake Tribune

Posted: at 3:11 pm

But what would repealing Obamacare mean in practice?

It would mean allowing insurers to deny coverage for pre-existing conditions; taking away the tax credits and Medicaid expansions that enabled more than 20 million Americans to newly obtain insurance over the past six years; and, thanks to the elimination of the individual mandate, ultimately causing the exchanges to death-spiral and collapse.

So, in championing the "freedom" that would be unleashed by an Obamacare repeal, Ryan and Pence are really championing the "freedom" for Americans to lose access to any health-care plan.

You know what they say: Freedom's just another word for nothing left to choose.

At least one politician has explicitly rooted for a decline in the insured rate because, duh, freedom.

"If the numbers drop, I would say that's a good thing, because we've restored personal liberty in this country, and I'm always for that," Rep. Michael C. Burgess, R-Tex., said at CPAC.

Enshrining discrimination against gay and transgender people has likewise been sold as a way of promoting "religious freedom," at least for anyone who believes Jesus would be unhappy about compliance with public accommodation laws or, say, the Constitution.

Sometimes the freedoms nominally being safeguarded are not individual ones but those of the states. Or so White House press secretary Sean Spicer claimed when explaining why the Trump administration was rescinding Obama-era guidance for schools to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms of their choosing.

Financial deregulation and the repeal of consumer protections have also been puzzlingly marketed as pro-"freedom."

"Just like Obamacare, Dodd-Frank has left us with fewer choices, higher costs and less freedom," quoth Rep. Jeb Hensarling, R-Tex., chairman of the House Financial Services Committee. "It's evident that Dodd-Frank has made us less prosperous and less free."

Franklin Roosevelt once declared that the "four essential human freedoms" were freedom of speech and expression, freedom to worship, freedom from want and freedom from fear. The "freedom to get scammed by debt collectors" must have slipped his mind.

Given the quantity of American heartstrings pulled by the words "free" and "freedom," declaring one's commitment to "free markets" has also provided cover for all sorts of non-free-market nonsense. A sitting president ordering private companies where to locate, for instance.

"I'm a big free-trader," President Trump has said, while promoting all manner of protectionist measures. "I love the First Amendment; nobody loves it better than me," he said at CPAC, minutes after again calling the media the enemy of the people.

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Catherine Rampell: Republicans take freedom away, in the name of freedom - Salt Lake Tribune

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Coronado Sandcastle Pays Homage to Freedom of Press | NBC 7 … – NBC 7 San Diego

Posted: at 3:11 pm

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On the same day that the White House barred reporters from CNN, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times and Politico from a press briefing, a simple, stark message appeared in the sand at Coronado Beach.

A miniature White House was erected at the beach with a message from our third president: Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost.

Displays at Coronado Beach that reflect current events have become commonplace. In the past, theyve mainly showed solidarity following tragic events.

After the Paris terrorist attacks and the Orlando nightclub shootings, for instance, sand castles emerged to show sympathy for the victims.

Bill Pavlacka, dubbed the Sandcastle Man, has been the artist behind those sand creations.

Pavlacka told NBC 7, he created the White House sandcastle and added the message for press freedom because of his concern over "the way that press has been painted recently."

"I thought that the Jefferson quote was powerful given that President Donald Trump attempted to use another Jefferson quote to discredit the news media. I think that people need to be reminded of the importance of the media, and with the blocking of certain major news outlets today, I think the message has become even more important."

Published at 5:43 PM PST on Feb 24, 2017 | Updated 3 hours ago

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Coronado Sandcastle Pays Homage to Freedom of Press | NBC 7 ... - NBC 7 San Diego

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Freedom’s Huber pins down upsets en route to D-11 3A wrestling semis –

Posted: at 3:11 pm

13thseeds arent really supposed to make the semifinals of the District 11 3A wrestling tournament.

They certainly are not supposed to post two pins to get there.

And they are certainly not supposed to deck the fourth and fifth seeds to do it.

But dont tell Freedom freshman 106-pounder Connor Huber that.

Im pretty satisfied with how I wrestled today, said Huber after Friday's session at Liberty's Memorial Gym.

He should have been.

Huber pinned No. 4 seed Domenic Vicario of Bangor in 1 minute and 5 seconds in a preliminary then packed No. 5 seed Attkios Clifford of Central Catholic in 5:45 to reach the Saturday semifinal round (10:30 a.m), where hell meet No. 1 seed Andrew Cerniglia of Nazareth.

Huber is the lowest-seeded wrestler in the semifinals

Huber is one of five Freedom wrestlers in the semis, along with seniors Tommy Bonilla (152), Ryan DeLoach (182) and Evan Callahan (220) and sophomore Jase Crouse (285). The Patriots, with 94 team points, stand in fifth, behind Northampton in third at 99.5.

Freedom coach Brandon Hall liked Hubers aggressiveness and wasnt surprised at his 13thseeds performance.

As soon as we saw the seedings we thought Connor should be in the semifinals, Hall said. We felt comfortable saying that, given the competition we wrestle and our schedule.

And the pins werent a surprise to anyone who knows Huber. He said mat wrestling is his strong point and it showed as he radiated control when on top.

But, of course, you have to get on top first, and in December that was an issue for Huber.

My brother (Ben, Freedoms junior 138-pounder) told me I really needed to improve in neutral, Connor Huber said.

So did Hall.

We told him that not being better on his feet was going to prevent him from being the wrestler he could be and that he was missing opportunities, Hall said. He was kind of stubborn about it at first. We had to tell him this wasnt junior high any longer and he couldnt just hang on on top.

While Huber will tell you he has a ways to go to be as good on his feet as he hopes to be, he has come a long way.

Connor has improved tremendously on his feet over the last month, said Freedom assistant Colin Ackerman, the former Williams Valley head coach who works with Huber in the room. Hes more confident on his feet, and we have been teaching him moves like dumps and drags that fit his style. And when he gets better on his feet, that opens up more things for him to on top. If hes winning 6-2 after the first period, we might put him on top.

As for his bottom prowess, Huber put it simple: I keep moving. I never stop.

It all started to come together in January, Huber said, when he pinned Silas Patton of Damascus (Md.) in the War on the Shore tournament, where Huber came in sixth.

He was supposed to be pretty good, Huber said.

But not as good as Freedoms 13th-seeded semifinalist Connor Huber.

Brad Wilson may be reached Follow him on Twitter@bradwsports.FindLehigh Valley high school sports on Facebook.

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Freedom's Huber pins down upsets en route to D-11 3A wrestling semis -

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Artificial Intelligence, IoT Will Fuel Technology Deal-Making In Year Ahead – Forbes

Posted: at 3:10 pm

Artificial Intelligence, IoT Will Fuel Technology Deal-Making In Year Ahead
The relentless drive to digital transformation among tech and non-tech companies pushed mergers and acquisitions to record levels over the past year, the latest analysis finds. Now, artificial intelligence and machine learning loom as the next wave of ...

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Artificial Intelligence, IoT Will Fuel Technology Deal-Making In Year Ahead - Forbes

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Uber may have bought self-driving car technology that was stolen from Google – Quartz

Posted: at 3:10 pm

Huffington Post
Uber may have bought self-driving car technology that was stolen from Google
A blog post published yesterday by Waymo, the self-driving car company spun out of Google (now Alphabet)'s X research lab, outlined what it believes to have been an organized excavation of its intellectual property by one of its previous employees ...
Waymo Says Uber Stole Critical Self-Driving Technology, Files SuitHuffington Post
Google Self-Driving Car Unit Accuses Uber of Using Stolen TechnologyNew York Times
Google and Uber Are Fighting Over Lidar Technology. What Is It?Bloomberg -ExtremeTech -CNNMoney -Medium
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Uber may have bought self-driving car technology that was stolen from Google - Quartz

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New Technology Empowers You To Fight Crime With Your Smartphone Camera – Forbes

Posted: at 3:10 pm

New Technology Empowers You To Fight Crime With Your Smartphone Camera
We live in the age of the smartphone. Just about everyone and their mother has one, and it is attached to them at the hip. Most of us can't go anywhere without our phones, let alone go just fifteen minutes without checking them. One study found the ...

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New Technology Empowers You To Fight Crime With Your Smartphone Camera - Forbes

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