Monthly Archives: February 2017

Russia’s Liberal Media’s Foreign Sponsors – Center for Research on Globalization

Posted: February 25, 2017 at 3:49 pm

The hysteria concerning the alleged Russian interference in the US presidential election appears to be a mirror projection of techniques that have been used against Russia, with little or no success, with the aim of interfering in its political processes. While the propaganda campaign aimed at Russia has sought to foster the impression that the countrys media is strictly controlled, in actuality the liberal opposition newspapers and radio stations have in the past run articles and stories that, due to their nature, would be unthinkable in the free West. Controversial stories over the last few years have included:

These media outlets main audience is not the Russian public but rather Western funders and supporters. Novaya Gazeta funding sources include the Netherlands and the Soros Foundation. The Dozhd TV Channel financing is opaqueits owners claim they are financing the project using own funds, which must be bottomless considering the channel has not turned a profit since it began operating. Ekho Moskvy is receiving financial support from the Voice of America Broadcasting Board of Governors, which is also supporting other liberal news outlets. These and other Russian media outlets figure prominently in the Fiscal Year 2017 proposed federal budget appropriation for the US State Department. Moreover, journalists working for these outlets have received a broad array of awards for journalism issued by a number of Western governments and West-controlled so-called non-governmental organizations.

Another example of a Internet media outlet created in order to push the pro-liberal agenda is Meduza. It was financed by opposition oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovskiy and so-called anonymous investors. In spite of Meduza being registered and based in Latvia, it focuses on the Russian audience and is promoting globalist agenda in Russia.

In addition to resources which are openly promoting anti-Russian propaganda, there is an array of major media outlets whose informational policy demonstrates they are pursuing political goals quite divorced from Russias interests as a sovereign state.

In the meantime, genuinely accomplished investigative journalists such as Julian Assange are facing politically motivated prosecutions, and there are efforts to exclude English-language Russia-based media such as RT and Sputnik from Western markets for allegedly spreading propaganda.

This state of affairs also raises the question why is the Russian government tolerant of media beholden to foreign sponsors. Part of the answer lies with the guarantees of the freedom of speech and press contained in the Russian Constitution, though the support of these outlets by important factions of the economic and political elite also plays a rolethe Ekho Moskvy radio station is part of the Gazprom Media Holding, for example. Ultimately, however, the relatively unfettered existence of these media is a reflection of the Russian governments confidence in its policies and its popular support, in sharp contrast to the panicked fake news reaction to the loss of Hillary Clinton that resulted in widespread calls to limit the freedom of speech in Western countries, lest the wrong candidates win elections.

Still, this is an intolerable state of affairs, a leftover from the 1990s era of Russias political and economic weakness, when it seemed it might become nothing more than a politically impotent supplier of raw materials to the West. Any genuine reset of Russia-West relations will require the West to respect the inviolability of Russias political institutions and processes in the same way that the West demands respect for theirs.

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Michael Photios resigns as the leader of NSW Liberal’s dominant left faction – The Sydney Morning Herald

Posted: at 3:49 pm

NSW Liberal powerbroker, boss and lobbyist Michael Photioshas resigned as the leader of the party's dominant left faction, surprising even his close allies.

At a meeting on Saturday afternoon Mr Photios surprised factional colleagues by resigning his post as chairman of the board of the party's most dominant faction, the moderates also known as the left, Liberal sources confirmed.

Mr Photios received a standing ovation for his more than a decade in a post that carries considerable formal influence over party policy and preselections.

Combined with a stint in the faction's deputy leadership dating back to the 1980s, Mr Photios had three decades leading the moderate wing of the Liberals, during which time they rose from the bottom to the top of politics in Australia's largest state.

Mr Photios told friends he had been planning to take them by surprise and wanted to resign at the top of his political game, following the recent ascension of members of his factionto the Prime Minister's and Premier's jobs.

The move also comes as the role of lobbyists within the party has come under increasing scrutiny, particularly Mr Photios and his firm, Premier State, which enjoys large, $20,000-plus monthly retainers from major corporate clients including Telstra, the Hotels Association and The Star casino.

Former prime minister Tony Abbott told the ABC last year that lobbyists had too much control.

"If you are making money out of the people whose preselections you control or influence, there is obviously a potential for corruption," Mr Abbott said.

The NSW Liberals' state director, Chris Stone, wrote to lobbyists asking them to resign from the party's state conference, a policymaking forum, after that criticism was raised last August.

Mr Photios' decision also follows the ascension of leading moderate Gladys Berejiklian to the premiership of NSW last month.

Talkback radio king Alan Jones was among those who said Ms Berejiklian was too close to the party's behind-the-scenes operators, including Mr Photios.

In 2013 Mr Photios resigned from the ruling NSW Liberal state executive after then premier Barry O'Farrell passed an edict banning party officials from lobbying members of his government.

Mr Photios' role as the leader of the moderates will instead be assumed jointly by newly appointed Better Regulation Minister Matt Kean and Trent Zimmerman, the federal MP who won the right to succeed Joe Hockey in his northern Sydney seat.

The moderates, beaten into submission by the party's hard right last decade, have come to assume greater and greater supremacy within the Liberal Party and the largest single share of the votes on its ruling state executive.

"He's been the most successful chairman we've seen since the Greiner years," one senior moderate member said. "It will leave a huge hole."

Another source queried whether the faction's new leadership would be able to keep centrist and left-wing members recruited under Mr Photios together in one faction.

Mr Photios resigned from the NSW parliament after more than a decade in 1999. He served as Minister for Ethnic Affairs and Multiculturalism in the Fahey government.

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Michael Photios resigns as the leader of NSW Liberal's dominant left faction - The Sydney Morning Herald

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Liberal International writes EU to seek help for De Lima – ABS-CBN News

Posted: at 3:49 pm

Senator Leila De Lima waves from a police van after appearing at a Muntinlupa court on drug charges in Muntinlupa, Metro Manila. Erik de Castro, Reuters

MANILA - The president of an international federation of liberal political parties has joined the fray in defending the cause of embattled Senator Leila de Lima, writing to the leadership of the European Union (EU) in the lawmakers behalf.

In a statement issued earlier this week, Liberal International (LI) extended its support to the Liberal Party of the Philippines (LPP), and said it is deeply concerned about De Limas arrest, as well as the deteriorating human rights situation in general.

The Philippines, under the leadership of President Rodrigo Duterte is turning rapidly into an illiberal state, where there is no respect for the law whatsoever. I have asked written questions to HRVP (High Representative/Vice-President) [Federica] Mogherini in order to see what action the EU can take, said Hans Van Baalen, LIs president of honor.

Markus Leoning, the chair of LIs human rights committee meanwhile said that Duterte should respect and defend Philippine laws, as well as the rights of his people.

He stressed that liberals across the world call for De Limas immediate release, especially as she is viewed as a highly respected human rights activist fighting against corruption and the rule of law.

The Philippines Liberal Party has condemned the arrest of De Lima as the result of a political vendetta, and has no place in the justice system that upholds the rule of law.

The lawmaker was detained at the Philippine National Polices custodial center in Camp Crame. On Friday, she was presented to the Muntinlupa Regional Trial Court Branch 204 after her arrest.

Commission on Human Rights chair Chito Gascon described her as "in high spirits" despite her incarceration.

Liberal International was founded in 1947, and stands for free and fair elections, social justice, tolerance, and free trade, among others.

On Thursday, Duterte's chief legal counsel Salvador Panelo said karma was only catching up with the former justice chief. Duterte's allies believe the Aquino administration resorted to political persecution.

Panelo said De Lima's impending arrest was different from the time when the then-justice chief effected the arrest of former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo in 2011. A Pasay City Regional Trial Court (RTC) judge issued the arrest warrant against Arroyo after she was charged with electoral sabotage by the Commission Elections (Comelec).

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Liberal International writes EU to seek help for De Lima - ABS-CBN News

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Researchers Say 80% Of Self-Proclaimed ‘Psychics’ Are Liberal – Daily Caller

Posted: at 3:49 pm


Roughly80 percent of practicing witches and psychics are politically liberal with 55 percent being strongly liberal, according to a new survey published Thursday.

This Politics of the Paranormal survey polled 1,756attendees at UFO and paranormal conferencesin the U.S. and found that the biggest group of conspiracy theorists were left wing. The seven-month survey asked attendees to identify aseither conservative, strongly conservative, liberal, strongly liberal, or none of the above

Nearly 40 percent of those surveyed self-identified as strongly liberal and a little under 10 percent being liberal. However, the conspiracy theory community is heavily polarized, as roughly 33 percent are strongly conservative and another 8 percent are conservative with roughly 10 percent identifying as neither.

The only major group of conspiracy theorist represented who were conservative were Bigfoot Hunters. The most politically non-aligned group at the conferences was UFO aficionados, 30 percent of whom had no strong political preferences.

Researchers behind the survey admit they were surprised by these results.

Conspiracy kooks were commonly believed to lean right politically, states a summary of the research in Journal of the Bizarre. Yet, when you stop to think about the most popular conspiracies of our time, from the JFK assassination to the 9/11 conspiracy, these conspiracies were championed by liberals.

Liberals arent the only people to believe in psychics however

A Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) data dump contained 1,864 instances in which the agencyseriously investigated psychic phenomena, including the use of psychics by law enforcement, research with the Pentagon, using psychics to spy on the Soviet Union and attempts to debunk scientists skeptical of psychic powers.

CIA scientists even tested celebrity psychic Uri Geller in 1973, but the agencys research intopsychic powers does a lot more to prove its shoddy research methods than it does to demonstrate the actual existence of psychic phenomena

The CIAs scientific investigation of psychic power likelyindicate that any science that heavily relies on statistics may have a powerful placebo effect. Researchers are able to remember the hits and forget the misses simply by repeating testing until it produces experimental evidence that meets typical scientific standards for statistics purely by chance.

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FARAGE: I ‘Lived Like Virtual Prisoner’ Due to ‘Liberal Media’ ‘Demonisation’ – Breitbart News

Posted: at 3:49 pm


Appearing on ITVs Piers Morgans Life Stories, he was asked about David Silvester, a former UKIP councillor who said the 2013 flooding was Gods punishment for gay marriage. This was a deliberate media campaign to make UKIP out to be something that it wasnt, explained Mr. Farage.


Mr. Silverster had been a councillor for the Conservatives before defecting to UKIP, during which time he has said similar things without them ever being reported. Mr. Farage continued:

It is because of these irrelevant people, who held no position, they happened to join an organisation, and because of these irrelevant people, being demonised by liberal media.

Ive had to live years, frankly, of being frightened of walking out into the street all because the media picked out these people. And because these people attempted to demonise me and give me a bad name, Farage said.

And youre surprised three years on, when I have to live like a virtual prisoner, that Im not happy about it? Will I ever forgive the British media for what theyve done to me? No.

Mr. Farage said UKIPs aim was to advance common-sense policies in which people would struggle to find anything racist.

He was also questioned on former UKIP Member of the European Parliament, Godfrey Bloom, who was recorded using the phrase Bongo Bongo Land. Mr Farage said the wording was wrong, but Mr. Blooms wider point was correct.

Was he right about us sending foreign aid to corrupt regimes all over the world when we could spend it better at home? Of course he was right, he said.

When Mr. Morgan asked about rumours he could move to the U.S., Mr. Farage said he wouldnt consider going anywhere until he is certain Brexit would be implemented fully.

Asked if he would ever consider running for Prime Minister, Mr. Farage added: If this political class let us down on Brexit, then anything can happen.

Ive got to see the Brexit process through, we won the war but we must win the peace. Ill see out my time in the European Parliament, so Ill be there until 2019, he added.

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FARAGE: I 'Lived Like Virtual Prisoner' Due to 'Liberal Media' 'Demonisation' - Breitbart News

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Expect the unexpected with upcoming budget, appropriations cycle, experts say –

Posted: at 3:48 pm

Theres one thing budget experts can predict with confidence: This budget cycle and the next will be unlike any agencies and contractors have seen in the past.

President Donald Trump is expected to submit his fiscal 2018 budget to Congress in mid-March. The continuing resolution that lawmakers passed last yearexpires Apr. 28.Congress must still agree on a funding solution for the remainder of fiscal 2017. Meanwhile, Trump has indicated his desire to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act and implement a major overhaul to the tax code.

These circumstances, and the personalities behind these crucial budgetary decisions, could set up an unprecedented budgetary climate for agencies and contractors.

What impact will the Trump administration have on feds? Read the latest in our First 100 Days section.

Things that we thought were slam dunks are not,Stan Collender, budget expert and executive vice president of Qorvis MSLGROUP, said during a Feb. 24 Professional Services Council discussion.

This puts newly confirmed Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney, a former member of the House Freedom Caucuswho has expressed his opposition against raising the defense spending caps, in a tricky position.

Hell either be the most influential member of Trumps cabinet or the first one out the door, Collender said.

The President has expressed his desire to boost military spending and raise defense spending caps, but Democrats have consistently said they wont budge without an increase to the domestic spending caps.

The administration isfacing the situation where they want to spend more on military programs but probably wont be able to do it through the caps, Collender said.

The Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) fund could once again be an option for the administration. ButMulvaney has called the OCO account a slush fund in the past and was one of four co-sponsors of an amendment to the 2017 Defense authorization bill that would have reined in its use for non-wartime spending.

Onescenario is that Congress could appropriate agency funding past the spending caps, which in theory would trigger sequestration, Collender said.

But the President couldask OMB not to issue sequestration guidance, he added.

The sequester isnt automatic, said David Berteau, CEO of the Professional Services Council. OMB has to actually issue guidance to sequester, a direction to sequester. Without that order, there is no sequestration.

Government shutdowns andcliffhangers over the debt ceiling, which will likelybe suspended by March 15, may be a possibility.

They cannot be dismissed outright just because one party is in control of the White House and both houses of Congress, Collender said of either option.

Both Berteau and Collender said they could ultimately see four years of continuing resolutions or omnibus packages, whichRepublicans may use to pass other policy priorities.

If you put it in one big bill its tough for members to vote against, because there will be something in there that they either cant do without or have to be in there.

Time is another factor, since its unlikely committees will have enough time to resolve full appropriations packages with the congressional schedule, which has most lawmakers on recess for two weeks in April.

Itsnot hard to see a scenario where you get to April 28th and you say, Oh, we just need another week here, so we get a one-week CR, Berteau said. And then you get to the next week, and you get another one-week CR. If you look at government contracting behavior, theyre already spending as if its a CR, and what that means is, dont spend all your money yet because youre not sure what youre going to get in the subsequent CR.

But in a changing environment Collender said the contracting community should tweak its operating principle and the strategy companies use to market them to the public.

You have to get a reputation as not just somebody who herds money from the government but provides value to the government, that the contracts you get, the work youre doing, actually improves the bottom-line, he said.

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Trump’s Volatility, Protectionism Makes Him a Poor Bet for Investors – Newsweek

Posted: at 3:48 pm

This article originally appeared on the Motley Fool.

A number of very good investors have started to share their concerns about the interplay between politics and the stock market.

One such investor is Ray Dalio, the chairman and CEO of Bridgewater Associates, the world's largest hedge fund.

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Dalio originally thought that the new presidential administration's pro-business tilt would outweigh any downside from its populist policies, such as a border adjustment tax that could weigh on global growth. But now he's not so sure.

"We are now in a period of time when how this balance tilts will be more important to the economy, markets, and our well-beings than normally dominant drivers such as central bank policies," Dalio wrote in a recent note to clients.

Another high-profile investor who has waded into this space is Seth Klarman, the founder and CEO of Baupost Group, a hedge fund with $30 billion in assets under management.

Klarman is the "most successful and influential investor you have probably never heard of,"wroteAndrew Ross Sorkin in a recent piece on the 59-year-old billionaire. Klarman's writings are so coveted on Wall Street, Sorkin goes on to point out, that a used copy of his book from several decades ago starts at nearly $800 on Amazon.

Klarman is alsoneither prone to hyperbole nor someone who seeks out the spotlight. This is why his latest letter to the investors in his fund has attracted so much attention.

He claims in the letter that stock valuations are "perilously high," thanks to the surge in the market following the presidential election. "Exuberant investors have focused on the potential benefits of stimulative tax cuts, while mostly ignoring the risks from America-first protectionism and the erection of new trade barriers," Klarman notes.

U.S. President Donald Trump is interviewed by Reuters in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington, February 23. Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

"The big picture for investors is this: Trump is high volatility, and investors generally abhor volatility and shun uncertainty," says Klarman. "Not only is Trump shockingly unpredictable, he's apparently deliberately so; he says it's part of his plan."

Now, let's be clear: Even though Klarman is among the world's greatest investors, he doesn't have a monopoly on predicting the future. He has, after all, lost money in three out of the past 34 years. That's a pretty darn good record, but it isn't perfect.

That being said, as one surveys the current landscape, it's hard to find fault with Klarman's and Dalio's assessments.

What's critical to appreciate right now is that stocks soared in the wake of the presidential election on the expectation that Trump's team would be able to push through corporate tax cuts, deregulate a wide swath of industries, and stimulate the economy with a $1 trillion infrastructure plan.

The problem now, however, is that these expectations are starting to run into reality, which could cause expectations to deflate as rapidly as they've inflated over the past few months.

Let's start with the infrastructure plan. This is exactly what the United States needs right now. It would not only help to modernize bridges, dams, roads, and airports, but it would also spur the economy.But the catch is that investing $1 trillion into infrastructure would only benefit the economy if we borrowed to do so. This is the essence of Keynesianism.

The issue for Trump will be getting Republicans on board with this. Most importantly, he will need to get the House Freedom Caucus and other fiscal conservatives to agree to a plan that would meaningfully ratchet up the federal debt, which seems unlikely.

Just this past week, Republican representatives said that any conversation about infrastructure spending, including on a border wall with Mexico, must be offset by spending cuts elsewhere. Aside from the challenge of finding other places to cut spending, this would neutralize the stimulative effect of deficit financing.

And while Democrats originally appeared willing to support a bipartisan deficit-financed infrastructure plan, the window of opportunity for the parties to agree on anything of this sort appears to be rapidly closing.

On top of this, it doesn't seem unreasonable to suspect that consumer and investor sentiment, which shot up following the election, could falter if the unease and uncertainty filtering out of Washington, D.C., doesn't abate. And the same thing could happen to business investment, a critical component of economic growth.

It's this "exceptional uncertainty" that led Dalio to recommend against making concentrated illiquid bets in favor of owning easy-to-sell assets.

Just to reiterate, neither Klarman nor Dalio can see the future any better than you or I can. At the same time, their opinions are worth considering -- after all, they are among the most successful stock market operators of the past half century.

It's for these reasons, then, coupled with my own observations and feelings toward the towering heights of the stock market, that have led me to believe that cash will be king in 2017.

There's a limit to how much higher stocks can go, with the market already at a historic high. And if expectations begin to falter, causing stocks to respond in kind, you'll want to have cash on hand to take advantage of any values that might emerge from a correction.

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Another way to measure retirement readiness: Your ‘Power Percentage’ – USA TODAY

Posted: at 3:48 pm

Peter Dunn, Special for USA TODAY 7:02 a.m. ET Feb. 25, 2017

Once youve established your Power Percentage, your goal becomes to increase it every single year until the day you retire.(Photo: iStockphoto)

If I were to approach you on the street and ask you how your financial life was going, on what basis would you answer the randomly invasive question?

You can spin your wheels for years and then eventually wander around aimlessly, ifyou use the wrong metric to evaluate your financial standing. Its a sneaky problem that doesnt feel like a problem. You may think youre doing great, but youre only doing great by an inadequate metric.

My dog racked-up a $760 vet bill yesterday, so not so great, a sullen man in his late twenties answered my question earlier in the year. Hes yet another person who chooses to answer the query based on mood and stress derived from current financial events. While tapping your mood to explore your solvency might seem prudent, its way too emotional and subjective to actually matter.

I have an 820 point credit score, one lady answered. Yippee, youre good at borrowing money. Measuring your financial life based on your credit score is as ridiculous as it isself-defeating. Imagine going to the retirement office (there is no retirement office) when youre 65 years old and exclaiming I have an 820-point credit score, now lets get started with retirement. You cant borrow income for a multi-decade retirement. Your credit score, although referenced for auto and home insurance premium rates, becomes increasingly unimportant as you get older.

My wife and I have a household income of $600,000, a man offered to me in an airport. Unless these people were creating independence from this income by saving it, this income will create a monumental level of dependency and make retirement very difficult. A high income is not indicative of much, when it comes to financial health. Its like buying bulk kale. Who cares, unless youre actually eating it.

We have $30,000 in savings, a very nice lady offers with a smile. Awesome. Howd it get there? Money saved is generally a measure of past circumstance or behavior. Unless she was still actively saving, the savings itself doesnt mean much.

Clearly, it appears Im difficult to please. But Im not. I simply refuse to let people lie to themselves about their financial reality. This is precisely why I created my own metric Power Percentage. It measures what youre doing now to improve your financial life, and how close you are to creating financial independence. Power Percentage also happens to sniff-out lifestyle creep, evaluate your mortgage strategy, and recognizes debt elimination.

Begin by adding up the following monthly activities:retirement plan deposit, employer match, college fund deposits, savings deposits (which wont be immediately spent on vacations, holidays, etc.), other investment deposits, HSA contributions (which you dont have immediate plans to use), mortgage principal payment (not interest, property taxes, or insurance), medical debt payments, credit-card payments (from cards which youre currently not using), student loan payments (above and beyond interest-only payments), and any otherdebt in which you are making consistent money payments (except car payments).

Once you add all of those healthy financial activities up, divide by your gross (pre-tax) monthly income. For example, if you add-up all your monthly activity and arrive at $1,500, and your gross monthly income is $5,000, then your Power Percentage is 30% ($1,500 / $5,000 = .30).

(Photo: Provided)

The Power Percentage scale is as follows. Less than10%,and youre in big trouble. Youre way too dependent on your income. Relief is not on thehorizon,because youre not doing anything about it. You are consuming your entire income while not saving money and not paying on debts. If your Power Percentage is between 11% and 20%, youre doing okay, but your Power Percentage has a long way to go prior to retirement. A Power Percentage of 21% to 34% indicates youre living a healthy financial lifestyle. And finally, a Power Percentage of 35% or higher proves to you that youre well on your way to mastering your financial life.

Once youve established your Power Percentage, your goal becomes to increase it every single year until the day you retire.For a complete explanation and exploration of Power Percentage, listen to Episode 120 of my podcast,The Million Dollar Plan.

No matter your income, your assets, your credit score, or your mood, if your Power Percentage isnt healthy, neither are you.

Its worth noting thatusing Power Percentage to measure your financial health is only applicable to those who earn a living wage or higher. Its completely unrealistic and inappropriate to measure your financial health based on a path to income independence when earning below living wage.


Investing choices often narrowed by plan's time horizon

Remedies for worrying about money can lead to more worries

Emergency funds are for emergencies, not a vacation

Peter Dunnis an author, speaker and radio host, and he has a free podcast: Million Dollar Plan. Have a question about money for Pete thePlanner? Email him

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Another way to measure retirement readiness: Your 'Power Percentage' - USA TODAY

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Carol tows Pacific Oceania to finals – Saipan Tribune

Posted: at 3:46 pm

The CNMIs Carol Lee towed Pacific Oceania to the finals of the 2017 Junior Fed Cup Asia Oceania Pre-Qualifying Zone after another dominating performance in the Singles 1 event yesterday at the R.K Khanna Tennis Stadium in New Delhi, India

Lee clobbered Singapores Joelle Goh, 6-0, 6-0, dispatching her foe in just 45 minutes to seal the semis victory for Pacific Oceania. Earlier in the Singles 2 match, Tahitis Naia Guitton rallied past Tammy Tan, 4-6, 6-2, 6-2.

With Pacific Oceanias sweep of the two singles contests, the lone doubles match became no-bearing. Lee was scheduled to partner with Samoas Eleanor Schuster in the doubles, but results of their match against Tan and Tessa Wong have yet to be posted at the events website as of press time.

Today, Lee and company will play in the finals against the winner of the other semis game between Pool B top finisher Sri Lanka and Pool A runner-up Vietnam. Thuy Thanh Truc Tran gave Vietnam a 1-0 lead in the semis after working out a 4-6, 7-5, 6-3 triumph over Savini Jayasuriya in the Singles 2. In the other singles match, Ngoc Minh Phuong Nguyen was slated to duel Anila Seneviratne and the former and Tran were also assigned to compete in the doubles against Senevirante and Sathi Siyara Silva Mirisssage yesterday.

Regardless of the results of Lee and her teammates games in the championship play, Pacific Oceania is already assured of a slot to the 2017 Junior Fed Cup Asia Oceania Final Qualifying Zone, which will also be played in India in April. Pacific Oceania and the winner of the Vietnam-Sri Lanka tussle will join New Zealand, Australia, and 12 other countries from Asia in the final qualifier.

Going into the finals, Lee has yet to drop a single set with four of her five wins recorded in less than an hour. The singles triumph against Goh was her second shutout victory, as she earlier blanked the Philippines Gennifer Lysandra Pagente in pool play. Pacific Oceania swept the pool play, crushing the Philippines, Tajikistan, and Vietnam to move into the semifinals.

Meanwhile, the CNMIs Robbie Schorr earned his first victory in the Junior Davis Cup.

Schorr whipped Tajikistans Khushbakht Karimov, 6-0, 6-0. The Commonwealth junior player wrapped up the one-sided match after only 30 minutes to secure the victory for Pacific Oceania in the consolation round that would determine the No. 9 to 14 finishers in the pre-qualifier. In the earlier singles game, Vanuatus Clement Mainguy topped Issamjon Sharifov, 6-0, 6-4. The doubles game in the Pacific Oceania-Tajikistan match was not played.

With the victory, Schorr and company advanced against Sri Lanka.

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Carol tows Pacific Oceania to finals - Saipan Tribune

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Macquarie books fundies for Oceania Healthcare non deal roadshow – The Australian Financial Review

Posted: at 3:46 pm

Macquarie Capital is lining up fund managers for another potential aged care listing.

As Street Talk first reported on Thursday, the broker is booking fundies to meet New Zealand's Oceania Healthcare for a non-deal roadshow starting next Friday.

Oceania is owned by Macquarie's infrastructure arm MIRA and is exploring options for an initial public offering including a listing on the ASX.

It's expected to tell fund managers that the company's earnings were worth $NZ47 million in the 2016 financial year, which was up from $NZ29 million a year earlier.

Oceania is expected to be pitched as a growing aged care sector play, with the company requiring capital to fund its brownfield development pipeline of about 1000 units.

Management is expected to front Kiwi fundies late next week, before travelling to Australia.

Oceania is one of New Zealand's largest owners and operators of retirement villages, with 49 locations and 25 villages.

Fund managers are expected to compare it to the already listed Summerset Group Holdings, which has a $1.04 billion market capitalisation and investors including Cooper Investors and Harbour Asset Management.

There are a few differences between Kiwi operators and Australian aged care companies. The key one is that New Zealand's do not have liabilities associated with accommodation bonds, as is common practice in Australia.

The investor meetings come as Oceania's owner MIRA assess floating the company. A decision whether to push ahead with a deal is expected in the coming months.

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