Monthly Archives: February 2017

15 nabbed Chinese nationals face illegal gambling raps –

Posted: February 28, 2017 at 6:46 am

Arrested Chinese nationals to undergo inquest proceeding at DOJ for violation of the Cybercrime Law. TETCH TORRES-TUPAS/

The police on Tuesday filed before the Department of Justice (DOJ) criminal cases against 15 Chinese nationals arrested in an illegal online gambling den in Pasig City the other night.

A complaint for violation of Presidential Decree 1602 or Illegal Gambling and violation of the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 have been filed against the suspects identified as Wu Haotao, Hu Ha, Li Jing, Fei Yang, Guo Ming Jie, Jiang Peng, Lin Peng, Li Jian, Zhang Xian Jie, Guo Han, Wei Xue Ling, Xu Zhixia, Shi Yun, Gao Zi Zhuang and Lian Ling Fang.

The complaint filed by the PNP-Anti Cybercrime Group will be handled by Assistant State Prosecutor Jeannette Dacpano.

They were arrested at YD International Incorporated in Pasig City.

The raiding team seized computers, mobile phones, tablets, Chinese ATM cards, passports and identification cards from the suspects inside the office owned by Jonah Tee and Mica Wang.

Police said YD had no permit to operate and the Chinese nationals only have tourist visas. JE

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Gambling addict jailed after stealing $330,000 from golf club – The Age – The Age

Posted: at 6:46 am

A golf club couldn't afford to maintain its greens and began to lose members after a would-be accountant stole more than $330,000 in bar takings and membershipfees.

Aspendale's Rossdale Golf Club was forced to sell part of its land to stay afloat after Sharon Breyiannis stole the money to feed her gambling addiction.

Breyiannis was on Tuesday jailed for three years and four months after admitting to the theft.

It was Breyiannis' job to deposit membership fees and takings from the bar and pro shop into the club's account, but she instead either kept the cash and manipulated an accounting system or diverted money into her own account to fund her pokies addiction.

County Court judge Graeme Hicks said the thefts had a "snowball" effect on the golf club.The condition of the course deteriorated because the club could not afford to maintain it, which in turn drove members away, the court heard.

The thefts also caused great stress for those who ran the club, given the financial problems and declining membership.

Judge Hicks delayed sentencing on Tuesday after he was told Breyiannis had failed to begin paying back the $331,855 she stole by agreeing to relinquish her share of the mortgage of her family home.

After an adjournment, the court heard she would no longer resist an application by prosecutors to claim back the money. Judge Hicks ordered the club be repaid the money, although it was unclear when this would happen.

Breyiannis quit her job in 2011, when the club's auditors discovered financial irregularities, was arrested at the start of 2014 and finally pleaded guilty to three representative charges of theft.

Judge Hicks said the mother of two adult sons began working at Rossdale in 2002 as a receptionist but was promoted to lookafter finances when other staff left, but often felt overwhelmed and stressed in her role. She gambledheavily to cope, the court heard.

Judge Hicks said Breyiannis' offending was serious given it was hard to detect and often committed by people in positions of responsibility. Deterring others from similar offending was important, he said.

But he acknowledged Breyiannis' guilty pleas, remorse and excellent prospects for rehabilitation.

She must spend two years in jail before she is eligible for parole.

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Gambling addict jailed after stealing $330,000 from golf club - The Age - The Age

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Euthanasia and Alzheimer’s: Canada takes a step in the wrong direction – MercatorNet

Posted: at 6:46 am

Euthanasia and Alzheimer's: Canada takes a step in the wrong direction
The euthanasia machine has once again become activated, following the compassionate murder of a woman with advanced stage Alzheimer's. Although the details are not yet known, it appears that her exhausted spouse may have cracked. The despair ...

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Euthanasia and Alzheimer's: Canada takes a step in the wrong direction - MercatorNet

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Italy: tetraplegic DJ stirs up euthanasia debate by assisted suicide in Switzerland – euronews

Posted: at 6:46 am

An Italian DJ who was left blind and tetraplegic following a car crash, has died by assisted suicide in Switzerland, as politicians in Rome delayed talks on a living will law for a third time.

Thirty-nine-year-old Fabiano Antoniani sustained the injuries in 2014.

Right-to-die activist and former MEP Marco Cappato accompanied him to the Swiss clinic.

He tweeted: Fabo died at 11.40. He chose to go by the rules of a country that is not his.

In a later statement, Cappato told the press: On Monday morning (February 27), after a second medical examination, he confirmed his wish to die. He then used his mouth one of the few movements he was able to perform by himself to activate the substance that would send him to sleep within minutes then, without suffering, he died.

Cappato could face five to 12 years in prison if found guilty of helping Antoniani to commit suicide.

In Italy, euthanasia is illegal. However, patients do have the right to refuse care, which has led to several contradicting cases.

Antoniani, known as DJ Fabo, had appealed to President Sergio Mattarella for the right to die and, shortly before his death, criticised Italy for failing to pass laws on end-of-life issues.

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Italy: tetraplegic DJ stirs up euthanasia debate by assisted suicide in Switzerland - euronews

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Choice is an Illusion President Margaret Dore States Hawaii … – EconoTimes

Posted: at 6:46 am

Choice is an Illusion President Margaret Dore States Hawaii Assisted Suicide/Euthanasia Act Must Be Rejected

HONOLULU, Feb. 27, 2017 -- Attorney Margaret Dore, president of Choice is an Illusion, which is fighting assisted suicide and euthanasia legalization efforts throughout the United States, made the following statement in connection with an assisted suicide/euthanasia bill set for hearing tomorrow in the Hawaii State Senate Committee on Judiciary and Labor. The bill is SB 1129 S.D. 1.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

The bill seeks to pass a proposed act legalizing assisted suicide and allowing euthanasia, said Dore. If enacted, the act will apply to people with years or decades to live. The act is a recipe for elder abuse, especially for people with money, meaning the middle class and above in the inheritance situation.

Dore said, "The proposed act allows the patient's heir, who will financially benefit from the patient's death, to actively participate in requesting the lethal dose. After that, no doctor, not even a witness, is required to be present at the death. Even if the patient struggled, who would know?"

"But, it gets worse," said Dore, "the death certificate is required to list a terminal disease as the cause of death, which prevents prosecution." Dore explained, "The official cause of death is a terminal disease (not murder) as a matter of law. For inheritance perpetrators, the death certificate is a 'stay out of jail free card.'

Dore stated, If enacted, the proposed act will legalize assisted suicide and euthanasia for people who are 'terminal,' which is defined as a doctor's prediction of less than six months to live. In real life, such persons may have years or decades to live."

"Doctors can be wrong about life expectancy, sometimes way wrong," said Dore. "This is due to mistakes and the fact that predicting life expectancy is not an exact science. A few years ago, I was met at the airport by a man who at age 18 or 19 had been diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) and given 3 to 5 years to live, at which time he would die by paralysis. His diagnosis had been confirmed by the Mayo Clinic. When he met me at the airport, he was 74 years old. The disease progression had stopped on its own."

Dore stated, The proposed act is based on a similar law in Oregon. In Oregon, a young adult with insulin dependent diabetes is terminal because the six months to live is determined without treatment. A typical insulin dependent adult will live less than a month without insulin. Such persons are therefore terminal for the purpose of assisted suicide.

Dore added, By contrast, with insulin, such persons may have decades to years or decades to live.

Dore concluded, The proposed act will create the perfect crime and encourage people with years or decades to live to throw away their lives. The act must be rejected.

For more information, see Dore Memo Opposing SB 1129 SD1, which can be viewed at these links: memoand appendix.

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Choice is an Illusion President Margaret Dore States Hawaii ... - EconoTimes

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Minnesota Euthanasia Advocates Introduce Legislation to Legalize … –

Posted: at 6:46 am

The lives of elderly and severely ill persons and people with disabilities would be threatened under a proposal to legalize assisted suicide introduced in the Minnesota Senate today. Because of the broad dangers of assisted suicide, the bill is strongly opposed by Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life (MCCL), the states oldest and largest pro-life organization.

S.F. 1572 would overturn the states longstanding prohibition against assisted suicide. A similar bill was introduced in 2015 and never received a vote.

Our law against assisted suicide has protected vulnerable people for many years, said MCCL Legislative Associate Andrea Rau. Minnesotans recognize that persons seeking help to kill themselves need immediate care, including medical and mental health carenot assisted suicide.

By legalizing assisted suicide, this bill would open the door to new kinds of pressure and coercion. In Oregon, which pioneered legal assisted suicide, 40 percent of assisted suicide victims have expressed concern about being a burden on family and friends, according to the Oregon Public Health Division. S.F. 1572 does not require the prescribing physician to even be present when the lethal dose is administered, and no witnesses to the death are required. No one would know if the person died against his or her will.

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If assisted suicide is legalized, it becomes the least expensive treatment. Public and private insurers may have a financial incentive to steer patients toward assisted suicide rather than life-extending treatment. This has already happened to some patients in Oregon, where some patients have been denied life-extending treatment by health care providers, and instead offered coverage of life-ending medication.

The Senate bill relies on a terminal diagnosis, but such diagnoses are sometimes wrong. Legalizing assisted suicide encourages patients who would live for weeks, months, years or even decades to throw their lives away.

The broad dangers of legalizing assisted suicide must not be ignored, Rau added. The bill introduced today poses serious risks for Minnesotans. MCCL urges legislators to oppose this measure. Note: Bill Poehler is the communications director for Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life.

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45 Rescued Cats and Dogs Are Facing Euthanasia But One Woman is Fighting to Build Them Shelter – One Green Planet

Posted: at 6:46 am

Take a walk through pretty much any city in Bulgaria and you will spot at least one homeless animal wandering the streets in search of food. Plovdiv is one city that stands out for its large stray animal population. Dogs and cats flood the streets of this city and while most citizens turn a blind eye to the suffering and hardships of these animals, there is one woman who does not.

Desislava Stoyanova has spent the last 12 years rescuing animals from the streets of Plovdiv, her hometown. Through adoption and fostering, Desislava has given hundreds of animals a second chance at life.

Desislavas love for animals extends far beyond just talk.Desislava shares, My story with animals, started a long time ago. I live in a rough part of the city of Plovdiv, Bulgaria and the cruelty for animals there was daily. I cried a lot, but then realized that I needed to act too! She continues, I remember, I was about 19 years old, at Uni, and had just met my boyfriend (now husband). None of us had lots of money, but we gave them all for dogs and cats food and for visits to the vets. And we did not regret this even for a second! We grew up together, surrounded by the love of the beautiful babies we picked up from the streets, and we couldnt have had it any other way! Now, we have a beautiful baby boy and he will grow up knowing how to cherish all animals and help those in need, animals, and humans!

She takes in animals that many others have deemed unsavable and done her absolute best to ensure that even the most tragic cases get the care they deserve. Oftentimes, she fits the veterinary bills for the animals recovery all on her own because, to her, giving up on a life is simply not an option.

To help care for the hundreds of animals who have entered her life, Desislava set up theSave Me Facebook pagewhere she calls on followers for either donations or help finding a good home for some of her charges. Through her page and the support she has received from it, Desislava has managed to rent a foster home in a nearby village to house some of the cats and dogs that need help.

Currently, 24 dogs and 20 cats are residing there but tragically, this could all change due to a complaint from her neighbors. According to Desislava, the local council has given until the end of April 2017 for her to remove all the animals from the property. If she fails to do so, the animals will be confiscated and likely euthanized.

As dire as this situation is, Desislava has no time to sit around moping. In fact, shes already sprung into action by purchasing an old run down building in a nearby village for the sake of housing the 40 animals in need of a new home. The trouble is, the building is in need of major renovations. Fencing, furniture, and building materials are all needed to make this building suitable for the soon-to-be homeless animals. However, in order to make these modifications to the building, Desislava is desperate need of funds.

However, in order to make these modifications to the building, Desislava is desperate need of funds.So far, she estimates that the total cost of renovation will come out to $8,000, but in this new space, she will be able to provide a safe home for many more animals than she currently has in her care.

In addition to making appeals on the Save Me Facebook page, Desislava has launched a GoFundMe campaign. Together, we can help give a new home to the nearly 50 animals in her care and ensure that many more will also get the winning chance they deserve.

As they say, it takes nothing away from a person to be kind to an animal, and in the case of this amazing woman many, many animals are lucky enough to receive that kindness.

Click here to read more about Desislavas project and make a donation.

All image source: Desislava Stoyanova

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45 Rescued Cats and Dogs Are Facing Euthanasia But One Woman is Fighting to Build Them Shelter - One Green Planet

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Jewish community rallies against anti- Semitic attacks – San Diego Jewish World

Posted: at 6:45 am

Posted on 27 February 2017.

By Donald H. Harrison

Donald H. Harrison

SAN DIEGO In the wake of a fifth wave of bomb threat hoaxes against Jewish Community Centers throughout the nation, as well as the desecration of Jewish cemeteries in Missouri and Pennsylvania, the Jewish community is mobilizing its defenses.

In New York, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) called upon Jewish institutions to review written material issued by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and by the ADL itself concerning how to deal with bomb threats and other security issues.

Twenty JCCs in 12 states were threatened with bombings on Monday, bringing to at least 90 the number of bomb threats made against Jewish institutions since the beginning of 2017, according to the ADL.

We are taking this very seriously and will continue to work intimately with federal and local law enforcement in addition to our community partners across the country as they cope during this difficult time, commented Jonathan Greenblatt, ADLs CEO. Unfortunately, bomb threats are not the only manifestation of anti-Semitism in recent weeks as we have seen Jewish cemetery desecrations strike St. Louis and Philadelphia.

The National Museum of American Jewish History in Philadelphia announced Monday a new project to preserve the histories of people who are buried in Mt. Carmel Cemetery in Philadelphia and Chesed Shel Emeth Cemetery in metropolitan St. Louis.

The Museum is asking those who have friends or loved ones interred (there) to share a picture of their loved one (ond/ or the headstone if available) and a personal sory of up to 150 words by posting on or emailing [emailprotected] . Ivy Barksy, the museums CEO and Gwen Goodman, director, commented: We would like those who did this to understand that these are not victimless crimes. The individuals buried at Mount Carmel were human beings with names, stories, and families. They contributed to the world while they were here and continue to do so through the loved ones they left behind. We honor their memories.

U.S. Rep. Nita Lowey (D-New York), whose congressional district includes the Jewish Community Center on the Hudson in Tarrytown, issued the following statement:

Today, a bomb threat was made against the Jewish Community Center on the Hudson in Tarrytown. My office has been in contact with local police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to offer all necessary support to the ongoing investigation and to bring the criminals responsible for this horrifying act of terrorism to justice. We will not allow hatred, bigotry, or anti-Semitic violence to terrorize our families or our community.

In Washington, it was announced that the wave of anti-Semitism will be an agenda item when the new national Latino-Jewish Leadership Council (LJLC) convenes its first meeting on March 1.

When the very ethos of American pluralism has been challenged by some, when hate crimes have increased, and when entire communities have been stigmatized, creation of this Council reinforces the importance of our shared destiny, and the strength and resilience of our nation derives from its diversity, said Dina Siegel Vann, director of the American Jewish Committees Belfer Institute for Latino and Latin American Affairs.

Ronald Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress, called the desecration of the Philadelphia cemetery a despicable and cowardly act of hatred and urged local authorities and citizens to be vigilant against all signs of anti-Semitism.

This is an attack not just on the Jewish community but on the very values of liberty and fraternity that America stands for, Lauder said. All Americans must treat these acts with utmost severity and know that when hatred rears its ugly had anyone can be a target.

* Harrison is editor ofSan Diego Jewish World. He may be contacted via [emailprotected]

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Libertarian View: The immigration enforcement police state is here –

Posted: at 6:44 am

By Thomas L. Knapp

Feb. 7: Muhammad Ali Jr., returning to the U.S. from a speaking engagement in Jamaica, is detained for two hours at Florida's Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport and questioned about his name and religious beliefs.

Feb. 22: Passengers disembarking from a domestic (San Francisco to New York) flight at JFK airport are held up by U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents demanding their IDs.

Feb. 24: Jeffrey Tucker of the Foundation for Economic Education clears the usual security checks at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta Airport en route to Mexico. Then, while actually boarding the plane, he and the other passengers on the flight are stopped by U.S. Marshals demanding that they submit to retinal scans.

You're probably thinking that this is the point where I'll take a break to blame Donald Trump. It isn't. It's the point where I'll take a break to remind Americans who've been voting for politicians who promise to "secure the border" and other such authoritarian nonsense that THIS is exactly what they've been voting for.

When advocating for the libertarian position on immigration ("open borders," which also happens to have been the position Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush both took in the 1980 Republican presidential primary debates), I usually prefer to stick to the moral argument. That argument, put simply, is that where peaceful people move to, settle or work is nobody's business but theirs.

But there are practical arguments against America's increasingly draconian immigration laws too. Enforcement is expensive but, fortunately, almost certain to be ineffectual (if it worked, severe economic downturn would be the result).

The most important of the practical arguments, in my opinion, is that a police state built to persecute immigrants will necessarily persecute everyone else as well.

I've spoken with friends who traveled in the old Soviet Union and eastern Europe before the Berlin Wall came down. They see near-complete similarity between those regimes and the operations of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Customs and Border Protection and Border Patrol forces.

The difference between pre-reunification East Germany and the 100-mile wide "constitution-free zone" along the U.S.-Mexico border is the flag the agencies in question salute. Recent administrations have worked to expand that zone to cover the entire country and the Trump administration seems bent on finishing the job.

The near-total police state blossoming before our eyes is the inevitable result of America's 70-year romance with the astoundingly stupid idea that it's the government's business to monitor and control who travels, lives and works where.

America had legally open borders for its first century as a nation, and nearly so for half a century after that. It wasn't until after World War II that one even needed a passport to enter or leave the United States.

Open borders worked. Freedom worked.

The subsequent seven decades of attempts at rigorous immigration control have irrefutably established that our choice is not between open borders and closed borders, but between immigration freedom or totalitarian government. And Americans' time to stop the stampede toward the latter is running short.

Thomas L. Knapp (Twitter: @thomaslknapp) is director and senior news analyst at the William Lloyd Garrison Center for Libertarian Advocacy Journalism ( He lives and works in north central Florida.

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Apply the Golden Rule to immigrants – Statesman Journal

Posted: at 6:43 am

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For those who want to throw the law-abiding illegal immigrants out of our country, please sit down with your mama and have her teach you the Golden Rule.

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Statesman Journal 1:02 p.m. PT Feb. 27, 2017

Letter to the editor.(Photo: Stock art)

For those who want to throw the law-abiding illegal immigrants out of our country, please sit down with your mama and have her teach you the Golden Rule.

Who do you know who would work in our farm fields and harvest the food you and I eat to feed, clothe and house their family for minimum wage after they have withheld city, county, state and federal taxes and FICA from their check and then refuse to give them a drivers license? Could you do this without some form of subsistence?

After trying to feed, clothe and house their family, how could they ever afford hundreds of dollars for a green card and travel expenses to Portland or all the fees and other expenses for citizenship for them and each member of their family in order to make all of them legal citizens? Why cant these problems be resolved?

How would you like to be thrown in jail and then be deported for just trying to give your family a better life?

If our forefathers had treated our immigrating ancestors the way some of you want to treat these Mexican families, you might not be here.

Tom Gates


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