Monthly Archives: February 2017

Relics of the Ancient Past: Q&A with Author Alastair Reynolds on ‘Revenger’ –

Posted: February 28, 2017 at 7:47 pm

Two young women join a dangerous expedition combing through the rubble left behind from countless past solar system civilizations in "Revenger" (Orbit, 2017), the latest book by prolific science-fiction writer Alastair Reynolds. The book was released today (Feb. 28) in the United States.

Although Reynolds is known for his hard science fiction and space opera, "Revenger" takes on a more fantastical tone, featuring space pirate protagonists and inscrutable alien technology. talked with Reynolds about how the book developed, the constellation of tiny solar system worlds he depicted (and its inspiration) and what the future might hold for human space colonization. [Best Space Books and Sci-Fi: A Reading List] How is "Revenger" different from your other science-fiction stories?

Alastair Reynolds: "Revenger" is my 14th or 15th novel, depending on how you count them. I had written a lot of science fiction over the years that's very I suppose you could say is quite strongly grounded in semiserious speculation about physics and cosmology and engineering and space travel, because I have a background in space science. For "Revenger," I wanted to do something that was a little bit looser, that was more in the direction of science fantasy.

Alastair Reynolds, author of "Revenger," is a former space scientist and prolific science fiction writer.

It's very, very far future, it deals with a cast of characters that don't fully understand the rules that govern their universe: They have some theories, but they're not entirely sure about how some things work and why things behave the way they do. And they're living in a culture where they're human, or humanoid, but there've been many, many previous civilizations that have come and gone, and every time one of these civilizations comes and goes, they leave behind relics and technologies and artifacts that stick around for millions of years, and they can be found and reutilized by the characters in the book. But they don't always quite understand what they're using, or the dangers. It's a pick-and-mix culture that lives off the relics and detritus of past civilizations.

The technology that the humans have direct access to is never that advanced; it approaches the level of wireless sets and early radar maybe some television but it never goes beyond that. Although they're doing space exploration, it's all very perilous, because the ships are only held together by spit and prayer. How did that setting come together with the space pirate adventure story?

Reynolds: About 10 years ago, I started writing little notes to myself about a possible future project which would involve teams of explorers who have this occupation where they have a limited amount of time to break into some sort of alien structure or artifact where they have to get in quickly, get the treasure, but they're not really sure how long they've got inside before the doors shut again. It's a sort of "Indiana Jones"-type scenario where you've got to raid the tomb and then get out quickly. I thought that could be fun but I couldn't quite find the right way into the story.

And then a few years later, completely unrelated to that, I started writing notes about an adventure series that would be set in our own solar system, but so far in the future that all the planets have been dismantled and reforged into tiny little asteroids little independent worlds that have their own ecosystems and gravity, drifting around the sun in a Dyson swarm of microplanets. I thought that could be fun, because you can have millions of different cultures and civilizations, much as you would in the "Star Wars" universe, but you wouldn't need hyperdrive to get from A to B. You can just use existing space-navigation technology ion drives or solar sails because nothing would be that far apart.

But again, I didn't really do anything with it; I just had the notes festering on my computer for a few years. And then I finished a big trilogy that was very much grounded in fairly plausible speculation about near-future exoplanets and relativistic star flight and things like that. I felt like doing something different and I realized, actually, I've got two separate ideas here that I couldn't make work on their own, but if I combined them, I might have a basis for a novel. [Science Fiction Barely Ahead of Space Exploration Reality] Was writing from a more first-person perspective very different from your usual process?

Reynolds: I've done quite a few short stories over the years, and I've used various voices and viewpoints in my short fiction, but I'd never really written a novel from a first-person viewpoint, and I've never written a novel from the viewpoint of a teenage girl, either.

[It was a challenge] to tell the world from her point of view, through her eyes I tried at all points to think, Well, what would she know at this point in the story? What would really concern her and what would she not be that bothered about?

One of the dangers of science fiction, particularly bad science fiction, is that you have these scenes where the characters turn to a blackboard and start explaining how this faster-than-light drive works, or something like that. We never really have those conversations in real life. That's not part of the way we interact as human beings. I try to avoid that in my fiction, but I was particularly determined to avoid it with "Revenger." There's going to be things in there that don't seem to make sense or are not clear. But if you go with the flow, then hopefully the wider setting and its rules will start to come into focus. The characters seem to have little understanding about how the alien tech they encounter works. How much of that did you fully work out?

Reynolds: if you're creating a whole universe, even if it's a universe squeezed into a solar system, you have to use a little bit of sleight of hand. I liken it to one of those old-time Wild West stage sets where the shop fronts look quite convincing, but when you walk around the back, it's all just plywood it's propped up, and it's all quite rickety. That's how I approach world building as such I try to shore up the bits that really matter and then try to bluff my way around the rest, because it would just be completely impractical to completely work out every single aspect of an invented world. That's not what attracts me to fiction, anyway. Some things you just have to take on the fly and almost deceive the reader into thinking that you know things better than you do.

I just trust that, if there's alien technology behind it, and it doesn't violate the laws of physics, then there's an explanation somewhere. Do you think that a community of microworlds could really develop in the future?

Reynolds: I read a nonfiction book a long time ago that I've picked up on a few other science fiction writers who've also read the same book, because we're riffing off some of the same ideas in it. [That book is "The Millennial Project: Colonizing the Galaxy in Eight Easy Steps" (Little, Brown and Company, 1992) by Marshall Savage] I don't think the guy ever wrote anything else It's a nonfiction book, but it's also a kind of pedagogical manifesto-type book where the guy is trying to lay out his ideas for what future human civilization should look like. It's all a bit cultish, in a way you read it with a slightly skeptical frame of mind, because it's very utopian and cultish in the way he describes things.

But one of the things an image in that book that really struck me was the idea that he's talking about energy utilization in the very far future. And he says that if we're serious as a civilization about expanding and moving into space, his hobbyhorse is that we need to actually expand the human population massively. As he says, the more billions of us there are, then the more geniuses there will be. He's all for creating trillions of human beings around the sun far more than the Earth could sustain. He has this idea that we move into the solar system and take all the rubble and reforge it into lots of little planets that have their own ecosystems, and they're like little glass balls with forests inside them, basically, and everyone lives in these little balls and moves around between them.

The vision that stuck with me, that really left a mark, was that he said that if you surrounded the sun with enough of these things, then it would actually filter the starlight, so that from a distance, the sun wouldn't look yellow anymore, it would start to look green, because you're seeing the sun's light passing through effectively a vast wall of foliage, vegetation. [Dyson Spheres: How Advanced Alien Civilizations Would Conquer the Galaxy (Infographic)] If humans were to spread out on a large scale beyond Earth, do you think humanity is more likely to be constrained to the solar system or to establish far-off outposts?

Reynolds: I used to be a strong believer that we would eventually colonize the solar system the way it's been done in science fiction many, many times: bases on the moon, Mars colonized, move out to the outer planets, then we go to the next solar system and build a colony there. I don't know now I'm not as convinced that's the way it's going to pan out. I just think space exploration it's not that it's difficult, as such, it's not that we couldn't do it, but my suspicion is that we will be demotivated, we will be less and less motivated to colonize interstellar space as we mature as a civilization.

As our collective knowledge base increases, we may reach a point where we say, well, actually, we don't need to go anywhere, because the information is with us. We can do what we like with the information; we can inhabit these worlds through virtual reality if we choose, we don't actually need to be physically present. And if we do need to go and extract samples, we can send robots, and it doesn't matter if they take 1,000 years to get there, they can report back when they arrive. I'm a little bit less inclined to believe the grand science-fiction dream of interstellar colonization. I think it's still an interesting idea to play with in fictional terms, but if I had to put my money on it, I'd say it's probably looking less likely now than when I started my career, even though it's only 15 years.

My take on it is we'll probably expand into the solar system to some degree as a human civilization, because it's within our realistic, feasible technological capabilities to do so. But I'm not terribly convinced that we will be strongly motivated to move beyond the solar system, even if we have the technical means. I think we may just decide that that's something we no longer ... when you're an adult, there are things that you really, really wanted to do as a child, but you're no longer interested in doing. I think that may apply to us as a civilization; some of the goals we have now may seem largely pointless to us as we mature. ['Alien Megastructure' Star Being Investigated By UC Berkeley (Video)] And there's plenty in the solar system already.

Reynolds: Why would you need to expand beyond the solar system, if you already have access to all the information you need, and you've essentially insulated yourself against a planetary apocalypse? Maybe that's enough. And the solar system's a huge place, anyway. It's a truly mind-boggling place that's one of the disservices that science fiction has done to us, particularly in the last few decades is make the solar system seem cramped and homely and not particularly interesting. But the solar system is enormous, and we don't have a clear sense of how far out it goes, anyway. Pluto is by no means the end of the solar system: There's vast tracts of trans-Neptunian space beyond Pluto, and then there's the Oort cloud, which is like a tenth of the way to the next solar system. So there's a hell of a lot of real estate there that we haven't even begun to scratch the surface of.

This interview has been edited for length. You can buy "Revenger" on, andread an excerpt here.

Email Sarah Lewin at or follow her @SarahExplains. Follow us @Spacedotcom, Facebook and Google+. Original article on

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The Science and Ethics of Editing Human Embryos – Chicago Tonight | WTTW

Posted: at 7:46 pm

The Science and Ethics of Editing Human Embryos
Chicago Tonight | WTTW
The idea of using this technology to edit human embryos to remove genetic mutations so that embryo can be free of disease is a positive thing, he said. The concern and problem is that if you now do research in that setting and you perfect the ...

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The Science and Ethics of Editing Human Embryos - Chicago Tonight | WTTW

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Weird world of DNA: What’s the best way to help patients with genetic diseases that are not inherited? – Genetic Literacy Project

Posted: at 7:46 pm

Mendels laws, like any laws in science, are wonderful because they make predictions possible. A woman and man both carry a recessive mutation in the same gene, and each of their children has a 25% chance of inheriting both mutations and the associated health condition. Bio 101.

In contrast to our bizarre new world of alternate facts, multiple interpretations, and both are true scenarios, science is both logical and rational. If an observation seems to counter dogma, then we investigate and get to the truth. Thats what happened for Millie and Hannah, whose stories illustrate two ways that genetic disease can seem to veer from the predictions of Mendels first law: that genes segregate, one copy from each parent into sperm and ova, and reunite at fertilization. (Ill get to embryo engineering at the end.)

Millies situation is increasingly common exome or genome sequencing of a child-parent trio reveals a new (de novo), dominant mutation in the child, causing a disease that is genetic but not inherited.

Hannahs situation is much rarer: inheriting a double dose of a mutation from one parent and no copies of the gene from the other.

Millie McWilliams was born on September 2, 2005. At first she seemed healthy, lifting her head and rolling over when most babies do. But around 6 months, her head became shaky, like an infants. Then she stopped saying dada, recalled her mother Angela.

By Millies first birthday, her head shaking had become a strange, constant swaying. She couldnt crawl nor sit, had bouts of irritability and vomiting, and bit her hands and fingers.

In genetic diseases, odd habits and certain facial features can be clues, but none of the many tests, scans, and biopsies that Millie underwent lead to a diagnosis. Nor were her parents carriers of any known conditions that might explain her symptoms. Still, it was possible that Millie had an atypical presentation of a recessive condition so rare that it isnt included in test panels.

Millie McWilliams

By age 6 Millie couldnt speak, was intellectually disabled, and was confined to a wheelchair, able to crawl only a few feet. Today she requires intensive home-based therapies. But Millie can communicate. She likes to look at what she wants, with an intense stare, said Angela. She loves country music and Beyonc, and every once in awhile something funny will happen and shell break into a big smile.

Millies pediatrician, Dr. Sarah Soden, suggested that trio genome sequencing, just beginning to be done at Childrens Mercy Kansas City(where the child already received care) as part of a long-term project, might help to assemble the clinical puzzle pieces to explain the worsening symptoms. So the little girl and her parents, Angela and Earl, had their genomes sequenced in December 2011. Analyzing the data took months, but Dr. Sodens team finally found a candidate mutation in the child but not her parents. However the gene, ASXL3, hadnt been linked to a childhood disease. Yet.

Its typically a matter of time for gene annotation to catch up to sequencing efforts and clinical clues. In February of 2013, a report in Genome Medicinedescribed four children with mutations in ASXL3 who had symptoms like Millies. Even her facial structures arched eyebrows, flared nostrils, and a high forehead matched those of the other children, as well as the hand-biting. They all haveBainbridge-Ropers syndrome.

One copy of Millies ASXL3 gene is missing two DNA bases, creating an inappropriate stop codon and shortening the encoded proteins. From this new glitch somehow arose the strange symptoms. Because neither Earl nor Angela has the mutation, it must have originated in either a sperm or an egg that went on to become Millie.

Since the paper about Bainbridge-Ropers syndrome was published three years ago, a few dozen individuals have been diagnosed and families have formed a support group and a Facebookpage. Thats huge. Even if a disease has no treatment, as is the case for Bainbridge-Ropers, families find comfort in reaching the end of the diagnostic odyssey and locating others. Said Angela, It was a relief to finally put a name on it and figure out what was actually going on with her, and then to understand that other families have this too. Ive been able to read about her diagnosis and what other kids are going through.

Hannah Sames will be celebrating her 13th birthday next month, and is showing what may be early signs of strength in her muscles after receiving gene therapyinto her spinal cord last summer to treat giant axonal neuropathy (GAN).

When I first met Hannahs mom Lori in 2010, she told me that Hannah had inherited the exact same deletion mutation in the gigaxonin gene from her and her husband Matt. At that time, only a few dozen children were known to have the condition, and that number hasnt risen much. Because of the diseases rarity, I politely asked ifLori and Matt could be cousins but not know it. Shared ancestry seemed a more likely explanation for two identicalextremely rare gene variants occurring in the same child than the parents having the same length deletion just by chance. But no, Matt and Lori arent related.

The answer came just a few months ago: Hannah inherited both of her gigaxonin deletion mutations from Lori, and none from Matt. This is a very rare phenomenon called uniparental disomy (UPD), meaning two bodies from one parent. Like Millie, UPD seemingly defies Mendels law of segregation, with a pair of chromosomes (or their parts) coming solely from one parent, rather than one from each parent.

Lori and Hannah Sames (Dr. Wendy Josephs)

UPD happens during meiosis, the cell division that sculpts egg and sperm. And it requires two exceedingly rare events: Two of Loris chromosome 16s ended up in an egg in which Matts chromosome 16 was lost. Hannah essentially inherited her moms mutation twice, without the protection of her fathers normal chromosome 16. This is especially likely with this particular chromosome because an extra copy of #16 trisomy 16 is the most common extra-chromosome condition associated with miscarriage.

Neither Millies Bainbridge-Ropers syndrome nor Hannahs GAN actually counters Mendels law. Although Millie didnt inherit her mutation, if she were able to have children, she would pass it on with a probability of 1 in 2 to each child, just like the law predicts for dominant inheritance. Likewise, a child of Hannah would inherit one copy of the mutation that causes GAN when present in a double dose, just like the law predicts for recessive inheritance.

As I was writing this post, the National Academy of Sciencesreleased its long-awaited tome on whats being called, among other things, embryonic engineering. Rather than banning editing of the human germline forever, the report foresees certain situations in which gene or genome editing, using CRISPR-Cas9 or some other variation on the theme, might be deployed to prevent disease.

WhileI think its great that the rare scenarios in which genome editing might be useful are finally being spelled out, instead of flaming fears of genetic enhancement spawning designer babies, my thinking aboutMillie and Hannah made me wonder why we would ever need to edit a genome to prevent disease in the first place. To quote the eminent mathematician from Jurassic Park, Ian Malcolm, Yeah, yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didnt stop to think if they should.

Preventing illness in a future child of course isnt the same as designing theme park dinosaurs, but like Jurassic Parks technology, I cant imagine why genome editing at very early developmental stages is necessary.Even for an exceedingly rare family situation in which passing on an inherited disease is unavoidable, according to Mendels laws, there are alternatives, although they do not yield a biological child: replace, select, or adopt:

An assisted reproductive technology can replace the sperm (intrauterine insemination) or egg (egg donation or surrogate using her own eggs) of the mutation carrier.

Instead of replacing errant genes early in prenatal development, or even before, I think we should focus on helping the Millies and Hannahs who are no longer fertilized ova or early embryos, but are kids. Thats already starting for Hannah, thanks to the gene therapy technology that has been gestating since 1990. Millies turn hasnt come yet.

So yes, lets set rules for editing the human germline but also consider whether this type of intervention will ever make sense in our overcrowded world.

This article originally appeared on the PLOS DNA Scienceblog under the title Defying Mendelian Genetics and Embryo Engineeringand has been republished with permission from the author.

Ricki Lewis is a long-time science writer with a PhD in genetics. She writes the DNA Science blog at PLOS and contributes regularly to Rare Disease Report and Medscape Medical News. Ricki is the author of the textbook Human Genetics: Concepts and Applications (McGraw-Hill, 12th edition out late summer); The Forever Fix: Gene Therapy and the Boy Who Saved It (St. Martins Press, 2013) and the just-published second edition of Human Genetics: The Basics (Routledge Press, 2017).She teaches Genethics online for the Alden March Bioethics Institute at Albany Medical College and is a genetic counselor at CareNet Medical Group in Schenectady, NY. You can find her at her website or on Twitter at @rickilewis

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DNA may offer rapid road to Zika vaccine | Science News – Science News

Posted: at 7:46 pm

Last August, scientists injected a potential vaccine for Zika virus into a human being just 3 months after they had decided exactly what molecular recipe to use.

In the world of vaccine development, 3 months from design to injection is warp speed, says vaccine researcher Nelson Michael of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in Silver Spring, Md. Clinical trials can take years and epidemics can burn out before vaccines make it to doctors shelves. Even vaccine creation is typically sluggish.

But in this case, the vaccine is a bit of DNA, which means scientists can get moving fast. Unlike some traditional methods, DNA vaccines dont use dead or weakened viruses. Instead, they rely on a snippet of genetic material. This naked DNA carries, for example, the blueprints for Zika proteins. Its just a long sequence of DNA blocks.

With DNA vaccines, its easy to move very quickly, says Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in Bethesda, Md. All you need to do is get the right sequence, and Bingo! youre there.

Historically, though, DNA vaccines have been deviled with drawbacks. They work absolutely fantastically in mice, says infectious diseases physician Anna Durbin of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. But they fail miserably when we use them in humans.

Researchers at the infectious diseases institute will soon begin the second phase of human clinical trials for a DNA vaccine candidate for Zika, vaccine clinical researcher Julie Ledgerwood said February 6 in Washington, D.C., at an American Society for Microbiology meeting on biothreats. The virus made headlines last year as it continued its tear through the Americas, and scientists confirmed its link to birth defects, including microcephaly (SN: 12/24/16, p. 19). Ledgerwood hopes to see efficacy data on the vaccine by the end of 2018.

Ultimately, we want a vaccine that can prevent congenital Zika infection, she said. We think the DNA vaccine platform is an opportunity to do things safely and very quickly.

Government researchers arent betting everything on DNA, though, Fauci points out. Weve got multiple shots on goal here, he says. A slew of other vaccine candidates, based on both traditional and new techniques, are also in the works. But the DNA vaccine has stepped up to the plate first, and the world will soon see if it can deliver.

If it works, Durbin says, weve hit a home run.

Making a DNA vaccine is simple, in principle. Scientists synthesize genes from a pathogen, insert them into a circular strand of DNA called a plasmid, make lots of copies and then inject the purified plasmid into a person. You can literally build a DNA vaccine in weeks, says Dan Barouch, an immunologist at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School. The approach is flexible, too, he adds. Researchers can tinker with the DNA building blocks in the plasmid, adding bits from other viruses that might ultimately enhance the immune response.

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For a DNA vaccine against Zika, scientists insert genes for Zika proteins into a circular piece of DNA called a plasmid. Many copies of the plasmid are injected into muscle. Some of the DNA travels into cells nuclei, where it is used to make messenger RNA. After exiting the nucleus, mRNA helps build Zika proteins, which can form viruslike particles that trigger the immune system to make antibodies.

Barouchs team was the first to report a Zika DNA vaccine that offered protection in mice in a study published last June in Nature. Five weeks later, he and colleagues reported in Science that the vaccine, and two others created via different strategies, worked well in monkeys, too. And in September, a team led by government scientists, and including Barouch as a coauthor, came out with two additional DNA vaccine candidates, described in Science.

Its one of those additional candidates, called VRC 5283, that the infectious diseases institute plans to test in a Phase II trial. The trial will help researchers figure out the precise dose and number of injections to use. VRC 5283 includes the blueprints for making two Zika virus proteins, as well as DNA from Japanese encephalitis virus.

When the vaccine is injected into the body, a small amount of DNA makes its way into cells and on into the cell nucleus. There, molecular machinery reads the DNA and writes a message in RNA. When the message leaves the nucleus, it serves as a how-to guide for making Zika proteins. The proteins assemble into viruslike particles that trigger alarm bells in cells, which marshal their defenses. Cells then know the face of the enemy and are ready to fight if Zika invades.

At least, thats the idea. DNA vaccines are hardly a new concept, Barouch says. People have been calling them the vaccines of the future for decades. But they havent yet lived up to the hype.

Scientists have created DNA vaccines for dozens of pathogens, but so far, not one has been licensed for use in humans. One problem is that scientists need massive doses of DNA to provoke an immune response a few milligrams or so. That is a god-awful amount of plasmid DNA, Michael says. Its so much DNA that the liquid of each dose is viscous, he says. Its like syrup.

Naked DNA doesnt readily travel into the nucleus, so scientists dump a lot in the bloodstream to ensure that some winds up inside. The Phase II trial of VRC 5283 will test both four and eight milligrams of DNA, and people will receive three immunizations, each spaced weeks apart, Ledgerwood said. The best dosing regimen then will be used in the second part of the trial a test to see how VRC 5283 performs in thousands of participants in regions likely to see Zika outbreaks.

But even if the vaccine eventually ends up in clinics, ensuring that patients come back for multiple doses wont be easy, says University of Pennsylvania immunologist Drew Weissman. Giving people one shot is hard enough, he says. Giving them two more immunizations is an absolute nightmare.

Weissman and colleagues at the infectious diseases institute and elsewhere are working on a different kind of vaccine that could make multiple doses moot. Like the DNA vaccine for Zika, Weissmans uses genetic material. But instead of DNA, his vaccine relies on modified versions of messenger RNA that how-to guide for making proteins.

Unlike DNA vaccines, those made of messenger RNA dont have to stop in the nucleus first. That makes these vaccines more efficient, Fauci says. The modified Zika RNA vaccine was enough to protect monkeys from the virus five weeks after vaccination, Weissman and colleagues reported online February 2 in Nature. The dose was just 50 micrograms roughly a hundredth as much as a single dose of the DNA vaccine.

On February 17, a different team of researchers reported online in Cell even more RNA vaccines for Zika. The vaccines protected mice from the virus, and some even reduced the severity of a subsequent dengue infection.

Scientists still need to test RNA vaccines in humans to gauge how they stack up against other candidates, Michael says. But the bottom line is this: If a single shot works and lasts a long time, that would be a game changer.

One of the RNA vaccines reported in Cell began a clinical trial in December, but trials for Weissmans vaccine are still 12 to 18 months away. In the meantime, other vaccines are charging forward. The biotech company Inovio Pharmaceuticals, for example, has begun human trials with yet another DNA vaccine for Zika. (It comes with a little zap of electricity, which blasts tiny holes in cell membranes to help DNA slip in, researchers reported November 10 in NPJ Vaccines.)

And Michaels team at Walter Reed has partnered with Sanofi Pasteur on a more traditional approach. Researchers grow vats of virus, kill it, purify it and then use the killed virus in the vaccine. Its the same way Jonas Salk tackled polio in the 1950s. These inactivated virus vaccines are generally very safe, Nelson says, because the virus is as dead as a doornail. Nelson expects data from three Phase I clinical trials for the vaccine, called ZPIV, in early April.

But for a vaccine with both durability and efficacy, Fauci says, the gold standard is a live-attenuated vaccine. Such vaccines, like the one for measles, mumps and rubella, use weakened rather than killed viruses to rile up the immune system.

Its the broadest, best type of protection lifelong, we think, says Durbin, who is part of a team developing a live-attenuated vaccine for Zika. The downside is that scientists have to make sure that the weakened vaccine is harmless. Even then, Durbin says, we would never consider giving a live-attenuated vaccine to a pregnant woman.

When exactly scientists have a working Zika vaccine ready for use is totally dependent on the outbreak situation in South America and Puerto Rico, Fauci says. If new infections dont crop up over the coming spring and summer, scientists may have to wait years to collect the efficacy data needed for vaccine approval.

But the race to make a Zika vaccine probably wont come down to just one winner, he says. Having several kinds of vaccines in play would give public health officials flexibility: more weapons to fight the virus and an opportunity to tailor the response to different populations.

In fact, the fevered quest for a Zika vaccine isnt really a race at all, Barouch says. Were all working together.

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DNA from taxidermy specimens explains genetic structure of British and Irish goats – Phys.Org

Posted: at 7:46 pm

February 28, 2017 Male billy goat from a feral herd in Mulranny, Co. Mayo, Ireland. Credit: John Joyce

Intensive selective breeding over the past 200 years and high extinction rates among feral populations has greatly reduced the genetic diversity present in domestic goat breeds. The effect these pressures have had on Irish and British goat populations has been explored in a landmark DNA study that compared modern-day domestic and feral goats with museum specimens from years gone by.

A collaborative team led by geneticists from Trinity College Dublin compared the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of 15 historical taxidermy specimens from Britain and Ireland and nine modern samples taken from Irish dairy and feral populations.

The team has just published their results in the Royal Society journal Biology Letters. Their work provides the first example in which DNA from taxidermy specimens is used to answer questions about livestock genetics.

Lara Cassidy, a researcher from Trinity's School of Genetics and Microbiology, is the first author of the journal article. She said: "There is an amazing wealth of genetic information locked away in taxidermic collections of animals that were - and still are - important for agricultural reasons. As such these collections are invaluable in helping us study the population history of these domesticated animals."

"Studying these specimens and comparing them with modern-day animals also helps to pinpoint existing populations that have retained some of the past genetic diversity, much of which has been lost to industrialized breeding. Retaining this diversity as an option for future breeding is very important, but some of these populations are being pushed to extinction."

The geneticists' study highlights an endangered feral herd living in Mulranny, Co. Mayo, as one such unique population in need of protection. Mulranny goats show a genetic similarity to extinct 'Old Goat' populations that lived on the Isle of Skye in the 1800s. They can therefore be considered among the last remaining 'Old Irish' goats.

The 'Old Goat' populations of Britain and Ireland were once ubiquitous throughout the islands but today have been replaced in agriculture by improved Swiss breeds. The native 'Old Goats' are now only found in small feral herds, whose existence is under constant threat from habitat loss, culling and the ongoing impact of Swiss introgression.

The geneticists sampled a number of different 'Old Goat' herds among the 15 taxidermy specimens. The results showed these goats formed two genetic groupings, distinct from other European breeds. Importantly, all of the modern-day Irish dairy goats fell into a genetic groupings outside these two.

Dr Valeria Mattiangeli, one of the study's lead researchers, said: "This highlights the impact that transportation and mass importation of continental breeds has had on Ireland's goat populations, and underlines how selective breeding for agricultural purposes can impact the genetic diversity of animals."

Sen Carolan of the Old Irish Goat Society, who is a co-author of the journal article, said: "We hope this study will play a key role in saving what was and still is a diminutive creature that is both resilient and charismatic and that represents our cultural and pastoral history."

Explore further: Experiment shows goats capable of recognizing other goats by sight and sound

More information: Capturing goats: Documenting two hundred years of mitochondrial DNA diversity among goat populations from Britain and Ireland, Biology Letters,

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DNA from taxidermy specimens explains genetic structure of British and Irish goats - Phys.Org

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Man Serving 37 Years For Shooting, Homicide Balks At Providing DNA For Another Homicide Case – Hartford Courant

Posted: at 7:46 pm

James Raynor, who is serving 37 years in prison for shooting a man and participating in the gang-related murder of another, is now in the cross hairs of cold case investigators working on another Hartford homicide.

Detectives obtained a search warrant to get a sample of Raynor's DNA for their case.

Raynor, 33, was in court Tuesday because he objected to providing a DNA sample.

His lawyer, J. Patten Brown III, told Hartford Superior Court Judge Julia D. Dewey that his client's position was the state had obtained a DNA sample from him in 2014 and that he feared investigators will get his DNA and put it on the evidence they have.

"He thinks they want to smear his DNA on evidence to frame him," Brown said.

Dewey told Brown and Raynor that the search warrant is a lawful court order to Raynor to provide the DNA. She held him in contempt of court for refusing to provide it, and told him that detectives were authorized to use force to obtain the sample.

In Connecticut, investigators may legally use reasonable force to obtain DNA samples from inmates. The law was upheld by the state Supreme Court in 2016.

Detectives did obtain a sample before Raynor left the courthouse on Tuesday.

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DNA acts like electrical wire to replicate itself – Futurity: Research News

Posted: at 7:46 pm

DNAs ability to act like an electrical wire plays a part in how it replicates,new research shows.

In the early 1990s, Jacqueline Barton, professor of chemistry at Caltech, discovered an unexpected property of DNAthat it can act like an electrical wire to transfer electrons quickly across long distances. Later, she and colleagues showed that cells take advantage of this trait to help locate and repair potentially harmful mutations to DNA.

Now, Bartons lab has shown that this wire-like property of DNA is also involved in a different critical cellular function. When cells divide and replicate themselves in our bodiesfor example in the brain, heart, bone marrow, and fingernailsthe double-stranded helix of DNA is copied. DNA also copies itself in reproductive cells that are passed on to progeny.

The new study, based on work by graduate student Elizabeth OBrien in collaboration with Walter Chazins group at Vanderbilt University, offers evidencethat a key protein required for replicating DNA depends on electrons traveling through DNA.

Nature is the best chemist and knows exactly how to take advantage of DNA electron-transport chemistry, says Barton.

The electron transfer process in DNA occurs very quickly, says OBrien, lead author of the study in Science. It makes sense that the cell would utilize this quick-acting pathway to regulate DNA replication, which necessarily is a very rapid process.

The researchers found their first clue that DNA replication might involve the transport of electrons through the double helix by taking a closer look at the proteins involved. Two of the main players in DNA replication, critical at the start of the process, are the proteins DNA primase and DNA polymerase alpha. DNA primase typically binds to single-stranded, uncoiled DNA to begin the replication process. It creates a primer made of RNA to help DNA polymerase alpha start its job of copying the single strand of DNA to create a new segment of double-helical DNA.

DNA primase and DNA polymerase alpha molecules both contain iron-sulfur clusters. Barton and her colleagues previously discovered that these metal clusters are crucial for DNA electron transport in DNA repair. In DNA repair, specific proteins send electrons down the double helix to other DNA-bound repair proteins as a way to test the line, so to speak, and make sure there are no mutations in the DNA. If there are mutations, the line is essentially broken, alerting the cell that mutations are in need of repair. The iron-sulfur clusters in the DNA repair proteins are responsible for donating and accepting traveling electrons.

Barton and her group wanted to know if the iron-sulfur clusters were doing something similar in the DNA-replication proteins.

We knew the iron-sulfur clusters must be doing something in the DNA-replication proteins, otherwise why would they be there? Iron can damage the DNA, so nature would not have wanted the iron there were it not for a good reason, says Barton.

Through a series of tests in which mutations were introduced into the DNA primase protein, the researchers showed that this protein needs to be in an oxidized statewhich means it has lost electronsto bind tightly to DNA and participate in DNA electron transport. When the protein is reducedmeaning it has gained electronsit does not bind tightly to DNA.

The electronic state of the iron-sulfur cluster in DNA primase acts like an on/off switch to initiate DNA replication, says OBrien.

Whats more, the researchers demonstrated that electron transport through DNA plays a role in signaling DNA primase to leave the DNA strand. (Though DNA primase must bind to single-stranded DNA to kick off replication, the process cannot begin in earnest until the protein pops back off the strand).

The scientists propose that the DNA polymerase alpha protein, which sits on the double helix strand, sends electrons down the strand to DNA primase. DNA primase accepts the electrons, becomes reduced, and lets go of the DNA. This donation and acceptance of electrons is done with the help of the iron-sulfur clusters.

You have to get the DNA primase off the DNA quicklythat really starts the whole replication process, says Barton. Its a hand off of electrons from one cluster to the other through the DNA double helix.

Many proteins involved in DNA reactions also contain iron-sulfur clusters and may also play roles in DNA electron transport chemistry, Barton says. What began as a fundamental question 25 years ago about whether DNA could support migration of electrons continues to lead to new questions about the chemical workings of cells. Thats the wonder of basic research, she says. You start with one question and the answer leads you to new questions and new areas.

Funding for the work came from the National Institutes of Health.

Source: Caltech

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Taming traits from the wild genome – Good Fruit Grower

Posted: at 7:45 pm

The second generation of apple trees bred with resistance to blue mold from a wild ancestor are growing in the U.S. Department of Agricultures Appalachian Fruit Research Laboratory in Kearneysville, West Virginia. DNA tests developed through RosBREED and apples genetically engineered to flower early are helping researchers introduce the disease resistance into high-quality cultivars faster. (Courtesy Jay Norelli, USDA Appalachian Fruit Research Laboratory)

Over generations, as breeders have selected apple trees with the best flavor, size and color, resistance to many common diseases was lost.

But genes for resistance are often still lurking in wild apple ancestors, and new DNA tools are giving breeders the power to return those key genes to domestic apple varieties in a matter of years, not decades.

In the case of blue mold the most significant postharvest disorder globally scientists found resistance hiding in the genome of Malus sieversii, the wild Eurasian apple from which the domestic species was derived. Now, researchers with the U.S. Department of Agricultures Appalachian Fruit Research Station in Kearneysville, West Virginia, are breeding that wild resistance back into an elite breeding parent.

New tools are helping them to do it fast: Cultivars are expected to be ready for breeders in just a few more years, said Jay Norelli, the plant pathologist leading the project. We are tapping into the latest advantages that have been made in genomics science to really advance the efficiency of apple breeding, Norelli said.

But while some of the tools used to expedite breeding are the result of genetic engineering, Norelli stressed that the process is not creating genetically modified apples.

The final, blue-mold resistant cultivar will have no genetically modified DNA. Thats very important to growers because some consumers have been wary of genetically modified crops, he said.

All the genomics tools are available thanks to RosBREED a national team of scientists seeking to improve the quality and disease resistance of apple, blackberry, peach, pear, rose, strawberry and sweet and tart cherry crops and to a sister effort in Europe known as FruitBreedomics.

The American project was funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture first in 2009 with a $14 million grant to look at fruit quality traits, then re-upped in 2015 for a $10 million focus on disease resistance.

From the start, RosBREED has been clear that it was not seeking to genetically engineer better crops, but rather to use DNA analysis tools to inform and improve conventional crossbreeding, said Cameron Peace, RosBREED co-director and horticulture professor at Washington State University.

Every generation, Norelli sends samples from his new seedlings to Peaces lab at WSU, where RosBREEDs DNA-informed breeding programs for apple and cherries are based.

The lab focuses on translating discoveries from genomics research into strategies breeders can use, Peace said.

So far, his lab is developing DNA markers for disease resistance, fruit color, acidity levels and other desirable traits so that breeders can test and select seedlings without waiting for fruit.

That saves breeders the expense and time of growing a nursery full of trees that lack the desired genes in search of the perfect fruit. Eventually, RosBREED aims to help commercial service providers offer the tests it develops to breeders, expanding access to the tools, Peace said.

One-year-old apple trees are fruiting, thanks to an early-flowering gene that accelerates the crossbreeding process. These trees are the second generation of a cross to bring blue mold resistance from a wild apple ancestor into a modern cultivar. This fruit will be exposed to blue mold to verify that the DNA test scientists are using in the breeding program is accurate. (Courtesy Jay Norelli, USDA Appalachian Fruit Research Laboratory)

The challenge for breeders is that the wild ancestors carrying resistance also come with lots of undesirable traits that have been bred out of modern apples.

Keeping only the key resistance gene traditionally required four or five decades of back-crossing with high-quality cultivars to get rid of that wild DNA. Now, DNA-markers and genetically engineered tools have dramatically improved the pace.

Locating the blue mold resistance marker involved developing a genetic map of a cross between the resistant wild apple and a Royal Gala.

Then scientists compared the DNA of all the offspring to find the DNA associated with the resistance trait. In the case of blue mold, there was one clear spot on one of the apples 17 chromosomes associated with resistance.

That key finding enabled the research to move forward much more quickly and is much easier to work with than a trait that appears to be associated with multiple genes, Norelli said.

Once that locus a location on a chromosome was identified, WSU researchers built a DNA test to assess which seedlings inherited the resistance gene.

The growing library of DNA tests means that Norellis seedlings can also be screened for about 10 other desirable traits, such as acidity and skin color, Peace said.

In traditional breeding efforts combining two already high-quality cultivars, fewer DNA tests are usually needed, but theres a lot more bad genetics in this material from the wild apple, Peace said. Using all the tests on each generation of seedlings helps to weed out those unwanted wild genes faster.

Before DNA tests, breeders measured disease resistance by purposely infecting new trees. But having access to the genetic markers is a huge advantage, especially for a disease like blue mold, which causes fruit decay during storage rather than damages the tree itself.

For a lot of diseases like scab and fire blight, we can screen seedlings directly with the pathogens, but DNA tests are better. And one of the big advantages of DNA markers for fruit traits is it saves us years versus waiting for apples, Norelli said.

To speed up the breeding process even further, Norelli is using a genetically modified apple that carries a gene from a birch tree that initiates early flowering. By using it as a parent, his trees are blooming and ready to breed at just over a year old, instead of having to wait three years for each generation to flower.

That transgene for early flowering was introduced into the Pinata cultivar by German researchers, who used it in a similar way to breed fire blight resistance into modern cultivars as part of the FruitBreedomics project.

The early flowering trait comes from a single, dominant gene, which means that every generation, half the seedlings produced are early flowering; the other half flower normally because they did not inherit the chromosome with the transgene.

To accelerate this breeding process, Norelli crossed the parents the offspring of the wild apple and the Royal Gala and the Pinata cultivar containing the birch tree gene in the conventional manner and selected offspring with both the resistance gene and the early flowering gene. Now, he is continuing to cross those offspring for several more generations to weed out unwanted wild apple genes.

Once that breeding process creates high-quality, blue mold resistant cultivars, Norelli will no longer need the early flowering gene. So in the final round of the breeding process, he will select offspring that dont carry the transgenic gene from the birch tree and thus are not considered genetically modified to grow into normal apple trees.

The second generation of blue-mold resistant, early flowering apple trees are growing in the U.S. Department of Agriculture greenhouse in West Virginia. Some of the spindly trees are already fruiting. But even high-tech tools need to be proven in the nursery. So, Norelli is preparing to test the DNA-based breeding by exposing the first crop of fruit to the blue mold fungus, so he can evaluate how susceptible they really are.

We are validating whether that test actually predicts resistance. Thats really important because before we at RosBREED release a tool, we test it so breeders can use it with confidence, Norelli said.

If the test proves itself, as scientists suspect, the cultivar should be ready for breeders by 2019. There are a few more crosses to go, Norelli said, to maximize the domestic apple genes and minimize the wild genes. To meet that deadline, the team is employing one more novel genetic tool that helps to select seedlings with the least wild DNA.

Every new generation has a mix of its parents traits typically 50-50 but due to some genetic rearranging that happens as chromosomes are passed on, theres always a little variation.

By the third generation, about 25 percent of the genetics should be M. seversii, but because of crossing over of the chromosomes, some have less and some have more, Norelli said. Were using a DNA test to track how much wild DNA is left.

FruitBreedomics developed the test to track apples lineage by looking at about 20,000 loci. Thats far from sequencing the entire genome, but it provides a significant snapshot of an apples 17 chromosomes.

After the test is run on each parent the wild apple, Royal Gala, and Pinata with the early flowering gene the offspring can be compared to see how much they still resemble the wild apple. With that insight, Norelli can beat the 50-50 odds slightly with each cross and select those seedlings with both the key traits and the least wild DNA to give rise to his next generation.

With the accelerated system, that should be a one- to two-year window to get that next generation, he said. Our first objective is to produce elite breeding parents with resistance alleles and then trying to incorporate other resistance alleles for fire blight and scab.

by Kate Prengaman

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The Human Microbiome: Advancing New Frontiers in a Rapidly … – Yahoo Finance

Posted: at 7:45 pm

LONDON, Feb. 28, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- of Human Microbiome research and development is apparently one of the most popular hubs of the biotechnology industry. While the Human Microbiome Project, MetaHIT and other huge studies of human microbiota, have garnered a lot of attention over that past few years, the microbiome space has literally exploded in terms of both basic and applied biomedical research.

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This report focuses on biomedical aspects of research, development, and commercial endeavors in the human microbiome space. It includes essential background information, evolution of the field, advances in basic research, events in the emerging commercial market, deal activity, interviews with experts, and trends in microbiome research and commerce. Primary sources of information for this report include the scientific literature, discussions with experts, and an online survey of individuals working in this space.

This Report Covers:Advances in Research on the Human Microbiome Commercial Aspects of Microbiome Research and Development Current Deal Activity Over 25 Companies Profiled Survey data from exclusive Insight Pharma Reports Survey

Interviews with:Lee Jones, Founder CEO, Rebiotix Brian Varnum, PhD, Chief Development Officer C3 Jian Yanjiao Zhou, MD, PhD, Research Scientist, The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine Dr Bernard Malfroy-Camine, President and CEO, ViThera Pharmaceuticals Mark L. Heiman, Ph.D., FTOS, Vice President, Research and CSO, MicroBiome Therapeutics (formerly NuMe Health) Larry Weiss, MD, Chief Medical Officer, AOBiome, LLC Karen E. Nelson, PhD, President, J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI), Head, Microbiome Program, Human Longevity Institute (HLI) Sara Malcus, PhD, CEO, MetaboGen AB

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Fitness blogger praised for sharing makeup-free photo after eczema flareup – Fox News

Posted: at 7:45 pm

Everyone has bad days. But usually online, we only see peoples good ones.

However, we all know thats not reality and thats precisely the inspiring message from Carys Gray, a fitness blogger whos being praised after sharing an honest makeup-free photo of herself during an eczema flareup.


Gray, who has more than 148,000 followers on the social media platform, shows two photos of herself in the viral image: one with her eczema under control and makeup on her face, and another with her eczema flared up and her face makeup-free.

Social media/Instagram will show the good days, Gray wrote in part in the now viral post, which had garnered over 80,000 likes as of Tueday afternoon. But here's a reminder that next time you see something on social media that you think is 'goals' that it's not the full story, it's not how that person will look or be alllllll the time!

Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a chronic skin condition that causes redness and itchiness, according to the Mayo Clinic. It can occur at any age, and it does not have a cure.


In the caption of the post, Gray goes on to encourage her followers to have body confidence despite their imperfections.

I'm still struggling to accept myself on the right, it's a big insecurity of mine and that's fine, she wrote. I'm learning to accept myself knowing that everyone has their own struggles and insecurities and that's what makes us unique and special.

Fitness blogger praised for sharing makeup-free photo after eczema flareup - Fox News

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