Monthly Archives: February 2017

SpaceX’s Dragon Arrives at ISS on Second Try, Russia’s Progress Due Tomorrow –

Posted: February 23, 2017 at 1:07 pm

Marcia S. Smith

SpaceX's CRS-10 Dragon spacecraft successfully arrived at the International Space Station (ISS) this morning, a day late, but with none of the problems that arose in its first attempt yesterday. Meanwhile, Russia's Progress MS-05 spacecraft is continuing on its journey to the ISS and will dock tomorrow morning. Together, they are bringing 5.4 metric tons (MT) of supplies to the six person crew.

Dragon's first attempt was aborted yesterday because of a problem with its GPS navigational system. Dragon's on-board computers recognized an incorrect value in navigational data about the spacecraft's position relative to the ISS and automatically terminated the arrival sequence, placing itself into a holding pattern on a "racetrack" trajectory around the ISS while ground controllers diagnosed and fixed the problem. Other than the navigational error, the spacecraft was in perfect shape.

Dragon does not dock with the ISS, but is berthed to it. Once it reaches a point 10 meters from the ISS, astronauts use the robotic Canadarm2 to reach out and grab it. Once it is in Canadarm2's grasp, ground controllers move it over to a docking port and install it onto the port. In this case. Dragon was grappled by Canadarm2 at 5:44 am Eastern Standard Time (EST), a few minutes ahead of schedule. It will be berthed to the Harmony port at about 8:30 am EST today.

Launched on Sunday, also a day later than originally planned, this is SpaceX's 10th operational cargo mission to the ISS for NASA under the Commercial Resupply Services (CRS) contract and is designated SpaceX CRS-10 or SpX-10. Dragon is full of 2.5 metric tons (5,500 pounds) of supplies, scientific experiments, and equipment. It will remain docked to the ISS for about a month and then return to Earth. Dragon is the only one of the four spacecraft (Russia's Progress, Japan's HTV, and the U.S. Dragon and Cygnus) that resupply ISS that is designed to survive reentry. Thus it can return the results of scientific experiments and equipment that needs repair or replacement.

SpaceX CRS-10 (SpX-10) Dragon captured by International Space Station's robotic Canadarm2, February 23, 2017. Photo credit: NASA

Russia's latest cargo spacecraft, Progress MS-05, was successfully launched yesterday. It docks with the ISS under its own power and is due to arrive at 3:34 am EST tomorrow. It is carrying 2.9 MT of propellant, oxygen, water, and dry cargo.

ISS is a partnership of the United States, Russia, Canada, Japan and 11 European countries. The crew members currently aboard are NASA's Peggy Whitson and Shane Kimbrough, Europe's Thomas Pesquet, and Russia's Andrey Borisenko, Sergey Ryzhikov, and Oleg Novitsky. Pesquet and Kimbrough were at the Canadarm2 controls this morning for the grapple. has the right (but not the obligation) to monitor the comments and to remove any materials it deems inappropriate. We do not post comments that include links to other websites since we have no control over that content nor can we verify the security of such links.

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Tesla: Still Not Enough Progress – Seeking Alpha

Posted: at 1:07 pm

After the bell on Wednesday, Tesla Motors (NASDAQ:TSLA) finally published its fourth quarter results. The company beat expectations on the top line, but reported a larger-than-expected non-GAAP loss. Additionally, while the company gave some Model 3 details, there still remains a lot of questions moving forward.

First, the company guided to 47,000 to 50,000 Model S and X units in the first half of 2016, showing that demand for these vehicles has definitely topped out at the moment. I've received many comments in my prior articles that Tesla would be increasing deliveries of these models, but that isn't the case. Tesla didn't provide any production guidance for this period, but the company was supposed to be past 2,400 vehicles sometime in Q4 2016.

Even on a 25-week basis, that would mean 60,000 units in the first half of the year, assuming no production improvements, and with the added vehicles in transit from Q4, Tesla should have been approaching this level. Obviously, demand is not where many think it is for the current vehicle lineup. Customer deposits also declined by nearly $30 million sequentially, despite the rise in vehicles in transit. US delivery numbers for January were sluggish, and the company is now facing a large hurdle in Hong Kong.

As for the Model 3, Tesla expects to start limited vehicle production in July and hopes to ramp production to over 5,000 vehicles per week in Q4, then past 10,000 a week sometime in 2018. Given that CEO Elon Musk previously said production of 100,000 to 200,000 Model 3 units this year, it seems that Tesla will not come close to the midpoint. Even if the company averages 5,000 units a week in Q4, that's just 65,000, and that much won't be produced in Q3. I'm guessing a range of 75,000 to 100,000 for the year is more appropriate.

Another troubling fact is that automotive gross margins fell by 280 basis points sequentially on a non-GAAP basis, when excluding SBC and ZEV credits. Part of this fall was due to autopilot revenues not being recognized until Q1 because of the delayed rollout. Tesla hopes to get back to Q3 2016 margin levels in the coming quarters, but the company was supposed to be at 30% for the S and 25% for the X by the end of 2016. With margins continuing to be well behind plan, one must wonder how profitable the Model 3 can really be.

As for capital expenditures, Tesla spent just $521 million in Q4, about half of what was previously forecasted. The company cited some shifting payment terms and efficiencies, but it has continued to spend less than expected. The company's cash balance increased in the period, partially thanks to the SolarCity acquisition. However, long-term debt also soared to nearly $6 billion. Total liabilities now stand at nearly $16.75 billion.

Tesla shares haven't done much in the after-hours compared to the expected roughly 6.5% move the options market was pricing in as there really wasn't much ground-breaking news. Tesla reported a 2016 year that missed several guidance points (deliveries, margins, non-GAAP profitability, capital raises, etc.), and 2017 guidance was not impressive for the S and X. While investors will certainly focus on the Model 3 ramp and launch of energy products, Tesla still has a lot to prove, especially given the recent surge in shares.

Disclosure: I/we have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours.

I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

Additional disclosure: Investors are always reminded that before making any investment, you should do your own proper due diligence on any name directly or indirectly mentioned in this article. Investors should also consider seeking advice from a broker or financial adviser before making any investment decisions. Any material in this article should be considered general information, and not relied on as a formal investment recommendation.

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Tesla: Still Not Enough Progress - Seeking Alpha

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Soyuz-U completes swan song with launch of Progress MS-05 – SpaceFlight Insider

Posted: at 1:07 pm

Derek Richardson

February 22nd, 2017

Soyuz-U launch vehicle together with the cargo transport spacecraft Progress MS-05. Photo Credit: Roscosmos

Lifting off under clear, blue skies at Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, the Soyuz-U rocket completed its final launch by sending the Russian Progress MS-05 cargo spacecraft toward the International Space Station (ISS).

Liftoff took place at 12:58 a.m. EST (05:58 GMT) Feb. 22, 2017, from launch site 1/5, also known as Gagarins Startthe same launch pad that sent the first human, Yuri Gagarin, into space.

Progress MS-05 is moved to the horizontal position before being encapsulated inside the Soyuz-U fairing. Photo Credit: Roscosmos

After a flawless nine-minute flight into space, Progress MS-05, also called Progress 66P, separated successfully from the second stage of the storied Soyuz-U. Itwill spend two days, about 34 orbits, catching up with the ISS. Docking with the Pirs module is expected at around 3:34 a.m. EST (08:34 GMT).

The cargo ship is carrying about 5,400 pounds (2,450 kilograms) of supplies, consumables, and propellant. It will stay attached to the outpost until June before departing and performing a de-orbit burn to re-enter Earths atmosphere.

This was the first successful Progress launch since the ill-fated Progress MS-04 rocket. On that flight, due to a malfunction in that Soyuz-U rockets second stage, the spacecraft failed to reach orbit.

An investigation laterdeterminedthat a failure in the RD-0110 engines oxidizer pump had caused the whole assembly to disintegrate 22 seconds before achieving orbital velocity. While an exact root cause was not determined, investigators believe the pump was destroyed from either a foreign object or an improper assembly.

The Soyuz-U, the worlds longest-serving rocket, has been flying since May 1973. Since then, it has launched 786 times, including this final flight. While its record isnt perfect, it has completed 765 of its missions successfully. Additionally, in 1979, 47 Soyuz-U rockets launched, a record for the highest launch rate for any orbital-class rocket.

It is based on the iconic R-7 rocket design. The 167.7-foot (51.1-meter) tall Soyuz-U has a core stage with four strap-on liquid-fueled boosters, and a second stage. Each booster sports a single RD-117 engine that produces 188,502 pounds (838.5 kilonewtons) of thrust.

The core has an RD-118 that produces 182,770 pounds (813 kilonewtons) of thrust. The second stage has a single RD-0110 that produces 67,000 pounds (298 kilonewtons) of thrust. All of the engine types burn liquid oxygen and kerosene.

Soyuz-U launch vehicle together with the cargo transport spacecraft Progress MS-05. Photo Credit: Roscosmos

Seconds before liftoff, the core stage engine and also the four strap-on boosters ignited and throttled up to full power. Once the countdown reached zero, the launch mount released the rocket and it soared skyward, leaving behind the snow-covered Kazakh steppe where Baikonur is located.

About 20 seconds after leaving the pad, the rocket began pitching over toward its designated orbit. The boosters fell away after burning for about 118 seconds while the core stage continued to burn for nearly another three minutes.

At around 2 minutes, 39 seconds, the payload fairing jettisoned, revealing the Progress MS-05 spacecraft.

Two seconds after the first stage completed its burn, the second stages RD-0110 engine began to fire in what is known as hot staging. This means the engine ignites while the previous stage is still attached. Once ignition was confirmed, pyrotechnics between the two stages officially detached the core stage.

Using the lone RD-0110 engine, the second stage burned for another four minutes to place Progress MS-05 into a preliminary orbit. Eight minutes, 49 seconds after leaving Kazakhstan, the rocket completed its ascent. Seconds later, the spacecraft separated from therocket and deployed its solar arrays and antennas.

This completed the final chapter in the history of the Soyuz-U. It has since been replaced by the similar-looking Soyuz-2 and crew-rated Soyuz-FG rockets.

This was the 157th Progress mission since the cargo freighter design began flying in 1978. Back then, it was servicing the Salyut 6 space station. Progress MS-05 was the 68th of various models to be sent to the ISS.

Video courtesy of (Roscosmos)

Tagged: Expedition 50 International Space Station Lead Stories Progress MS-05 Roscosmos Russia Soyuz-U

Derek Richardson is a student studying mass media with an emphasis in contemporary journalism at Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas. He is currently the managing editor of the student run newspaper, the Washburn Review. He also writes a blog, called Orbital Velocity, about the space station. His passion for space ignited when he watched space shuttle Discovery leap to space on Oct. 29, 1998. He saw his first in-person launch on July 8, 2011 when the space shuttle launched for the final time. Today, this fervor has accelerated toward orbit and shows no signs of slowing down. After dabbling in math and engineering courses in college, he soon realized that his true calling was communicating to others about space exploration and spreading that passion.

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Natives and the blessings of progress – Mondoweiss

Posted: at 1:07 pm

"School parades in Tell Aviv [Tel Aviv] in honor of Lord Balfour, 1925. (Photo: Library of Congress)

Before there were Israelis, there were Zionists and Zionism. Heirs of the project are living out the literal foreignness of the Zionist nationalityoverlaid on the human Palestine map.

The secular, Ashkenazi theoreticians of the pre-state Zionist movement contrast with their progeny, Naftali Bennett and hilltop youth, Hebrew-speaking religious Zealots, looking to cast adrift from the democratic tradition in favor of an atavistic Jewish kingdom.

Its a wise child that knows his own father. The state of mind of Israeli Zionists is now such that they feel Zionists of the wider world are alien to them.

Equal suffrage is obviously inadvisable in so backward a civilization as that of the Arab

So pioneer American Zionist, Jerusalem Post founder and future Tel Aviv Mayor Gershon Agronsky (later Agron) observed in a 1927 report on Jewish reclamation of Mandate Palestine.

The occasion of Agronskys report was an extraordinary international conference -under United States sponsorship, improbably enough in Honolulu in 1927, The First Pan Pacific Conference on Education, Rehabilitation, Reclamation and Recreation.

(Presumably, Mandate Palestines touching of the Gulf of Aqaba made it a territory of the Pacific.)

Royal Hawaiian Hotel, Waikiki. (Photo: Lantern slide/The University of Hawaii at Manoa Libraries)

That conference, which opened at the newly built landmark Royal Hawaiian Hotel, gives us a view of the times, and a valuable picture of the role that advanced nations were seen to play in the lives of the native.

For Agronsky, personally attending the conference was an occasion to share the story of Zionist settlement of Palestine, with steady advances in dunums irrigated and number of Jewish schools and hamlets.

For appointed Hawaii Territorial Governor Wallace R. Farrington and the Japan government representativesin their lights advanced partiesit was an opportunity to discuss indicators of progress for indigenous Hawaiians and Koreans.

The Japanese proudly reported improved education and rice production since the 1911 annexation of Korea by Japan, and the Hawaii Territorial government representatives described the efforts to educate and set native Hawaiians in homes on land in trust for them.

For Agronsky, the Jewish Agency representative, his theme was Jewish Reclamation of Palestine, and mention of non-Jews in Palestine was less than secondary.

In the pioneering pre-state period, a portion of the Zionist intelligentsiapersonified by Judah Magnesunderstood the danger of what was being constructed.

Jewish settlement-building followed Ben-Gurions principles of Jewish self-sufficiency and Hebrew Labor, and had the effect of building two societies at odds with each other.

Herzlian philosophy was that Jewsin the main Jews of Eastern Europewould become a normal people by doing all the functions that a people do, such as tilling the soil, in a Jewish land.

Jewish agriculture is the base for the reconstruction of Palestine, and a Jewish peasantry the foundation of a new Jewish Commonwealth, said D. Arthur Ruppin, a Zionist presence in Palestine since the First Aliyah.

To the Zionist pioneers, this meant minimizing interdependence with non-Jewish Palestinians. There was an unavoidable European sense of superiority.

In a February 1918 American Jewish Committee board meeting, AJC board member Cyrus Adler illustrated the all-too-frequent contempt for Arabs that poisoned foreign plans for Palestine, when he observed that, to him,

Itis difficult to imagine how Jews, who have lived in the great world, in the great modern cities of Europe and America, and who should go back to Palestine, could take a place side by side with the Arabs who are 2,000 or 3,000 years behind the Jews in civilization.

That FebruarycommentisechoedinaMay1918letterfromChaim Weizmann in Tel Aviv-Jaffa to British Foreign Secretary ArthurBalfour, complaining that British administrators of Palestine were ignoring the

fundamentalqualitativedifference between Jew and Arab.The present system tends on the contrary to level down the Jews to the status of a native, and in many cases the English Administrator follows the convenient rule of looking on the Jews as so many natives.

Weizmann was pointing out the special status that Jews were to have in Mandate Palestine, as living in their intended homeland by a right and not on sufferance, as Colonial Secretary Winston Churchill put it in 1922.

(In a theme that recurs in discussions of Zionism, Churchill said in 1920, The struggle between the Zionist and Bolshevik Jews is little less than a struggle for the soul of the Jewish people. In this case, redeeming the land is saving the Jews for the good of the nations.)

In the periods of Zionist settlement in Palestine before statehood, the management and force of the Zionist movement was from the technological, advanced, European world.

When waves of Mizrahi (eastern/Arab Jewish) olim arrived in Israel, in the trauma to the Arab world of the partition of Palestine, the civilizing mission was felt by the arriving backward Arab Jews, the Mizrahim, in contempt and tutelage.

The Mizrahim experienced the phenomena of children stolen for adoption, and forced Western education, as experienced by Aboriginal Australians and North American First Peoples.

Arabs do appear in Israeli self-conception when convenient. Constitutional and human rights lawyer Mazen Mazri comments that in Israels May 1948 Declaration of Independence, In the tradition of thecivilising mission, the settlers also brought the blessings of progress to all the countrys inhabitants. The motifs of immigration, settlement, building and benefits for the other inhabitants reverberate throughout the Declaration.

Crucially, the Jewish nation that was created was based on the idea of separation from other inhabitants of Palestine in culture, language, labor, and economy. Even when geography and demographics did not support it, the notion of a separate Jewish society was essential to the political Zionist conception of returning to Palestine.

Now, in really what should be noted is a short time, an Israeli nationality exists fully formed, with ananthem and a founding origin story. Its culture has very much its Mizrahi component a fact of Arabness with little acknowledgment. Even public speaking of Arabic is a suspect activity threatening societal status and personal safety.

We approach the 100th anniversary of the November 1917 Balfour Declaration, the British Foreign Secretarys expression of support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

New York Herald, Dec. 11, 1917; Gen. Allenby entering Jerusalem, Dec. 11, 1917. (Photo: Library of Congress)

It will be interesting to see how and whether the Israeli nationality endures. Ministers now in power openly tout Arab expulsion plans. Likud eminence Israeli President Reuven Rivlin is proposing a radical rethinking of the occupation, with Israel taking Arabs in as citizens along with the land it covets.

From the time of the November 1947 UN General Assembly vote in Palestine, sectarian Jewish militias began the removal of the half of the residents of the proposed Jewish state, and land beyond, who were not Jews, beginning the Nakba (catastrophe).

It is frequently asked whether, if the Jewish return to Palestine had been conducted in a different spirit, the situation would have developed as poisonously.

It may not have made a difference. As the whites in Hawaii could not accept being equal citizens in a Kingdom of Hawaii ruled in part by native Hawaiians, would the emigrating Jews have accepted the same with Arabs of Palestine?

The doctrines of Zionist state-building and Jewish self-sufficiency argued against that, and waves of new immigrants from Europe who imagined, to repeat Cyrus Adler, Arabs 2,000 or 3,000 years behind the Jews in civilization.

Now, central to many Jewish Israelis is the belief that they are home. Literally, permitting citizenship of Arabs remaining in Israel is seen as an example of Zionist magnanimityor, as Israeli New Historian Benny Morris expressed it, failure to finish the job of expulsion.

This article was originally published on Feb. 17, 2017by the LA Progressive here.

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Diamondbacks’ Anthony Banda continues impressive progress –

Posted: at 1:07 pm

WATCH THE LATEST VIDEOS FROM THE DIAMONDBACKS AND THE MLBShot Clock: Magic's new role; MLB rules changes | 2:10

azcentral sports' Mark Faller and Dan Bickley discuss Magic Johnson's role with the Lakers, trade talk around the NBA ahead of tomorrow's deadline and potential MLB rule changes on Wednesday's Shot Clock.

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MLB commissioner Rob Manfred spoke about his frustration with the MLBPA, which he said rebuffed the leagues efforts to make any of a number of rules changes at Tuesday's Cactus League Media Day at the Biltmore. Thomas Hawthorne/azcentral sports

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The Diamondbacks' Ken Kendrick discusses the team's lawsuit with the Maricopa County Stadium District over over Chase Field maintenance costs at spring-training camp on Friday.

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Diamondbacks manager Torey Lovullo discusses star first baseman Paul Goldschmidt and his new team's foundation at Cactus League Media Day at the Arizona Biltmore on Tuesday. Thomas Hawthorne/azcentral sports

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The Diamondbacks had their photos taken on Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2017 at Salt River Fields.

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Cubs manager Joe Maddon discusses how difficult it is to win back-to-back championships in the MLB on Tuesday at Cactus League Media Day at the Arizona Biltmore on Tuesday. Thomas Hawthorne/azcentral sports

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Cubs manager Joe Maddon discusses how to prepare for this season in regards to overworking and injuries after last season's championship run at Cactus League Media Day at the Arizona Biltmore on Tuesday. Thomas Hawthorne/azcentral sports

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The Arizona Diamondbacks hosted fans to celebrate the start of spring training and the 2017 season at D-Backs Fan Fest at Salt River Fields on Monday. Hannah Gaber/

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Arizona Diamondbacks manager Torey Lovullo talks about his first meeting with the whole team and what the team's Saturday plans will be if it rains at spring training. Video: Rob Schumacher/azcentral sports

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Diamondbacks closer Fernando Rodney tosses a bullpen session at Salt River Fields.

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USA TODAY Sports released its annual list of players to watch for in the upcoming season. USA TODAY Sports

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There are several MLB teams looking for new stadiums, while at least two are happy with their old-school dwellings. USA TODAY Sports

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Arizona Diamondbacks infielder Jake Lamb talks about their new manager, front office and players at spring training camp. Rob Schumacher/azcentral sports

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Arizona Diamondbacks manager Torey Lovullo discusses pitcher Shelby Miller at spring training on Feb. 16, 2017. Video: Rob Schumacher/azcentral sports

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azcentral sports' Dan Bickley and Jay Dieffenbach react to Mark Grace returning to the air for the Diamondbacks and discuss if team could consider trading Paul Goldschmidt or Zack Greinke.

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Arizona Diamondbacks pitcher Zack Greinke discusses his performance last season at Salt River Fields on Wednesday. By Rob Schumacher/azcentral sports

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Arizona Diamondbacks manager Torey Lovullo discusses Zack Greinke's first bullpen at spring training on Wednesday at Salt River Fields. By Rob Schumacher/azcentral sports

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Diamondbacks right-hander Taijuan Walker throws his first official bullpen session of spring training at Salt River Fields on Tuesday. Nick Piecoro/azcentral sports

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Diamondbacks pitcher Shelby Miller tosses his first bullpen of the spring at Salt River Fields on Tuesday. Nick Piecoro/azcentral sports

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Ron Gardenhire, Arizona Diamondbacks bench coach, annouced on Tuesday that he was diagnosed with prostate cancer at the team's spring training complex at Salt River Fields. Manager Torey Lovullo also spoke. Video: Rob Schumacher/azcentral sports

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Diamondbacks manager Torey Lovullo on what he sees in his team and pitcher Shelby Miller heading into the first days of spring training at Salt River Fields. Rob Schumacher/azcentral sports

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D-Backs pitcher Archie Bradley, sporting facial hair that he has not shaved since October 31st, reports to spring training camp in Scottsdale. (Rob Schumacher/azcentral sports)

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D-Backs skipper Torey Lovullo press conference at spring training camp in Scottsdale. (Rob Schumacher/azcentral sports)

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D-Backs pitcher Patrick Corbin reports to spring training camp in Scottsdale. (Rob Schumacher/azcentral sports)

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Diamondbacks right-hander Archie Bradley talks about the excitement of getting spring training started, saying "I couldn't sleep last night." Video: Nick Piecoro/azcentral sports

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The Diamondbacks have faced tough seasons and payroll limitations, and it might cost them a beloved franchise player. Hannah Gaber/ Wochit

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USA TODAY Sports has released its projected win totals for the 2017 MLB season. USA TODAY Sports

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Proliferation of young talent in the game provides an abundance of inexpensive options to stock a roster. USA TODAY Sports

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Are the Arizona Diamondbacks right to sue Maricopa County over Chase Field? Columnist E.J. Montini says no.

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With the longest championship drought in American professional sports, the Cubs have seen a lot change since they last won the World Series, in 1908. Time_Sports

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Shot Clock: Magic's new role; MLB rules changes

MLB commissioner Rob Manfred on rule changes, MLBPA cooperation

Diamondbacks' Ken Kendrick discusses team's lawsuit

D-Backs manager Torey Lovullo on Goldschmidt, team's core

Behind the scenes at Diamondbacks Photo Day

Cubs' Joe Maddon on why it's difficult to repeat

Cubs' Joe Maddon on this season's preparation

A look at Diamondbacks Fan Fest 2017

Diamondbacks manager Torey Lovullo says he's planning for rain on Saturday

Closer Fernando Rodney throws bullpen session

MLB's 100 Names to Know for 2017

Baseball stadiums on the way out or in danger of extinction

D-Backs' Jake Lamb on new manager, front office, players

Arizona Diamondbacks manager Torey Lovullo discusses pitcher Shelby Miller

Shot Clock: Grace on TV and trades for Goldschmidt or Greinke?

Diamondbacks' Zack Greinke discusses last season's performance

D-Backs manager Lovullo on Greinke's 1st bullpen

Taijuan Walker throws bullpen session at Salt River Fields

Shelby Miller throws bullpen session at Salt River Fields

D-Backs bench coach Ron Gardenhire diagnosed with prostate cancer

D-Backs manager Lovullo on getting started, Shelby Miller

D-Backs pitcher Archie Bradley talks about his beard

D-Backs skipper Torey Lovullo press conference

D-Backs pitcher Patrick Corbin reports to spring training camp in Scottsdale

Diamondbacks' pitcher Archie Bradley: "New year. New team. New everything. We're excited."

D-Backs near crossroads with Goldschmidt

Projecting the 2017 MLB season

The best MLB lineup realistic money can buy

Montini: Diamondbacks' lawsuit is one big error

Cubs, coffee and cars: How things have changed since the North Siders last won the World Series

Arizona Diamondbacks pitcher Anthony Banda throws to Grand Canyon University in the 1st inning during an exhibition game on Feb. 22, 2017 at Salt River Fields in Scottsdale, Ariz.(Photo: Rob Schumacher/azcentral sports)

In a mostly empty clubhouse early Wednesday morning, Anthony Banda shifted a couple of lockers to his right, close enough to start a conversation with Jorge De La Rosa. It was a classic spring training moment: a prospect rubbing elbows with a veteran big-leaguer.

Banda, a bespectacled lefty who ranks as the Diamondbacks top pitching prospect, is trying to make the most of hisexperience in big-league camp. Hes also hoping to make things difficult for the front office at the end of March.

He got off to a solid start on Wednesday at Salt River Fields. Firing fastballs up to 96 mph, Banda worked around a one-out walk to toss a scoreless inning against Grand Canyon University in the Diamondbacks first exhibition game of the year.

Banda represents half of the clubs return in what ranks among the best deals former General Manager Kevin Towers made during his tenure. On July 31, 2014, the Diamondbacks sent outfielder Gerardo Parra to the Milwaukee Brewers in exchange for Banda and outfielder Mitch Haniger.

Haniger had a breakout 2016 season and reached the big leagues; his inclusion in the Jean Segura trade allowed the Diamondbacks to acquire high-ceiling right-hander Taijuan Walker.

RELATED:Robbie Ray took good with bad in 2016 season

Banda had a sort of breakout of his own, posting solid numbers at Double-A and Triple-A, and doing so with a fastball that ticked up a couple miles per hour from previous years, when he topped out in the low-90s.

In what the industry perceives as a weak farm system, Banda is one of the few bright spots; he is the Diamondbacks lone representative on Baseball Americas Top 100 prospects list, ranking 88th. He seems to take such status with a grain of salt.

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Mets Morning News: Zack Wheeler continues to progress – Amazin’ Avenue

Posted: at 1:07 pm

Meet the Mets

Manager Terry Collins was impressed with Zack Wheelers latest bullpen session.

All of the Mets pitchers take their work seriously as they prepare for the season ahead.

Steven Matz made waves when he posted a picture featuring him posing with a shark. The Mets werent too concerned when they found out.

Rafael Montero was once considered a top prospect in the organization, but he might be running out of chances to prove himself.

It was an easy decision for both Noah Syndergaard and Jeurys Familia when they were approached about participating in the World Baseball Classic. Terry Collins has already spoken to managers in the WBC about how his players will be used in the tournament.

Rene Rivera developed a rapport with Syndergaard last season, and that is something Travis dArnaud hopes to achieve this season. dAranud is also appreciative of the confidence the Mets showed in him this offseason. The Mets will need him to be better since they have received little production from their catchers for most of the past decade.

The Mets were mostly apathetic towards the new intentional walk rule.

David Wright continues to take it slow as he gets himself ready for Opening Day.

Could there possibly be a position battle at first base as spring training gets underway? Lucas Duda, for his part, is determined to stay healthy and contribute to the team.

Terry Collins remains hopeful as the season inches closer.

Say cheese! It was Photo Day at Tradition Field for the Mets.

The Braves are fully embracing Bartolo Colon and gifted to the world his photo shoot.

The Mets traded Preston Wilson to the Marlins for Mike Piazza, and Wilson went on to have a solid career with his new team. He is number 33 of the top 100 Marlins of all time. Miguel Cabrera had no use for the intentional walk when he was with the Marlins. Manager Don Mattingly shared his thoughts on how to improve the pace of play.

The Good Phight makes the argument that Jerad Eickhoff should be the Phillies Opening Day starter.

So what does the Matt Wieters signing mean for the rest of the Nationals roster?

Yankees pitcher CC Sabathia has no intention of retiring after his contract expires at the end of 2017.

Angels pitcher Garrett Richards avoided Tommy John surgery by undergoing an alternative stem cell treatment.

Not everyone is thrilled with MLBs new intentional walk rule.

The classic Simpsons episode Homer at the Bat will by honored by the Hall of Fame.

New Jersey governor Chris Christie could be a candidate to replace Mike Francesa on WFAN.

Some teams have enjoyed a great deal of success out of one position for the past decade.

Is this the year baseball gets a reprieve from the Yankees?

Steve Sypa wrote about the Mets possibly making a big splash in the international market.

Nathan Gismot continued his list of the top 25 home run hitters in Mets history and number 19 was Tommie Agee.

Aaron Yorke updated the latest rumors surrounding Neil Walkers possible contract extension and he wrote about when David Wright is expected to return to the diamond.

Happy Birthday Bobby Bonilla!

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Oped: PA Schools: Celebrating progress, sustaining investment – York Dispatch

Posted: at 1:07 pm

Pennsylvania Education Secretary Pedro A. Rivera(Photo: Education Secretary Pedro A. Rivera)

Over the past two years Ive had the privilege to visit dozens of schools across the Commonwealth. These visits have given me the opportunity to join communities in celebrating the great achievements schools are making every day, as well as engage in thoughtful conversations with stakeholders about successes and the residual challenges schools face from years of chronic under-funding.

As a commonwealth, weve made great progress in properly investing in education finally climbing out of a funding hole that forced our schools to make damaging cuts in programs and staff. Through steadfast support, the governor secured more than an additional $640 million for schools in his first two years. This year, when the state is facing enormous fiscal challenges, Gov. Tom Wolf is continuing to prioritize our students and advocate for additional funding education for a third straight year.

The additional $125 million in K-12 funding that the governor has proposed will allow our schools to continue to deliver the quality education that every student deserves. Schools across the state will use this funding to continue to implement innovative strategies in the classroom, and expand programs proven to prepare students for success after they graduate.

A $100 million increase in basic education funding would be driven to districts using the Basic Education Funding Formula, a bipartisan measure, whichWolf signed into law last year. The long overdue formula works toward both equity and predictability by accounting for both student- and district-based factors. This years investment would be in addition to the over $500 million that has been distributed through the formula already. It would also include an additional $25 million in special education funding.

The governor has also shown his support for our youngest learners, by proposing an additional $75 million for high-quality early learning programs. These programs are vital to ensuring students start kindergarten with the tools they need to hit the ground running. Further, access to pre-kindergarten programs, like Pre-K Counts, are shown to have long-term benefits like higher academic proficiency and improved employability for students later in life.

There is still tremendous unmet need when it comes to pre-kindergarten in the commonwealth, but under Wolfs proposal, Pennsylvania could expand pre-kindergarten to an additional 8,400 children, which will strengthen the economy, reduce long-term costs, and improve academic outcomes.

As part of his 2017-18 budget, Wolf also included a new school improvement initiative that will help ensure that state funding over the past two years is improving student outcomes. Using a proposed state investment of $2 million to leverage an additional $1 million in federal dollars, this initiative will establish a pilot program in 15 schools across the state to use innovative and evidence-based approaches to school improvement, rather relying on the cookie cutter strategies of the past.

This Administration knows the value that schools provide to communities across Pennsylvania, and that failing to invest in education has a long-term detrimental impact on our states economy, which why even in fiscally challenging timesWolf has continued to be a champion for our schools.

The historic investment the governor has made, coupled with dedicated and hardworking educators, have helped reverse the harm effects cuts had on some of our schools, but there is more to be done and this years proposal is a renewal of the Governors support of education as well as a blueprint to put students on a path to achievement.

Pedro A. Rivera is Pennsylvania Secretary of Education.

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Talk utilizes postmodern approaches to explore images of the medieval body – NIU Today

Posted: at 1:06 pm

The 2016-2017 Elizabeth Allen Visiting Scholars in Art History Series presents Dr. Sherry Lindquist, an alumna of NIUs art history program and an associate professor of art history at Western Illinois University, speaking on The Body and the Book of Hours: Somaesthetics, Posthumanism and the Uncanny Valley.

The presentation will be given at 5 p.m. Thursday, March 2, in room 100 of the Visual Arts Building. The talk is free and open to the public.

The Book of Hours and the Body:Somaesthetics, Posthumanism and the Uncanny Valley explores our corporeal connection to the past by considering what three recent theoretical approaches to the postmodern body may reveal about premodern terms of embodiment.

Lindquist received her M.A. and Ph.D. in art history from Northwestern University. The author of numerous publications, her book, Agency, Visuality and Society at the Chartreuse de Champmol, was published in 2008. She has also edited a number of volumes, including The Meanings of Nudity in Medieval Art (Ashgate, 2012).

The Elizabeth Allen Visiting Scholars in Art History Series is hosted by the Art History Division and funded in part by the NIU School of Art and Design Visiting Artists and Scholars Program. For more information email

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Transtopianism | Futurist Transhuman News Blog

Posted: at 1:05 pm

Transtopianism. A radical new way of thinking, and which seems to fit many of my own life principles quite nicely.


Were at a crossroads. For thousands of years mankind has been the dominant species on earth, the pinnacle of evolution. Now, as we enter the 21st century, this is about to change. A new and radically diffferent chapter of evolution is about to begin, for, as Vernor Vinge put it at the 1993 NASA VISION-21 Symposium:

`Within thirty years, we will have the technological means to create superhuman intelligence. Shortly after, the human era will be ended.

This event, the relatively sudden emergence of superintelligence (SI), is often referred to as the Singularity in Transhuman circles. The longer definition is:

SINGULARITY: the postulated point or short period in our future when our self-guided evolutionary development accelerates enormously (powered by nanotech, neuroscience, AI, and perhaps uploading) so that nothing beyond that time can reliably be conceived. [Vernor Vinge, 1986] (Lextropicon).

Whether these new, Posthuman beings (aka SIs, Powers or PSEs Post-Singularity Entities) will be augmented humans, artificial intelligences (AIs) or some hybrid form, they will no doubt change life as we know it rapidly and profoundly. For better or for worse; what happens to those who are left behind in this burst of self-directed hyperevolution is by definition unknown, unknowable even, but extinction is definitely one of the more realistic options.

Here is the home page

Here are their stated principles

And if you dont want to read all that, there is quite a bit, then here is my summary. Ive taken essentially the first paragraph from each of the principles; there is a lot more interesting detail on the site.

Rationalism. Rational thinking is practical; it is the most reliable way to find solutions to problems. Because we are such frail, imperfect creatures, we need science and technology, the fruits of reason, to conquer death, disease and other biological shortcomings, and thus achieve the most rational of goals: a pleasant, eternal existence.

Memetic Evolution. Transtopianism is a continuously evolving philosophy, a logical consequence of the search for perfection which lies at its core. We need to avoid stale, impractical dogmas while at the same time preserving those values that are clearly reasonable and helpful in improving our condition, or at least arent detrimental to this goal.

Intelligent Hedonism. Finding true happiness and fulfillment may not be as difficult as many seem to think; its all in the chemicals. Not very surprising really, we are merely biological machines, after all.

Transhumanism. The belief that we can, and should, try to overcome our biological limits by means of reason, science and technology. Transhumanists seek things like intelligence augmentation, increased strength and beauty, extreme life extension, sustainable mood enhancement and the capability to get offplanet and explore the universe.

Singularitarianism. Vernor Vinge defined the Singularity in 1986 as the postulated point or short period in our future when our self-guided evolutionary development accelerates enormously (powered by nanotech, neuroscience, AI, and perhaps uploading) so that nothing beyond that time can reliably be conceived. More specifically, it is the moment when superhuman intelligence emerges, either as a result of conscious AI, advanced computer/human interfaces, genetic engineering or mind uploading.

Atheism. Transtopianism rejects religious dogma and belief in the supernatural. The rational approach to these things is that they are mere figments of the imagination until proven otherwise. Or, as Occams Razor puts it: one should not increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.

Egoism. There are two primary forms of Egoism, namely 1) Psychological Egoism, which is descriptive and claims that everyone acts in their own self-interest, i.e. everyone is an Egoist at heart, and 2) Ethical Egoism, which is normative and claims that everyone ought to act in their own self-interest.

There are all sorts of excellent arguments both for and against the psychological form, but the best model is probably that of man as an essentially self-serving (egoistic) creature that is hampered by short-sighted, potentially harmful/lethal hedonistic and altruistic urges, caused by a combination of nature and nurture, i.e. genes and environment. Obviously, there are rather significant variations among individuals; but the basic model is presumably the same for all normal human beings, and likely most animals as well.

Regardless of the accuracy of the above psychological model, there is no room for doubt regarding the validity of Ethical Egoism within the Transtopian philosophy; self-interest is the highest good, because pleasure and happiness are the least arbitrary meaning of life (see Intelligent Hedonism). Even if one doesnt believe this to be the case, one must at the very least be alive to seek the true meaning of life. Needless to say, this could very well be an open-ended search. In order to survive indefinitely, one must overcome hard-wired or learned (seriously) harmful behavior, especially altruism, idealism and guilt. Lets start with the latter:

Tough Liberalism (not to be confused with bleeding-heart or leftist Liberalism). Anything goes as long as it doesnt (seriously) harm the others within ones contract group (= a group which people voluntarily join/form to achieve common goals, like surviving the Singularity for example).

Mental, Physical & Financial Empowerment. To quote from Five Things You Can Do To Fight Entropy Now by Romana Machado: To be prepared for a future that may be full of difficult changes, and survive in an entropic world, take personal responsibility for your security. If you are good at self-defense, you need not regard yourself as a powerless victim. Self-defense encourages your sense of autonomy and personal power. Following a course of study in martial arts may help you to develop the proper attitude towards the use of force in self-defense. Learn the proper use of devices and techniques that can protect you from harm. Needless to say, a pacifistic or meek attitude is definitely not compatible with the Transtopian spirit.

No Procreation. Transtopians dont [plan to] have offspring. The (practical) reason is that, assuming that you want to be a good parent, children are a serious drain in terms of time and resources, increase stress, make you more vulnerable, more altruistic, less flexible, and generally more settled and conservative (bourgeois, if you will). When people become parents, they implicitly (and duly) accept that their fun days are over, and that its time to get responsible. Well, screw that! Only a fool would give up his life like that. Better to stay young at heart and unbound forever. The only real value of offspring in modern (Western) societies is enjoyment (hedonistic motive), but due to the significant drawbacks of parenthood it cant be considered intelligent hedonism, and should thus be avoided.

Dynamic Pessimism, aka Cynical Optimism. Though Transtopians have no doubts about mans enormous potential to overcome his biological and social limits, they are generally less optimistic than regular Transhumanists about the future. The chances that our advanced technologies will accidentally or intentionally cause unparalled destruction are, given our historical precedents, much too great to ignore.

Cryonics, aka applied immortalism. Cryonic suspension is an experimental procedure whereby patients who no longer can be kept alive with todays medical abilities are preserved at low temperature for treatment in the future.

The rest is here:

Transtopianism | Sciforums

Split long article

Might this longish entry be better presented as a series of pages? JasonS 03:34 Jan 13, 2003 (UTC)

Dnagod 20:56, 9 Feb 2005 (UTC)

In the interest of ensuring transhuman is NPOV: Who decides what the definition of transhumanism is?

This element of humanism, is that from huxley or someone else?

Does the man who invented the word, Julian Huxley decide the definition of Transhumanism, does one in modern times who publically states the definition decide or does the World Transhumanism Association decide?

I would like clarity as to who ultimately determines what transhumanism means because the definition used by the WTA and other groups differs. More importantly, what gives one authority or the command to be able to define in an undisputed what transhumanism is, so that other POVs can be excluded?

For instance I have reviewed the entire, and site, and I cant seem to figure out how you could label it as disputed in the links section?

What is to say the world transhumanism association isnt disputed?

I can see how one might label cosmotheism as white racial separatist, but and I would like more discussion as to why it is disputed as a transhumanism group. And why is Cosmotheism a disputed offshoot? Cosmotheism was developed in the 1960s and 1970s which came before extropy and WTA, so why is it an offshoot? I thought offshoot meant, that something existed and a branch or seed came off that plant. Can you please define offshoot and explain who decides what is or is not transhumanism?

More on this humanism element of Transhumanism, is that from huxley or someone else? Thanks.

Why does the link to cosmotheism keep getting deleted? Just because that article had a banned user associated w it doesnt make it any less relevent. Sam [Spade] 20:56, 4 Aug 2004 (UTC)

Id like to incorporate a mention of the Human Cognome Project into this article, as it is relevent to human brain augmentation and AI research. Any suggestions? Dave User:Sydhart

Why is, and labelled pseudotranshuman organizations? To me that represents bias as to why those web sites would be labelled pseudo, what makes a web site pseudo?

On the front page of it states the following

(Prometheism is) The First Sovereign Transtopian & Neo-Eugenic Libertarian Religious-State.

In the principles sections of prometheism it states

Our Promethean Species embraces Conscious Evolution

Our immediate aim is to create a neo-eugenically enhanced race that will eventually become a new, superior species with whatever scientific means are available at the present time. In the short-term, this will be achieved via neo-eugenics, ie. voluntary positive eugenics, human cloning, germ-line engineering, gene therapy and genetic engineering.

In the long-term, when the science becomes available we intend to utilize transhuman technologies: nanotechnology, mind uploading, A/I and other variations of ultra exo-tech.

Our goal is to enable total and unlimited self-transformation, consciousness and expansion across the universe of our species.

It also states note the key words Transhuman Technologies and the embracing of transhumanism and extropy.

We Define neo-eugenics as conscious evolution (these words are interchangeable). Purposefully directed evolution via voluntary positive neo-eugenics (including voluntary selective breeding), cloning, genetic engineering and ultimately any and all transhuman technologies. Neo-Eugenics means harnessing all science, technology and knowledge available now or in the future, guiding it with spirituality, ethical considerations and higher consciousness, ultimately towards achieving total and unlimited self transformation. The term Neo-Eugenics embodies the sciences and philosophies involved in Biotechnology, Extropy and Transhumanism all merged in a philosophy of spiritual Conscious Evolution.

I believe removing prometheism from this page, will be cause to bring this issue to arbitration to confirm that the individual who keeps removing it obviously is biased and lacks an understanding of what transhumanism. NPOV. thats your problem brian NPOV and blatant bias.

Dnagod 22:22, 7 Feb 2005 (UTC)

Extropy and a lot of the other sites listed under manifestos are linked else where in the article, so I felt it important to also include these manifestos

Please do not revert to childish insults, and a biased personal agenda removing these links, they belong their and represent Principles which I dare say are some of the most interesting, fascinating and creative principles.

Dont abuse your privileges here and force your agenda on this topic of transhumanism, all perspectives are welcome here whether you like it or not.

Dnagod 17:26, 8 Feb 2005 (UTC)

What makes you think transtopianism ( is not secular?

STOP removing these links, you are biased, emotional, unfair, unbalanced and lacking in neutrality.

These links are to stay, and you have no right to remove them. They are valid and legit links, Do not abuse your privileges on this project or you will be revoked.

Dnagod 02:55, 9 Feb 2005 (UTC)

The man who invented the word Transhumanism (Huxley), was an open, avid and published advocate of state sponsored coercive eugenics, selective breeding, and elitist eugenic communities. Therefore you are wrong, and thus the specific issue of VOLUNTARY eugenics does NOT violate in anyway, shape or form, being part of transhumanism. You are wrong, biased, unfair, unbalanced, and lacking in neutrality. and DO NOT SUPPORT COERCIVE EUGENICS in their PRINCIPLES, THEY SUPPORT VOLUNTARY EUGENICS READ VOLUNTARY. Forgive the capitalization, but I do that for emphasis, not to scream.

please stop removing these links, you are biased, emotional, unfair, unbalanced and lacking in neutrality. These are not personal attacks, these are stated facts that you have not read the web site.

These links are to stay, and you have no right to remove them. They are valid and legit links, Do not abuse your privileges on this project.

I ask you to bring arbitration and discussion on this fact. Your censorship, bias and personal agenda will not win. Go to right now and find one place on this site that says prometheism supports COERCIVE EUGENICS. you will not find it anywhere. clearly states that it only supports voluntary eugenics. Read the sworn oath on

The Sworn Oath of Prometheism (front page of

We Prometheans are voluntarily coming together to purposefully direct the creation of a new post-human species. A species with higher intellect, creativity, consciousness and love of ones people. A communion of intellect and beauty, for the simple reason that it can be done. This creation is what gives us purpose and meaning. No other justification is required for this program to advance our Promethean species.

Next I want you to read the Principles of prometheism

2. Our Promethean Species embraces Conscious Evolution

Our immediate aim is to create a neo-eugenically enhanced race that will eventually become a new, superior species with whatever scientific means are available at the present time. In the short-term, this will be achieved via neo-eugenics, ie. voluntary positive eugenics, human cloning, germ-line engineering, gene therapy and genetic engineering.

5. Total Freedom, Liberty and Self-Determination

Our Libertarian religious nation is founded on the principles of total freedom of speech (including offensive language and language which hurts peoples feelings), freedom of thought, the right to bear arms, liberty, progress, productivity and the pursuit of individual happiness.

nation is VOLUNTARY ONLY. We REJECT all totalitarianism and believe COERCIVE neo-eugenics is counter to the ideal of individual freedom. The promethean governments sole purpose is to protect the rights of the individual. We DO NOT wish to STERILIZE anyone or FORCE anyone to practice neo-eugenics.

DNA or genetic capital is the most valuable commodity in the universe. Our primary goal is to promote positive and voluntary neo-eugenics by channeling national resources to the best, brightest and most creative.

We Define neo-eugenics as conscious evolution (these words are interchangeable). Purposefully directed evolution via voluntary positive neo-eugenics (including voluntary selective breeding), cloning, genetic engineering and ultimately any and all transhuman technologies. Neo-Eugenics means harnessing all science, technology and knowledge available now or in the future, guiding it with spirituality, ethical considerations and higher consciousness, ultimately towards achieving total and unlimited self transformation. The term Neo-Eugenics embodies the sciences and philosophies involved in Biotechnology, Extropy and Transhumanism all merged in a philosophy of spiritual Conscious Evolution.

This is from the principles of Last Updated: 3/13/03 this means that prometheism is NOT FRINGE, it does not support the fringe philosophy of FORCED COERCIVE EUGENICS. Again the capitalization is not screaming, its meant to provide emphasis. Also my comments about you not being very knowledgeable about and are not meant as personal insults or personal attacks, but as an observation.

Dnagod 20:06, 9 Feb 2005 (UTC)

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One Response to Buddhism and Transhumanism – Lankaweb

Posted: at 1:05 pm

According to some versions of Buddhist apocrypha, the condition of our species mankind varied tremendously across vast ages. We live in an age of decadence and finitude wherein life is short and mankind is inexorably menaced by pain and death. Under these conditions, The Compassionate Buddhas bearing a salvific message appear before us and preach the sublime doctrine of total liberation from the forces of Karma and endless reincarnation.

All is not gloom and doom however because of the cyclicity of nature and its processes there were periods in the grand history of the Cosmos when our kind Homo sapiens were long-lived giants leading a salubrious existence with pain and suffering a distant shadow. Such beings, perforce, were unreceptive to the noble message of salvation and total release from the bondage of Karma hence The Buddhas did not appear to solace a grieving cohort of mankind and the healing truth lay in abeyance for long periods.

The great question to be answered is whether such periods of existential joy can be recaptured by the clever use of the science and learning now available for the advancement of our species when heavens and hells are forgotten and Planet Earth albeit briefly becomes the New Elysium.

The Transhumanists led by such stalwarts as Ray Kurzweil and Noah Harari believe that Homo sapiens can be made Homo deus by the clever use of the science and technology currently available if this goal is assiduously pursued. They pose the question What is it to be God-like? They find and most will agree that immortality, bliss and the power to do things at will are key attributes of divinity.

These seemingly divine attributes can be made part of the equipage of Homo sapiens with a sufficiently advanced science and the collective will to make the best of what we know and have. Heavens and Hells become paltry and negligible when divinity becomes commonplace.

Most futurologists believe that the life-span of Homo sapiens can be indefinitely extended and our knowledge base made God-like so that we can have what we wish. The issue of bliss is tricky because conventional Gods are debarred from the Four Fs and spend their idle days contemplating a non-functional navel.

Transhumanists believe that Homo deus can do much better with a form of active divinity based on a study of virtual worlds and computer simulations. In brief, death and the terrors of the associated afterlife can be actively expunged while all that is good and gracious can be made the norm.

If such a beatific scenario is a possibility our best efforts must be attuned to its realization religions must fade away and the torture-chambers called hells that disfigure all religions will become emblematic of a false spirituality that sees the suffering of others as a kind of sounding board for the boastfully virtuous.

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