Monthly Archives: February 2017

FTC cracks down on supplement maker that faked talk radio show – STAT

Posted: February 23, 2017 at 1:12 pm


ederal and stateofficials in Maine said Wednesday theyhad shutdown an elaborate scheme to deceptively market dietary supplements in which a company disguised 30-minute radio advertisements as a talk radio show and repeatedly promotedfake print newspapers ads.

In fact, according to officials, the promotions for the two products featured fictitious consumers and purported medical experts who endorsed the supplements without actually having endorsed them.

One supplement, CogniPrin, was touted as having been clinically proven to improve memory and possibly reverse mental decline. The other, FlexiPrin, was touted for its ability toreduce back and joint pain in as little as two hours.

article continues after advertisement

A complaintfrom the Federal Trade Commission and the Maine attorney general alleges that the supplements, froma company called Better Health Nutritionals, raked in at least $6.5 million in gross sales between 2012 and 2015.

A supplement maker tried to silence this Harvard doctor and put academic freedom on trial

As part of a court settlement, the company must cease all sales of the products at issue. The complaint says the marketers named in the complaint neither admit nor deny wrongdoing.

An owner of the firm behind the supplements, Jeffrey R. Powlowsky, did not immediately return a call for comment.

Under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994, the Food and Drug Administration is barred from reviewing dietary supplements for safety before they hit the market. The agency can intervene only when supplements are flagged as possibly dangerous. The FTC, meanwhile, has the authority to step in when manufacturers make unsubstantiated claims about their products.

The agencyreceives a sea of complaintsabout the marketing of dietary supplements. But the FTC saidthe case against the makers of FlexiPrin and CogniPrin involved a wide range of marketing practices that have caused serious financial injury to consumers.

Federal rules bar dietary supplement manufacturers from claiming their products can diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent a disease.They can, however, play with language like that a product boosts or promotes health to suggest those same benefits.

In the case ofFlexiPrin and CogniPrin,two experts, Ronald Jahner and Brazos Minshew, were taskedwith backing upCogniPrin and FlexiPrin with their medical expertise. But, the complaint alleges, neither examined the supplements before endorsing them.

[FlexiPrin] targets the tissue and its an amazing anti-inflammatory. But the best part is [that] it works fast. Within two hours, people are getting relief, Jahner claimed in the radio advertisement.

Nowhere in the advertisement didthe manufacturers disclose that Jahner a naturopath offered as an objective medical voice was receiving a share of the revenue from the supplement sales.

Minshew was introduced under the pseudonym as Samuel Brant, a brain scientist and past director of the Neurological Treatment Center for Tiena Health, according to the complaint.

Its unclear whether any such center exists. And, the FTC alleges, Minshew doesnt have a background in neurology or the brain.

The manufacturers also promised potential customers they could try the supplements risk-free for 90 days, no strings attached. But there were significant hurdles to getting a refund, such as having to shell out for hefty shipping fees and return used supplement containers.

Those practices all add up to violations of several federal and state laws. A court ordered that the defendants stop engaging in sneaky marketing practices, and also told the company to rein in its unsubstantiated health claims any benefits they want to promote will need to be backed up by actual scientific evidence, the FTC warned. The settlement came with a whopping$6.6 million judgment, though the defendants were ordered only to pay $556,000 because of their financial situation.

The settlement involved six of the nine defendants named in the case. There is still ongoing litigation against other parties involved in the supplement marketing.

Megan Thielking can be reached at Follow Megan on Twitter @meggophone

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FTC cracks down on supplement maker that faked talk radio show - STAT

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Life Extension Science Live Forever and Don’t Pay Taxes – Nanalyze

Posted: at 1:12 pm

They say there are only two things in life you cant avoid taxes and death. For our U.S. readers, you can actually avoid taxes by staying out of the country for 335 days or more. Its called a Foreign Earned Income Exclusionand it gives you about100K in tax-free income every single year. Youre welcome. As for death, we cant tell you how to avoid that yet but were going to let you know when that nut gets cracked becauselife extension science is the hip thing for billionaires to invest in at the moment.

In an article last year, we touched on the topic of aging which is an easier theme to discuss than death, but we didnt quite get into the bigger picture of extending life. There is actually a field on extending life called life extension science in which anti-aging is one of just many broad themes. Life extension sciencecomes in many names such as anti-aging medicine, experimental gerontology, biomedical gerontology, and indefinite life extension. Heres the textbook definition:

Life extension science is the study of reversing or slowing down the processes of aging to extend the average or maximum lifespan.

According to Zion Market Research, the global demand for the anti-aging marketwas valued at $140.3 billion in 2015, and is expected to reach $216.52 billion by 2021. Medical experts, however, declared that the use of these products has not proven to have any effect on the aging process, a reason medical practitioners do not want to equate life extension science to the anti-aging industry identified closely with cosmetics and dermatology.

There seem to be two major schools of thoughts on dealing with prolonging life expectancy: life prior to death and life after clinical death. Life prior to death seem to have the most investment support, probably because its easier to invest in andwrite a check yourself while youre still alive. There are many ways to approach life extension including the following:

Curing age-related diseases or attacking the root cause of aging seem to hold the most promise because of the recent advances in genetics. Curing cancer is still in the detection and diagnostic era with a real cure still years to go. There will likely never be a single cure for cancer, but many different advancements such as earlier detection which reduces the mortality rate by up to 90% for some cancers. In the future, your smart toilet will read your urine in the morning and detect the cancer while your smart smoothie maker will automatically mixin aproper prescription so that by the time you get to work fire up your virtual reality simulator, youll be cured.

Digging deeper into nanotechnology, cloning, genetic modification, and SENS, you will realize, it is all about attacking the challenge of aging at the molecular or cellular level. (The exception is cyborg technology where you replace partly or wholly the human body with robotic technology). Were going to just dive right into 7 companies that are attacking the root cause of aging.

We last wrote about Human Longevity (HLI)in April of last year when they officially became a unicorn after taking in a $220 million Series B round bringing their total funding to $300 million. Last month they hired Cynthia Collins as their new Chief Executive Officer replacing Craig Venter, Ph.D., Co-founder and former CEO, who will remain at HLI as Executive Chairman and will continue to guide scientific vision and strategy. HLI unveiled their genome search engine last October 2016, in which they were exploringindividual human genomes in great detail. At that time, they had already sequenced 10,545 human genomesand went on to state:

The 10,545 human genomes are part of the HLIs database, which currently contains more than 30,000 high-quality genomic and phenotypic integrated health records. HLIs goal is to have one million integrated health records in the database by 2020.

With $300 million, theyre well on their way to building the worlds largest and most comprehensive database of whole genome, phenotype and clinical data.

Just last month, Google Alphabet took in a whopping $800 million investment into their life sciences branch Verily which makes us feel better about the fact that we havent heard squat lately from Calico. We first discussed theCalifornia Life Company (Calico) back in 2014 and since then this stealth mode startup has murmured very little about what they are doing with the staggering $1.5 billion in funding they have on hand. Since Larry Page of Google, its main advocate, is more driven by the technical challenge of solving the mysteries of ROI rather than aging, informing the public of Calicos progress isnt really on the top of his agenda.

One interesting anti-aginglife extension science company we covered before wasElysium Health. Unfortunately,the only news this startup is turning out lately isbad news. The only supplier of the two key ingredients (pterostilbene and nicotinamide riboside) in Elysiums anti-aging pill, Basis, just filed a lawsuit against Elysium this January 2017, for failing to make payments and for breach of royalties and trademark agreements. Added to this is a growing public criticism of Elysiums general marketing campaign which consumers believe ismisleading. Apparently, Basis which seem to be the only unique value proposition for Elysium is not the only company marketing pills containing the key ingredients pterostilbene and Nicotinamide Riboside (NR). ChromaDex, Elysiums only supplier of these ingredients, is also a supplier (probably the only supplier) of these same ingredients to dozens of other anti-aging brands under the trademark NIAGEN. Since they have 30 of the worlds top scientists on staff they should be able to think of a wayto clean this mess up.

Unity Biotechnology, Inc., a startup incorporated in 2009, is in the business of preventing, reversing, and halting the various diseases attributed to aging by working on senescent cells. Heres how they describe it:

Cellular senescence is a biological emergency brake cells use to stop dividing. Its an important anti-tumor mechanism, because it prevents cells from multiplying out of control. But after this brake has been pulled, senescent cells remain in the body, accumulating with age. And unlike normal cells, these cells secrete inflammatory molecules that harm neighboring cellsand tissues

And heres their pipeline:

The Company completed a Series B funding of $116 millionin October 2016 so they have plenty of funds to execute. Not surprisingly,Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPalis an investor alongside some big names like Fidelity, Jeff Bezos of Amazon, and Paul Allen of Microsoft.

SENS Research Foundation or Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) Research Foundation is not actually a business startup but a 501(c)(3) public charity founded in 2009 by Aubrey de Grey. Peter Thielputs in $600,000 a year, while its founder and chief science officer, Aubrey de Grey, provides $5 million annually for this research foundation. SENS Foundations research emphasizes the use of regenerative medicine to age-related disease, with the intention of repairing damage to our bodys tissues, cells, and molecular processes.

Speaking of Peter Thiel, we all know whathes been up to and it makes some people question just how groundedthe man really is. Hes all over the news because of something thats downright uncomfortable for us to think about. Thats right, Peter Thiel is said to be thinking about getting blood transfusions from young men to help stop the effects of aging. Its a life extension science called parabiosis which is currently being investigated by at least two startups.

Mr. Thiel presently sits on the board of a startup called Alkahest which is studying the effects of parabiosis. $4.5 billion Spanish plasma company Grifols (NASDAQ:GRFS) owns 45% of the Company so theres a way for retail investors to get a bit of exposure. Theyre operating in stealth mode so not a lotof information available except for recent news that they appointed a Chief Medical Officer.

Alkahest isnt the only startupexploring parabiosis. According to an article by Vice Magazine, a Silicon Valley company called Ambrosia is working on human clinical trials. They charge $8,000 for the privilege of participating in the study and apparently at least 600 people signed up.Sounds like those young bloodshave something to offer us after all.

So there weve given you 7solid companies looking to extend your life span. Maybe you should slap some dollars in a robo-advisor like Betterment just in case you live to be 130 because soon thats going to happen. Of course this opens up a whole can of worms about sustainability of our planet. For those of you who are going to be nice and just die so the rest of us can live longer with more resources, we will still hook you up.

There are those who believe the possibility of life after you are clinically dead. These are advocates who put up companies that build facilities for cryonics and for uploading your mind into some machine. Mind uploading is an exciting space to explore because of the possible merging of current technologies such as brain activity mapping, AI, BCI, and machine learning. Still, there are companies catering to those who simply believe in being remembered and having a purpose even after death such as Bios for its environmentally friendly burial urns and Capsula Mundi for its burial pods. That whole mind uploading thing sounds amazing so we may have to cover that in a future article. Stay tuned and enjoy all those tax-free $$$.

Looking to buy shares in companies before they IPO?A company called Motif Investing lets you buy pre-IPO shares in companies that are led by JP Morgan. You can open an account with Motif with no deposit required so that you are ready to buy pre-IPO shares when they are offered.

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Life Extension Science Live Forever and Don't Pay Taxes - Nanalyze

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Nuclear Street – Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers – Nuclear Street – Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers (press release) (blog)

Posted: at 1:12 pm

--Press Release--

L3 MAPPS announced today that it has won a contract from Bruce Power to replace the existing Bruce B Unit 6 Digital Control Computer (DCC) system with all-new hardware. Three DCCs will be delivered to Bruce Power. The first unit (DCC-Z) will be used as a maintenance platform and is due to be installed in the first quarter of 2018. The other two DCCs (DCC-X and DCC-Y) are redundant units for plant operations and are expected to be delivered in the second quarter of 2019.

DCC systems are used to monitor and control the major reactor and power plant functions at CANDU* nuclear power plants. The new DCC system will feature the latest SSCI-890 CPUs and will replace the legacy Varian V72 computer systems and related equipment to ensure continuous, safe and reliable performance over the service life of the plant.

Our first DCC system, built in the early 1970s, was for the Bruce site. With this new project, we have come full circle, marking a new chapter in L3 MAPPS DCC business, said Michael Chatlani, Vice President of Marketing & Sales for L3 MAPPS Power Systems and Simulation. We are happy to continue our long collaboration with Bruce Power. Leveraging our record of on-time, on-budget performance, we look forward to our further support of the Bruce site for many years to come.

Replacing the DCCs at the Bruce site is an important element of the Life-Extension Program at Bruce Power, said Mike Rencheck, President & CEO of Bruce Power. Bruce Powers Life-Extension program will mean the Bruce site will continue to power the province until 2064, and this is good news for families and businesses across Ontario. Bruce Power, and the electricity it provides Ontario families and businesses, is part of the solution over the short and long terms to provide a source of low-cost stable electricity.

Bruce Power is Canadas first private nuclear generator, providing 30 percent of Ontarios power at 30 percent below the average residential price. The Bruce site, home to eight CANDU reactors in Tiverton, Ontario, is the worlds largest operating nuclear generating facility. The company is progressing with a series of incremental life-extension investments, including Major Component Replacement, to secure a clean, reliable and low-cost source of electricity for Ontario families and businesses for decades to come.L3 MAPPS has over 30 years of experience in pioneering technological advances in the marine automation field and over 40 years of experience in delivering high-fidelity power plant simulation to leading utilities worldwide. In addition, the company has more than four decades of expertise in supplying plant computer systems for Canadian heavy water reactors. L3 MAPPS also provides targeted controls and simulation solutions to the space sector. To learn more about L3 MAPPS, please visit the companys website at

Headquartered in New York City, L3 Technologies employs approximately 38,000 people worldwide and is a leading provider of a broad range of communication and electronic systems and products used on military, homeland security and commercial platforms. L3 is also a prime contractor in aerospace systems, security and detection systems, and pilot training. The company reported 2016 sales of $10.5 billion. To learn more about L3, please visit the companys website at

Safe Harbor Statement Under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 Except for historical information contained herein, the matters set forth in this news release are forward-looking statements. Statements that are predictive in nature, that depend upon or refer to events or conditions or that include words such as expects, anticipates, intends, plans, believes, estimates, will, could and similar expressions are forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements set forth above involve a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from any such statement, including the risks and uncertainties discussed in the companys Safe Harbor Compliance Statement for Forward-Looking Statements included in the companys recent filings, including Forms 10-K and 10-Q, with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The forward-looking statements speak only as of the date made, and the company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements.

# # #

*CANDU is a registered trademark of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, used under license by Candu Energy Inc., a member of the SNC-Lavalin Group.


Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers - Nuclear Street - Nuclear Power Plant News, Jobs, and Careers (press release) (blog)

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Kambalda faces future with no nickel output – The West Australian

Posted: at 1:12 pm

Kambalda has run on nickel dust since it kicked off the base metals Australian boom in the 1960s.

It is now facing having virtually no nickel production in the town by February next year, with Independence Group saying reserve life extensions at the harvesting phase Long nickel mine have proved unsuccessful.

Long which delivered 2365 tonnes of nickel to the BHP Billiton Kambalda concentrator in the December quarter and RNC Minerals Beta Hunt, which is now largely a gold operation, are the only producing nickel mines in Kambalda, where a series of operations have been put on care and maintenance amid low prices for the stainless steel ingredient since 2015.

Independence Group managing director Peter Bradford, who is also grappling with lagging development at the companys flagship Nova nickel- copper mine 160km east of Norseman, said drilling at Victor West had proven unsuccessful.

It is now hoping to find extensions at Long North, but said IGO could not expand a $2 million-$3 million a year exploration budget in Kambalda unless realistic targets were found.

In the first half we were drilling at what we call Victor West, but that work didnt prove to be successful and were getting ready to do some work at Long North, he said, adding the company was revisiting 3-D seismic data from a decade ago with new technology.

So were doing that work, but being miners, we are eternally optimistic that were going to find the next Moran at Long, Mr Bradford said.

But while we continue to maintain that optimism and pursue some of these mining extension opportunities, were also pragmatic, and in parallel we continue to make sure we have closure plans and that sort of thing up to date as we are required to by law.

He told analysts on an earnings call this week IGO could spend between $5 million and $6 million on mine closure at Long if reserve life could not be extended in the next year.

The glimmer of hope for nickel producers is a slight price rise over the past year amid an expected supply deficit. Mr Bradford is forecasting a supply deficit in excess of 100,000t by the end of this year, with recent mine closures in the Philippines cancelling the potential supply flood from the relaxation of Indonesias 2014 nickel export ban.

Panoramic Resources could bring Lanfranchi back if the nickel price, $US4.90 a pound yesterday, rose above $5/lb for a substantial period.

It would be likely to bring the Savannah project in the Kimberly online first, but Mincor will have a lead time of more than a year to bring Miitel or Durkin North into production if the price is right.

BHP Nickel West, which runs the Kambalda concentrator, the Kalgoorlie nickel smelter, and the Kwinana nickel refinery, is back in the black after delivering $US37 million in underlying earnings in the first half of the financial year, a $US136 million turnaround on the $US109m loss before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation it booked in the same period in 2015.

BHP chief executive Andrew Mackenzie said the company would hold onto the once ailing asset, just three years after it failed to find a buyer.

It continues to show examples to the rest of the organisation as to how we can drive even more safety and productivity and Im happy with it in its form within the portfolio for now, he said.

With hopes for a potential rise in the nickel price, Mr Bradford said near mine and regional exploration could become more attractive in 2018, even if Long did close.

We have not made any final decisions that far ahead, but my expectation is that in the event we werent successful in identifying reserve life extensions between now and February, we would pursue opportunities in a care-and-maintenance environment after the cessation of that reserve life, he said. The team on site is currently re-looking at some of the resource areas that may not have been viable in the past.


Kambalda faces future with no nickel output - The West Australian

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Summer of Love 50th Anniversary Posters Wake up Market Street – 7×7

Posted: at 1:11 pm

Break out your flower crowns and your crochet crop tops: The Summer of Love returns to San Francisco this year for a 50th anniversary celebration.

As part of a series of celebrations leading up to this summer, the San Francisco Arts Commission asked three local artists to examine the historic season of revolution through a contemporary lens for its popular Art on Market Street Poster Series. The first in the series, The Zeitgeist by Deborah Aschheim, highlights some of the people and events that defined 1967 through highly detailed pen and ink drawings.

From now through May 12, 2017, pedestrians along Market Street will see scenes that recall the 1967 Spring Mobilization, the Vietnam War, and the Human Be-In, alongside portraits of individuals including City Lights Books founder Lawrence Ferlinghetti. Each image is contextualized by a caption: A drawing of a Black Panther woman is accompanied by a quote from famous Panther member Kathleen Cleaver.

"Deborah Aschheim's beautifully rendered posters capture the spirit of the ideas and radical expression that made the San Francisco Bay Area the epicenter of the counterculture movement," said Director of Cultural Affairs Tom DeCaigny. "The 50th anniversary of the Summer of Love is an opportunity to reconnect with its important legacy of political activism, inclusiveness and, above all, love."

To prepare for the series, Aschheim rigorously researched the archives at UC Santa Cruz and UC Berkeley, unearthing the stories of people who participated in the Diggers, an anarchist art troupe that was a fixture of the Haight-Ashbury; the Vanguard, an early LGBT rights group based in the Tenderloin; and a number of other significant political activists from the late 1960s.

"My project explores the intersection of political and social utopian ideas that drew people to San Francisco, from the Free Speech movement at Berkeley to the art, music, and lifestyle scene," says Aschheim. "I hope that entrepreneurs and billionaires have not replaced revolutionaries and poets as our heroes. I want to re-animate an authentic vision of 1967 that still has the power to inspire us to disrupt society in creative ways."

// The Zeitgeist can be seen in Muni bus kiosks on Market Street between Embarcadero and Eighth Street through May 12. Subsequent series will feature new work by Sarah Hotchkiss and Kate Haug.

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Sean Spicer blames chaotic town halls on ‘professional protesters.’ So did Obama’s team. – Washington Post

Posted: at 1:11 pm

Congressman Dave Brat (R-Va.) faced a raucous group of detractors and supporters at a town hall meeting in tiny Blackstone, Va. (Jorge Ribas/The Washington Post)

President Trump and the Obama administration share a stance toward protests at town halls: Meh.

Here's Trump on Tuesday evening in response to flare-ups at GOP town halls in recent days.

And here's White House press secretary Robert Gibbs back in August 2009, when the tea party was starting to raise hell in town halls about the Affordable Care Act:

Q: Are you concerned at what appears to be well-orchestrated protesting of health care reform at town halls as derailing your message?

GIBBS: No. I get asked every day about the myriad of things that could be derailing our message. I would point out that I don't know what all those guys were doing, what were they called, the Brooks Brothers Brigade in Florida in 2000, appear to have rented a similar bus and are appearing together at town hall meetings throughout the country.

Gibbs added: I hope people will take a jaundiced eye to what is clearly the astroturf nature of so-called grassroots lobbying This is manufactured anger.

Gibbs, it turns out, wasn't really right. We'll see whether Trump is.

Astroturfing, for those unfamiliar, is the political practice of making something appear organic as though it's coming from the grass roots. The implication is that the protesters aren't really regular-Joe citizens, but political activists sometimes appearing at multiple town halls to cause a scene and make the movement appear bigger than it is.

Update: Now Sean Spicer, echoing Trump, says, "It is a loud group, small group of people disrupting something, in many cases, for media attention." Spicer, though, is actually more charitable to the protesters than the Obama White Huse was, saying they are a "hybrid" of activists and astroturfing.

The problem with town hall protests is that they are, by nature, defined by anecdotes and the viral nature of a limited number of heated exchanges. It's nearly impossible to know how representative this is of broader unhappiness with the president (or anything else). It's too difficult to quantify anger, where it's coming from and how representative it is of the broader populations.

Scott Jennings, a former aide to President George W. Bush who has also worked forSenate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), made what I think is a valuable point about all of this:

Whether Tuesday'sprotesters in Anderson County, Ky.,who told McConnell to do your job wereactually out-of-town malcontents" -- the same allegation Gibbs made in 2009 is kind of beside the point. Even if these people lived in Anderson County, or anyplace in Kentucky, do their chants really represent the broader population in their county or their state? Just because a small group of people is making good TV, does that mean McConnell should really be concerned? And has there been an appreciable change in voter sentiments less than four months since the election?

Polling suggests we're in pretty much at the same position. Trump was elected as an unpopular candidate, and he's nowan unpopular president. The opposition to him was extremely vocal during the campaign calling him a racist, sexist, misogynist and Islamophobe and it remains extremely vocal today.

But the comparison between today and 2009 is an instructive one. It's entirely possible that those protests more than sevenyears ago were being organized and weren't totally organic, as Gibbs alleged. But it's also clear that any such organizing was successful precisely because actual opposition to the Affordable Care Actwas a strong motivator for people to turn out to the town halls. And opposition to Obama's health-care planbecame such a rallying cry on the right that it spurred the Republican takeover of the House in 2010 and then helped them take the Senate in 2014. It was certainly more substantial than Gibbs professed to believe at the time; it amounted to the canary in the coal mine for Democrats in Congress.

That said, it's just so difficult to know where to draw the line between flashy protests at town halls and legitimate, game-changing shifts in the political zeitgeist. It's not that we shouldn't cover these protestsand try to understand them. And it's not that these burgeoning town hall eventscouldn't become a sign of something bigger; they certainly could, and opposition to Trump has majority status in the United States. But we should always be aware that anecdotes can also be just that anecdotes.

The rest is here:

Sean Spicer blames chaotic town halls on 'professional protesters.' So did Obama's team. - Washington Post

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The Resistance Is the Majority of Americans Not a New Tea Party – TIME

Posted: at 1:11 pm

In this Thursday, Feb. 9, 2017 photo, people react as U.S. Rep. Jason Chaffetz speaks during a town hall meeting at Brighton High School in Cottonwood Heights, Utah. Some attendees of the contentious town hall hosted by Chaffetz have sent the congressman fake invoices after he claimed some people there were paid protesters. Rick BowmerAP


Ferguson was Deputy National Press Secretary and Senior Spokesperson for Hillary Clintons 2016 campaign for President.

On August 25, 2009, Democratic Congressman Bart Gordon held a town hall meeting in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. A local news report called it a discussion about the nation's health care that led to loud boos and heckling from the crowd. On February 9, 2017, Republican Congresswoman Diane Black elected to Gordons seat in the fall of 2010 held a town hall meeting in the same city. A local news report headline proclaimed, Diane Black, GOP lawmakers faced defenders of Obamacare at lively town hall . Sounds similar, right?

The zeitgeist is quickly setting in: Republicans right now face a backlash akin to what Democrats faced from the Tea Party in 2009 and 2010. Some have gone so far as to call this resistance the Democratic Tea Party. Its a convenient comparison: Democrats like it because the Republican Tea Party was successful in 2010, and the media appreciates it as a simple and straightforward story. I've been guilty of leaning on it myself.

But the Democratic resistance and the Tea Party actually differ in a number of important ways, each of which tells a different story about where our country is and where our politics may be headed.

For starters, the Tea Party was forged as an opposition to a societal reality in our country, while todays resistance is opposed to a political reality. The Tea Party began before the election of President Obama, as a reaction to President Bush and the bank bailouts of 2008. Tea Partiers believed that society and the economy had all left them behind. The movements anger was stoked by the realization that the country had changed to the extent that it would elect someone like Barack Obama and support his liberal policies like the Economic Recovery Act (the so-called stimulus) and the Affordable Care Act (scornfully dubbed Obamacare). These members wanted the entire country to revert to a set of values that more closely resembled what they saw on Leave It to Beaver .

On the other hand, the current resistance isn't based on a belief that our country has gone astray from some former golden age. It's a political backlash, borne out of Donald Trumps policies and his presidency. Its participants arent rejecting the social structures of American society. They are embracing and defending our evolving structures of diversity and inclusiveness. The people stepping forward to resist the Trump Administration are standing against an Administration that doesnt respect the core values that this nation holds: that we are all equal and that we can all achieve our own dreams.

Second, these movements were forged in entirely different political situations. Members of the Tea Party believed they had been marginalized and had to fight back against this new oppression. They represented a minority, losing the 2008 elections by almost 200 electoral votes and 10 million people, while Democrats gained a more significant majority in the House and a filibuster-proof 60-vote majority in the Senate. Headlines announced a permanent progressive majority. The Tea Party disapproved of their country going in this new direction, which bred their movements anger.

Todays resistance is almost the complete opposite. While Trump is indeed president winning the Electoral College by approximately 75 votes he lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million. While Republicans maintained their control of the House and the Senate, they lost seats in both. The current resistance isnt reacting to its lost status as the majority in American politics, as the Tea Party was. It is speaking out for the majority of Americans who feel inadequately represented in Washington. This resistance is giving political voice to those the political system has deprived of a voice. They are speaking for the silenced majority.

The third major difference is in how these movements act. There are certainly some tactical similarities both use rallies and town hall meetings to attract attention to their causes but the undercurrents are very different. The Tea Party was truly a movement of anger at the system, at the country and at the movements members declining station in life. This best manifested in their slogan, from the American Revolutions Gadsen flag, Dont Tread on Me demanding that people and government just leave them alone to their familiar ways.

While todays resistance certainly has some anger, the basic emotions fueling it are alarm and fear. We are alarmed by what the current political system, and its leadership, will do to us, our friends and our country. We are fearful that our family and neighbors might be barred from entering the U.S. by a Muslim ban or might lose their access to health care if the Affordable Care Act is recklessly repealed. We are worried that the political system now serves corporate interests and the Presidents far-flung (but undisclosed) business interests, not the interests of the people or their nation. We are alarmed that people we know and love wont be treated equally or fairly under the new Administration. The Tea Party consisted of people angry about their own perceived situation; the resistance is people alarmed and fearful about what might happen to others.

The best distinction between the two movements, though, is the one that is most important to our President: crowd size. The largest Tea Party rallies reported were between 150,000 and 250,000 people, depending on the source. The Womens March last month irrefutably included over 4 million people nationwide a 16-fold difference. Washington, D.C., alone likely doubled the largest Tea Party totals.

While it would be easy and convenient to pronounce that 2017 is merely 2009 redux, the simplicity of that comparison belies the underlying and important reality. The Tea Party sought to fix our country and align it with Tea Party politics; the democratic resistance seeks to fix our politics and align them with our countrys values. The movements may share some tactics, but the spirit that drives them are, and the consequences of them will be, very different.

Ferguson was Deputy National Press Secretary and Senior Spokesperson for Hillary Clintons 2016 campaign for President; before, he was Executive Director of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Independent Expenditure.

Continued here:

The Resistance Is the Majority of Americans Not a New Tea Party - TIME

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Jidenna Wants You to Know What Really Makes a Classic Man – SPIN

Posted: at 1:11 pm

With his slick amberhair and proclivity for three-piece suits, Jidenna is a walking anachronism in most places. The look compounded with his politically charged charisma forces an unsurprising question: Is he a model citizen or a playing a character? The 31-year-old Wondaland Records signee would sayits neither, that the aesthetic is simply a smooth extension of his biography. Even 2015s Classic Manthebreakout hit swanky enough for a Kendrick Lamar remixdraws from aspecific experience. The scenes where hes staving off police officers and tutoring young men parallel those of his home community of East Flatbush, where neighborhood civilians handled mild controversies like car accidents before calling the police. So, the Classic Man in the songis also a hat tip to a deceased neighborhood OG named Alex, who Jidenna remembers breaking up fights when he was younger.

That depthof subject matter is probably not something youd immediately gain from listening to his most famous song, but its not the case for Jidennas exceptional debut album The Chief, where his ethos and heritage forms the albums backbone. The LPs sonic versatility draws inspiration from East Flatbushwhere the Caribbean diaspora lives in urban cacophonyand Jidennas own Nigerian background. The Chief tends to be at its best when those signatures cavort at the forefront: Bambi has the tropical swing of a trap-leaning Harry Belafonte; cuts Adaora, Little Bit More, and The Let Out are threaded by strands of Nigerian highlife and pidgin English. Jidennas late father Oliver Mobisson, the trailblazing computer inventor from whom Jidenna borrows his tailored suit style, guides this effort, too.

My dad was like, If youre gonna do this music thing, you better invent something, Jidenna tells me on the day of The Chiefsrelease. Were sittingat Suede, a Caribbean restaurant in East Flatbush, within walking distance from where I grew up.He was like, Be innovative at all costs. Dont go in there looking like anybody, dont make no music that sound like anybody. So that pressure, that came from him.

The album is also the cap to an extraordinary 2016 forthe collective of musicians who make up Wondaland. The label remained attached to the zeitgeist without releasing a single album: Last year saw a breadth of black stories receiving blockbuster platforms, withJidenna and label founder Janelle Monae in their midst. Best Picture nominees Moonlight and Hidden Figures are Janelle Monaes first two live-action film roles. Jidenna showed up in Netflixs Luke Cage and appeared in HBOs Insecure, in a wife beater at that. When the chopped and screwed version of Classic Man showed up in a pivotal scene in Moonlight, a film that deconstructs black masculinity, the songs vision of a benevolent alpha male rang purposefully mordant.

Jidennas astonished when I rail off these roles during our discussion. I dont sit there and scan through social media much. Jidenna says. I dont know how popular we are. Im still living like down the street. I cant tell. But when Im talking to you and thinking about ithe takes a breathClassic Man was in Moonlight. Like, pivotal-ass scenes.

Hell have time to truly take stock of his accomplishments, but not before hes finished withhis promo runthe day after we spoke, hewent toNew Orleans for All-Star Weekend festivities. The night before, he was at the Meatpacking District for his album release concert. (The show itself had the feel of a house party that happened to take place in a high-tax bracket district: The room smelled of perfume and hair product as Jidenna danced and sang his lain hair into a tangle of curls by nights end.)

For all of his modesty,Jidenna spent about an hourpreparing himself for our interviewin a tinted Chevy Suburban parked right outside of our meeting place. Buthes otherwise very present and careful when he speaks, considering his answers as he massages his beard and scratches his hair, which briefly puffs like a just-lit stove when he lifts his red kufi. Jidenna converseslike a man whos assured but still in transition: Hes navigating through a new political climate and out of his three-piece suit phase.

For you, what differentiates East Flatbush from the rest of New York?Whats interesting about East Flatbush and the area I lived at in Boston when I was in high school was that they were similar neighborhoods. It was Caribbean-Americanpredominantly Haitian, Trini, and Jamaicanand Nigerian. My music, at least my perspective, is really shaped by all of that. Thats why youll see bits of rock steady or reggae. Youll see bits of Brazilian music and Nigerian music, and of course hip-hop, soul, funk, and all of that good stuff.

After spending time as a public school teacher, did it feel like a transition coming from teaching to music?I never wanted to teach. I did that because I needed money, and I lucked out because it was a hip-hop academic program and I had to make music that the children liked. So Im studying hip-hop and urban music and then putting rhymes to it in a way that sounds good. So Im studying trap, studying Katy Perry and whoevers hot at the time and bringing it to the kids. It was a natural transition to where I can rap and talk shit the way that I wanted to and not have to talk about integrated algebra and U.S. History.Classic Man was made in between making songs for the hip-hop education program. I was just like, Man, I gotta get out of this. So I just burned one down real quick and made Classic Man as an exercise.

How did you and Janelle Monae end up having that first meeting at that masquerade ball? Ill tell give you the whole story: Facebook, we saw it early at Stanfordbecause it was in the Ivy Leagues and Stanford before anybody. That was the testing ground. So I saw the social media world and people just being so into themselves, their friends, and the obsession with screens early. We wanted to make a response to that, so we made this thing called Masquerade Ball. Were dressing up, were fly as fuckwhatever that means, you didnt have to wear a suitbut the biggest thing was everybody had to wear full paint on their face. The rule was staring was legal. You could stare at anybody. Imagine everybody in a mask here. I dont know who these people are, but I could just look at them, which is totally different from regular society. So, our focus was human intimacyno phones were allowed and nobody without a mask was allowed. That was kind of a response to Facebook: A Facelook, if you will.

We invited Janelle to that because we felt she was peculiar and dope and weird enough for the shit that we were doing.

You finished recording The Chief a while ago but recorded a few more songs. Which songs were they? Really I was done by spring of last year. And then we had journeys, waiting, and promotion, so I said let me make another album. The additions were Trampoline, The Let Out, Bully of the Earth, and Safari.

I could hear the Nigerian influences on The Let Out. I did that in a clutch right after Thanksgiving. Me, Nana [Kwabena, the songs feature] and [collaborator] Andrew Horowitz made that in like one week, start to finish.The video showed the inspiration. When I go home for the holidays, we go see our cousins, year-roundpeople we aint seen in a minute. The elders go to sleep, you got your red cup, your party, your pregame. When youre at the house, you go out to party. I wasnt dressed up in no suit. I was dressed in a hoodie and snapback, or whatever. Ive worn that more of my life than suits, you know. Ill show people that too, this year.

But its become your thing. I leaned into it, but I gotta show people Im as versatile as my music is. But wed go out late, purposefully, so we wouldnt have to pay for shit. Nana made that beat. I was like, yup, and the verse came quick.

You moved around a lot coming up. Why the constant movement and what brought you to Brooklyn? Well, my family is from two different continents, so thats already gonna change things. And my moms family is from Wisconsin, but she lived in Boston, so off the top thats three different places. School took me to California, and post-school I wanted to work to make it in the music industry, so I moved to New York.

My sister was like, you gotta come out here, Brooklyns poppin. Its funny: I didnt find the music scene I thought Id find, but I came into my own as a man out here. I worked my ass off here, bro. I had four jobs a day. Youve got to to keep the house afloat to pay the bills. Ive never worked that hard in my life. I was out running on this very street, in a suit, in an 1800 suit, and some shoes I got from Zara, and the soles were worn. And I only had one pair of shoesthat was it. I had my little thrift shops suits and my one pair of shoes that matched all of em. They were grayish black, and I would just run, get on the bus, hop on the train, work here, go to this program, go to this job. I think it toughens you, and thats why I came into my own out here.

Whats the point where things started to change, from doing jobs to music? I had a plan to exit school and teaching. I saved up my money. Im frugal: Let me stack up where I can buy time. A lot of people buy things; I buy time. I bought time, months where I could just work on an album.

In that time, when I was leaving school, this must have been early 2014. I hadnt even heard of Fancy.

So it was Classic Man then Fancy? [The songwriting credits] says it samples it because we didnt wanna get sued. But I didnt hear it before we made the record. Once we heard it, we were like, Oh, yeah, super similar.

You went to the same school as Insecure creator Issa Rae and Luke Cage showrunner Cheo Hodari Coker. That was a dope connection to have in 2016. I cant believe they gave me the slot, man. Issa, I had only met once or twice, but Issa was my homie. Its the Stanford connect. I get free vaporizers from the Stanford connects. I get in hella rooms, just because of that school connect. Im bragging about it so the little kids know the benefit of school that nobody tells you. You gotta go because you gotta get a better job. Thats not what I wanna hear. I wanna hear that I can win. I wanna hear that Ima be on that screen.[He pointsto the restaurants television screens, which are playing CNN and ESPN.] I wanna hear that this is the way that I can get out of my situation and change the game and fuck shit up, man. I dont want job safety.

Not play the game, but beat the game. You wanna beat the game. That was my way, man.

You ever worried about distancing yourself from listenersand the kidswith these suits? I knew that kids would like it. What Im more worried about maybe not worried, but I wanna make sure is that I show all sides of myself. Or most. I know Chappelle said dont sell every side of yourself, but I want to share more, and that includes dressing down sometimes. Thats honesty. Its funny because if I do it now, people are like, Whoa, is he trying to Nah, I do this. Ima ease into it, so motherfuckers dont think that, you know? If the kids see me in some jeans here and there, even with a snapback, theyll know, sometimes, they can wear a suit, but its not like they always have to wear it. So I think itll be fine, I just gotta roll it out right this year.

And you were in DC for the Womens March. What propelled you to make the trip? You know how many people were born from women? All. Everybody. That was the one day that women were prioritized after being de-prioritized in so many countries, and in so many societies in this world. I had to be there. I dont think youre an asshole for not going, marching is not the only way to part of it. But I personally wanted to show up and show my face and be an ally. We got a lot of work to do, beyond the march. Theres even little nuances that I do that Im aware of in a conversation. Im more likely to interrupt a woman than I am a man. So these are things that I have to fix in my life. I do think were on a positive slope, and I never seen women that happy in my life.

Im relatively progressive, a liberal, and Im unapologetically that. Ill be a jerk if I need to be about liberal shit. Im not fucking PC, Im aware of things I do. If somebody calls me out for some racist shit I say or some misogynist or sexist shit I say, then yeah, please call me out. At the same time, I think that this PC culture we live in is dangerous. It doesnt allow people to mess up, it persecutes people, for having one little mistake.

What do you think your audience looks for in your music? Im at an interesting point where its predominantly people of color. A show is like people from the Middle East, people from the African Diaspora, and women. Its funny: Its everybody that Donald Trump has cast away and offended. So the peopleI see the least is white men.

Yeah, a lot of yours and Monaes audience are still people of color. Its interesting, right? When we do tours, its still people of color. I remember talking to the RootsI was talking to Tariq, I was talking to ?uestlovethey were talking about that shift, going from Philly out to the world. It aint happen to us yet.

Are you concerned that the idea of masculinity is archaic? Seems like you talk a lot about what a man should be. No, I never say what a man should be. It tells you what kind of a man I am. If you listen to the album, you know who the fuck I am, bro. You know exactly, if I have to stab you and its gonna be in the front, Im gonna tell you exactly what the hell Im doing. Ive done it, if I gotta go through a dangerous territory, Im ready to kill, if youre a woman and youre with me, Im with you and Im committed and I adore you. If we meet at a party, Im thinking about the night. But I also dont want a one-night stand, I want a little bit more than that, you know what Im saying? Im a say some shit thats gonna offend you, somebodys gonna feel some kind of way. The whole album is who I am, but I dont ever go in there like, A man should do this. This is what makes a man, you know? Nah man. This is what I believe.This is what a man looks like for me, this is what a Chief looks like for me.

When I was in school teaching, it was mostly women who were teaching, which was fine. But the boys, man, they needed someonerole models. I think thats why Im so focused, on manhood and the chief. Like you said, manhood is not a monolith. Im not a big guy, Im not a fucking diesel, the Rock walking around here. But I hold myself that nobody gonna punk me these boys to see, your might doesnt necessarily come from fighting all the time. It can come from the way you carry yourself.

How do you section off your time between Atlanta and East Flatbush? I have no idea. I dont really know what Im doing until the day of or a couple days before, even though its on the calendar. Atlanta is kind of the place I go to produce and make new music. I come to New York to feel people. Im just working a lot now. Its not what it was. But when I was in the album mode, needed to feel it, man. I remember Common on Respirationwhere he was like ,sometimes I take the bus home, just to touch home. I know that, man. I get that.

Is Moonlight going to beat La La Land for Best Picture? Man, I dont know. I wanna see Moonlight win, I wanna see Hidden Figures win. And you know whats great? A win on any of these shows and films we were talking about feels like a win for us all.

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Jidenna Wants You to Know What Really Makes a Classic Man - SPIN

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Interruptions with fluid movements – The Navhind Times

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NT BUZZ Gallery Gitanjali is hosting the second session of Fontainhas Exchange, Is, Interrupted, a performance by Astri Ghosh in collaboration with Pushpanjali Sharma and Gautam Nima through poetry, movement, music and text developed in response to and in conversation with the artworks of Praveen Naiks solo exhibition at Gallery Gitanjali, Notes From The Zeitgeist. Using the gallery as a stage, poet Astri Ghosh and performing artists Pushpanjali Sharma and Gautam Nima will come together to peel through interruptions in identity, intimacy and intention. Astri Ghosh is a poet and writer. After working as a journalist for many years she turned to translation and has published 12 books in Norwegian, English and Hindi. Her translations have been included in four anthologies. She grew up in Delhi and Mussoorie, and moved to Norway to study at the University of Oslo. Astri is currently translating twelve contemporary plays of Henrik Ibsen, four of which were published in 2015. Pushpanjali Sharma and Gautam Nima are interdisciplinary performing artists based in Goa. They are engaged in developing performances and pedagogies that serve experiential knowing through embodiment, movement and dance and somatic and mind-body practices. They believe experiential learning, embodied knowing and interdisciplinary education is the way to bring about change, and this can successfully happen through non-dual practices. They use movement arts towards self-knowing, personal transformation and healing, and teach the same through their workshops. As dancers they are interested in opening dance beyond the realm of entertainment and fitness, encouraging individuals to embark on a journey of self knowing through the lived body and movement as experience. Their performance works are contemplative and philosophical in nature, exposing the unseen, unheard and unvoiced. Through their performances they work towards reducing the gap between the audience and artist and enhancing their experience by inviting them to be a part of their work through interaction and their own creative contribution.

(The performance of Is, Interrupted will be held at Gallery Gitanjali on February 22 at 6 p.m. The event is open to all).

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Interruptions with fluid movements - The Navhind Times

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Best returns since 1900? Resource based countries, including Canada, lead the way – Financial Post

Posted: at 1:11 pm

Through two world wars, the Great Depression and relentless redrawing of national boundaries since 1900, one group of countries gave investors the best stock returns.

Commodity-rich nations such as South Africa, Australia, the U.S. and Canadaenjoyed buffers against global turbulence because of their natural resources, but have developed their economies to rely on newer industries such as financials, technology and services, according to a joint study by Credit Suisse Group AG and the London Business School that scanned data going back 117 years.

The study shows that no single industry can provide a lasting competitive advantage. In 1900, more than 80 per cent of the U.S. stock-markets value was in businesses such as railroads, which are today small or extinct. Nearly half of U.K. companies by value are in sectors that didnt exist a century ago. Gold, once key to South Africas wealth, has waned in importance and the biggest Australian companies are now banks.

South African stocks have returned an average 7.2 per cent, more than 2 percentage points above the global average and the most among 23 nations tracked by Credit Suisse and LBS. The nation is Africas biggest coal and iron-ore producer, and the worlds largest of platinum, manganese and ferrochrome.

South Africa performed well partly because it is a resource rich country that has successfully developed into a broader diversified economy, and because it has made a peaceful transition from apartheid and remained stable,according to researchers including Professor Paul Marsh of LBS.

Because it has performed well in the past, however, this does not mean it will continue to be a world beating performer over the next century.

Denmark tops the list for bond returns with an average 3.3 per cent. Equities were the best-performing asset in every country, showing over the long run there has been a reward for higher risk. Investors lost all their money in Russia in 1917 and China in 1949 because of revolutions. Japanese stocks, the worlds second-best equity performers from 1900 to 1939, lost 96 per cent of their real value in World War II.

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Best returns since 1900? Resource based countries, including Canada, lead the way - Financial Post

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