Monthly Archives: February 2017

CRISPR Patent Ruling: 3 Different Takes – KQED

Posted: February 24, 2017 at 5:52 pm

Solast week the feds may have dashedUC Berkeleys billion-dollar dreams when it decided not to give the universitypatent rights over CRISPR-Cas9, a revolutionary gene-editing technology.

The Feb. 15ruling from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office let Berkeleys rivaltheBroad Institutejointly owned by Harvard and MITkeep itsexisting patents issued in 2014.UC Berkeleyhas yet to say whether or not it will appeal.

Berkeley was seeking to have some of those patents repealedbecause the university says they conflict with its pending patent application for CRISPR.

The judges reasoned that Berkeleys patent request doesnt affect Broads existing patents because the two are based on different gene editing techniques.

Berkeleys patent request is for editing genes in bacteria, whereas Broads existing patents are for editing genes in eukaryotic cells, i.e. cells found in plants and animals, including humans.

But Berkeleyargues that its research toolcan easily be extended to use in non-bacterial cells.

That distinction is key since potentially lucrative applications of gene editing in medicine and health will involve eukaryotic cells found in humans.

UC Berkeley biologist Jennifer Doudna, who is credited with co-inventingCRISPR-Cas9 now has two options:

1) Appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 2) Go back to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

If Berkeley appeals, the court could overrule the patent office decision in favor of Berkeley.

If Berkeley loses, it could go backto the patent office, where itcould be required to narrow itsclaims, i.e., specifying that its technique is only intended to be used in bacteria.

Or it could get a broad patentthat still doesnt specifyhow to use CRISPRin eukaryotic cells. But according to Jacob Sherkow, a law professor at New York Law School, that could lead to future legal challenges.

Its not going to be that strong because anyone who wants to challenge it later can say, that patent doesnt disclose how to use the tool in eukaryotic cells,' says Sherkow.

And the money is in altering those specific cells.

So whats next? Only Berkeley knows; the university has said it will carefully consider all options.

Science journalists are abuzz about what this means for biotech. Heres a sampling of what theyre saying:

1.Berkeley + Broad = VirtualMonopoly on CRISPR-Cas9 (Gizmodo)

Why does this matter? While academic researchers can still use CRISPR for free, companies hoping to harness the gene editing tool to fight disease, solve agricultural problems, or for myriad other potential applications, may have to pay not one, but both institutions, a hefty fee. Its a decision that has caused some to wonder whether the rights to such revolutionary technology dont really belong to a third party: the people.

2. Could the Case Encourage Scientiststo Be Less Honest?(STAT)

The patent judges concluded that the inventors themselves were uncertain about making CRISPR work in human cells.

That could send a terrible message to scientists, said Dr. Robert Cook-Deegan of Arizona State University, an expert on legal and ethical issues surrounding biotechnology. I hope this does not become the poster child that patent offices use to coach scientists not to be honest about uncertainties about their discoveries, he said. The fact that Doudnas quotes were used by the judges mainly tells me Doudna was being honest. I hope scientists will continue to be honest and not succumb to being told they cant say things that might undermine a broad patenting strategy.

3. Fogettaboutit, Companies Can SidestepBerkeleyand Broad(Nature)

Researchers in academia and industry have been pushing CRISPR gene editing beyond the scope of the Broad and Berkeley patents.

Both patent families cover the use of CRISPRCas9, which relies on the Cas9 enzyme to cut DNA. But there are alternatives to Cas9 that provide other functions, and a way to sidestep the BerkeleyBroad patent fight.

One attractive alternative is Cpf1, an enzyme that may be simpler to use and more accurate than Cas9 in some cases. The Broad has already filed patents on applications of Cpf1 in gene editing, and has licensed them to biotech company Editas Medicine in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Remember, my friends, if UC Berkeley appeals, this whole process could last through 2020. Or longer.

Lindsey Hoshaw is an interactive producer for KQED Science. Before joining KQED, Lindsey was a science correspondent for The New York Times, The Boston Globe, Forbes and Scientific American. On Twitter @lindseyhoshaw

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CRISPR Patent Ruling: 3 Different Takes - KQED

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Playing favorites: Brain cells prefer one parent’s gene over the other’s – Medical Xpress

Posted: at 5:52 pm

February 23, 2017 Many cells in the brain express two copies of each gene, one inherited from mom and one from dad. Others express just one copy. If the single copy happens to carry a genetic mutation, it may cause the cell to become sick. The discovery from the University of Utah offers a previously undescribed nuanced view of genetics that has consequences at the cellular level. Credit: Christopher Gregg

Most kids say they love their mom and dad equally, but there are times when even the best prefers one parent over the other. The same can be said for how the body's cells treat our DNA instructions. It has long been thought that each copy - one inherited from mom and one from dad - is treated the same. A new study from scientists at the University of Utah School of Medicine shows that it is not uncommon for cells in the brain to preferentially activate one copy over the other. The finding breaks basic tenants of classic genetics and suggests new ways in which genetic mutations might cause brain disorders.

In at least one region of the newborn mouse brain, the new research shows, inequality seems to be the norm. About 85 percent of genes in the dorsal raphe nucleus, known for secreting the mood-controlling chemical serotonin, differentially activate their maternal and paternal gene copies. Ten days later in the juvenile brain, the landscape shifts, with both copies being activated equally for all but 10 percent of genes.

More than an oddity of the brain, the disparity also takes place at other sites in the body, including liver and muscle. It also occurs in humans.

"We usually think of traits in terms of a whole person, or animal. We're finding that when we look at the level of cells, genetics is much more complicated than we thought," says Christopher Gregg, Ph.D., assistant professor of neurobiology and anatomy and senior author of the study which publishes online in Neuron on Feb. 23. "This new picture may help us understand brain disorders," he continues.

Among genes regulated in this unorthodox way are risk factors for mental illness. In humans, a gene called DEAF1, implicated in autism and intellectual disability, shows preferential expression of one gene copy in multiple regions of the brain. A more comprehensive survey in primates, which acts as a proxy for humans, indicates the same is true for many other genes including some linked to Huntington's Disease, schizophrenia, attention deficit disorder, and bipoloar disorder.

What the genetic imbalance could mean for our health remains to be determined, but preliminary results suggest that it could shape vulnerabilities to disease, explains Gregg. Normally, having two copies of a gene acts as a protective buffer in case one is defective. Activating a gene copy that is mutated and silencing the healthy copy - even temporarily - could be disruptive enough to cause trouble in specific cells.

Supporting the idea, Gregg's lab found that some brain cells in transgenic mice preferentially activate mutated gene copies over healthy ones. "It has generally been assumed that there is correlation between both copies of a gene," says Elliott Ferris, a computer scientist who co-led the study with graduate student Wei-Chao Huang. Instead, they found something unexpected. "We developed novel methods for mining big data, and discovered something new," Huang explains.

The investigators screened thousands of genes in their study, quantifying the relative levels of activation for each maternal and paternal gene copy and discovered that expression of the two is different for many genes. Surprised by what they saw, they developed statistical methods to rigorously test their validity and determined that they were not due to technical artifacts, nor genetic noise. Following up on their findings, they examined a subset of genes more closely, directly visualized imbalances between gene copies at the cellular level in the mouse and human brain.

Results from Gregg and colleagues build on previous research, expanding on scenarios in which genes play favorites. Imprinted genes and X-linked genes are specific gene categories that differentially activate their maternal and paternal gene copies. Studies in cultured cells had also determined that some genes vary which copy they express. The results from this study, however, suggests that silencing one gene copy may be a way in which cells fine tune their genetic program at specific times during the lifecycle of the animal, or in discrete places.

"Our new findings reveal a new landscape of diverse effects that shape the expression of maternal and paternal gene copies in the brain according to age, brain region, and tissue type," explains Gregg. "The implication is a new view of genetics, one that starts up close."

Explore further: Genetic tug of war in brain subregions influences parental control over offspring behavior

More information: The study publishes in Neuron as "Diverse Non-Genetic Allele Specific Expression Effects Shape Genetic Architecture at the Cellular Level in the Mammalian Brain". DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2017.01.033 ,

Not every mom and dad agree on how their offspring should behave. But in genetics as in life, parenting is about knowing when your voice needs to be heard, and the best ways of doing so. Typically, compromise reigns, and ...

When a child is conceived, he or she receives DNA from both parents. The child's own genome thus consists of a maternal and a paternal genome. However, some genesabout 100 out of the 20,000 encoded genes are exclusively ...

It's among the cornerstones of biology: All mammals inherit two copies one from their mother, the other from their fatherof every gene, in part to act as a backstop against genetic problems. If a gene is damaged or ...

A team of 18 University of California San Diego School of Medicine and Moores Cancer Center researchers has developed a new tool to analyze an often overlooked aspect of cancer geneticsan alteration that results in the ...

A poor diet during pregnancy can cause biological changes that last throughout life, according to research from Imperial College London.

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet and Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research have characterized how and to what degree our cells utilize the gene copies inherited from our mother and father differently. At a basic level ...

A new method developed by Rice University psychologists for analyzing brain activity may help better understand what happens to the brain following a stroke.

Early this year, about 30 neuroscientists and computer programmers got together to improve their ability to read the human mind.

Most kids say they love their mom and dad equally, but there are times when even the best prefers one parent over the other. The same can be said for how the body's cells treat our DNA instructions. It has long been thought ...

Botond Roska and his team at the FMI have investigated how visual features, extracted in the eye, are combined in the thalamus, the second stage of visual processing in the brain. They have shown that the function of the ...

Nearly four years ago, then-President Obama launched the BRAIN (Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies) Initiative, to "accelerate the development and application of new technologies that will enable ...

Flinders University researchers are pioneering a new and simple test to pick up signals of Motor Neuron Disease in patients.

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Playing favorites: Brain cells prefer one parent's gene over the other's - Medical Xpress

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Diabetes, heart-disease risks rise with ‘apple-shape’ body gene variant – Genetic Literacy Project

Posted: at 5:52 pm

A study from Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) researchers has found that a pattern of gene variants associated with an apple-shaped body type.

In this body type, weight is deposited around the abdomen, rather than in the hips and thighs.This body shape increases the risk for type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease, as well as the incidence of several cardiovascular risk factors.

[W]e call [this condition] abdominal adiposity, says Sekar Kathiresan, MD, director of the MGH Center for Genomic Medicine. We tested whether genetic predisposition to abdominal adiposity was associated with the risk for type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease and found that the answer was a firm yes.

No association was found between the genetic risk score and lifestyle factors, and testing confirmed that only the abdominal adiposity effects of the identified gene variants were associated with cardiometabolic risk.

The lack of association between the body type genetic risk score and confounding factors such as diet and smoking provides strong evidence that abdominal adiposity itself contributes to causing type 2 diabetes and heart disease, says lead author Connor Emdin, of the MGH Center for Genomic Medicine and the Cardiology Division.

[The study can be found here.]

The GLP aggregated and excerpted this blog/article to reflect the diversity of news, opinion, and analysis. Read full, original post:Gene variants associated with body shape increase risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes

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Diabetes, heart-disease risks rise with 'apple-shape' body gene variant - Genetic Literacy Project

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Like Milo Y, Bill Maher once defended sex between adults and minors – USA TODAY

Posted: at 5:51 pm

Bill Maher wants the world to know that he is responsible for the fall of former Breitbart employee Milo Yiannopoulos. USA TODAY

Bill Maher, left, listens to Milo Yiannopoulos, on HBO's 'Real Time with Bill Maher' Feb. 17, 2017, in Los Angeles.(Photo: Janet Van Ham, HBO via AP)

When Bill Maher took credit for helping take down internet troll Milo Yiannopoulos after he defendedsex between teens and adults, the comedian/talk show hostneglected to mention or forgot he said some similar words on TV nearly two decades ago.

Now a media monitorwith a long memory has dug up the old videotape from Maher's ABC show,Politically Incorrect, that shows Maherdefending the notorious case of Mary Kay Letourneau, the Seattle teacher convicted of having sex (and becoming pregnant) with her12-year-old male student. Letourneau and the student had two children together while he was a teenager, and they married in 2005 after she got out of jail.

She is in jail because she is in love. Thats how I view it, Maher said in the 1998 clip posted by Mediaite. Basically, theyre having a family and theyre keeping the mother in jail because she wont conform to what society feels should be the perfect American family.

When one of his conservative panelists on the show,Celeste Grieg, pointed out in horrified tones that Letourneau had raped her student (which under the law is exactly the case), Maher was dismissive.

Raped? Come on, Maher responded. How can a woman rape a man?

It was a reminder that Maher, 61, made his comic bones being transgressive when the way nastier Yiannopoulos, 33, was in short pants. Defending the seemingly indefensible was one of Maher's comic themes, especially onPolitically Incorrect, which was canceled in 2002for poor ratings according to ABC following Maher's ill-advised remarks about cowardice and the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

'Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher' with guest panelists on October 5, 2001, after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.(Photo: CRAIG T. MATHEW, ABC)

Theedgy exchange on sex between minors and adults was unearthed by Mediaite, the media monitor founded by NBC's legal analyst Dan Abrams, and was subsequently picked by such outlets as CBS News and The Hollywood Reporter.

The reason: Maher took a lot of heat for booking Yiannopoulos on his HBO show, Real Time, last week, despite the British writer/provocateur's history of digital trashing of gays, liberals, Jews, blacks, feminists, reporters and many others.

Milo Yiannopoulos spars with Bill Maher, panel in 'Real Time' debut

Then, after year-old podcast clips of Yiannopoulos seeming to condone sex between some teen boys and men emerged over the weekend, he was abandoned by his political pals, by his employers at Breitbart News and by his publisher who abruptly killed his rich book deal.

Milo Yiannopoulos' controversial book is canceled

Maher took credit, perhaps jokingly, for Milo on the ropes: It was a tipping point, he said. "As I say, sunlight is the best disinfectant. Youre welcome," he told the New York Times.

'You're welcome': Bill Maher takes credit for Milo Yiannopoulos' takedown

But Mediaite found other examples of Maher defending Letourneau and at least some types of illegal sex between minors and adults.

Im the only guy Ive ever heard who defends Mary Kay Letourneau, he told Playboy in a 2007 interview.

Bill Maher of 'Real Time with Bill Maher' on HBO in April 2016.(Photo: Janet Van Ham, AP)

Are you saying teachers should be allowed to have sex with their 13-year-old students, as she did, and not go to jail? asked thereporter (even Playboy could be shocked).

Maher said he believed in a double standard If a 28-year-old male teacher is screwing a 13-year-old girl, thats a crime.

"But with Debra Lafave(another teacher who had sex with a student)screwing her 14-year-old boy student, the crime is that we didnt get it on videotape. Was he being taken advantage of? I wish I had been taken advantage of like that. What a memory she gave him!

A representative for Maher did not immediately return an email from USA TODAY requesting comment.

Maher and liberals in general took some more heat on Twitter Thursday night as the Politically Incorrect clip began spreading, with many tweets including the word "hypocrites" in all-caps. Others tweeted about their loss of respect for Maher.

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Like Milo Y, Bill Maher once defended sex between adults and minors - USA TODAY

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Perspective or censorship? Google shares AI designed to fight online trolling – RT

Posted: at 5:51 pm

Google has released to developers the source code to Perspective, a new machine tool designed to flag toxic comments online. Its creators hope the AI will clean up internet debate, but critics fear it will lead to censorship instead.

Perspective was created by Jigsaw and Googles Counter Abuse Technology team both subsidiaries of Googles parent company Alphabet in a collaborative research project called Conversation-AI. Its mission is to build technology to deal with problems ranging from online censorship to countering violent extremism to protecting people from online harassment.

Jigsaw has partnered with online communities and publishers to measure the toxicity of comments, including the New York Times, Wikipedia, Guardian and the Economist.

This gives them (news sites and social media) a new option: Take a bunch of collective intelligence that will keep getting better over time about what toxic comments people have said would make them leave, and use that information to help your community discussions, said CJ Adams, product manager of Googles Conversation AI,according to WIRED.

Until now, for news sites and social media trying to rein in comments the options have been upvotes, downvotes, turning off comments altogether or manually moderating, Adams said.

Twitter and Facebook also have recently announced anti-trolling moves.

On a demonstration website launched Thursday, anyone could type a phrase into Perspectives interface to instantaneously see how it rates on the toxicity scale.

RT America tested the AI with some comments from our own website. Type he is a Communist with a Jew nose into its text field, and Perspective will tell you it has a 77 percent similarity to phases people consider toxic. Write I piss on Confederate graves; I wholly agree with your views of these fellows and Perspective will flag it as 42 percent toxic, while Please RT no more Libtards gets a 33 percent rating.

Jigsaw developed the troll detector by taking millions of comments from Wikipedia editorial discussions, The New York Times and other unnamed partners. The comments were shared with ten people recruited online to state whether they found the comments toxic. The resulting judgements provided a large data set of training examples to teach the AI.

Ultimately we want the AI to surface the toxic stuff to us faster, Denise Law, the Economists community editor, told WIRED. If we can remove that, what wed have left is all the really nice comments. Wed create a safe space where everyone can have intelligent debates.

Jared Cohen, Jigsaws founder and president, said the tool is just one step toward better conversations, and he hopes it will be created in other languages to counter state-sponsored use of abusive trolling as a censorship tactic.

"Each time Perspective finds new examples of potentially toxic comments, or is provided with corrections from users, it can get better at scoring future comments," Cohen wrote in a blog post.

Not everyone thinks Perspective is wonderful, however. Libertarian journalist Virgil Vaduva ran his own experiment on Perspective, and concluded that the AI can easily be used to censor controversial speech, whether that speech comes from the left or the right of the American political spectrum.

Applying the AI to censor comments will create an environment empty of value where everyone agrees with everyone, or so it may appear, Vaduva wrote.

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Ron Paul Institute: Nikki Haley Completely Clueless – FITSNews

Posted: at 5:50 pm


U.S. ambassador to the United NationsNikki Haley was slammed this week by former U.S. Rep. Ron Pauls organizationfor being completely cluelesson the world stage.

Just when we thought the great national embarrassment of UN Ambassador Samantha Powerwas over, we are suddenly faced with a new US Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, who almost makes Ms. Power look like a giant in world affairs and diplomacy, the institutes executive director Daniel McAdams noted.


Hisreview didnt get any nicer, either.

Addressing the UN Security Council Open Debate on Conflicts in Europe (Tuesday), Ambassador Haley managed to get nearly every single point spectacularly wrong while mixing in the most banal of platitudes to further deaden the delivery, McAdams continued.


McAdams was referring to Haleys ongoing efforts to blame the current Ukrainian crisis on Russia when in fact the blame for the situation falls squarely on the administration of Barack Obamaand its Nazi alliesin the region. Oh, and onGeorge Soros(hes guilty heretoo).

According to McAdams, Haley has no clue what is happening in eastern Ukraine and so (she) has just dusted off the dusty old talking points of the Obama administration.

A.k.a. exactly what we said three weeks ago

McAdamsalso questioned U.S. president Donald Trumps selection of Haley for this post in light of the fact that Trump sharply (and correctly) criticized the Obama administrations militaristic foreign policy in Ukraine and other parts of the world during his 2016 campaign.

Clearly McAdams doesnt know the real reason Haley was tapped for this position

Nonetheless, his critique of her failure to conform withTrumps promises of bringing new people to bear on American foreign affairs not those with a long history of failed policies is damning.

Mr. President, I am sorry to have to inform you of this, but when it comes to Ambassador Nikki Haley, you may technically have new people in positions but you most certainly do not have new ideas, he wrote.

Thats for damn sure

This website doesnt believe America should be part of the UN. We dont recognize its sovereignty and we sure as hell dont think American taxpayers should foot the bill for its ongoing operations (let alone subsidize the largest percentage of its operational, peacekeeping and humanitarian budgets).

But if our country is going to participate in this global goat show, shouldnt our representative at least be required to toe the line laid down by our nations leader? As opposed to engaging in this sort of fact-challenged freelancing in the opposite direction?

Seriously we thought Trump appointed Haley to this post, not Obama.

Banner via @USUN

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Ron Paul: Does Donald Trump’s ISIS Plan Include Another US Invasion? – Noozhawk

Posted: at 5:50 pm

Just over a week into his administration, President Donald Trump issued an executive order giving Defense Secretary James Mattis 30 days to come up with a plan to defeat ISIS. According to the order, the plan should make recommendations on military actions, diplomatic actions, partners, strategies and how to pay for the operation.

As we approach Trumps deadline, it looks like the military is going to present him with a plan to do a whole lot more of what weve been doing and somehow expect different results.

Proving the old saying that when all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail, we are hearing increasing reports that the military will recommend sending thousands of U.S. troops into Syria and Iraq.

This would be a significant escalation in both countries, as currently there are about 5,000 U.S. troops still fighting our 13-year war in Iraq, and some 500 special forces soldiers operating in Syria.

The current Syria cease-fire, brokered without U.S. involvement at the end of 2016, is producing positive results, and the opposing groups are talking with each other under Russian and Iranian sponsorship. Does anyone think sending thousands of U.S. troops into a situation that is already being resolved without us is a good idea?

In language reminiscent of his plans to build a wall on the Mexican border, Trump told a political rally in Florida over the weekend that he was going to set up safe zones in Syria and would make the gulf states pay for them. There are several problems with this plan.

First, any safe zone set up inside Syria, especially if protected by U.S. troops, would amount to a massive U.S. invasion of the country, unless President Bashar al-Assad approves them. Does Trump want to begin his presidency with an illegal invasion of a sovereign country?

Second, there is the little problem of the Russians, who are partners with the Assad government in its efforts to rid the country of ISIS and al-Qaeda. ISIS is already losing territory on a daily basis. Is Trump willing to risk a military escalation with Russia to protect armed regime-change forces in Syria?

Third, the gulf states are the major backers of al-Qaeda and ISIS in Syria as Trumps own recently resigned national security adviser, Michael Flynn, revealed in a 2015 interview. Unless these safe zones are being set up to keep al-Qaeda and ISIS safe, it doesnt make any sense to involve the gulf states.

Many will say we should not be surprised at these latest moves. As a candidate, Trump vowed to defeat ISIS once and for all.

However, does anyone really believe that continuing the same strategy we have followed for the past 16 years will produce different results this time? If what you are hammering is not a nail, will hammering it harder get it nailed in?

Washington cannot handle the truth: solving the ISIS problem must involve a whole lot less U.S. activity in the Middle East, not a whole lot more.

Until that is understood, we will continue to waste trillions of dollars and untold lives in a losing endeavor.

Ron Paul is a retired congressman, former presidential candidate, and founder and chairman of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity. Click here to contact him, follow him on Twitter: @RonPaul, or click here to read previous columns. The opinions expressed are his own.

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Remember when Alan Colmes and Ron Paul used to drive Sean Hannity crazy? –

Posted: at 5:50 pm

When it was announced that Fox News liberal pundit Alan Colmes passed away on Thursday, I couldnt help but recall one of my all-time favorite memories of him.

The scene was the 2008 election. Congressman Ron Pauls presidential campaign had begun to gather significant grassroots momentum, and the Republicans libertarian brand irritated not only most of the GOP which then was still staunchlyin the Bush-Cheney Iraq War defense mode but Pauls growing popularity seemed to get under the skin of Sean Hannity.

RELATED:The Fox News family is mourning the death of one of the titans of the cable network

Especially when Paul kept winning Fox News presidential polls, something Colmes would reportwith a tinge of glee.

The more this irritated Hannity, the more Colmes seemed amused by it. See for yourself in the short clip below:

Here we go again, Hannity says in the clip, talking over Colmes, Its driving me crazy.

In a separate segment, Colmes continued to report that Paul is winning and Hannity protested, Wait, wait, wait, you know what? Theyre redialing by the second.

Was Hannity saying that Fox News own poll,his poll, in a sense, was rigged and of no value?

When the three menshared the television screenduring the election, it was often liberal Colmes who waswarm to Pauls antiwar views to Hannitys chagrin.

RELATED:Sean Hannity shared a personal reflection about dearly departed friend Alan Colmes

Regardless, Ron Paul always seemed amused by Hannitys antipathy toward him, but Hannitys longtime friend, Colmes, perhaps even more so.

Its like a part of me left today, Hannity said on Thursday of his friends death. Its been a really tough day.

RIP Alan Colmes, and thanks for the memories.

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Libertarianism, Helicopters, and Leftists – Being Libertarian

Posted: at 5:50 pm

All it takes is a Hoppe, skip and a jump for those, who are joking online about throwing communists from helicopters, to justify their actions.

A growing wave of libertarians and anarcho-capitalists are finding themselves drawn to the world of anti-communist rhetoric, which extends to the nth degree. So, is commie killing a justified response to the violation of the NAP, or is this simply lunacy concocted to ideologically discriminate? Where does the line between threat and belief system exist?

To discover this, we must first look at the emerging resurgence of Hans-Hermann Hoppe and his beliefs, through the Facebook page Hoppean Snake Memes. Its a page which has amassed nearly seventeen thousand likes for its ideological tint, which takes heavy opposition to Marxism and Leninism; ideologies which are acting in opposition to anarcho-capitalism.

Just as one must fight to maintain their freedom, one must also work to secure their own free society. The difference between an anarcho-capitalist society and an anarcho-individualist society is based on the premise of the left and right dichotomy, with anarcho-capitalists representing the right-wing and property rights, and the anarcho-individualists representing the left-wing and communism.

Anarcho-individualism, as indicated through the works of Max Stirner, completely disregards pragmatism, societal progress and morality to favour the Ubermensch perspective of Friedrich Nietzsche, which essentially involves giving complete reign of ones life and actions over to the people to allow them to decide their life based on their own moral compass.

Essentially, given the rise of groups such as Antifa which run contrary to the libertarian principles of personal and property rights Hoppean Snake Memes takes a hyperbolic approach to Hoppes original views by mixing them with Augusto Pinochets historically notorious habit of dropping communists from helicopters.

The death of communists is seen very much in the same way that one would see the killing of ISIS regardless of whether or not individual ISIS members have committed atrocities, their group is reason enough for suspicion and consequential action to be taken to stop it. Given that groups such as Antifa and ISIS threaten the peace and prosperity of societal participants (since communism and Islam represent the two biggest terror threats in the world at the moment), it is clear that action must be taken.

I interviewed the administrator of the Facebook page who simply went by the monicker Snek for the purposes of conversation; he elaborated on his disdain for communism, which he saw as antithetical to a society which follows along a pathway of objective self-servience and capital-based individualism.

When I say communist, I am referring to one who advocates gulags. Not simply worker control of the means of production. I have nothing against worker control of the MOP, provided its all voluntary, et cetera et cetera.

Upon being pressed as to how this runs contrary to freedom of association and freedom of speech, the terminology of threat was used to justify the way in which communist advocacy works; their ideals stomping over the civil liberties of person and property.

This, paired with the forced radicalism of groups such as Antifa, is now acting as the basis for an emerging ideology that pairs anarchism with practicality, in order to minimise big government to small government and gradually make the transition to a stateless society. This is why the forces in question have fallen in love with the bombastic reductions taken by Donald Trump; reductions which run counter to the prior Democratic tendency to slip down a slippery slope and fall into a pit of authoritarian tripe (think Franklin D. Roosevelt). This heavy focus on pragmatism for libertarianism has led followers to co-opt the alternative right and expand its audience in the retaliation against leftism.

Snek detailed the following:

It should be noted that the helicopter memes are, for the most part, an exaggeration; the purpose, though, is to provoke thought on what is to be considered legitimate self-defence. The argument that Pinochet did nothing wrong stems from the argument that Allende would have been worse. Allende had very close ties to MIR and Castro, judging by Castros actions we know that if Allende was even remotely like him, Allende would have been objectively worse than Pinochet, in terms of human rights violations.

Given the low polling numbers of the Libertarian Party and the fact that the ideology has as much momentum behind it as a Snorlax on a bridge, can one really blame a frustrated branch of Austrian economics for a kneejerk reaction to the left and their omnipresent threat of attack on our fundamental rights?

Out of the philosophical and epistemological questions that lie behind the nebulous terminology of the NAP, it should be determined (at least to some extent) by the public consensus what is considered justifiable retaliation.

Do you approve of the commie killin freedom fighters, or do you simply see them as being full of Pinoshit?

We here at Being Libertarian are not at liberty (ironically) to disclose our personal position on ideological discrimination, however, we must advocate peace towards your fellow man, to set a good example for the thieves more extreme members of the left.

And stay up to date with all my articles on my personal Facebook page.

This post was written by David McManus.

The views expressed here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect our views and opinions.

David McManus has an extensive background in youth politics and of advocacy with regards to the libertarian and anarcho-capitalist movements. David draws his values from the works of Stirner, Hoppe and Rothbard. He is currently a student in Australia with a passion for writing, which carries into a healthy zest for liberty-based activism. Despite an aspiring career in politics, he considers himself a writer at heart with a steady niche for freelance work.

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Israel Accuses Human Rights Watch Of ‘Propaganda,’ Denies Access – Huffington Post

Posted: at 5:47 pm

WASHINGTON The Israeli government is blocking an American citizen from taking his post with Human Rights Watch in Israel, accusing the group of engaging in politics in the service of Palestinian propaganda.

The 39-year-old Nobel Peace Prize-winning organization sent a request in July 2016 for its new Israel and Palestine program director, Omar Shakir, to start his assignment in October. The approval process is supposed to take 60 days, but Human Rights Watch heard nothing back until Monday.

The group received a letter from Israels Interior Ministry denying the work permit on the grounds that we were not a real human rights organization, said Shakir, a California native of Iraqi descent with a masters degree from Georgetown and a law degree from Stanford.

The Interior Ministry cited guidance from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a letter explaining its decision not to grant Human Rights Watchs request. The opinion received from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted that, for some time now, this organizations public activities and reports have engaged in politics in the service of Palestinian propaganda, while falsely raising the banner of human rights, and therefore recommended denying the application, the letter stated.

The Israeli government did not respond to The Huffington Posts requests for comment.

Mohamad Torokman/Reuters

Human Rights Watch has operated in Israel for three decades, Shakir said. The last director of the Israel and Palestine program was an Israeli national and did not need a work permit. However, previous regional directors needed and received work permits from the Israeli government, he added.

On theIsrael/Palestinepage on its website, Human Rights Watch criticizes Israel for severe and discriminatory restrictions on Palestinians human rights and for building unlawful settlements in the occupied West Bank. But it also criticizes the Palestinian Authority for arresting dissenting students and activists and Hamas security forces in Gaza for using torture.

This decision and the spurious rationale should worry anyone concerned about Israels commitment to basic democratic values, Iain Levine, who oversees Human Rights Watchs research and reporting, said in a statement. It is disappointing that the Israeli government seems unable or unwilling to distinguish between justified criticisms of its actions and hostile political propaganda.

Human Rights Watch pointed to a law Israel passed last July that increased reporting requirements for organizations that support Palestinian groups and receive foreign funds, but not for those that support the expansion of Jewish settlements.

Human Rights Watch got a vote of support onThursday from the U.S. State Department, whose acting spokesman, Mark Toner, said it strongly disagreed with Israels description of the group.

HRW is a credible human rights organization and even though we do not agree with all of their assertions or conclusions, given the seriousness of their efforts, we support the importance of the work they do, Toner said. We reference HRW reports in our own reporting, including our annual human rights reports.

Human Rights Watch was founded in 1978 to monitor compliance with the 1975 Helsinki Accords, which included guarantees of human rights. The nonprofit now operates in some 90 nations to report on human rights conditions. In 1997, a group it co-founded, the International Campaign to Ban Landmines, won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Israel joins Egypt, Sudan, the United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea on the list of nations that refuse entry to Human Rights Watch to monitor human rights conditions.

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Israel Accuses Human Rights Watch Of 'Propaganda,' Denies Access - Huffington Post

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