Monthly Archives: February 2017

They make up sources – VICE News

Posted: February 24, 2017 at 6:01 pm

President Trump gave a vigorous defense of the First Amendment in his speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference Friday morning and invoked his right to free speech to bash the fake news media.

Nobody loves the First Amendment more than me, Trump told the crowd at the annual convention, held outside Washington, D.C. But [the media] never will represent the people, and were going to do something about it, he added ambiguously.

Trump criticized journalists for using anonymous sources in news stories that caused turmoil in the early days of his administration. Several recent stories quoting anonymous officials forced the resignation of Trumps national security adviser, Michael Flynn, when they revealed that Flynn had discussed economic sanctions with the Russian ambassador before taking office. Trump has repeatedly accused members of the intelligence community of leaking information to the press, as he did again Friday morning on Twitter.

Even if there are real leakers, Trump maintained that journalists make up sources. They have no sources, he said. If the sources are real, theymustbe named, he demanded.

The morning CPAC crowd whooped at the presidents attacks on the Fourth Estate, and Trump continued. The president criticized polls from CBS, ABC, NBC, and the Clinton News Network (or CNN), which brought more whoops of delight. When Hillary Clinton came up a second time, some of the crowd indulged in a Lock her up chant.

Red Make America Great Again hats dotted the sea of blue and black sport coats filling the ballroom wall-to-wall. In years past, Trump enjoyed a smallbutfervent fan base at CPAC but the young, grassroots conservative crowd tended to cheer loudest for Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, a libertarian favorite, or for Sen. Ted Cruz, a champion of conservatives. Skepticism of Trump ran so hot last year during the presidential campaign that he skipped the 2016CPAC, prompting Cruz and other GOP primary opponents to lambast him for the snub.

But Trump returned to CPAC Friday a happy, boastful warrior. He pledged that he would oversee one of the greatest military buildups in American history. He declared that the Republican Party will now be the party of the American worker, in seeming contrast to past Republican orthodoxy that highlighted business executives and entrepreneurs.

America is coming back and its roaring and you can hear it, Trump said. Its going to be bigger and better and stronger than ever before.

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They make up sources - VICE News

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Protecting free speech: House bill would protect students’ First Amendment rights on campus – Richmond Register

Posted: at 6:01 pm

The following might be offensive to some.

But that's okay, according to Rep. Wesley Morgan, R-Richmond. It's free speech and protected by the First Amendment of our nation's constitution.

A right, he said, that is being infringed upon on many of Kentucky's college campuses.

Morgan is trying to change that with Kentucky House Bill 127, or the Campus Free Expression (CAFE) Act, which will prohibit publicly-funded universities and colleges from restricting a student's right to free expression.

"I filed the bill because I believe in it, whole-heartedly," Morgan said. "You need to have the freedom of speech on college campuses. Students shouldn't be restricted to a circle 50 feet from the sidewalk."

Morgan said many state universities have policies that restrict student's First Amendment rights by forcing them into so-called "free speech zones."

The representative said these zones are often small areas hidden away from public view.

The CAFE Act will prohibit schools from imposing those types of zones, and defines any "outdoor areas of an institution's campus" as "traditional public forums."

"Students should have the right to express themselves in an open space and have the opportunity to have people listen to what they have to say," Morgan said. "It's a matter of fairness. Students have a right and it should be protected. There are public institutions of higher education that are not allowing students the right to have an open dialogue. You don't want that to continue in the state."

Kentucky House Bill 127 states clearly colleges "shall not restrict the right to free expression." In line with the Constitution, colleges can only place "reasonable" restrictions on the "time, place, and manner" of student expression. Even still, these restrictions must be "narrowly tailored... based on published, content-neutral, and viewpoint-neutral criteria... [and must] provide for ample alternative means of expression."

Inspired by Morgan's efforts to protect students' rights, Eastern Kentucky University's student government association (SGA) passed a bill endorsing HB 127 and encouraging other student governments across the state to do the same.

Sebastian Torres, EKU SGA executive vice president, said the bill passed unanimously and the organization has been working closely with Morgan and others to educate universities about the bill.

"It is a real issue on Kentucky campuses that needs to be addressed," Torres said of the fight to keep free speech. "It's not just Kentucky that has these policies that restrict students' First Amendment rights. At a university in Indiana, a group of students were arrested for passing out copies of the Constitution. This is real and it's happening."

In fact, on a recent trip to Murray State University, Torres said he and other SGA members had difficulty locating the campus' free-speech zone. After a search of the grounds, the students were directed to a small cement circle tucked away out of sight. Torres added students have to apply for a chance to speak in the zone and applications can be denied.

The EKU student said limiting an open exchange of ideas to a certain area on a college campus was "ridiculous" and goes against not only a right protected by the Constitution, but also the nature of higher education.

"Students come here to learn and grow and expand their ideas. We are trying to educate a workforce at this university and create productive citizens, but college is also a chance to have your ideas challenged and see if they stand up against facts," Torres said. "If it doesn't happen on a college campus, where do we expect it to happen."

Torres said you don't have to agree with everything said and you don't have to listen if you don't want to. He added free speech can be uncomfortable for some, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be said.

Torres said EKU's student government felt it was especially important to support Morgan's bill, due to the fact that EKU is the first "green light" school in the state.

The university earned that distinction from the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), which awards institutions of higher learning with a green, yellow or red categorization based on the constitutionality of speech policies.

In 2012, the university worked with FIRE attorneys to bring the campus into compliance with the Constitution and make the campus more First Amendment friendly.

Some of the important steps taken by the university included modifying vague wording in the student handbook and policies.

One example was the phrase in the student handbook that stated students should not "engage in a course of conduct intended to harass, seriously annoy and alarm another person." FIRE suggested the university amend the phrase "seriously annoy," as it goes against the First Amendment to regulate student speech in that manner.

Another part of the handbook read: "No one should either offend the wider community or infringe upon the rights and privileges of others."

"Sometimes people might find what you say offensive," Torres said. "However, I think what is becoming prevalent in today's society is the idea that if they find it offensive or uncomfortable then it should be stopped. That's infringing on free speech.

"Why should certain kind of speakers be banned from campus. That shouldn't be allowed, especially if a student group is sponsoring that speaker. Those that don't agree with the speaker don't have to listen to the lecture or they can bring in their own speaker who has a different viewpoint."

Another reason Torres said the SGA is promoting the bill is the fact that while the CAFE act protects students it also will protect universities. He said with budget crunches, it is not a good time for universities to get sued because it didn't have the forethought to not infringe on a student's right to free speech.

Torres said he hopes that other universities step-up and make their campus' more First Amendment friendly, but unfortunately that doesn't seem to be happening.

"I wish that universities and colleges would do it on their own, but that is why it is so important for the state house to step in and go ahead and do it for them," he said. "Our SGA feels that this is an important issue for students and we feel compelled to let our legislators know that we are invested in our First Amendment right. I'm very proud of the SGA for endorsing this and we encourage every other student government to jump on the bandwagon."

Both Morgan and Torres said the new bill does not do away with university protections against hate speech, harassment or incitement of violence.

The CAFE Act provides universities with the ability to enforce certain restrictions on acts of free speech in an outdoor area of campus regarding reasonable time, place and manner. The bill makes it very clear these restrictions must have a clear, defendable basis, Torres said.

Torres said in no way does the bill encourage or enable hate speech and harassment by promoting the right of free speech for students.

"You are protected from any kind of violence or mistreatment," he said. "That doesn't mean you are protected against different ideas, views, cultures or opinions that you might not like."

Reach Ricki Barker at 624-6611 or follow her on Twitter @RickiBReports.

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Protecting free speech: House bill would protect students' First Amendment rights on campus - Richmond Register

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These Emerging Artists Are More Than Ready To Defend The First Amendment – Huffington Post

Posted: at 6:01 pm

I love the First Amendment, President Donald Trump proclaimed on Friday at the 2017 Conservative Political Action Conference.Nobody loves it better than me, he added.

The effusive remark comes from the same person who called venerable media outlets like The New York Times and NBC News long considered pillars of the same free press protected by the First Amendment the enemy of the American people. Other phrases he and his staff have used to describe journalists prone to criticizing his administration:out of control, opposition party, dishonest and fake news.

Weeks before Trumps CPAC speech, curators at Ground Floor Gallery in New York City a space dedicated to emerging artists decided it was time for genuine First Amendment defenders to speak out. They began soliciting artwork for a show they calledMarked Urgent, inviting artists to submit workassociated with any and all types of correspondence and communication.

Ground Floor Gallery

Now, more than ever, we need to empower journalists to hold our government accountable and to provide us with the facts we need to remain informed and involved citizens, the gallery wrote online. As passionate arts professionals vested in critical thought and freedom of expression, we feel compelled to respond.

Marked Urgent opened on Friday, Feb. 24, the same day Trump chastised news outlets for using anonymous sources, despite having used them himself to make claims that have been proven false. The pieces on view at Ground Floor are on sale for$75, $25 of which will be donated to the Committee to Protect Journalists, an independent, nonprofit organization that promotes press freedom worldwide and defends the right of journalists to report the news without fear of reprisal.

Ground Floor Gallery

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We were thrilled that our artist network was just as enthusiastic about this concept as we were, Ground Floor co-founders Krista Saunders Scenna and Jill Benson told The Huffington Post.

We received over 70 submissions in just under three weeks and selected 39 artists for the show, they added. With submissions ranging from embroidered newsprint to collaged envelopes and sculpted stationery, the work is as inventive as it is topical. All in all, its been an incredibly empowering show to organize and gratifying to know we can help an organization doing such important work every day.

Marked Urgent will run through Sunday, Feb. 26. To see a full list of the participating artists, head to Ground Floors website here.

Ground Floor Gallery

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BitConnect Cryptocurrency Exhibits Steady Growth – newsBTC

Posted: at 5:58 pm

BitConnect, the young cryptocurrency is showing steady growth within a month of its successful ICO. BitConnect Coin (BCC)is following on the path of the crypto heavyweights like Bitcoin and Ethereum as it showcases significant growth within the digital altcoin community. It continues the trend of the exponential rise as set by the two cryptocurrencies since 2015. The upcoming feature additions to BCC throughout 2017 are further expected to boost its value.

BitConnect coin is an open source, peer-to-peer, community driven decentralized cryptocurrency that allows people to store and invest their wealth in a non-government controlled currency, and even earn a substantial interest on investment.

BCC has experienced few ups and downs since the completion of BCCs initial launch following the ICO. There was a drop in its demand and value soon after its release as is the case for any new digital or physical product. Being a cryptocurrency that is providing real value to the market, BCC has recovered to emerge bigger and stronger than ever.

BCCs chart shows a more than two-fold increase in its price during the recent weeks. Due to an increase in the BitConnect Coin mining activity, the cryptocurrency platform had to increase its mining difficulty to levels much higher than that of any other scrypt-based coin in the altcoin market. Consequently, the exchange volume has been exhibiting significant growth in anticipation of the new features that are going to be included later this month.

The BCC cryptocurrencys demand and price are expected to further increase as the platform prepares to launch the much awaited BitConnect application for Android and iOS devices. The latter half of the year will also see the cryptocurrency undergoing more innovation and also the inclusion of new convenience features. The BCC mining process will stop yielding new coins by the end of 2017.

BitConnect Coin connects its users socially and financially to a secure, protected community of investors and lenders. BCC owners can also connect with the community to increase the value in their respective wallets as the cryptocurrencys price increases. They also get an opportunity to earn interest.

BitConnect hasbecome the worlds fastest growing online Bitcoin community. It has risen from being a concept in Q1 of 2016 to a top 100K website on Alexa in less than one year.

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Top 5 Cryptocurrencies Under Development By Central Banks – The Merkle

Posted: at 5:58 pm

In most cases, imitation is the ultimate form of flattery. For Bitcoin, that is not always the case, even though many projects aim to imitate the cryptocurrencys success to date. Various central banks are working on creating their own cryptocurrencies, none of which are decentralized or subject to a free market. Below is a list of such coins which may see the light of day sooner than people think.

As the name would suggest, Citicoin aims to become a bitcoin rival developed by none other than Citibank. Citigroup claims they have built this digital currency based on blockchain technology, although most of the specifics remain unclear to this very day. Judging by the name, it appears Citicoin will only be usable for internal transaction between customers of this particular bank. That has not been confirmed by Citigroup, albeit not much has been heard from this project since July of 2015.

When this collaborative project between UBS, Deutsche Bank, Santander, and Bank of New York Mellon was announced in 2016, the world was taken a bit by storm. Four of the worlds largest banks openly admitted they envy bitcoin and its technology. All four institutions have been researching the technology and decided to create their own cryptocurrency, going by the name of Utility Settlement Coin.

Considering how all of these banks are a member of the R3 blockchain consortium, the move to develop their own cryptocurrency seems a bit strange. Then again it is believed the Utility Settlement Coin project will launch in 2018, albeit no specific date has been announced so far. It remains to be seen if such a project can survive and what type of blockchain it will use, though.

Not to be confused with the previous entry, SETLcoin is a project developed by the Goldman Sachs Group. A patent for SETLcoin was filed back in 2014, which labels it as a cryptographic currency for securities settlement. This type of cryptocurrency will not be a competitor to bitcoin by any means, as it focuses on one specific niche. Goldman Sachs wants to facilitate the exchange of assets over a peer-to-peer network, yet its capabilities are seemingly limited at this point.

The Bank of England, together with various computer scientists, feel they have cracked the code to dethrone bitcoin as the top cryptocurrency. Under the RsCoin banner, the cryptocurrency will be used for P2P transactions all over the world. It would allow the BoE to keep a tight grip on the money supply and would no longer allow for the creation of money out of thin air. Then again, with no fixed coin supply, value can still be created out of nothing. An intriguing type of cryptocurrency to keep an eye on.

One of the more worrisome cryptocurrency projects in development goes by the name of RMBCoin. This cryptocurrency, developed by the Peoples Bank of Chinaaims tobecome the new national digital currency in time. However, users will not have full control over their digital wallet, similar to how bank accounts are not controlled by the customer either. Not much else is known about RMBCoin, as there is no white paper, release date, or comprehensive list of specifications available today.

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Top 5 Cryptocurrencies Under Development By Central Banks - The Merkle

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Top 6 Most Traded Cryptocurrencies in 2017 Thus Far – The Merkle

Posted: at 5:58 pm

Though were only just under two months into 2017, the cryptocurrency market has been quite eventful. Today we are taking a look into the trading trends of cryptocurrencies since the beginning of the year. While some of the top traded coins on the list may be expected, there are a few projects that might surprise you! These are the 6 most frequently traded coins of the past 30 days.

6. Pascal Coin (PASC)

Researching for this article is the first time Ive encountered Pascal Coin. This is rather embarrassing, especially considering that Pascal Coin has a 30 day trading volume of about $63 million. This coin aims to make cryptocurrencies more accessible to the layman, touting simplified addresses and user friendly UIs. Per coin it is rather cheap as well, trading at around 22 cents per coin.Its selling point is the fact that it does not require the use of a blockchain.Unlike other cryptocurrencies, if you delete Pascalcoins blockchain it would still work due to the way the hashes work.

5. Tether (USDT)

Tether is trading at about a dollar per coin and has maintained months trading volume around $67 million. Tether is an interesting concept that looks to bridge the worlds of crypto and fiat. These tokens as they call what is essentially an altcoin, are able to be traded between peers, but it remains pegged to fiat currencies such as USD. Their use of blockchain technology assures security for the transactions and the coin hopes to keep each token fungible to the US dollar for stability reasons.

4. Monero (XMR)

Monero is a privacy centric altcoin that boasts impressive security and anonymity. With a trading volume of just under $100 million for the last thirty days, it has some weight to it and has seen a resurgence in popularity. Due to its innovative way of rendering blockchain analysis useless Monero is at the fourth spot on our list.

3. Litecoin (LTC)

A little under half of the 30 day trading volume of ETC, we find Litecoin with $161 million. Again, this is a rather obvious contender for the top spots trading wise. With a reasonably low barrier to entry and high trading volumes to keep it relevant, Litecoin is a great way to get started in the cryptocurrency game.

2. Ethereum (ETH)

Ethereum is also no stranger to leaderboards such as this. ETH enjoys a significant lead over its other blockchain (ETC) with ~$12 dollars a coin and $352 million in the last 30 days of trading. While there is an astonishing disparity between this and Bitcoin, $352 million worth of trading is nothing to scoff at, especially considering its position as the second most traded of the past thirty days.

1.Bitcoin (BTC)

It should come as no surprise to even the newest cryptocurrency user that Bitcoin is still king when it comes to worth and trading volume. With a staggering volume of $3.8 billion tradedwithin the last thirty days alone and a current value of $1170.33 per coin, Bitcoin continues to flaunt its dominance in the market and make those who are hodling rather cheerful.

If you liked this article, follow us on Twitter @themerklenews and make sure to subscribe to our newsletter to receive the latest bitcoin, cryptocurrency, and technology news.

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More bang for your Bitcoin as cryptocurrency hits record high price – Computer Business Review

Posted: at 5:58 pm

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Bitcoin defies the doubters and climbs to $1,186, marking a new price record.

Bitcoin has reached a new record high price of $1,186, surpassing the previous all-time high reached during the Bitcoin-mania of 2013.

After Bitcoin reached the previous record high price of $1,165, the price plummeted to half the figure when Mt. Gox, one of the most substantial Bitcoin exchanges shutdown.

The closure of the exchange came about following the loss of hundreds of thousands of Bitcoin at the expense of its users. After this point the price of the digital currency has been continuously unstable.

Bitcoin was stabilised at $250 in 2015, and has increased at a consistent, steady rate since this point. One month ago Bitcoin was trading at $885, and at $736 the month prior.

The price began to pick up more rapidly following the devaluation of the Yuan due to India and Chinas removal of high valuation bank notes.

One of the most influential factors behind the growing price of Bitcoin has been the election of President Donald Trump.

Comparable to Brexit, the election of Trump brought uncertainty to the market and led to the reaction of moving money into Bitcoins. The reason that this action was taken is because Bitcoin is uncorrelated from other capital market assets

The awareness of digital currencies has also grown in recent times, with financial services pursuing the implementation of fintech such as Bitcoin and Blockchain. Mark Carney spoke recently on the future of the financial services, and the transformative impact that fintech is likely to have.

Bitcoins profile has also been raised by recent news surrounding cyber security, in which ransomware is being used increasingly to charge victims sums of money in Bitcoin

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OroCoin Trading on Cryptocurrency Exchanges – (blog)

Posted: at 5:58 pm

The team behind OroCoin has successfully completed the launch phase of its cryptocurrency project. Based on the Scrypt PoW consensus algorithm, OroCoin distinguishes itself from others by pegging its block rewards to golds value. Following the successful launch, OroCoin is now trading on several cryptocurrency exchanges, including, Cryptopia, and Nova Exchange.

The OroCoin team, with experience in the cryptocurrency sector, believes it has created a unique and creative concept. They have worked on ensuring that the currency provides value to traders, hoarders and cryptocurrency miners alike. Characteristics of OroCoin include fast confirmation times and quick adjusting difficulty. The difficulty adjustment feature is put in place to ensure profitable mining irrespective of the number of active miners at any point in time.

Horatio J, one of the lead developers on the OroCoin project, said: Oro is Spanish for gold. With this project, we wanted to set a new gold standard in the cryptocurrency space, creating an asset that was fun and profitable for everyone,

The next stage of the OroCoin project is to build and grow a presence within the cryptocurrency community. It will include activities surrounding dissemination of information and building relationships with other cryptocurrency businesses. Additional goals for the development and promotion of OroCoin along with the roadmap is available on the cryptocurrencys website.

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Bitcoin Tracker: Up, Up And Away? –

Posted: at 5:57 pm






Is there an alternative, profound French phrase or two that can describe what investors have seen this week with bitcoin? Because dj vu no longer seems to cut it.

Bitcoin is quickly headed toward fresh three-year highs after jumping up over $100 in value since last weeks tracker. After breaking through the $1,000 mark (again) at the beginning of February, bitcoin decided to stick around.

Though the cryptocurrency flirted with higher numbers, bitcoin mostly settled just above or below $1,000 for the first half of the month likely while investors waited to see how the whole Chinese exchange investigation storyline would pan out.

But now that the major exchanges have halted withdrawals for upgrades and it appears, at least for now, that no catastrophic changes to the crypto-status quo are coming from the PBoC its off to the races once again.

First, bitcoin has managed to stay above $1,000 for a record 10 days, leading some to speculate that the cryptocurrency could be developing a new, $1,000 price floor though it may still be too early to tell. The rise in value is likely due to speculation that the first bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) will, in fact, receive approval from the SEC.

On Thursday (Feb. 23) morning, bitcoin had broken $1,150 in value, reaching a high of $1,153.04. At the time of writing, bitcoins price sat at $1,149 even, up 2.39 percent over Wednesdays close. The bitcoin market cap was over $18.5 billion. The cryptocurrencys maximum value, reached on Nov. 30, 2013, was $1,165.89, according to CoinDesk.

In stateside bitcoin news, Coinsource, the largest network of bitcoin ATMs in the U.S., recently announced the placement of three new machines in St. Louis, Missouri, the companys first foray into the Midwestern market.

Including the three new machines, Coinsource now has 80 machines in nine U.S. states up from 73 when PYMNTS interviewed CMO Bobby Sharp this past December. Founded in Feb. 2015, Coinsource debuted its first kiosk in the Miracle Mile Shops in Las Vegas.

Coinsource CEO Sheffield Clark saidthe company hopes to have 100 machines installed in the U.S. by the end of Q1, adding: In 2016, we were installing bitcoin ATMs at an average of 1.2 machines per week. We hope to double that this year.

Locations on the radar for new Coinsource ATMs in 2017, according to Sharp, included in Maryland, Massachusetts, Washington, D.C., and Minneapolis.

By the end of 2017, I think we could potentially be in 1520 states, Sharp said. Possibly even a couple of other continents by 2018. We definitely have some company goals to explore outside the United States.

In addition to expanding into new markets, Coinsource has made it a goal to augment the functionality of its current and new machines in 2017. The company is looking to add more financial services and platforms, as well as to increase the number of two-way machines nationwide.

In the international market, the past few weeks have also seen a number of propositions and efforts by various global governments, financial regulatory bodies and other organizations to work toward bitcoin regulation.

The big news as of late has come out of the Philippines after the central bank, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), announced itwould actively regulate the bitcoin industry as a means to combat money laundering and terrorist financing schemes.

Earlier this month, the BSP published guidelines for entities that offer exchange services, including a registration requirement with both BSP and the nations anti-money laundering organization. Bitcoin exchanges will also be subject to annual fee services.

While not an endorsement of cryptocurrency by any means, the move is a step forward in the country of nearly 100 millionand could work to combat the seedier elements at work in the bitcoin ecosystem, while protecting consumers and increasing financial stability for citizens using the digital currency for legal payments and remittances.

Last month, the central bank and government of the United Arab Emirates had drawn up regulatory frameworks for FinTech and digital payments at large.

Additionally, The Cointelegraph reported that government officials and political leaders have also come together to discuss the potential of bitcoin and blockchain technologies for the future of the financial industry and ecosystem in the UAE.






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Top 4 Ways to Generate a Bitcoin Paper Wallet – The Merkle

Posted: at 5:57 pm

Keeping bitcoin funds safe can be quite a challenge, especially for people who are new to the cryptocurrency world. There are several types of solutions to create a paper wallet, which make the process a bit easier. Do keep in mind that using single keys for anything but one-time paper wallet transfers is discouraged due to security concerns. Below are four paper wallet generation solutions which are all worth checking out.

Although very few people may know this app exists, it is an open-source tool that offers quite a few intriguing functions. One of those features includesprinting a bitcoin addresses as a paper wallet. It is worth noting this project was created by Casascius, the same person who introduced the most popular physical bitcoins to the world many years ago. It is also capable of creating private keys for brainwallets, which may be of use to some.

One of the oldest tools to be created as part of the bitcoin world goes by the name of CWallet. It allows users to easily and securely create paper wallets, although it is only compatible with the Pirate Linux live disc. The choice for that particular OS is not random, as Pirate Linux is based on Gentoo, the most secure operating system according to many experts. Keeping information secure while generating a paper wallet is of the utmost importance.

Unlike some other solutions, CWallet does not require a web browser to generate said paper wallet. Instead, it uses the graphic or command-line interface to create the wallet using real random numbers. Moreover, the tool ensures all printed data isnt corrupted and not tampered with. It is a very secure paper wallet solution, that much is certain.

The Bitcoin Paper Wallet site is one of the most convenient ways to generate a secure storage solution for cryptocurrency. The site lets users generate a wallet through the browser and print it afterward. Moreover, the owner sells tamper-evident stickers to ensure private keys are safe from harm and misuse. Its custom designs make this platform one of the most popular among cryptocurrency enthusiasts. Plus, these paper wallets also make for excellent gifts, which is an added bonus.

When it comes to security, look no further thanVanityGen. Although this software is primarily used to generate vanity bitcoin wallet addresses, it can also be used to generate a secure paper wallet. Vanitygen accepts patterns or a list of patterns as input. It then produces multiple addresses and private keys based on this input. More complex patterns will require more time to generate. Using a complicated pattern may not be the best idea to generate appear wallet, though.

To generate a paper wallet, one could put Vanitygen on a USB stick and run it on a computer not connected to the internet. It is by far the most secure solution for this type of purpose, which still leaves room for customization. Generating a custom vanity wallet address can be a bit time-consuming, but it could be worth the effort to some cryptocurrency enthusiasts.

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Top 4 Ways to Generate a Bitcoin Paper Wallet - The Merkle

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