Daily Archives: February 28, 2017

Get Out: the film that dares to reveal the horror of liberal racism in America – The Guardian

Posted: February 28, 2017 at 8:29 pm

Daniel Kaluuya in Get Out. The villains here arent southern rednecks or neo-Nazi skinheads, or the so-called alt-right. Theyre middle-class white liberals. Photograph: Justin Lubin/Universal Pictures

The success of Jordan Peeles Get Out it took $30m in its first weekend in the US is remarkable for lots of reasons. This is a first-time film from a respected, but essentially cult comedian, with no real big-name stars and a premise that is anathema to most of middle America. Yet people came out to see it in their thousands and critics raved about a horror film, which just does not happen. The film has a A- rating from audiences on CinemaScore, which as some have pointed out is unheard of for a horror, and a rare 99% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Like Donald Glovers Atlanta, almost universal praise has followed the films debut and as with that series, Peele has dealt with race in America in a refreshing, funny and unflinching manner. The number of things Peele manages to reference is stunning: the taboo of mixed relationships, eugenics, the slave trade, black men dying first in horror films, suburban racism, police brutality.

Film-makers have used absurd horror to tackle race before, like in Timo Vuorensolas 2012 film Iron Sky, which placed the action on the dark side of the moon where the Nazis had been hiding out, plotting to forcibly make black people white. But in Get Out, Peele brought the action much closer to home. Some have dubbed the film an African-American nightmare movie; it isnt. This is an American horror story. (It comes after an impressive run of low-budget two-word-title horrors that place the action in middle America, and prod at issues bubbling just beneath the surface: Dont Breathe, It Follows and Youre Next.)

The villains here arent southern rednecks or neo-Nazi skinheads, or the so-called alt-right. Theyre middle-class white liberals. The kind of people who read this website. The kind of people who shop at Trader Joes, donate to the ACLU and would have voted for Obama a third time if they could. Good people. Nice people. Your parents, probably. The thing Get Out does so well and the thing that will rankle with some viewers is to show how, however unintentionally, these same people can make life so hard and uncomfortable for black people. It exposes a liberal ignorance and hubris that has been allowed to fester. Its an attitude, an arrogance which in the film leads to a horrific final solution, but in reality leads to a complacency that is just as dangerous.

There was always something that didnt quite ring true about Guess Whos Coming to Dinner a film many have compared to Get Out. It wasnt in Sidney Poitiers performance, which felt real: his anger, fear and frustration at having to battle his own familys disapproval of him marrying a white woman and her familys liberal hand-wringing was note-perfect. What didnt feel real was the mostly calm reactions of almost everyone involved. In Get Out, under that placid exterior lurks the dark subconscious, where the true horror lies.

In the screening I was at, the biggest reactions from the mainly black audience were the knowing laughs whenever Peele took on tropes people recognised from real life. There was the anxiety about meeting the family of a white partner, which proved to be well placed when Chris Washington (Daniel Kaluuya) arrives at the Armitage residency and is immediately treated to a line of ham-fisted and loaded questioning. There was the cringe-inducing way the black serving staff are treated; the interactions with the police who, unlike in most horror films, arent last-minute saviors but potential fatal hurdles.

Horror tropes are inverted, subverted and turned on their head, none more so than the way Peele takes the idea of a white woman being in peril as soon as shes in an inner-city area and turns that into a black man being at his vulnerable in an affluent white neighborhood. The unique history plus the fascination, fetishization and fear of dark-skinned men on this continent gives Get Out even more punch. After seeing it, I started to think that it might not be a coincidence the film came out almost five years to the day since Trayvon Martin was killed.

Peele said The Stepford Wives, because of the way it dealt with social issues in regards to gender, was an inspiration for Get Out. I just thought, thats proof that you can pull off a movie about race, thats a thriller and entertaining and fun, he said. His debut has managed to do just that, and like The Daily Show a satirical news show which became must-watch social commentary Peele has placed real issues in an unlikely context, this time a horror film, and said something painfully true about them. Get Out will be one of this years biggest conversation starters. Just dont expect it to be comfortable.

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Get Out: the film that dares to reveal the horror of liberal racism in America - The Guardian

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Trump’s new Labor secretary drawing liberal support – Washington Examiner

Posted: at 8:29 pm

R. Alexander Acosta, President Trump's nominee for secretary of labor, is racking up an impressive list of endorsements from liberal groups and appears to be drawing no serious opposition from the union movement, suggesting that the nominee will likely have an easy confirmation when the Senate gets around to him.

At least three major unions have endorsed Acosta's bid and most other groups that would lead the effort against a Republican appointee are holding their fire. That's a sharp change from their reaction to Trump's previous nominee for the position, fast-food businessman Andrew Puzder. He drew fierce opposition from Democrats and liberal groups, especially organized labor.

"He's been a public servant, he has a record of enforcing the laws that he's been put in charge of, whether it's the [National Labor Relations Board] or elsewhere. We think he deserves absolute serious consideration, yes," Richard Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO, the nation's largest labor federation, said of Acosta in an interview Tuesday on Fox Business. An AFL-CIO spokesman clarified that Trumka was not endorsing Acosta.

Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn., told the Washington Examiner, "It doesn't appear as if Acosta has the same level of conflicts of interests and other problems that Puzder did." She did not endorse Acosta but raised no possible problems with him.

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Acosta, who is currently dean of Florida International University law school, appears to be benefiting from interactions he has had with liberal groups from his past career in public service. He served as a member of the NLRB, the main federal labor law enforcement agency, from 2002 to 2003. He was also an assistant attorney general for civil rights during President George W. Bush's administration and was a U.S. attorney for the southern district of Florida.

Wilma Liebman, who was appointed chairwoman of the NLRB by President Obama and whose time on the board overlapped with Acosta's, told Politico, "Even though we often came out differently on policy conclusions or the outcome of a case, he was a good colleague and he was always willing to talk and bounce around ideas. I would say he's very smart and he's an independent thinker."

Lafe Solomon, who served as acting general counsel for NLRB under President Barack Obama, told Bloomberg Businessweek Monday: "I found Alex to be very open-minded and fair ... He deserves to be secretary of labor."

Acosta has been endorsed by the International Union of Operating Engineers, the Laborers' International Union of North America and the International Association of Fire Fighters. All praised his record of public service in the two previous presidential administrations and said they expected he would fairly apply the law as labor secretary.

Also from the Washington Examiner

"Administrative corrective measures" have been taken against the individuals based on their involvement.

02/28/17 8:20 PM

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Trump's new Labor secretary drawing liberal support - Washington Examiner

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An unlikely ally for President Trump: Liberal actress Jennifer Garner … – Washington Post

Posted: at 8:29 pm

Jennifer Garner has not given up on Donald Trumps Washington.

The 44-year-old actress spent the weekend lobbying the towns pillars of power to support early education for poor rural children. She spent Friday on Capitol Hill meeting dozens of top staff members. On Saturday, she delivered the keynote address before the annual National Governors Association winter meeting here. A potential sit-down with Ivanka Trump, who is advocating for more funding for child care, fell apart because of scheduling conflicts, but Garner remained optimistic about a face-to-face discussion soon.

Other Hollywood liberals have shunned the new commander in chief notably during Sundays Academy Awards ceremony, when many jokes were told at President Trumps expense. But Garner, a true-blue Democrat who campaigned for Hillary Clinton last year and held a fundraiser for Barack Obama in 2008, is taking a unique approach: pushing a cause that would benefit the new administrations political base.

The West Virginia native has long worked to bring assistance to poor, rural communities in desperate need of it. She has no plans to change that just because most of those communities went big for Trump in last years election. In fact, she sees an opportunity to hold the president accountable for the pledges he made to the countrys rural working class.

Im looking forward to helping him make good on what they saw as promises, a mandate from him, that he was going to make their lives better, Garner said in a 45-minute interview with The Washington Post.

(Jorge Ribas/The Washington Post)

Its another indication of how Trump has changed the rituals of Washington. For decades, Hollywood celebrities have used the glow of the Capitol dome to advance personal causes. Some may be less inclined to do so now, when legislative gains might help burnish Trumps image.

That makes Trumps presidency a psychological test of sorts for some members of the Hollywood elite, who can either demonstrate their true commitment to the causes they push or expose their charity work here as more about bolstering themselves.

Very much in the former camp, Garner acknowledged that some of her friends want to turn their back to this administration ... [and] just wouldnt even want to engage.

Not her. If hes willing to help the poor kids who got him elected, then lets do it. They certainly think hes going to, she said.

Is Ivanka Trump building bridges or walking a tightrope?

For nine years, Garner has been on the board of Save the Children, a nonprofit organization. Mark Shriver is president of its political advocacy arm, Save the Children Action Network. Save the Children is known primarily for its international projects, but it has also built out a niche focus on U.S. education programs, particularly in poor rural communities.

Thats Garners personal story. She grew up solidly middle class, but she knew plenty of poor children who started elementary school behind and never caught up. They lived in the same sort of communities that Robert F. Kennedy, Shrivers uncle, visited in the mid-1960s along the Mississippi Delta, shaping the ideas of his 1968 presidential campaign.

Together, Garner and Shriver have urged Congress and state governments to fund reading and literacy programs that include all-day kindergarten. The organization has its own reading programs that it administers in schools and during in-home visits.

They found that children in rural areas are 60percent more likely to be placed in special education programs when they start kindergarten. Garner has her own intuitive test when she meets small groups of rural children to determine which come from homes where parents have more time and resources to engage with them.

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, she said, singing the nursery rhyme out loud. Humpty Dumpty had a great ...

Some children shout fall. Others offer blank stares, because theyre from homes with less educational nourishment. You just wouldnt believe the number of kids who have never heard a nursery rhyme, she said.

Garner and her allies arent asking for assistance only for rural America, theyre also pressing for a rewrite of the tax code. And theyre not shy about the approach: political shame.

If a tax package is going to cut rates and red tape for corporations and Trumps fellow billionaires, the thinking goes, the president had better find a way to expand credits and deductions for the education needs of the families that formed the bedrock of his support.

If there is tax reform and theres nothing for poor, working families in this country, and families that are middle class and struggling, thats not good, Shriver said.

Garner calls their cause the bobblehead issue, because everyone loves to tell her that they support children, but in the end it sometimes seems as though they just enjoy being around a beautiful celebrity.

Everyones nodding and couldnt agree more, and shaking your hand and want their picture, she said. But when the vote is cast, nobodys out there screaming and yelling for poor kids.

Garner returned home to West Virginia last year to help raise money after devastating flooding in the state. Reliably Democratic during her childhood, West Virginia ended up giving Trump his largest margin of victory something she could see coming by talking to people in economically depressed areas.

People felt like Trump really understood them, that he was going to come in and create jobs for them, she said. They felt like they needed something to just turn everything upside down.

Its that level of despair that leaves Garner willing to deal with Trump when some of her friends want to offer nothing but resistance. She may even be willing to meet the president.

Send me a ticket to Mar-a-Lago. Im ready to go down and have a steak and a good chat, she said, only half joking about the prospect. I really think its great, if hes willing to help the poor kids who got him elected.

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California ‘Trust Women’ License Plates to Help Pay for Reproductive Care in Trump Era – Rewire

Posted: at 8:29 pm

News Family Planning

Feb 28, 2017, 4:34pm Nicole Knight

California's pro-choice license plates would help fund a state program providing family planning services to 1.8 million people annually and funds Planned Parenthood clinics.

Choose Life license plates in at least 15 states fund crisis pregnancy centers, or fake clinics, that lie to pregnant people and oppose a full spectrum of reproductive health choices. California legislators are bucking this trend with California Trusts Women license plates.

New legislation from state Sen. Hannah-Beth Jackson (D-Santa Barbara) calls on the state Department of Motor Vehicles to issue the reproductive freedom-themed license plates once 7,500 people order them. The plates would cost$50 initially, and $40 for annual renewals. Revenues would go to theCalifornia Reproductive Freedom Fund, and bespent on a full range of health-care services for more than a millionlow-income Californians in the statesFamily Planning, Access, Care, and Treatment (Family PACT) program.

The Trump Administration and Republican Congress are threatening to cut off critical federal funding to reproductive health care services, and we will not stand idly by and let this happen, Jackson said in a statement announcing SB 309. This license plate represents one way that we can demonstrate that we will stay true to our values and the right of every woman to safe, affordable and quality reproductive health care.

The stateFamily PACT program provides family planning services to 1.8 million Californians annually and funds Planned Parenthood clinics, according to a statement from Jacksons office. The program is expected to spend an estimated $340 million on family planning services this fiscal year. Roughly 76 percent of that money comes from thefederalgovernment, according the California Department of Health Care Services.

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One state, Virginia, has enacted a license plate program that spends money on pro-choice organizations, according to NARAL Pro-Choice America. Twenty-nine states sell Choose Life license plates, and15 states divertrevenues from these specialty platestoanti-choice outfits. Other states spend the money on adoption programs or even road repairs, as Quartz recently reported.

North Carolinalast year won a court battle with the American Civil Liberties Union over Republican-led plans to issue anti-abortion license plates, as Reuters reported.The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit ruled North Carolina couldreject pro-choice designs in favor of anti-choicelicense plates.

The California bill, which was introduced February 13, is awaiting ahearingin the Democratic-held state Senate Committee on Transportation and Housing.

In California, we support everyones right to reproductive health care, Amy Everitt, state director of NARAL Pro-Choice California, which is sponsoring the measure, said in a statement. We wont sit back when that right is threatened by a federal government that is determined to attack abortion providers and jeopardize healthcare for millions.

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California 'Trust Women' License Plates to Help Pay for Reproductive Care in Trump Era - Rewire

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Digging out from under records requests – GCN.com

Posted: at 8:29 pm

Digging out from under records requests

A couple years ago, officials in Evanston, Ill., were struggling to respond to the 600 open records requests they were getting each year. Bogged down by paperwork, they fought to answer requests within the five-business-day time frame required by statute.

Requests would be printed, and those hard copies would be distributed to appropriate staff members who would, in turn, make copies of the records requested. If the documents required legal review, more copies were made. There was a lot of copying and paperwork being distributed throughout the city, said Michelle Masoncup, deputy city attorney in Evanston.

In February 2016, the city implemented a software-as-a-service solution from NextRequest that centralized the process for handling open records requests as well as those filed under the Illinois Freedom of Information law. Requestors can now file queries directly through a portal, or they can submit them to records management staff who can scan and upload them to the system, which costs Evanston about $5,000 a year.

The portal numbers each request and sets time parameters, alerting officials when a due date is approaching or notifying them and requestors when an extension on the response time is issued.

All of that adds to efficiency and accountability and communication between the city and the requestor, which was the citys goal, Masoncup said.

Evanston received 25 percent more records requests in 2016 compared to 2015, but its tough to say whether thats because the portal makes it easier for citizens to pose queries or simply that an election is coming up in April, Masoncup said.

Fulfilling requests is still a burdensome process, she added. The portal is just a helpful service on the actual production of the documents and communication with the requestor.

Evanston is not alone in its open government challenges. Governments at all levels struggle with open records requests -- and that transparency comes at a cost.

Yakima, Wash., for example, spends about $500,000 a year responding to records requests, according to a January Yakima Herald article. Statewide, government offices spent more than $60 million fulfilling 114,000 requests.

At the federal level, agencies received 713,168 FOIA requests in fiscal 2015, according to the Justice Department, which accounted for almost 68,000 of them. The total estimated cost of all Freedom of Information Act-related activities governmentwide was about $480 million, a 4 percent increase over fiscal 2014.

Cost-cutting approaches: Third-party solutions

To address these expenses, some governments, like Evanstons, turn to a third-party help. After all, Justices Office of Information Policy FOIA guidelines encourage the use of technology to improve FOIA processes at federal agencies that receive at least 50 requests per year. It cites the FOIA Memorandum that former President Barack Obama issued Jan. 21, 2009, asking agencies to look for ways to use technology in responding to requests.

The main buzzword associated with modernizing the records requests is automation, a service that vendors are lining up to offer. For instance, Logikculls technology lets users drag and drop data of all sizes and types into its cloud-based system, which then analyzes, deduplicates and organizes the data, making it all searchable. After deploying Logikcull, Fairfax County, Va., went from a three-week response time to same-day responses, said Andy Wilson, CEO of the e-discovery and document management software firm.

Alfresco released a new digital business platform on Feb. 28 that combines content and process services with records management. The difference between the Alfresco Digital Business Platform and solutions targeting only FOIA problems is that agencies can build many types of applications on top of the platform, playing into the idea of buying once and using for many processes and that saves money, said Austin Adams, vice president of public sector at Alfresco.

Going out and solving FOIA to solve FOIAs sake is just repeating the same paradigm that created the challenge were in, Adams said. Alfresco offered in a microservices architecture in a cloud creates a really agile, tremendously flexible cost savings solution, he added.

But it could be difficult for smaller state and local entities to invest in external solutions. For example, Logikculls pricing ranges from a few thousand dollars to a few million, Wilson said. Alfrescos is available as a subscription based on the number of users.

Charging for services

As a result, there are other tactics agencies have tried to improve their FOIA processes. For instance, some charge for the records and the labor associated in collecting them. When gossip blog Gawker submitted a request for records and emails relating to the conduct of a police officer who drew a gun on an African American pool party-goer in McKinney, Texas, in 2015, the police department set the price for responding at almost $79,000.

That might be extreme, said Daniel Bevarly, executive director of the National Freedom of Information Coalition, and the result of an inefficient records response process.

I would ask what inefficiencies exist in that public agency that would create such a high cost for obtaining a public record, Bevarly said, adding that it is sensible for a government to charge reasonable costs in terms of what the fees are to provide an open records request.

Many agencies dont budget for FOIA processes, he said, but they should. This is becoming a service that really requires a quantitative measurement on the part of these public agencies to understand what the costs are involved in responding to these petitions, Bevarly said.

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Did you get married in this Sealand church? – Daily Post North Wales

Posted: at 8:27 pm

A Sealand church is seeking 164 couples who have tied the knot there over the last 50 years.

St Bartholomews Church wants to bring the brides and grooms together as part of celebrations to mark 150 years on Old Sealand Road.

Couples are invited to a special service on Mothering Sunday, on March 26.

Stephen Smith, one of the organisers of a special weddings exhibition at St Bartholomews, said: Many of the couples will be in other parts of the country and world, and their circumstances may have changed, but we would welcome all who attended marriage services in the church.

Our biggest task is contacting as many of them as we can.

Sealand has changed dramatically over the years, but St Bartholomews has been there as a beacon of hope for all its community during the significant times in their lives.

We have big plans for this to continue in the future and want to involve as many people as possible in the journey.

There will be refreshments at the exhibition showing weddings over the last 150 years and how they were celebrated and marked.

St Bartholomews Church opened its doors on October 15 1867.

Event organisers said although the congregation may be small a comprehensive programme of events designed to appeal to people of all ages is still run.

A grant from Cadwyn Clwyd allowed new lighting to be installed and the congregation is now working towards upgrading the heating and building kitchen and toilets facilities.

The 150th anniversary of St Bartholomews will be marked with events throughout 2017 and includes the special weekend exhibition and service on the weekend of March 25/26.

To find out more and if anybody has photographs and memories of their weddings, contact either Jennifer Watson on cj.wat@talktalk.net or Stephen Smith on smithstephen30@gmail.com

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At BAMPFA, ‘Hippie Modernism’ Proves the Fight for Utopia is Far from Over – KQED

Posted: at 8:26 pm

A year after the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive reopened in its sleek Diller Scofidio + Renfro-designed building, it plays host to Hippie Modernism: The Struggle for Utopia, an exhibition which did not surprisingly originate in the Bay Area.

Curated by Andrew Blauvelt for the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, Hippie Modernism arrives at the birthplace of the hippie with a thrilling survey of counterculture art, architecture and design from 1964 to 1974 or, as Blauvelt bookends it, a period of optimism from the beginning of the New York Worlds Fair to the end of the OPEC oil crisis.

If hippies, usually characterized by Timothy Learys turn on, tune in, drop out mantra, didnt (and dont) seem particularly interested in the design principles of modernism, Blauvelt argues in the exhibition catalog that the hippie modern is a slightly different beast, able to realize the democratic potential of new technologies while seeking a recuperation of the avant-gardes utopic dream of integrating art into everyday life.

On both floors of the BAMPFA, the expansive exhibition shows art integrated into new forms of everyday life: living spaces, wearables, publications, new media collectives, concert posters and artistic experiments that defy easy categorization. Conveniently built into the flow of the exhibition are immersive chill spaces meant to cocoon viewers from what might otherwise be an onslaught of information for those who didnt live through the era in question.

Ken Isaacs Knowledge Box (originally constructed in 1962) creates one such space, inside a 12-foot-tall wooden cube with 24 slide projectors positioned outside its six faces, pointing in. Viewers enter the cube through a round-cornered door and a two-minute slideshow begins, with black-and-white images culled from 1950s and 60s magazines flashing randomly on the walls, floor and ceiling. A soundtrack of collaged music and spoken audio recordings plays. The artworks title suggests we should be learning something from it by osmosis, but its much more fun to stand, turn slowly in awe and appreciation, then loop back around the cube and do it all again.

Even though the Knowledge Box is quite literally a white cube, many of the works escape institutional or architectural constraints. Tucked into one corner of the exhibition, film and photographs of Ugo La Pietras Per Oggi Basta! (Enough for Today!) show the Italian artist taking his practice to the streets of 1970s Milan. With a wooden A-frame structure he dubbed Il Commutatore (the switch), La Pietra switched his view of the city, laying against the A-frame at different angles to take in building tops, overhead trees and crisscrossing electrical wires.

Hippie Modernism makes clear that the objects on view are not simply artifacts of a subculture flying under the radar of mainstream media, but the output of a counterculture seeking to reclaim every aspect of public, private and political life. In many cases, these gestures appear completely absurd: inflatable homes, a car cover crocheted from videotape, or Franois Dallegrets enigmatic KiiK. Dallegret declared the stainless steel barbell-shaped object a unique, functional product to help cure body discomforts and mild obsessions. The KiiK is whatever you want it to be, though for external use only.

For children under the age of three, the accompanying poster reads, consult your kiikologist.

Absurdity was just one manifestation of the decentralized movements underlying earnestness. In display after display, Hippie Modernism showcases experiments in education, publication and building community, from the Colorado artists commune Drop City to the Community Memory Terminal, a coin-operated electronic bulletin board originally installed at Leopolds Records in Berkeley in 1973.

Its hard to view Hippie Modernism now and not have mixed feelings about the unrealized utopias presented within it. The ideas put forth still have the power to excite and feel new in part because the society these artists, designers and radicals sought to remake very much resembles the society we currently occupy. On my short walk to BART from the museum, signs of the Feb. 1 protest at UC Berkeley against a lecture by right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos were still visible, a fitting reminder that the struggle for utopia or basic civil rights isnt relegated to the past.

Hippie Modernism: The Struggle for Utopia is on view at the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive through May 21, 2017. For more information visit bampfa.org.

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At BAMPFA, 'Hippie Modernism' Proves the Fight for Utopia is Far from Over - KQED

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Stellaris Utopia Gameplay Expansion Out In April – Attack of the Fanboy

Posted: at 8:26 pm

We recently learned that Paradox Interactives Stellaris would be getting its first gameplay expansion called Utopia soon, and today the developer has announced the official pricing and release date. The Utopia expansion will launch on April 6th and costs $19.99.

This expansion is set to add many things to the game, which centers around the new Utopia that vastly improves your tools to develop your empire. Utopia is the first major expansion for Stellaris, the critically acclaimed science fiction grand strategy game from Paradox Development Studio. As the title suggests, Utopia gives you new tools to develop your galactic empire and keep your people (or birdfolk or talking mushrooms) happy. Push your species further out into the galaxy with new bonuses for rapid exploration or stay closer to home before striking out against all who would challenge you.

The following is a rundown of the changes that will be coming to the game as a result of the Utopia expansion:

Megastructures:Build wondrous structures in your systems including Dyson Spheres and ring worlds, bringing both prestige and major advantages to your race.

Habitat Stations:Build tall and establish space stations that will house more population, serving the role of planets in a small and confined empire.

Traditions:Collect Unity points and adopt ideas and bonuses that will ease your species expansion across the stars, unlocking special perks for completing a set.

Rights and Privileges:Set specific policies for which of the many species under your thumb will have the rights and privileges of full citizenship.

Stellaris is available exclusively for PC, and you can check out the new Utopia Path to Ascension release date reveal trailer below. The game has been very successful for developer Paradox Interactive so far, with the developer revealing last year that it had the most successful launch out of any game they have ever developed.

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THE SOUND OF MUSIC to Welcome New ‘Georg von Trapp’ on Tour in Hershey – Broadway World

Posted: at 8:26 pm

The lavish new production of THE SOUND OF MUSIC, directed by three-time Tony Award winner Jack O'Brien, announces Nicholas Rodriguez as Captain Georg von Trapp, beginning March 21 in Hershey, PA.

"Rarely, but once in a blue moon the planets align in such a way to make both a director happy and his audiences even more so" said O'Brien. "Nicholas Rodriguez assumes the crucial role of Captain von Trapp in our wonderful THE SOUND OF MUSIC, bringing me not only pride that one of my own friends has turned up in the perfect role, but with the assurance that our audiences are about to hear this great music sung as beautifully as can be imagined. Nicholas's voice is one of the major theatrical gifts I've known, and any production lucky enough to snag him will glow with melodic pride! We welcome him, and envy those about to experience this remarkable evening!"

Nicholas Rodriguez joins a cast that includes Charlotte Maltby as Maria Rainer in her national tour debut and Melody Betts as The Mother Abbess, with Merwin Foard as Max Detweiler, Teri Hansen as Elsa Schraeder, Austin Colby as Rolf and Paige Silvester as Liesl. The von Trapp children are played by Elliot Weaver (Friedrich), STEPHANIE DI FIORE (Louisa), James Bernard (Kurt), DAKOTA RILEY QUACKENBUSH (Brigitta), Taylor Coleman (Marta) and Anika Lore Hatch (Gretl).

Completing the cast is Christopher Carl, Donna Garner, Robert Mammana, Darren Matthias, Carey ReBecca Brown, Woody Buck, Citln Burke, Maria Failla, Meghan Hales, Jillian Jameson, Mark Bradley Miller, Anna Mintzer, Julia Osborne, Zane Phillips, Rebecca Pitcher, Michael Spaziani and Emily Trumble.

THE SOUND OF MUSIC features music by Richard Rodgers, lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II, book by Howard Lindsay and Russel Crouse, suggested by The Trapp Family Singers by Maria Augusta Trapp. This new production is directed by Jack O'Brien (Hairspray, The Full Monty, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, The Coast of Utopia), choreographed by Danny Mefford (Fun Home, The Bridges of Madison County and Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson) and music supervision by Andy Einhorn (Bullets Over Broadway, Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella, Brief Encounter, The Light in the Piazza). The design team is comprised of Douglas W. Schmidt, set design (Tony Award nominee: 42nd Street, Into the Woods); Jane Greenwood, costume design (2014 recipient of the Special Tony Award for Lifetime Achievement in the Theatre), Natasha Katz, lighting design (Six-time Tony Award winner: Long Day's Journey Into Night, An American in Paris, Once, Aida, The Coast of Utopia, The Glass Menagerie) and Ken Travis, sound design (Aladdin, Newsies, Memphis). Casting by Telsey + Company/Rachel Hoffman, CSA.

THE SOUND OF MUSIC enjoyed extraordinary success as the first live television production of a musical in over 50 years when "The Sound of Music Live!" aired on NBC in December, 2013 and was seen by over 44 million people. 2015 marked the 50th anniversary of the film version, which continues to be the most successful movie musical in history. The spirited, romantic and beloved musical story of Maria and the von Trapp family will once again thrill audiences with its Tony, Grammy and Academy Award winning Best Score, including "My Favorite Things," "Do-Re-Mi," "Climb Ev'ry Mountain," "Edelweiss" and the title song.

A complete list of tour cities can be found below, and online.


Rochester, NY February 28-March 5, 2017

Waterbury, CT March 7-12, 2017

Hershey, PA March 21-26, 2017

Buffalo, NY March 28-April 2, 2017

Schenectady, NY April 4-9, 2017

Memphis, TN April 18-23, 2017

West Palm Beach, FL May 9-14, 2017

Toronto, ON June 6-11, 2017

Washington, DC June 13-July 16, 2017

Cleveland, OH July 18-23, 2017

For more information, visit http://www.TheSoundOfMusicOnTour.com, or follow on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TheSoundOfMusic, Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/SoundOfMusic, and Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/SoundOfMusicOnTour.

Nicholas Rodriguez (Captain Georg von Trapp). Broadway: Tarzan. Off-Broadway: Toxic Avenger, Almost Heaven, Death for Five Voices, Collette Collage, Bajour. Carnegie Hall: Guys and Dolls. Tours: Jesus Christ Superstar, Evita, Hair. Regional: Carousel (Helen Hayes nomination), Destiny of Desire, Mother Courage and Her Children, Oklahoma!(Helen Hayes Award), My Fair Lady (Helen Hayes nomination) and The Light in the Piazza at Arena Stage; The Ten Commandments at the Kodak Theatre; Beauty and the Beast, Wizard of Oz, Tarzan, The Buddy Holly Story at The MUNY; Mothers and Sons, LES MISERABLES, Master Class, Love!Valour!Compassion! at ZACH Theatre, South Pacific and The King and I at Casa Maana. Film: Sex in the City II (also soundtrack). Television: Madam Secretary, Nick Chavez on ABC's One Life to Live (GLAAD Award). His debut CD The First Time... is available at http://www.psclassics.com and via iTunes. http://www.thenickrod.com

See the rest here:

THE SOUND OF MUSIC to Welcome New 'Georg von Trapp' on Tour in Hershey - Broadway World

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Refining Industry Outlook in Asia and Oceania to 2021 – Capacity and Capital Expenditure Forecasts with Details of … – Business Wire (press release)

Posted: at 8:26 pm

DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "Refining Industry Outlook in Asia and Oceania to 2021 - Capacity and Capital Expenditure Forecasts with Details of All Operating and Planned Refineries" report to their offering.

The report provides refinery details such as the refinery name, country, and refinery operator name, with in-depth coverage on crude distillation unit or, CDU capacity and other major unit capacities for all active and new build (announced, planned and stalled) refineries in the region. The report also provides refinery capital expenditure outlook by key countries, year on year, till 2021 in the region.

The report also provides key country comparisons within the region based on contribution to regional refining capacity. Further the report also offers recent developments and latest contracts awarded in the refining industry across different countries.


- Updated information relating to all active and planned refineries

- Provides historical data from 2011 to 2016, forecast to 2021

- Information on refining, FCC, hydrocracking and coking capacities by refinery and country

- Provides operator information for all active and planned refineries

- Latest developments and contracts related to refineries across different countries

Key Topics Covered:

1 Table of Contents

1.1 List of Tables

1.2 List of Figures

2 Introduction

3 Asia and Oceania Refining Industry

3.1 Asia and Oceania Refining Industry, Overview of Active Refineries Data

3.2 Asia and Oceania Refining Industry, Total Refining Capacity

3.3 Asia and Oceania Refining Industry, Overview of Planned Refineries Data

3.4 Asia and Oceania Refining Industry, Planned Refining Facilities

3.5 Refining Industry in China

3.6 Refining Industry in India

3.7 Refining Industry in Japan

3.8 Refining Industry in South Korea

3.9 Refining Industry in Singapore

3.10 Refining Industry in Thailand

3.11 Refining Industry in Indonesia

3.12 Refining Industry in Taiwan

3.13 Refining Industry in Malaysia

3.14 Refining Industry in Australia

3.15 Refining Industry in Pakistan

3.16 Refining Industry in Philippines

3.17 Refining Industry in Vietnam

3.18 Refining Industry in New Zealand

3.19 Refining Industry in North Korea

3.20 Refining Industry in Myanmar

3.21 Refining Industry in Sri Lanka

3.22 Refining Industry in Bangladesh

3.23 Refining Industry in Papua New Guinea

3.24 Refining Industry in Brunei

3.25 Refining Industry in Afghanistan

3.26 Refining Industry in Mongolia

3.27 Refining Industry in Cambodia

3.28 Refining Industry in East Timor

4 Appendix

For more information about this report visit http://www.researchandmarkets.com/research/nvd7cq/refining_industry

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Refining Industry Outlook in Asia and Oceania to 2021 - Capacity and Capital Expenditure Forecasts with Details of ... - Business Wire (press release)

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