Daily Archives: February 28, 2017

Number of suspected child sex offenders in Bedfordshire almost doubles in two years – Bedfordshire News

Posted: February 28, 2017 at 8:32 pm


SUSPECTED online child sex offenders are on the rise across Bedfordshire, with numbers almost doubling in just two years according to the latest figures.

In 2014, a total of 68 people were suspected by police of downloading and distributing indecent images of children. But by 2016, that figure increased by almost 100 per cent to 107.

READ MORE: Luton man guilty of downloading indecent images of children at the most serious level

Over the past three years, the combined total of online child sex offenders identified by the police stands at 246, according to the figures obtained by the BBC in a Freedom of Investigation request.

This increase is evident in the wider eastern region, with a jump from 758 in 2014 to 2,179 last year.

In light of the rising numbers, the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) is urging for forces across the nation to hit these crimes hard with specialist units.

READ MORE: Bedfordshire repeat offender jailed again for child porn images

An NSPCC spokesperson told BoS: "Downloading and distributing child abuse images is an abhorrent crime. Each picture is a crime scene involving a young victim who has been abused and whose suffering is compounded every time that image is passed around online.

"The proliferation of these appalling images is a major and growing problem which needs industry, government and law enforcement to tackle in unison."

The NSPCC wants to see a specialist digital child abuse unit in every police force, trained to deal with sexual and other online offences against children."

A spokeswoman for Bedfordshire Police said: "Bedfordshire Police has a dedicated unit to tackling online child sexual abuse.

"The Internet Child Abuse Investigation Team (ICAIT) is committed to investigating indecent image offences and works with partners to identify offending and take action against those responsible for viewing and making such images.

"Offenders may think that viewing these images is not causing any direct harm but that is quite simply not the case. Although they may not be directly abusing these children, in order for these images to be created, children across the world have been forced to undergo horrific abuse for the gratification of these individuals - so it is far from a victimless crime.

"The development of the unit and our capabilities in tackling this sickening type of abuse is reflected in the increase in the number of people arrested, and we are committed to continuing to clamp down on online child sex offenders."

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Number of suspected child sex offenders in Bedfordshire almost doubles in two years - Bedfordshire News

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Community coming together after cemetery vandalism, JCC threats – FOX 29 News Philadelphia

Posted: at 8:32 pm

(WTXF/AP) - Religious leaders are calling the weekend vandalism at Mount Carmel Cemetery in Wissinoming disgusting and completely deplorable.

Meanwhile, the community is coming together. Volunteers plan a massive clean-up at the cemetery dating to the late 1800s. If youve available to help, its set for noon at Frankford and Cheltenham avenues and is expected to take place each afternoon..

Thursday, there will bea community-wide gathering of support, organized by the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia. Its set for noon at Independence Mall and called Stand Against Hate. Thousands of people from multiple faith communities and the full diversity of Philadelphia are expected.

These events come as Jewish centers and schools here and across the nation coped with another wave of bomb threats.

According to the JCC Association of North America, 13 Jewish Community Centers and eight Jewish day schools in at least a dozen states -- including our three -- received threats on Monday.

The KaisermanJCC in Wynnewood and the Siegel JCC in Wilmington were targeted. In New Jersey, someone called in a threat at the Katz JCC.

Cherry Hill Mayor Chuck Cahn put it simply, We're not gonna stand for it.

Police performed sweeps after the threats and found nothing. Theyre asking people to call if they see or hear anything unusual.

The bomb threats caused no physical damage but were no less worrisome.

"There's plenty of people who are scared," said Steven Rosenberg, chief marketing officer of the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia. He denounced the hoaxsters as "an embarrassment to civilized society."

Just to our west, some 200 people were evacuated from the JCC in York, Pennsylvania, after a caller told the front desk there was a bomb in the building, said Melissa Plotkin, its director of community engagement and diversity. Police entered the building and cleared it, she said.

Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf, who has long ties to the York center and even served on its board, called the bomb threats and cemetery vandalism reprehensible.

"These acts are cowardly and disturbing," Wolf told reporters in a conference call Monday. "We must find those responsible and hold them accountable for these hate crimes."

State Attorney General Josh Shapiro released this statement: "Pennsylvania was struck today by multiple anonymous acts of hate. Within minutes my Office reached local, state, and federal law-enforcement officials to offer the full support of the Attorney General's office and to assist in a thorough investigation. These acts are cowardly. Their perpetrators aim to spread fear, but we will stand together to ensure they fail. Intimidation and threats against the people of any one faith are an affront to us all."

Since January, the JCC Association has tracked 90 incidents in 30 states and Canada.

Also, Philadelphia officials have plans to repair and restore hundreds of vandalized headstones at Mount Carmel Cemetery.

Police are investigating what they called an "abominable crime" after several hundred headstones were damaged. They said the vandalism appeared to be targeted at the Jewish community, but cautioned they hadnt confirmed the motive.

Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney said authorities were doing everything possible to find those "who desecrated this final resting place."

Police have not yet determined who was behind the vandalism or the motive. The Anti-Defamation League is offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to an arrest and the Fraternal Order of Police is offering $3,000.

The Philadelphia Building & Construction Trades Council, an umbrella group for more than 50 union locals that work in the construction industry, offered to repair the damage at Mount Carmel free of charge.

The groups John Dougherty put out this statement: The desecration of nearly 100 headstones at Mt. Carmel Cemetery in Philadelphia was a cowardly act of anti-Semitism that cannot be tolerated. Out of respect to the families who were impacted by this atrocity, the Philadelphia Building Trades today offered to replace the toppled tombstones, re-sod damaged gravesites and clean the cemetery at no charge to anyone. In addition, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Union Local 98, for which I also serve as Business Manager, has offered to install additional lighting and security cameras at no charge to hopefully prevent such vandalism from ever happening again.

The National Museum of American Jewish Historyat 5th and Market streets wants to preserve the stories of the people buried at Mount Carmel Cemetery. The museum is asking those who have friends or loved ones interred there to share a picture of their loved one (and/or the headstone, if available), and a personal story of up to 150 words.

We would like those who did this to understand that these are not victimless crimes. The individuals buried at Mount Carmel were human beings with names, stories, and families. They contributed to the world while they were here and continue to do so through the loved ones they left behind. We honor their memories, said Ivy Barsky, from the museum.

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The vandalism comes less than a week after a Jewish cemetery in suburban St. Louis was targeted. More than 150 headstones there were damaged, many of them tipped over.

Both acts of vandalism spurred offers of help. In Missouri, a Muslim crowdfunding effort to support the vandalized Jewish cemetery near St. Louis had raised more than $136,000 by Monday, with organizers announcing they would use some of the money for the Philadelphia cemetery.

It was the fifth round of bomb threats against Jewish institutions since January, and both the FBI and the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division are probing the threats.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions called the vandalism and bomb threats serious, unacceptable behavior and said the department will "do what it can to assist in pushing back ... and prosecuting anybody that we can prove to be a part of it."

"We are a nation that is a diverse constituency, and we don't need these kind of activities," Sessions said.

Statement from Bishop Dennis Sullivan, Bishop of Camden:

This weekend and today, we have seen vandalism against our Jewish sisters and brothers in Pennsylvania and threats in Delaware and in our very own backyard at the Katz Jewish Community Center in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. This abhorrent behavior, which has no place in contemporary culture, stands in opposition to everything the Catholic Church believes and teaches.

As Catholics, we too are spiritual descendants of Abraham. We recognize that an attack or threat against our Jewish family members is an attack against all peoples of faith.

The Diocese of Camden, my brother priests, deacons, religious, and the lay Catholic faithful of South Jersey stand in solidarity with our Jewish sisters and brothers against these hateful and anti-Semitic incidents.

We pray that the perpetrators of these incidents will come to know Gods love, bringing them to the light of peace where they may recant these acts of hate and join with all people of good will in forging a community of compassion.

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Community coming together after cemetery vandalism, JCC threats - FOX 29 News Philadelphia

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The Isolation of College Libertarians – New York Times

Posted: at 8:30 pm

New York Times
The Isolation of College Libertarians
New York Times
Leftists, in an effort to make campuses welcoming ostensibly, for everyone end up frequently silencing conservative and libertarian students. They paint any argument that isn't progressive as immoral, so conservative students can find themselves ...

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The Isolation of College Libertarians - New York Times

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Why Libertarians Should Support Trump’s Infrastructure Plan – Being … – Being Libertarian

Posted: at 8:30 pm

Being Libertarian
Why Libertarians Should Support Trump's Infrastructure Plan - Being ...
Being Libertarian
I either didn't like or was skeptical of practically everything he promised. Though, when he won in November, I may have been relieved that the White House ...

and more »

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Why Libertarians Should Support Trump's Infrastructure Plan - Being ... - Being Libertarian

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Libertarian Ballot Access Fight against Two-Party Duopoly Grows Stronger – IVN News

Posted: at 8:30 pm

The Libertarian Party continues to bask in a historic election year, gaining party status and ballot access in more states in 2016. The general platform of fiscal conservatism and social liberalism/tolerance/openness is striking a cord with many voters looking for alternatives outside the two-party political structure.

In some states, like Iowa, the local Libertarian Party is celebrating major party status. However, other Libertarian Parties must fight Republican and Democratic forces to gain the party status or ballot access they believe they rightfully earned after the 2016 elections.

In Tennessee, the state Libertarian Party asked the secretary of state to declare it a qualified political party, according to Ballot Access News. Current law requires minor parties to get at least 5 percent of the vote in the previous gubernatorial election.

The last gubernatorial election was in 2014, when 5% of the vote was 67,687. The partyscase for qualified party status is that Gary Johnson received70,397 votes. I reached out to the chairman of the Libertarian Party of Tennessee for comment, and will update the article with the chairmans comments.

The Libertarian Parties in Ohio and Washington stateare also fighting state officials on being denied major party status, despite Johnsons success in 2016. In Washington, the secretary of state added the total number of write-in votes to the total presidential count to drop the Libertarian Party below the required number (5% of the vote total) to obtain major party status.

The Ohio Libertarian Party has long been locked in conflict and litigation with the states Republican secretary of state, Jon Husted, over candidates being denied access to the ballot and denying the party recognized status. Multiple lawsuits have been filed by the Libertarian Party against Husted, which have had no success before the Supreme Court.

Husted denied the Libertarian Party of Ohio recognized party status because Gary Johnson had to run in the state as an independent, even though he was the Libertarians presidential nominee. The party had been previously stripped of its party status and the state would not let Johnson run under the Libertarian label.

These are just a fewexamples of the struggles the Libertarian Party and other minor parties experience just to get on the ballot. In many states, the petition requirements to appear on the general election ballot area deterrent. And even if a minor party believes it can get the signatures necessary, many fear legal challenges from the major parties that could potentially cripple theirparty financially.

The Libertarian Party of Illinoischallenged a law before the Seventh Circuit Court of Appealsthatmakes it harder for third parties to gain ballot access. An update from the Courthouse News Serviceindicates that the court may be poised to rule in the Libertarian Partys favor. It would be a big win for Libertarians not only in Illinois, but across the country.


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Is the Golden Rule Still Alive and Well in America? – Huffington Post

Posted: at 8:29 pm

"This instinct to humiliate, when it's modeled by someone in the public platform, by someone powerful, it filters down into everybody's life cause it kinda' gives permission for other people to do the same thing. Disrespect invites disrespect, violence invites violence." - Meryl Streep

People mimic each other in society. That's how trends happen. That's how fashion occurs. And that's what creates culture. When children grow up among kindness, they are more likely to be kind. When they are abused, they are more likely to abuse. When permission is given to hate or disrespect, hate can bubble up and find new life.

Dr. Philip Zimbardo saw how easily hate and abuse can take shape when, in 1971, he conducted a social psychology experiment at Stanford University called the Stanford Prison Experiment. Student volunteers were randomly assigned to be either a prison guard or prisoner. They were authorized by the professor to assume their respective roles. After a few days in the experiment, the guards became mean and abusive, and the prisoners became docile and fearful. Good people turned bad.

I encountered hate in America in 1995 when the anti-bullying and kindness program my wife and I co-founded, Project Love, did an all-day "Power of Kindness" workshop for a high school in rural Ohio. The following day, I returned a call to my pager. The number I called had a white supremacist recording that said, "We are going to kill all the Jews and Blacks that are ruining our country, grind them up and use their remains as fertilizer."

Being Jewish, my wife and I were shaken but not deterred from our mission to instill positive values in young people. I recognized the truth of the old saying that, "You can curse the darkness or light a candle." I wanted to curse, but we chose instead to "light candles" and saw the power of kindness -- unleashed in 500+ schools that we have worked with -- transform bystanders into active kindness ambassadors, bullies and gang members into forces for good, and schools into communities of civility and respect.

We also have seen troubled schools in which pressured teachers using harsh discipline failed to increase achievement and where meanness, bullying and gang activity even increased. I knew then what I have witnessed hundreds of times since: that meanness increases meanness and kindness increases kindness. Both unleash chain reactions.

These same chain reactions are taking shape currently in America. There is a country that fears immigrants, and one that welcomes them. One that has punched and insulted Sikhs and other turban-bearing Americans who look different and foreign, and the other that relishes diversity and expansive opportunity. One that last week toppled almost 200 gravestones in a Jewish cemetery in St. Louis and called-in bomb threats to 64 Jewish Community Centers across the country, and the American-Muslim community that raised more than $100,000 in a few days to repair the cemetery's damage. The Muslim community didn't have to do that; they weren't culprits in this incident. But, despite having seeing meanness against them, they chose kindness and the Golden Rule.

The Golden Rule is not a lofty missive. Its premise is fundamental to order. In his book, "Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference", Malcolm Gladwell describes a tipping point as "the moment of critical mass, the threshold, the boiling point. The book offers insight into the phenomenon of sociological changes that color our daily lives. Gladwell states: "Ideas and products and messages and behaviors spread like viruses do. Kindness or meanness? Both forces take on lives of their own.

I saw this dynamic take shape this past weekend with my friend, an immigrant who has achieved the American Dream, albeit amidst receiving bumps, bruises, disrespect and bullying as a middle manager in the workplace. He voted for Donald Trump because he feels ignored and wants to change the system. When I pointed out to him that -- although some change is needed -- the henchmen of change, like gangs on the streets of our cities, are bearing and breeding meanness, racism, nativism and anti-semitism, he said that he didn't care. "You can't change an entire system by being nice and respectful. This is a war. We have to rip down the entire system to succeed," he said. He isn't a white supremacist, racist or anti-semite. He's just been sucked in by the destructive force of meanness.

The aggressive language toward immigrants and the media, the mania of deportations, the scapegoating of immigrants, coupled with fear of Americans being denied jobs, pile up in our nation's discourse to give license to fringe groups that otherwise would remain mostly hidden beneath the surface. Others like my friend see meanness as necessary to ripping apart the system they feel has dissed them. Why should they be nice if others aren't nice to them? Despite their reasons, both the fringe groups and people like my friend are awkward partners who believe that their end justifies meanness and sometimes hate.

Still others -- I count some friends and many politicians in this category -- choose to stand on the sidelines, ignoring hateful messages and emerging meanness because they want to enact their agenda, no matter how it is achieved. The meanness doesn't affect them, so it's easy to ignore. How wrong they are. They don't realize that, as America turns meaner, our country's culture will change, some of our core values will erode, and the boomerang will come back to hit them, as well. The tipping point in Nazi Germany started with good people standing by and doing nothing.

Ian Grillot, the American who risked his life and was wounded confronting a gunman in the recent hate shooting of two Indian engineers in Kansas City said, "I was just doing what anyone should have done for another human being. It's not about where he's from or his ethnicity. We're all humans, so I just felt I did what was naturally right to do."

Grillot represents the goodness and positivity that have defined America since our founding, but there are negative forces that will change this. I have no doubt that our nation is currently at a tipping point that has the potential to result in long-lasting and even dire consequences. Will you have the courage to stand up for kindness, hope and generosity? Or will you succumb to the national virus of meanness, incivility and fear.

Muszynski is Founder of Purple America, a national initiative of Values-in-Action Foundation to re-focus the American conversation to a civil, productive and respectful dialogue around our shared values. To see America's shared values and get involved, go to http://www.PurpleAmerica.us. Project Love is a school-based character-development program of Values-in-Action Foundation. To see information about Project Love school programming, go to http://www.projectlove.org.

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Is the Golden Rule Still Alive and Well in America? - Huffington Post

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Remembering Alan Colmes, a liberal who could laugh

Posted: at 8:29 pm

Its somehow fitting that Alan Colmes got his start in standup comedy, since he needed a strong sense of humorand equally strong debating skillsto spar with Sean Hannity and other conservatives at Fox News.

The unabashedly liberal commentator, who died this morning at 66 after a brief illness that has not been disclosed, gained national fame as one-half of the Hannity & Colmes show that launched when FNC did in 1996. But his roots were in radio, working for such powerhouse stations as WABC and WNBC in New York. Colmes remained a Fox News contributor and Fox radio host after the channel ended the prime-time partnership and made Hannity the solo host just before the start of the Obama administration.

Colmes faced a difficult challenge in his heyday as Foxs most prominent left-wing voice, doing battle not just with Hannity but with Bill OReilly and other hosts. His views were not popular with much of the Fox audience, but liberals sometimes criticized him for not being more forceful against Hannity.

The reason the duos chemistry worked, even as their clashes sometimes turned contentious, is that Colmes leavened his arguments with wit, often flashing a broad grin. I take some great pride in seeing how Ive aged you over the years, he told Hannity on air.

In a statement, Hannity said: Despite major political differences, we forged a deep friendship.Alan, in the midst of great sickness and illness, showed the single greatest amount of courage Ive ever seen. And through it all, he showed his incredible wit and humor that was Alans signature throughout his entire life. Im truly heartbroken at the loss of a dear friend.

Despite his uber-liberal image, Colmes once told USA Today:I'm quite moderate... I follow [Rush] Limbaugh on about 100 stations and I precede other conservatives, so I may be the only person giving a different point of view.

But there was no mistaking what side he was on, as was clear when he published his 2003 book Red, White & Liberal: How Left is Right and Right is Wrong.

When his 12-year run in Foxs prime-time lineup ended, Colmes said in a statement that he had approached management about taking on new challenges. Although its bittersweet to leave one of the longest marriages on cable news, Im proud that both Sean and I remained unharmed after sitting side by side, night after night for so many years, he said.

Colmes is survived by his wife Jocelyn Crowley, a professor of public policy at Rutgers University. The family, which asked for privacy, said in a statement: He was a great guy, brilliant, hysterical, and moral. He was fiercely loyal, and the only thing he loved more than his work was his life with Jocelyn.

In an era of political polarization, perhaps his most enduring trait was that even those who fiercely disagreed with him found Alan Colmes likable.

Howard Kurtz is a Fox News analyst and the host of "MediaBuzz" (Sundays 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET). He is the author of five books and is based in Washington. Follow him at @HowardKurtz. Click here for more information on Howard Kurtz.

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Remembering Alan Colmes, a liberal who could laugh

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What Liberal World Order? by Mark Leonard – Project Syndicate – Project Syndicate

Posted: at 8:29 pm

LONDON After the annus horribilis that was 2016, most political observers believe that the liberal world order is in serious trouble. But that is where the agreement ends. At the recent Munich Security Conference, debate on the subject among leaders like German Chancellor Angela Merkel, US Vice President Mike Pence, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov demonstrated a lack of consensus even on what the liberal order is. That makes it hard to say what will happen to it.

When the West, and especially the United States, dominated the world, the liberal order was pretty much whatever they said it was. Other countries complained and expounded alternate approaches, but basically went along with the Western-defined rules.

But as global power has shifted from the West to the rest, the liberal world order has become an increasingly contested idea, with rising powers like Russia, China, and India increasingly challenging Western perspectives. And, indeed, Merkels criticism in Munich of Russia for invading Crimea and supporting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was met with Lavrovs assertions that the West ignored the sovereignty norm in international law by invading Iraq and recognizing Kosovos independence.

This is not to say that the liberal world order is an entirely obscure concept. The original iteration call it Liberal Order 1.0 arose from the ashes of World War II to uphold peace and support global prosperity. It was underpinned by institutions like the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, which later became the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund, as well as regional security arrangements, such as NATO. It emphasized multilateralism, including through the United Nations, and promoted free trade.

But Liberal Order 1.0 had its limits namely, sovereign borders. Given the ongoing geopolitical struggle between the US and the Soviet Union, it could not even quite be called a world order. What countries did at home was basically their business, as long as it didnt affect the superpower rivalry.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, however, a triumphant West expanded the concept of the liberal world order substantially. The result Liberal Order 2.0 penetrated countries borders to consider the rights of those who lived there.

Rather than upholding national sovereignty at all costs, the expanded order sought to pool sovereignty and to establish shared rules to which national governments must adhere. In many ways, Liberal Order 2.0 underpinned by institutions like the World Trade Organization and the International Criminal Court (ICC), as well as new norms like the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) sought to shape the world in the Wests image.

But, before too long, sovereignty-obsessed powers like Russia and China halted its implementation. Calamitous mistakes for which Western policymakers were responsible namely, the protracted war in Iraq and the global economic crisis cemented the reversal of Liberal Order 2.0.

But now the West itself is rejecting the order that it created, often using the very same logic of sovereignty that the rising powers used. And it is not just more recent additions like the ICC and R2P that are at risk. With the United Kingdom having rejected the European Union and US President Donald Trump condemning free-trade deals and the Paris climate agreement, the more fundamental Liberal Order 1.0 seems to be under threat.

Some claim that the West overreached in creating Liberal Order 2.0. But even Trumps America still needs Liberal Order 1.0 and the multilateralism that underpins it. Otherwise, it may face a new kind of globalization that combines the technologies of the future with the enmities of the past.

In such a scenario, military interventions will continue, but not in the postmodern form aimed at upholding order (exemplified by Western powers opposition to genocide in Kosovo and Sierra Leone). Instead, modern and pre-modern forms will prevail: support for government repression, like Russia has provided in Syria, or ethno-religious proxy wars, like those that Saudi Arabia and Iran have waged across the Middle East.

The Internet, migration, trade, and the enforcement of international law will be turned into weapons in new conflicts, rather than governed effectively by global rules. International conflict will be driven primarily by a domestic politics increasingly defined by status anxiety, distrust of institutions, and narrow-minded nationalism.

European countries are unsure how to respond to this new global disorder. Three potential coping strategies have emerged.

The first would require a country like Germany, which considers itself a responsible stakeholder and has some international heft, to take over as a main custodian of the liberal world order. In this scenario, Germany would work to uphold Liberal Order 1.0 globally and to preserve Liberal Order 2.0 within Europe.

A second strategy, exemplified today by Turkey under President Recep Tayyip Erdoan, could be called profit maximization. Turkey isnt trying to overturn the existing order, but it doesnt feel responsible for its upkeep, either. Instead, Turkey seeks to extract as much as possible from Western-led institutions like the EU and NATO, while fostering mutually beneficial relationships with countries, such as Russia, Iran, and China, that often seek to undermine those institutions.

The third strategy is simple hypocrisy: Europe would talk like a responsible stakeholder, but act like a profit maximizer. This is the path British Prime Minister Theresa May took when she met with Trump in Washington, DC. She said all the right things about NATO, the EU, and free trade, but pleaded for a special deal with the US outside of those frameworks.

In the months ahead, many leaders will need to make a bet on whether the liberal order will survive and on whether they should invest resources in bringing about that outcome. The West collectively has the power to uphold Liberal Order 1.0. But if the Western powers cant agree on what they want from that order, or what their responsibilities are to maintain it, they are unlikely even to try.

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Liberal Democracy in Retreat? – Project Syndicate

Posted: at 8:29 pm

DENVER We are only in the second month of Donald Trumps presidency, but many Americans have already tired of the drama, and are wondering what the next 46 months have in store.

Beyond producing constant anxiety, Trumps bizarre presidency poses a more fundamental question: Having already come under siege in many of its outposts around the world, is liberal democracy now at risk of losing its citadel, too? If so, the implications for US foreign policy, and the world, could be far-reaching.

The United States has elected a president whose understanding of American democracy is apparently limited to the fact that he won the Electoral College. To be sure, this does require some passing acquaintance with the US Constitution, where the Electoral College is defined. Beyond that, however, Trump seems to have little respect for the Constitutions system of checks and balances, and the separation of powers among the executive, judicial, and legislative branches of government. Nor does he respect Americas fourth estate, the press, which he has begun describing as the enemy of the American people.

Elections, while necessary, are hardly sufficient for upholding liberal democracys central tenets. After all, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoan, and many other despots have come to power by winning a popular vote.

As any schoolchild should know, elections require all citizens to tolerate views that differ from their own. Elections are not meant to transcend or overturn democratic institutions or the separation of powers. Regardless of how the Trump administration ultimately performs, its first month of presidential decrees or, in American political parlance, executive orders can hardly be viewed as a triumph for liberal democracy.

Trump would do well to study the Constitution; and while he is at it, he should find time to read some of the republics other founding documents. He could start with the 1620 Mayflower Compact, which implicitly recognized the rights of political and social minorities in one of Americas earliest religious colonies.

But Trump is not the only American who should use this moment to reflect on his countrys history and its role in the world. Although the administrations America first sloganeering may sound frightening to some foreign ears, it might come as a relief to others.

Since the end of the Cold War, more than a quarter-century ago, the primary goal of American foreign policy has been to spread democracy around the world. But in pursuit of this lofty ambition, the US has sometimes overreached. Although Americas support for democracy would seem to put it on the side of the angels, its policies have often been implemented with a measure of arrogance, and even anger.

America has sometimes force-fed democracy to countries, or even delivered it at the tip of a bayonet. There are many reasons why liberal democracy seems to be in retreat around the world. But among them is surely the growing resentment of other countries and their leaders, who have tired of listening to American accusations, lectures, and admonitions.

Consider Iraq. Many Western observers were inspired by the sight of Iraqis ink-stained fingers after they had cast their ballots in that countrys first election. But while free elections are often a first step on the road to democracy, the aftermath was not so smooth in Iraq. Political identities became increasingly defined by sectarianism, rather than substantive issues; and it soon became clear that democratic institutions and the culture of tolerance on which they rely are not so easily introduced to societies that have not known them before.

Some years ago, I spoke to a Balkan leader who had just spent the day listening to an American philanthropist lecture him about all of his troubled young countrys democratic shortcomings. As he contemplated the political pain of following the philanthropists free advice, he asked me, What am I supposed to do with that? He had identified a fundamental shortfall in the movement to promote democracy: telling someone how to implement democratic reforms is not the same as taking on the risks and responsibilities of actually doing it.

Notwithstanding its currently toxic political scene, the US still has one of the most successful democracies in history. It provides a great model for others to emulate, but its example cannot be forced on the world. Telling people that their countries have to be like America is not a sound strategy.

Liberal democracy was already off balance before Trumps victory; now it has lost its center of gravity. The next four years could be remembered as a dark period for this precious form of government. But liberal democracy has outlasted its rivals in the past, and it will likely do so again. Those who have fought so hard and sacrificed so much for it will be ready to ensure that it does.

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Liberal Democracy in Retreat? - Project Syndicate

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Twitter explodes as liberal actress implies motherhood keeps women from living their fullest lives – TheBlaze.com

Posted: at 8:29 pm

Liberal actress Sarah Silvermanriled up social media users on Monday when she said that she decided not tohave children because she chose to live her fullest life instead. When she received sharp criticism for implying that motherhood prevented women from being able to live their fullest lives, she doubled down and offered an explanation for why she believed that was exactly the case.

As a comic always working & on the road I have had to decide between motherhood & living my fullest life & I chose the latter, Silverman said.

She also remarked that fathers who travel have a different experience, and enjoy the luxury of coming home and being a fun dad.

Many on Twitter didnt take kindly to either of Silvermanscomments, saying that she was not only offending mothers by saying they were somehow living a lesser life, but that she also offended fathers for diminishing their roles.

This isnt the first time Silverman, a self-proclaimed feminist,has made a controversial statement relating to modern-day feminism and gender. In 2015, Silverman tweeted out a list called Ten Rape Prevention Tips and urged her followers to send the list to all the men in their lives.

See the article here:

Twitter explodes as liberal actress implies motherhood keeps women from living their fullest lives - TheBlaze.com

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