Daily Archives: February 28, 2017

Automation Solutions Firm Expands Header Bidding Technology To Mobile Apps – MediaPost Communications

Posted: February 28, 2017 at 8:02 pm

Automation solutions firm PubMatic will expand its header bidding product offering to the mobile app ecosystem. The announcement, which was made at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, extends the technology to mobile apps to offer app developers a way of reclaiming control over ad decisioning.

Mobile app inventory has largely been left out of the header bidding trend that upended monetization across desktop and mobile web over the past eighteen months, stated Evan Simeone, senior vice president of product management at PubMatic. By bringing this technology to mobile apps, were giving mobile app developers greater visibility into market price for their inventory, allowing them to leverage its true value outside of the traditional waterfall.

A recent analysis of data on PubMatics platform found that mobile Web publishers that adopted header bidding saw a 50% increase in eCPMs. With mobile app inventory already commanding a 59% premium over mobile Web,there is a strong opportunity for mobile app publishers.

Today, the majority, 86%, according to eMarketer, of consumers time spent on mobile is in apps, and theres renewed interest from brands andadvertisers in reaching this highly-engaged audience. To date, mobile app developers havent had access to the benefits of ad decisioning tactics like header bidding, having to rely on the traditional waterfall model, Jeff Hirsch, PubMatics CMO, told Real-Time Daily via email. Were particularly excited about in-app header bidding because of the increased level of transparency that it brings app developers, [enabling them] to take advantage of the benefits thatpublishers have been enjoying with desktop and mobile web header and wrapper solutions over the past eighteen months.

PubMatic said mobile app paid impression volume increased by 21% on its platform in the last quarter.

PubMatics mobile in-app header bidding solution offers publishers two implementation options. They can use a non-SDK (Software Development Kit) version that requires only the addition of PubMatic code to an existing apps ad-serving SDK, or a full SDK version that provides publishers with access to more data, including device ID, location (latitudinal/longitudinal), mobile carriers, operating system version, and more.

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Coveney says he will not legislate for water charges abolition as it would be illegal – thejournal.ie

Posted: at 8:02 pm

Simon Coveney speaking to reporters at Leinster House this evening.

Simon Coveney speaking to reporters at Leinster House this evening.

HOUSING MINISTER SIMON Coveney hassaid he will not legislate for the water committees agreement if it doesnt include a charge for excessive usage.

The majority of those on the Oireachtas joint committee on the future funding of water services have indicated that they are in favour of abolishing domestic charges and are opposed to charging for the excessive use of water.

The committee met today to discuss a final draft report, with Fianna Fil, Sinn Fin and the Anti-Austerity Alliance-People Before Profit (AAA-PBP) agreeing there should be no charges even for excessive water use.

I will not introduce legislation that potentially exposes the country to very severe penalties and fines from the European Commission I wont do that, Coveney told reporters tonight.

EU law

Last year, the European Commission said Ireland will be in breach of European law should it remove the charges completely.

Wehave clear advice from Attorney Generals Office, I have legal advice from my own department and the expert commissions advice that was very clear and we have a European Commission that has shown flexibility and willingness to work with Ireland, but are also clear that there has to be some consequences for households wasting large amounts of water, he said.

Coveney said Fine Gael are willing to compromise, but added that other parties have to be prepared to do the same.

We have compromised on the Fine Gael view very significantly, and were asking other parties seeking a working solution to do the same.

If that compromise involves exposing the State to legal action, I dont think as an office holder I can facilitate that, said the minister.

Fianna Fils position

He said Fianna Fil had hardened its position on the issue, and accused the party of altering their stance on charges in recent days.

What Fianna Fil seem to be saying today is that it is okay by them for the general taxpayer to waste water that wasnt the Fianna Fil position until a few days ago.

Coveney insisted tonight that the work of the committee isnt finished, adding that he still wants consensus.

When asked what the outcome would be if the committees final recommendation was for the total abolition of all water charges, he said:

I would be very surprised if Fianna Fil asked a government minister to introduce something that was against the AGs [Attorney General's] advice.

We cannot ignore independent legal advice it is hugely irresponsible to ask us to do that.

Breaching confidence and supply agreement

Coveney said Fine Gael were not breaching the confidence and supply agreement (the deal between Fianna Fil and Fine Gael which essentially keeps the government in power).

The agreement was never intended to instruct a minister to act contrary to the advice of the Attorney General, he said.

We will continue to abide by it and I hope Fianna Fil will too.

The agreement states that the government will facilitate the passage of legislation for the implementation of the recommendations in relation to domestic water charging (whether it be abolition, a reformed charging regime or other options).

This line was put to the minister this evening and he was asked what would happen if the Oireachtas approved and voted in favour for the abolition of the water charges regime.

Facilitating is not the same as introducing, he clarified.

What I am saying is I cannot introduce legislation that I regard as effectively illegal.

Bullying the committee

Sinn Fin spokesperson on water Eoin Broin has accused the minister of trying to bully the Oireachtas Water Committee.

Tonights intervention by Minister Coveney prior to the Committee concluding our business is wholly inappropriate. He is trying to bully the Committee with exaggerated claims on the supposed illegality of complete abolition of water charges.

While a final decision is expected tomorrow or next week it is clear that the Government is losing the argument.

The minister should stop interfering in the work of the Committee. He should adhere to the process he set up and respect the outcome of the Committee.

He said the minister will have plenty of time to respond to the committees final report when it is debated by the Dil and Seanad later this month.

OBroin said Coveneys attempts to influence the outcome of the committees deliberations is wrong and smacks of desperation.

The group of 20 TDs is expected to finalise its report tomorrow ahead of a Dil vote due to take place by the end of March.

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Coveney says he will not legislate for water charges abolition as it would be illegal - thejournal.ie

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This women’s sport you’ve never heard of is taking Israel by storm – Jewish Telegraphic Agency

Posted: at 8:01 pm

A match at the Israeli catchball tournament in Kfar Saba, Feb. 21, 2017. (Courtesy of the Israel Catchball Association)

TEL AVIV (JTA) Every week, thousands of women across Israel gather to play a sport almost no one outside the country has heard of.

For that matter, few Israelis knew about catchball or cadur-reshet in Hebrew a decade ago. But in recent years it has become the most popular sport amongadult women in the country,with nearly all the players over 30 years old.

Its like a disease among middle-aged women here, said Naor Galili, the director-general of the Maccabi sports association in Israel. We like it. We love it. We fully support it.

Now the Israel Catchball Association is trying to spread the feminist fever to women around the world. A major step will be catchballs appearance for the first time at the Maccabiah Games in Israel this summer. The hope is that the thousands of Jews who attend the multi-sport gamesfrom around the worldwill be inspired to ask: What is catchball?

Catchball is likevolleyball, but easier because catching and throwing replacesbumping, setting and spiking. Israelis adapted the sport from Newcomb ball, which was named for theLouisiana womens college where it was invented over a century ago. Today, Americans rarely play Newcomb ball outside of gym class.

Meanwhile, catchball leagues in Israel boastmore than 12,000 female members. That is twice as many adult women as belong to basketball, soccer, volleyball and tennis leagues combined, according to data from Israels Culture and Sport Ministry.

Hila Yeshayahu, 41, plays for the Herzliya-based squad Good Heart and handles marketing and business development for the Catchball Association, to which the team belongs. She said women start playing catchball because it is fun and easy and stick with it for the sense of community and personal empowerment.

Catchball is a present women give themselves. Its a chance to do something healthy with other women and come back home with more strength and more passion, she said. When I step out the door in my uniform, my kids arent on my shoulder; my husband isnt on my shoulder. Im 18 years old again. Im Hila, and I can do anything.

Yeshayahus twin sister also competes for a team in the association, and their 11-year-old daughters play together in a new girls league.

On a Tuesday evening, Yeshayahu and her team faced off against A.S. Moment at a high school gym in Ramat Hasharon, not far from Herzliya in central Israel. The crowd consisted of a few husbands and sons on the sideline. But the atmosphere was competitive, with a referee, scorekeepers and players wearing numbered uniforms. When A.S. Moment won two sets to none, Good Heart players slumped onto the court, and several tearfully threw their knee pads toward the bench. (The first two sets are scored up to 25 points, while a third set in the best-of-3 match would go to 15. The victor must win a set by at least two points.)

Good Heart coach Liron Shachnai, 34, a marketing and sales manager by day, said most of her playershave little experience losing. Competitive sports in Israel are male-dominated, she said, so women do not have the opportunity to learn sportsmanship growing up.

You have women who are over 40 going home crying, saying [the opposing players] think theyre better than us, she said.

Still, by the next practice Thursday evening, the players werelooking toward the future. It helped that this weekend, they will competein the Catchball Games in the southern resort town of Eilat. The tournament is catchballs biggest event and a highlight of the year for many players.

You should see all the photos theyre posting on Facebook. They can barely wait, Yeshayahu said.

In its sixth year, the Catchball Games are expected to draw more than 1,500 women from all of Israels leagues, and even a few teams from abroad. Leavingtheir husbands and children at home, women willdon pink Israel Catchball Association T-shirts for four days of competition and socializing. Local schools will host hundredsof matches, and the top two teams will face off for the championship. Off-court festivities will include a parade, Eilats first night road race and a standup comedy show.

A player celebrating at the Catchball Games in Eilat, Israel, February 2016. (Courtesy of the Israel Catchball Association)

Alexandra Kalev, a sociology professor at Tel Aviv University, says the success of catchball in Israel can be seen as a challenge to the roles women have traditionally played in the countrys sport and culture. Womens sports in Israel are underfunded and little covered in the media, and women are expected to work and handle most household responsibilities.

Catchball can empower women, especially at a stage in life when they are weakened, Kalev said. They are discriminated against in the labor market, overwhelmed by home chores and child rearing and experiencing the changes that age brings on all of us. These leagues really come at the right time of their lives and allow them to be empowered. The message is: We are strong.

The rise of catchball in Israel began in 2005, when OfraAmbramovich started Mamanet, a league for mothers in the central city of Kfar Saba, where she lives. She learned the sport fromHaim Borovski, an Israeli gym teacher from Argentina. Thanks to Ambramovichs entrepreneurship, dozens of municipalities have since started their own Mamanet leagues.In her mind, catchball is primarily a mom-powered social movement.

Catchball gives motherssomething for themselves, a reason to be healthy and part of the community, Ambramovich said. And the mother is the agent of the family, so shes the perfect role model. When the motherdoes well, everyone benefits.

In 2009, the Israel Catchball Association branched off from Mamanet in an effort to make the sport more competitive. The associationwelcomed non-mothers and allowed women to form their own teams rather than requiring them toparticipate through their childrens schools though they maintained Mamanets age minimum of 30. Today,the association offers leagues at four skill levels.

The Israel Catchball Association claims 5,000 players, and Mamanetclaims 12,500. Both groups claim superiority and dispute each others numbers, but everyone agrees the totalnumber of women playing is more than 12,000.

It is also clear the sport is growing rapidly, and even reaching into Israels most traditional communities. Many Orthodox Jewish women play catchball in headscarves and skirts. And there is a mostly Druze team in Daliyan al-Carmel in northern Israel. When Anaia Halabi, a 35-year-old school counselor, started the team seven years ago,it was a radical idea.

For women to leave their husbands and their children toplay was a big change for the village, she said. It is not considered suitable for women to be outside the home at night. Not all the husbands approve.

But over time, Halabi said, the husbands have grown more accepting, and the local municipality began paying for a van to transport the team to games outside the village. At the same time, theteam has arranged not to play late night games, anda three-club local league has been formed to allow women to compete without leaving the village.

With the sport firmly established in Israel, the Israel Catchball Association has started looking overseas. Part of the motivation is that to qualify as an official sport and receive funding from the Israeli government, catchball must be played competitively in at least 52 countries. So far, the only leagues the association knows of outside Israel are in Mexico and the United States. But they are encouraging the sportin more than half a dozen other countries, mostly through Israeli expats.

Gal Reshef, a 35-year-old Israeli lawyer, founded acatchball group in Boston in 2015 and last year expanded it into the U.S.A. Catchball Association in partnership with theIsrael Catchball Association. She said the vast majority of thenearly 100 womenin the BostonetCatchball Association, as well as in the handful of other teams across the country, are Israelis. But Reshef is confident catchball will, um, catch on with American women, too.

I think in the States, the situation is the same as in Israel. If youre a middle-aged woman who didnt have the chance to play sports growing up, there are very few options, she said. The great thing is anyone can play catchball, and it creates an amazing uplifting community.

At least one Bostonet team is slated to participate in the catchball exhibition tournament at the Maccabiah Games in July. Thirty-six Israeli teams will be there, along with a couplefrom London and Berlin. Reshef predicted that by the time the next games roll around in four years, teams from around the world will be playing catchball in the real tournament and after that, maybe the Olympics.

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This women's sport you've never heard of is taking Israel by storm - Jewish Telegraphic Agency

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Black Women Aren’t Having Enough Orgasms And Their Careers Are To Blame Says Author – MadameNoire

Posted: at 8:01 pm

Has rising up the corporate ladder affected your sex life? According to Dr. Andrea Pennington, an integrative physician, meditation teacher, and sex educator, it most likely hasand has so negatively. In fact, she says not only that, but Black women have lost their femininity due to the demands of the corporate world.

She says that African-American women have become Alpha Bs orAlpha Bosses. In other words, they have adopted masculine ways to get ahead in the office, and this has affected their womanhood in the home. Alpha Bosses are those women who have channeled masculine energy to get ahead in realms that have long been dominated by (and still are) sexism and overt masculinity. So Alpha Bosses aggressively pursue their objectives while rarely tapping into their feminine spirit, says Dr. Pennington, who has been a TEDx speaker and appeared on theOprah Winfrey Show, Dr. Oz show, and CNN. According to her, many women are missing out on having mind-blowing climaxes because ofthis masculine energy.

Dr. Pennington has even written a book on the subject.The Orgasm Prescription For Women aims to help women tap into and reclaim their right to pleasure, to break free from limiting beliefs or shame, guilt and self-loathing of the past. The book also includes information on Western medicine, Chinese medicine, positive psychology, and mindfulness meditation and is centered around a 21-day program, which Dr. Pennington claims, helps women to open the door to sexual fulfillment, sensual expression, increased intimacy, and more fulfilling orgasms.

MadameNoire got more insight on this sexually deprived theory from Dr. Pennington. Heres what she had to say.

MadameNoire (MN): What prompted you to write The Orgasm Prescription For Women?

Dr. Andrea Pennington (AP): A few years ago I appeared on The Dr. Oz Show to talk about serious diseases found in women over 40, like diabetes and high blood pressure, which often go untreated or are missed due to women failing to recognize or simply dismissing the symptoms. Many people were shocked to hear me say on the show that I recommended my patients have at least three orgasms a week.

To tell the truth, the female orgasm started out as a clever gauge of overall health and wellness. Using the sexual response as an indicator of physical health quickly became an opening for honest discussions about intimacy, pleasure and sexual satisfaction for my clients and members of our online wellness community.

Following that episode I was inundated with calls and emails from women wanting to understand why I suggested three orgasms a week and whether three is the minimum or maximum? If their blood sugar was normal but they still couldnt achieve orgasm what else could be wrong? Women opened up by telling me about their problems initiating sex due to low desire. I heard many tales of woe from ladies who had adequate desire but low arousal and vaginal lubrication with previously pleasurable stimuli. Other women even expressed frustration that after orgasm they became moody and irritated with their partner for weeks! And so many women expressed deep despair that a lack of sex caused a rift in the precious relationship with their partners.

So, in addition to providing a barometer of well-being, today I see the orgasm is an indicator of personal empowerment, self-acceptance and self-love and an affirmation of ones right to enjoy pleasure in ones body and overall life.

For the last several years I have gathered and analyzed the feedback from my patients and conducted focus groups with women who wanted more pleasure and passion in their lives. I have also interviewed sexologists, therapists and my mind-body medicine colleagues to gain new insights to better help women understand how their libido, arousal system and orgasm work, what blocks them from becoming aroused or prevents them from achieving orgasm, and how to create a personalized prescription for enhanced sensual pleasure and greater, more reliable sexual satisfaction.

This has enabled women to improve their sexual health and well-being on multiple levels, while dramatically enhancing the communication with their beloved, deepening intimacy and even saving their marriages and partnerships.

MN: What do you hope women will take away from the book?

AP: The Orgasm Prescription for Women is meant to empower you, the beautiful deserving woman you are, to know and embrace your sexual self and to find your sexual voice so that you can become an advocate for your own pleasure. Your ability to act on behalf of your sexual needs, desires, and wishes will enable you to have healthy, satisfying intimate relationships with your partners. The orgasm that comes from this investigative play is a bonus.

In The Orgasm Prescription, you will uncover what impedes your orgasm and how to get help as needed. Together we will help you identify clues about your own psychology, hormone status, and brain chemistry so that you can work alone, with your partner, or with a doctor or therapist to get you back into an orgasmic flow. You can now boldly investigate and experiment with strategies to balance your inner and outer chemistry, get direct input from your body, and accept permission to make your pleasure a priority.

MN: Please explain why you feel African-American women are oftentimes put in the category of Alpha B.

AP: Many African-American women have stepped up to run their own companies or take positions in the C-suite of corporations, all while being a devoted mom, sister, or daughter. And because many corporations or start-up environments are dominated by a masculine or sexist mentality, they have taken on behaviors and attitudes that allow them to be seen as strong and capable around men. They have risen to the top and are seen as Alpha Bosses, or Alpha B, for short.

Many of us have put our feminine qualities to the side to avoid being perceived as weak or emotional. Whether consciously or not, many African-American women are now seen as aggressive, domineering Alpha B-tches. Not all of us are, of course, but theres enough that there is a popular understanding of the term. Some are just called angry Black women.

MN: What are the pluses and minuses ofbeing seen as an Alpha B?

AP: We, of course, are powerful and able to get stuff done with all of the masculine energy and we tend to realize more of our creative potential as a result. However, the downside is that we may lose touch with our feminine allure and find it difficult to be the girl in our heterosexual relationships. Many Alpha Bosses have trouble connecting with their man on a deep, intimate level (because Alpha Bosses are frequently disconnected from their own sexuality). Sex becomes more of a routine almost animatronic performance, instead of an experience gushing with orgasmic pleasure. Emotional connection is often important for sexual satisfaction, so this lack of connection puts a strain on the Alpha Bosss sex life.

Men will often feel they are not needed and valued anymore and may even feel intimidated and emasculated by a female Alpha B.

MN: How does African-American womens sexuality or perceived sexuality affect Black women in the workplace?

AP: In the workplace, many African-American women tell me that they are feared or revered. They are seen as domineering and aggressive but they are not necessarily seen as sexually feminine. Instead, they are seen as a femme fatale, much like the female praying mantis, which is known to chew their mates head off during or after sex. Its a running joke which is so not funny.

MN: How can one shed (or should they shed) masculine energy?

AP: All of us, both men and women, have a combination of masculine and feminine energy. So the goal is never to eliminate one or the other entirely. Instead, its about finding a healthy balance and certainly involves not denying your innate tendencies. So keep the masculine energy that makes you effective and productive, but be aware of your need to embrace your divine feminine energy, too.

As I spoke about on a recent episode of Sensual Vitality-TV, there are several activities or rituals you can do thatll help you transform from a hard-driving Queen Bee to a purring, sex kitten when sexy time comes around. You can re-capture your feminine energy when you want, and youll be more receptive to hot, fulfilling sex.

The easiest way to implement these practices into lasting habits is by performing 21 days of sensuality and pleasure rituals. Ive created a free online version based on the 21-day program in The Orgasm Prescription, which includes audio meditations and daily affirmations. Most women tell me the Erotic Fantasy Meditation really helps!

I also highly recommend having an I Love My Body week. This is where you get back in tune with that luscious feminine part of you! Heres what you do: for one whole week, youll dress yourself up, put on your perfume, and adorn yourself as if youre a sensual goddess. Hook up your favorite speaker and play some music you love and dance away, around your house (with or without your partner)! Why? Because, by doing so, youll be learning your body learning the sexy, sensual aspect of your being and youll do it in a way thats playful and loving to yourself. This practical activity helps you appreciate yourself for all of your beautiful, feminine sexuality.

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Black Women Aren't Having Enough Orgasms And Their Careers Are To Blame Says Author - MadameNoire

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Realizing Economic Empowerment For All Americans – Huffington Post

Posted: at 8:01 pm

As Black History Month comes to an end, we must take stock of the progress weve made as a country on civil rights and justice for all, but also reflect on the hard work still ahead to reach that lofty goal of true equality for all.

This true equality means equality of opportunity and true economic empowerment for all Americans.

While our economy has made significant strides towards full recovery from the depths of the Great Recession, many communities across our country are still struggling. Communities of color have been hurt disproportionately and still have not felt the full benefits of our economic recovery.

Although the national unemployment rate has fallen all the way to 4.8 percent from a high of 10 percent during the recent Great Recession, it remains persistently high among African-Americans. The African American unemployment rate, which reached 16.8 percent during the Great Recession, is still at 7.7 percent. As the Joint Economic Committee reported earlier this month, the median black familys net worth still has not recovered to its pre-recession high reached more than a dozen years ago in 2004.

We made steady progress as nation by working through Congress and with African American community leaders in building opportunity and wealth in the decade-plus before the recession. But this progress has stalled, and the wealth gap between black and white families continues to widen.

While housing prices have recovered across the country, many predominantly black communities have been left behind, with family finances still reeling from underwater mortgages and retirement savings completely spent.

We must address these persistent disparities in wealth and opportunity, so that we can act to ensure economic stability for all working families.

Rather than loose talk about urban communities, these problems demand real solutions. However, many of the policies put forth by the Trump Administration and Congressional Republicans would only increase inequality and threaten our economic progress.

Congress needs to take action and make real investments in our countrys future. We should expand the value of Pell Grants, which 64 percent of black students rely on to afford a college education; we should make real investments in mass transit projects that unlock opportunity by connecting people with good-paying jobs; and we should invest in broadband expansion that allows all Americans, no matter their zip code, to access affordable high speed internet and in turn, a world of information.

Real solutions also demand we reject proposals that would send our country backward, like repealing the Affordable Care Act. Reckless repeal of this law, without a plan to adequately replace it, jeopardizes the health coverage of nearly 3.5 million African-Americans and would almost double the uninsured rate.

As we close out Black History Month, we must not forget the real and present disparities still present in our society that prevent us from reaching true equality. It is up to us to tear down these barriers and invest in all of our people so that we may all strive for better and realize our personal American dreams.

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Lawmaker prayer group focuses on religious freedom – The Tennessean

Posted: at 8:01 pm

State lawmakers have a new prayer group they can join, the Tennessee Legislative Prayer Caucus. Holly Meyer / The Tennessean

Members of the Tennessee Prayer Caucus pray during their meeting at the office of Rep. Kevin Brooks.(Photo: Joe Buglewicz / For The Tennessean)Buy Photo

With their heads bowed, a small group of state lawmakers stood in a loose circle in the middle of a legislative committee room as their colleague, Rep. Mark Pody, led them in prayer.

"We want to invite the holy spirit here, father, to the Capitol. On the floor today, that the words that are said, father, that there's no mean-spiritedness. Father, that we could just focus on you," said Pody, a Wilson County Republican.

Those who gathered on a recent Thursday morning in Legislative Plaza are members of a relatively new prayer group for lawmakers, the Tennessee Legislative Prayer Caucus. It's focused on preserving religious liberty and upholding the country's Judeo-Christian values, its website says.

Pody alluded to that purpose as he continued his prayer.

"Father, across this great nation, Lord, there is, your word's coming under attack as it has throughout the centuries. We just pray for a rising up and revival across this country."

It's about prayer, not partisanship or advocating for legislation, Podysaid. The prayer group is open to all lawmakers regardless of party, he said. In addition to Pody, the group's leadership includes at least three more Republicans and one Democrat.


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"We're just going to stay focused on prayer in general and our religious freedom that way," Pody said.

The prayer groupstarted quietly about halfway throughlast year'slegislative session with just afewlawmakers, but they decided to expand it this year and raised its public profile,hoping more legislators would attend their weekly meetings, Pody said.

They welcomed country music artist Ricky Skaggs for thefirst meeting of the new legislativesession in January.While the star power helped draw a standing-room only crowd, Pody saidthey will try to keep the prayer group for lawmakers only.

Prayer at the Capitol

While weekly attendance varies, nearly 30 lawmakers, largely Republicans,are listed as members on the prayer caucus' website. Rep. Brenda Gilmore, D-Nashville, is among them. She did not attend the Feb. 9 prayer caucus, but said in a telephone interview that shejoined the group because she believes prayer has a role in solving issues facing Tennesseans, including poverty and criminal justice problems.

I recognize in order for us to make a difference in Tennesseans lives, really affect real change in the quality of life, its going to take prayer and its going to take all of us working together, Gilmore said. God is not partisan.

God is not partisan.

The prayer caucus isnt the only prayer or devotionalgroup at the state Capitol. Andlawmakers are within their rights to use prayer groups to exercise their freedom of religion, said Kent Syler, a political science professor at Middle Tennessee State University.

It becomes a problem if they start to try to blur the line between church and state and it also becomes a problem if they seek to use their office to promote one religion over another, Syler said.

Pody, and other members of the caucus, have said thats not theintention of the prayer group.

But Cody made clear that he doesn't set aside his Christian beliefs while performing his duties as a lawmaker, and he said his constituents are well aware of that. He's sponsored bills on religion-tinged issues, including legislation that would definemarriage as strictly between one man and one woman.

"There is no separation for me. Everything I do is going to be based on scripture. How I vote is going to be based on my biblical values as well as the Constitution, but I believe that my biblical values are the first things that I would turn to," Pody said.

The group is tied to the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation, a Virginia-based nonprofit that describes itself as neither partisan nor political. The foundation's website says it protects religious freedom and challenges "anti-faith trends impacting legislative, legal and cultural issues" through a national network of citizens and leaders.

The foundation's platform focuses on conservative religious issues, including keeping prayer in public schools and advocating for states to pass their own religious freedom restoration acts. It also is a big advocate for the national "In God We Trust" motto. Lea Carawan, the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation's executive director, was not available for comment.

"When you look at the Congressional Prayer Caucus'website there is certainly a theme of Christianity under attack," Syler said.

One of the foundation's initiatives is to establish state legislative prayer caucuses, which are modeled after the Congressional Prayer Caucus formed in 2005. Lawmakers in more than 20 states have formed prayer caucuses, the foundation's website says. Secular groups, including the Freedom From Religion Foundation and the American Humanist Association, have voiced opposition to the national and state caucuses in the past.

Pody said thenational foundation reached out to him to start the prayer group at the state house.Hethinks the national network is a plus for the state prayer group, and he used the preservation of"In God We Trust" as an example.

"Across the nation, it seems that people are saying we can't even have the word God in anything we're doing in our government buildings," Pody said. "It is on our money, 'In God We Trust.' It is passed at the capitol in Washington both the house and the senate, reaffirming that 'In God We Trust' is our national motto. We want to make sure we keep that in each of the states as well."

State lawmakers often communicate with legislators in other states, Syler said. Frequently, policies or other mechanisms on a wide variety of issues are tried in one state and then introduced in Tennessee, he said.

The wider spread the prayer caucuses are the more impact they can have on both the desire to get like-minded legislators together to exercise their religious freedoms and it can also help them push an agenda more effectively should they go down that path, Syler said.

The small group that gathered for the prayer group s Feb. 9 meeting prayed together for about 10 minutes. A chorus of "amen" followed a brief silence. But before the lawmakers rushed off to tackle the days business, Rep. Terri Lynn Weaver led them through a few bars of a well-known hymn.

Then sings my soul my savior God to thee. How great thou art. How great though art."

Reach Holly Meyer at hmeyer@tennessean.com or 615-259-8241 and on Twitter @HollyAMeyer.

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Lawmaker prayer group focuses on religious freedom - The Tennessean

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Follow the Path of the Freedom Riders in This Interactive Map – Smithsonian

Posted: at 8:00 pm

By Rebeca Coleman

smithsonian.com February 28, 2017 12:16PM

Even though the Civil War marked the end of slavery, African-Americans fought for equal rights throughout the century that followed. In the post-Reconstruction era, Jim Crow laws arose and the American South became a region of two segregated societies whites and African Americans. Attempts to tear down this system in the courts bore little to no fruit. In 1896, the Supreme Court ruled in Plessy v. Ferguson that separate but equal accommodations in public places were legal, enshrining a public policy that stayed on the books for decades.

The decision in Brown v. Board of Education that overturned Plessy marked one of the first major victories of the ever-growing Civil Rights Movement. That decision was followed by the Interstate Commerce Commissions (ICC) decision to ban segregation on interstate bus travel and then in 1960, the Court ruled that the terminals and waiting areas themselves, including restaurants, could not be segregated. The ICC however, neglected to truly enforce its own rules and jurisdiction.

In 1961, a group of black and white individuals decided to take their frustration with the permanence of segregation, and the federal governments disinterest in putting an end to the discrimination, to a further level. They decided to test the limits of Jim Crow laws by riding two buses together into the Deep South. Two groups, the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) and Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) sponsored the Freedom Riders on their nonviolent protests of Southern segregation.

On May 4, 13 CORE and SNCC members embarked on their Freedom Ride through the American South with plans to engage in nonviolent protest and ensure that desegregation in public locales was being enforced. Many were seasoned protesters; some had even been arrested before. The overall goal was increasing awareness and decreasing segregation.

Their story, as told in the map above is one of resilience and perseverance. Some of the names are recognizable, including Martin Luther King, Robert Kennedy, and John Lewis, while some of the Riders themselves, such as Diane Nash and Henry Thomas, are lesser-known. Facing threats from the Ku Klux Klan and Bull Connor, these protestors played a crucial part in bringing the cruelties of the Jim Crow South to a national audience.

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May Pledges More Action to Support Freedom of Religion – Bloomberg

Posted: at 8:00 pm

U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May said her government is determined to do more to promote freedom of belief around the world as she spoke about growing up the daughter of a church minister and how it has affected her life.

At a pre-Easter reception for church leaders at her Downing Street residence, May joked she held the event the day before the start of the Lent period of fasting so guests planning to give up alcohol for 40 days would still be able to enjoy themselves. She said she would be abstaining from potato chips.

She went on to say that some of those present had urged her to do more for persecuted Christians around the world, and that she intends to act.

We must reaffirm our determination to stand up for the freedom of people of all religions to practice their beliefs in peace and safety, she said at the event on Tuesday. And I hope to take further measures as a government to support this.

May said she plans to continue her predecessor David Camerons practice of holding receptions for different faith groups.

As the daughter of a Church of England minister, I know first-hand the many sacrifices involved and the hard work that so many of you do, she said. From the services and ministry in your churches to the comfort and guidance you provide to millions in our country at some of the most difficult moments in our lives.

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COLUMN: Maintain the wall and let freedom ring – The Daily Progress

Posted: at 8:00 pm

For centuries wars have raged over religion. Religious institutions are given special political status and dissenters are oppressed, even murdered. Many fled to these shores in hopes of creating something new, something different. In its early stages, it hadnt gone so well. In New England, those seeking freedom from persecution became the persecutors. Here in Virginia the established church followed them and continued its reign.

The kickback against religious oppression by those whose families fled it was one of the reasons for revolution. Once freedom was gained the question became what to do next. A new government, free of royalty, led by people with a stake in it must be designed, or why not keep what you have.

The influence of the churches, and of religion itself had to also be dealt with. These Enlightenment thinkers, some of the most educated in world history, knew that there had to be a way to build a society not dictated by religion. How else could a nation be formed from so many different ones who came fleeing persecution?

This question became paramount in the making of a Constitution, and there would be no union of states without freedom of religion. In reality, there can be no freedom at all without freedom of religion. This, more than anything else, separated America from the world, and even from world history.

America truly was the greatest nation the world had ever seen, due largely for this reason. A secular nation not beholding to any church was, in and of itself, revolutionary.

An implied concept supported by Supreme Court interpretations is the separation of church and state, meaning neither should interfere in the business of the other. Freedom itself depends upon this. This separation was to help both thrive.

James Madison, author of the Constitution, in speaking against those seeking to undermine this freedom referred to it as the old error. He further explained that, religion and government will both exist in greater purity the less they are mixed together. This statement rings true as a merger of the past 150 years has created a new Christianity, and now seeks to create a new government.

Puritan theologian and the architect of religious freedom in America Roger Williams was banished from Massachusetts in the late 1600s for his revolutionary ideas. The theocratic puritan state had failed in its mission to end the persecution they fled and he believed forced religion destroyed the very soul. His freedom of conscience ideas set America on the course to true freedom. Enforced uniformity confounds civil and religious liberty and denies the principles of Christianity and civility. No man should be required to worship or maintain a worship against his will, he wrote. Madison and Jefferson, among others, were quite familiar with Williams writings.

The old error now lays directly on our doorstep. Those who seek to execute this error and merge the two are great enemies to both religion and to the state. The Roman Empire syncretized Biblical Christianity with some other empirical religions and merged these with the civil government, to the destruction of both. A new religion arose that destroyed both Europe and the Middle East, and the empire itself collapsed, sending Europe into the Dark Ages.

Freedom of conscience is something to fight for, as is the freedom of religion it produces. History has otherwise shown that this is a dark and evil path to travel. Religious leaders will seek to control the masses and their resources. We see it in churches already. The only thing that arises is death and destruction, poverty and wealth accumulation for the religious/political leaders.

Moreover, the attackers of this great freedom act against the very religion they seek to force upon the people. Its tome, the Bible, teaches to Let everyone be fully convinced in his own mind (Romans 14:5) and the rhetorical, Why should my liberty be determined by someone elses conscience? (1 Cor 10:29). Did not Jesus himself teach that the wheat and the tares were to live together? (Matt 13:30) These and many other teachings led medieval theologian Thomas Aquinas to teach that everyone has a duty to believe and act in accord with ones own conscience. Reformation would follow.

Without religious freedom there can be no freedom at all. We must stand firm for what makes America great. Today, it is sought not to define Americas greatness by its freedoms, but by its ability to kill and destroy. Making America Great doesnt really mean great, it means more able to kill and destroy so the rich can get richer.

Freedom is worth fighting for. Together, lets protect both the state and the religion and ensure that the wall that separates them stands proud and tall to protect both and let freedom ring.

Tim Cotton lives with his family in Culpeper and is co-chairman of the Piedmont Green Party.

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Freedom House: Chinese Communists Intensifying Religious Persecution – Voice of America

Posted: at 8:00 pm

The Chinese Communist Party has "intensified" its persecution of religious practitioners in recent years under the leadership of President Xi Jinping, and the ramifications are being felt well beyond the boundaries of religious policy, according to the U.S.-based Freedom House nonprofit.

In a new report released Tuesday, the group said increased oppression from the Chinese government is creating a thriving "black market" for believers to practice their religion outside of the official institutions.

"The party's rigid constraints render it impossible for state-sanctioned institutions to meet the growing demand for religion in Chinese society," said Senior Research Analyst Sarah Cook, the author of the report.

According to the article, Chinese authorities regularly jail believers for long periods, or engage in sustained violence against certain communities to exert control over illicit religious practices. At least 100 million Chinese, or about one third of the country's population, face "high" or "very high" persecution levels, the report said.

While the government is stepping up its religious restrictions with electronic surveillance at places of worship and imprisonment of those who share religious content on social media, Cook said the efforts illustrate "a remarkable failure," as an increasing number of people are worshipping underground and using tools to circumvent internet censorship.

"It reflects the party's difficulty in confronting citizens who are willing to make sacrifices for higher principles. From this perspective, it would appear that in the long-term battle for China's spirit, an unreformed Communist Party will ultimately lose," she said.

The report shows that China's persecution of religious believers stretches across various faiths, and includes Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, and Falon Gong practitioners, who face severe human rights violations from the Chinese Communist Party.

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