Daily Archives: February 26, 2017

Eidesvik offloads offshore construction vessel – Splash 247

Posted: February 26, 2017 at 11:37 pm

February 26th, 2017 Grant Rowles Europe, Offshore 0 comments

Norways Eidesvik Offshore has sold 2009-built offshore construction vessel Viking Poseidon to an unnamed buyer.

Eidesvik says a deposit has already been paid and delivery is expected to take place mid-March.

The sale will have a positive effect of around NOK180m ($21.5) according to Eidesvik, after it recorded a NOK130m ($15.5m) impairment charge on the vessel in the fourth quarter of 2016.

Viking Poseidonrecently came off a contract with Siemens Wind Power supporting operations in the German sector.

The vessel was previously on charter to Harkand, who cancelled the contractin May 2016 after into went into administration.

Grant Rowles

Grant spent nine years at Informa Group based in London, Sydney, Hong Kong and Singapore. He gained strong management experience in publishing, conferences and awards schemes in the shipping and legal areas, working on a number of titles including Lloyd's List. In 2009 Grant joined Seatrade responsible for the commercial development of Seatrades Asia products. In 2012, with Sam Chambers, he co-founded Asia Shipping Media.

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Anthelia – MicroWiki – micronations.wiki

Posted: at 11:36 pm

(This article was teased back out of the ozone. It appears to have been written in 2005 or 2006.)

The Republic of Anthelia (pronounced:ant-HEEL-ee-yuh), known in short as Anthelia, is a democratic micronation founded in July 2004. Anthelia is an Anglophone Sector micronation and a member of the Micronational Cartography Society and the Novasolum Treaty.

Anthelia was founded on 27 July 2004 by John Darcy, an Australian micronationalist with past involvement in the hobby but no other known micronational citizenships. The Republic - it has always been called a "republic" - was established with democratic and pluralistic objectives but with low membership and activity there were two consequences: Firstly, Darcy held de facto autonomous power as "Administrator" and secondly, inactivity saw the fledgling micronation virtually shut down from September 2004 to April 2005.

The Republic was woken up on 11 April 2005 by a message of inspiration and intent posted by prominent citizen Koen Nevens. Nevens' energy pushed Anthelia to the attention of other Anglophone micronationsthrough the Micronations.net forums, and this in turn attracted several possible citizens as well as interested foreign observers. Anthelia's profile was also significantly raised at this time through a dispute over its Micronational Cartography Society map presence. This dispute was resolved amicably in due course.

The revival sparked by the Nevens Communique of 11 April was indeed - energetic and rapid. By the end of April a draft Constitution was readyfor referendum and the groundwork had been laid for immediate Executive Council elections. Duly, the Constitution was enacted and came into force on 4 May 2005, and John Darcy and Koen Nevens were elected unopposed as the inaugural Executive Council, taking office on 13 May.

The Constitution of the Republic provides for an elected Executive Council to run the nation in everyday matters. The Executive Council can appoint Ministers to assist in this, and Ministers can propose new or amended laws for the control and benefit of national affairs. Through direct democracy, all citizens of the Republic have the right to debate proposed laws and all citizens participate in the vote to approve a law. (The policy of the present government is to establish an elected legislative body at a future time when the population can sustain it). The Constitution also provides detailed protection of individual and general rights, and a number of superior provisions regarding citizenship and other matters to which all normal laws must conform.

Justice is to be administered through courts presided over by judges who will be appointed as the need arises. The President of the Republic is a largely symbolic position, as the President is one of the Executive Councillors and has very few and limited exclusive powers and duties of his own. John Darcy is the inaugural and current President.

A micronation with less than a year of serious activity cannot be said to have developed a strong individual culture; however, a number of stylistic aspects promoted by the incumbent government give an indication of "national identity".

Firstly, Anthelia is strongly grounded in the letter and substance of its laws. Darcy and Nevens have consistently sought to write laws, executive orders and a Constitution which are thorough, explicit and strong. The possible criticism of this is that Anthelia is legalistic and complicated by micronational standards, but the government's choice + is based on both instinct and training. Nevens is a practising lawyer in his macronational life, and Darcy brings to his hobby a lifelong interest in politics and the law. A micronation headed by these two could not in good conscience be governed loosely by clumsily-written laws.

Secondly, Anthelia seeks to keep its community simulation firmly anchored in "reality". Anthelia's fictional world is set in the same time period as the real world and has no technology or capability which is beyond the first decade of the 21st century. This is notwithstanding Anthelia's choice to be involved in, for example, the MCS fictional world map, which in substance is merely a tool for interaction with other micronations

Thirdly, the combination of lawful order and realistic simulation underpins Anthelia's economic simulation. Economics and money appears,from all reports, to be the weak underbelly of micronations the reasons for this are many and not least of them is the microscopic size of the market which makes economic modeling irrelevant. (Imagine trying to impose the rules of fluid dynamics on a few dozen water molecules floating in a vacuum). Nevertheless, the Republic has enacted laws and established an institutional framework to base its currency, and the monetary sector of its economy, on real-world principles. This is an ongoing source of disagreement between Anthelia and at least one other micronation (Gotzborg) and that situation is still developing at the time of writing.

Finally, it is the combination of a realism-grounded simulation and a monetary economy which is driving, or will drive, the future development of the community. The policy of the government is to encourage and develop new and diverse aspects for the simulation which will assist the community to look and behave like a real-world community. This is, needless to say, a long-term strategy. +

Anthelia began as a micronation in isolation, although the wider micronational community was known to the founder. The months since therevival have seen Anthelia interact more widely with other English-language micronations (the "Anglophone Sector"). The Micronational Cartography Society more than any other person or body has provided the main impetus for this interaction. By virtue of its place on the MCS map, Anthelia has chosen primarily to seek + discourse and interaction with its neighbours on that mapGotzborg, Natopia, Alexandria, Rio Grande and Lavalon. This is not to say that other micronations have been ignored, but the main focus of diplomacy has been on these few and in particular Gotzborg and Natopia.

It was this regional focus which led to the Novasolum Treaty. A conference was held in May and June of 2005 for micronations which shared the same continent as Anthelia on the MCS map. The aim of this conference at its outset was to seek a mutual treaty for "the creation of an area of freedom, security and justice" there was no intent to create a formal association of micronations and no multilateral policies (such as economic policy) were to be imposed.

During the course of this conference, a related (but separate) project was begun by President Darcy to enhance the geographic details of the micronations involved, and it was from this project that the continent's name "Novasolum" was agreed. In course, the treaty (which was ratified by four of the parties by 8 July 2005) was named the Novasolum Treaty. In August 2005, the Republic was a party to the Treaty of BBC, which is a treaty with the micronation founded on BBC TV in the United Kingdom by King Danny Wallace.

The first point of contact for Anthelia is a website, and the forums can be reached from there for a complete picture of the community's day-to-day activities.

An independent media also operates, with The Anthelia Quarterly available by subscription (see information on the forums). Anthelian affairs are also reported in the RIMA Journal and in general discussions on Micronations.net. Citizenship is available to residents of the Republic who fulfill a 10-day residency waiting period, but there are no restrictions on general immigration. Given the importance placed on the now-operating monetary economy, the government has enacted Income Support to provide for those people in Anthelia who do not yet have a job.

The President is happy to answer direct personal inquiries at president@anthelia.net

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The history of space travel encapsulated – Fairfaxtimes.com

Posted: at 11:34 pm

Space lovers around the country should start marking their calendars now in preparation for the 50th anniversary of the 1969 moon landing, because they might have the opportunity to see artifacts from the historic Apollo 11 mission at a city museum near them.

The Smithsonian Institution announced on Wednesday that it will send its Apollo 11 Columbia command module, normally housed in the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C., on a four-city tour in December as part of its new Destination Moon: The Apollo 11 Mission traveling exhibition.

Scheduled to culminate in Seattle, Wash., in 2019, the exhibit will celebrate the historical significance and technological achievement of the Apollo 11 mission while prompting visitors to also contemplate the future of space exploration.

The Apollo programis one of the greatest American achievements, Smithsonian Secretary David J. Skorton told a crowd of press and staff gathered in the restoration hanger at the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center in Chantilly. When Apollo 11 landed on the moon and humans first stepped on another celestial body, it changed the way we saw ourselves.

The Columbia command module and the other objects featured in Destination Moon will first go to Space Center Houston in Texas, on Dec. 14. The exhibition will then move to the St. Louis Science Center in Missouri in April 2018 before going to Pittsburgh, Pa., where it will be housed at the Senator John Heinz History Center.

The exhibition will make its final stop in March 2019 at the Museum of Flight in Seattle, where it will be for the Apollo 11 missions 50th anniversary in July of that year.

Because the command module and other artifacts need to be in a well-regulated environment for conservation purposes, technical requirements, such as room temperature and security measures, as well as the amount of available space dictated which cities would get the exhibition, according to Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service (SITES) director Myriam Springuel.

SITES has been organizing traveling tours for Smithsonian collections since 1952 and was responsible for arranging Destination Moon.

In addition to ensuring that they would be able to accommodate the exhibition, Springuel and her team wanted to focus on the 215 Smithsonian affiliate museums around the country.

According to its website, the Smithsonian works with affiliate organizations in more than 45 states to share exhibits and collections, collaborate on research projects, and develop educational strategies.

It really meant that we were looking at some of our leading science centers and history museums across the country, Springuel said of selecting the museums that would get the Apollo exhibition.

Houston stood out as a fitting location to launch the tour, since it is home to the Johnson Space Center, where the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) trains astronauts and conducts flight control.

For the exhibitions conclusion, SITES chose a city that Springuel calls the home of space exploration today.

Seattle has emerged as a hub for the commercial space industry, boasting the headquarters of companies like Blue Origin and SpaceX, and the city hosted the first-ever NewSpace conference in June 2016 to highlight the role of aerospace technology in the regions economy.

Its a huge honor for us, and weve been partners with the Smithsonian for a long time, so we really appreciate them deciding that, Museum of Flight president and CEO Douglas King said. Its an incredible historic opportunity to share with people who werent alive what was probably one of the great events [of the 20th century].

Launched from Cape Canaveral in Florida on July 16, 1969, the Apollo 11 spacecraft transported astronauts Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Edwin Buzz Aldrin on a journey to the moon that lasted a total of eight days and traversed nearly 1 million miles.

The astronauts landed on the moon on July 20, 1969, and an estimated 530 million people watched Armstrong become the first person to stand on the lunar surface, according to NASAs website.

Vaguely resembling a rusty lamp shade, the Columbia command module weighs 13,000 pounds, including its display mount. The capsule that served as the astronauts living quarters is more than 10 feet tall and 13 feet in diameter.

In addition to seeing the module itself unobscured by the plastic that normally encloses it at the National Air and Space Museum, attendees of the Destination Moon exhibit will be able to explore an interactive, three-dimensional model of the Columbia that offers a closer look at its cockpit.

The exhibition will also feature Aldrins helmet and the gloves he wore during the first moon walk, a box that contained the first lunar rock samples ever collected, an ejector plate from one of Apollo 11s engines, and medical and survival kits that were onboard the spacecraft.

National Air and Space Museum senior curator Michael Neufeld was responsible for creating the text that will accompany the exhibits artifacts. He included a timeline of NASAs space program, including the original Mercury and Gemini missions, as well as background on the Cold War and the space race between the U.S. and Soviet Union.

My co-curator [Alan] Needell and I felt it was necessary to set up the context for why America went to the moon in the first place, Neufeld said.

After the traveling tour concludes in September 2019, the Columbia and the other artifacts will return to the National Air and Space Museum for a permanent Destination Moon gallery scheduled to open in 2020.

Smithsonian staff have been organizing that permanent exhibit since 2010, but they decided to launch a traveling exhibition first when they realized that the permanent version would not be ready in time for the Apollo 11 missions 50th anniversary.

While the region will not be involved in the traveling exhibition, residents and visitors in the Washington, D.C., area can instead get a behind-the-scenes look at the conservation work that goes into maintaining the Air and Space Museums collections.

The restoration hanger at the Udvar-Hazy Center, normally closed off to the public, will have an open house on Mar. 4 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., allowing visitors to meet conservation staff and see some of the objects that will be in the Destination Moon exhibition.

Apollo fundamentally has the appeal that this is a great American accomplishment, Neufeld said. [But] space in general has been a subject associated with the futureIt remains fascinating to a large number of people, and theyre still looking for us to keep going into space and doing something new.

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SpaceX’s reusable rockets make space travel much cheaper – CMU The Tartan Online

Posted: at 11:34 pm

Launching things into space is expensive really expensive. A rocket costs more than a commercial jet. But unlike jets that make thousands of trips before being retired, rockets are used only once because of the extreme stress and temperatures involved in leaving and re-entering the atmosphere.

SpaceX wants to change that. Founder Elon Musk believes that reusable rockets will eliminate the prohibitive cost of space travel and allow space travel to become commonplace.

Most modern rockets are multi-stage, built of multiple parts that each have their own engines and fuel. When each stage runs out of fuel, it falls back to Earth, and the next stage begins burning its propellant. The lighter mass makes it easier to accelerate the payload to escape velocity. This system works well for getting things into space, but isnt very efficient or cost-effective. The jettisoned rocket stages essentially become trash, cluttering Earths orbit or polluting its oceans. New rockets are then constructed for tens of millions of dollars.

SpaceXs rockets dont operate this way. After separating from the payload, instead of falling back to Earth, the first stage rocket decelerates itself with bursts of fuel and uses fins to steer onto a landing platform. When reusable rockets become commonplace and are more widely adopted, according to Musk, these landing platforms will be autonomous pods floating in the ocean. The first successful landing of a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket was in December 2015. However, the first successful rocket water landing was in April 2016. This week, a Falcon rocket was the first private rocket to launch from the historic NASA launch pad at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida.

The idea behind reusable rockets seems simple enough, so why is this concept just now being tested? Traditional launch systems are designed to maximize performance and reliability. Government designers and engineers prioritize the safe completion of the intended mission on the first try over sustainability or efficiency. As former NASA administrator Alan Stern explains, [The Department of Defense] doesnt care whether it costs $100 million or $300 million ... what they want is a guarantee its going to work. And these systems do work. The Atlas V launch vehicle, sometimes called the worlds most reliable rocket, uses a different type of rocket for each stage, with up to three different kinds of propellant. This made the rockets extremely powerful and precise, but largely expensive to manufacture and fuel.

The Falcon rocket is designed to minimize cost a liberty SpaceX can take as a private company. All its engines are the same kind, running on liquid oxygen and RP1, a fuel made from refined kerosene.

The Falcons two stages are the same diameter and made from an aluminum-lithium alloy. The use of the same material for each stage reduces manufacturing costs. SpaceX also keeps costs down by manufacturing its own engines in-house. The Merlin engines designed for the Falcon use a needle-like device called a pintle to inject propellant to the combustion chamber.

According to Tom Mueller, SpaceX propulsion chief, its cheaper than typical rocket engines, which use a spray instead, and also less likely to cause explosions or other combustion-related accidents. The company also developed its own reusable, cost-effective heat shield technology, PICA-X, with help from NASA.

PICA-X, Merlin engines, and every other component of the Falcon rockets are designed to be as durable as possible to withstand reuse for trips back to Earth, journeys to the moon, and travel beyond. Musks ultimate goal is to use his rockets to settle humans on Mars by 2030. This will only be a possibility with quick innovation.

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The black women who pioneered space travel – Channel 24

Posted: at 11:34 pm

Cape Town - A movie featuring the action hero likes of Taraji P Henson, Octavia Spencer and Kevin Costner might not immediately strike one as being of inspiration to young maths and science boffs.

However, a film about black female scientists who put the first astronauts into space is another matter.

Last Sunday, the computer training institute, Africa Teen Geeks, and City Press co-hosted students from Soweto and Belfast, Mpumalanga, at a screening of the film blockbuster (and Oscar awards contender), Hidden Figures.

Hidden Figures tells the story of three black women who had to overcome massive racial and gender prejudice in their quest to be recognised as scientists.

As a result of these womens ground-breaking engineering and mathematical skills, Nasa was able to send the first astronaut, John Glenn, into orbit around the earth in 1962 and bring him back safely to earth.

The young audience really got emotionally involved in the movie, with spontaneous cheering and clapping breaking out every time these women scientists broke down another cultural barrier.

The screening took place at The Zone @ Rosebank. Prior to screening, a panel discussion of experts tackled various aspects that would be addressed by the film.

The panel consisted of: Thabo Molekoa, CEO Thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions (Sub-Saharan Africa); Toby Chance, DA shadow minister for small business development; Dr Ntombi Khumalo, Johannesburg mayoral committee member (MCM) for corporate and shared services; and Dr Mpho Phalatse, Joburg MCM for health and social development.

The facilitator was Mitchell Hughes, Wits departmental head of Information Systems. The young students were encouraged by all the panellists to think positively and to chase their dreams.

I think its important for young girls to believe in themselves, said Khumalo.

We must be comfortable with who we are, commented Phalatse.

Molekoa urged men to play their part in inspiring young girls to choose Stem (science, technology, engineering and maths) careers.

The panel, all high achievers in their own right, agreed that their physical and biological features had never affected their career choices or their performances.

Thando Chabula, who brought his son along, said: I would like to see more township kids seeing such movies.

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Ascension Party-Bringing The Heat To Asbury Park This Summer; August 4-6 – Huffington Post

Posted: at 11:29 pm

Right off the heels of a successful summer event in Mykonos, the Ascension party has found a new home in Asbury Park this summer. The press release that just was released yesterday states Ascension Party, the summers wildest weekend festival of music, dance and friendship takes place August 4-6 in the beautiful beach town of Asbury Park. Thousands of men from around the globe will flock to the sun drenched Jersey shores for the three-day, eleven-party, fourteen-DJ festival. The merriment begins Friday night with the VIP cocktail party at 7pm hosted by the one and only DJ Lina, followed by the Ascension Underwear Party with world renowned DJ Eddie Martinez. It continues Saturday with the weekends main event, the Ascension Beach Party from 1pm to 8pm with International DJ Dani Toro and DJ Hansel, proceeded by the Saturday Night Celebration starring superstar DJ Paulo. Then, on Sunday, its time to break out the Speedos for the Ascension Pool Party with beats by Dan Slater, before heading to grand finale Closing Party, taking place Sunday at 10:30pm. Tickets for Ascension Party 2017 are available now online at http://www.ascensionparty.com.

We are thrilled to bring Ascension back to the states this year, says Eric von Kuersteiner. Ascension Party launched in 2006 on Fire Island Pines, where it continued annually until 2014. For the last two summers Ascension has taken place in Mykonos. We brought on a new partner for the weekend who brought a lot of fresh ideas including the idea to take the party to the beautiful beaches on the Jersey Shore.

The transformation of Asbury Park has been incredible. Major investments in the boardwalk area and the city over the past few years has completely transformed the downtown. The host hotel for Ascension, The Asbury, opened last summer after a 50 million dollar renovation. It was voted Best New Hotel in the U.S. in 2016.

Ascension is going to bring thousands of visitors from all over the tri-state area as well as the world to Asbury, continues von Kuersteiner. It will be a wonderful opportunity to showcase the local businesses to thousands of new visitors.

Ascension Party is a charity event, donating 100% of net proceeds to the LGBTQ community. Over one million dollars has been donated to over 40 different organizations to date. The LGBTQ community of Asbury Park will be the major benefactor for Ascension 2017.

2017 is a new chapter for Ascension and we are pulling out all the stops, promises von Kuersteiner. Once again, we aim to give guests a fun-in-the-sun experience they will always remember.

Ascension Party takes place Friday, August 4 through Sunday, August 6 at Asbury Park. Discount rate tickets will go on sale on March 1. The host hotel is The Asbury Hotel (210 5th Avenue, Asbury Park, NJ). Visit ascensionparty.com for ticket information.

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Church of the Ascension to offer Ashes to Go | Lifestyles … – Bradford Era

Posted: at 11:29 pm

The Church of the Ascension will be observing Ash Wednesday on March 1 with several happenings.

For the fifth year, the church will offer Ashes to Go in Veterans Square from 10:30-11:30 a.m. to provide an opportunity to receive ashes and a brief prayer to people who are not able to make a regular service that day.

The church will also offer more traditional services with communion at noon and 7 p.m. at the church located at 26 Chautauqua Place. Finally, the church will offer a modified form of Ashes to Go at the Bradford Regional Medical Center Chapel at 2 p.m. for patients and staff who wish to participate.

Receiving a sign of the cross made of ashes on the forehead is a traditional reminder to Christians of their mortal nature and is one way they can mark the beginning of Lent a season of reflection, penitence and self-denial observed by many Christians as a proper preparation for Holy Week and the Easter celebration that follows.

Ashes to Go is a worldwide movement to bring the rituals and blessings of the church out into the community to meet people where they are and make them accessible to a wider range of people.

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Church of the Ascension to offer Ashes to Go | Lifestyles ... - Bradford Era

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6-year-old girl killed by drunk driver in Gonzales I-10 crash, police say – The Advocate

Posted: at 11:29 pm

A 6-year-old girl was killed Saturday night after a drunk driver hit her family's vehicle on Interstate 10 in Gonzales, according to Louisiana State Police.

Samantha Keating, of Paulina, died from the serious injuries she sustained after a drunk driver hit her family's vehicle from behind at a high speed, causing both vehicles to enter the median and strike multiple trees. Natalie Keating and Anthony Keating, who were in the vehicle with Samantha, sustained moderate injuries in the 10 p.m. crash. All were properly restrained, according to state police spokesman Trooper First Class Bryan Lee.

State Police arrested 29-year-old Kenneth Lewis, of Geismar, who they believe was impaired when he caused the fatal crash.

Lewis was driving eastbound on I-10 behind the Keating's vehicle when he failed to slow down, striking the family's 2013 Toyota Highlander with his 2011 Ford Mustang, Lee said.

Lewis was not injured, Lee said.

Lewis was booked into Ascension Parish Jail on counts of first-offense DWI, vehicular homicide, vehicular negligent injuring, reckless operation, obstruction of justice and open container.


6-year-old girl killed by drunk driver in Gonzales I-10 crash, police say - The Advocate

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Don’t Fear Superintelligent AICCT News – CCT News

Posted: at 11:29 pm

We have all had founded and unfounded fears when we were growing up. On the other hand, more often than not we have been in denial of accepting the limits of our bodies and our minds. According to Grady Booch, the art and science of computing have come a long way into the lives of human beings. There are millions of devices that carry hundreds of pages of data streams.

However, having been a systems engineer Booch points out at a possibility of building a system that can converse with humans in natural language. He further argues that there are systems that can also set goals or better still execute the plans set against those goals.

Booch has been there, done it and experienced it. Every sort of technology will somewhat create apprehension. Take for example when telephones were introduced; there was this feeling that they would destroy all civil conversation. The written words became invasive lest people lost their ability to remember.

However, there is still the artificial intelligence that we ought to think about given that many people will tend to trust it more than a human being. Many are the times that we have forgotten that these systems require substantial training. But how many people will run away from this citing fear that training of systems will threaten humanity?

Booch advises that worrying about the rise of superintelligence is dangerous. What we fail to understand is that the rise of computing brings on the hand increases society issues, which we must attend to. Remember the AIs we build are neither for controlling weather nor directing tides. Hence there is no competition with human economies.

Nonetheless, it is important to experience computing because it will help us advance in our human experiences. Otherwise, it will not be long before AI takes dominion over a human beings brilliant minds.

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Elon Musk – 2 Things Humans Need to Do to Have a Good Future – Big Think

Posted: at 11:29 pm

A fascinating conference on artificial intelligence was recently hosted by the Future of Life Institute, an organization aimed at promoting optimistic visions of the future while anticipating existential risks from artificial intelligence and other directions.

The conference Superintelligence: Science or Fiction? featured a panel of Elon Musk from Tesla Motors and SpaceX, futurist Ray Kurzweil, Demis Hassabis of MITs DeepMind, neuroscientist and author Sam Harris, philosopher Nick Bostrom, philosopher and cognitive scientist David Chalmers, Skype co-founder Jaan Tallinn, as well as computer scientists Stuart Russell and Bart Selman. The discussion was led by MIT cosmologist Max Tegmark.

The conference participants offered a number of prognostications and warnings about the coming superintelligence, an artificial intelligence that will far surpass the brightest human.

Most agreed that such an AI (or AGI for Artificial General Intelligence) will come into existence. It is just a matter of when. The predictions ranged from days to years, with Elon Musk saying that one day an AI will reach a a threshold where it's as smart as the smartest most inventive human which it will then surpass in a matter of days, becoming smarter than all of humanity.

Ray Kurzweils view is that however long it takes, AI will be here before we know it:

Every time there is an advance in AI, we dismiss it as 'oh, well that's not really AI:' chess, go, self-driving cars. An AI, as you know, is the field of things we haven't done yet. That will continue when we actually reach AGI. There will be lots of controversy. By the time the controversy settles down, we will realize that it's been around for a few years," says Kurzweil [5:00].

Neuroscientist and author Sam Harris acknowledges that his perspective comes from outside the AI field, but sees that there are valid concerns about how to control AI. He thinks that people dont really take the potential issues with AI seriously yet. Many think its something that is not going to affect them in their lifetime - what he calls the illusion that the time horizon matters.

If you feel that this is 50 or a 100 years away that is totally consoling, but there is an implicit assumption there, the assumption is that you know how long it will take to build this safely. And that 50 or a 100 years is enough time, he says [16:25].

On the other hand, Harris points out that at stake here is how much intelligence humans actually need. If we had more intelligence, would we not be able to solve more of our problems, like cancer? In fact, if AI helped us get rid of diseases, then humanity is currently in pain of not having enough intelligence.

Elon Musks point of view is to be looking for the best possible future - the good future as he calls it. He thinks we are headed either for superintelligence or civilization ending and its up to us to envision the world we want to live in.

We have to figure out, what is a world that we would like to be in where there is this digital superintelligence?, says Musk [at 33:15].

He also brings up an interesting perspective that we are already cyborgs because we utilize machine extensions of ourselves like phones and computers.

Musk expands on his vision of the future by saying it will require two things - solving the machine-brain bandwidth constraint and democratization of AI. If these are achieved, the future will be good according to the SpaceX and Tesla Motors magnate [51:30].

By the bandwidth constraint, he means that as we become more cyborg-like, in order for humans to achieve a true symbiosis with machines, they need a high-bandwidth neural interface to the cortex so that the digital tertiary layer would send and receive information quickly.

At the same time, its important for the AI to be available equally to everyone or a smaller group with such powers could become dictators.

He brings up an illuminating quote about how he sees the future going:

There was a great quote by Lord Acton which is that 'freedom consists of the distribution of power and despotism in its concentration.' And I think as long as we have - as long as AI powers, like anyone can get it if they want it, and we've got something faster than meat sticks to communicate with, then I think the future will be good, says Musk [51:47]

You can see the whole great conversation here:

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Elon Musk - 2 Things Humans Need to Do to Have a Good Future - Big Think

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