Daily Archives: February 26, 2017

Israel calls Human Rights Watch a propaganda tool, says it is not welcome – Washington Post

Posted: February 26, 2017 at 10:41 pm

JERUSALEM The Israeli government is refusing to allow an American investigator from Human Rights Watch into the country, saying Thursday that the group is systematically anti-Israel and works as a tool for pro-Palestinian propaganda.

Officials at Human Rights Watch one of the most prominent rights monitors in the world denounced the decision to deny entry to Omar Shakir, its recently named Israel and Palestine country director. Shakir is a U.S. citizen. His parents were from Iraq.

The New York-based group shared a Nobel Peace Prize in 1997 as a founding member of the International Campaign to Ban Land Mines. One of the top backers of Human Rights Watch is financier and philanthropist George Soros.

Our staff cant work in Cuba, Egypt, North Korea, Sudan, the United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, and Venezuela. This is not a club that Israel wants to join, said Sari Bashi, Israel and Palestine advocacy director for Human Rights Watch. Bashi, an Israeli, is based in South Africa.

Authorities in Egypt in 2014 barred two senior executives of Human Rights Watch from entering the country as the pair were about to release a year-long investigation ofmass killings of anti-government demonstrators at the hands of security forces.

In a letter dated Monday, Israels immigration service, which approves visas for foreign workers, said it based its rejection on an advisory from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which noted that for some time now, this organizations public activities and reports have engaged in politics in the service of Palestinian propaganda, while falsely raising the banner of human rights. It did not cite specifics in the letter.

Emmanuel Nahshon, a top spokesman for Israels Foreign Ministry, confirmed that Israel rejected the visa request for Shakir, basing its decision not on the individual but on its low opinion of Human Rights Watch.

We said no. Its very simple. We consider the group to be biased, systemically hostile toward Israel. In a way, we consider them absolutely hopeless, Nahshon said.

He said the refusal to allow the Human Rights Watch investigator into the country does not signal a new get-tough policy against nongovernmental organizations, as its critics charge.

This doesnt mean that Israel will not allow human rights organizations to work in Israel. On the contrary, were keen to work with them, Nahshon said. He added that decisions are made on a case-by-case basis.

This decision and the spurious rationale should worry anyone concerned about Israels commitment to basic democratic values, Iain Levine, program director at Human Rights Watch, said in a statement.

Bashi said that in the past year, Human Rights Watch has not only reported on alleged violations by the Israeli government but also investigated and condemned the arbitrary detention of journalists and activists by the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and executions by Hamas authorities in Gaza. It also probed and denounced a Jerusalem bus bombing claimed by a suspected affiliate of Hamas, the Islamist militant organization that runs the Gaza Strip and has been designated a terrorist group by the United States and Israel.

Homegrown rights groups here, such asBTselem and Peace Now, and global organizations such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have long been accused by Israelis of unfair treatment. The Israel-based groupNGO Monitor, which provides information to the Israeli government on Palestinian incitement, charges that Human Rights Watch disproportionately focuses on condemnations of Israel and promotes an agenda based solely on the Palestinian narrative of victimization and Israeli aggression.

On its website, NGO Monitor features a short video clip of Shakir speaking at the University of California at Irvine in 2010 in favor of the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement, which supporters say is designed to force Israel to end its almost 50-year military occupation and practices it compares to apartheid against Palestinians. Shakir was not working for Human Rights Watch then.

Israelis say the BDS movement seeks to delegitimize Israel. A number of U.S. governors and state houses have come out with executive orders and billsagainst the boycotts.

Israels right-wing government has recently targeted Israeli human rights groups for extra scrutiny and warned European governments to stop funding them. Members of anti-occupation groups, such as Breaking the Silence, which is composed of Israeli army veterans,have been called traitors.

The Israeli parliament in July passed a bill to increase transparency for Israeli NGOs that get most of their funding from abroad. Leaders of the nongovernmental organizations, who make up the core of Israels peace camp and are stalwarts of the dwindling left wing in Israel, said the law was written by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahus governmentto muzzle opposition to the military occupation of the West Bank.

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Not another AI post – TechCrunch

Posted: at 10:41 pm

Federico Antoni is managing partner at ALLVP, an early-stage VC based in Mexico. He is a lecturer in management at the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

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Over the last couple of years, a billion new people have joined the super-connected world. Billions more around the developing world, now, walk with a high-speed computer in their pockets. And yet, they dont have a bank account, a formal education or access to most of the services we take for granted in the U.S. Imagine the possibilities imagine how you can change the lives of billions of people.

This is how I closed the Stanford class about venture opportunities in emerging ecosystems three years ago. Looking back, when I first began teaching the course, I could only count on the brilliant and spontaneous minds seated in front of me to help me foresee the possibilities.

I recognized that it was hard to imagine them from the trenches. So, I mostly stuck to describing the macro opportunities and the barriers that had prevented local entrepreneurs from making it big (leaving the majority of the world unable to unlock the benefits of their ideas): material, cultural and adoption walls.

Indeed, starting a tech company in emerging economies is an enormous feat that faces innumerable roadblocks due to poor access to capital, lack of support networks and an inadequate talent pool. Even if a founder is able to gain traction against these odds, scaling is hard because of poor infrastructure, an ill-suited financial sector and uncertainty in the legal and political contexts.

Perhaps the biggest challenge of all is accessing local markets. Potential client bases lack purchasing power, a reliable internet connection and sufficient education levels to operate in the digital world; some lack the motivation to climb out of poverty. Consequently, smartphone penetration alone did not really prepare developing economies for the new Uber of X or the Airbnb for X. However, it did create the most propitious environment to build thousands of X + AI solutions, setting the stage for the upcoming revolutionaries: homegrown AI-first innovators.

The best indicator of why machine learning technologies will shape the world more deeply than anybody predicted is how fast the open source movement in the field is moving. Companies such as IBM, Microsoft and Google are opening parts of their most advanced algorithms. Elon Musk, Reid Hoffman, Jessica Livingstone and other visionaries launched the OpenAI initiative to foster collaboration and democratize access for founders: Deep learning is an empirical science, and the quality of a groups infrastructure is a multiplier on progress. Fortunately, todays open-source ecosystem makes it possible for anyone to build great deep learning infrastructure.

Anyone, anywhere, any time! Indeed, over the last couple of years, AI research reached a tipping point precipitated by a combination of low-cost ultra powerful computing, progress in algorithm design and access to large sources of data. OpenAI believes accessing AI capabilities should be as easy as launching a website.

By now, you must be convinced that the world will be eaten by intelligent software literally in the scariest scenarios. If you are a technologist, you can almost touch the future. You can feel a car stop automatically as it arrives at your destination. You can hear the door open automatically. Without looking, you see yourself jumping off and heading directly to a highlighted table. A 165-degree personalized latte, perfectly flavored to your morning palette, is already waiting for you. You virtually wave a quick see ya to your gaming pals before you drop your Oculus Rift 6 and start your real-life day. You know the future will be awesome in the Valley. Facebook and Tesla are poised to own whats next

Meanwhile, in the rest of the world, automation will transform billions of lives in simpler but more profound ways: from getting a decent primary education to providing spot prices for crops, as well as access to fair credit and personally matched job opportunities. Billions of smartphones, the best sensors on earth, are already widely deployed. I believe local entrepreneurs will own that part of the future. They will lead this revolution because local problems will be finally solved at a cost that the majority will be able to afford.

Most of the traditional barriers founders face will be eradicated as most tech solutions will be detached of local infrastructure and local non-market environments think of local currencies, for example. This, in turn, will attract part of the whopping $10 billion in financing already backing some 1,500 AI startups from 70 countries (Venture Scanner). And this is projected to rise more than fourfold in 2017 (Forrester Research). Technical teams around the world will be connected to the global AI community for collaboration and support. These local idealists will be empowered to lead a new wave of innovation by leveraging their proximity to local problems, by accessing unique local data and by better understanding the humans they want to serve.

One spring morning in 2017, a 40-year-old mother of three living on the outskirts of Bangalore feels a small lump in her right breast. She immediately called her mother, who urges her to visit the local clinic that recently acquired a state of the art mammography scanner. When she got there, as she stood in line, she could see the white artifact, the size of a vending machine, in an empty room. The lights were off.

Is that the machine?, she asked. Why do I need to wait three months for my consultation? No one is using it!The man behind the desk responded, Well, we have the scanner, but our only radiologist moved to another city and we havent been able to find a replacement.

Medical equipment is often useless without the manpower i.e. experience and intelligence of a specialist, and three months is overly sufficient breeding time for cancer. Waiting three months could be the difference between life and death. India, like most developing economies, faces a chronic shortage of medical doctors. India has 0.7 doctors per 1,000 people lower than Chinas 1.5 or the United States more than 2 and Frances 3.5, according to WHO. Thankfully, in India and other countries with similar challenges, nurses and paramedics have become the cornerstone of their healthcare systems. Unfortunately, even if they could be taught to operate a mammography scanner, they can seldom detect masses or micro calcifications.

Rohit Kumar Pandey, Tathagato Rai Dastidar and Apurv Anand want to solve the problem caused by the chronic shortage of trained medical practitioners. They are part of the team that founded SigTuple, an Indian startup that is building a platform to provide healthcare solutions by detecting different diseases using machine learning software. It promises to automatically analyze medical images and data to aid diagnosis.

A Computer Science PhD, former director of Amexs Big Data labs and now SigTuples Chief Scientist Officer, Tathagato believes the only way healthcare services can reach more people and take advantage of infrastructure is to make doctors more efficient. In the future, lack of specialists or lack of local infrastructure should not be a barrier for better womens health. Long distances and translation issues in a country with more than 100 different spoken languages will no longer prevent the unprivileged from gaining access to basic services wherever they live.

Nurses will be enhanced by AI to heal anyone, teachers will be empowered to teach at a personalized pace and local journalists will be liberated of language constraints to give citizens more sources of information. It has long been established that solving local problems, as opposed to importing global solutions from rich countries, should be the calling of native entrepreneurs.

Still, today, many founders choose to launch and scale copycats that can only cater to the upper classes in emerging markets. They are going after technology early adopters who have decent purchasing power. Automation will soon make services in poor countries cheaper than they have ever been. Solving local problems at scale will now become economically feasible. So these founders have the advantage of being on the ground and living first-hand the problems they will solve.

Even the best Stanford storytelling techniques will never be as powerful as living the real and deep frustration caused by a problem hurting your own on a daily basis.

I have an investor friend who loves drones. He often flies his latest addition in front of his office, where he questionably experiments attaching objects on top of the lenient quadrupeds. The difference between this investor and any other gadget-obsessed VC is that Mbwanas office is not on Sand Hill Road or SOMA, but in front of the African Savannah.

Until now, I had never understood his fascination for overpriced flying toys. Today, computer vision and image processing will be able to monitor land use or deforestation programs, drastically improve efficiency for farming and even check for flood risk. He bets governments and development agencies will start using them more and more. Mbwana knows better than any other VC, because he knows the local terrain. And local terrain is data.

Admit it: Do you still have that idealized view of a Masai holding a feature phone checking market prices, popularized by the media?, writes Mbwana on his Savannah Fundsblog.

Knowing the land and the local organization to get data may very well make the Masai farmer fantasy become a reality. And Mbwana will be there to help founders do exactly that. He knows that successfully integrating the power of drones and computer vision technologies to solve problems in Africa is only half the challenge. Partnering with governments and corporates will be a necessity not only to reach the consumer but to get access to data.

Negotiating with multiple entities across sub-Saharan Africa is not easy, and local entrepreneurs and hands-on investors have a clear advantage. Moreover, as innovation in business models and tech accelerates, the outdated or sometimes total lack of regulation in developing economies can play in ones favor, albeit riskily. While the FAA has already regulated drone flying, curtailing innovation in a nascent industry in the U.S., most emerging markets have yet to address it. So Mbwana will have the chance to support founders pushing the envelope in unregulated countries and maybe bring solutions to the U.S. once local regulations approve.

In the early hours of a cold night in 2012, a young Mexican artist, Pia Camil, and architect, Mateo Riestra, welcomed their first son. They gave him what must be the most Mexican name of all: Guadalupe.

Having his first baby touched Mateo profoundly. That year, the young father launched a Kickstarter campaign for a project that had become urgent. He knew Disney and Mattel would entertain and distract Lupe, but he felt his son needed a different type of toy that would better equip him with more important skills to get a head start in the world.

After a successful campaign, Mateo decided to drop his design studio and start a toy company called Lupe Toys with the mission of leveraging natures intelligence to develop gamesome educational experiences. Wanting to have more impact, he joined NUMA Mexico,Mexicos affiliate of a French global accelerator, to transform his indie toy company into an edtech startup. After months of exploration, the focus turned on the development of an IoT-based gaming system running on a machine learning platform that could measure and increase childrens creativity.

Creativity is a better predictor of lifetime accomplishments than IQ or school performance. Imagine a generation of kids around the world benefiting from a personalized learning experience powered by machine learning to become more creative and, in turn, more successful.

Mateos ambitious journey to transform education did not come from a stay at Singularity or from a lab in Israel. Love sparked it. Explain to a social media wizard with no kids how it feels to see your baby marvel when her creativity is empowered. Its impossible to understand that feeling even if you provide the best analytical tool to analyze millions of Facebook timelines. Try to explain a Mexican Albur, a vulgar ironic Mexican joke, to the wittiest British data scientist. To borrow from Shakespeare, There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

In short, you need to understand words beyond Googles search gold mine you need cultural context and the experience of hearing the tone that often precedes the joke. Teaching to understand deep feelings or cultural references will require entrepreneurs who understand local humans. Life can only teach life, and not a successive jumbo round of financing. Beyond simply eliminating repetitive tasks and outsourcing entire professions to software, AI will put people at the center of software development. AI can empower entrepreneurs to create, imagine and innovate at entirely new levels to drive not only growth, but happiness.

The fourth industrial revolution is here. While large tech companies will focus on cutting-edge solutions, and corporates in developing economies will miss yet another wave of innovation, AI-first entrepreneurs in emerging markets will bring a revolution to address the problems brought by a hot, flat and crowded world.

I believe the only true barrier for these entrepreneurs is doubting that only they can make these things happen. Will Tathagatos software save lives in India? Will Mbwana back the next drone unicorn? Will Mateo educate new, more-creative minds? I dont know. What I do know is that these transforming applications of deep learning will come from developing economies.

Now that youve reached the end of your quick diagonal read, this may feel just like any other post about AI paraphrasing The Economist or a16z. But, its not about artificial neural networks or about training machines to think. Its about human will. Its an outcry for battle written for every founder working hard from emerging ecosystems around our planet. Even if they still feel the odds are against them and see walls being built, AI may very well be the tool they needed to truly make it big. Maybe now they can start a company built to solve a local problem and scale to change the world for the better.

This post is about a better world brought by human ingenuity. Its about a human opportunity, an invitation to founders and investors in advanced economies to come and help us change the lives of billions of humans. Come join the movement to help mankind move forward for a better, fairer future. Its time!

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Bitcoin Prices Have Surged to an All-Time High – Futurism

Posted: at 10:41 pm

In Brief

Bitcoinis a term we often hear tossed around in the headlines. We know that it deals with money, online transactions, and just maybe the deep web. Back in 2014, the Washington Postestablished that only 24% of theAmerican public was aware of what bitcoin actually was. Meaning that almost three-quarters of the country had no idea. But maybe they just might want to start paying attention, especially now since it is at its all-time high value.

Bitcoin was introduced in 2008 by an anonymous group of programmers under the name of Satoshi Nakamotoand was eventually released to the public in 2009 as an open-source software. Unlike other online payment services like PayPal and Venmo, Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer network that takes place privately between two usersmeaning there is no intermediary involved. The cryptographic virtual currency is completely decentralized from any external influence while all transactions with the currency are accounted for through ablockchain ledger.

While bitcoin is thoroughly anonymous, the blockchain ledger has all transactions available publicly. Therefore, theoretically, if you know the time and date of a particular transaction, you may be able to match someones online address to their identity. On the other hand, all transactions made through bitcoin are encrypted with military grade cryptography, ensuring that all deals are secure. Sending and receiving bitcoins is as easy as sending an email, but does that mean its worth it?

With all that said and done, Bitcoin has made it far since its substantial price drop in 2013. Since then Bitcoin has stabilized around a margin of $250, with most experts believing it was doomed. However, it seems to have returned to a relatively stable rise since last year. This time last year bitcoin was valued at $367, with its steady rise,it is now valued at 1,177.18. Many speculate as to what is causing the recent trend from Congress to WallStreet to even sheer luck.

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Bitcoin Prices Have Surged to an All-Time High - Futurism

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iKON Are Retro Futurist’s For ‘Vogue’ – Officially Kmusic

Posted: at 10:41 pm

iKON Are Retro Futurists For Vogue

With retro 80s and early 90s being a key element in the fashion scene at the moment, Vogue Korea have picked YG Entertainments boy group iKon to become the representative of the retro futurists.

With the Netflix show Stranger Thingspreparing for a second season, it seems that the futuristic retro feel to the show has had an effect on fashion around the world. With key 80s styled music, a scratched tape filter on top of the video, and some cringe worthy titles that were the advanced techniques back in the day, the iKon boys fitted in well with their surrounding.

Playing their own characters whilst posing for the photo shoot, the members are seen wearing modern day clothing in the style of retro designs. Near the end of the video, fans are able to see that the members are having fun together as they cheer and laugh amongst each other, marking the end of the video.

Be sure to check out their full interview and photo shoot in the March edition of Vogue Korea. But in the mean time check out some preview images and the video below.

What do you think about the futuristic retro look? Do you think it suits iKONs image? Let us know in the comments Below!

To keep up with all the latest news in Korean fashion, be sure to follow Officially KMUSIC!

Source: Vogue Korea, AmebloWriter: Waegukinkim Editor: Tracey


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iKON Are Retro Futurist's For 'Vogue' - Officially Kmusic

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