Daily Archives: February 26, 2017

A Look at Fordham’s Freedom of Speech Policies | Fordham Observer – Fordham Observer

Posted: February 26, 2017 at 10:59 pm


When it comes to college campuses, freedom of expression can be particularly difficult to navigate. At Fordham, there is a Demonstration Policy, a Speakers Policy, a policy pertaining to Bias Related Incidents and/or Hate Crimes, a Distribution of Literature Policy and a Publicity and Posting Policy.

By its very nature, the University is a place where ideas and opinions are formulated and exchanged, the universitys policy on dissent reads. Each member of the University has a right to freely express his or her positions and to work for their acceptance whether he/she assents to or dissents from existing situations in the University or society.

The following statement in the policy, however, sets the tone for the policies overall.

To insure that freedom is maintained, expressions of assent or dissent cannot be permitted to infringe on the rights of the members of the University community or the community itself not only their freedom to express positions, but their freedom to engage in other legitimate activities, the Demonstration Policy reads. Actual or threatened coercion or violence are abhorrent in a University because they can destroy those rights and freedoms which are necessary for the existence of the University.

That philosophy is present in the Demonstration Policy. Approved demonstrations are allowed to proceed, as long as they do not hinder entrances, exits, passageways and the normal flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic, do not create a disruptive amount of noise, employ force or violence or constitute an immediate threat of force or violence, disrupt the universitys normal functions, or fail to fulfill the responsibilities of organizers and participators outlined in the policy.

In order to hold a demonstration, students must schedule a meeting with the Dean of Students, who will meet with the organizer(s) within one business day, according to the policy. The demonstration cannot be scheduled any less than 2 business days after the meeting. The Demonstrations FAQ page, however, states that in some cases, the Dean can work with groups on even more rapid turnaround.

The page also states that a request to use space at Fordham for a protest or a demonstration has never been turned down based on the viewpoint or content of the protesters/demonstration.

The purpose of that meeting is to get a sense of their parameters, what theyre looking to do, with a focus on time, place and manner and impact on the rest of the university community, Dean of Students Keith Eldredge explained. So from that conversation, then I go to the space planners on campus, the folks that oversee reservations for the outside plaza or if somebody wants to do something in a classroom or meeting room.

He explained that in situations where students want to protest an event on campus, they would try to find a way to make it work. Were not going to put you in the multipurpose room in 140 for an event thats happening in the atrium, he said. That doesnt make any sense. But where could you reasonably be thats going to allow the event to continue in the way that its designed, but also give you the presence for what you want to have?

The consequences of violating the Demonstration Policy vary, according to Eldredge.

Generally, and I would say this for many violations, a first time offense with no mitigating factors is going to get a low level sanction, he said. Among the possible sanctions are a written warning, Residential Life Probation or Student Life Probation.

As outlined on the universitys website, a Residential Life Probation constitutes a warning that future violations of the residence hall regulations or University Code of Conduct will result in dismissal from the residence halls and that residents on probation at the time of the housing lottery will automatically be placed in overflow housing unless notified that this condition of Residential Life Probation is waived by a hearing officer. Under Student Life Probation, a commuting student is warned that future violations of the University Code of

Conduct or residence hall regulations on or off-campus may result in further and more serious sanctions, including University Disciplinary Probation.

Eldredge said, however, that if a demonstration engages in harassing behavior towards the community or does things like block the entranceway or goes into classrooms and disrupts the academic business of the campus, that would warrant a higher level of sanctions versus a demonstration thats simply unregistered.

The Speakers Policy is broader, with the three main prohibitions being that speakers cannot threaten to endanger the safety of any member(s) of the University community, pose a threat to the physical facilities, or obstruct or disrupt the normal functions of the University. It adds that expression that is indecent or is grossly obscene or grossly offensive on matters such as race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or sexual preference is inconsistent with accepted norms of conduct at the University and that obviously, and in all events, the use of the University forum shall not imply acceptance or endorsement by the University of the views expressed.

Fordham ran into its own issues with controversial speakers back in 2012, when the College Republicans tentatively booked Ann Coulter to speak at the university.

To say that I am disappointed with the judgment and maturity of the College Republicans, however, would be a tremendous understatement, University President Rev. Joseph M. McShane, S.J., said in a statement to the College Republicans at the time. There are many people who can speak to the conservative point of view with integrity and conviction, but Ms. Coulter is not among them. Her rhetoric is often hateful and needlessly provocativemore heat than lightand her message is aimed squarely at the darker side of our nature.

McShane preceded this statement, however, with Student groups are allowed, and encouraged, to invite speakers who represent diverse, and sometimes unpopular, points of view, in keeping with the canons of academic freedom. Accordingly, the University will not block the College Republicans from hosting their speaker of choice on campus.

The College Republicans cancelled the event, a decision which McShane commended in a later statement.

Eldredge said that the policy of the university is to try to give pretty wide latitude when it comes to speakers and their points of view, unless it gets into that area of violence, danger, or safety issues as outlined in the policy.

Regarding Posting and Publicity, the United Student Government (USG) is working on establishing a Community Posting board on the garden level of the 140 W. building. Previously in place outside of Student Affairs old office in the Lowenstein building, the board offers students not affiliated with clubs and official entities at the university a space to post flyers with Student Affairs approval.

Regarding preserving freedom of expression and safety on campus, Eldredge said that I think a big piece of my job is focused on the safety and well-being of students.

I think if students dont have the basic levels of safety taken care of, we cant get to those other issues, and so safety has to be paramount, he said. And that cuts across not just speakers on campus or demonstrations, but a lot of the work we do related to student discipline, our alcohol policy, our approach to the amnesty policy for alcohol issues and our approach to sexual assault. And so thats got to be present.

He elaborated, however, that he thinks we need to be careful that we dont use that as an excuse to stifle the free exchange of ideas, because it is an academic institution and thats part of what students should get in an academic institutionto be exposed to different ideas, to hear new things, to have their own beliefs challenged in an appropriate way so that theres dialogue and conversation and not just simply everybody repeating the same thing. So we have to have that opportunity for free speech, knowing that that safety is there on a foundational level.

Full text of Fordhams policies regarding freedom of expression can be found on the universitys website.

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Important to preserve the essence of yoga: PM Narendra Modi – Economic Times

Posted: at 10:58 pm

COIMBATORE: Calling people to embrace the age-old practice of Yoga, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said rejecting an idea because it is ancient could be "potentially harmful".

The Prime Minister, who recently unveiled a 112-foot statue of Adiyogi, Lord Shiva, on the occasion of Mahashivratri at the Isha foundation here, said Yoga is constantly evolving.

As a tribute to Adiyogi, he lit the sacred fire to commence the Maha Yoga Yagna across the world, under which he said,"1 million people will take an oath to teach a simple form of yoga to at least 100 people each in the coming year, and touch at least 100 million people before the next Mahashivaratri".

"Yoga is ancient yet modern, constant yet evolving, but the essence of yoga has not changed. It is important to preserve this essence," Modi said.

A brainchild of spiritual leader Jaggi Vasudev Sadhguru, the statue showcases Shiva's contribution as Adiyogi.

"It is essential that the next generations of people on this planet are seekers, not believers. As philosophies, ideology, belief systems that don't stand the test of logic and the scientific verification will naturally collapse in coming decades, you will see the longing for liberation will rise. When that longing rises, Adiyogi and the science of Yoga will become very important," Sadhguru said.

The Prime Minister also took stock of the sprawling precincts of the Isha Foundation's ashram, as he visited the 22-feet underground water body at the Suryakund that aims at the physical cleansing and balancing of the human body.

He participated in the Pancha Bhuta Aradhana by Sadhguru - a yogic process of cleansing the five elements of the human system - at the Dhyanalinga, a multi religious meditation shrine, followed by a visit to the Linga Bhairavi, a feminine shrine for physical, material and spiritual wellbeing.

The tallest bust of its kind, the height of Adiyogi's face is symbolic of the 112 possibilities he explored for human beings to reach their ultimate potential, besides scientifically representing the 112 chakras of the human system.

"For the first time in the history of humanity, Adiyogi introduced the idea that the simple laws of nature are not permanent restrictions. If one is willing to strive, one can go beyond all limitations and attain liberation, moving humanity from assumed stagnation to conscious evolution.

"But, it also has a scientific significance -- there are 112 chakras in the human system, with which you can work, to explore 112 dimensions of life. In pursuit of the divine, you don't have to look up because it is not somewhere else. Each of the 112 possibilities is a method to experience the divine within you. You just have to pick one," Sadhguru said.

The statue was designed by Sadhguru over a period of two-and-a-half years, and built over the next eight months by the foundation's in-house team, right in time for celebrating Shivratri.

Sadhguru also expressed a desire to place similar statues of Adiyogi in the other three corners of the country, "The eastern one will most likely be in Varanasi. For the north, it will be somewhere north of Delhi and for the western one, will be in Mumbai."

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Important to preserve the essence of yoga: PM Narendra Modi - Economic Times

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YOGA-PM 2 LAST : PTI feed, News – India Today – India Today

Posted: at 10:58 pm

The tallest bust of its kind, the height of Adiyogis face

The tallest bust of its kind, the height of Adiyogis face is symbolic of the 112 possibilities he explored for human beings to reach their ultimate potential, besides scientifically representing the 112 chakras of the human system.

"For the first time in the history of humanity, Adiyogi introduced the idea that the simple laws of nature are not permanent restrictions. If one is willing to strive, one can go beyond all limitations and attain liberation, moving humanity from assumed stagnation to conscious evolution.

"But, it also has a scientific significance -- there are 112 chakras in the human system, with which you can work, to explore 112 dimensions of life. In pursuit of the divine, you dont have to look up because it is not somewhere else. Each of the 112 possibilities is a method to experience the divine within you. You just have to pick one," Sadhguru said.

The statue was designed by Sadhguru over a period of two-and-a-half years, and built over the next eight months by the foundations in-house team, right in time for celebrating Shivratri.

Sadhguru also expressed a desire to place similar statues of Adiyogi in the other three corners of the country, "The eastern one will most likely be in Varanasi. For the north, it will be somewhere north of Delhi and for the western one, will be in Mumbai." PTI TRS DIP BK MG

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YOGA-PM 2 LAST : PTI feed, News - India Today - India Today

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PM Modi unveils 112-foot tall bust of Lord Shiva in Coimbatore – Zee News

Posted: at 10:58 pm

Coimbatore: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday unveiled a 112-foottall statue of Lord Shiva here on the occasion of Maha Shivaratri.

The bust of Lord Shiva has been installed at the premises of Isha Foundation and dedicated to its founder Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev.

Addressing the gathering, PM Modi said, 'Maha Shivratri' symbolises a union of divinity with a purpose of overcoming darkness and injustice.

He also said, India has given the gift of Yoga to the world and bypractisingYoga, a spirit of oneness is created.

Also Read:PM Narendra Modi's gift on Maha Shivaratari: A 112-foot face of Lord Shiva - Read details

"Today whole world wants peace, not only from wars and conflicts but peace from stress, and for that we have Yoga.

"Rejecting an idea just because its ancient, can be potentially harmful," Modisaid.

A tight security was put in place for the PM's visit which coincided with a planned protests by tribal groups and political parties.

They alleged that the idol has been built on encroached land. The Left parties had asked the PM to keep away from the venue.

"This iconic face symbolises liberation, representing the 112 ways in which one can attain the ultimate through the science of yoga," the Foundation had earlier said in a statement.

PM Modi, who inaugurated the statue at 6.30 pm, also lit a sacred fire to mark the start of 'Maha Yoga Yagna' across the world when one million people would take theoath to teach yoga to others.

"For the first time in the history of humanity, Adiyogi introduced the idea that the simple laws of nature are not permanent restrictions.

If one is willing to strive, one can go beyond all limitations and attain liberation, moving humanity from assumed stagnation to conscious evolution," Sadhguru Vasudev had said.

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PM Modi unveils 112-foot tall bust of Lord Shiva in Coimbatore - Zee News

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Facing Russia and Terrorism, a NATO Outsider Urges EU to Step Up … – Bloomberg

Posted: at 10:57 pm

Finland is urging Europe to increase NATO contributions and focus more on security as the continent grapples with political turmoil from all sides, including from within.

Once the U.K. has quit the European Union, the 27 nations left behind need to double down on the blocs founding principle and give the remaining 444 million citizens what they most crave: security,Finnish President Sauli Niinisto said in an interview at his seaside residence in Helsinki on Friday. The 68-year-old is head of state of the nation that shares the EUs longest border with Russia, a country with which Finland has regular contact for security and practical reasons.

Sauli Niinisto on Friday, Feb. 24.

Photographer: Roni Rekomaa/Bloomberg

The discussion dealing with security is one of those elements where we have the possibility to ensure European citizens that Brussels can take care of your security and that would be a huge message these days, Niinisto said.

The comments come as a spate of elections threatens to deepen the EUs biggest existential crisis in its 60-year history.The bloc is also being challenged in the east by Russia and in the west by a new U.S. administration that has predicted its disintegration, just over four years after it won the Nobel Peace Prize.

As it struggles to regain the legitimacy it lost in the eyes of many of its citizens following the debt crisis, the EU now faces a populist swell that threatens to undo many of the blocs founding principles.

Niinisto said a shift away from the center in French politics in connection with elections starting in April wouldnt be a minor issue. He also stated his belief that National Front candidate Marine Le Pen wont win the presidency on May 7. She has said she wants to take the euro zones second-biggest economy out of the single currency bloc.

Niinisto warns that, after a generation of peace, theres a risk the EU has grown too complacent to the security risks it faces. Terrorist attacks in the heart of the EU -- in Paris, Brussels and Berlin -- underscore the need for safeguards.

In Europe we have been living in very peaceful decades and during that time very many countries have actually a bit forgotten the security details and policy, he said. Now its coming back.

He also says that decades of U.S. demands, reiterated by the new administration, that European members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization foot their share of the security bill are understandable.

If theres an agreement, surely it should be fulfilled, he said.

Finland, which has stayed out of NATO largely due to its proximity to Russia, is building closer military ties with neighboring Sweden, which is also militarily non-aligned.

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Germany, Europes biggest economy, is working toward raising its military budget to reach NATOs target of 2 percent of gross domestic product, Chancellor Angela Merkel said this month. If Germany and France alone were to meet that target by 2024, it could add more than $40 billion to their defense spending, almost two-thirds the amount Russia spends. But European nations have so far refused to consolidate their defense industries or procurement, meaning the euros they do spend dont have as much clout as each dollar spent by the U.S. or every ruble spent by Russia.

Im sure that individuals, families around Europe, feel a bit unsafe, Niinisto said. My thinking is that maybe the main task that the union has is to make sure for everybody that they can live in peace, that they can work in peace, that they can develop their society in peace.

Niinisto said he is in contact with Moscow, Berlin and Washington -- though is put off by self-declared peace mediators not appointed to such roles. Finlands contacts with Russia are maybe a bit more frequent, thats because were close to Russia, he said. Its one of the main pillars of our security policy to keep up the dialogue.

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Facing Russia and Terrorism, a NATO Outsider Urges EU to Step Up ... - Bloomberg

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3 Changes NATO Must Make To Remain A True Alliance – Forbes

Posted: at 10:57 pm

3 Changes NATO Must Make To Remain A True Alliance
US Secretary of Defense James Mattis met with defense ministers from other NATO member countries in Brussels on Feb. 15. He had a message to deliver from the Trump White House. The meeting was closed, but some of Mattis's comments were released ...
NATO Revamped: Why the Alliance Needs to ChangeThe National Interest Online
Only 5 of 28 NATO member countries meet their defense spending requirementsAmeriForce Publishing, Inc.

all 4 news articles »

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3 Changes NATO Must Make To Remain A True Alliance - Forbes

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A stronger NATO for a safer world – The Hill (blog)

Posted: at 10:57 pm

At NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, Secretary James Mattis, at a joint press conference on Feb. 15 with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, stated: America will meet its responsibilities, but if your nations do not want to see America moderate its commitment to the alliance, each of your capitals needs to show its support for our common defense. This statement is significant, not only for its content but for its context.

In just the last week, it was reported that a Russian intelligence collection ship was operating off the east coast of the United States; Russia had deployed a new missile system to NATOs borders that may violate the Intermediate Nuclear Forces treaty; and Russian military aircraft had conducted high-speed passes over U.S. Navy ships operating in the Black Sea.

While an intelligence ship operating near the coast and aircraft buzzing U.S. Navy ships are not necessarily new, particularly in recent years, the deployment of a new missile system that violates a long-standing treaty is certainly something new, and further reveals Vladimir Putins strategic intentions to undermine the West and its institutions.

Within this context, it was reassuring to many at home, and certainly to our allies in Europe, that during appearances at the Munich Security Conference and the NATO ministerial respectively, Mattis and Vice President Pence reaffirmed the United Statess commitment to NATO, and also made it clear that Russia would be held accountable for its actions.

Mattis went a bit further in noting that any cooperation would be contingent on Russia first taking positive steps to meet its obligations. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, in his first face-to-face meeting with Lavrov, insisted that Russia live up to the terms of the Minsk agreement and limit its involvement in the internal affairs of Ukraine.

Given the assertions about potential divisions in the Trump administration, could these statements from Mattis and Tillerson reveal some kind of good cop, bad cop routine, with the president playing the good cop in an otherwise hard-line administration?

Or is it, as our European allies worry, just a symptom of a dysfunctional administration?

Only time will tell. But what is needed now is not good cop, bad cop. What is needed is clarity of purpose and resolve.

If Winston Churchill were with us today, he may have reiterated one of his well-known statements from the WWI period: It is no use saying, 'We are doing our best.' You have got to succeed in doing what is necessary. Churchills point is as insightful today as it was in his time.

Sen. John McCainJohn McCainFather of slain Navy SEAL wants investigation A stronger NATO for a safer world Drug importation won't save dollars or lives MORE (R-Ariz.) clearly took on that mantle of leadership and resolve in his speech at the Munich conference, closely echoing Churchills words: The unprecedented period of security and prosperity that we have enjoyed for the past seven decades did not happen by accident. It happened not only because of the appeal of our values, but because we backed them with our power and persevered in their defense. Our predecessors did not believe in the end of history or that it bends, inevitably, toward justice. That is up to us. That requires our persistent, painstaking effort.

Given the level of effort that the United States has put into reinvigorating its involvement in European security, it is understandable that the president and the American people expect our allies to meet their treaty requirements. This is nothing new; the last three administrations have pushed our NATO allies to step up their funding for defense. However, the events of today require a renewed and unambiguous call for NATO member countries to meet their obligations.

From our time on Capitol Hill and in various other meetings and conferences, we have met with U.S. and allied military commanders. There is a clear commitment among the uniformed services of our alliance partners to increase joint training and improve our force structure in Europe. What is needed now is a political commitment to providing the resources required to enable that cooperation.

The Obama administration took some small steps in that direction, though Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges, the commander of U.S. Army Forces in Europe, must be given a great deal of credit. He seized the initiative and pushed for more forward deployed U.S. equipment and personnel in Europe. Hodges's leadership is commendable, but the full commitment to the alliance, the security of Europe, and Western interests cannot rest with one generals ingenuity and sheer will.

Nor can any of this be protected with only a portion of the NATO alliance meeting their full commitment. In the words of the NATO secretary-general: The challenges we face are the most complex and demanding in a generation. Neither Europe nor North America can tackle them alone. A strong NATO is good for Europe, a strong Europe is good for North America.

The events of today require a renewed and unambiguous call for NATO member countries to meet their obligations. However, building the public awareness and the political will to meet those obligations is unlikely to be accomplished solely through the holding of joint press conferences on the margins of a ministerial meetings or international conferences. The leaders of NATO, European thought leaders, influencers and activists must commit to visiting the member states who are not currently meeting the funding threshold and taking the case to the people.

This outreach should be accompanied by a media campaign that takes advantage of the various social networks to bring a new generation of supports to the NATO cause. The message must be clear and unequivocal: The threats of the past are re-emerging, the threat of terrorism grows with each passing day, and we need to be more, not less, involved in the conflicts in North Africa and the Middle East so that we can meet the threat of terrorism before it reaches the shores of Europe or North America. No one country, no matter how powerful, can protect us.

We, in the West, must heed the words of Churchill, in another time and McCain, in our time and be in this together.

Joseph Whited is the former Intelligence Lead for the House Armed Services Committee. He spent over 18 years serving in the intelligence community.

Alex Gallo is senior associate at the Center for Strategic and International Studies and served as a professional staff member on the House Armed Services Committee.

The views of contributors are their own and are not the views of The Hill.

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A stronger NATO for a safer world - The Hill (blog)

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An Alternative to NATO Expansion That Won’t Antagonize Russia – Wall Street Journal (subscription)

Posted: at 10:57 pm

An Alternative to NATO Expansion That Won't Antagonize Russia
Wall Street Journal (subscription)
Lost in the brouhaha over whether President Trump and his team are too friendly toward Russian President Vladimir Putin is a more important question. If the Trump administration is serious about its worthy goal of improving U.S. relations with Russia ...

and more »

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An Alternative to NATO Expansion That Won't Antagonize Russia - Wall Street Journal (subscription)

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EU, NATO urge Macedonian leader to allow new government – POLITICO.eu

Posted: at 10:57 pm

Zoran Zaev, leader of the Social Democratic Union of Macedonia (SDSM), greets supporters in front of the government building after parliamentary elections in Skopje on December 11, 2016 | Robert Atanasovski/AFP via Getty Images

The Social Democratic Union of Macedonia said it has secured a coalition.

By David M. Herszenhorn

2/27/17, 2:09 AM CET

The European Commission and NATO urged the president of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Gjorge Ivanov, Sunday to abide by the countrys constitution and allow the formation of an opposition-led government, as the tiny Balkan country faced a crucial test of democratic norms.

Ivanovs party, VMRO-DPMNE, has controlled the government since 2006 and has largely dominated the countrys politics since 1990. But while thecenter-right VMRO-DPMNE finished first in parliamentary elections in December, winning51 seats, it failed to form a government, which requires a coalition of at least 61 MPs.

TheSocial Democratic Union of Macedonia (SDSM), which finished second in the elections with 49 seats, says it has secured a coalition and is demanding a mandate from Ivanov to form a government and install the partysleader, Zoran Zaev, as prime minister.

Zaev said he had clinched the needed votes byforging a deal withthe countrys largest Albanian party, the Democratic Union for Integration (DUI), and smaller Albanian parties.

After nearly 11 years of living under a regime, we have the chance to form a new democratic government of Macedonia, Zaev said in a statement, according to the Macedonian Information Agency, the official news service. Ivanvov has said he would give a mandate to form a government to a coalition with 61 votes, provided it would not violate the unitary character of Macedonia.

Zaevs deal apparently includes support for a law that would give Albanian status as an official language, a move that could give Ivanov a basis for trying to block the new government.

In what appeared to be a last-ditch power play, Nikola Gruevski, the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, issued a statement late Sunday night offering to back a Zaev-led government, but only if Zaev abandoned the language law and other proposals Gruevski insisted would splinter the country along ethnic lines.

If Zaev insists so badly to be prime minister, we will let him implement his program so long as he doesnt attack the state and national interests, Gruevski said, according to the MIA news service.

In an angry statement that bordered on a rant, Gruevski offered to be arrested, imprisoned, harassed, if needed to protect the country, and alleged that foreign meddlers including an unnamed foreign ambassador and George Soros, the billionaire civil-society activist, were trying to weaken Macedonia and have Zaev enthroned as prime minister.

In a statement on Sunday, Johannes Hahn, the European commissioner for neighborhood policy and enlargement negotiations, urgedIvanov to allow the formation of the SDSM-led government.

As enough signatures of MPs have been collected, Hahn said, We now expect the president to give the mandate to form the next government to the candidate from the parties which have the majority in the assembly, in line with the constitution.

In a pointed warning, Hahn continued, Change in democratic societies is natural and should be embraced, whenit is a result of credible elections. Accepting and respecting the election result and the right of leaders to try to form a government is a sign of a mature democracy. Obstructing and undermining such efforts has no place in a democratic process.

He added, We call on all relevant actors, including the president and the parliament, to act fully in line with the constitutions letter and spirit and in a responsible manner, to enable a swift formation of a government that will address overdue reforms.

In astatement, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg noted that the December parliamentary elections were well-administered and also called for Ivanov to let the process move forward.

Following one attempt to form a government, it has been announced that, in line with the requirement specified by the president, enough MPs signatures have now been collected, Stoltenberg said. I look to the authorities in Skopje to fulfill the next step in the democratic process. I call on all parties to exercise restraint in statements and actions, and take decisions for the benefit of all citizens.

See the rest here:
EU, NATO urge Macedonian leader to allow new government - POLITICO.eu

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NATO’s Crazy Plan to Find Russian Submarines Was a Total ‘Flop’ – The National Interest Online (blog)

Posted: at 10:57 pm

At the height of the Cold War, the Soviet Union had so many hundreds of deadly submarines at sea that Western war planners willing to try almost any possible countermeasure, however goofy sounding.

Some seemingly crazy ideas proved actually worthwhile, such as the underwater Sound Surveillance Systema vast chain of seafloor microphones that patiently listened for Soviet subs and remains in use today.

Other less elegant anti-submarine tools survive only as anecdotes. In his book Hunter Killers, naval writer Iain Ballantyne recalls one of the zanier ideasair-dropped floppy-magnets meant to foul up Soviet undersea boats, making them noisier and easier to detect.

From the late 1940s on, captured German technology boosted Soviet postwar submarine design. Soviet shipyards delivered subs good enoughand numerous enoughto pose a huge danger to Western shipping.

By the time of the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, the USSR controlled the largest submarine force in the worldsome 300 diesel-electric submarines and a handful of nuclear-propelled models. NATO navies couldnt keep up. We simply do not have enough forces, Vice Adm. R.M. Smeeton stated.

NATO war planners feared only nuclear escalation could check the Soviet submarine wolf packsthat is, atomic strikes on sub bases along the Russian coast.

But the nuclear solution was worse than the problem. We can take steps to make sure the enemy is fully aware of where his course of action is leading him without nuclear weapons, Smeeton said, but we cannot go to war that way.

Desperate planners sought ways of making Soviet subs easier to hunt. Any technology that could speed up an undersea search was worth considering. A submarines best defense is of course stealth, remaining quiet and undetected in the ocean deep, Ballantyne notes. Something that could rob the Soviets of that cloak of silence must have seemed irresistible and, at least initially, a stroke of genius.

A Canadian scientist figured some kind of sticky undersea noisemaker would make a Soviet sub more detectable. He designed a simple hinged cluster of magnets that could attach to a submarines metal hull.

Movement would cause the flopping magnets to bang against the hull like a loose screen door, giving away the subs location to anyone listening. The simple devices would take time and effort to remove, thus also impairing the Soviet undersea fleets readiness.

At least that was the idea.


In late 1962, the British Admiralty dispatched the A-class diesel submarine HMS Auriga to Nova Scotia for joint anti-submarine training with the Canadian navy. The British were helping Canada establish a submarine force, s0 Royal Navy subs routinely exercised with Canadian vessels.

Auriga had just returned to the submarine base at Faslane, Scotland after a combat patrol as part of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Other subs of the joint Canadian-British Submarine Squadron Six at Halifax had seen action during the Crisis.

The 1945-vintage Auriga spent much of her time in Nova Scotia simulating Soviet diesel subs during hazardous under-ice ASW practice with U.S. and Canadian forces. During a typical three-week exercise, Auriga would be subject to the attentions of surface vessels, aircraft and other subs, including the U.S. Navys new nuke boats.

During one open-ocean exercise, Auriga was given the floppy-magnet treatment. A Canadian patrol plane flew over Aurigas submerged position and dropped a full load of the widgets into the sea.

As weird as it sounded, the magnet concept proved a resounding success. Enough magnets fell on or near Aurigas hull to stick and flop. Banging and clanking with a godawful racket, the magnets gave sonar operators tracking the sub a field day. Then the trouble started.

As Auriga surfaced at the end of the exercise, the magnets made their way into holes and slots in the subs outer hull designed to let water flow. They basically slid down the hull, Ballantyne says of the magnets, and remained firmly fixed inside the casing, on top of the ballast tanks, in various nooks and crannies.

The floppy-magnets couldnt be removed at sea. In fact, they couldnt be removed at all until the submarine dry-docked back in Halifax weeks later.

In the meantime, one of Her Majesty's submarines was about as stealthy as a mariachi band. No fighting, no training, no nothing until all those floppy little magnets were dug out of her skin at a cost of time, money and frustration.

The magnets worked on the Soviets with the same maddening results. The crews of several Foxtrots were driven bonkers by the noise and returned to port rather than complete their cruises.

Now, the Soviet navy could afford to furlough a sub or two, but NATO could not. Anti-submarine crews couldnt practice with floppy-magnets attached to their exercise targets.

The floppy-magnets worked exactly as intended, but they were simply too messy to train with to be practical on a large scale. It seems NATO deployed them only a few times.

The submarine-fouling floppy-magnet turned out to be, well, a flop.

This first appeared in WarIsBoring here.

Image: Creative Commons.

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NATO's Crazy Plan to Find Russian Submarines Was a Total 'Flop' - The National Interest Online (blog)

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