Daily Archives: February 25, 2017

Cohousing communities gain popularity – WDTN

Posted: February 25, 2017 at 3:41 pm

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) Cohousing communities are gaining popularity across the country, including right here in Music City.

Diana Sullivan gave our sister station in Nashville a tour of her cohousing development located in Germantown, Tennessee.

She has lived in the community for about a year-and-a-half.

Sullivan said she first learned about the concept of cohousing while attending a conference in Boulder, Colorado, in 2010.

It is an intentional community. We decided we wanted to have a community that was structured in a very high functioning way because research shows that these communities are very healthy and very thriving, Sullivan explained.

In Germantowns cohousing community, everyone buys their own home, but they share common spaces.

There is a playroom for children, a kitchen to enjoy meals together and extra rooms that the homeowners in the community can reserve for visiting family and friends.

We have community dinners a couple of times a week. A couple of households will become a cook team, will set our menu, buy our food and then host the dinner, said Sullivan.

By sharing meals the group is able to cut costs.

They are $5 or $6 a meal, and it is incredible food, said Sullivan.

Dot Dobbins also lives in the community. She said after her husband passed away in 2008 she began researching different living arrangements because she did not want to be alone.

Dobbins met Sullivan and decided she wanted to be part of the community. Dobbins told News 2 her grandchildren love where she lives and that they enjoy visiting her and playing in the courtyard.

Last spring and summer we had butterflies all over. It was great, it was lovely, Dobbins recalled.

When this community started there were 15 families interested in living in there. Now, there are 25 families in the cohousing development.

When you have housing that is constructed in a way that is supportive of people to reduce poverty, homelessness, reduce alcoholism and drug addiction and its just the housing structure and you can implement that its huge, said Sullivan.

In the United States, there are about 160 cohousing developments. The one in Germantown is the first of its kind in Tennessee.

Currently, there is a lot of momentum to build more of these types of developments in Nashville.

Sullivan told News 2 there is a waiting list of about 650 people who would like to move into the Germantown community.

She said an additional list of 350 people is interested in developing these types of communities in other parts of Middle Tennessee.

The national conference on cohousing will be held in Nashville this May.

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Better health needs a diverse workforce – Greenville Daily Reflector

Posted: at 3:41 pm

To correct health disparities in eastern North Carolina, providers must take on the difficult task of correcting similar disparities in the makeup of the health care workforce, according to a panel of experts speaking Friday at East Carolina University.

The 13th annualJean Elaine Mills Health Symposium, named for the late ECU alumna and community health administrator who died of breast cancer in 2000, focuses on building partnerships between residents, organizations and ECU faculty and students with the aim of reducing health disparities higher incidences of illness and death in one population group than another.

Where such disparities exist, similar disparities will be found in the workforce population, the educators said. The participants addressed the need for health care workforce equity, which allows care providers to better reflect the diversity of the communities they serve.

This symposium is all about student success, community outreach and the transformation of Eastern North Carolina, event moderator Dean Robert Orlikoff of the ECUCollege of Allied Health Sciences, which hosted the daylong symposium, said.Frankly, we have a long way to go. We have to not only serve that community, but be a part of it. Our health care workers must be representative of the communities that they work in and serve.

Beth Velde,assistant dean for special projects at the college and Mills Symposium director, said the symposium is a community/university partnership that does things with, rather than for or to, the communities it serves.

The symposium featured a panel discussion and keynote presentations by Dr. Kendall Campbell, associate dean for diversity and inclusion and director of the Research Group for Underrepresented Minorities in Academic Medicine at East Carolina University's Brody School of Medicine, and Dr. Brenda E. Armstrong, associate dean for admissions at the Duke University School of Medicine.

Amos Mills, who founded the symposium in his late sisters memory, said most people do not understand that health care disparities affect all people across racial, cultural and political lines.

North Carolina should not rank 43rd in the U.S. for health care disparities while it ranks 10th in manufacturing, Mills said.I hope we will bring what we learn to the greater community so we can break down some of the barriers that exist in this state. I fear for the future if we dont address this problem now.

Campbell described equality as giving everybody the same things.

I decided that Im going to buy everybody here a new pair of shoes... and theyre all going to be Size 6, he said.

Equity, on the other hand, provides what someone needs based on an assessment of that persons specific needs, Campbell said.

Campbell quoted Dr. Camara Jones, president of the American Public Health Association,whose work focuses on the impacts of racism on the health and well-being of the nation.

Achieving health equity requires valuing all individuals and populations equally, recognizing and rectifying historical injustices, and providing resources according to need, Jones said. Based on that, healthcare workforce equity assures conditions that allow for the best possible health for all people.

Campbell said action must be intentional to correct the current system that structures health care workforce opportunity based on social interpretation of how a person looks. Such systems including sexism, classism and racism are institutionally designed to separate and unfairly disadvantage some people while giving an unfair advantage to others.

The solution to institutional inequity is diversity, Campbell said.

Student and faculty diversity is indispensable for quality medical education, he said.Diversity of the physician workforce improves access to care for underserved populations; diversity of the research workforce can accelerate advances in medical and public health research; and diversity among managers of health care is good business sense.

Contact Michael Abramowitz at mabramowitz@reflector.comor 252-329-9507.

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Better health needs a diverse workforce - Greenville Daily Reflector

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Contractor given $780,000 bail in Livingston; more counts await in … – The Advocate

Posted: at 3:36 pm

LIVINGSTON A state district judge in Livingston Parish has set bail at $780,000 for a Baton Rouge contractor facing more than three dozen counts of defrauding homeowners and contracting without a license in that parish.

Matthew J. Morris, 39, remained Friday in Livingston Parish Detention Center in Livingston and has been booked with 40 counts filed by sheriff's deputies and police in Walker and Denham Springs, online jail records show.

The counts apply to 10 alleged victims in the town, city and parish, authorities have said. Judge Elizabeth "Beth" Wolfe of the 21st Judicial District Court set the bail Friday.

Morris, owner of Complete Construction Contractors, has been accused of using a complicated contract and billing system to run up construction bills primarily on victims of the August flood in multiple jurisdictions for work that these residents contend was not done or for which they were grossly overcharged. He has already been arrested on 100 counts related to 24 victims in five jurisdictions, with more counts and victims possible, authorities said.

Even if Morris can make bail in Livingston, which will require a cash bond, Ascension Parish sheriff's deputies have a hold on him. They want to book him on five more counts in that parish, deputies said.

Baton Rouge contractor Matthew Morris hasagain been arrested on fraud, this time in Walker

He was first arrested in Ascension Feb. 8 on dozens of counts in 13 cases but was able to leave jail Feb. 10 on $635,000 bail. He was rearrested Tuesday to be booked in Baton Rouge and then brought to Livingston to be booked on counts there.

Ascension Sheriff's Det. Lt. Chris Fontenot said deputies want Morris on two counts of residential contractor fraud, two counts of insurance fraud and one count of theft of assets from the aged.

Those charges apply to two more victims. Fontenot added that in addition to those two new cases, deputies are investigating possible charges on two more for a total of 17 cases.

Lori Steele, spokeswoman for the Livingston Parish sheriff, said deputies in that parish also are investigating more cases involving Morris, in addition to the eight for which counts have been filed.

Follow David J. Mitchell on Twitter, @NewsieDave.

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Space Exploration – WGN Radio

Posted: at 3:33 pm

UNSPECIFIED: In this NASA digital illustration handout released on February 22, 2017, an artist's concept shows what the TRAPPIST-1 planetary system may look like, based on available data about the planets' diameters, masses and distances from the host star. The system has been revealed through observations from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope as well as other ground-based observatories, and the ground-based TRAPPIST telescope for which it was named after. The seven planets of TRAPPIST-1 are all Earth-sized and terrestrial, according to research published in 2017 in the journal Nature. TRAPPIST-1 is an ultra-cool dwarf star in the constellation Aquarius, and its planets orbit very close to it. They are likely all tidally locked, meaning the same face of the planet is always pointed at the star, as the same side of our moon is always pointed at Earth. This creates a perpetual night side and perpetual day side on each planet. TRAPPIST-1b and c receive the most light from the star and would be the warmest. TRAPPIST-1e, f and g all orbit in the habitable zone, the area where liquid water is most likely to be detected. But any of the planets could potentially harbor liquid water, depending on their compositions. In the imagined planets shown here, TRAPPIST-1b is shown as a larger analogue to Jupiter's moon Io. TRAPPIST-1d is depicted with a narrow band of water near the terminator, the divide between a hot, dry day and an ice-covered night side. TRAPPIST-1e and TRAPPIST-1f are both shown covered in water, but with progressively larger ice caps on the night side. TRAPPIST-1g is portrayed with an atmosphere like Neptune's, although it is still a rocky world. TRAPPIST-1h, the farthest from the star, would be the coldest. It is portrayed here as an icy world, similar to Jupiter's moon Europa, but the least is known about it. (Photo digital Illustration by NASA/NASA via Getty Images)

Craig and Cody discuss the rise of UFO sightings and the recent discovery of 7 new planets announced by NASA. Craig wonders if we explore new planets would end up being over lords?

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China WW3 warning as US holds MASSIVE war drill: ‘You can’t tame the DRAGON’ – Daily Star

Posted: at 3:33 pm

CHINA has issued a chilling warning to the US as the tanks, troops and warships flood into the Pacific.

China told the US this is not the caribbean and you cant tame the dragon as US forces moved into Thailand for a massive war games drill called Operation Cobra Gold.

US and Thai forces practised in the 10-day conflict exercise which saw soldiers, marines, tanks, paratroopers and helicopters take-part in huge live-fire warfare scenarios.

The drills come as the US also announced aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson will be moving into the South China Sea for routine patrols.

China is fuming over the carriers deployment and has promised to deploy more weapons and into the contested region.


With relations between the US and China fragile, holding a joint live-fire military display with the Thai army could be seen as making things worse especially when Trump's white supremacist Chief Advisor Steve Bannon believes America and China will be at war 'within a few years.'

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Thai and US military tanks participate in a live fire military display

The US military insists on showing that it is capable of taming the China Dragon

Chinas state-run mouthpiece newspaper published a chilling column in which it launches into a scathing assessment of the US plans and threatened Washington over hoping Beijing would grin and bear it.

US and China have been at loggerheads since the middle of 2016 when the United Nations ruled against the Chinese attempts to claim islands in the South China Sea.

The disputed region hosts half of the worlds merchant shipping activity and is believed to be rich in oil and national gas.



Defiant Beijing has continued to expand into the disputed waters as it claims ownership to islands and sandbars by building giant defensive bases packed with missiles and designed to launch warplanes.

If the US military insists on showing that it is capable of taming the China Dragon, they are bound to see all kinds of advanced Chinese weapons as well as other military deployments on the South China Sea islands, wrote the Chinese governments Global Times.

"The South China Sea is not the Caribbean. It is not a place for the US to behave recklessly. US generals said they are ready to fight when necessary. The People's Liberation Army is also making preparations.

It added: "Aren't US carrier groups' constant patrols in the South China Sea the most prominent militarisation in the waters?

"Aren't the public statements made by the US military, that all its moves were done to warn China, direct military threats?"

Last week, the Chinese Foreign ministry described the US moves in the disputed sea as "threatening and damaging.

Such schools are an extreme example of the "patriotic education" which China's ruling Communist party promotes to boost its legitimacy, but which critics condemn as little more than brainwashing.

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A student doing an "eye exercise" to relax after intensive work

Documentary 'The Coming War on China' Trailer

Trump talks about the issues he has with the One China policy

China seize US Navy research drone

War tensions have reached a new head as some of US president Donald Trumps top aides have talked up war with China.

Steve Bannon, White House chief strategist, said; ""Were going to war in the South China Sea in five to 10 years."

Daily Star Online revealed the devastating consequences of war between the US and China in which 12 million would die in a nuke strike across the West Coast.

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China WW3 warning as US holds MASSIVE war drill: 'You can't tame the DRAGON' - Daily Star

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Trance | Electronic Dance Music | EDM | Free Downloads

Posted: at 3:30 pm

February 7, 2017 Get Lucky With The Future Sound of Egypt

Trance family, assemble! The Future Sound of Egypt is calling you to Lucky 2017. Between the newly established Bliss (returning to the WaMu Theater on May 6th), regular phenomenal talent []

One of Australias most well known Trance producers, MaRLo, spoke with Only The Beat during his stop in New York City for EDC New York. Fresh off his stops in []

As I was listening to a recent episode of International Departures, I came across a track that caught my ear (not something thats out of the ordinary as pretty much []

Lange Recordings favorite, Johnny Yono, who just finished the massive Lange 200 collab, is the first one out the gate with a new release and is setting the bar incredibly []

Polish trance producer, Nitrous Oxide, prefers the less is more approach when creating and releasing music, giving each track his full heart and soul. and making sure that only excellence []

New York-based duo You&Me have released some pretty incredible remixes so far in their career. Its also quite possible their latest remix of Kolajs The Touch which is out today []

Johnny Yono proved he can make uplifting gold when he unleashed the mechanical banger, Pulverize, on Damaged Records last year. Quickly becoming a fan favorite, it highlighted everything we love []

Talla 2XLC and Daniel Skyver fits right in with Mental Asylums relentless sound. Split Second is a 140 monster that leaves no prisoners for any set of ears. From the []

Los Angeles trance wizard, Johnny Yono, makes his triumphant return to Armada for the first time since 2012s The Machine with Juventa. Now on Antillas IHU imprint, The Highways Of []

Having an truly accomplished year, Talla 2XLC delivers another uplifting epic on his Tetsuo imprint with the help of Kato. Evernow is pure trance with balls. Encapsulating the wonder and []

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Is Mat Zo making a return to trance? – EARMILK (blog)

Posted: at 3:30 pm

Just last week, we reported onMat Zo making a "return to his roots" in a remix of a classic house track, "Son of a Gun." With its release, he called it a sort of answer to all of his fans that throughout his career have been asking him to "return" to his trance roots. Zo has explored many a genre and sound throughout that career as a DJ and producer, while the beginnings of his career lay with trance and the Anjunabeats label.

As we've seen little blips like this before exploring disco, dubstep, rock, and ultimately trance the question is, will Mat Zo land in one place? If we're evaluating based on his music in the past four years, the answer is probably not. But, the British artist continues to give us hints and more and more trance. This week, he revived a relic from his past, a track integral to his career, but in a new way. "Hurricane" was a track off of his first album,Damage Control, in 2013. The album was highly regarded, with impressive collaborations and style explorations all around, and successfully told a story in a time when just about every electronic artist was throwing themselves in the "need to release an album" club.Damage Control went on to be nominated for a Grammy and climb the Billboard heatseekers and electronic charts. Surely, the album was an impressive achievement for the British artist.

But of course, there is a creative process in developing any music, and this week Mat Zo has offered up vulnerability and what could have been for the track "Hurricane." In a personal post on Instagram, Zo explained his struggle with the creation of the track.

This is actually the original version of Hurricane. I didn't put it on the album because it was at a time where I wanted to move away from trance, so I remade it into the version that's on Damage Control. I played it once on a live broadcast and ever since people have been asking for it. Luckily I found a copy on my old HD. It's terribly mixed and partly unfinished, but I figured since people still ask about it to this day, why not just give it away.

With his trance roots seemingly in his way, Zo continued developing "Hurricane" into a track that felt more Chemical Brotherswith an Anjunabeats-style vocal from Eyes That Lie. Now nearly four years later, we get a glimpse at the track's original form. And from the date, it looks like Zo had this one working from 2011.The second trance release in a few weeks, "Hurricane (2011 Club Mix)," makes us wonder, is this something that will continue? But that's not the end of the story, either.

Zo posted another video of himself to Instagram, this time playing piano over a classic Ferry Corsten track: "Out of the Blue" from his System F moniker. The classic track has been made over again and again through its near 17-year existence, and it looks like Zo is toying with it too.

So now, he's releasing trance tracks, openly composing them and even more, he announced the return to his home at Anjunabeats for their annual Miami Music Week party in March. It's been some years since he's joined the party's lineup, and he's coupled the announcement with that of his Self Disassemble Tour that follows the release ofSelf Assemblein 2016. He's been clear this Anjunabeats-style will not be leaving us for now, and the Self Disassemble Tour will be genre specific offering just that style that fans always seem to ask him about. But performances aside,it leaves us wondering, what kind of music will we see Mat Zo release in the rest of 2017?

Connect with Mat Zo:Facebook|Soundcloud|Instagram|Twitter

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Brixton Trance Underworld The Return – BrixtonBuzz

Posted: at 3:30 pm


February 25, 2017 @ 7:00 pm February 26, 2017 @ 7:00 am




Free before 10 5 before 12 10 after midnight

Were back After a rather long break Brixton Trance Underworld is back And we mean back. After this special 12 hour event well be going bi-monthly from March More news on that soon!

So, a 7 till 7 party to start things off and what a line up we have for you.

Our special guest is Trevor McLachlan Trevor will be known to anyone who partied in town over the last 15 years with his residency at the amazing Twisted parties at the Fridge. He guested for Heat, Extreme Euphoria, Tidy and Friendz. After taking a break from the scene he is back and is now involved in the Trance section of the Vinyl Warriors brand which really took the scene by storm last year. Trevor will be delivering a 90 minute set of top quality trance showcasing his 15 years of experience.

Next up we have Curtis & Craig. A DJ Production duo that came together in 2012 and they havent looked back. Their productions have been supported by top names in the Trance scene like Jordan Suckley, AvB, Simon Patterson and Latex Zebra As DJs collectively and separately theyve played at events including Storm, Passion and Trance Action along with a star studded array of DJs.

PHD is really making a name for himself on the production scene and is racking up more and more impressive DJing gigs as well (including this one). His tunes have been supported by some of the best Trance DJs around. His 90 minute plus (well you might not want to go home at 7am) will be a showcase of his latest tunes and top quality banging trance!

David Murtagh was one of the co-founders of the Prehab labels and parties and makes a welcome return to Brixton Trance Underworld. Prehab hosted a room regularly at The Gallery and he himself is a regular at the amazing Trance Sanctuary parties. Welcome back!

Another couple of BTU debutants come in the shape of Will Renville and Alex Faulkner. These guys will be on warm up duties but we had to book them after awesome showings at Zoology and Alumni respectively. Both have made names for themselves in a very short time with some big sets for them in future. We can think of no finer DJs to get things going with a special 2 hour warm up!

The last of our guests and not the least is Lorenzo Barrero. Promoter of another cracking Trance event in London, TRANCElucid. Held residencies and Magnetix and Byte and has guested at some of finest parties around (including Zoology)!

Finally we have 3 of the finest residents around with many years of promoting and DJ experience between them. Matt Church (Swamp/Puzzle Project), B.S.E (Zoology/Techstyle) and Latex Zebra (Zoology/Alumni). All will play solo sets highlighting their skills and passion for music!

Well see you there!

Club 414, Coldharbour Lane, Brixton 7pm till 7am Free before 10pm 5 before Midnight 10 after

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Edward Boyden | Big Think – Big Think

Posted: at 3:27 pm

Edward Boyden is a professor of Biological Engineering and Brain and Cognitive Sciences at the MIT Media Lab and the McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT. He leads the Media Labs Synthetic Neurobiology group, which develops tools for analyzing and repairing complex biological systems, such as the brain, and applies them systematically both to reveal ground truth principles of biological function and to repair these systems.

These technologies, often created in interdisciplinary collaborations, include expansion microscopy (which enables complex biological systems to be imaged with nanoscale precision) optogenetic tools (which enable the activation and silencing of neural activity with light,) and optical, nanofabricated, and robotic interfaces (which enable recording and control of neural dynamics).

Boyden has launched an award-winning series of classes at MIT, which teach principles of neuroengineering, starting with the basic principles of how to control and observe neural functions, and culminating with strategies for launching companies in the nascent neurotechnology space. He also co-directs the MIT Center for Neurobiological Engineering, which aims to develop new tools to accelerate neuroscience progress.

Amongst other recognitions, Boyden has received the Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences (2016), the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award (2015), the Society for Neuroscience Young Investigator Award (2015), the Carnegie Prize in Mind and Brain Sciences (2015), the Jacob Heskel Gabbay Award (2013), the Grete Lundbeck Brain Prize (2013), the NIH Director's Pioneer Award (2013), the NIH Director's Transformative Research Award (twice, 2012 and 2013), and the Perl/UNC Neuroscience Prize (2011). He was also named to the World Economic Forum Young Scientist list (2013), MIT Technology Reviews international "Top 35 Innovators under Age 35" list (2006), and his work was included in Nature Methods "Method of the Year" in 2010.

Boydens Media Lab group has hosted hundreds of visitors interested in learning how to use new biotechnologies. He also regularly teaches at summer courses and workshops in neuroscience, and delivers lectures to the broader public, including talks at TED (2011) and the World Economic Forum (2012, 2013, 2016).

He received his PhD in neurosciences from Stanford University as a Hertz Fellow, where he discovered that the molecular mechanisms used to store a memory are determined by the content to be learned. Before his doctorate, he received three degrees in electrical engineering, computer science, and physics from MIT. Boyden has contributed to more than 300 peer-reviewed papers, current or pending patents, and articles, and has given over 300 invited talks on the work of the Media Labs Synthetic Neurobiology group.

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Limerick CF parents: ‘Our kid’s lives are priceless’ – Limerick Leader

Posted: at 3:26 pm

STOP putting prices on our childrens lives, because to us they are priceless.

Thats the message from Katie Sheahan, whose youngest son Michael, aged three, suffers from cystic fibrosis (CF).

Parents of children who have the genetic condition, which mainly affects the lungs, are calling on Health Minister Simon Harris to make the potentially life-saving drugs Orkambi and Kaleydeco openly available.

They argue it will give their young ones a real childhood and better long-term prospects.

On Friday night last, around 90 parents whose children suffer from the condition gathered at Limerick City Hall for a vigil in memory of those who have died from the condition. But the underlying message is: they want action from the government.

Around 560,000 kids in Ireland could benefit from Orkambi or Kaleydeco, and Kate said: It will stop kids getting six weeks sickness from school, plus viruses and everyday bugs. Its a really important drug. We know its not a cure: but it gives hope to the CF community because at the moment, were living in fear of what the future holds for our children.

Orkambi is estimated to cost around 159,000 per patient per year, with pressure mounting on Mr Harristo get the drug approved for patients.

Limerick TD Willie ODea, who attended the protest, raised the matter in Dail Eireann this week.

He said: I think we all owe it to fight for these people who are literally fighting for their lives. You cannot really imagine what people who suffer from CF are going through. They struggle to breathe. Its too hard to even contemplate.

Kate, who co-organised the vigil, which was held with the support of the charity Tipperary Limerick and Clare for Cystic Fibrosis (TLC4CF), added: Stop making us wait. The CF community are living in fear. No parent should have to live like this. We are standing here tonight for all the CF mothers and fathers who cannot be here because they are caring for their loved ones in hospitals.

Joy ODonoghue, whose eight-year-old son Jason has CF, added: I dont want to have to bury my child. I dont want to have to see other people burying their children. Its not fair, its not right. Our kids lives are priceless.

At the vigil, a minutes silence was observedfor children who have lost their lives to CF.

A number of other local politicians joined Mr ODea at the vigil: former Education Minister Jan OSullivan, plus Sinn Fein councillors John Costelloe and Malachy McCreesh.

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