Daily Archives: February 20, 2017

How reusable rockets are paving the way for the next phase of space exploration – Mirror.co.uk

Posted: February 20, 2017 at 7:28 pm

SpaceX has just announced another successful landing of one of its reusable rockets.

The Falcon 9 rocket launched from the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral at 9:38am local time on Sunday morning, and landed back in the same spot nine minutes later.

SpaceX founder, Elon Musk, shared a photo of the rocket touching down on Instagram, with the caption "Baby came back".

This was the third SpaceX rocket to be successfully landed on solid ground, and the first to do so in daylight. Five other successful landings have been made on sea-based platforms.

Meanwhile, Blue Origin, the space company founded by Amazon chief executive Jeff Bezos ,has successfully launched and landed four of its New Shepard reusable rockets.

But space companies have been sending rockets into space for decades, so why the sudden interest in bringing them back to Earth?

The main argument for developing reusable rockets is cost.

At the moment, sending a rocket to the International Space Station costs over $60 million (48 million) - and each rocket can only be used once.

Bezos has compared this to using a Boeing 747 to fly across the country once and then throwing the plane away.

Musk claims that recycling a rocket over and over and learning to fly it like a plane could reduce the cost of access to space "by as much as a factor of a hundred".

This is because the only cost per launch would be a few replacement parts and about $200,000 for rocket fuel.

For Bezos, developing reusable rockets is about making space tourism a reality.

The idea is to take paying customers on joyrides to the edge of space, where they can experience zero gravity for a few minutes, before returning safely to Earth.

It's a slightly different approach to Richard Branson, whose spaceflight company Virgin Galactic is also developing commercial spacecraft with the aim of providing suborbital flights to space tourists.

Virgin Galactic's space tourism project was dealt a major blow after an in-air explosion killed one of the company's pilots on a test flight in 2014.

However, the company has since unveiled a new spacecraft called SpaceShipTwo, which looks more like an aeroplane than a rocket.

Rather than launching vertically, the spacecraft is carried to its launch altitude by a jet-powered cargo aircraft, before being released to fly on into the upper atmosphere powered by its rocket engine.

It then glides back to Earth and performs a conventional runway landing.

As well as tourism, reducing the cost of space travel could make it possible for scientists to conduct experiments outside the Earth's atsmosphere.

Blue Origin is already working with the University of Central Florida to build experiments for flight aboard the commercial space company's new spacecraft.

Physics Professor Joshua Colwell and his team are working on the Microgravity Experiment on Dust Environments in Astrophysics project, which aims to shed light on the process by which space dust builds up to form planets.

"The UCF team is tackling deep questions about the early solar system and asteroids, questions that simply cant be answered back on Earth," said Dr. Erika Wagner, Blue Origin head of payload programs.

Further afield, reusable rockets can massively reduce the cost of operating in space.

SpaceX's Falcon 9 rockets are already being used to deliver supplies to the International Space Station and launch satellites for paying customers.

Blue Origin also recently unveiled a reusable rocket called New Glenn, which is designed to launch commercial satellites.

Bezos has outlined a madcap plan to save the planet from a global energy crisis by moving heavy industries off the Earth entirely, and building giant factories and solar farms in space.

"Energy is limited here. In at least a few hundred years ... all of our heavy industry will be moved off-planet," Bezos said.

"Our vision is millions of people living and working in space."

Ultimately, the hope is that reusable rockets will make it possible for humans to explore deep space, and colonise other planets.

SpaceX recently unveiled a design for its Interplanetary Transport System (ITS) - a system that involves using reusable rockets to propel spaceships filled with hundreds of passengers to Mars.

Musk claims that each of these rockets will be reused up to 1,000 times. After taking off and delivering the spaceship into orbit, the rocket will return to Earth, where it will land safely.

It will then be fitted with a fuelling tank, before flying back into space to fuel the spaceship for its trip to Mars. The rocket will then land a second time.

By making the rocket reusable instead of discarding it after every launch, Musk said SpaceX hopes to some day make the cost of going to Mars about the same as buying a house.

He envisions 1,000 passenger ships flying en masse to the red planet within the next century, with one million people living on Mars by the mid-2060s.

Musk claims the system could even be used to explore further afield, allowing humans to travel as far as the Kuiper Belt, beyond Pluto.

"I think Earth will be a good place for a long time, but the probable lifespan of human civilisation will be much greater if we're a multiplanetary species," he said.

"This system really gives you freedom to go anywhere you want in the greater solar system."

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How reusable rockets are paving the way for the next phase of space exploration - Mirror.co.uk

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Nanotech startup, Graphene Composites, combines graphene with aerogel to form one of the strongest, lightest, and … – MENAFN.COM

Posted: at 7:28 pm

(MENAFN Editorial)

iCrowdNewswire - Feb 13, 2017

Graphene Composites

Nanotech startup, Graphene Composites, combines graphene with aerogel to form one of the strongest, lightest, and most resilient materials ever. The company has developed its first prototype, ballistic armour, and plans to develop aircraft skins and ultra-strong cables.

GCL is a nano-tech manufacturing startup; we are combining graphene (the world's strongest material and a top heat/electrical conductor) with aerogel (the lightest material and a top insulator/shock absorber) to create nano-composites that we hope couldbe some of the strongest, lightest, most resilient materials ever made.

Working wth the UK government-funded Centre for Process Innovation, we have developed our first prototype nano-composite - a graphene/aerogel ballistic armour - and we are working on further prototypes (of aircraft skins, ultra-strong cables and others). All of these products have large, global markets - and we believe that the superior performance of our GCL nano-composites will attract strong customer demand.

Our business model is to develop these graphene/aerogel prototypes, file patents for their technologies, and then generate revenues from either licensing the technologies or manufacturing the products (whichever is more commercially attractive).

Our seed funding round with Crowdcube attracted tremendous interest (we closedit after three days)and it enabled us to fund the development of our first prototype. The bulk of this current funding round will go towards further product development.


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Nanotech startup, Graphene Composites, combines graphene with aerogel to form one of the strongest, lightest, and ... - MENAFN.COM

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Investors in a Trance as Stocks Shuffle Higher – MarketPulse – MarketPulse (blog)

Posted: at 7:25 pm

European equity markets are expected to open higher on Monday, although trading is likely to be relatively light given the US bank holiday which helped drive similar conditions in Asia overnight.

It would appear were still in a kind of trance at the moment whereby equity markets continue to shuffle higher in the hope that Donald Trump will deliver on his fiscal stimulus, tax and deregulation plans and yet, theres no conviction in the rallys. This isnt overly surprising given the amount of political risk at the moment but you wonder how much longer we can remain in this state before we wake up.

Risk Aversion Percolates

Thats not necessarily to say markets are going to collapse or even enter correction but I think were nearing the point at which investors may start demanding something a little more concrete. Its difficult to ignore the moves in Gold and the yen alongside this which typically accompany more risk averse conditions. Perhaps it just reflects underlying uncertainty which is a concern.

Gold is actually trading a little lower so far today having interestingly failed to break above the high from 8 August, despite coming very close. The next big test for Gold will now come around $1,216.73, last weeks lows, with a break through here possibly triggering a move back below $1,200 towards $1,180.63.

OANDA fxTrade Advanced Charting Platform

As mentioned above, with it being a bank holiday in the US today, we could be looking at a slightly quieter session. We have some scatterings of low level data throughout the day but nothing that I would expect will cause too much of a jolt in the markets. The Reserve Bank of Australia minutes from its recent meeting, released overnight, will likely be the next event of note.

For a look at all of todays economic events, check out our economic calendar.

This article is for general information purposes only. It is not investment advice or a solution to buy or sell securities. Opinions are the authors; not necessarily that of OANDA Corporation or any of its affiliates, subsidiaries, officers or directors. Leveraged trading is high risk and not suitable for all.You could lose all of your deposited funds.

Based in London, England, Craig Erlam joined OANDA in 2015 as a Market Analyst. With more than five years' experience as a financial market analyst and trader, he focuses on both fundamental and technical analysis while conducting macroeconomic commentary. He has been published by The Financial Times, Reuters, the BBC and The Telegraph, and he also appears regularly as a guest commentator on Bloomberg TV, CNBC, FOX Business and BNN. Craig holds a full membership to the Society of Technical Analysts and he is recognized as a Certified Financial Technician by the International Federation of Technical Analysts.

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Investors in a Trance as Stocks Shuffle Higher - MarketPulse - MarketPulse (blog)

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In a slot machine trance – Castanet.net

Posted: at 7:25 pm

Photo: Contributed

The Centre for Gambling Research at UBC has published a new study that connects slot-machine addiction to a trance like state.

The fast, continuous style of play during slot machines brings an immersed state in which players can escape form feelings of stress, boredom or low mood.

This confirms there is indeed a link between gambling addiction and the so-called slot machine zone, said Luke Clark, the study's senior author.

Clark said slot machines lead to reduced attention to the visual world.

Slot machines are one of the most popular forms of gambling worldwide, but they are also the form most consistently linked to gambling addiction, said Spencer Murch the lead on the study.

Researchers found that participants who were at a higher risk of problem gambling reported greater levels of immersion during playing slot machines.

Participants played for 30 minutes and were told to report if they felt as if they were in a trance or lost track of time while playing. Their heart rates were also measured when they were playing.

We found they not only felt that they lost track of time and their surroundings, but they often failed to notice the shapes on the periphery of the machine," said Clark.

The study can be used to help guide the development of campaigns promoting gambling treatment and those at risk of becoming addicted.

There is potential for slot machines to be designed in a way that promotes more responsible use by disrupting the slot machine zone state, said Clark.


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In a slot machine trance - Castanet.net

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Black Country driver tasered by police during diabetic trance after … – Halesowen News

Posted: at 7:25 pm

Black Country driver tasered by police during diabetic trance after losing control

POLICE tasered a Rowley Regis driver after he lost control of his car in Dudley in a diabetic trance.

Gareth Davies narrowly missed hitting workmen and a pedestrian whilst just avoiding a head on crash with a bus.

The 55-year-old later told police he was in "something like a dreamlike state" as he drove through traffic lights on red and clipped the kerb during the ten minute pursuit.

He admitted to the officers he was diabetic and he had been "feeling funny."

Geoffrey, Dann prosecuting, said: "The manner of his driving was entirely consistent with a hypoglycemic attack."

Wolverhampton Crown Court Recorder Jacqueline Carey told Davies, of Union Street, she had given serious consideration to sending him straight into custody because of his "seriously bad driving."

She added: "After hearing about you and your ill health I do not think it would be in the public interest to put you in prison immediately."

Davies admitted dangerous driving and he was given a 12 month jail term suspended for two years and disqualified from driving for two years.

Mr Dann said the manner of Davies' driving so alarmed another motorist that he called the police after seeing his Vauxhall Vectra veer along New Rowley Road, Dudley.

He said: "The car was travelling in an erratic manner and hitting the kerb."

"The man who was following the Vectra assumed its driver was either drunk or high on drugs."

Police then took up the chase and an officer told Davies to stop but he ignored the order and went through to more sets of lights on red around Castle Hill.

The chase finally ended when Davies was trapped in a cul-de-sac but he then had to be tasered before he could be detained.

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Black Country driver tasered by police during diabetic trance after ... - Halesowen News

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The upcoming cyberpunk shooter Static Sky calls out for alpha and beta testers – Pocket Gamer

Posted: at 7:25 pm


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The upcoming cyberpunk shooter Static Sky calls out for alpha and beta testers - Pocket Gamer

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Review of Price Trends: EDAP TMS SA (NASDAQ:EDAP) – Is stories

Posted: at 7:25 pm

EDAP TMS S.A.s (EDAP) witnessed a gain of 0.32% in recent trading period with closing price of $3.10. The companys last traded volume of 0.09 million shares as compared to its an average volume of 0.06 million shares.

The stocks price switched up -2.89% 20-Days Simple Moving Average, dropped -4.40% from 50-Days Simple Moving Average and fell -0.55% from 200 Days Simple Moving Average. The company has PEG ratio of 2.56.

In the profitability analysis, net profit margin of the firm was recorded at 27.90% and operating profit margin was calculated at 4.40% while gross profit margin was measured as 45.00%. Beta factor, which measures the riskiness of the security, was registered at 1.07.

The short ratio in the companys stock is documented at 8.37 and the short float is around of 3.74%. The average true range of the stock is observed at 0.12 and the relative strength index of the stock is recorded at 42.30.

Analyst recommendation for this stock stands at 2.00. The P/E ratio was recorded at 7.69.The volatility in the previous week has experienced by 2.94% and observed of 3.60% in the previous month. 8.10% ownership is held by institutional investors while Insiders hold ownership of 6.00%.

Looking about the past performance history, EDAP TMS S.A.s (EDAP) plunged -1.74% in past week and declined -5.78% in one month. During the past three month period the stock dropped -7.19% and increased 2.31% in past six month. During the twelve month it lost -16.44% and year to date performance of -5.49%.

In the trailing 12 months period, return on investment ratio was -1.20%. The stock as of last trading session moved 27.57% up from its 52 week low and was -35.42% behind its 52 week high.

EPS growth for this year is -207.10% and EPS growth for next year is expected to reach at -41.55%. EPS growth in past five years was 41.60% while EPS growth in next five years is projected to arrive at 3.00%. Sales growth past 5 years was measured at 6.30%.

In the liquidity ratio analysis; current ratio for time period was 2.80.

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Review of Price Trends: EDAP TMS SA (NASDAQ:EDAP) - Is stories

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CF group claims new data supports case for Orkambi approval – Irish Times

Posted: at 7:23 pm

CF Ireland says damage is being done to children with cystic fibrosis by the failure to authorise Kalydeco for those aged two to five years

New evidence has emerged to support the case for approving the groundbreaking cystic fibrosis drug Orkambi, Minister for Health Simon Harris has been told.

Newly-published data shows Orkambi, by preventing a worsening of the condition of patients, will save the health system even more than was previously estimated, according to Cystic Fibrosis Ireland.

The percentage of cystic fibrosis patients that stands to benefit from the drug is among the highest in the world, the patient group says in a letter to Mr Harris.

With the HSE due to make a final decision shortly on whether to reimburse the cost of the drug, CF Ireland has warned the Minister of a strong outcry if no agreement is reached with the manufacturer Vertex Pharmaceuticals.

Orkambi was estimated to cost 159,000 per patient per year when price talks began last year but CF Ireland says it understands there has been a considerable discount on the original list price since then.

This would indicate that the gap between what the HSE is reported to be willing to pay is not insurmountable, and with goodwill from both sides an agreement can be reached.

The group says new data published in the 2015 report of the independent CF Registry of Ireland shows the high proportion of cystic fibrosis patients in Ireland who suffer pulmonary exacerbations or deteriorations in their condition.

In 2015, 41.1 per cent of adults and 27.2 per cent of children with cystic fibrosis experienced at least one exacerbation. The average time spent by all cystic fibrosis patients on antibiotics was 35.7 days that year.

The data shows 56 per cent of Irish people with the disease has the gene alteration that is targeted by Orkambi. This compares with 50 per cent in the UK and 46 per cent in the US. Ireland continues to have the highest overall incidence of cystic fibrosis in the world.

The average lifespan of cystic fibrosis patients has increased from 13.4 years in the late 1980s to 27 years in 2014 and 30 years in 2015. The use of new and innovative drugs played a major role in this improvement, the letter says, adding: The last thing we would need now would be the denial of new and proven drugs that would retard potential and more rapid development.

CF Ireland also says damage is being done to young children with cystic fibrosis by the failure to authorise another drug, Kalydeco, for use by those aged two to five years.

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CF group claims new data supports case for Orkambi approval - Irish Times

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GridShare Targets Renewable Energy Crowdfunding under Reg CF, Plans International Expansion – Crowdfund Insider

Posted: at 7:23 pm

Gridshare is one of the newest Reg CF crowdfunding platforms to receive regulatory approval. While the number of Reg CF portals is growing, Gridshare is the first and only platform to target the specific vertical of renewable energy and Cleantech.

Originally launched as an accredited crowdfunding platform under Title II of the JOBS Act (Reg D 506(c)), GridShare wants to make investing in renewable energy projects accessible to a wider audience. Using Reg CF, any investor may help fund a solar or wind project typically alongside professional investors.

Founders Jack Jacobs and Jon Norling are leveraging their experience and contacts at Cleantech law partners to source promising deals and assure quality deal structure. They also intend to launch international offerings at some point in the near future.

GridShare has launched with several offerings includingEau Claire Solar, Floating Solar andGorge Windall three offering a debt investment under Reg CF.

Crowdfund Insider recently connected with Jacobs to better understand his vision for the future of GridShare and renewable energy crowdfunding. Our discussion is below.

Crowdfund Insider: Congratulations on receiving Reg CF approval. How long did the process take for you? And why did you decide to go with Reg CF?

Jack Jacobs: Thanks. Weve been refining the platform for a few years now, but the process for receiving approval from SEC and FINRA to operate as a Funding Portal was a 4-5 month process. We decided to focus on Reg CF in the United States because of the ability to reach ordinary, non-accredited investors using this exemption, which we believe offers issuers a relatively low-cost and easy method to access capital.

Crowdfund Insider:You previously launched as an accredited crowdfunding platform. Will you be doing side-by-side offers? (Reg D/Reg CF). Do you think the $1 million cap is sufficient for your issuers?

Jack Jacobs:At this point, we plan to focus on Reg CF offers in the United States and not plan to also offer Rule 506(c) or Regulation A+ Offerings.

Our affiliate, GridShare International, LLC, will be listing offerings in foreign jurisdictions that allow equity crowdfunding. With respect to the $1 million cap, we believe this is low, and support the $5 million cap proposed under the Fix Crowdfunding Act.

Because, however, most of the listings on GridSharesite will be project-specific offerings, and because issuers are typically combining the crowdfunding financing with other capital sources, such as tax equity investors or sponsor capital, we think the present cap of $1 million will allow us to continue to develop a robust deal pipeline.

Crowdfund Insider:Do you expect to see more debt offers on Gridshare?

Jack Jacobs:We absolutely do. The platform is really geared towards offerings of project-specific debt that is secured by assets. Also, because of the regulations related to tax credits and benefits for renewable energy, it is difficult to have crowd-based equity in the project companies. Therefore, secured debt financings will likely be the most common project-based offering on Gridshare. That being said, however, most issuers raising capital for venture Cleantech companies may seek to offer equity or debt that converts into equity.

Crowdfund Insider: How is deal flow? How are you sourcing issuers? And what types of Cleantech companies do you foresee listing on your platform?

Jack Jacobs:Deal flow is good! We have a ton of interest in the siteand are vetting numerous projects to determine which meet our rigorous listing standards.

Regarding sourcing, it has been a mix of organic (i.e., users posting their own projects) and us reaching our through our network to let people know about the capital raising opportunities on GridShare.

We expect to see a steady mix of project finance offerings and corporate offerings for clean technology companies.

Crowdfund Insider:Are there any tax exemptions issuers may take advantage of? What about for investors?

Jack Jacobs:While renewable energy and Cleantech companies are often eligible for tax benefits, GridShare was not designed as a site for tax-motivated investors. While our issuers structure their financings to maximize tax credits, at this point, the investors will receive monetary returns without additional tax benefits.

Crowdfund Insider: How did you decide to launch a platform for Clean Energy & CleanTech?

Jack Jacobs:We (myself and Jon Norling) are renewable energy develop and finance attorneys, and originally started the platform as a financing tool for our clients.

We started the platform soon after passage of the JOBS Act, when there was a need for lower cost of capital for renewable projects. By the time the SEC finally adopted the rules, however, lower cost capital was available to sponsors, but ordinary non-accredited investors were not able to participate in these investments. Thus, we decided to allow these ordinary investors to have access to the same type of project-finance investments available to institutional investors.

Crowdfund Insider: Any comments on how Reg CF could be improved for issuers? For investors?

Jack Jacobs:For issuers, it would be great if there was a broader array of entities able to serve as escrow agents for offerings, and if issuers could test the waters prior to committing to filing a Form C.

For investors, educating these folks is key to success of this market, and we hope the SEC and FINRA will continue their efforts to educate investors on what to look for when purchasing crowdfunded securities.

Crowdfund Insider: What are your expectations for platform growth for 2017?

Jack Jacobs:We anticipate steady growth in offerings and investments, and anticipate an increasing number of clean-technology offerings on the site. We expect that solar offerings will remain strong, but also hope to see other renewable technologies being listed as well.

Last, we think that our international division will grow significantly with the increasing interest in crowdfunding globally.

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GridShare Targets Renewable Energy Crowdfunding under Reg CF, Plans International Expansion - Crowdfund Insider

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CF Rayo Majadahonda 0-1 Real Madrid Castilla – Managing Madrid

Posted: at 7:23 pm

Castilla had finally gained a win in the last game against Fuenlabrada, miraculously putting them back into the playoff spots. This week, they travelled the short distance of 20 minutes from Valdebebas, to Rayo Majadahonda. Fede Valverde was back from injury along with Philipp Lienhart on the bench. Whilst Campuzano was interestingly left out of the squad, with Solari opting to rest him to avoid injury. With high-flying Campuzano away, finally Sergio Daz was finally going to get his chance back up top, right? Wrong. Solari started with a pretty standard 4-3-3, With Daz and Enzo out wide, partnering Nikos Vergos up top.

Castilla XI: Zidane, Achraf, Snchez, Hermoso, Quezada, Seoane, Febas, Muoz, Enzo(C), Vergos & Daz #RealMadridCastilla pic.twitter.com/w2S5NZco81

The game kicked off, and it was not enjoyable at all. Castilla weren't playing badly, and kept the ball well. Majadahonda did not look like punishing the defence much who were having a fine game. The problem was that nothing was really happening. There was no excitement at all. Javi Muoz was unable to run the game from midfield, Daz was predictably isolated out wide, and no one else looked like scoring a goal for Castilla. Achraf was the only bright spark in the first half, and was probably the best defensively, too! The best chance of the half fell to Daz, who missed an open goal from yards out due to a bobble. If he had any confidence in his striker-esque abilities, what must they be like now? The half dragged but luckily came to an end, and the score at the break was to nobody's shock, 0-0!

At half time it was Majadahonda making the changes, and the substitute hit the post with his first touches. Fede Valverde was brought on for his first game back, and immediately took control of the midfield. The game was still by no means fun to watch, as Tena replaced Muoz, and it seemed destined for a 0-0 draw. To try and avoid a draw, Solari brought in Cristian Cedrs for Enzo. Minutes later, a throw-in found it's was to Fede Valverde, who took a couple of touches before striking the ball goal-bound from distance. It whistled into the back of the net to put Castilla 1-0 up! A moment of brilliance to win an otherwise dull affair. The last 10 minutes were the best phase of the game, and both sides had chances. Luckily the Castilla defence held out for the win, pushing them up to third place in the league!

Man of the match went to Fede Valverde, for his short but sweet cameo, changing the game and in result handing Castilla the 3 points! It's great to see him back and Castilla have definitely missed him. Achraf also deserves a mention for a great game and Luca Zidane was strong in goal. Big game next week as Castilla host Toledo, who are desperate for a play off spot. Be sure to check it out here, and on my Twitter @CastillaStats for live coverage!

Goal: Valverde

Assist: -

MOTM: Valverde

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CF Rayo Majadahonda 0-1 Real Madrid Castilla - Managing Madrid

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