Daily Archives: February 19, 2017

Lego’s New Pirates of the Caribbean Ship Can Open Itself Up Like a Skeleton’s Ribcage – Gizmodo

Posted: February 19, 2017 at 11:42 am

Image Credit: Gizmodo/Andrew Liszewski

Pirates of the Caribbean 5's Super Bowl trailer gave us a look at an amazing ghost ship in the film, captained by Jacks new rival, the undead Captain Salazar. Now, Lego has revealed its turning the Salazars ghost ship into a humongous new modelone that can open itself up just like the one in the movie, which is totally freaky for a ship.

Revealed at New York Toy Fair this morning, the 2,200 piece Silent Mary set might just be one of the most bizarre ships Lego has ever made, either in their own traditional Pirate-themed lines or for Pirates of the Caribbean. The whole ship doesnt actually have a baseits hull is all decayed and lined like a skeletal rib cage, and floats in the air (through movie magic in the film, the Lego version has its own stands to support it, of course). Yahoo got some more pictures of the ship with its biggest action feature, however: the front half of the whole thing can tilt itself up like it does in the trailer.

It looks totally weird, and yet kind of awesome in Lego form. The detailing to get the grungy, decaying look of the whole thing is really well done.

When fully built, the Silent Mary is a beast of a vessel, even without the ability to contort itself in ways no other ship cancoming in at 26 inches from bow to stern, and 18 inches tall from bottom to the top of its tallest decrepit mast. Aside from the ship itself, the set comes with a small rowboat for the heroes to desperately sail away from the Mary in, and eight minifigures: Jack Sparrow, Henry, and Carina, and then villains Lieutenant Lesaro, Captain Salazar, Officer Magda, Officer Santos, and the Silent Mary Masthead itself. That last one feels like a bit of a cheat addition if you ask me, but overall, the ship itself is a really intriguing looking kit, even if its not a traditional pirate ship.

The Silent Mary will set you back $200 when it releases April 1.

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Lego's New Pirates of the Caribbean Ship Can Open Itself Up Like a Skeleton's Ribcage - Gizmodo

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Royal Caribbean cancels all cruise stops in Turkey in 2017 – Royal Caribbean Blog (blog)

Posted: at 11:42 am

Royal Caribbean Blog (blog)
Royal Caribbean cancels all cruise stops in Turkey in 2017
Royal Caribbean Blog (blog)
In a statement to travel agents, Royal Caribbean said that due to the current unpredictability of Turkey, and taking guests' and crew members' safety and wellbeing into account, Royal Caribbean has decided to replace our calls in Ephesus (Kusadasi ...

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Caribbean/American legislator dispels rumours about immigration sweep – Jamaica Observer

Posted: at 11:42 am

NEW YORK, United States (CMC) A Caribbean/American legislator has sought to dispel rumours about immigration sweeps at, among other places, a popular Caribbean department store and major hospital in Brooklyn.

New York City Council Member Jumaane Williams, the son of Grenadian immigrants, who represents the predominantly Caribbean 45th Council District in Brooklyn, said that he and his staffers have been following up on the many rumours, as we can.

Many of the rumours about immigration sweeps at Bobbys Department Store and the expansive Kings County Hospital in Brooklyn, among other places, are being circulated primarily on social media.

We have spoken to owners of the commuter van lines, as well as the management at Bobbys Department Store, and have confirmed that at this time there have not been general indiscriminate stops made by ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) agents over the past few days, said Williams, who is also deputy leader of the New York City Council.

There have, however, been incidents of people posing as immigration officials in efforts to scam people for money, he said, noting in addition, we remain in touch with the mayors office.

The best thing an understandably concerned community can do is be armed with accurate information. To that end, we ask everyone to make an effort to substantiate information before spreading as rumours. Unfortunately, the immigrant community has reason to be worried and should stay vigilant.

Williams has been among the Caribbean communitys most vocal critics of the Trumps administration immigration policies.

On January 25, Trump signed an executive order vastly expanding who is considered a priority for deportation, the New York Times said.

This has prompted further outrage from Caribbean/American legislators, who have called for a very strong stance against the new presidents immigration policies.

My office recommends: First, if you hear info about ICE activity, please continue to forward them to us, Williams said.

Second, if you should see activity you suspect are ICE actions, please send any concrete information that can safely and without interference be obtained.

You should also call your local precinct as they may be ICE impersonators looking to scam unsuspecting people, he added, stating that the New York Police Department [NYPD] is not currently working with immigration officials; and, as policy, does not randomly ask people about their immigration status.

Williams, however, said concerns about immigration checkpoints and raids, whether rumours or not, are evidence of the mass hysteria that has taken hold of communities across the country, because of Trump.

This administration, from day one, has done everything in its power to marginalize people, create a culture of fear, and divide Americans, he said.

The Presidents erratic behaviour only makes it more difficult for our communities, as evidenced by his recent announcement about the possibility of deploying 100,000 National Guard troops for immigration round ups, Williams added.

I stand with my New York City colleagues in government in standing against Trump on actions against our immigrant brothers and sisters.

On Friday, the White House denied reports of a plan to deploy as many as 100,000 National Guard troops as part of a nationwide deportation force that would help to augment federal agents and local authorities newly deputized to enforce Trumps immigration policies.

On Friday, ICE officials disclosed that criminal immigrants from Guyana and Jamaica were among 41 people arrested in the New York metropolitan area this month.

ICE said the offenses included 12 people with convictions for sex-related crimes, including three cases of rape and six involving offenses against children; nine with convictions for driving under the influence; three with robbery convictions; and two with convictions for distribution or sale of cocaine.

All of the convictions listed qualified as deportable offenses under the previous Obama administration.

On Friday, Caribbean Community (CARICOM) leaders expressed concern that Trumps immigration policies could result in a reduction of travel to the Caribbean.

We must obviously be concerned with the recent issue related to immigration, and the impact it will have on our citizens and on tourism, Grenadas Prime Minister Dr Keith Mitchell, told reporters at the conclusion of the two-day CARICOM summit in Guyana.


Caribbean/American legislator dispels rumours about immigration sweep - Jamaica Observer

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Caribbean air will send February temperatures soaring in Cornwall … – Cornwall Live

Posted: at 11:42 am


Tropical air from the Caribbean will set temperatures soaring over the next few days across Cornwall to around double the average temperature for February.

It's after an incredibly mild half term that's seen us reaching for the sunhats, grabbing the barbecues and heading for the beach in Cornwall.

Temperatures could peak at 16C nationally and up to 14C in Cornwall on Monday thanks to a jet stream moving up from the tropics which has dominated the past week and brought us mild, if a little cloudy, weather.

Read more: Nurdles pollution at record levels in Cornwall as 100,000 tiny plastic pellets found on one beach alone

Emma Salter, Met Office metereologist, said: "Nationally speaking, things are rather on the mild side with the temperatures peaking on Monday around 16 degrees. That's come from the tropics.

Read more: Culdrose Air Day cancelled because there are not enough Royal Navy staff around

"It might brighten up later today. The next few days will stay on the cloudy side so although it will be rather warm there will be dsome outbreaks of light rain. A lot of hill fog and sea fog around in the mornings.

"As for those temperatures in Cornwall, we can probably expect to see today 11 or 12C today and tomorrow and on Monday we're looking at 13C possibly 14 degrees in the south west. Monday is the peak mildest day but it will remain mild into Tuesday and Wednesday.

"Normally it would be 7 or 8C so it is a really mild for the time of year. It's originated over the caribeean Bahamas. The jet stream is quite far north at the moment. It's kept the UK on the warm side of the jet."

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Hefty 13ft tiger shark is a local record-breaker in the Bahamas – Earth Touch

Posted: at 11:41 am

The famed "tiger beach" on Grand Bahama has long been known for aggregations of its namesake shark, but the another island in the Bahamas archipelago, South Bimini,has been vying for some attention this week. Researchers there recently tagged and released a 13-foot (3.96m) record-breaker.

TheBimini Biological Field Station - Sharklab suspects thatthis gorgeous female is at least 20 years old, judging by size alone.To be clear, tiger sharks can get bigger than this they max out at around 20 feet (5.5m) but this individual is the largest the team has tagged in these waters.(For a bit of perspective, that boat measures 22 feet.)

And this isn't the first noteworthy appearance of late. "Not even two weeks ago we acoustically tagged a record male tiger shark (3.72m) ... two record sharks within this month!" the team wrote on Facebook.

Even for an experienced crew, handlingsuch a large animal can be challenging. Tiger sharks are less sensitive to stress than some of their kin (like hammerheads), but conducting each workup quickly and carefully is of upmost importance.

"This female tiger shark was so large that we struggled measuring her on the boat," the researchers said. "Luckily [principal investigator] Matt Smukallcame to the rescue, and measured the girth of the shark underwater, as you can see pictured."

The animal was fitted with a small acoustic tag, which will broadcast her whereabouts for years to come each time she cruises past one of the many receivers in the region.

We know that these cosmopolitan sharks inhabit tropical and sub-tropical waters worldwide, but researchers still want to learn more about the places these top predators regularly visit.Tags like this one can help us better understand how tiger sharks use critical habitat and more importantly, where that critical habitat is.

Some have speculated that the shark's large girth (close on sixfeet) indicates pregnancy, but Smukall and his team note that it's tough to say with certainty.

"It is very difficult to determine pregnancy without an ultrasound," he says. "For her size, she was had an average girth measurement. So if she was pregnant she was most likely not very far along in term."

Recent studies do suggest that at least parts of the Bahamas act as a nursery for tiger sharks, so thepossibility remains.

"Our data suggests that Tiger Beach may function as a refuge habitat for females to reach maturity as well as a gestation ground where pregnant females benefit from calm, warm waters year-round that help incubate the developing embryos and speed up gestation,"University of Miami shark biologist Dr Neil Hammerschlag told us last year.

At the time, he and his colleagues had justcaptured the first-ever tiger shark sonogram:

As you can see, tiger sharksproduce large litters but the pups are inefficient swimmers, and extremely vulnerable in the early stages of life. Learning where these threatened animals go to breed is a crucial step in better protecting future generations.

"The entire Sharklab was ecstatic to catch such a large shark," saysSmukall. "The Bahamas is far ahead of most other countries and has protected sharks within its waters. One major concern is that large sharks like this will frequently travel outside of the protected waters of the Bahamas and are [then] susceptible to fisheries."

Pregnant or not, the presence of this shark is a welcome one. Like othertop predators, these animals play a key part ina balanced ecosystem. Spotting such a healthy female is good news, and we're happy to report she was released without any trouble.

Was this Bimini behemoth headed for the gestation grounds off Tiger Beach? Are tiger sharks using the waters around Bimini in similar ways? With any luck, we'll soon find out.


Topheader image: Shutterstock

Sarah Keartes is Earth Touch's resident 'queen of nerdery'. A self-proclaimed Attenborough wannabe with a serious shark addiction, she is likely to be spotted performing dissections and wielding lightsabers ... sometimes simultaneously. Find her on Twitter @sarahkeartes VIEW more from this CONTRIBUTOR

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Hefty 13ft tiger shark is a local record-breaker in the Bahamas - Earth Touch

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Hendrix students travel to Bahamas for mission trip – Log Cabin Democrat

Posted: at 11:41 am

A group of Hendrix College students spent part of their winter break on a mission trip to Eleuthera Island in the Bahamas.

Associate Vice President for Development Wayne Clark, who accompanied the ten students, said they partnered with One Eleuthera Foundation. He said the group spent time working in a garden and recycling center, conducted breast cancer awareness surveys, taught in local schools, assisted with plumbing work and conducted research to help start a junior college.

Clark said hes been at Hendrix College for 22 years and every year the school takes a mission trip.

He said around 15 years ago, the school started making the trips more affordable to students and numbers went up. Since then, the college has committed that those mission trips are such a good idea that costs have remained low enough for students to go.

Clark said they feel strongly that these trips are providing multiple benefits to students including the impact they have.

While they have been criticized for spending money on the trip instead of sending the finances straight to the nonprofit, he said what cant be measured is the change in the students when they realize their love and desire to serve.

Its those kind of things you cant measure, Clark said.

Hendrix has worked with the Eleuthera Foundation for more than 15 years and five mission trips have traveled to the island.

Clark said the teams dont go there to teach the people how to do something the right way, but they are there to learn from the residents and their way of life while serving and helping them with whatever they need.

We feel like its building bridges and building relationships and learning from other cultures and other people, he said. [Eleuthera Foundation is] such a great nonprofit that practices that same philosophy.

Clark said the students did a great job and were challenged in multiple ways.

Theres emotional things you deal with and theres physical stuff you go through, he said.

Clark said he often has students who are impacted so much that they return for a longer time frame to serve, which is inspiring to him. He said he loves getting to be a part of that.

You see that growth all the ways peoples eyes are opened, Clark said.

The ten students who participated in the trip were Ethny Ashcraft, Katie Bell, Graydon Carter, Isabella Crang, Miracline Ebijoyeldhas, Andrew Fleming, Mackenzie Gearin, Amanda Jimerson, Claire Nissen and Melissa Sorby.

The Miller Center trip has helped me form meaningful relationships with my Hendrix peers and the community members of Eleuthera, Ebijoyeldhas said. This trip has opened my eyes to the needs of communities other than my own and my potential role in serving those needs I hope to take the kindness and compassion the people of Eleuthera have showed me back to our Hendrix home.

Through the trip, Jimerson said she learned about the importance of starting conversations with just the intent of listening.

I have learned that we all have something to gain from one another, even if just through sharing experiences and ideas, she said.

After traveling with Hendrix on more than 20 mission trips, Clark said he learns something new about himself each time.

He said hes learned a lot about people society often dismisses.

I look at people different now, Clark said. Ive had some pretty great experiences.

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Hendrix students travel to Bahamas for mission trip - Log Cabin Democrat

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Emas Offshore requests deadline extension to refinancing talks – THE BUSINESS TIMES

Posted: at 11:41 am

EMAS Offshore Limited, a subsidiary of Ezra Holdings, is still in the process of negotiating and finalising the details of its refinancing agreement with its lenders.

In an update on the Singapore Exchange late on Friday night, the offshore support vessel firm said it has requested its lenders to extend the time for finalising the definitive agreements to 60 days from Feb 10, 2017.

The group had in December said it had signed a term sheet with all its lenders to refinance its financial obligations over a period of five years from Dec 12, 2016; this was subject to documentation and conditions set out in definitive agreements entered into between the various parties within 60 days from Dec 12.

The group, which is also listed on the Oslo bourse, said it will make further announcements when the definitive agreements are entered into, or when there are material developments on these ongoing initiatives.

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Offshore Yuan Exposed to Onshore Risks as Spread Narrows – DailyFX

Posted: at 11:41 am

Fundamental Forecast for the Yuan:Neutral

The USD/CNH set a higher low this week than the previous two weeks. The onshore Yuan, on the other hand, remained within a tight range for the third consecutive week. The two Dollar/Yuan pairs have been driven by different themes of recent: The Dollars strength weighted more on the offshore pair, while the onshore Yuan eyed more on moves from Chinas Central Bank. As the spread between the offshore Yuan and the PBOCs guided level narrows, this segregation could be eased over the following periods.

In terms of the offshore pair, the odds and timing of the U.S. Federal Reserve raising rates, as well as expectations on U.S. President Trumps tax cuts plan have been primary drivers to its trend and this likely continue to be the case. Fed Chair Yellens two-day testimony added mixed moves to Dollar pairs, including the USD/CNH. Next week, the U.S. economic calendar is dotted with housing and labor gauges, which are expected to add volatility to Dollar pairs.

On Chinas side, event risks would be low amid a light calendar; the major focus will be on Chinas Central Bank. The top policymaker has been reducing excessive Yuan liquidity since the Lunar New Year, targeting at bring monetary policy back to normal from slightly loose. However, this tweaked credit strategy did not bring much impact to the offshore Yuan over the past few weeks. Normally, a tighter policy would send the countys currency higher. Lets take a look first at why it did not work, as this may help us find out when it will.

The PBOC has been using open market operations as well as lending facilities to withdraw excessive cash from the financial market. Suspending and resuming liquidity injections through reverse repos and increasing target lending rates aim to delicately adjust liquidity to desirable levels. These moves are different from a hike in reserve requirement ratio which will have a long-lasting effect to the economy and in turn a greater impact to the Yuan.

More importantly, the offshore Yuan was already stronger than the guided level set by the PBOC. Since early January, the offshore Yuan has been both above the onshore Yuan and the Yuan fix (except during the Lunar New Year) until this week. This means that from the regulator point of view, the offshore Yuan might have been already overvalued.

However, as the spread between the offshore Yuan and the Yuan fix narrows, this could be changed. The PBOC has strengthened the Yuan fix for four consecutive days this past week. On Wednesday, the offshore Yuan dipped below the PBOCs guided level, the first time in two weeks. As of 1:40pm EST, the reversed spread has expanded to 50 pips. Traders will want to keep a close eye on the PBOCs guidance next week. If the policymaker continues to recognize levels of the offshore Yuan, the link between the onshore and offshore markets could strengthen again, and onshore policies may weigh more on the offshore pair.

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It will be business as usual for offshore casinos in Goa – The Indian Express

Posted: at 11:41 am

By: PTI | Panaji | Published:February 19, 2017 7:29 pm (Source: File/Representational image)

It will be business as usual for the offshore casino vessels in Goa as they are situated beyond the 500 meters criteria decided by the Supreme Court while banning sale of liquor along the national and state highways. The Goa Excise Department, which is currently mapping the liquor outlets along the highways, said that casinos in river Mandovi are 800 metres away from the bridge on the national highway.

The Supreme Court in its recent order has banned sale of liquor within 500 meters of the state and national highway. If any casino vessel is within 500 metres of the bridge we will not renew their licence. But as per Google Map, they are 800 metres away from the bridge on national highway, State Excise Commissioner Menino DSouza told PTI.

The excise department has started the process to implement the order stating that all those covered by the Apex Court directives will not have their licences renewed after March 31, 2017. River Mandovi is home for four off-shore casino vessels which are approachable from the road crossing through Panaji city.

While it is a relief for casino vessels, the cruise boats ferrying tourists will be impacted by the SC order. The boat cruises are located within 500 meters of the national highway no 17. Right now we have to go as per the law and licenses will not be renewed after March 31, the official said.

There are four boat cruises operating in Mandovi and the sunset cruises are permitted to serve liquor on board by the Excise department.

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In Dramatic High Seas Rescue, Four Fishermen Rescued By Good Samaritans Off Galveston, Texas, Coast – Patch.com

Posted: at 11:40 am

In Dramatic High Seas Rescue, Four Fishermen Rescued By Good Samaritans Off Galveston, Texas, Coast
GALVESTON, TX A dramatic rescue on the high seas occurred Friday afternoon off the coast of Galveston, when four people floating along a life raft were rescued in the Gulf of Mexico by a pair of Good Samaritans. The four men are alive today thanks ...

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In Dramatic High Seas Rescue, Four Fishermen Rescued By Good Samaritans Off Galveston, Texas, Coast - Patch.com

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