Daily Archives: February 17, 2017

Fired Ascension deputy arrested nearly a week after ex-girlfriend’s arrest in domestic dispute – The Advocate

Posted: February 17, 2017 at 1:34 am

GONZALES Ascension Parish Sheriff Jeff Wiley fired Deputy James Atkins II on Tuesday just hours before Gonzales Police arrested him over a domestic incident with his former girlfriend from nearly a week earlier.

Officers arrested Atkins, 34, 910 Janice Ave., Gonzales, on one count of simple battery alleged to have happened at his home Feb. 8, city police said.

James Atkins II, a former Ascension Parish Sheriffs deputy, was arrested Tuesday on a count

The termination and arrest are a major turnabout for Atkins, who had been with the Sheriff's Office more than seven years, was shot in the hand during a traffic stop in early 2015 and had only recently returned to full-time status after several surgeries.


DONALDSONVILLE The man accused of shooting an Ascension Parish sheriffs deputy in the han

Wiley said the domestic dispute prompted a standard internal investigation and led deputies to uncover other activities that were not crimes but showed Atkins "was not on task while on duty for extended periods of time."

"Some of the information we found, related to, but not directly, to the battery at the house, concerned us enough that we terminated him," Wiley said Thursday.

Wiley offered no additional specifics.

Atkins' arrest also came after Gonzales officers arrested the former girlfriend first, on the day of the Feb. 8 dispute, and had let Atkins remain free for several days.

Capricia Powe, 35, of Donaldsonville, was booked on counts of disturbing the peace and simple criminal damage to property and was released from Ascension Parish Prison a little more than two hours later on her own recognizance.

When asked why Atkins was not also arrested on Feb. 8, as can happen in domestic cases to offer a cooling down period, Gonzales Police Detective Sgt. Steven Nethken said what officers ended up uncovering in the incident is not how it was initially reported to them.

In addition, Atkins and Powe do not live together and Powe had left Atkins' home, lessening the need for a cooling off period, Nethken said.

Atkins had called city officers to his home on Feb. 8, accusing Powe of swinging a dumbbell at his car several times and damaging his vehicle, Nethken said.

At the time, Nethken added, Powe already had left Atkins' home and officers were not able to get her story but they saw the damage to Atkins' car and arrested her.

The next day, Powe went to city police to try to bring charges against Atkins,Nethken said, but officers at that point had to investigate the allegations Powe had made against Atkins.

By Monday, Powe told reporters standing outside the Parish Courthouse in Gonzales on a separate legal matter that she was having a hard time finding a local agency to bring charges against Atkins, who had bruised her arm.

Three young children were with her at the time, she said, showing reporters her bruised left arm.

Contacted about Powe's claims, Nethken said officers were continuing to investigate the Feb. 8 incident and hoped to make an arrest of Atkins, which happened Tuesday afternoon.

Atkins was released from Ascension Parish Prison on his own recognizance about an hour after being booked Tuesday evening.

Follow David J. Mitchell on Twitter, @NewsieDave.

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Fired Ascension deputy arrested nearly a week after ex-girlfriend's arrest in domestic dispute - The Advocate

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New Vampire: The Masquerade and Mage: The Ascension games show White Wolf, World of Darkness are officially out … – VG247

Posted: at 1:34 am

Thursday, 16 February 2017 22:56 GMT By Brenna Hillier

Two new World of Darkness games out right now within a month of Werewolf: The Apocalypses announce? Every 90s kid RPG nerd in the building is getting misty-eyed.

Vampire: The Masquerade is a brand legendary among video games for classic, broken Troika RPG Bloodlines, but for those whose hobbies include tabletop gaming its only the tip of the iceberg.

World of Darkness, the huge family of pen-and-paper RPGS to which Vampire: The Masquerade belongs, is back in action all of sudden and a bunch of us nerds are falling over ourselves in excitement as a result.

Todays update is the release of two new World of Darkness games. Vampire: Prelude (thats its app name; the full title its Vampire The Masquerade: We Eat Blood and All Our Friends Are Dead) and Mage the Ascension: Refuge are both described as interactive fiction, and are presented in messaging format, suggesting World of Darkness has fully embraced the modern technological era.

You can buy these two games individually on both Google Play and the App Store, or grab them bundled as World of Darkness Preludes: Vampire and Mage on Steam. You can do it right now.

The two new releases follow on from the announcement of Werewolf: The Apocalypse, a game which seems to be as much about punching nazis as anything else, after more than a decade without a single World of Darkness video game release.

This is presumably all thanks to Paradox Interactives acquisition of World of Darkness studio White Wolf after CCP gave up on its eight year attempt to build a World of Darkness MMO.

Its all really happening, pals. World of Darkness video games are coming out. Before you know it well be painting our fingernails black again.

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New Vampire: The Masquerade and Mage: The Ascension games show White Wolf, World of Darkness are officially out ... - VG247

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Master icon painters share their unique craft at Holy Ascension – Moultrie News

Posted: at 1:34 am

World-renowned iconographers were in Mount Pleasant this week to teach a 10-day workshop on Icon Painting at Holy Ascension Church in I'On. Anton and Ekaterina Daineko were here teaching the course and painting daily with a class of 10 students who traveled from around the country to participate under their tutelage.

Over the course of the class, the students completed a gilded icon of St. Nicholas.

The two artists are a married couple from Minsk, Belarus. Last summer they hosted a class in Vermont that Mount Pleasant resident and Holy Ascension parishioner Dee Rhodes attended, and she extended an invitation for the couple to travel to Charleston to present their class here.

Their journey to becoming Master Iconographers was intense and competitive. While studying at the same State Academy of Art, the couple did not even meet until a trip to Moscow. Anton was already seen as a virtuoso and one of the best drawing students, working with a stipend from the president. They discovered common interests, which included iconography, and their relationship grew, eventually getting married in 1999 and forming a close working partnership.

They have worked together for 20 years, the first 10 in the icon studio at the newly built St. Elizabeth Convent in Minsk, the last 10 years on their own.

The fall of the Soviet Union left a huge empty desert, making it difficult to find books or material on iconography, though icons could still be found in museums. And while the artistic passion came naturally, the skill was perfected over hours and days and months of practice.

Ekaterina said, "I am honored to be teaching in such an authentic orthodox place as Holy Ascension."

A sampling of the works of master iconographer Anton Daineko.

And while 10 full days of study is rigorous, it is essential to show participants each and every step as thoroughly as possible.

"It's essentially an initial overview and why each step is necessary,"Ekaterina said.

"Anton and Ekaterina come to teach iconography (the painting of Holy Images) at Holy Ascension to continue the living tradition of the Christian belief in the Incarnation that God became man, took flesh, and come to save the world," said Father John Parker, of Holy Ascension."In John 3:16, that famous verse, we remember, 'for God so loved the world, that He gave his only-begotten Son, so that whosoever believes in Him, should not perish, but have eternal life.' When St. John says 'world', he could have said, 'ecumene,' meaning the inhabitants - people of the world. But he said instead, 'God so loved the kosmos' - the whole created universe, that He sent His Son. The incarnation of God in the flesh - the birth and life of Jesus - is the supreme act of God to save all of creation," he said.

"The Icon is one portion of that act. First it is an image of Jesus, who, according to the Bible, is 'the image of the invisible God.' But the act of making an icon redeems fallen creation: trees from the fallen world are made into a board. Gauze made from plants is glued with rabbit-skin glue to that board and covered with plaster ground from stones. Paints are made by grinding stone into pigments, and mixed with egg yolks for egg-tempera. And the image is painted from dark to light, to show the saving of the world from darkness by Jesus, the light of the world."

It takes a minimum of a month to create the icon board, which is considered an art in and of itself. They are handmade and any flaw can ruin an icon.

The ancient technology of grinding the stone and mineral and adding egg yolk as a mediumfor color is a preservation technique that will allow the icon to last for several hundred years. It takes several months to complete the icon.

It is an intricate process that brings forth the faith of the Orthodox religion through this traditional art form. And as Jonathan Pageau of the Orthodox Arts Journal wrote in July 2016 about the couple, "their imagery remains firmly grounded in iconographic principles and canon."

"It is hard to express. You cannot describe the art in words and what you are feeling when you are doing it because words are not enough,"Ekaterina said. "The image of God is one's own vision."

However, with an Icon there are limitations because they are used with the purpose of Orthodox worship. There is a responsibility to create with meaningful purpose and spiritual reverence.

With an Icon there are limitations because they are used with the purpose of Orthodox worship. There is a responsibility to create with meaningful purpose and spiritual reverence.

Some ask: Arent icons idols? Father Parker responded this way, "Christian worship is, from Isaiah 6 and Revelation 4, through early church history, and to the present day, a participation in the eternal worship of God in Heaven.

"From the very early centuries, churches were adorned with frescos and panel icons depicting Jesus, his mother, and the saints to give visual word to that reality described in the letter to the Hebrews, 'since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us run, therefore, the race set before us.' Anton and Ekaterina teach an ancient art that contributes directly to the beauty of the worship of God, a portion of heaven that we experience on Earth."

"One of the gifts that God has given to us at Holy Ascension, is an array of very talented artists and craftsmen - those who have designed and built and adorned our church to be a meeting of heaven and Earth. This master class was an opportunity to share that gift."

Visit the Dainekos'website, ikona-skiniya.com to learn more about them and their work. For more information on future workshops, contact Dee Rhodes at deerhodes@me.com.

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Master icon painters share their unique craft at Holy Ascension - Moultrie News

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Space Exploration: Could A Habitable Planet Feature A Habitable Moon? – Forbes

Posted: at 1:34 am

Space Exploration: Could A Habitable Planet Feature A Habitable Moon?
Could a habitable planet feature a habitable moon? originally appeared on Quora: the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world. Answer by Dave Consiglio, Chemistry and Physics High ...

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Space Exploration: Could A Habitable Planet Feature A Habitable Moon? - Forbes

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Congress is told, again, that NASA’s exploration plans aren’t sustainable – Ars Technica

Posted: at 1:34 am

Enlarge / Hon. Harrison Schmitt, US Rep. Brian Babin, Lt. Gen. Thomas Stafford, and Tom Young pose for a photo on Tuesday.

House Science Committee

Congress loves to set grand goals for NASA. During a full committee hearingThursday, one member of the House Science Committee said the agency should send humans to Mars in 2033. Another member upped the ante and said 2032. Andanother member later said he hoped to hear that NASA could even do itduring the 2020s.

It was almost as if none of these US representatives had been listening to the expert panel called to testify on NASA's past, present, and future exploration plans. While the panel, including two former Apollo astronauts, generally agreed that NASA was on the right track with its Space Launch System rocket and Orion spacecraft, the majority felt like the agency simply didn't have enough resources to complete a compelling exploration plan. That is, NASA might have some of the right tools to launch and fly to destinations in deep space, butit doesn't have the resources to actually land on the Moon, to build a base there, or to fly humans to the surface of Mars for a brief visit.

One of the panel members, Tom Young, a past director of Goddard Spaceflight Center, said the space agency's budget is "clearly inadequate for a credible human exploration program." He said hard choices would have to be made within NASA's existing budget to actually get things done. If NASA were to continue on its present course, Youngsaid, Congress will call a similar hearing ten years from now and lament the lack of progress toward any goal. "You'll all be saying what a disappointing decade we've had."

NASA's annual budgetis about $19 billion. Slightly less than half of that is spent on human spaceflight. About $5 billion goes toward the International Space Station, including development and operations of cargo and crew missions to the laboratory. Additionally, NASA spends another $4 billion on exploration, primarily the development of its Space Launch System rocket and Orion spacecraft.

Tom Stafford, a four-time astronaut who commanded the Apollo 10 mission, testified that at present NASA only "talks" about going to Mars, rather than taking concrete steps to get there. While he praised the SLS rocket for its heavy lift capacity, he criticized a level of funding for NASA that allowed the agency to only fly it once every few years. "We certainly need the SLS, but equally we need a space program designed to make good use of it," Staffordsaid.

What would constitute a budget that makes good use of the SLS rocket? In his remarks, Harrison Schmitt, a veteran of the Apollo 17 mission to the lunar surface, said that instead of the roughly $9 billion NASA now spends on human spaceflight, it needs more than double that$20 billion annuallyfor a meaningfulhuman exploration program. As part of a plan that includes private investment, Schmitt sketched out a timeline that included lunar landings in 2025, lunar settlement in 2030, lunar mining in the 2030s, and a Mars landing in 2040. "Ifyou decide youre going to have a deep space human spaceflight program, that needs to be the focus," he said.

Most of the participants agreed that if NASA was serious about sending humans into deep space, into lunar orbit or beyond, it needed to end its financial commitment to the International Space Station as soon as possible and apply those funds toward deep space exploration. The agency is committed to supporting the station through 2024, though it has begun tentatively exploring the possibility of handing off control of its part of the station to private investors.

What was not articulated during Thursday's hearing was an alternative to NASA's proposed means of exploring deep space. By using the SLS rocket and Orion spacecraft, the agency is falling back upon an architecture it employed during the 1960s to explore the Moon. It is a tried and true means of spaceflight, but it is also likely the most costly route and perhaps not the most prudent one in an era of tightening budgets and newer technologies.

But it isnot the only pathway to deep space today. Two private companies, SpaceX and Blue Origin, are developing heavy lift rockets that may be mostly reusable, which could shave significant costs from any lunar exploration program. Another company, United Launch Alliance, is developing an in-space transportation system between Earth and the Moon built around a reusable upper stage known as ACES.

But Thursday's hearing paid no attention to these ideas. It included three Apollo-era figures who were familiar with the older exploration architecture as well as NASA's former chief scientist, Ellen Stofan, who largely served to defend the agency's Earth Sciences programs. At the outset, the House Science Committee's chairman, Lamar Smith, said of the hearing's purpose that, "Presidential transitions offer the opportunities to reinvigorate national goals. They bring fresh perspectives and new ideas that energize our efforts." By the end of the hearing, however, it wasn't clear whether any fresh perspectives or new ideas had actually been brought forth.

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Congress is told, again, that NASA's exploration plans aren't sustainable - Ars Technica

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China’s nuke BLITZ on the US: ’12 Million’ to die on dawn of WW3 – Daily Star

Posted: at 1:33 am

NUCLEAR war between the US and China would turn the West Coast of America into an uninhabitable wasteland killing at least 12 million people.

Tensions are broiling between the US and China as relations plunge over the South China Sea and a potential trade war.

US President Donald Trump and Chinese premier Xi Jinping shared their first phone-call this week, but there fears remain as military forces flood into the Pacific.

Daily Star Online can now reveal the chilling reality of the US and China clashing in World War 3.

An inside view of the Chinese military over 120 years.

1 / 25

One JIN nuclear submarine could cause the destruction of five million to 12 million people

Cities such as Los Angeles, Seattle and San Diego have all been chillingly identified as potential targets by Chinas state mouthpiece.

A report to the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission (USCC) reveals details of the Chinese nuclear plan published in state-run newspaper the Global Times.

The column identifies soft targets along the West Coast as the prime strike points for a nuclear attack from China should war flare with the US.


Los Angeles, Seattle, San Francisco and San Diego are all identified by name as potential targets for Beijings nuclear missiles with a death toll identified of 12 million.

It was published to coincide China first unveiled their Jin class submarine known for its distinctive hump which hides an arsenal of 12 nukes.

China last year dispatched their nuclear deterrent submarines into the Pacific for the first time as tensions flared with the US.



The JIN submarine is believed to have enough range to attack the US from the well-defend waters around China.

Chinese military commanders plan to use the JIN as a second strike vessel designed to hit back should a preemptive attack be launched on China.

Each vessel carries 12 JL-2 missiles which carry warheads with blast yield of up to 1,000 kilotons each 66 times more powerful than the bomb dropped on Nagasaki by the US to end World War 2.



Chilling maps in Global Times show as many as five nuclear weapons could be dropped on Los Angeles on the dawn of war.

It said: One JIN nuclear submarine could cause the destruction of five million to 12 million people, forming a very clear deterrent effect.

There is not a dense population in the United States midwest region, so to increase the destructive effect, the main soft targets for nuclear destruction in the United States will be the main cities on the west coast, such as Seattle, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and San Diego.


The USCC warned congress about the dangers posed by the Jin in their annual 2016 report seen by Daily Star Online.

It said: The Jins JL2 submarine-launched ballistic missile is armed with a nuclear warhead with an assessed range of 4,474 mi far enough to strike the continental United States depending on the location of the launch.

War fears have peaked as the Peoples Liberation army published statement saying conflict between the US and China is now a practical reality.

The USCC's conclusion: "Despite cooperation on several areas of mutual interest and the continued expansion of security ties, U.S.-China relations over the past year continued to be strained."

We live in turbulent times. Trump has the keys to nuclear weapons, and could end work to prevent climate change. Putin is looming in the East, the far-right are on the rise in Europe and Kim Jong-un is developing nuclear weapons of his own. Is this the END of days?

1 / 13

Before his inauguration, Donald Trump asked a security expert three times during a briefing, why the US couldn't use nuclear weapons after he becomes president.

US Navy commanders have warned China is preparing for war on the US as satellite imagery revealed preparations for a preemptive strike on bases in the Pacific.

China has repeatedly slammed new US President Donald Trump as being inexperienced and warned him over provoking the Asia-Pacific powerhouse.

Trumps righthand man Steve Bannon predicted war with China over the South China Sea in five to ten years.

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China's nuke BLITZ on the US: '12 Million' to die on dawn of WW3 - Daily Star

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A Revolution in the Science of Psychedelics and Treating PTSD – 303 Magazine

Posted: at 1:32 am

No longer is the psychedelic revolution represented by tie dye shirts and free loving spirits. Psychedelic activism has been on the minds of many people since its boom in the 1960s; however, now more than ever, people are stepping up and really studying the possibilities that these drugs may actually be used as medicines. This can most notably be seen with the growing acceptance of medical marijuana in our culture.That being said, it is going to be a lot more difficult for the public to understand psychedelics medicinal role.

The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) is a non-profit research and group that both advocate and do research on psychedelic substances and their potential to be used in psychotherapy. The work being done by MAPS has inspired groups all over the country to join in on the fight for psychedelics and they have worked very closely with some of the groups in the Denver and Boulder Area.Founded in 1986, the organization has come a substantially long way in its research and they are now working with several different human studies to look at the effective combination of psychedelic drugs and psychotherapy. NowMAPS has psychotherapy assisted studies with medical marijuana, LSD, Ibogaine, Ayuascha and MDMA.The major medical applications for these substances include helping treat illnesses like PTSD, cluster headaches, severe anxiety and depression.

PBS recently released a news piece entitled, Why psychedelic drugs are having a medical renaissance. The piece examines the recent work being done between psychedelics and psychotherapy to help treat extreme anxiety and PTSD. One study examined in the article found people with sever anxiety or depression were 60 to 80 percent felt better immediately after the experience and for as long as six months after.

So with all of this new research being done, who are the psychedelic activist in our community? Organizations like Medicinal Mindfulness and Psychedelic Club both take on similar missions as MAPS and work tirelessly for the avocation and possible regulation of psychedelic medicines. The goal isto break the stigma that has been placed around these substances and open engaging conversations about their safe use. Medicinal Mindfulness is very active within the Boulder community and holds many different workshops and events.

Dennis McKenna speaking at the Psychedelic Shine event in Boulder on Feb, 2017.

One of the most interesting of these workshops isa community breath work event called Conscious Cannabis Circles. Not only are they helping spread accurate information to the community, but they are also working within the community to facilitate actual psychedelic experiences. Using a combination of cannabis satvia, some skillful breath work, the correct set and setting, and the help of their cannabis facilitators, Medicinal Mindfulness cites that it can create a Dmt-like experience for participants who sign up for their Conscious Cannabis events. Everything is completely legal under Colorados state laws and this not only can be done at their community events, but also at your own personal home at request.

Not only do they facilitate these actual psychedelic experiences, but Medicinal Mindfulness also hosts a huge informational conference on psychedelics. Co-hosted by Psychedelic Club, the extremely informational event was called Psychedelic Shine, a live speaker event that took place on February 12, 2017. The all-day event included live music, art vendors, psychedelic book vendors, anda lecture by legendary psychedelic activist Dennis Mckenna. The night ended with a powerful live community breathwork session. The conference as a whole was an awesome display of great information being spread to an interested and engaged crowd of nearly 500 people.

Prior to the event, 303 had the opportunity to speak with Daniel McQueen, the Executive Director of Medicinal Mindfulness and a psychedelic cannabis facilitator in Boulder. Speaking on why he chose Boulder as a home base for his organization, McQueen said, I got my degree fromNaropa Universityso thats why I moved here. But Colorado in general is awesome, its legal with retail cannabis, so Colorado [is]a great place for us to do our work.

Speaking bit more on the subject of Cannabis, McQueen was quick to acknowledge the subtle gap between cannabis culture and psychedelic culture. Bridging that gap from the recreational cannabis user, to the person who uses cannabis for psychedelic purposes is a huge in shifting the community perception. McQueen believes people have deep healing experiences on cannabis and is working tirelessly to help introduce this idea to the Boulder community. He cites the recent legalization of cannabis has a catalyst for opening up peoples minds to other possibilities with cannabis and helping bridge the gap towards other psychedelic medicines. Since starting Psychedelics Shine and promoting local psychedelic culture, the community has grown immensely over the years and is continuing to spread.

Founder of Medicinal Mindfulness, Daniel McQueen, speaking at the Psychedelic Shine in Boulder.

The Psychedelic Club of Denverwas founded in July of 2016 but has been a national organization for much longer than that. The Denver chapter is a growing group of activists within the 303 area, but there is also an even larger branch in Boulder. Speaking with a few of the founders of the Psychedelic club of Denver, they all agreed events like Psychedelic Shinewill help aid in Psychedelic clubs ultimate mission. Founder Tyler Williams explained their mission, stating it is to to raise awareness about the truth of psychedelics as well as create a safe space for everyone to integrate their experiences. A couple specific goals would be to create criminal justice reform, creating a community around the discussion of psychedelics, and spreading more info on harm reduction.

This event was a fantastic example of the scholarly event that can characterize this new psychedelic revolution. Instead of raving hippies dancing about and screaming of revolution, these are scientists and intellectuals working on the due diligence required to help bring about lastingchange. With all of this new information being foundand more people than ever actually doing research with these medicines, the time may be closer than ever for a true psychedelic revolution.

The momentum is on the side of the activist, its now up to science to continue on helping prove that these substances are not only safe to use, but also can be a great aid in helping fight a number of emotional and psychological ailments.

Photography by Meg ONeill.

Dennis McKenna speaking at the Psychedelic Shine event in Boulder on Feb 12, 2017.

303 MagazineBoulderBoulder Theatercannabis healingconscious cannabis circlesDaniel MCQueenDennis MckennaIbogaineJosh CowdenlsdmapsMDMAMedcinal MindfulnessPsychedelic clubPsychedelic ShinepsychotherapyPTSD treatment

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Mind, Supermind Series Features Psychedelic Explorer – Noozhawk

Posted: at 1:32 am

Posted on February 16, 2017 | 9:00 a.m.

Psychologist and psychedelic explorer James Fadiman will discuss New Paradigms and New Tools for the Mind at the Feb. 27 Mind & Supermind lecture presented by SBCC Center for Lifelong Learning (CLL).

Fadiman will talk about new ways in which the mind can be expanded through different interpretations of the human psyche and current studies using micro-dosing psychedelic substances.

Fadimans work has been referenced in national and international press including The New York Times, NPR, UK, Rolling Stone, Marie Claire, Associated Press, Inc., and The New Yorker. The CLL Mind & Supermind series has been one of our most popular community events for 35 years, said Andy Harper, CLL executive director.

We look forward to Dr. Fadimans lecture to expand our students awareness and knowledge of psychedelic research and transpersonal psychology, he said. Fadiman will explore two emerging understandings. The first displaces the old single-self assumption and suggests a healthy personality is actually composed of multiple selves. The second displaces the idea that effects of psychedelics can be disturbing and overwhelming.

The approach of using micro-doses allows researchers to discover unanticipated beneficial uses of psychedelics including healing depression, anxiety and menstrual pain, as well as enhancing learning and creativity. Fadiman did his undergraduate work at Harvard University and his graduate work at Stanford, doing research with the Harvard Group, the West Coast Research Group in Menlo Park, and Ken Kesey.

A former president of the Institute of Noetic Sciences and a professor of psychology, he teaches at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology (now Sofia University), which he helped found in 1975. He is the author of several books and textbooks.

Flannery Hill for the Center for Lifelong Learning.

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GAIA to play closing act at this massive Trance festival – Trance Hub (satire) (press release) (blog)

Posted: at 1:31 am

In case many of you didnt know, Electronic Family has become a weekend affair and will be held on 5th and 6th of August2017. Thiswill be turned into the biggest outdoor trance festival of Europe. Tucked away in the south of the Netherlands, Autotron Rosmalen is the perfect location for a family gathering. The lush and greenscenery offers spacious camping spots and enough room for multiple stages, for varying trance styles.

They have added GAIA as their closing act on Sunday 6th August. Heres what they had to say

Weve listened to your requests and were incredibly proud that Gaia will be closing the mainstage on Sunday August 6th! They havent played in the Netherlands since 2014, can you imagine what an incredible set thats going to be?

With Aly & Fila closing our mainstage on Saturday and Gaia closing on Sunday, you really want to join us for the whole weekend!

Regular ticket sales will start tomorrow 10AM CET via electronicfamily.nl!

Co-Founder of Trance Hub, Curator of The Gathering events in India and ALT+TRANCE in Czech Republic. By day, a Digital Marketing Enthusiast with love for Food and Technology. By night, a dreamer who wants to grow the Trance scene in India.

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GAIA to play closing act at this massive Trance festival - Trance Hub (satire) (press release) (blog)

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A State of Trance on Youtube LIVE Every Thursday at 2P.M. EST – exstreamal

Posted: at 1:31 am

After an incredible 799 episodes, Armin Van Buuren (and company) launched a live video broadcast on YouTube, with guest star appearances, brand new tracks, and amazing sound! The beautiful all white studio looks like a space ship more than a radio station, but appears to have all the latest and greatest in radio studio equipment complete with some of the worlds most amazing DJs! In case you missed it, or never followed the program before, A State of Tranceis a radio podcast where Armin Van Buuren (along with other big names inthe dance music industry) feature the best electronic and dance music from around the globe. Check out the video from this week and tune in every THURSDAY at 2P.M. EST! Each program lasts an hour and a half.

A State Of Trance is a sub-label of the Dutch company Armada Music. Released its first vinyl release in 2003 and reached its 100 release (ASOT100) with The Doppler Effect Beauty Hides In The Deep / Envio For You (The Blizzard Remix).

A State Of Trance was formed in 2003 as a sub-label to its Dutch parent company Armada Music. It is also the parent label to A State Of Trance Limited. The style of music focuses mainly on trance and progressive trance with a wide range of artists and producers. The label is focusing on both young producers (such as Filo & Peri, 8 Wonders, Robert Nickson, and Galen Behr) as well as established artists (like Markus Schulz, Sunlounger, Sean Tyas, Signum and Vincent de Moor).

Source: Wikipedia Article Titled: A State of Trance

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A State of Trance on Youtube LIVE Every Thursday at 2P.M. EST - exstreamal

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