Daily Archives: February 17, 2017

IXE Bahamas Bank Bid Crashes – finews.com

Posted: February 17, 2017 at 1:41 am

Jesus Alejandro Garcia Alvarez

A brash self-styled Mexican entrepreneur's bid to crack into Swiss banking is at an end. His second attempt to buy a financial firm has failed in a hugely awkward way.

Aborted, Banque Cramer & Cie headlined in an unusually unvarnished statement released overnight. The Swiss bank said it won't be selling a Bahamas subsidiary to IXE Capital, as planned, after all.

IXE is controlled by Jesus Alejandro Garcia Alvarez, who claims to be a businessman and wealthy landowner from Mexico. Recently, questions over Garcia Alvarez's wealth, his dealings, and his business plans have been raised by several media outlets.

Flash Crash Millions

For example, Garcia Alvarez was close to buying Ticino-based Bank Arner, but the deal fell apart last year, reportedly because he was unable tocapitalize the bank.

He also plays a prominent role in the disappearance of millions from the $50 million fortune of the so-called Flash Crash trader.

Now, Garcia Alvarez and IXE have run aground with their latest venture as well: buying the Bahamas subsidiary of Swiss private bank Cramer.

Lost Credibility

The Geneva-based firm said the deal fell apart because IXE didn't pay up.

While Banque Cramer & Cie fulfilled all of its contractual obligations, IXE Capital Bahamas failed to pay the agreed consideration on theclosing date. Cramer's parent firm said in a statement.

IXE Capital Bahamas is therefore in breach of agreement.

The subsidiary will remain as an independently-managed part of Cramer, the bank said.

Embarrassing Echoes

In the fallout of the failed Cramer deal, Garcia Alvarez will have spent any shred of credibility he still had in Swiss banking after the Arner episode, where he left potential partners like renownedSwiss banker Michael Baer in the lurch.

The collapse of the Cramer deal suggests that Garcia Alvarez is no longer as solvent as he once claimed to be. The failure of the deal, entirely preventable, has embarrassing echoes of Arner.

There, Garcia Alvarez reportedly tried to pass off unstamped gold to Switzerland's regulator as bank capitalization which Finma didn't accept.

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IXE Bahamas Bank Bid Crashes - finews.com

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Liquidity Warnings Send Hornbeck Offshore Services, Inc.’s Stock Plunging – Motley Fool

Posted: at 1:40 am

What happened

Shares of Hornbeck Offshore Services (NYSE:HOS) sank deep into the red on Thursday morning, plunging more than 22% by 10:30 a.m. EST after reporting its fourth-quarter results.

Hornbeck reported a net loss for the fourth-quarter of $19.2 million, or $0.53 per share, which was $0.08 per share wider than last quarter and $0.05 per share worse than analysts expected. Driving the decline was continued weakness in the offshore oil and gas market, which put pressure on vessel utilization and dayrates. In addition, general and administrative costs rose during the quarter due to an increase in incentive compensation expenses.

Image source: Getty Images.

Even more concerning was the company's outlook. Hornbeck noted that it currently has 44 of its 62 offshore supply vessels idled due to lack of work. However, it expects to idle an average of 46 vessels in future quarters because it doesn't see any improvement in market activities. Those challenging market conditions led the company to issue a warning concerning its future liquidity needs. Hornbeck noted in its earnings release that while it expects to have the financial resources to operate through the end of next year,

The Company does not currently expect to have sufficient liquidity to repay its three tranches of funded unsecured debt outstanding that mature in fiscal years 2019, 2020 and 2021, respectively, as they come due, absent a refinancing or restructuring of such debt. Refinancing in the current climate is not likely to be achievable on terms that are in-line with the Company's historic cost of debt capital. The Company remains fully cognizant of the challenges currently facing the offshore oil and gas industry and continues to review its capital structure and assess its strategic options.

On the one hand, the company does have time to address this issue. However, the problem is that more time might not be the solution because the outlook for the industry remains bleak as there is a real risk that conditions could continue growing worse. For example,Diamond Offshore Drilling (NYSE:DO) recently warned that it has "yet to see a floor in the declining demand of deepwater assets." Because of this, Diamond Offshore Drilling doesn't see a recovery in the offshore drilling market occurring until 2019 or 2020. While others are optimistic that a recovery could start to take shape as early as next year, there's a real possibility that Hornbeck's financial stress could deepen if conditions worsen.

Oil prices have improved and stabilized above $50 a barrel, butthat's still not enough to ignite a recovery in the offshore drilling sector. Most offshore service companies believe crude needs to improve to more than $60 per barrel before producers start expanding their drilling budgets, which might not arrive for quite some time. Given that outlook, and Hornbeck's potential liquidity problems, this is a stock that investors are better off avoiding for the time being.

Matt DiLallo has no position in any stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

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Liquidity Warnings Send Hornbeck Offshore Services, Inc.'s Stock Plunging - Motley Fool

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Will Offshore Stymie Oil States? – Seeking Alpha

Posted: at 1:40 am

Oil States International (NYSE:OIS) reports Q4 earnings Thursday. Analysts expect revenue of $176.76 and eps of -$0.22. The revenue estimate implies a 1% decline sequentially. Investors should focus on the following key items.

Land Drilling Performance Should Be Stellar ...

Results from Oil States' land drilling operations will likely be stellar. Q3 revenue from the segment increased 14% sequentially as animal spirits returned to the oil patch. I expect a repeat performance this quarter. The North America rig count was up by over 20% during the quarter. Competitors such as Core Labs (NYSE:CLB), Baker Hughes (NYSE:BHI) and Halliburton (NYSE:HAL) showed outperformance in North America this quarter. That bodes well for Oil States.

The company receives about 26% of its revenue from Wellsite Services. The lion's share of its customers are located in the Permian basin where drilling activity has been robust. Another double-digit revenue increase would not be out of the question. There are still thousands of drilled, yet uncompleted wells. If oil prices remain robust then Wellsite Services could have a strong first half of 2017.

... While Offshore Would Likely Disappoint

The company's offshore segment will likely disappoint again. Offshore sustained the company during the oil price rout. However, its revenue fell 2% sequentially last quarter. That was likely a bad omen. Oil States' long-term offshore contracts might be expiring at a time when oil prices do not justify additional investment in the sector.

Experts believe offshore will not rebound until 2018 or 2019. That's problematic as the segment now represents over 75% of total revenue. Another single-digit decline by Offshore could trigger a revenue miss. A weak outlook from management could sink the stock.

Will EBITDA Margins Hold Up?

Oil States' EBITDA margins have ranged from 7%-8% over the past few quarters. Management has done a yeoman's job of cutting costs to stem losses and cash burn. However, if its largest segment takes a turn for the worst it could be difficult to maintain EBITDA margins. Moreover, if the company pares costs any further it might cut into muscle and hurt efficiency.


Growth in land drilling revenue will not likely be robust enough to offset the decline in Offshore. I also expect weak guidance for Q1 2017 due to Offshore's demise.

Disclosure: I am/we are short BHI, HAL.

I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it. I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

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Professional Diversity Network: Offshore Investment Fund, Dropping Revenue, Mad Customers – Seeking Alpha

Posted: at 1:40 am

Professional Diversity Network: Offshore Investment Fund, Dropping Revenue, Mad Customers
Seeking Alpha
Whenever a company lists its address as a post office box on an island, as IPDN's Chinese investor does, it's a red flag indeed it's TheStreetSweeper's skull and crossbones. Cheap $2 warrants for 246,445 shares of IPDN stock were set free on Feb. 14.

and more »

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Professional Diversity Network: Offshore Investment Fund, Dropping Revenue, Mad Customers - Seeking Alpha

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US Wind Secures Cabling Partner For MD Offshore Project – North American Windpower

Posted: at 1:40 am

In support of its planned 750 MW offshore wind farm off the coast of Maryland, Baltimore-based US Wind Inc. has teamed up with JDR Cable Systems Ltd., which is supplying underwater power cables for the project.

US Wind is one of two applicants for the offshore renewable energy credit a process currently under a 180-day public comment period overseen by the Maryland Public Services Commission. (The other applicant is Deepwater Wind.)

Were interested in putting together a whole new offshore wind industry right here in Maryland, and bringing JDR here is a big piece of that puzzle, comments Riccardo Toto, president of US Wind.

For the wind farm, JDRs scope of work includes project management, as well as engineering and manufacturing 122 miles of inter-array cables, 112 miles of export cables and other cable accessories. JDR will also provide cable installation and testing.

The cable manufacturing is expected to commence in 2018, and delivery and installation are planned for 2019 and 2020. Engineering work is scheduled to begin later this year.

US Wind officials say this partnership marks the start of bringing 5,000 manufacturing jobs to Maryland and generating over $16 billion in net economic output over the life of its wind farm.

We are extremely proud to be selected by US Wind for the full cable package, notes David Currie, CEO of JDR Cable Systems. This partnership will strengthen Maryland and Baltimore as a regional business hub and support additional job creation.

Toto adds, This new partnership with JDR brings us one step closer to establishing Maryland as the hub for offshore wind manufacturing for the entire East Coast of the U.S. Were ready to get to work.

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US Wind Secures Cabling Partner For MD Offshore Project - North American Windpower

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Natural gas leaks from offshore pipeline in Alaska – Press Herald

Posted: at 1:40 am

ANCHORAGE, Alaska Natural gas for at least 10 days has leaked from an underwater natural gas pipeline in Alaskas Cook Inlet and floating ice has prevented divers from reaching the site.

The gas is bubbling from an 8-inch pipeline in 80 feet of water about four miles off shore. The pipeline belonging to Hilcorp Alaska, LLC, moves processed natural gas from shore to four drilling platforms in the inlet.

The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation is investigating the leak. In an email response to questions, spokeswoman Candice Bressler said the agency is assessing public health and environmental risks.

We believe the risk to public health and safety is small, the agency said. Environmental risk is less easy to quantify since a monitoring and assessment program is not yet in place.

The federal Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration also is investigating.

The Coast Guard warned mariners to stay at least 1,000 feet from the bubbling gas. Another federal agency expressed concern over possible adverse effects on marine mammals.

Our greatest concern is for endangered Cook Inlet beluga whales and impacts to their critical habitat, said Julie Speegle, spokeswoman for the fisheries section of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The natural gas discharge is within the winter foraging area for the whales, she said.

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Natural gas leaks from offshore pipeline in Alaska - Press Herald

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Vineyard Power vying for offshore wind farm – News – capecodtimes … – Cape Cod Times (subscription)

Posted: at 1:40 am

Doug Fraser @dougfrasercct

CHATHAM This June, the state will solicit bids seeking offshore wind farms to produce 400 megawatts of electricity. Its the first of four phases of what state officials hope will be 1,600 megawatts of offshore power; 15 percent of what the state uses annually, enough power to replace what will eventually be lost when Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station shuts down.

Submitting a bid in June will be the first tangible step for a group of Marthas Vineyard residents who started the Vineyard Power energy cooperative six years ago in response to a lot of the things they didnt like about the now-defunct Cape Wind project. They have 1,400 members and say the cooperative represents 5,000 people on the island.

Richard Andre, president of Vineyard Power, said their prospects improved dramatically whenGov. Charlie Baker signed legislation in August that required that power utilities solicit and contract for 1,600 megawatts of offshore wind as part of their energy portfolio by 2027.

Then, we knew we would have a buyer for our power, Andre said.

Vineyard Power representatives came to the headquarters of the Cape Cod Commercial Fishermens Alliance in Chatham on a stormy Wednesday to get feedback from fishermen.

Perhaps it was fitting that there werent many fishermen in the audience because Andre said that unlike Cape Wind, which was sued by Vineyard fishermen and hotly contested by many Cape fishermen, they havent received any negative feedback.

We identified our site in 2009 as an area with the least amount of fishery conflicts, Andre said.

The process was helped considerably by the federal government in 2009 when the Bureau of Energy Management mapped out areas of the ocean with good wind and relatively few conflicting uses or environmental concerns. John Pappalardo, CEO of theCape Cod Commercial Fishermens Alliance, was part of the team that helped to eliminate large areas that were valuable for fishing, shellfishing or for fish habitat.

This zone was much larger. We shaved a huge piece out of it primarily because of scallops, Pappalardo said.

At over 500 feet tall, the 40 to 70 turbines that would be constructed in the first phase would be spaced over a half mile apart. Andre told the audience there would be no reduced speed or areas closed to navigation or fishing. Still to be determined would be whether there could be anything like a kelp or mussel farming operation using components of the turbine. There would be money available to reimburse fishermen displaced during construction work.

By locating them 12 miles offshore, Andre said the turbines would only be visible on extremely clear days and even then would be far off in the distance.

We wanted a different model than Cape Wind. We wanted there to be local benefit, local employment, and local input into the project, Andre told the audience. Weve met with over 20 fishing groups since March of 2016.

Vineyard Power partnered with Vineyard Wind, which holds the lease on the 260 square miles of ocean 12 miles south of the island. Vineyard Wind is a subsidiary of Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners, a Danish company that invests pension funds from Northern Europe. It has $3.5 billion in assets, Andre said, and is primarily focused on renewable energy projects. CIP has managed and invested in over 1,000 megawatts of offshore wind turbines currently being built in Europe, according to its website.

Three companies, Deepwater Wind, another Danish company Dong Energy, and Vineyard Power hold the three federal leases in federal waters south of the Vineyard that were designated as appropriate for offshore wind through an ocean zoning process. In September, the three companies signed letters of intent to use the state-run $113 million New Bedford Marine Commerce Terminal, which had been built in anticipation of the ill-fated Cape Wind offshore wind farm being constructed.

This December, Eversource acquired 50 percent ownership of the offshore wind farm proposed by Dong Energy.

All three offshore wind companies could be submitting bids this summer, Andre said. Price is the primary consideration and he anticipates the winning bid will be in the mid-teens per kilowatt hours as compared with Cape Winds prices which were over 20 cents. Each subsequent bid phase is required to start at a lower price than the previous ones as improved technology and economies of scale hopefully will reduce costs. Europe, where they have been doing it for decades, has seen offshore wind drop to 10 cents, Andre said.

The area south of the Vineyard has been rated the best or second best on the East Coast for the strength and consistency of its wind, Andre told the audience. Vineyard Wind ships were out on Nantucket Sound this summer and fall doing seismic and sonar testing on the sea bed to determine what type of foundation would be required for the turbines.

Environmental studies of impacts on birds and marine life, and permitting, will continue for another two years. Construction could start as early as 2020 and take two years. It will take about 2,000 construction workers for the first phase and Andre said the plan is to employ a lot of local workers. The company with the winning bid would also have to get state permits to run cables, which will be buried 6 feet deep in the sea bed, to the mainland.

Follow Doug Fraser on Twitter:@dougfrasercct.

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Vineyard Power vying for offshore wind farm - News - capecodtimes ... - Cape Cod Times (subscription)

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Australia Accused Of Committing Crimes Against Humanity In Offshore Detention Centres – BuzzFeed News

Posted: at 1:40 am

Crimes against humanity have been committed in Australias offshore immigration detention centres, a petition before the International Criminal Court has claimed.

Handout / Reuters

ID: 10539857

The submission, from the Global Legal Action Network and the Stanford International Human Rights Clinic, urged the court to investigate potential crimes against humanity committed against asylum seekers by individuals and corporate actors within the island prisons.

As recent leaks reveal, these privatised facilities entail long-term detention in inhumane conditions, often including physical and sexual abuse of adults and children, the network said in a statement.

It accused Australian governments of contracting out the running of facilities to private corporations in order to avoid responsibility.

Nevertheless, that liability for international crimes can be traced not only to direct perpetrators on the ground, but also to public officials and corporate officers and directors, the statement read.

Stefan Postles / Getty Images

ID: 10539837

Let this be a warning to people donating to GetUp! that you are being ripped off by these wacky causes, a spokesperson for Dutton said this week.

The Australian government said last year that it would at some point shut down its detention centre on Papua New Guineas Manus Island, where 871 men are still detained.

Handout / Reuters

ID: 10539823

At Australias other offshore immigration centre, on the tiny Micronesian island of Nauru, there are still 372 people detained.

The Australian government has subjected asylum-seekers on Nauru to egregious abuses that amount to torture and flout international law, a report released last year by Amnesty International found.

The human rights group found refugees on Nauru had been denied medical treatment, suffered abuse and been subject to inhumane treatment.

Earlier this month, a heavily pregnant Kuwaiti refugee held in detention on Nauru had to wait several days to be flown to Australia after doctors said she was in a critical condition and needed an emergency C-section.

The 37-year-old was suffering from the potentially life-threatening condition of preeclampsia and had a large fibroid, or benign tumour, on the wall of her uterus.

Mandel Ngan / AFP / Getty Images

ID: 10540097

Everyone feels so hopeless and helpless, an Iranian refugee detained on Manus Island told BuzzFeed News.

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Australia Accused Of Committing Crimes Against Humanity In Offshore Detention Centres - BuzzFeed News

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The Cold War returns to the high seas – CNN

Posted: at 1:40 am

Ho, hum.

Viktor Leonov first appeared off Delaware and, at this writing, is loitering south of the US submarine base at Groton, Connecticut. The ship is undoubtedly vacuuming up electronic signals emanating from the base, monitoring the US Navy's comings and goings and gleaning anything it can about the construction of new US submarines.

In other words, two can play America's game.

It's worth remembering what a common maritime game this was during the Cold War. Ever since the US Navy sank the Imperial Japanese Navy in World War II, it has seen itself as the guardian of freedom of the seas and as the sharp edge of US foreign policy. At the height of the Cold War, US mariners mounted a standing presence in potentially embattled waters. Ships voyaged around the Eurasian periphery constantly, close to the Eastern Bloc shores.

Rather than submit meekly to American dominance of the world's oceans and seas, the Soviet Union built an oceangoing fleet larger, albeit more technologically backward, than the US Navy fleet. By the 1970s, in fact, the Soviet Navy was active not just in the vicinity of Soviet coastlines but throughout the Seven Seas. This included American-dominated "lakes" like the Mediterranean Sea. During the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, for instance, the Soviet contingent in the Eastern Mediterranean outnumbered the Italy-based US Sixth Fleet -- and shocked US commanders in the process.

But such interactions became routine during the end of the Cold War. Each navy shadowed the other's ships and aircraft. Fleet commanders departing from, say, Pearl Harbor, knew a Soviet "AGI" -- a fishing trawler packed with electronic snooping gear, and a forerunner to Viktor Leonov -- would be lurking offshore and would follow along to collect signals intelligence and information about American tactics and practices. Prudent US commanders took to assigning the AGI a station in the formation, lest it get in the way or cause a collision when the task force changed course or speed.

Soviet ships became de facto members of US fleets!

Mostly, though, Washington and Moscow managed their maritime interactions in the interest of preventing war. They concluded an Incidents at Sea Agreement designed to forestall escalation when US and Soviet ships encountered each other at sea. In short, each navy sought to deter the other while grudgingly tolerating its presence in nearby seas.

And Viktor Leonov appears to be in compliance with this law.

Competition against rival navies is once again a fact. Americans and their elected officials had better get used to it.

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Star-Studded Broadway on the High Seas 8 Sets Sail Feb. 17 – Playbill.com

Posted: at 1:40 am

Broadway on the High Seas 8, featuring 19 Broadway performersPlaybills most star-studded cruise yetsets sail February 17-24 from San Juan, Puerto Rico.

The eighth cruise in Playbills series of exotic and unparalleled trips, travelers board the newly renovated luxury liner Silverseas Silver Wind for a Caribbean cruise, including stops in St. Maarten, St. Kitts, St. Johns, Antigua and Barbuda, and more.

Broadway on the High Seas includes nightly main stage performances from our Broadway lineup, as well as Chatterbox interviews, Broadway trivia, autograph and photo sessions, cocktail parties with performers and celebrity guests, Playbill Happy Hour and After Dark programming, and more.

Among the stars sailing on Broadway on the High Seas 8 are Drama Desk Award nominee Bryan Batt, Tony nomine Kevin Chamberlin, Tony nominee Melissa Errico, Tony nominee Judy Kuhn, Lacretta, Lorna Luft, Tony winner Andrea Martin, Drama Desk nominee Karen Mason, Tony nominee Howard McGillin, Tony winner Brian Stokes Mitchell, Tony nominee Louise Pitre, Christine Pedi, Tony winner Alice Ripley, Emmy winner Ernie Sabella, Tony winner Lillias White, Virginia Ann Woodruff, and Tony nominee Tony Yazbeck. They are joined by Chatterbox host Seth Rudetsky, and Grammy-winning music director John McDaniel.

In May, Playbill will also launch its first-ever river cruise, which will venture down Frances picturesque Rhne River. This sold-out experience departs from Avignon, and explores Tarascon sur Rhone, Viviers, Tournon/Tain LHermitage, Lyon, and Macon.

From August 1320, Playbill will sail the Rhine River. Departing from Basel Switzerland, stops are planned in Breisach, Kehl, Mannheim, Koblenz, Cologne, Amsterdam, and more. Stars include Andrea Burns, Charlotte dAmboise, Terrence Mann, Faith Prince, and Seth Rudetsky.

Playbill Travel operates the premier vacation programs for discerning travelers with a shared love of exotic locales and the theatre. The Broadway on the High Seas series has become a hit with hundreds of theatre-loving travelers since its inaugural voyage in September of 2011. Entertainers aboard Broadway on the High Seas and its sister resort program, Broadway By The Sea, have included Patti LuPone, Brian Stokes Mitchell, Christine Ebersole,Tommy Tune, Andrea Martin, Ana Gasteyer, Megan Hilty, Lewis Black, Sherie Rene Scott, Laura Benanti and others. Since its inception in 2011, over 1,000 Playbill travelers have visited over a dozen countries including Italy, Greece, Brazil, Argentina, Russia, Poland, Germany, French Polynesia, Vietnam and beyond!

Visit PlaybillTravel.com for inquiries and booking.


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