Daily Archives: February 17, 2017

Liberals, Tories spar over Islamophobia motion in full-day debate – The Globe and Mail

Posted: February 17, 2017 at 1:45 am

Members of Parliament spent most of Thursday debating racism and discrimination in Canada as the Liberals and Conservatives battled over a private members motion that condemns Islamophobia.

The Tories introduced their own anti-racism motion in response to Liberal MP Iqra Khalids motion M-103, which calls on the government to condemn Islamophobia and all forms of systemic racism and religious discrimination and to study the issue at the heritage committee and make recommendations.

Conservative MP David Andersons motion doesnt specifically mention Islamophobia, a term the Tories say is not well-defined and could stifle freedom of speech. The House of Commons, including Conservatives, has already unanimously condemned all forms of Islamophobia in an NDP motion last fall, although it wasnt a recorded vote and its unclear how many MPs were in the chamber.

The Conservative motion condemns all forms of systemic racism and discrimination against Muslims, Jews, Christians, Sikhs, Hindus and other religious communities, which Mr. Anderson said is more inclusive. For procedural reasons, the Conservative motion will be voted upon in the coming days, while the Liberal motion will be dealt with in April.

Heritage Minister Melanie Joly called the Tory version weakened and watered down and said the government would not support it.

The Conservatives have brought this motion forward in a cynical attempt to serve their political purposes and avoid addressing the real issue concerning Islamophobia, she told reporters even before the debate began.

In a speech in the Commons, Ms. Khalid read out some of the 50,000 hate-filled responses she said shes received about her motion, and said shes not backing down on the language used.

I have asked my staff to lock the office behind me, as I now fear for their safety. I have asked them not to answer all phone calls, so they do not hear the insults, threats and unbelievable amounts of hate shouted at them and myself, she said. lslamophobia is real.

Conservative MP Marilyn Gladu told the House she was also the subject of online attacks during the election campaign for being a Christian.

My point is that hate crimes and these attacks are happening across different faiths, she said.

She added that MPs need clarity on the definition of Islamophobia, which she said is different around the world. If I think of myself, I am afraid that if ISIS jihadists came over, they might cut my head off and rape me. Is that Islamophobia? I do not know.

Most Tory leadership hopefuls, including Kellie Leitch, Maxime Bernier, Andrew Scheer, Brad Trost, Chris Alexander, Kevin OLeary and Erin OToole, say they disagree with the wording of Ms. Khalids motion. Michael Chong is the only candidate who said he will support it.

Ms. Leitch, who started a website called Stop M-103, told The Globe and Mail on Wednesday that many Canadians are worried their freedom of speech will be stifled.

Ms. Joly told the Commons it boggles the mind that members who have put their names forward to lead political parties, would try to capitalize on fear and division for their own benefit.

Former Liberal MP and justice minister Irwin Cotler, who put forward an anti-Semitism motion in 2015 using an agreed-upon definition, said the Liberals could change the term Islamophobia to anti-Muslim bigotry in order to get all sides on board.

Has anybody spoken with them about the use of the terminology of anti-Muslim bigotry, which amounts to the same thing but is more specific and does not have what for some is seen to be a confusing term? he told reporters.

Ms. Khalid said Wednesday Islamophobia is the irrational hate of Muslims that leads to discrimination.

The NDP have signaled they would support both motions, but NDP MP Jenny Kwan told the Commons the party also wants Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to denounce U.S. President Donald Trumps immigration ban.

Follow Laura Stone on Twitter: @l_stone

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Liberals, Tories spar over Islamophobia motion in full-day debate - The Globe and Mail

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Where Have All the Liberal Democrats Gone? – Townhall

Posted: at 1:45 am


Posted: Feb 17, 2017 12:01 AM

What happened to liberal Democrats, and their concerns about civil liberties and government surveillance of American citizens?

Liberals once hated the CIA. And they loved the Russians. Yeah, you can look it up.

And their liberal friends in liberal Hollywood made movie after movie about the dangers of The Deep State and its awesome surveillance powers. One of the best was "Three Days of the Condor," with liberal icon Robert Redford fighting the malevolent CIA boss John Houseman, who longed for "the clarity" of world war.

Years later, Edward Snowden became the liberal demigod and WikiLeaks was their winged chariot of truth and beauty. Liberals fretted about the powers of the intelligence community being used on private citizens for political reasons.

So what happened to them? What happened to the ideals of these liberal Democrats?

Donald Trump was elected president, that's what happened to them.

And now you can clearly see the change in them as Trump's national security adviser, Michael Flynn, has become feast for the crows.

Flynn deserves his punishment. Make no mistake about that. He reportedly lied to Vice President Mike Pence about his phone conversations with a Russian ambassador that included discussion of the Obama administration's sanctions against Russia.

As a former general officer, as a former Defense Intelligence Agency boss, Flynn understands the chain of command. There is no lying to a superior officer, and Pence was his superior. Lying to a superior is grounds for court-martial. Or, at least gives pretext for a quick and brutal departure from the Trump White House, which is what happened.

So Flynn is gone, forced to resign, his head high on a spike upon the Democratic Party ramparts.

Democrats jeer at his head up there. It's as if this episode were street theater in olde England, with Punch and Judy entertaining the small folk. And Flynn's head, up there above them, is pecked endlessly in the sun.

But what victory are they celebrating, exactly? And at what cost to the republic?

What would have been bothersome to liberals of old (the pre-Trump kind) is that Flynn may have been targeted for a takedown by the Deep State intelligence operatives liberals once loathed.

Flynn and Trump warred with the intelligence community during the campaign, and Trump called out the CIA and others on multiple occasions, tweeting at them, provoking them.

Most recently, Trump was furious that his private conversations with the Australian prime minister became public and were used as a club to pound him in the pages of the "Never Trump" Washington Post and other establishment newspapers.

The damning news was that there are reportedly transcripts of Flynn speaking with the Russian ambassador -- before Trump was inaugurated president.

This indicates that Flynn was most likely the subject of a warrant issued by the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. It means his conversations were recorded. The American public should know what this is about. I have a hard time believing Flynn was a traitor. But I don't have a hard time believing that arrogance and foolishness are necessary prerequisites for a hard public fall.

What's astounding about this is that news reports on Flynn's conversations with the Russian ambassador also mentioned something else.

They mentioned the existence of many intelligence community sources, and these many intelligence sources presumably read the transcripts and leaked their contents to reporters.

That's what is amazing. That the intelligence community records the conversations of a private citizen and leaks to damage and weaken a president.

Liberals -- who once prided themselves on being civil libertarians -- are overjoyed. They don't question their good fortune. They celebrate.

Now Trump is in open, public war with American intelligence, and liberals cheer on the intelligence community leakers.

Trump declared his war with American intelligence on his Twitter account and then did so in person as he stood in the White House at a news conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

"I think he's (Flynn) been treated very, very unfairly by the media -- as I call it, the fake media, in many cases -- and I think it's really a sad thing that he was treated so badly," Trump said.

"I think in addition to that, from intelligence, papers are being leaked, things are being leaked," said the president, adding that such leaks were a "criminal action, criminal act."

The president's references to Flynn are awkward and politically self-serving.

But the president's reference to the intelligence community -- in his government -- is an open declaration of war. And it's dangerous.

Democrats are on the outs, so they love this story about Flynn. It feeds into their belief that Trump is some tool of Russian strongman Vladimir Putin. It's not whether they believe it that matters. What matters is that they see a way to sear this deeply upon the American mind before the 2018 elections.

Democrats will continue to push this theme, even if it means celebrating a possible takedown of administration officials by American intelligence, and the many sources of those reports.

So why aren't liberals more concerned, when once they'd be outraged about authoritarian tactics?

For the same reasons they weren't concerned about presidential overreach when their guy was president, with his imperial pen and his phone.

Because for many Democrats, just like for many Republicans, it's all about power, isn't it? And ideals -- even those which help keep the republic -- be damned.

See more here:

Where Have All the Liberal Democrats Gone? - Townhall

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Today in Conservative Media: Trump Bites Back at the Liberal Press – Slate Magazine (blog)

Posted: at 1:45 am

Donald Trump answers a question from CNN's Jim Acosta during a news conference.

Mark Wilson/Getty Images

A daily roundup of the biggest stories in right-wing media.

On Wednesday evening and throughout Thursday, conservative media outlets continued their coverage of Donald Trumps conflict with the intelligence community.

On the Daily Caller, an article titled, How the Nations Spooks Played the Game Kill Mike Flynn claimed, The talk within the tight-knit community of retired intelligence officers was that Flynns sacking was a result of intelligence insiders at the CIA, NSA and National Security Council using a sophisticated disinformation campaign to create a crisis atmosphere. Breitbart, meanwhile, aggregated reporting on the issue from the Wall Street Journal under the headline Deep State #Resistance: Spies Withhold Intel From Trump, Says WSJ.

Meanwhile, the National Review stood largely alone on Thursday in proposing that Congress should investigate Trumps relationship with Russia. In a formal editorial, it proposed that such an inquiry is necessary, whether or not this matter is on the order of Watergate. The editors wrote, A steadier hand is in order. Its time for the appropriate committees to conduct the oversightof the executive branch, and of the intelligence servicesfor which they are responsible.

Most publications turned their attention Thursday to other media outlets. Several sites featured posts mocking mainstream publications for worrying that Trump had primarily invited questions from conservative news organizations at his Wednesday joint press conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Media Freakout Over Pecking Order Rages On, read a representative LifeZette headline. The Daily Caller drew from eight years of Barack Obamas interactions with the press to present 13 Hard-Hitting Questions Liberal Reporters Asked Obama, including one from Jim Acosta of CNN, who has been especially upset about conservative media access to the White House.

Town Halls Guy Benson approached the issue somewhat more soberly, offering a four-point analysis. Its fair to say that if President Obama had exclusively called on explicitly left-leaning outlets over the course of multiple consecutive press conferences conservatives would have melted down, Benson acknowledged. He went on to write that he didnt think personal pique was the top driving factor of their grousing. He proposed, however, that the mainstream presss reaction was driven by a deep-seated arrogance and ideological myopia, which blinds its representatives to the journalistic chops of less-than-liberal reporters.

Continuing this trend, conservative publications zeroed in on the presidents bromides against the mainstream media during his Thursday afternoon press conference. On its home page, Breitbart quoted Trumps assertion that the media has become so dishonest that if we dont talk about it, we are doing a tremendous disservice to the American people. Town Hall described the event as Round Two of his battle with CNNs Jim Acosta, writing, Trump asked CNN to do some self reflection. He told them to honestly consider not airing such anti-Trump news every night, and theyll see their ratings rise.

Sean Hannity presumably wasnt surprised by all this rancor. Youve heard me saying since 2008: Journalism is dead. But what were seeing play out now is far worse, he pronounced in his opening monologue.

Posts from conservative pages about polls indicating high approval numbers for Trump circulated widely on Facebook:

Read more from the original source:

Today in Conservative Media: Trump Bites Back at the Liberal Press - Slate Magazine (blog)

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If the Church of England continues to smother liberal Anglicans, it is … – Telegraph.co.uk

Posted: at 1:45 am

Gay marriage and abortion are the prime hot-button issues but others include sex before marriage and the role of women in the clergy. In Lichfield, some wealthy gay donors to the church feel themselves alienated by anattitudewhich forces gay vicars to be celibate and fails to recogniseequal marriage.

The more "traditional" family values may not be something we all buy into, but one of the main tenants of a truly liberal society is that that liberalism cant be forcefully imposed on the people from above. The UK, and more specifically the Church of England, are clearly places of diverse opinion. The question is: how do they all come together?

At present, the worldwide Anglican Communion is undergoing a demographic shift. As the average British churchgoer becomes older and older, much of the growth is coming from socially conservative African countries such as Nigeria, Kenya and Uganda.

With the UK and the US increasinglysecular and accepting of gay marriage, the Communion is faced with a dilemma: embrace liberalism and risk alienating many Anglican communities from the developing world or court those same communities and become out-of-step with 21st Western liberal values.

Continued here:

If the Church of England continues to smother liberal Anglicans, it is ... - Telegraph.co.uk

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Terri Lovell: Liberal oppression – Santa Clarita Valley Signal

Posted: at 1:45 am

In the liberal mind, your freedom is their oppression. From 60 Hard Truths about Liberals

I dont think Ive ever heard a more accurate description of the liberal mind. It not only encompasses everything they believe, it accurately explains their bizarre behavior.

Why do liberals see your freedom as their oppression? Because everything to them is a zero-sum game. Liberals only win when everyone who opposes them loses.

The Constitution guarantees the rights of individualism and personal freedom. Your God-given rights as an individual are your power. For liberals to satisfy their lust for absolute power, your individual rights must be taken away from you.

The exercise of free speech is a display of individual power. Liberals despise free speech because it is a right they cannot control. If it takes a rioting mob to keep an individual they hate from speaking, and you from hearing it, so be it.

Small, decentralized government is the best protector of individual rights. Your individualism is considered a threat to the liberal goal of centralizing all power under their control. That is why liberals promote the power of the collective over the power of the individual.

Owning a gun is a display of individual power and freedom as well. That is why liberals are forever fighting and restricting the sale of firearms and ammunition.

With individual freedom comes individual responsibility. If liberals were to embrace freedom, they would have to embrace the responsibility that naturally comes with freedom.

When seen as part of the larger collective, liberals are never held accountable for their actions, nor for the actions of those who act on their behalf.

Although most liberal elitists are wealthy, they despise the freedom that ownership of private property and wealth brings to those who consider themselves individualists.

In the mind of a liberal, the only way a conservative could possibly acquire wealth is if it were stolen, or gained by oppressing someone else.

In their quest to transform our country into a collectivist utopia, liberals have taken over the public schools and universities.

They use our innocent children and young adults to expand their own power by teaching them to hate freedom and to despise traditional American values. Instead, students are taught that all our nations problems stem from individualism and the only solution is national collectivism.

Liberal oppressors are relentlessly working to steal and corrupt everything that has made this country the last bastion of freedom on this earth.

Terri Lovell is a lifetime resident of Santa Clarita, a former home school mom, a current College of the Canyons student and a member of a local Republican club.

The rest is here:

Terri Lovell: Liberal oppression - Santa Clarita Valley Signal

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John Howard backs Liberal preference deal with One Nation in WA – The Guardian

Posted: at 1:45 am

John Howard confronted by One Nation supporters on a visit to the NSW central coast in 2001. The then PM responded to the threat of One Nation to the Liberal partys electoral fortunes by refusing to preference them Photograph: Julian Smith/AAP

The Western Australian Liberal deal with Pauline Hansons One Nation has been given the blessing of the former prime minister John Howard, despite his 2001 edict it must be placed last on his partys how-to-vote cards.

Adding star power to the Liberal election campaign in Perth on Thursday, the nations second-longest-serving prime minister said the WA division made a very sensible, pragmatic decision to cut a deal with the rightwing party.

I fully understand why the WA Liberal party has taken the decision, he told reporters at a shopping centre in the seat of Southern River on Thursday, when he received almost entirely positive responses from voters and children.

Howard said One Nation had morphed into a different beast since his 2001 instructions, although he still didnt agree with everything it espoused.

Everyone changes in 16 years, he said. Trying to understand that decision and decisions that were taken by various iterations of the Liberal party 15 or 16 years ago is ridiculous.

Everyone changes in 16 years ... I think its entirely sensible

This is a different set of circumstances. I think its entirely sensible that the party has done whats its done.

The Greens were the only ones who hadnt changed, he said, and advocating dismantling the US alliance illustrated the partys continuing extremism.

The idea that people would see the current One Nation party as more extreme than the Greens is ridiculous, Howard said. And whos playing footsie with the Greens the Australian Labor party.

His comments came after the WA premier, Colin Barnett, refused to be drawn on whether the Liberals were morally wrong to seal the deal, snubbing alliance partners the Nationals, which retaliated with its preferences.

Barnett admitted some of the headline-grabbing views of candidates were abhorrent but said it was a numbers game and he had an election to win.

The latest comments from One Nation hopefuls dogging the party reportedly came from the now-deactivated Twitter account of Richard Eldridge, who is contesting an upper house seat in Perths South Metropolitan region.

In the posts, Eldridge, a real estate agent, advocated killing Indonesian journalists and also attacked the gay community, black people and Muslims.

Old social media posts are also haunting Michelle Myers, who was nominated for the newly-created seat of Bateman.

On Facebook last year, she said the gay community used Nazi-style mind control to get people to support same-sex marriage and has recently been protesting against abortion outside a reproductive health clinic in Midland, where women also get fertility treatment.

In absolutely no way do I endorse the policies or candidates of One Nation, Barnett told reporters. I find some of those comments absolutely abhorrent.

Im not going to be defending One Nation go and talk to Pauline.

Read the original here:

John Howard backs Liberal preference deal with One Nation in WA - The Guardian

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‘Liberals will continue to lose’: Bill Maher defends Milo Yiannopoulos booking after panelist boycotts – Washington Post

Posted: at 1:45 am

Journalist Jeremy Scahill, a frequent panelist on Real Time With Bill Maher, was booked to appear this Friday but canceled after he found out Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos would also be a guest. Yiannopoulos is known for his provocative stories with such headlines as Gay rights have made us dumber, its time to get back in the closet. He was also permanently banned from Twitter last year a feat that takes some doing. Among his transgressions was targeting SNL comedian Leslie Jones, calling her barely literate, and rallying his hundreds of thousands of followers to direct racist, sexist missives to her. (She briefly quit Twitter over the abuse.)

[Just how offensive did Milo Yiannopoulos have to be to get banned from Twitter?]

Scahill, a founding editor of the Intercept, explained himself on Twitter. He took great pains to express his admiration for the producers and writers of the show. He even sang the praises with a few big caveats of host Maher. But he called Yiannopouloss appearance many bridges too far.

He has ample venues to spew his hateful diatribes, Scahill wrote. Appearing on Real Time will provide Yiannopoulos with a large, important platform to openly advocate his racist, anti-immigrant campaign.

Maher responded to Scahills criticism and doubled down on his decision to have the provocateur as a guest.

Liberals will continue to lose elections as long as they follow the example of people like Mr. Scahill whose views veer into fantasy and away from bedrock liberal principles like equality of women, respect for minorities, separation of religion and state, and free speech, Maher said in a statement, according to Entertainment Weekly. If Mr. Yiannopoulos is indeed the monster Scahill claims and he might be nothing could serve the liberal cause better than having him exposed on Friday night.

Maher also addressed Scahills criticism of his views on Islam. My comments on Islam have never veered into vitriol, Maher said.

Scahill isnt the first person to take issue with the way Maher discusses Muslims. During one episode, Ben Affleck attacked the host and panelist Sam Harris for their racist comments about the religion. (Harris called Islam the mother lode of bad ideas.)

Maher, a champion of free speech, often builds his shows around guests with widely varying views to promote lively debate. Earlier this month, he hosted staunch Trump supporter Tomi Lahren alongside Republican strategist Rick Wilson and Missouri Democrat and Afghanistan veteran Jason Kander. Ann Coulter, another specialist in inflammatory rhetoric, has also been a frequent guest.

[Bill Maher hosted conservative Tomi Lahren on Real Time. They were both preaching to their own choirs.]

The University of California at Berkeley canceled a talk by inflammatory Breitbart writer Milo Yiannopoulos and put the campus on lockdown after intense protests broke out on Feb. 1. (Video: The Washington Post / Photo: AP)

Yiannopoulos is no stranger to boycotts. Earlier this year he was scheduled to make an appearance at University of California, Berkeley, but violent protests broke out around the campus with demonstrators setting off fireworks and throwing bricks. University police ultimately canceled the event, which in turn prompted President Trump, in an early morning tweet, to threaten to pull the public universitys funding.

So far Yiannopoulos hasnt weighed in on the controversy on Facebook a social media account hes still allowed to have.

More here:

'Liberals will continue to lose': Bill Maher defends Milo Yiannopoulos booking after panelist boycotts - Washington Post

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A Liberal minister spoke about his past as a bus driver. Tories started laughing – National Observer

Posted: at 1:45 am

Liberal Infrastructure Minister Amarjeet Sohi is lamenting what he described as an "unfortunate" expression of laughter erupting from the opposition Tory benches in the House of Commons this week after he spoke about his past as a bus driver in Edmonton.

"It was a very unfortunate expression of ... laughter that was done by the opposition," Sohi told reporters after the daily question period in the Commons on Thursday. "Whether they apologize or not, thats up to them, but we are focused on my work and we are here to focus on delivering the commitments that we made to Canadians."

The laughing incident arose after backbench Liberal MP Don Rusnak, who represents a federal riding in the Thunder Bay area of northwestern Ontario, asked Sohi if he could talk about the benefits of the government's efforts to support public transit.

The question fell under the category of what is known in federal politics as a "planted question" asked by a government backbencher. These types of issues are regularly raised by the government in the House of Commons, normally designed to elicit a pre-rehearsed response or soundbite that promotes a government policy.

Sohi began his answer to Rusnak's question on Tuesday by highlighting his past work as a bus driver and then expressing condolences for a Winnipeg bus driver who had been stabbed the night before.

A video of Tuesday's incident shows that several opposition MPs laughed after Sohi spoke about his previous job. Several Liberal ministers shook their heads in disgust over the laughter. But it wasn't immediately clear if the laughter was over Sohi's former job, or whether the Tories were expressing skepticism about the minister's sincerity.

Sohi said he didn't want to allow the laughter to distract from his message and his current job to deliver billions of dollars in new federal infrastructure money to Canada's communities.

"Well, I rose in the House to convey my deepest condolences and thoughts and prayers with a Winnipeg bus driver who was stabbed while performing his his duty and service to his community, and I wanted to do that as a former bus driver who have seen, you know, violence happening on transit facilities," he said. "Obviously, I did notice the laughter, but I was there to convey a very, very important message, and that message was to show our support and thoughts and prayers with the person who was stabbed while serving serving his community."

Conservative MPs laugh in the background after Liberal Infrastructure Minister Amarjeet Sohi speaks about his past as a bus driver. House of Commons video.

Sohi is one of only four Liberals elected in Alberta and he was appointed to cabinet by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau after also serving as a city councillor in Edmonton.

"These kind of expressions of disrespect are not going to stop me from focusing on what I need to focus on, which is delivering on behalf of Canadians," said Sohi.

Responding to a Liberal complaint about the laughter on Wednesday, former Conservative cabinet minister Candice Bergen, now the opposition house leader in the Commons, dismissed suggestions that her Tory colleagues were disrespectful.

"We all come from various backgrounds, and that is why we are called the House of Commons. We represent the people: farmers, bus drivers, receptionists. We represent everybody," Bergen told the Commons on Wednesday. "There is all kind of laughter that occurs here. We absolutely respect and honour all of the jobs that we have done, and the experience that we bring to this House."

The incident comes during a week in which the Tories were hammered by the Liberals for not supporting a motion in the House of Commons to denounce racism. Conservative leadership candidate Michael Chong distanced himself from his colleagues by supporting the motion that was introduced by Liberal MP Iqra Khalid to denounce Islamophobia.

Go here to read the rest:

A Liberal minister spoke about his past as a bus driver. Tories started laughing - National Observer

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Senate Confirms Fiscal Hawk Mick Mulvaney As Trump’s Budget Director – New York Magazine

Posted: at 1:45 am

Ad will collapse in seconds CLOSE February 16, 2017 02/16/2017 12:47 p.m. By Adam K. Raymond


With a vote of 5149, the Senate confirmed South Carolina representative Mick Mulvaney to lead President Trumps Office of Management and Budget. Every Democrat in the Senate voted against Mulvaney and they were joined by Republican senator John McCain.

A co-founder of the House Freedom Caucus, Mulvaney is a hard-core fiscal hawk, who has yet to meet a federal spending cut he does not like. He supports cutting Social Security and Medicare, has repeatedly advocated shutting down the government to defund Planned Parenthood and kill Obamacare, and opposes increased military spending which is why he lost McCains vote.

My decision to oppose this nomination is not about one person. It is not about one cabinet position. This is not personal. This is not political. This is about principle, McCain said in a statement criticizing Mulvaneys attempts to cut defense spending. Mulvaneys position on defense spending is also at odds with Trumps. The president has promised new planes, new ships, new resources, and new tools for our men and women in uniform.

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A friend of retired Vice Admiral Robert Harward said he called the offer a sh*t sandwich.

During a crowded worship service.

Highlights from the presidents 77-minute tirade about how dishonest the media is and how racist he isnt.

Hes the least racist person youve ever seen.

Shermichael Singleton was preparing for confirmation by Ben Carson, whose campaign he had previously worked on.

In a remarkable 80-minute presser, Trump did not try to reach people with a message via the media; the message itself was to mistrust the media.

One official told CNN that you never want to have a barrier in place that will obstruct your vision.

With no time to spare and no margin for error, the new OMB director must somehow give Congress guidance after resolving his differences with Trump.

Last month in Russia, Trump received more media attention than Putin.

The president then asked a black reporter if she were friends with the black caucus and denied the existence of recent anti-Jewish hate crimes.

The first hearings for Scalias seat now vacant for more than a year will begin March 20.

After a tough week, Trump plays it safe on a nominee who has been confirmed by the Senate multiple times before.

The now-former congressman has yet to meet a budget cut he doesnt like.

Immigrants in several major cities are staying home from work or school today.

Americas top diplomat got off to a bit of a stilted start.

The Defense Secretary appeared to shoot down plans for the U.S. and Russia to align against ISIS.

The for-profit prison industry looks forward to a border boom thanks to Trumps executive order on stepping up immigrant detentions.

Were putting conundrums on top of hypotheticals on top of conjecture here.

Stephen Feinberg, a billionaire Trump ally, has reportedly been tapped to look into streamlining the agencies.

Liberals disliked Puzder for anti-labor policies and proud sexism. National Review disliked his immigration views. His many problems did him in.

Read the rest here:

Senate Confirms Fiscal Hawk Mick Mulvaney As Trump's Budget Director - New York Magazine

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Scott Pruitt: 5 Fast Facts You need to Know – Heavy.com

Posted: at 1:45 am

Scott Pruitt arrives at Trump Tower for a meeting on December 7th. (Getty)

Scott Pruitt, Donald Trumps nominee to run the Environmental Protection agency, has been openly critical of the agency he would lead.

His confirmation vote is scheduled for February 17, even though, the night before, a judge in Oklahoma ordered him to turn over thousands of emails that critics say will show he has deep ties to the fossil fuel industry.

Hes also a climate change skeptic whos fought the EPA as Oklahomas attorney general.

The Hill reports hes expected to win confirmation, despite losing a Republican vote.

Heres what you need to know:

Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, President Donald Trumps nominee to head the Environmental Protection Agency, arrives for the Inaugural Luncheon in the US Capitol January 20, 2017 in Washington, DC. (Getty)

According to CNBC, an Oklahoma County judge on February 16 ordered Pruitt to turn over thousands of communications to a watchdog group.

The Washington Times reported that the emails are related to his communications with the oil-and-gas industry.

The Center for Media and Democracy had sued, alleging Pruitt was in violation of the open records laws because he wouldnt release the documents, which the group requested in 2015, CNBC reported.

The judge ordered Pruitt to give about 3,000 emails to the group by Tuesday, February 21, according to CNBC. NBC reported that the liberal CMD organization asked for correspondence between Pruitts office and Koch Industries, mining and drill companies and the Republican Attorneys General Association.

Scott Pruitt. (AG file photo)

Pruitts Attorney General biography says that, before being elected AG in 2010, he served eight years in the Oklahoma State Senate where he was a leading voice for fiscal responsibility, religious freedom and pro-life issues.

Hes known for his dramatic quotes. Pruitt once said, The American People are tired of seeing billions of dollars drained from our economy due to unnecessary EPA regulations, and I intend to run this agency in a way that fosters both responsible protection of the environment and freedom for American businesses.

Scott Pruitt, Donald Trumps nominee for EPA Administrator, is pictured during a meeting with US Senator Shelly Moore Capito (R-WV) on Capitol Hill January 4, 2017 in Washington, DC. (Getty)

In his bio, Pruitt is open about how he sees the EPA. Pruitt is a leading advocate against the EPAs activist agenda, the bio says.

Susan Collins, a Republican Senator from Maine, announced she would not vote for Pruitt, writing in a news release that I have significant concerns that Mr. Pruitt actively opposed and sued EPA on numerous issues that are of great importance to the state of Maine, including mercury controls for coal-fired power plants and efforts to reduce cross-state air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

The Hill reported that Republican Sen. John McCain wont be there for the Pruitt vote but that Pruitt is expected to pick up two Democratic votes, meaning hes likely headed for confirmation.

According to the New York Times, Pruitts nomination to run the EPA has so troubled people who work in the agency that they have called U.S. Senators urging them to oppose the pick. The Times says that Pruitt has made a career out of fighting the EPA, noting that Trump has vowed to get rid of the agency.

Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, President Donald Trumps choice to head the Environmental Protection Agency, testifies during his confirmation hearing before the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works on Capitol Hill January 18, 2017 in Washington, DC. (Getty)

Pruitt filed the first lawsuit challenging the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, his bio says. He also has served two terms as president of the Republican Attorneys General Association, according to the bio.

Think Progress reports he once referred to another Senator when saying of climate change, it is just a religious belief for him and for others. The site reports that Pruitt sued the EPA 14 times.

Appearing before Congress, though, Pruitt said he would not seek to overturn a 2009 finding allowing the EPA to regulate carbon dioxide, for instance, and acknowledged the reality of climate change but said the role of humans in that was open to debate, according to Think Progress.

Green Peace alleges that previously obtained emails showed Pruitt and other Republican attorneys general collaborating with corporations and lobbyists to file lawsuits and challenge federal regulations on everything from fracking to air pollution.

Green Peace says that Pruitt has received $318,496 in campaign contributions from the fossil fuel industry since 2002 and is a supporter of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

Scott Pruitt has been married to his wife for 27 years. (Facebook)

According to his bio, Pruitt has been married to his wife, Marlyn, for more than 25 years. They have two children, McKenna and Cade.

You can read more about Pruitts wife and kids here:

Scott Pruitt, Donald Trump's nominee for administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, is married and has two children, McKenna and Cade.

Read more here:

Scott Pruitt: 5 Fast Facts You need to Know - Heavy.com

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