Daily Archives: February 17, 2017

ARMADA Music Announces debut ARMADA Night China Tour – Trance Hub (satire) (press release) (blog)

Posted: February 17, 2017 at 1:31 am

Even though 2017 is still in its early stages, Armada Music is already turning it into their best year yet. Amidst the rush of quality releases and high-profile signings, the Amsterdam-based record label has announced the first-ever Armada Night China tour. The tour is to take place between March 1st and March 4th and features three of the labels top artists: Andrew Rayel, David Gravell and KhoMha.

From Wednesday March 1st to Saturday March 4th, Armada Night is to turn the country of China into the dance music epicenter of the world. The tour, a joint project with Sigma Touring, starts off with a show at Club Grammy in Foshan on Wednesday, after which it offers a continuation of the madness to the crowds at respectively Space in Chengdu, M2 Club Yun in Shenzhen and Myst in Shanghai on Thursday, Friday andSaturday.

The choice for Andrew Rayel, David Gravell and KhoMha as the tours headliners was a definite no-brainer. Andrew Rayel, who is to drop his second artist album this year, is one of the biggest Trance artists in the game, whereas David Gravell and KhoMha are globally considered to be among the scenes biggest talents and fastest rising stars.

Co-Founder of Trance Hub, Curator of The Gathering events in India and ALT+TRANCE in Czech Republic. By day, a Digital Marketing Enthusiast with love for Food and Technology. By night, a dreamer who wants to grow the Trance scene in India.

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ARMADA Music Announces debut ARMADA Night China Tour - Trance Hub (satire) (press release) (blog)

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Trucker Tools’ Load Track now integrated with MercuryGate TMS – Commercial Carrier Journal

Posted: at 1:28 am

Trucker Tools integration with MercuryGate TMS allows users to send locations of pickups and deliveries to Trucker Tools Load Track application for advanced geofencing capabilities.

Trucker Tools, provider of the popular smartphone app used byowner operators and small carrier drivers with a built-in Load Track connectivity platform, announced an integration with MercuryGates Transportation Management Software (TMS), a cloud-based solution.

The company says the integration brings end-to-end automation to the shipment lifecycle for the carriers, freight brokers, freight forwarders, third party logistics providers (3PLs) and shippers using MercuryGate TMS.

In addition to reporting GPS locations while shipments are in transit, the fully integrated Load Track solution adds instant driver messaging, arrival and departure notifications and near real-time ETA status to the native user interface and workflows of MercuryGate TMS.

The automation of check calls with drivers improves productivity and the accurate, timely shipment status information helps companies further increase customer service and satisfaction, said Prasad Gollapalli, chief executive officer of Trucker Tools.

More than 400,000 drivers, owner operators and small carriers have already downloaded the Trucker Tools app with the Load Track feature.

When load assignments are made in MercuryGate TMS, the automated shipment tracking process begins up to 24 hours in advance of the pickup appointment to ensure drivers are committed and on schedule. As part of the process, the assigned drivers are provided a text link on their phones to download the Trucker Tools app if they havent downloaded it previously.

Additionally, the MercuryGate TMS automatically sends locations of pickups and deliveries to Load Track to utilize its advanced geo-fencing capabilities that provide real-time arrival and departure notifications and shipment status updates.

Load Track continuously updates shipment locations in MercuryGate TMS every five minutes when installed on Android devices and up to 15 minutes with Apple devices through the final delivery.

Trucker Tools gives the most accurate and time-sensitive tracking that I have seen in the marketplace, and its customer support gives 100 percent to resolve any problems and grow the product, said John Back, senior logistics manager of Amstan Logistics, a Load Track and MercuryGate TMS user based in Hamilton, Ohio.

During planned stop events, customizable forms in Load Track can prompt drivers to enter BOL#, Weight, Lumper, Reefer Temp and other shipment details. Additionally, drivers can use Load Track to scan proof-of-delivery documents to capture images for fast billing and payment. The images are automatically sent by email and immediately available for download from Load Tracks website.

We are pleased to support Trucker Tool and its Load Track application. With the product integration of MercuryGate TMS, users will benefit from enhanced visibility, connectivity and functionality, said Monica B. Wooden, chief executive officer and co-founder of MercuryGate International.

The Load Track product in theMercuryGate TMS can be activated with a simple request to MercuryGate or Trucker Tools. Pricing starts as low as $1.05 per load with high volumes and with no limitations on the number of days or stop events for a load from pickup through final delivery.

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Trucker Tools' Load Track now integrated with MercuryGate TMS - Commercial Carrier Journal

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CF Industries Holdings (CF) Q4 2016 Results – Earnings Call Transcript – Seeking Alpha

Posted: at 1:27 am

CF Industries Holdings (CF) Q4 2016 Results - Earnings Call Transcript
Seeking Alpha
Good day, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the Fourth Quarter 2016 CF Industries Holdings Earnings Conference Call. My name is Carmen, and I will be your coordinator for today. At this time, all participants are in a listen-only mode. We will ...
Fertilizer maker CF Industries cheers possible US border taxReuters
CF reports 4Q lossYahoo Finance
CF Industries Holdings, Inc. Reports Fourth Quarter Net Loss of $320 Million and EBITDA Loss of $135 Million ...Business Wire (press release)
TopChronicle -The Cerbat Gem
all 77 news articles »

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CF Industries Holdings (CF) Q4 2016 Results - Earnings Call Transcript - Seeking Alpha

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CF Industries’ 4Q16 Profitability Disappointed Investors – Market Realist

Posted: at 1:27 am

CF Industries Stock Fell on Lower-than-Expected 4Q16 Earnings PART 6 OF 6

CF Industries (CF) financial performance continued to disappointinvestors in 4Q16. The company is the largest nitrogen fertilizer producer in the US. According to CF Industries, the company will import 30% of its 2017 nitrogen requirements. Falling fertilizer prices impact the companys bottom line.

Overall, the gross margins for CF Industries combined segment contracted from 25.1% in 4Q15 to 10.8% in 4Q16. Similarly, the adjusted EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortization) margins fell from 39.9% in 4Q15 to 15.3% in 4Q16. The company reported a net adjusted loss of 10.4% from a net profit margin of 15.1% in 4Q15.

Bear in mind that these margins are after adjustments. The adjustments include adding back loss on natural gas derivatives, expansion project expenses, plant expansion costs, a gain on foreign currency transactions, income tax adjustments related to thetermination of the OCI agreement, and debt-related fees. Considering that the gross margins are thin, investors must tread with caution due to CF Industries 4Q16 earnings.

CF Industries profitabilitydepends on how fertilizer and raw material prices perform.Prices will also affect the profitability of PotashCorp (POT), Mosaic (MOS), CVR Partners (UAN), and other players in the agricultural fertilizer industry (MOO) (SPX-INDEX).

You can track fertilizer prices each week on Market Realists site. ReadWhy Was Last Week Positive for Fertilizer Prices and Stocksfor the latest update.

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CF Industries' 4Q16 Profitability Disappointed Investors - Market Realist

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Words, Tweets and Stones in the "Political Correctness" Wars … – EconoTimes

Posted: at 1:26 am

Last year, a friend alerted me to an opinion article which included the unusual story of Tim Hunt, a Nobel-Prize winning chemist.

At a conference in Korea, Hunt ventured regrettably outside of his expertise. He complained that having young women in the lab was a distraction. Older men like himself tended to fall in love with them. Moreover, Hunt claimed that girls could not take criticism without crying.

For a great chemist, we see, Hunt makes an awful social commentator. What is striking about the story is what happened next.

The story, as they say, went viral on social media. Someone tweeted the remarks, or uploaded the video online. The next thing he knew, Hunt was being stood down from his role at UCL, Nobel-Prize-notwithstanding.

I found myself reminded as I read this of another unlikely story: the first novel of the Czech author Milan Kundera, The Joke. In this story, the main character vents his discontents with a Stalinist indoctrination camp in a mocking postcard to his girlfriend:

Optimism is the opium of the people! A healthy atmosphere stinks of stupidity! Long live Trotsky! Ludvik.

The Party censors intercepted the postcard, and did not find it amusing. Instead, Ludvik gets expelled from university and forced into military service in the mines.

To be sure, the comparison of the two stories is not perfect. Hunt was not sent to a labor camp, and the position he lost was honorary. So, unlike Ludvik, his material wellbeing and that of his family was not directly affectedonly his good name. Hunt was also not joking, as far as anyone could tell.

Tim Hunt, the chemist stood down by UCL for his comments about women and laboratories.

Nevertheless, Hunts story is far from singular in the age of social media.

All around the world, stories of academics, media figures or employees being stood down by their employers after having been subjected to a kind of instantaneous prosecution by social media seems to be one of the signs of the Neuzeit.

For critics on the Right, Hunts and comparable stories show the dark, illiberal heart of what they call political correctness: a censorious culture preventing people speaking their minds on anything to do with matters of race, religion or gender. Many of these same critics (and, on the other side, Bernie Sanders) have also pointed to Mr Trumps ostentatious disregard for such political correctness as one explanation for his 2016 catapult to power.

So whats going on behind the increasing frequency of cases like Hunts: of people losing their jobs for what they have said aloneeven, as in Hunts case, when the words in question neither reflect his professional expertise, nor target any particular individual? Are we entering a new period of social censorship, with dark historical precedents and echoes?

And what is rumbling away beneath the deep sense of grievance that underlies conservative commentators strident charges of political correctness against their opponents?

One role philosophy can play in such divisive debates is to try to clearly show each warring side the reasons of the adversary, and the paradoxes and problems within their own. Such, at least, is what Albert Camus proposed in the midst of the Algerian war in 1956. Camus attempt to restore a climate that could lead to healthy debate might today be tweeted with the hashtag: #tell-him-hes-dreaming.

But not all dreams are bad for being illusory.

Alls fair

For people labelled by conservative commentators as politically correct, their position looks quite different than the polemical tag implies.

What the Right calls political correctness describes the championing of a series of positions associated with the New Left. These positions hinge on the observation that the modern ideals of liberty, equality and fraternity are imperfectly enshrined in countries like Australia, the UK or the US.

Behind the advertised equality of all to trade, real material inequalities are produced and perpetuated, leading to deep divisions of class.

Behind appeals to equality of opportunity, gender inequality hasnt gone away. Its deep bases are revealed, amongst other places (continuing pay differentials also leap to mind) by the gendered nouns in public documents that for a long time simply excluded women from the franchise as in we hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal

Beneath the same language of equality, all-too-real inequalities exist between different ethnic and religious groups within pluralist societies like Australia. Lesbian and gay men and women for a long time faced laws that actively prohibited their forms of sexuality.

The New Left argument is that the cultural, economic and social discrimination against women, LGBT and non-anglosaxon members of our communities targeted them specifically on grounds of their belonging to those groups.

As such, it makes sense that a society which would redress these wrongs needs to legislate forms of positive discrimination, likewise targeting these groups specifically.

We should also educate for and enshrine new norms, attentive to the linguistic and other forms of discrimination that for far too long went without saying.

Given this reasoning, people of the New Left are likely to respond with outrage to the imputation that what they are promoting is a new form of waspish, quasi-Stalinist groupthink.

Their question is more likely to be: who could reasonably oppose these reforms, except people who still harbour older forms of prejudice, or feel threatened by the new forms of inclusivity the New Left has championed?

Camus held that philosophers could explain the reasons of adversaries in heated disputes, reopening possibilities of dialogue.

In love and war

There can be little doubt that many people who oppose progressive social reforms like marriage equality do so out of unavowed or avowed hostility to different minority groups.

Some of this group almost certainly are sympathetic to deeply illiberal political positions on the farther Right, and opposed to many of the social and immigration reforms that Australia has undertaken since the 1960s.

But not all people who contest these issues can fairly be so categorised. Many are deeply offended by any imputation that they are unreasonable, sexist, homophobic, racist or Islamophobic for defending conservative causes. Many base their positions on religious traditions with which they deeply identify.

And so we come to the first register of the political correctness charge. The argument goes something like this.

The impulses underlying forms of positive discrimination towards disadvantaged groups may be generous. Their flipside is a paradoxical intolerance towards everyone who disagrees with proposed policies or reforms.

This intolerance, critics allege, is manifest in a tendency to pathologise opponents: arguing as if they were all, equally and deeply flawed or bad people: racists, sexists, fascists, etc.

Rather than arguing the case against opponents of their positions, the politically correct silence them, critics claim. Or, in the age of social media, they spark campaigns that publicly shame them, even when their offences are not grave.

Enter Tim Hunt and company, if not Milan Kundera.

Certainly, there is a touch of the pot calling the kettle black about these complaints. For to call your opponents en bloc politically correct is hardly to celebrate their supple rationality and intrepid independence of spirit.

It remains true that any political sides demonising its opponents is a poor substitute for defeating them in open debate, predicated on a minimum of shared respect for the rules of the democratic game.

And so, the critics of political correctness point to cases on American campuses where activists have not let speakers from the Right speak at all, as opposed to engaging them in debate. For these critics, these shut-outs bespeak a campus craziness that threatens to close the universities to conservative viewpoints altogether.

Student rally against Breitbart News editor Milo Yiannopolos scheduled talk at Berkeley earlier this year.

The same critics point to the idea which has currency on some American campuses of trigger warnings surrounding potentially upsetting content for different potential audiences. Such warnings, and the attempt to create safe spaces in which no one could be triggered by upsetting contents, do not promote the free and open exchange of ideas on divisive issues, the critics charge. Debate is not won (or lost) this way. It is shut down before it can begin.

And this, the critics continue, is to give way too much power to wordswhich are not sticks and stones, even in the culture wars. It is also to under-rate the capacity of people to confront and debate difficult content, instead encouraging a culture of victimisation and ultra-sensitivity to verbal and vicarious harm.

Supporters of trigger warnings reply that it is very easy for privileged white males to decide what should and should not be open to free and open debate. Theyve been doing this for centuries.

It is surely for the people whose identities are at stake in potentially disturbing materialfor people of colour, for example, in a text on racial violencesto decide what is and is not disturbing to them.

Lefts and rifts, old and new

This last response points to the deeper philosophical fault-lines underlying the political correctness wars. The positions of the New Left can, and do, take two different kinds of justifications with very different philosophical credentials and histories.

For one, the defence of equal dignity for all persons, no matter from which ethnic, racial, class or gender they hail, is justified precisely by appeal to what is shared between them, regardless of their differences.

Martin Luther Kings famous line expressing the hope that one day, in America, his children will be judged by the content of their character, not the colour of their skin, is a powerful expression of this kind of justification of civil rights reform.

A second kind of justification for New Left positions is very different. This justification is not based in an appeal to common or putatively universal values.

It argues that the modern Wests ideals of liberty, equality and fraternity have, in their history, been used to justify such horrible intolerance and violences against Others that these ideals themselves can no longer be reasonably defended.

Indeed, it is to the extent that particular groups, different from the mainstream, have been unjustly excluded from the communities propounding these ideals that they should be celebrated, and their claims supported.

The preceding opposition, roughly, charts the difference between liberal or socialist, modernist forms of Leftist politics, and post-liberal, post-socialist forms of Leftist politics (roughly, post-modernism).

The modernists appeal to what different groups share is vulnerable to the charge of what Stanley Fish memorably called boutique multiculturalism. The boutique multiculturalist tolerates and defends the rights of minorities only insofar as their ways of living do not harm and discriminate against any others.

The moment that this other culture asserts discriminatory claims or practices illiberal rites (like female circumcision, for instance), this kind of multiculturalists tolerance runs out, and turns into its opposite. Why any of this implies that proponents of this position are in a boutique, Fish does not argue.

The second, postmodernist form of multiculturalism, which defends difference for differences sake, also has its own endemic paradoxes. If we support all different or Other groups on grounds of their difference, without further conditions, we soon find ourselves committed to supporting groups who are different from us, trulybut who express their difference by deep hostility to the kinds of toleration we are extending to them.

Stanley Fish, who coined the contentious term boutique multiculturalism

At this point, we either recoil back into a modernist position, inconsistently; or consistently bite the bullet and end up by supporting deeply illiberal, difference-hostile cultures.

Needless to say, the conservative commentariat have made hay over the last several decades by pointing up examples of this latter paradox, and its potentially disturbing corollaries. They have pushed it at times into extremely contentious claims about the New Lefts supposed support for forms of Islamic fundamentalism, and the like.

This is also where sweeping neoconservative claims about the New Left enshrining an adversary culture opposed to the entire Western civilization have made their way into magazines and opinion pages around the globe.

Inter alia

Let me finish by squaring the circle, and by highlighting that all opponents of political correctness do not identify as on the Right, although almost everyone on the socially conservative Right today probably identities themselves as being opposed to political correctness.

In fact, leading Leftist philosophers Alain Badiou and Slavoj iek have both presented scathing criticisms of the postmodern valorisation of difference and Otherness as a dead end for the Left.

What differentiates ieks criticisms of political correctness from those on the Right (I am going to be generous to him here) is that he thinks that, in several senses, political correctness doesnt go far enough.

Political correctness, iek charges, puts the cart before the horse, when it promotes codes of speaking and a series of polite, symbolic gestures respecting the Other which are not matched by real social changes.

Before we attend so closely to what people say, iek contends, we should first redress the real living conditions of disadvantaged people. Only then will what critics call politically correct ways of speaking no longer seem artificial and constrictive (as he thinks they do seem), and become the natural reflection of an expanded social contract.

Liberal American critic Mark Lilla, in a recent piece, has differently called for a post-identity liberalism. To win majorities in democracies, Lilla argues, the Left has to appeal to shared values. To build a platform around celebrating differences ends by dividing without conquering. This is what Hilary Clintons Democrats learned the hard way last year.

If the Democrats are to win back power, after four or eight years of Donald Trump, the politically correct attention to differences sans phrase will need to give way to a new language of shared struggles and ideals.

Stanley Fish might see such an opposition to postmodernist identity politics as a reversion to boutique liberalism. For Lilla, it is a matter of mathematics and hard-minded realpolitik.


Matthew Sharpe works at Deakin University, which is holding a public debate on "Political correctness, free speech in the age of Social Media" on the evening of 23rd February, featuring Peter Baldwin, Adam Bandt, Edward Santow and Maria Rae.

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Words, Tweets and Stones in the "Political Correctness" Wars ... - EconoTimes

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Political Correctness Propagates Radical Liberalism and Undermines The Truth – Accuracy In Media (blog)

Posted: at 1:26 am

Political correctness advances liberal ideologyit is a weapon wielded by radicals to cow conservatives into submission. And the doctrines of political correctness undermine the truth.

According to liberal illogic, individuals who oppose the slaughter of unborn infants obstruct womens rights and reproductive justice.

Intolerant/homophobic individuals who adhere to biblical teachings on gender and sexuality face the wrath of the loving and tolerant LGBTQ lobby.

Americans who believe that government should enforce immigration laws and secure the nations borders are branded as anti-immigrant, xenophobic bigots.

And despite the never-ending stream of Islamic terrorist attacks at home and abroad, those who warn about the potential dangers of Islamic immigration are derided as Islamaphobic.

Notice the theme? Political correctness combats the truth by condemning conservative views and advancing liberal ideology.

Is it anti-immigrant and xenophobic to advocate for the government to secure its borders or to guard against Islamic terrorists? Is it a breach of civil rights to oppose the modern abortion holocaust or to denounce all forms of sexual immorality? No, but holding to any of those views represents a departure from the doctrines of political correctness, and thus, a challenge to liberal ideology.

Until the nation is radically transformed, leftist protestors will likely continue to agitate and unleash their ever-ready arsenal of attacks against those who deviate from the dogma of political correctness. But conservative Americans must refuse to acquiescethey must stand up for the truth:

Amidst a cacophony of politically correct propaganda conservative Americans must counter the lefts radical ideology by speaking the truth.

Alex Nitzberg is a conservative journalist who previously interned at the American Journalism Center at Accuracy in Media and Accuracy in Academia. Follow him on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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Political Correctness Propagates Radical Liberalism and Undermines The Truth - Accuracy In Media (blog)

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TNR Editor: Trump ‘Turned the GOP Into the Party of Eugenics,’ Which It Always Was – Reason (blog)

Posted: at 1:25 am

Trump campaignIn an essay that makes Meryl Streep look like an astute political commentator, The New Republic's social media editor, Sarah Jones, claims "Trump Has Turned the GOP Into the Party of Eugenics." Well, not literally, Jones concedes in the sixth paragraph. Or at all, it turns out, once you've waded through all 2,300 words of increasingly desperate argumentation.

At first it seems Jones wants to prove that Trump believes in eugenics, which she defines as "the idea that the human race could improve itself through selective breedingthrough propagating good traits and quarantining the bad ones." Jones notes that Trump once told Oprah Winfrey, "You have to be born lucky, in the sense that you have to have the right genes." And according to one biographer, the Trumps "believe that there are superior people and that if you put together the genes of a superior woman and a superior man, you get a superior offspring."

In case you are not yet convinced that Trump is eager to push a program of government-sponsored genetic improvement, Jones adds that anonymous sources interviewed by The New York Times said Steve Bannon, the president's chief strategist, "occasionally talked about the genetic superiority of some people and once mused about the desirability of limiting the vote to property owners." Jeff Sessions, the new attorney general, "praised the Immigration Act of 1924 in a 2015 interview with Bannon," and Trump adviser Michael Anton has written (under a pseudonym) that Charles Lindbergh's America First Committee was "unfairly maligned."

That's pretty much it, which is why Jones ends up switching her focus from Trump to the Republican Party and from eugenics to "the party's agenda," which "in many ways channels the spirit of eugenics, even if it does not accept the theory in a literal sense." Hence the article's subhead, which contradicts the headline by suggesting that eugenics was not introduced to the GOP by Trump but has "always been embedded in the Republican platform."

How so? Republicans oppose Obamacare, like capitalism, talk about welfare reform, and support school choice, which according to Jones makes them eugenicists in spirit.

Jones omits a major target of anti-Republican rants: the GOP's pro-life stance, which is inconvenient for her argument because it entails rejecting tools favored by coercive eugenicists: abortion, euthanasia, and sterilization. She also conspicuously ignores the intimate relationship between eugenics and progressivism. It was progressive icon Oliver Wendell Holmes, after all, who declared that "three generations of imbeciles are enough" in Buck v. Bell, the 1927 Supreme Court decision upholding Virginia's forced sterilization of "mental defectives" (a decision that was joined by progressive luminary Louis Brandeis). Jones quotes a book about that case in her second paragraph but shows no interest in the ideological roots of the policy Holmes endorsed. She is so intent on exposing metaphorical eugenicists that she overlooks the political philosophy of actual eugenicists.

Jones's article is an excellent example for progressives who want to alienate allies while discrediting criticism of Trump. She manages to exaggerate the odiousness of the president's views even while conflating them with those of mainstream Republicans, turning what should be a discussion of Trumpism's peculiar dangers into a familiar attack on cruel privatizers and budget cutters. If this is what the anti-Trump movement is all about, you can count me out.

The rest is here:

TNR Editor: Trump 'Turned the GOP Into the Party of Eugenics,' Which It Always Was - Reason (blog)

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Aussie archbishop warns that abortion can lead to eugenics – Crux: Covering all things Catholic

Posted: at 1:25 am

ROME Australian Archbishop Mark Coleridge on Monday said that theres a link between abortion and child abuse, and a Church which has been strong in defense of the unborn has to be no less strong in defending the young and vulnerable whenever and wherever.

The same, he added, is true for the state.

Coleridge delivered his comments on a video that was shared on his dioceses website, Brisbane. Hes currently one of several bishops of the Catholic Church who are participating in the final hearings by theAustralian Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church.

Last week during a pro-life rally, Coleridge was asked by a journalist to weigh in on Queenslands ongoing debate about decriminalizing abortion. Under the current code, both the woman seeking an abortion and the doctor providing the procedure can be criminally prosecuted, unless its performed to prevent serious danger to the womans physical or mental health.

During the interview, as he says in his post, the archbishop was asked about new technologies that can detect disabilities and also gender-based abortion.

I couldnt disagree with what he was saying, because eugenics is part of the complexity surrounding abortion, Coleridge said. The journalist mentioned the eugenics of Nazi Germany, and again I couldnt deny the historical fact.

Deputy Premier Jackie Trad, a pro-abortion rights Catholic, responded through Facebook, saying that shes a Catholic but also a woman, and she simply disagree[s] with the Churchs views on a womans right to choose.

Its also sad that we have reached a new low in this debate when women who have abortions are compared to Nazis, Trad wrote.

That, according to Coleridge, wasnt the point of what he had said, but instead the fact that the proposed legislation in Queensland can open the door to the kind of eugenics weve seen before and are seeing in other parts of the world now.

It has to do with law and policy, not the individual women who decide to have an abortion, he said.

Coleridge, or the Catholic Church for that matter, is far from being the first to raise the risks of genetics-based abortion.

For instance, in late January, Lord Kevin Shinkwin, a member of the United Kingdoms Parliament, gave a speech that has gone viral in many circles, in which he said: I can see from the trends in abortion on grounds of disability that the writing is on the wall for people like me.

Shinkwin, who is disabled, moved on to say that people with congenital disabilities are facing extinction.

If we were animals, perhaps we might qualify for protection as an endangered species, he said. But we are only human beings with disabilities, so we do not.

Coleridge also addressed Trads comment regarding the Churchs views on a womans right to choose, saying that this is slippery language, making him or the institution seem anti-woman, which is a common stereotype.

However, he argued, the Churchs position is genuinely pro-woman. Women are damaged by abortion, which is a short-term solution leading often to long-term trouble.

Then theres also the fact that many women choose to have an abortion because they either feel or are made to feel like they have no choice, and no other choices are presented to them.

To speak of a womans right to choose prompts other questions about rights: What of the rights of unborn children, or do they have no rights, no real human status? What of the rights of the spouse or partner of the woman considering an abortion? What of the rights of society to a guarantee of the right to life as the foundation on which all other rights are built? What of the rights of conscience?

In his interview, the archbishop also spoke about the contradiction of a government that strongly opposes domestic violence but favors a greater access to abortion, which according to Church teaching, as well as much scientific research in embryonics, means terminating a human life.

According to The Daily Telegraph, on Monday Trad went after Coleridge again, saying that she would have thought there was probably more importance in focusing on the outcomes of the findings of the Royal Commission into Child Abuse and the role the Catholic Church has played in that rather than the legislation before the Queensland Parliament, which prompted his response.

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Aussie archbishop warns that abortion can lead to eugenics - Crux: Covering all things Catholic

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Scientists Are Close to Cloning a Woolly Mammoth – Popular Mechanics

Posted: at 1:25 am

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A group of Harvard researchers have announced that they are close to resurrecting the woolly mammoth. The researchers believe they are less than two years away from creating a functioning embryo, although creating a fully-grown mammoth would take much longer.

Bringing back an extinct animal is not easy. The mammoth is an ideal candidate to become the first resurrected species, both because of the large amount of intact mammoth specimens available, and also because its close living relatives, the elephants, still walk the Earth. Still, there is considerable debate around just how to bring the mammoth back to life.

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The primary issue is the lack of suitable genetic material for cloning. While a significant amount of mammoth tissue has been found, most of the DNA has been destroyed after being frozen for so long. A team of South Korean researchers are hoping to find enough DNA to clone a mammoth, but the Harvard group is taking a different approach.

The Harvard team is genetically modifying an elephant genome, replacing some elephant genes with mammoth ones. Essentially, they're trying to manually rebuild the mammoth genome. The final product won't be exactly the same as the extinct version, but it'll look pretty much identical.

The Harvard researchers ultimately want to implant their engineered genome inside an elephant embryo, which they expect will happen sometime in the next two years. Once that occurs, they will try to bring the embryo to term using an artificial womb. However, such a feat may not be possible for several more years, so it might be a while before you can see a live woolly mammothor a theme park full of them.

Source: The Guardian

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Scientists Are Close to Cloning a Woolly Mammoth - Popular Mechanics

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Prebiotic evolution: Hairpins help each other out – Science Daily

Posted: at 1:25 am

Prebiotic evolution: Hairpins help each other out
Science Daily
The evolution of cells and organisms is thought to have been preceded by a phase in which informational molecules like DNA could be replicated selectively. New work shows that hairpin structures make particularly effective DNA replicators.

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