Daily Archives: February 14, 2017

The Worlds Most Advanced Cryptocurrency Software, BitBay Makes Itself Visible – Yahoo Finance

Posted: February 14, 2017 at 11:54 pm

ENSENADA, Mexico, Feb. 14, 2017 /PRNewswire/ --BitBay, the cryptocurrency software suite offering unbreakable smart contractswas keeping a low profile for some time but has now resurfaced; stronger than ever. The creator and soul developer of BitHalo/BlackHalo David Zimbeck has worked effortlessly the past two years to create the most advanced and secure wallet in cryptocurrency space. The software suite is capable of supporting an entire smart contracting interface with decentralized markets and other features.

A BitBay community member comments,

"How is it that a single developer can deliver such an incredible suite when entire teams of coders have a hard time even delivering a functional wallet? How on earth has this project gone unnoticed, and why is it not in the top 10 coins in the world?"

Unbreakable Smart Contracts

Unlike many other platforms, BitBay is not vaporware. It is a feature rich platform that offersunbreakable smart contractsfor important real world applications. The BitBay contracts are far superior to other smart contracts as they are secured by collateral deposits from both parties, which makes it unbreakable. In the event of a default by one of the parties, their collateral funds will be burnt, making it illogical for them to cheat or exit the contract with the intention of defrauding the other.

The smart contracts system on BitBay eliminates arbitrators, biased third parties, escrow and even fees. Without any middlemen, it can create coins for cash contracts like a decentralized "LocalBitcoins", where cash payments are completely trustless. It can also be used to create "employment contracts", "decentralized eBay-like delivery contracts" (to ensure prompt delivery of working products), and even "barter contracts" that allows people to create a "wish list" and trade any item off that list.

The user-friendly templates on BitBay enable users to create smart contracts by just entering few details. The platform currently has a handful of templates in place, with more to be added shortly. In David Zimbeck's words, all one has to do is use their imagination to create a custom template for any deal they want. The platform's "Cash for Coins" template has already been successfully used by many to automate buying process and complete cash deals without needing escrow or middlemen. The platform will soon release a "buy/sell anything" contract template with reverse and regular auctions support. It will also include a variety of shipping choices.

Decentralized Marketplace

BitBay had a decentralized marketplace almost a year before "Open Bazaar".BitBay's completely anonymous marketis built right into the client, and it allows users to create their own public and private markets. Or they can just check different contracts already available in the main market. The BitBay software allows communication between users by supporting email with end to end encryption like Thunderbird and it also supports Bitmessage for a more decentralized option.

Other features on BitBay include "Pay to Email" which uses steganography to hide payments within photos sent to recipient's email. The feature, originally created for tipping purposes has various other applications as well. Even the wallets' two encrypted keys can be hidden within images using David's steganography based feature. These keys can then be used on two different computers to sign transactions a feature that lays the foundation for "Cold Staking", which will be utilized in both BitBay and BlackHalo. The Cold Staking feature will be almost impossible to crack because the computers used to sign your transactions can be in completely separate locations. BitBay will also make allowance for "exotic spending" such as "locktimes". In addition to the "dead man's switch", "parking of coins", "burn" and other spending types, it also supports automated joint accounts for business partners and spouses. The BitBay platform can also translate to 92 different languages.

About BitBay

BitBay has so far created a whole cryptocurrency ecosystem with its own functional market economy. All these things have turned BitBay into a powerful cryptocurrency software suite that can take on other cryptocurrencies. The platform enjoys avibrant communitythat is regularly attracting and training new users. The "contract faucet" created by one of the team members is currently giving away coins using a unilateral "Guarantor" contract to whoever accepts it.

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The Worlds Most Advanced Cryptocurrency Software, BitBay Makes Itself Visible - Yahoo Finance

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Reciprocity is the Key to Growing Cryptocurrency Communities – The Merkle

Posted: at 11:54 pm

With Bitcoin trading well over $1000 right now and its popularity higher now higher than ever, Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies at large still have a long way to go. If one goal of cryptos is to have a wider adoption and use, then something needs to change from the current implementation and advertisement of bitcoin and altcoins.

It seems that the average user of cryptocurrenciesis a miner, a trader/investor, or a technophile. In no way am I suggesting that these users are not important pillars of coins, but it does create an environment which may be daunting for theaverage joe.Lack of guidance, lack of technical knowledge, and skepticism of others could turn away potential new crypto enthusiasts. To draw a parallel to fiat currency, the vast majority of Americans do not know how fractional reserve banking (FRB) works or what the Federal Reserve Bank is, but they use currency generated by FRB and issued by the Fed on a daily basis.

French sociologist Marcel Mauss seminal work The Gift may be able to lend some valuable insight into building the crypto community(ies). Mauss suggests that communities and interpersonal relationships are built on the foundation of reciprocity, gift giving, and social debts. This is to say that the creation of social obligation forges bonds between individuals. He argues that these gifts given usually were self interested. If you give a good or service to someone, they become indebted in some way. It mandates engagement with others.

Ive actually witnessed a similar kind of reciprocal crypto community already: Dogecoin. At the height of active users in the Dogecoin community, they were sending teams to the Olympics, funding a NASCAR sponsorship, and helping provide clean water to less fortunate communities. In addition to these large philanthropic endeavors, dogecoin remained very active among smaller time cyrpto users as well via giveaways and tipping. Since Dogecoin is relatively cheap and rather stable against fiat, members of the community will often give away small amounts of coins to other users to keep everyone excited. Theyll also tip some coins during discussions about anything ranging from the future of the coin to how an individual is feeling that day.

The creation of these social debts created opportunities and obligations to have community members return often and participate. This is where Mauss idea seems obvious to me. Obligation to participate grows a community. For a fair amount of time, Dogecoin was one of the most traded altcoins. Sadly, the same is true about less frequent participation. Dogecoins active members have seen a downtick recently, which have affected popularity and participation.

Bitcoin also used to have an easy way to tip others on the Internet via ChangeTip. This service allowed easy mircopayments between individuals across a plethora of social media and networking platforms. ChangeTip was very popular. It saw over $250,000 worth of tips sent and received with most tips hovering around $1. Despite this, the service shut down in November 2016. Maybe we need a new alternative to ChangeTip?

In no way am I suggesting that everyone start throwing large amounts of bitcoin around at each other in the same way Doge was able to. However I am suggesting that if small crypto tips are not available, that we think of Mauss and gift what we can to newcomers and veterans alike. This can be small amounts of altcoins (if the transaction fees allow), but more so knowledge and guidance. Helping individuals get started with crypto is the single easiest way to create that social obligation, to engender participation. Because participation is likely the most effective way to wider adoption and use.

If you liked this article, follow us on Twitter @themerklenews and make sure to subscribe to our newsletter to receive the latest bitcoin, cryptocurrency, and technology news.

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Top 5 Most Innovative Cryptocurrencies – The Merkle

Posted: at 11:54 pm

Bitcoin was the pioneer cryptocurrency as it brought us the blockchain technology that isrevolutionizing the world as we know it. There are, however, a few incredible innovative altcoins with amazing goals. Here are a few of the most innovative cryptos you need to know about.

Steem is a cryptocurrency that is generated through the creation of content in a blockchain-based social media platformcalled Steemit, in which everyone can earn simply by creating and curating content. This means the cryptocurrency may, for some, be a way earn extra cash, while for others it may be a way to monetize growth. New artists, for example, can use it as a platform that helps them support themselves.

NXT is a proof-of-stake cryptocurrency, meaning all the coins were created at the beginning and that it doesnt need an incredible amount of computational power to generate blocks. Instead, it uses an algorithm based on the amount of coins already in the NXT network, and opening you wallet grants you a chance to get proof of stake rewards.

Its code is unique, and NXTs creators even call it a cryptoplatform instead of a cryptocurrency, as it supports a system that allow an infinite number of third-party applications to be created on top of NXT, creating a whole ecosystem around it.

Ripple wants to do for money what email did for communication. Ripple is both an open-source payments system that wants to help people break free from financial networks who restrict access with fees, and a digital currency used within that network. With Ripple, financial transaction fees can be reduced to almost insignificant amounts, and settlements are almost instant.

These characteristics drew in a wide variety of investors, including Google Ventures.Ripple itself, the cryptocurrency, differs from others as it is pre-mined and centralized. Nevertheless, it has already been adopted by a few major financial institutions.

Monero, a cryptocurrency under the CryptoNote platform, takes financial privacy seriously. Transactions arent traceable at all, and that means those who do value their privacy can feel safewhen using this cryptocurrency. So much so, darknet markets such as AlphaBay have already adopted Monero, which led to a surge in its popularity. Furthermore, this cryptocurrency is optimized for CPUs instead of GPUs, which makes it easier for amateur miners to get involved.

Ethereum is currently the second biggest cryptocurrency out there. Its platform is a blockchain-based decentralized virtual machine called the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), in which people can create decentralized applications (DApps), and in which Gas is used to properly allocate resources in the network.

In the platform, social networking systems that give power to users, online voting and distributed governance tools, and even fully transparent financial applications can be created. Resources in it are paid for in Ether.

The Ethereum project aims to do for human collaboration what the internet did for information, as some of the best uses it can have are still far beyond our imagination, just like Facebook and YouTube were far from peoples imagination when the internet came to be.

If you liked this article, follow us on Twitter @themerklenews and make sure to subscribe to our newsletter to receive the latest bitcoin, cryptocurrency, and technology news.

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Top 5 Most Innovative Cryptocurrencies - The Merkle

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Peer-to-Peer Bitcoin Trading Surges in Venezuela – Reason (blog)

Posted: at 11:54 pm

On February 2, Venezuela's leading bitcoin exchange, SurBitcoin, was forced to suspend operations when its bank account was revoked. According to Rodrigo Souza, who runs SurBitcoin's trading platform, the bank closed the account in anticipation of a nationwide crackdown on bitcoin use in Venezuela after the police raided a warehouse with 11,000 mining computers. SurBitcoin is in talks with other banks, and hopefully it will be operating again soon.

At its core, Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer system that allows users to exchange digital currency without permission from the government or any third party. That's why it's the ultimate libertarian technology. Bitcoin exchanges, like SurBitcoin, however, are subject to government control because they buy and sell bitcoins on behalf of their users and rely on a company bank account to collect and pay out money.

As Souza stressed in an interview last year, exchanges like SurBitcoin aren't actually necessary. They make buying and selling bitcoins more convenient, but users can always revert to peer-to-peer trading. As Souza put it, "how can [the government] stop software running on the internet?"

As he predicted, SurBitcoin's closure has led to a surge in peer-to-peer trading. LocalBitcoins, a site where users connect to buy and sell bitcoins, makes its trade volume public through an API. (See the chart below.) Last week, 464 bitcoins were exchanged in Venezuela on LocalBitcoins, the equivalent of nearly $470,000 dollars based on today's price. That's close to a 50 percent increase in volume since SurBitcoin stopped operating. (LocalBitcoins' previous trading volume peak was 377 bitcoins the week of October 15, 2016, but, at the time, bitcoin was worth almost 40 percent less than it is today.)

SurBitcoin's average weekly trade volume was about 330 bitcoins when it shutdown. So about two-thirds of SurBitcoin's activity has move to LocalBitcoins. (A similar phenomenon is happening in China.)

Why is bitcoin in Venezuela seemingly inexorable? For more, read "The Secret, Dangerous World of Venezuelan Bitcoin Mining." Or listen to this week's episode of EconTalk with Russ Roberts, where I discussed bitcoin in Venezuela and the impact cryptocurrency is having throughout Latin America.

As I told Roberts, I first learned about bitcoin when listening to 2011 EconTalk interview he did with Gavin Andresen, a pioneer in the field. I remember thinking, "this can't possible work." Six years later, in part through my reporting on Venezuela, I'm convinced bitcoin will change the world.

Listen to the interview below. (Bonus link: Nick Gillespie interviewed Russ Roberts in 2014 about his book on Adam Smith.)

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Top 6 Bitcoin Trading Bots – The Merkle

Posted: at 11:54 pm

Trading bots are rather common in the bitcoin world, as very few traders have time to stare at the charts all day. Most people trade bitcoin as a way to generate passive income while working their regular day jobs. With so many people relying on trading bots, the question becomes which one can be trusted and which one should be avoided. Below is a list of known cryptocurrency trading bots, albeit your mileage may vary when using them.

NOTE: The Merkle does not condone the use of trading bots. The Merkle is not responsible for any financial losses sustained while using the software mentioned below. The Merkle is not affiliated with any of these trading bots.

One of the very first automated bitcoin trading bots to ever be created goes by the name of BTC Robot. While it seems to do the job and is quite easy to set up, users mileage may heavily vary when using this tool. Some people seem to be making modest profits, whereas others seem to struggle to get it to work properly. There is a 60-day refund policy, which makes it a no-brainer to try out regardless.

The Gekko trading bot is an open source software solution hat can be found on the GitHub platform. It was last updated a month ago, which seems to indicate it is still being actively developed. Using this automated trading bot seems rather straightforward, as it even comes with some basic strategies. It is not a high-frequency trading bot by any means, nor will it exploit arbitrage opportunities. With a good list of supported exchanges, Gekko could be worth checking out.

One of the more attractive albeit unknown solutions goes by the name of CryptoTrader. The service offers cryptocurrency users automated trading bots running on cloud platforms. Not having to install unknown software is a big plus, albeit it remains to be seen if this platform is legitimate. One intriguing feature is how CryptoTrader features a strategies marketplace where anyone can buy or sell their favorite trading strategy.

Another open-source solution for bitcoin traders goes by the name of Zenbot. Albeit this bot has not seen any major updates over the past few months, it is available to download and modify the code if needed. This marks the third iteration of Zenbot, which is still a lightweight and artificially intelligent bitcoin trading bot. It is also one of the very few solutions capable of high-frequency trading and supporting multiple assets at the same time. According to the GitHub page, Zenbot 3.5.15 makes a 1.531 ROI in just three months, which is quite surprising.

Although technically not a bot in the traditional sense, Tradewave is a platform allowing users to create automated bitcoin trading strategies. Users can connect most of the major exchanges to enable live trading within a few minutes. Moreover, there are quite a few trading strategies shared by community members for other users to try out. Tradewave is not free to use, though, albeit plans start at just US$14 per month.

The Haasbot is somewhat popular among cryptocurrency enthusiasts. On paper, Haasbot does all of the trading legwork on behalf of the user, although some input is required. Haasbot supports all of the major exchanges and is capable of recognizing candlestick patterns. Considering it costs between 0.12 BTC and 0.32 BTC per three-month period to use this tool, one has to be committed to using the software and hopefully make a profit from doing so.

If you liked this article, follow us on Twitter @themerklenews and make sure to subscribe to our newsletter to receive the latest bitcoin, cryptocurrency, and technology news.

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Top 6 Bitcoin Trading Bots - The Merkle

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Bitcoin’s Growth in the UK Continues to Be Stifled by Banks – CryptoCoinsNews

Posted: at 11:54 pm

Banks in the United Kingdom are turning a deaf ear to bitcoin exchanges, despite the governments pro-blockchain position, according to financial writer Roger Aitken, writing in Forbes. Unless the situation changes, the banks will undermine bitcoins progress and drive cryptocurrency entrepreneurs out of the banking system.

Cryptopay, a bitcoin brokerage, recently informed customers that it will no longer support British Pound deposits and withdrawals on account of new bank policies. Such incidents have increased as bitcoin has gained popularity.

Cancellation of GBP deposit and withdrawal facilities limits people to Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) transfers, making Cryptopays buying and selling useless to most British customers.

A dozen or more U.K. brokerages and bitcoin exchanges have suffered over the past three to four years as banking facilities have become unavailable. Some have closed or resorted to awkward arrangements.

Britcoin, which became rebranded as Intersango, started in 2011. It faced problems with U.K. bank transfers before eventually closing. An August 2012 update noted that bridging the gap between bitcoin and the conventional banking system was costly on account of technical issues, missing transfers, and accounts frozen and closed without warning.

In 2014, Bit121 had a promising start, but banks withdrew their support and the exchange closed.

In Bitcoin We Trust suffered the same fate. It resorted to using postal orders before giving up.

Coinfloor, one of the only U.K. exchanges still operating, uses SWIFT transfers, which incur hefty costs and delays. The minimum transfer is 1,000 (c.$1,250).

CoinJournal, a bitcoin publication, saw its banking services come to an abrupt endafter its U.K. banking provider Barclays terminated its business account. CoinJournal received no official warnings prior to its account closure. Even more alarmingly, Barclays still hasnt given a reason for the extreme action.

CoinJournal believes the decision taken by Barclays to close its business account was an automated call, after seeing a pattern of banking transactions involving prominent bitcoin exchange and service provider Circle.

The decision was likely a result of us using Circle to transfer fiat from ad revenue into bitcoin to pay our writers and some overheads, a representative for the publication told CCN.

Similar scenarios have played out in Australia and New Zealand.

BitNZ, a New Zealand bitcoin exchange, has announced it is closing due to the refusal of New Zealand banks to allow bank accounts to trade bitcoins, and has advised customers to withdraw all funds before April 15, 2017.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is scrutinizing attempts by Australias biggest banks to swallow fintech companies developing technologies like blockchain solutions in the financial sector.

Peer-to-peer services match individual buyers and sellers in the U.K. in lieu of traditional exchanges. Trust is established by reputation.

Once a buyer has paid, usually with a bank transfer the seller sends the bitcoins.

As for other nations, Russia recently relaxed its regulatory position and taken a wait and see approach. It has effectively legalized bitcoin and allowed for exchanges to operate. Switzerland is a more progressive country. It is easy to buy bitcoins through a network of ATMs on the rail system.

In Japan, it is possible to pay electric bills with bitcoin.

The United States has a more complex regulatory framework. But progress is on the horizon since the New York BitLicense took effect in 2015, with other states following a similar approach.

Bitcoin is legal in China, although the central bank recently stopped highly leveraged trading.

The banking sector is clearly at odds with the U.K. government, which is openly pro-blockchain. The situation is peculiar, with the government saying the country is open to bitcoin but the banking sector standing in the way.

Since the financial crisis, the taxpayer has become the majority shareholder in the Royal Bank of Scotland, holding at around 82% of the bank. This would normallytranslate into a certain amount of leverage by the taxpayer.

The U.K. also has a reputation for being a fintech hub, to which the banking sector seems to have taken exception.

For whatever reason, the banks have closed ranks and chosen not to work with bitcoin.

The fact that bitcoin is decentralized and fiat currency is centralized could be at the root of the conflict.

Also read: Blockchain platform Waves raises more than $2m at the start of the crowdsale campaign

Money cannot flow easily from the blockchain economy to the traditional financial sector and vice versa without banks cooperation. The bitcoin sector is not large enough to offer all the goods and services needed to make bitcoin a sufficiently broad means of payment.

Bitcoins volatility also makes it an unsuitable unit of account or store of value. While its a great transfer medium, its price against fiat fluctuates too much for most people.

The bitcoin economy wont expand until bitcoin is better suited as a means of payment. But it wont be better suited without more growth and stability.

Waves, a custom blockchain tokens platform, offers a solution fiat-backed blockchain tokens. It raised $16 million last summer through crowdfunding. Waves can act as a gateway between the blockchain and the fiat world.

Customers pay money into the gateway using a bank transfer or another suitable means, and the gateway issues them the same sum in blockchain tokens

The same exchange occurs in reverse when customers cash out their Waves GBP and have them sent as real GBP to their bank account. Waves essentially serves as a toolkit.

Sasha Ivanov, CEO and founder of Waves, noted that Waves can make money more efficient. By putting fiat money on the blockchain, Waves can make it more transparent and faster, and it can reduce the cost of sending it abroad.

Ivanov thinks Waves can introduce competition and encourage banks to become more accountable. If banks in one sector in one country wont work with Waves, it will work with those in another jurisdiction.

Waves does not immediately solve the problem of U.K. banks hostility to bitcoin, but it suggests the roadblocks are not insurmountable. The answer may be to work around them rather than with them.

Image from Shutterstock.

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Bitcoin's Growth in the UK Continues to Be Stifled by Banks - CryptoCoinsNews

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See the space station gloriously bisect the moon – CNET

Posted: at 11:53 pm

Blink and you'll miss it. Astrophotographer Thierry Legault posted a spectacular video of the International Space Station bisecting the moon last week. The European Space Agency highlighted his work on Monday.

Catching a transit is tricky. Legault originally tried to photograph it from Lyon in France, but cloudy skies foiled the effort. Another attempt from Rouen, the birthplace of ESA astronaut Thomas Pesquet, on February 4 proved more successful. Pesquet is currently in residence on board the ISS.

The transit took place during just a fraction of a second. Legault's video first shows the station streaking along, but then slows it down to give viewers a better look at its movement as it cuts down the moon's center line.

A zoomed-in version shows off Legault's photography skills and the surprising amount of detail on display from both the ISS and the moon. You can even see the station's long solar arrays.

Astrophotographers relish the challenge of snapping an ISS transit. NASA photographer Bill Ingalls captured an image of the ISS transiting the sun in 2015 and another of it in front of the moon that same year.

Does the Mac still matter? Apple execs tell why the MacBook Pro was over four years in the making, and why we should care.

Solving for XX: The industry seeks to overcome outdated ideas about "women in tech."


These 10 space images look unbelievable, but are actually real (pictures)

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See the space station gloriously bisect the moon - CNET

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LOOK UP! International Space Station flies over Asheville on Valentine’s Day – WLOS

Posted: at 11:53 pm

Just before 7:15 p.m. on Tuesday, February 14, 2017 the ISS will fly over Asheville and be visible as it crosses overhead for just over four minutes. (Photo credit: MGN)

The International Space Station (ISS) orbits the Earth, and it's visible when it flies over Asheville, if you know where and when to look.

Just before 7:15 p.m. on Tuesday, February 14, 2017 the ISS will fly over Asheville and be visible as it crosses overhead for just over four minutes.

If skies are clear in your area, look northwest at about 7:15 p.m., and wait for the ISS to become visible over the horizon. It will look like a bright, fast-moving star, and will travel overhead and move out of sight into the eastern horizon.

The ISS travels at about 17,150 mph hour, if you can believe that, and you can view how many people are aboard it right here.

You can track where the ISS is here. There's even a livecam on the ISS, and you can see what the international astronauts are seeing here.

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LOOK UP! International Space Station flies over Asheville on Valentine's Day - WLOS

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Taft, Valore & Cunabear, Goldie, Drinking Bleach @The Space Station at Starlandia Supply – Connect Savannah.com

Posted: at 11:53 pm

AUSTIN, Texass Taft (not to be confused with Savannahs own Taft) comes to town with a unique blend of electro-pop and ethereal folk. A versatile artist, Taft is just as comfortable crafting spare vintage-pop ballads with entrancing vocals and gentle fingerpicking on songs like "Wheel" as he is throwing down thick beats and contagious hooks for electro dance bangers like "I Button Up My Shirt."

The unusual mix of textures and vocal stylings creates a genre thats the bizarre lovechild of Harry Nilsson and David Byrne bathed in sunshine.

Local hip-hop trailblazers Valore and Cunabear bring their separate acts together for a shared set.

Drinking Bleach, the solo project of Generation Pills James Lee, joins the bill, along with Goldie, a new endeavor from musician-about-town James Chapman and friends.

Thursday, February 16, 8 p.m., all-ages

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Taft, Valore & Cunabear, Goldie, Drinking Bleach @The Space Station at Starlandia Supply - Connect Savannah.com

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Top Science Organization Cautiously Supports Genetically Engineering Humans – Gizmodo

Posted: at 11:52 pm

Human mesenchymal stem cells (Image: Rose Spear/Flickr)

New gene editing methods like CRISPR/Cas9 have given scientists unprecedented potential to edit human DNA. But how should researchers in the field actually use these methods, especially when editing traits that can be passed down to children? Should they be used to cure disease? Should they be used to enhance features that arent necessary for our survival?

Were definitely far from seeing X-men mutants and genetically modified superhumans from whatever dystopian young adult novel you may be reading, especially in the United States where lawmakers passed legislation preventing government money from funding this kind of research. That hasnt stopped researchers in other countries like China from creating gene-edited embryos, which has some scientists very concerned. Today, the National Academies of Sciences and Medicine released a major new report and recommendations to ensure any such research done stateside in the future is performed responsibly and ethically.

The implicit message is that whether we like it or not, a future of gene-edited humans is on its way.

Although scientists have been able to chop up DNA for decades, precise new tools like CRISPR/Cas9 make it easier than ever to experiment with gene-edited livestock, or using gene-edited cells to help fight cancer in humans, for instance. But CRISPRs relative ease of use has caused many to worry about the ethical implications of germline editing, or editing traits in cells that could be passed on to later generations. A commentary published in 2015 in Nature warns that gene editing humans could have unpredictable effects on future generations.

The new National Academies report is an attempt to offer guidance both for germline editing to cure disease, as well as for enhancementmaking stronger, smarter, better humansshould the funding ban in the United States lift.

The Academies ruling on germline editing for curing inherited diseases is basically that scientists need to be very careful. The group recommends only permitting such procedures with lots of oversight, so long as researchers dont have better treatment options, know for a fact the gene theyre editing causes disease, are editing the gene to match the naturally-occurring healthy version, and perform rigorous research including clinical trials and multi-generational follow-up studies. After all, they need to ensure they havent accidentally introduced some dangerous mutation that will harm future humans.

As far as editing germline cells for human enhancement, the Academies said no wayat least, not yet. They hope to see further public discussion to make sure people are okay with what we might be doing to our species. I think its basically a lets buy some time, director of New York Universitys Division of Medical Ethics Arthur Caplan told Gizmodo. Its not inappropriate to buy some time. The techniques are new and we dont know if theyre safe. Plus, the technology isnt even close to making superbabies, although that hasnt stopped ethicists from considering the moral conundrum superbabies pose.

Caplan was concerned that the report didnt more strongly recommend testing any potential gene editing procedures in animals first, or discuss who actually owns the rights to various gene editing methods and how much they will cost. Im very worried about access, he said. Whos keeping an eye on the prices that will be charged? Will this be another repeat of the drug price problems?

Ultimately, the Academies and Caplan hope to see more communication between the scientists and the public about how we as a society feel about gene editing. The reality is the scientific community hasnt really spent enough resources thinking about how to really engage the public, said Caplan. They have to do more surveys, better outreach, use the internet more. The report is quiet about that...Weve gotta get more creative than weve been.

Update 1:55PM: Some are disappointed with the Academies statement, which approves of genetic engineering despite the cautious wording. The Center for Genetics and Society sent Gizmodo a statement including the following quote:

The recommendations and conclusions of this report are unsettling and disappointing, said Marcy Darnovsky, PhD, Executive Director of the Center for Genetics and Society. Although theyre couched in apparently cautionary language, they actually constitute a green light for proceeding with efforts to modify the human germlinethat is, to engineer the genes and traits that are passed on to future children and generations.

In December 2015, the National Academies International Summit on Human Gene Editing concluded with a statement that it would be irresponsible to proceed with human germline modification unless and until a broad societal consensus had been reached. Todays report dispenses with the idea of meaningful public participation in this profoundly consequential decision, Darnovsky said. It calls for `continued public engagement [page 146] with the details, but excludes the public from participation in deciding whether human germline modification is acceptable in the first place.

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Top Science Organization Cautiously Supports Genetically Engineering Humans - Gizmodo

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