Daily Archives: February 14, 2017

What the papers say: Britain’s soaring EU budget bill shows Brexit can’t happen soon enough – Spectator.co.uk (blog)

Posted: February 14, 2017 at 11:50 am

Weve heard that Brexit could cost Britain billions in the form of a divorce bill from Brussels. But what is the price of staying in? That question is answered by the Daily Mail this morning which reveals Treasury estimates slipped out last week that the UKs contribution to the EU will jump to 10.2bn in 2019 up from 7.9bn this year. The numbers also show that if Britain is still in the EU by 2021-22, taxpayers will have to pay out 10.9bn to Brussels. For the Daily Mail this is proof that Brexit is the best course of action. Doesnt this revelation, slipped out by the Treasury, show precisely why were leaving in the nick of time?, the paper asks. It says this soaring bill shows that Brussels is spending well beyond its means and suggests the money were sending to Brussels could easily be put to better use if it was spent at home. For one, the Mail says, that sum of money could solve our elderly care crisis at a stroke and still leave a few billion to spare.

In the Times, its the euro which comes in for criticism, as the paper suggests the dismal state of the Greek economy shows exactly why the single currency is such a dreadful idea. The ratio of debt to Greeces GDP now sits at 169 per cent, the paper says meaning that, soon enough, something will have to give. But what can be done? Some say that leaving the euro is the only way ahead for Greece an option which the Times pours cold water on, saying the damage would be so immense that is simply isnt plausible. Instead, the only path now despite the reluctance of Germany to agree to it is further debt restructuring along with closer fiscal integration. What is most clear from this mess is that the euro is a misconceived project. And the miserable news is that without financial collapse theres no going back, says the Times.

Meanwhile, the Sun warns that were living through torrid times for the British press. The paper warns that the freedom enjoyed by newspapers has never been in greater peril than it is today. After the looming threat of a state-backed regulator, the proposals put forward by the Law Commission that journalists who obtain secret information could be sent to prison are the latest worry to emerge. These recommendations place too much power in the hands of officials who would rather the public was always kept in the dark, says the Sun, which calls on Downing Street to show it values a free press and ditch the idea.

Ken Loach grabbed the headlines yesterday after accusing the Tories of callous brutality in his acceptance speech at the Baftas. The film director even went as far as saying the Government would have to be removed before claimingthat he and other film directors are with the people on this. This is laughable, suggests the Telegraph, which says the truth is that most people think Loach and his friends are living in la-la land.. Despite the doom-mongering of his speech, in which he talked of dark times and the bleak visions of Britain presented in his films, most people dont recognise this view of modern Britain. The Telegraph says that theres no doubt Loach is a fine director. Yet his skill behind the camera doesnt mean that his view that the welfare state has been dismantled and the poor left to starve and rot is accurate. Instead, the naked truth is that his films are nothing to do with delving into the human condition; theyre simply an exercise in Left-wing propaganda, concludes the Telegraph.

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What the papers say: Britain's soaring EU budget bill shows Brexit can't happen soon enough - Spectator.co.uk (blog)

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Local officials get primer on cuts in Medicaid – Marietta Times

Posted: at 11:50 am

Medicaid is the most-funded program in the states budget, but within the next four months a significant loss in revenues due to federal mandates is expected to hit local counties hard.

County commissioners and representatives from the area met Monday in Marietta to discuss concerns with Gov. John Kasichs proposed budget for the next two years concerning the loss in tax revenue and what the lack of funds could do to local governments.

The fact of the matter is that we have a lot of unmet needs in the state that theres not money for, said Rep. Jack Cera, D-Bellaire.

In July 2014, the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services advised state Medicaid directors that taxing a subset of health care providers at the same rate as a statewide sales tax is subject to the definition of a health care related tax and is not permissible. CMS gave Ohio until the end of June of this year to remove the tax, which generated more than $209 million in fiscal year 2016.

Kasichs plan offers a transition aid program to wean local governments off of reliance on the revenue, but local county commissioners say there is no weening without a replacement source of income.

With flat revenue streams from property and income taxes, Southeastern Ohio counties rely on sales tax to fuel their general funds.

Folks are more dependent now on this sales tax than they have ever been, explained Brad Cole, managing director of research for the County Commissioners Association of Ohio. This will first start to impact local governments in the final quarter of this year.

Washington Countys current general fund draws 6.14 percent, or $827,368, of its revenue from the tax. In Noble County 8.42 percent, or $168,168, of the county general fund comes from the tax. The $279,055 take for Morgan County is 16 percent of its general fund budget and in Monroe County 7.05 percent, or $228,684, of the general fund comes from the tax.

There are a lot of mandates from the state already that go unfunded, said Washington County Commissioner Rick Walters. So if theyre going to reduce revenues, they need to reduce the mandates we are forced to fund on our own.

Ohio Rep. Andy Thompson, R-Marietta, said the current budget proposal by Kasich will be reviewed well before July in budget committee meetings and that the concerns of commissioners present, along with those across the state, will be of great benefit.

Well have to look at this and make corrections, said Thompson. I suspect well be huddling on this project but I hope there will in the end be more authority passed back down from Washington and Columbus to local governments so that you have more freedom and latitude to spend your tax dollars where you need them.

The meeting at Buckeye Hills-Hocking Valley Regional Development District also addressed the continuing opiate epidemic and its cost on local government funds, specifically in the cost of care for the children of addicts.

Let us take care of our own kids here in Southeast Ohio instead of having to send them to Pittsburgh because we have no facilities to house them, said Washington County Commissioner Ron Feathers. Right now state mandates reach too far into our pockets and we end up spending $350 per day to send kids outside the county that need therapeutic care.

Noble County Commissioner Ty Moore agreed with Feathers and suggested that local counties band together to fund local treatment options for both adults and youth in an effort to defray costs of out of region care.

At a glance

In July 2014, federal officials advised Ohio Medicaid that taxing a subset of health care providers at the same rate as a statewide sales tax is subject to the definition of a health care related tax and is not permissible.

Ohio has until the end of June of this year to remove the tax.

6.14 percent, or $827,368, of Washington Countys general fund is drawn from the tax.

8.42 percent, or $168,168, of Noble Countys general fund is drawn from the tax.

16 percent, or $279,055, of Morgan Countys general fund is drawn from the tax.

7.05 percent, or $228,684, of Monroe Countys general fund is drawn from the tax.

Source: County Commissioners of Ohio Association.

Program on Social Security at WSCC Maximize Your Social Security, will be offered from 6:30 to 7:45 p.m. ...

BELPRE - A group of Belpre pastors and ministers who work with the Belpre Police Department is interested in ...

WATERFORD- A partnership with Marietta College, Gov. John Kasich's proposed budget and new ownership of the former ...

A $670.7 million settlement in principle has been reached resolving the C8 lawsuits pending against DuPont, ...

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Local officials get primer on cuts in Medicaid - Marietta Times

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Meet The Venezuelan-Born Mom Who Ran For State Senate To Stop Socialism – The Federalist

Posted: at 11:50 am

While Americans fixate on the new Republican majority in Washington DC, they may have overlooked the partys gains in their own state capitals. It wasnt just Donald Trump who won big-league in 2016. Republicans also picked up dozens of seats in statehouses. All told, the GOP now controls the legislatures of 32 states (compared to 14 for Democrats), an all-time high for the party.

My home state of West Virginia is no exception. Two years ago, we saw our first Republican majority since the Great Depression, with the GOP gaining even more ground in 2016. One of those gains was in my district, where my friend and fellow homeschooling mother Patricia Rucker recently became my state senator. Although Im admittedly biased, Rucker is both a good model for anyone looking to get more involved in local politics, and a reminder of the value that freedom-seeking immigrants bring to America.

I first got to know Patricia through local politics, where she seemed to be an almost omnipresent force. Dark-haired and slender, shes one of those people who radiates energy. At every phone bank, fundraiser, lit drop, and Tea Party rally, Patricia was therealways with several kids in tow. A devout Catholic, she and her husband Jimmy have five children.

As the legislative session began February 8, Patricia packed her bags, left the homeschooling in Jimmys hands, and made the five-hour trek to Charleston as a freshman senator. For a woman who was born a continent away and became a U.S. citizen just 12 years ago, its the culmination of a remarkable journey.

She was born Patricia Elena Puertas in Caracas, Venezuela. Her parents, Jos and Hayde, had both grown up as the eldest children of large, working-class families. They each became the first in their families to attend college, working hard to support themselves as journalism students. They used their first paychecks to help Haydes parents leave the slums for a two-bedroom apartment in Caracas, with their eight younger children.

Family interdependence was such an important part of Venezuelan culture back then, Patricia remembers. Its one of those things that socialism is trying to destroy.

The Venezuela of Patricias childhood was a very different place than it is today. At the time, Venezuelans enjoyed the highest standard of living in Latin America. Patricia remembers an easy-going, family-oriented culture, loosely organized and far from centrally planned.

There was certainly quite a bit of petty corruption, a quid-pro-quo system, she says. But in general, the government required very little from you. You didnt have to get a license and a permit for every little thing. You lived how you wanted. People didnt have a lot of material things, but they also didnt see those things as important. Everyone had their little plot of land, their garden. We relied on our families. We took care of each other.

As his family grew, Jos was climbing the career ladder as a journalist with the Paris-based Agence France-Press. Eventually, AFP asked the young Venezuelan to move to its Washington DC, bureau. It was a prestigious job that involved covering politicians and world leadersincluding the U.S. presidentas a member of the international press corps.

It was hard for Jos and Hayde to leave their extended family in Venezuela, but they didnt sell their Venezuelan home, confident they and their five children would return. We arrived in DC on January 3, 1981, just before Reagan was inaugurated, Patricia remembers. To this day, its the only presidential inauguration Ive ever seen in person. Of course, I didnt really understand any of it. She was six years old.

The family settled in the DC suburb of Montgomery County, Maryland, where the children went to school. I had speech delays and had a hard time communicating, even in Spanish, Patricia says, so between that and learning English, my first years in school were hard. I was an outcast. The experience, though difficult, was formative. It made me sympathetic toward other people. After that, I was always the one befriending my fellow nerds and outcasts, she remembers. It became a part of my personality: I defend the little guy and I stand up for them.

By sixth grade, Patricia had finished speech therapy and mastered English. After that, she quickly advanced to her schools gifted and talented class. There she had another formative experience.

Even though there werent many Hispanics in Montgomery County back then, I never thought of myself as different. In my mind, I was like everyone else. But her fellow students were more familiar with the ways of the world. As soon as I got into the gifted and talented program, several of the other students assumed that I was only there because I was the token Hispanic. They thought I hadnt gotten there on my own merits.

The experience rankled. It was then that I decided I hated the labeling. I hated the affirmative action. Youre trying to do me a favor, but youre actually making it worse for me! I dont want you to do me a favor. I want to succeed through my own achievements. She laughs a little at the memory. And I think thats when I first became a Republican. The Democratic Party has become a party of favors and putting people into pigeonholes. I dont want to be labeled; I dont want to be limited. I wanted to be limitless. I dont want you giving me anything. I want you to get out of my way and let me live my life.

Sixth grade also marked the beginning of her political career: she ran for class president and won. She remained active in student government throughout her middle and high school years. While still a senior in high school, Patricia met Maryland native Jimmy Rucker at a church Bible study. Jimmy was a nursing student at Catholic University, and asked her out on a date.

I knew pretty quickly that this was the man I was going to marry, Patricia says. They dated for four years, until Patricia graduated from Trinity College with a major in U.S. history. She and Jimmy married the same year, and Patricia took a teaching job with Montgomery County public schools. After having their second child, they moved to Jefferson County, West Virginiarefugees from socialist Montgomery County, Patricia laughs. Its true. We came here for freedom.

All this time, Patricia was slowly working her way through the process of becoming a U.S. citizen. Before I even met my husband, I already felt more American than Venezuelan, she says. For Patricia, U.S. citizenship was the fulfilment of a dream. I had majored in history, and the more I learned, the more I fell in love with the Constitution. I fell in love with the American founding and the American dreamit was not just a clich for me.

After an eight-year process, Patricia was finally granted citizenship in 2004. By then, she was already the mother of four young Americans, the smallest just four months old. Patricia was given the option to be sworn in at a DC ceremony with President Bush in 2005, but she opted for an earlier local ceremony instead. I chose to do it early because I was so eager to vote in the fall election, she explains. I just couldnt wait.

Patricia cast her first vote in November 2004. When she looked at her ballot, the names on national races were familiar, but the names on local races werent. It really shook me that I didnt even know who some of those people were, she said. That day, I promised myself never to let that happen again.

While Patricia was busy putting down roots in America, her native country was remaking itself. Hugo Chvez, a self-declared Marxist, had come to power in 1998, bringing with him a new socialist vision. The Puertas family, who continued traveling back to Venezuela every two years, watched the transformation unfold before their eyes.

I was in Venezuela when Chvez was campaigning in 1998, Patricia remembers. He preached a gospel of envy, both internationally and locally. If the United States was wealthy, it was because they had stolen and cheated from other countries. And if your neighbor was better off than you, it was also because they had stolen and cheated. Therefore, you should be allowed to take what was theirs.

If your neighbor was better off than you, it was also because they had stolen and cheated. Therefore, you should be allowed to take what was theirs.

Besides nationalizing industry and rewriting the constitution to grant himself vast powers, Chvez unleashed the envy hed been fomenting in a government-sanctioned wave of lawlessness. He made it known that the government would not prosecute squatters who took over unproductive or unoccupied buildings and land. A spree of private property thefts ensued.

It got so bad that women had to quit their jobs and stay home all day, just to make sure their homes wouldnt be broken into by squatters, Patricia says. You can only imagine the violence. In a place where we never had violent crime when I was a little girl, people were terrified to go out at night.

Yet Chvezs welfare state policies, funded for a time by Venezuelas vast oil revenues, continued to make him popular with the majority. Its only in the past few years that most Venezuelans have realized what an incredible mistake they made, says Patricia. As oil prices have fallen and Venezuelas war on private industry has reached its natural end, the country is in an economic tailspin. For the past four years, Venezuela has been ranked as the most miserable nation on earth, according to economist Steve Hankes Misery Index. Last year, the Venezuelan currency officially reached hyperinflation, with average people unable to buy food or basic necessities.

Despite living abroad, Jos and Hayde were not immune from the chaos. Not only were they driven to sell their Venezuelan home at a fraction of its value, but they also lost the apartment they had bought for Haydes parents all those years ago, when it was claimed in a break-in. Sadly, they realized that there would be no returning home. The old Venezuela was gone. They too applied for U.S. citizenship, finally becoming Americans just last year.

Back in West Virginia, the Ruckers were busy raising their growing family, now with five children. Despite her full life as a stay-at-home mom and homeschool teacher, Patricia began getting involved in grassroots activism. When I heard Obama campaigning in 2008, I was shocked to hear how much he sounded like Hugo Chvez on the campaign trail, she says. All the stoking of class envyit really concerned me. After seeing what happened in Venezuela, I was not going to let my adopted country go that direction without a fight.

Her worries extended beyond Obama and the Democrats. In 2008 I was feeling deceived and disillusioned by both parties, she remembers. I felt the need to fight back, with education as the primary tool. She founded a local Tea Party chapter, kicking things off with a tax-day rally at the county courthouse in April 2009.

We forget that the Tea Party started because people were furious about the stimulus, the Wall Street bailouts, the fiscal insanity.

About 200 people showed up on a rainy day, she remembers. That was so encouraging. We forget that the Tea Party started because people were furious about the stimulus, the Wall Street bailouts, the fiscal insanity. I had felt very lonely, but now I saw I wasnt alone.

Patricia sent out invitations for meetings, and the group slowly grew. We were committed to two things: First, defending the Constitution. Second, educating ourselves and others. We really tried to remain non-partisan and not get caught up in social issues. After several years, the group restructured as a political action committee and began recruiting liberty-minded candidates for local office. Every year, we did a little bit more. We started having some successes.

In 2014, the Tea Party couldnt find a candidate for one race, a House of Delegates seat in the countys most liberal districtPatricias district. I just could not stand the thought of the Democrat being unchallenged, she recalls. I tried hard. No one was willing to run against him.

As moms everywhere know, if you want something done right, sometimes you have to do it yourself. After prayer and discussion with her family, Patricia reluctantly stepped aside from the Tea Party PAC and filed as a Republican candidate for the seat.

Her opponent was incumbent Delegate Stephen Skinner, a private attorney and the first openly gay lawmaker in West Virginia. As founder of the LGBT advocacy group Fairness WV, he was one of the most liberal legislators in Charleston, with progressive social issues at the center of his agenda.

The odds against Patricia were steep, but she worked hard, going door to door throughout the district. On Election Day, she came just 133 votes away from unseating Skinner. The narrow loss in a tough district whetted her political appetite: It gave me a taste for the fact that I could do it.

In 2015, Patricia filed as a candidate againthis time for the West Virginia Senate, where Republicans held a narrow one-seat majority. She badly wanted to see this seat flip to the GOP, but we needed a candidate who was really going to work hard for it. Patricia thought shed be challenging the incumbent, Sen. Herb Snyder, but in June she got some surprising news: Snyder was stepping down, and Skinner would run for the seat. The stage had been set for a rematch.

I was excited when I heard I was going up against Skinner again, Patricia says. Hes my political polar opposite. Its much easier to run against someone who disagrees with you on almost every point.

So many people believe the same things we domore than youd think. But theyre busy. They dont have time to go out and investigate all the issues.

It became one of the most hotly contested races in the state, making headlines for the amount of money spent. The vast majority of that moneyfour out of every five dollarswas spent on Skinners side. One PAC in particular, calling itself West Virginia Family Values but funded by unions and trial lawyers, poured money into massive ad buys against Rucker. The Skinner campaign also went on the attack. Patricia was painted as a radical with the incongruous goals of legalizing all drugs, taking away womens birth control, and defunding public education.

I think [these allegations] created more support for me than they did me harm, Patricia says.

While Skinner and his allies took to the airwaves, Rucker took to the streets, again pursuing her door-to-door strategy. This time, instead of a small House district, she had a massive Senate district to tackle. I created a daily schedule for myself, she says. I would start with six hours of homeschooling. Then I would go out for two to four hours of door-knocking. Id come home and make dinner, and every night I would finish by writing personal letters to the people Id met that day. She kept up this grueling pace from October 2015 until Election Day 2016eventually knocking on over 16,000 doors.

While many would consider this a form of torture, meeting voters energized Rucker. Talking to people inspired me, she says. So many people believe the same things we domore than youd think. But theyre busy. They dont have time to go out and investigate all the issues. My biggest strength in politics isnt that Im rich or creative or entrepreneurialits that Im a teacher. Its just in me to educate. If I can help someone understand something they didnt before, thats where I get my reward. She also got her reward at the polls on Election Day, defeating Skinner 53 to 47 percent.

While the Senate is now solidly in GOP control, Patricia nonetheless anticipates a tension-filled freshman session: Down there, they think they know it all.

The state government makes too many decisions for its people. At the same time, its failing in its core responsibilities.

Asked what her goals as a senator are, Patricia says, I want to make West Virginia a state that supports and respects its citizens. That sounds basic, but its not. The state government makes too many decisions for its people. At the same time, its failing in its core responsibilities of education, infrastructure, and protecting citizens rights. I want to make the state more responsive and accountable, while empowering local governments and citizens to reclaim our freedom. Follow what the Founding Fathers expected: that we would manage our own affairs.

Part of the states role should be protecting its citizens from federal overreach, she continues. We need more representatives who have the courage to do that. It means making decisions that arent popular, but I didnt run because I wanted to be popular. I ran because I wanted someone in office whos going to stand up and not be afraid.

To the grassroots activist who aspires to political office, Patricia advises: Dont give up. Know clearly what youre fighting for. If you dont have principles to ground you, you can easily get used and bought off.

Rucker doesnt seem to be in any doubt about what her principles are. As someone who has both studied Americas founding and witnessed socialism firsthand, she knows the stakes. At a January swearing-in ceremony held locally for friends and supporters, a crowd of us watched her take an oath to defend the Constitution, with confidence that she really meant it.

As we filed out of the room that night, I overheard one man in a ball cap make a passing remark in his thick local drawl. If every native-born American loved this country as much as she does, he said, wed be a whole lot better off.

Jayme Metzgar is a Senior Contributor at The Federalist.

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Meet The Venezuelan-Born Mom Who Ran For State Senate To Stop Socialism - The Federalist

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Syrian refugee families achieve financial independence in Alliston – Simcoe.com

Posted: at 11:50 am

The path to financial independence has come relatively quickly for the Elahmad family, but their road to success was built on hard work and perseverance, as well as a community willing to give them opportunities.

Khaled Elahmad, his wife and their four daughters moved to the community last February, after they were sponsored by the Syrian refugee committee from St. Johns United Church.

While the family continues to overcome language and cultural barriers, Elahmad and Nisrin are determined to provide a better life for their children.

In September, he landed a job at Peter Thompson & Sons, an Alliston company that manufacturers hardwood flooring. The position was a perfect fit for Elahmad, who used to work at a window-manufacturing factory in Lebanon.

His first task was to grade lumber, but his skills didn't go unnoticed for long. He was soon promoted to the dimension department, where a keen eye is needed to sort materials for different types of flooring.

The company has since hired two more Syrian refugees Joseph Talia, who lives in Alliston with wife Nadi and their four girls; and Mohammed Aldiri, who lives in Shelburne with his wife and their seven children.

They are all such hard workers, said human resources manager Amanda Labatte-Dawe. It also made perfect sense to hire Khaled because he had the experience.

The downside of working full time is that Elahmad and Talia can no longer attend English classes, which are only available during the day. However, Aldiri, who speaks a little English, is helping them learn on the job by teaching them some words and phrases.

The Canadian dream is well within grasp for the Elahmads, but the same can't be said for many of the Syrian refugees who came to this country.

According to the federal government, only half of privately sponsored refugees, and just 12 per cent of government-sponsored refugees, find employment during their first year in Canada.

With the Elahmads youngest daughter now old enough to attend school, Nisrin has been able to start planning for her own career. Recently she was invited to put on an interactive cooking demonstration at the churchs Ladies Laugh, Lunch and Learn, a monthly event that brings people of all cultures together to talk and enjoy a meal.

During the hour-long demonstration, Nisrin showed lunch-goers how to make two staples of Syrian cuisine: tabbouleh, a fresh salad of parsley, tomatoes, bulgar, lettuce and cucumber; and falafels, which are small deep-fried patties made with chickpeas, fava beans and spices.

In the year that I have known Nisrin, I have learned that she really loves to cook and that her food is very good, said Sharron Smith, chair of the churchs refugee sponsorship committee.

Nisrin, who used to cook at a hotel in Lebanon after fleeing Syria in 2012, wants to start her own catering business and is planning to start selling food later this year at the summer farmers market in downtown Alliston.

Smith said the church committee plans to sponsor another family once the federal government agrees to allow more refugees into the country, and to also do some family reunification.

To celebrate the one-year anniversary of the refugee families living in Alliston, the church is holding a Come and Go tea Feb. 26 from 2-4 p.m.

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Principality of Sealand – Wikipedia

Posted: at 11:49 am

For more information about the structure claimed by Sealand see HM Fort Roughs

The Principality of Sealand is an unrecognised micronation that claims Roughs Tower, an offshore platform located in the North Sea approximately 12 kilometres (7.5mi) off the coast of Suffolk, England, as its territory. Roughs Tower is a disused Maunsell Sea Fort, originally called HM Fort Roughs, built as an anti-aircraft defensive gun platform by the British during World War II.[3][4]

Since 1967, the decommissioned HM Fort Roughs has been occupied by family and associates of Paddy Roy Bates, who claim that it is an independent sovereign state.[3] Bates seized it from a group of pirate radio broadcasters in 1967 with the intention of setting up his own station at the site.[5] He attempted to establish Sealand as a nation-state in 1975 with the writing of a national constitution and establishment of other national symbols.[3]

While it has been described as the world's smallest country[6] or nation,[7] Sealand is not officially recognised by any established sovereign state in spite of Sealand's government's claim that it has been de facto recognised by the United Kingdom[3] and Germany.[8] The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea in force since 1994 states "Artificial islands, installations and structures do not possess the status of islands. They have no territorial sea of their own, and their presence does not affect the delimitation of the territorial sea, the exclusive economic zone or the continental shelf".[9] Since 1987, Sealand lies within the territorial waters of the United Kingdom.

Bates moved to the mainland when he became elderly, naming his son Michael regent. Bates died in October 2012 at the age of 91.[10] Michael lives in Suffolk, England.[11]

In 1943, during World War II, HM Fort Roughs (sometimes called Roughs Tower) was constructed by the United Kingdom as one of the Maunsell Forts,[12] primarily to defend the vital shipping lanes in nearby estuaries against German Navy mine-laying aircraft. It consisted of a floating pontoon base with a superstructure of two hollow towers joined by a deck upon which other structures could be added. The fort was towed to a position above the Rough Sands sandbar, where its base was deliberately flooded to sink it on its final resting place. This is approximately 7 nautical miles (13km) from the coast of Suffolk, outside the then 3nmi (6km) claim of the United Kingdom and, therefore, in international waters.[12] The facility was occupied by 150300 Royal Navy personnel throughout World War II; the last full-time personnel left in 1956.[12]

Roughs Tower was occupied in February and August 1965 by Jack Moore and his daughter Jane, squatting on behalf of the pirate station Wonderful Radio London.

On 2 September 1967, the fort was occupied by Major Paddy Roy Bates, a British subject and pirate radio broadcaster, who ejected a competing group of pirate broadcasters.[5] Bates intended to broadcast his pirate radio station called Radio Essex from the platform.[13] Despite having the necessary equipment, he never began broadcasting.[14] Bates declared the independence of Roughs Tower and deemed it the Principality of Sealand.[5]

In 1968, British workmen entered what Bates claimed to be his territorial waters in order to service a navigational buoy near the platform. Michael Bates (son of Paddy Roy Bates) tried to scare the workmen off by firing warning shots from the former fort. As Bates was a British subject at the time, he was summoned to court in England on firearms charges following the incident.[15] But as the court ruled that the platform (which Bates was now calling "Sealand") was outside British territorial limits, being beyond the then 3-nautical-mile (6km) limit of the country's waters, the case could not proceed.[16]

In 1975, Bates introduced a constitution for Sealand, followed by a national flag, a national anthem, a currency and passports.[3]

In August 1978, Alexander Achenbach, who describes himself as the Prime Minister of Sealand, hired several German and Dutch mercenaries to spearhead an attack on Sealand while Bates and his wife were in England.[8] They stormed the platform with speedboats, jet skis and helicopters, and took Bates' son Michael hostage. Michael was able to retake Sealand and capture Achenbach and the mercenaries using weapons stashed on the platform. Achenbach, a German lawyer who held a Sealand passport, was charged with treason against Sealand[8] and was held unless he paid DM75,000 (more than US$35,000 or 23,000).[17] The governments of the Netherlands, Austria and Germany petitioned the British government for his release, but the United Kingdom disavowed his imprisonment, citing the 1968 court decision.[3] Germany then sent a diplomat from its London embassy to Sealand to negotiate for Achenbach's release. Roy Bates relented after several weeks of negotiations and subsequently claimed that the diplomat's visit constituted de facto recognition of Sealand by Germany.[8]

Following the former's repatriation, Achenbach and Gernot Ptz established a government in exile, sometimes known as the Sealand Rebel Government or Sealandic Rebel Government, in Germany.[8] Achenbach's appointed successor, Johannes Seiger, continues to claim via his website that he is Sealand's legitimate ruling authority.[18]

The claim that Sealand is an independent sovereign state is based on an interpretation of a 1968 decision of an English court, in which it was held that Roughs Tower was in international waters and thus outside the jurisdiction of the domestic courts.[3]

In international law, the most common schools of thought for the creation of statehood are the constitutive and declaratory theories of state creation. The constitutive theory is the standard nineteenth-century model of statehood, and the declaratory theory was developed in the twentieth century to address shortcomings of the constitutive theory. In the constitutive theory, a state exists exclusively via recognition by other states. The theory splits on whether this recognition requires 'diplomatic recognition' or merely 'recognition of existence'. No other state grants Sealand official recognition, but it has been argued by Bates that negotiations carried out by Germany following a brief hostage incident constituted 'recognition of existence' (and, since the German government reportedly sent an ambassador to the tower, diplomatic recognition). In the declaratory theory of statehood, an entity becomes a state as soon as it meets the minimal criteria for statehood. Therefore, recognition by other states is purely 'declaratory'.[33]

In 1987, the UK extended its territorial waters from 3 to 12 nautical miles (6 to 22km). Sealand now sits inside British waters.[34] The United Kingdom is one of 165 parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (in force since 1994), which states in Part V, Article 60, that: 'Artificial islands, installations and structures do not possess the status of islands. They have no territorial sea of their own, and their presence does not affect the delimitation of the territorial sea, the exclusive economic zone or the continental shelf'.[9] In the opinion of law academic John Gibson, there is little chance that Sealand would be recognised as a nation because it is a man-made structure.[34]

Irrespective of its legal status, Sealand is managed by the Bates family as if it were a recognised sovereign entity and they are its hereditary royal rulers. Roy Bates styled himself as 'Prince Roy' and his widow 'Princess Joan'. Their son is known as 'His Royal Highness Prince Michael' and has been referred to as the 'Prince Regent' by the Bates family since 1999.[35] In this role, he apparently serves as Sealand's acting 'Head of State' and also its 'Head of Government'.[36] At a micronations conference hosted by the University of Sunderland in 2004, Sealand was represented by Michael Bates' son James. The facility is now occupied by one or more caretakers representing Michael Bates, who himself resides in Essex, England.[35]

Sealand's constitution was instituted in 1974. It consists of a preamble and seven articles.[37] The preamble asserts Sealand's independence, while the articles variously deal with Sealand's status as a constitutional monarchy, the empowerment of government bureaux, the role of an appointed, advisory senate, the functions of an appointed, advisory legal tribunal, a proscription against the bearing of arms except by members of a designated 'Sealand Guard', the exclusive right of the sovereign to formulate foreign policy and alter the constitution, and the hereditary patrilinear succession of the monarchy.[38] Sealand's legal system is claimed to follow British common law, and statutes take the form of decrees enacted by the sovereign.[39] Sealand has issued "fantasy passports" (as termed by the Council of the European Union), which are not valid for international travel,[40] and holds the Guinness World Record for 'the smallest area to lay claim to nation status'.[41] Sealand's motto is E Mare Libertas (From the Sea, Freedom). It appears on Sealandic items such as stamps, passports and coins and is the title of the Sealandic anthem. The anthem was composed by Londoner Basil Simonenko;[42] being an instrumental anthem, it does not have lyrics. In 2005, the anthem was recorded by the Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra and released on their CD National Anthems of the World, Vol. 7: Qatar Syria.

Sealand has been involved in several commercial operations, including the issuing of coins and postage stamps and the establishment of an offshore Internet hosting facility, or 'data haven'.[43][44] Sealand also has an official website and publishes an online newspaper, Sealand News.[45] In addition, a number of amateur athletes 'represent' Sealand in sporting events, including unconventional events like the egg throwing world championship, which the Sealand team won in 2008.[46]

Several dozen different Sealand coins have been minted since 1972. In the early 1990s, Achenbach's German group also produced a coin, featuring a likeness of 'Prime Minister Seiger'.[47] Sealand's coins and postage stamps are denominated in 'Sealand dollars', which it deems to be at parity with the U.S. dollar.[48] Sealand first issued postage stamps in 1969, and issues through 1977. No further stamps were produced until 2010. Sealand is not a member of the Universal Postal Union, therefore its inward address is a PO Box in the United Kingdom.[49] Once an item is mailed to Sealand's tourist and government office, it will then be taken to Sealand. Sealand only has one street address, The Row.[50]

A Sealand mailing address looks like this:[50]

Bureau of Internal Affairs 5, The Row SEALAND 1001 (c/o Sealand Post Bag, IP11 9SZ, UK)

Sealand also sells titles of individual nobility including Lord, Baron, Count and those titles' distaff equivalents. Following Roy Bates' 2012 death, Sealand also began publicly offering knighthoods & Coats of Arms.[51][52]

In 1978, following the invasion, the Knights of the Sovereign Military Order of Sealand was formed by Prince Roy and Prince Michael to provide for the Principality's defense should it come under threat or attack. In 2012, following the passing of Prince Roy, membership in the Order was opened to sale to the general public.[53]

In 2000, worldwide publicity was created about Sealand following the establishment of a new entity called HavenCo, a data haven, which effectively took control of Roughs Tower itself; however, Ryan Lackey, HavenCo's founder, later quit and claimed that Bates had lied to him by keeping the 19901991 court case[clarification needed] from him and that, as a result, he had lost the money he had invested in the venture.[54] In November 2008, operations of HavenCo ceased without explanation.[55]

Sealand is not recognized by any major international sporting body, and its population is insufficient to maintain a team composed entirely of Sealanders in any team sport. However, Sealand claims to have official national athletes, including non-Sealanders. These athletes take part in various sports, such as curling, mini-golf, football, fencing, ultimate frisbee, table football and athletics, although all its teams compete out of the country.[56] The Sealand National Football Association is an associate member of the Nouvelle Fdration-Board, a football sanctioning body for non-recognised states and states not members of FIFA. It administers the Sealand national football team. In 2004 the national team played its first international game against land Islands national football team, drawing 22.[57]

Sealand claims that its first official athlete was Darren Blackburn of Oakville, Ontario, Canada, who was appointed in 2003. Blackburn has represented Sealand at a number of local sporting events, including marathons and off-trail races.[58] In 2004, mountaineer Slader Oviatt carried the Sealandic flag to the top of Muztagh Ata.[59] Also in 2007, Michael Martelle represented the Principality of Sealand in the World Cup of Kung Fu, held in Quebec City, Canada; bearing the designation of Athleta Principalitas Bellatorius (Principal Martial Arts Athlete and Champion), Martelle won two silver medals, becoming the first-ever Sealand athlete to appear on a world championship podium.[60]

In 2008, Sealand hosted a skateboarding event with Church and East sponsored by Red Bull.[61][62][63] Sealand's fencing team is located in the United States, affiliated with the University of California, Irvine.

In 2009, Sealand announced the revival of the Football Association and their intention to compete in a future Viva World Cup. Scottish author Neil Forsyth was appointed as President of the Sealand Football Association.[64] Sealand played the second game in their history against Chagos Islands on 5 May 2012, losing 31. The team included actor Ralf Little and former Bolton Wanderers defender Simon Charlton.[65]

In 2009 and 2010, Sealand sent teams to play in various ultimate frisbee club tournaments in the United Kingdom, Ireland and the Netherlands. They placed 11th at UK nationals in 2010.[66]

From early summer of 2012 Sealand has been represented in the flat track variant of roller derby, by a team principally composed of skaters from the South Wales area.[67]

Sealand played a friendly match in aid of charity against an "All Stars" team from Fulham F.C. on 18 May 2013, losing 57.[68][69]

On 22 May 2013, the mountaineer Kenton Cool placed a Sealand flag at the summit of Mount Everest.[70]

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Fiji Juniors Take On Oceania’s Best – Fiji Sun Online

Posted: at 11:48 am

National Junior badminton squad at Nadi International Airport. Photo: Fiji Badminton Association

The national badminton junior team flew out of the country on Sunday to participate at the Oceania Junior Championship 2017 in Noumea, New Caledonia.

The seven-member team of Liam Fong, Justin Tang, Chang Ho Kim, Monica Chan, Carmen Loo, Sonali Kumar and Shristi Nadan had been training hard for the last few months in anticipation for a tough competition.

In a press release, the Fiji Badminton Association stated that although most of players are competing internationally for the first time, they are excited of the challenge that lies ahead of them.

Team manager and coach Steven Low said Fiji has not sent a team to compete internationally for a few years now and this is a development squad they are taking to the Under-19 Oceania competition.

We hope that these players will do well and also learn a lot from the tour to be able to keep pushing their standard of play higher and ultimately make the national team, he said.

Association vice-president Dennis Fong said they are currently in a rebuilding phase and this is the first step towards ensuring that they continue to dominate badminton and win gold during the Pacific Games and other meets in the region.

Our goal is to send a team to upcoming international tournaments as well as to the Commonwealth Games in 2018 and raise our level of competition.

We thank all the players, parents and administrators who worked hard to ensure that this tour was possible.

We have also put in place strategic plans for the next few years and we are looking to grow the sport in Fiji, added Fong.

The Oceania Junior Championship brings together teams from New Zealand, Australia, Tahiti, Guam, New Caledonia, Fiji and Tonga to compete for regional honours.

Feedback: leonec@fijisun.com.fj

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Search Underway For Passenger Missing From Bahamas Cruise – CBS Local

Posted: at 11:44 am

CBS Local
Search Underway For Passenger Missing From Bahamas Cruise
CBS Local
MIAMI (CBSMiami) The U.S. Coast Guard is searching for a man who was reportedly seen going overboard from a cruise ship near the Bahamas. It happened Monday around 8:30 a.m. on the Carnival Elation cruise ship, about 15 miles southwest of Abaco ...
Man, 24, believed to have gone overboard from cruise ship near BahamasWFLA
Coast Guard searching near the Bahamas for missing cruise ship passengerSun Sentinel
Coast Guard searches for missing Carnival Elation passenger near BahamasActionNewsJax.com
WPTV.com -13WMAZ.com -Firstcoastnews.com
all 10 news articles »

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Nassau, Bahamas: Where to eat, dive and lay out on the sand – amNY

Posted: at 11:44 am

Nassau is back in business. The main port of the Bahamas quickly bounced back from Hurricane Matthew last fall, with resorts, restaurants and tourist attractions on line. If youre planning a first or return visit this spring, here is how to explore the Caribbean destination right now, from sampling fresh catches to diving to relaxing on secluded beaches.

A couple miles from downtown Nassau is Goodmans Bay, a vibrant beach where you can find cookouts, parties with bright umbrellas and locals swimming and snorkeling on the placid beach.

To eat like a local, too, head to a fish fry, like Nassau's Fish Fry, near Goodman's Bay. And at Twin Brothers (multiple locations, twinbrothersbahamas.com), tryclassic Bahamian cuisine like grilled mahi mahi, rice and plantains.

For something quite unique, head to dive resort Stuart Coves Dive Bahamas (stuartcove.com) on the southwest side of the island and explore underwater in a SUB aquanaut, a machine that combines motorcycling and scuba diving. Be sure to watch out for pirate fish, seabass, yellow tail snapper and stingrays.

Hop on a boat and head to Blue Lagoon Island, a secluded nursery for more than 100 species of marine life. Choose between shaking fins and wet kisses from dolphins or sea lions with an animal encounter (dolphinencounters.com), then rest up at the adults-only VIP beach.

For boutique shopping, head to the downtown Nassau area, along West Bay Street. Highlights include Straw Market, where a plethora of vendors selling colorful Mexican wares like baskets, blankets, and tchotchkes, and Cotton House, which sells colorful boots with intricate designs.

The all-inclusive Melia Nassau Beach (melia.com) is a kid-friendly resort located on Cable Beach, about a 20-minute bus ride from downtown Nassau. The most scenic views of the beach can be taken in on one of the wrap around balcony suites; if you have a family or a group of friends, opt for the 2-bedroom/3-full-bath suite. Indulge in the selection of free water sports like water biking, kayaks and stand-up paddle boarding. Fancy getting certified to dive? The property offers a complimentary scuba diving introduction at the pool area. The on-site restaurants offer a selection of cuisine from all over the world, from the Marketplace buffet restaurant, where dinner is themed each night, to the tapas bar Estavida.

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Bloody weekend in Bahamas, Opposition calls for Gov’t to break … – Jamaica Observer

Posted: at 11:44 am

NASSAU, Bahamas (CMC) The police on Monday appealed to citizens to provide information no matter how small or insignificant the tip may seem as they launched investigations into several murders in the Bahamas over the weekend.

Police said that the information could be provided anonymously or through Crime Stoppers.

They said that on Sunday, a man was shot dead while standing outside of his home. The authorities said that the unidentified man was approached by two armed gunmen who shot him before fleeing on foot.

In another incident, the police said two separate shooting incidents have resulted in one man being killed and two others hospitalised on Saturday.

The police said in the first incident, a group of people were attending a party, when the occupants of a blue self-drive vehicle pulled up and fired several shots into the crowd before speeding off. Two males were shot and taken to hospital where one of them remains in serious condition and the other in stable condition.

In the second incident, an unidentified male was standing outside of his home when the occupants of a vehicle pulled up and shot him before speeding off. The man was pronounced dead on the scene.

Police said that two of their colleagues have been hospitalised after they were shot by a suspect who has since been detained.

They said the shootings on Sunday occurred when the male and a female police officer responded to a domestic incident at a home in the capital.

While at the home, a man arm with a shotgun approached and shot both of them. The officers returned fire but the suspect was able to flee in a vehicle. The two officers were taken to hospital where they remain in stable condition, a police statement said, adding that the suspect was held suffering gunshot wounds. Police also recovered a shotgun from the suspect.

Police said on Friday, three people were shot dead during two separate shooting incidents.

In the first incident, a male was walking with two other males when a male armed with a handgun approached and shot him before fleeing on foot. The victim was pronounced dead on the scene.

In the second incident on Saturday, a group of people were at a nightclub, when an altercation occurred that led to a male armed with a handgun firing several shots into a crowd.

One male was shot as he attempted to leave in his vehicle. He was pronounced dead on the scene. Another male was taken to hospital where he later died, the statement said, adding that the police have launched an island-wide manhunt for the suspects.

In other criminal activities over the weekend, police said they seized several rounds of ammunition during an operation in Nassau Village.

An American national along with three Bahamians including two women have been taken into custody in connection with the discovery.

Meanwhile, the main opposition Free National Movement (FNM) has called on the government to break its silence on the crime situation in the country.

Those charged with ensuring the safety of our nation, must reassure citizens, and all residents, that the situation is under control, said the FNMs Marvin Dames.

He said that with 25 murders already on the record, an average of one murder every two days, and a pace that, if continued, will certainly lead to another heinous murder record, making a case that the nation is secure is extremely difficult.

However, silence on the part of our national security officials will not do, he added.

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Bahamas Ministry of Tourism’s Statement on NCL’s Norwegian Sky Announcement – Yahoo Finance

Posted: at 11:44 am

NASSAU, Bahamas, Feb. 13, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Norwegian Cruise Lines (NCL) has announced that the Norwegian Sky will begin calls to Havana, Cuba in 2017 dropping Freeport, Grand Bahama from its scheduled four-day voyage to The Bahamas.

While the Sky is indeed dropping Freeport from its itinerary for the period May to the end of 2017, the ship will still call on Nassau and Great Stirrup Cay during its three-day itinerary and Great Stirrup Cay on its four-day voyage.

NCL received approval for a one day per week sailing into Cuba and that date coincides with their Freeport stop which resulted in NCL dropping Freeport, Grand Bahama from its 4-day schedule.

Norwegian Cruise Lines have been sailing to The Bahamas for almost 50 years and all, except for one of its vessels, are registered under the Bahamian flag. This not only proves confidence in our destination, but it is also a testament of our stability in the region. The Sky began its operation in 1999 and is the second smallest vessel in Norwegian's fleet weighing 77 tons.

The Bahamas also attracts all Norwegian class vessels which include the Norwegian Sun, Spirit, Dawn, Jewel, Jade, Pearl, Gem, Epic, Breakaway and Getaway, Breakaway Plus and Pride of America. The vessels are vested in our destination.

The timing for the Sky to drop Freeport, Grand Bahama - an island that is still recovering from the effects of Hurricane Matthew which struck the island in October 2016 - is regrettable. We look forward to Norwegian returning to that island in 2018.

Figures from 2016 show that cruise visits were up by 5.8 percent in 2016 over 2015. A total of 4,219,218 visitors cruised to The Bahamas through to November last year, compared to 4,066,530 for the same period in 2015. As a result, thousands of jobs and millions of dollars have been injected into The Bahamian economy as a result of the cruise industry.

Moreover many cruise lines, who committed to move their itinerary to Asia, have moved back to the region where The Bahamas owns the market share. This is further evident in the investments by all major cruise lines including Norwegian, Royal Caribbean, Disney, MSC and Carnival Cruise Line.

It should be noted as well that several new cruises by major operators were added to The Bahamas in 2016 including the Carnival Vista, which has capacity for up to 5,000 guests and Royal Caribbean Harmony, which has a capacity for up to 5,400.

About The Islands Of The Bahamas

The Islands Of The Bahamas have a place in the sun for everyone. Each island has its own personality and attractions for a variety of vacation styles with some of the world's best golfing, scuba diving, fishing, sailing, boating, as well as, shopping and dining. The destination offers an easily accessible tropical getaway and provides convenience for travelers with preclearance through U.S. customs and immigration, and the Bahamian dollar is on par with the U.S. dollar. Do everything or do nothing, just remember It's Better in The Bahamas. For travel packages, activities and accommodations information, call 1-800-Bahamas or visit http://www.Bahamas.com. Look for The Bahamas on the web on Facebook Twitter and YouTube

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