Daily Archives: February 12, 2017

Will we control innovation or will it control us? – The Daily Courier (subscription)

Posted: February 12, 2017 at 7:30 am

Most experts say we are not ready for the massive job losses that will happen because of automation.

In most instances, we think we are interested in innovation, but we are mostly interested in incremental innovation, such as changing the proverbial flavour of the ice cream, adding a blade to a razor, or buying a welding robot.

A bigger step is social innovation, the changing of mindset, attitude, and culture. As Edgar Shein (1985) said, culture determines and limits strategy.

Many have figured out that if we dont learn to think differently, we will not solve our big problems.

A better toothbrush may be important, but it has little to do with finding ways to address complex issues such as racism, terrorism, violence, let alone the inability for rich nations to get people working, feed impoverished children, or address mental health issues.

The key to social innovation is deep listening, according to thinker Pauline Oliveros, the kind of dialogue that builds understanding, acceptance, and partnership.

It wasnt long ago, when people with differences women and minorities of all kinds endured violence and state-level oppression. Canadas residential schools are a clear example of state-sponsored and legalized violence.?

But social innovation processes allowed the world to change, for equity to evolve, and eventually, in many cases, become the rule of law.

But letting go of old ways is challenging. The process may require a long period of healing and an active phase of reconciliation.

The work done in South Africa, for example, under their Truth and Reconciliation agenda is not so much about boosting poverty rates directly, but empowering and healing so that oppressed people can address generations of collective trauma.

Social innovation may help us come together, but of all the kinds of innovation, I consider quantum innovation as the most misunderstood.

A quantum social innovation is the leap from one state of social consciousness to another.

Some think that quantum innovation is impossible because it requires a system to evolve in ways that are posthuman.

What is posthuman? It means getting beyond a limiting anthropocentric perspective where humans are the centre of everything something Indigenous people all over the world have known for millennia.

Those who study consciousness, neuroscience, computation, biological evolution, and creativity point to studies in evolutionary adaptation, quantum physics, and photosynthesis to identify non-linear change where a system, species, or structure evolves far beyond the rational addition of its components.

What we have discovered is that quantum change is all around us. The sub atomic level reveals evidence that not only is time not linear, but that one particle can be in two places at one time.

This is the kernel of what is known as quantum computing.

The biological perspective reveals many examples of quantum change, such as how cells or photons do more than regenerate, but evolve to create new forms.

Neuroscience tells us that consciousness extends beyond our brains to our bodies and perhaps even beyond.

In my view, artificial intelligence (AI) offers us potentially new ways of addressing our human limitations and offers a chance to refocus our energy on ethics.

New automobiles with assisted technologies are a clear example of the ways in which machines are assisting human beings.

We have already created new interfaces with machines that may give us a peek into a future where machines help us in unexpected ways.

The question that many ask in the field of artificial intelligence is what will we do when robots put 60 per cent of human beings out of work.

Many commentators see a global depression coming because soon robots will eliminate millions of jobs.

Before this happens, we must think about these challenges to human productivity and the human economy.

Might robots make us enough money so that we dont have to work? It depends on who owns them or programs them doesnt it?

Did you know that the current economy could not function without robots?

Artificially intelligent agents make the stock markets fairer by taking the human element out, so that trades can be conducted ethically and so that catastrophic events can be mitigated.

Just as artificially intelligent umpires will make our sports, like tennis, fairer, the same will happen to arenas where there is human error or emotion.

Ethics is the key discipline when addressing artificially intelligence and automation.

Soldiers who work with sentient machines (i.e. bomb disposal robots) consider their machine partners as persons and give them human levels of loyalty and respect.

Is this loyalty to the inanimate ethics?Can sentient machines help us make better ethical judgements and eventually help us be better, more compassionate humans?

Can robots assist us to create jobs? Can they identify and predict where we will face not just say weather and traffic issues, but where violence and conflict might emerge?

Can they lead us into useful court/medical/negotiation simulations where win-win outcomes will help us avoid conflict, ecological exploitation and war? Or will they simply steal our jobs, put our global economy into a tail spin, and deliver us into self-extinction?

In my view, machines can help us if we focus on evolving ethical ways for human beings to advance our mutual well-being with the planet.

What will we do? Instead of just asking how machines can help us be more innovative, let us ask machines to assist us in becoming more ethical and humane.

Stan Chung, PhD is the author of I Held My Breath for a Year available at stanchung.ca.

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Will we control innovation or will it control us? - The Daily Courier (subscription)

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Regional sewer plans in Ascension appear headed for another set back – The Advocate

Posted: at 7:28 am

GONZALES More than a year after the outgoing Ascension Parish Council decided to explore a public-private partnership to build a $500 million regional sewer system, the plan appears all but dead.

The parish agreed in November 2015 to try to work out a deal with Ascension Environmental, SCS Management, GSA and others to move the sewer project forward after years of false starts.

Last week, though, a key council committee recommended killing the effort to create a municipal-style sewer system through a public-private partnership, as has Parish President Kenny Matassa. Once a final council vote happens on the partnership Feb. 23, the parish faces starting all over again on sewer plans, officials say.

The parish has grappled for years with how to finance the sewer program without new taxes or high user fees, even as regulatory pressure has intensified to improve water quality in area bayous. Some parish officials have argued a public-private partnership was the solution.

Under such a partnership, the parish would get expertise and access to hundreds of millions in capital to build out a system that will discharge in the Mississippi River. The trade-off is paying a premium to the partners and granting them a long-term concession to recoup their investment.

Some estimates of the current partnership plan suggested the overall cost of the 30-year deal approached $2 billion.

In calling for an end to the deal, Matassa cited the same concerns Tuesday that the Council Utilities Committee noted late last month before members, at Councilman Daniel "Doc" Satterlee's urging, agreed to a last-ditch meeting the save the proposal.

The parish president noted the structure of the proposal from the public-private partnership, known as a "P3," had changed.

Meanwhile, a critical $60 million low-interest loan the parish got from the state Department of Environmental Quality a few years ago is in jeopardy after delays in the sewer work.

Finally, Matassa said, the parish may have other options it could pursue and preserve the loan, but those can't be considered with the current proposal in play.

"Therefore, the administration recommends abandoning the current P3 proposal and moving to consider other options," Matassa said.

Matassa got little argument, even though the planned last-chance meeting with the partnership Satterlee suggested never even occurred.

Satterlee asked David Einsel, senior project manager with GSA, a P3 partner, what happened.

Einsel responded that GSA was comfortable with the recommendation to end the deal based on the "changes in the structure of our overall team."

Satterlee said he thought both parties could have done more to try to make the private-partnership deal work.

"I firmly believe there were problems on both sides," he said.

One big change in the plan was the loss of Ascension Wastewater Treatment, a private sewer provider with thousands of customers. However, that company may turn out to be an option for the future if, as expected, the P3 deal is killed later this month.

According to letters last fall between Tim Hardy, the parish's legal adviser, and SCS Management, Ascension Wastewater wants to make the parish an offer directly.

Council Chairman Bill Dawson said some officials may be interested, but said the parish needs to take a broader view, given tougher water quality standards on Bayou Manchac.

"I would say we just want to look at all the other options," Dawson said.

One idea is revisiting some version of an older, more localized plan in the Prairieville area along La. 42, La. 73 and Airline Highway, where the parish is already installing sewer infrastructure as part of state highway expansions.

Dawson said the parish needs to bring a plan soon to DEQ to secure the loan, and the Prairieville-based proposal could include less detailed options for sewer for the rest of east Ascension.

An analysis two years ago of the Prairieville plan showed it would generate only 2,041 customers and leave the system in annual, multimillion dollar shortfalls and with a $60 million loan to repay. That study helped build the case for the current public-private partnership.

Ascension's long-elusive goal of regional sewage treatment has foundered before on failed partnerships most recently in the spring of 2011, when Ascension Wastewater also pulled out of that deal. But the pressure to act in some way on sewer may be starting to ratchet up.

In addition to an approaching expiration date on the DEQ loan, tighter water quality rules on Bayou Manchac are constraining, though not eliminating, subdivision developers' options on sewer service, regulators say.

Manchac, which, for years, has ended up as the receiving bayou for treated effluent from much of fast-growing Prairieville, has been deemed to be maxed out for certain kinds of new pollution from treated sewage.

Since 2010, this finding has resulted in tighter requirements on what sewer systems can discharge. The limits have gradually been rolling into effect as five-year DEQ sewer permits are renewed, DEQ officials said.

Kimberly Corts, permit and biomonitoring supervisor at DEQ, said brand new plants must avoid discharging into Manchac through detention ponds or land application of effluent.

If they do discharge into the bayou, they must meet a much tougher, more expensive treatment standard and, at the same time, take in older plants that now treat to a lesser standard so no additional pollution ends up in the waterway, she explained.

Some parish officials see these rules as growing leverage in any potential negotiations with Ascension Wastewater.

Thomas Pertuit, owner of the company, declined on Friday to discuss what he wants to offer the parish but insisted the water quality rules won't prevent his company from continuing to provide sewer for new homes and businesses in Ascension.

"There are ways for us to deal with that," Pertuit said.

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Regional sewer plans in Ascension appear headed for another set back - The Advocate

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FIP Ascension 2017 live results thread: Yehi vs. Cage – Cageside … – Cageside Seats (blog)

Posted: at 7:28 am

The World Wrestling Network is in Ybor City, Florida tonight at 7PM Eastern to finish out their weekend with FIP Ascension 2017. As always in the wild west of pro wrestling, we only have a small sampling of the card announced to start, but you can bet there's gonna be some crazy stuff going down. So fire up FloSlam and follow along with all the action in the thread, and we'll provide running results updates right here for your convenience.

Drennen & Parrow over ??? & ??? by pinfall with a maneuver.

Connor Braxton over Alex Taylor, Eddie Machete, Jackson Kelly, and Xander Killen by pinfall with a spinning brainbuster.

Dan Barry over Billy Barboza by pinfall with a wrist-clutch driver.

Caleb Konley over Jason Cade by pinfall with an avalanche firemans carry Michinoku Driver.

Aria Blake over Dynamite DiDi by pinfall with an inverted DDT.

Anthony Henry over Dan Barry by pinfall with a Vertebreaker ($10,000 Bounty on Anthony Henrys Head)

Martin Stone (c) over Jon Davis by pinfall with a schoolboy pin under the ropes to retain the FIP Florida Heritage Championship.

Fred Yehi (c) over Brian Cage by submission with a Koji Clutch in the ropes to retain the FIP World Heavyweight Championship.

Uncle Johns Friends (AR Fox, Darby Allin, & Sami Callihan) over Austin Theory, Sammy Guevara, & Tracer X by pinfall with an assisted Fox Catcher from Fox on Theory.

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Part 2: The brains behind Trump and WW3 – Independent Online

Posted: at 7:27 am

Steve Bannon is arguably the second most powerful man in the world, but his vision for where America and the world are headed is World War Three, writesShannon Ebrahim.

Steve Bannon is arguably the second most powerful man in the world, as the chief strategist in the White House and the kingpin on the US National Security Council. But Bannons vision for where America and the world are headed is World War Three.

For those that think one man cannot navigate the US into what Bannon calls a cleansing apocalyptic war against Islam, they should think again.

Bannon is a shrewd strategist who masterminded President Donald Trumps path to the White House. Since starting Breitbart news in 2012 an online news site and radio station, Bannon frequently invited Trump as a guest on his radio talk show. Trump admired Bannon for his impressive background at Goldman Sachs, a degree from Harvard Business School, and the fact he was independently wealthy.

Trump, traditionally conservative but not Republican, was easily sold on the ideology of the alternative right, commonly known as alt-right. Breitbart news was started as a platform to spread this ideology.

Alt-right proponents disavow human rights, and seek to rid America of anyone who does not conform to Christian values and way of life. Its proponents are proudly anti-Islam, anti-immigrant, and also happen to be anti-abortion, homophobic and patriarchal.

Diversity and multiculturalism are the very elements of modern western liberal culture that the alt-right want to destroy. Bannon subscribes to the idea that a successful society should not be based on human rights, social justice or equality.

In August 2016, Bannon left Breitbart news and took over the reins of Trumps campaign. It was Bannon who drafted Trumps inaugural speech, which was a synopsis of everything Bannon perceives as wrong with America crony capitalists in bed with the political establishment at the expense of the middle class.

From the first day of Trumps administration, it is Bannon who has been instrumental in drafting the slew of executive orders from banning Muslims from seven countries, revisiting torture and American black sites, and drafting a ban on immigrants with disabilities, to mention a few.

But his coup was ensconcing himself at the apex of the National Security Council (NSC). Bannon drafted the executive order for Trump to sign that made him a principal member of the NSC, while downgrading the role of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Director of Intelligence. Trump has even said that he doesnt need to read daily intelligence briefings, likely due to the fact that Bannon will provide him with everything he needs to know.

So what of the checks and balances in American society on the power of the executive? They still exist the judiciary, the attorney general, the congress but all are under threat from Trumps inner circle, which have embarked on a process of purging those with dissenting views. For those with opposing views that the White House is not in a position to fire, there are concerted campaigns to discredit and denigrate them.

Bannon has publicly called himself a Leninist saying, Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and thats my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of todays establishment. For Bannon that means the destruction of both the Republican and Democratic parties.

But Lenin was not an ardent racist who wanted to plunge the world into bloody violent conflict in order to remake the world according to a dark and exclusivist worldview, built on white supremacy and the Christian religion.

Perhaps most concerning is that Bannon wants to take the US into a cataclysmic war far more brutal than anything America has experienced. He believes there are four turning points in American history the American revolution, the American civil war, World War Two, and now World War Three.

In an interview Bannon did with professional historian David Kaiser, Kaiser recalled that Bannon emphasized more than once the fact that each of the preceding crises involved a great war, each increasing in scope and brutality. Bannon told Kaiser he expects that the time has come for a much bigger war as the US is in an existential crisis with Islam.

Bannon also suggested on Breitbart news that World War Three with China was around the corner. In March 2016 he asked one of his radio talk show guests, Were going to war in the South China Sea in 5-10 years arent we? If that seems farfetched, consider the fact that Trumps new Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has said the US would consider blocking access to islands in the South China Sea. This for China is a redline.

Breitbart News and its grand ideologue have extended their reach beyond the US, into strategic centres of Europe, with a view to popularizing the alt-right ideology and ushering in extreme right wing parties. Breitbart France has hired Marine le Pens niece Marion le Pen to run its operation, to whip up anti-immigrant and Islamaphobic sentiments.

Breitbart London had worked closely with Nigel Farage's UKIP prior to the last British elections with the same objectives. Spreading alt-right ideology in Germany is already underway with a view to destroy Chancellor Merkel and everything she represents.

We must remember what the New York Times said about Adolf Hitler in 1922 that Hitlers anti-semitism was not so genuine or violent as it sounded, but he was using propaganda to catch the masses.

If we are to learn from history, we should realize that dark men pursue dark agendas, and just as Hitler sought to annihilate Jews, so Bannon seeks to annihilate Muslims, and all others who fail to conform to his worldview.

The warning signs are there, but too often we downplay them in the nave belief that the world has changed since Hitler, and the checks and balances to dictatorial power will save us in the end.

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WW3 fears as Iran launches ANOTHER missile test JUST DAYS after President Trump’s warning – Express.co.uk

Posted: at 7:27 am


Although Trump warned Iran that they were playing with fire, officials told Fox News that the short-range air missile was released from the same launch pad as the last set of missile tests.

This latest test comes days after the US placed new sanctions on Iran.

The White House gave Iran a formal warning earlier today, which read theres a new President in town and the administration would not sit by to allow the Islamic republic to pursue its military ambitions.

Sean Spicer added: I think the Ayatollah [Irans Supreme Leader] is going to realise theres a new President in office.

Getty Images

1 of 14

Trump signs an order to review the Dodd-Frank Wall Street to roll back financial regulations of the Obama era.

This Presidents not going to sit by and let Iran flout its violations, or its apparent violations, to the joint agreement, but he will continue to take action as he sees fit.

The previous test launch on January 29, which featured a new type of medium-range ballistic missile, sparked fearful and furious reactions from officials.

Mike Flynn, Trumps National Security advisor, declared they were putting Iran on notice a day after the launch.

President Trump decided to threaten the Arab state as he tweeted: Iran is playing with fire - they dont appreciate how kind President Obama was to them. Not me!


Senator Dianne Feinstein agreed with Trump and said Irans test launch at the end of January was very dangerous and should not have happened.

Trumps relationship with Iran got off to a bad start when Irans Supreme Leader made his first speech since Trumps inauguration to dismiss the US.


Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said: We are thankful to (Trump) for making our life easy as he showed the real face of America.

"He says 'You should be afraid of me'. No! The Iranian people will respond to his words on February 10 and will show their stance against such threats."

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WW3 fears as Iran launches ANOTHER missile test JUST DAYS after President Trump's warning - Express.co.uk

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Buy psychedelics online : Chinglabs.com

Posted: at 7:26 am

A psychedelic is a substance with the primary action of altering an individuals perception and cognition. Many chemicals of this classact by being serotonin receptor agonists. Theyare considered to be part of a larger class of psychoactive drugs called hallucinogens, which also includes unrelated substances such as medications that induce delirium and dissociative drugs. Unlike drugs such as opioids and stimulants which produce familiar states of consciousness, psychedelics cause the individual to experience things out of the realm of consciousness.

Psychedelic experiences are often also called trance states, yoga, meditation, dreaming, near-death experiences, and religious ecstasy. Most psychedelic drugs cause these states and fall into three main categories: Phenethylamines, tryptamines, and lysergamides. Most psychedelic drugs are illegal throughout the world unless they are being used in a religious or medical context, such as the use of medical cannabis. Despite the fact that these drugs are regulated, they are often used illicitly under recreational circumstances.

Psychological Effects

Generally, people on psychedelic drugs experience the world in bright and intense colors. Things in the environment that werent otherwise noticed are seen for the first time and develop a sense of importance. Colors become increasingly intense, contours are sharpened, music seems more profound, and textures seem richer.

The person may feel an increased perception of their body and changes in experiences. There is an increase in depth perception and objects that are normally inanimate become more expressive. Time may slow down or may stop altogether. There are vivid images, even when the eyes are closed.

There are strong emotional effects when the person is on this kind of drugs. The user becomes increasingly sensitive to the gestures of others, to their faces, and to minor changes in the environment. As all things in the users world become more conscious and important, the user feels and increased sense of love, joy, gratitude, despair, terror, lust, and pain. Feelings become overwhelming and difficult to tolerate. The individual may feel intense feelings of paranoia, panic, and a sense of losing control.

There is usually an impairment in the short term memory. Long forgotten occurrences from the distant past may come to the forefront and be relived in vivid detail. The individual may develop new insight into themselves and ponder the nature of the universe and humanity. Boundaries between the environment and the self may disappear.

Childhood memories may be relived and the person may regress into childlike behavior. They may go into a dream world in which other individuals, images, and actions take on a new significance. The person may experience a loss of self and may feel as though they have died and have been reborn. It may feel as all the questions of the world have been answered all at once.

Traditional Uses

This kind ofdrugs have long been used traditionally in religion and in the medical field, where they are used for their ability to improve mental and physical healing. Native American doctors have used peyote and other psychedelic agents to help cure a person from alcoholism. Mazatec doctors use mushrooms containing psilocybin for healing and religious purposes. DMT is an agent used in Peru and in other areas of South America for physical and spiritual healing and in certain religious festivals.


There are numerous types of agents. Some of them include the following:


These include MDMA, MDEA, and MDA. The use of these drugs cause feelings of euphoria, love, openness, increased self-awareness, and distortions of hearing and seeing. They are commonly used at raves for their ability to enhance the musical experience and to increase sociability. MDA is used to cause hallucinations and has other effects.


THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and similar compounds can have psychedelic effects. These include alterations in consciousness, some distortions of vision, and unusual hallucinations. In high doses, they bring on brightly flashing images, especially in dim lighting. There is a sensation of well-being, euphoria, reduction of stress, and feelings of relaxation. Users have enhanced memory, feelings of hunger, and an increase in feelings of sensuality. Some users can become paranoid, suffering from anxiety and agitation. There is an enhanced awareness of patterns, sounds, and colors.

Dissociative Drugs

Some dissociative drugs act by antagonizing NDMA and therefore induce psychedelic effects. Dissociative and serotonergic hallucinogens are somewhat different from one another in that the dissociative drugs result I a more intense experience of derealization and depersonalization. Ketamine, for example, causes feelings of being disconnected from the body with the environment feeling unreal. There are perceptual changes as is often seen with other agents.

Legal Implications

In spite of the fact that most psychedelic drugs are not addictive and have no long term detrimental effects on mental health, many psychedelic drugs are illegal, according to the UN Convention on Psychotropic Substances, developed in 1971. Some countries also ban synthetic compounds that have this kind ofproperties, even if they are not considered dangerous. In general, this kind ofdrugs are classified by the US government as being Schedule I drugs that have no medically-accepted use.

Because of governmental policies, there are severe limitations of the research of this drugs. Those wishing to do research on this agentsmust go through a great deal of red tape until they can be allowed to study the drugs. Even so, scientists have studied thisdrugs and have found that they have the potential to treat certain addictions, psychological traumas, and even cancer.


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TMS Reviews Riverdale Body Double | The Mary Sue – The Mary Sue

Posted: at 7:23 am

Welcome back,Archie fans. TMSers Keisha Hatchett and Charline Jao will be here on a semi-regular basis to talk about Riverdale, the CWs adaptation of the classic comic. If you havent already seen the most recent episode, head hereand then return to this post because there will spoilers floating around. If you have, proceed and dont forget to drop a comment below.

In Body Double, Cheryl Blossom falls under suspicion after it was revealed that she planned to help her brother fake an accident so he could disappear. Meanwhile, girl power took center stage as Betty and Veronica teamed up to take down members of the football team who bragged about theirfalse sexual conquests. And, unfortunately, it looks like Miss Grudy will continueher abusive relationship with Archie. But least we got to see Jughead enjoying a sundae.

What did you all think of this episode? Who do you think killed Jason?

(image via screencap)

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What is Neurohacking? – NEUROHACKER COLLECTIVE

Posted: at 7:23 am

The term hacker has its origins in computer programming subcultures from the 60s, and was used to describe people who wanted to take on hard problems in a spirit of playful exploration and a resistance to unearned authority. Although the methods, means and intentions of hackers varied widely, all seemed to share a unique ethos that mixed a deep commitment to individual autonomy and agency with an equally deep commitment to collaboration and co-creation.

Over time, the concept of hacking has traveled far from its origins, finding its way into a number of domains like Biohacking, Consciousness Hacking, Flow Hacking and Life Hacking. Each is a kind of hacking because each shares this hackers ethos and a commitment to using it to find the most effective ways to optimize the human experience.

We call the common thread that links these hacking communities together, empowered responsibility. This notion expresses the dual recognition that we are no longer able to rely on external authorities to take care of us (in any domain) but through a combination of ubiquitous information, individual experimentation and open collaboration, we are increasingly empowered to take responsibility for ourselves.

In the Biohacking community, the spirit of empowered responsibility drives the process of optimizing ones biological health and performance. Biohackers learn from each other how they can modify their nutrition, exercise, sleep, movement, and mindset to achieve the specific kind of well-being that they individually desire.

The Consciousness Hacking community takes empowered responsibility in using technology as a catalyst for psychological, emotional and spiritual flourishing. They utilize mindfulness techniques and biofeedback tools for self-exploration, taking personal responsibility for their conscious experience in this most individual of journeys.

Emerging from within and alongside these movements, we are observing the coalescence of a new and important domain: Neurohacking.

Whereas biohacking concentrates on the body, and consciousness hacking explores the inner experience, neurohacking is somewhere in the middle, focusing on the mind-brain interface the intersection of neurology and consciousness. Specifically, neurohacking involves applying science and technology to influence the brain and body in order to optimize subjective experience.

The desired outcomes of neurohacking cover everything from focused productivity, to expanded creativity, more restful sleep, reduced anxiety, enhanced empathy, and anything else that contributes to the psychological well-being and emotional health of whole, thriving human beings.

The technologies of neurohacking run the gamut from chemical technologies like nootropics and entheogens, probiotics to support the gut-brain connection, bioelectrical technologies like neurofeedback and transcranial stimulation, photic therapies like low level laser therapy and all the way to embodied practices like somatics and meditation. So long as there is a scientifically accessible biological mechanism for effecting subjective experience, it belongs in the domain of neurohacking.

Of course, like all emergent phenomena, neurohacking didnt just come from nowhere. For years there have been many movements and communities out there, playing in and pioneering some aspect of the neurohacking space.

Some of these domains include:

We propose that it is now timely and useful to perceive the commonality among these different movements and communities as shared aspects of Neurohacking. And in an effort to make these commonalities more visible and legible to each other, in the upcoming weeks we will take a deeper dive into each, highlight some notable people and projects in each space and explore the frontiers of the community from the point of view of Neurohacking.

In our next post, we will begin this exploration with the domain of Nootropics.

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CF Orr Stakes Where To Next – Racing.com

Posted: at 7:22 am

Black Heart Bart leads the way on his way to winning the C.F. Orr Stakes (Image: Racing Photos)

The Group 1 Futurity Stakes (1400m) and Group 2 Peter Young Stakes (1800m), both run at Caulfield on February 25, are popular next ports of call for those coming out of the Orr Stakes.

Black Heart Bart (winner): Logged his fourth Group 1 on Saturday, and third at Caulfield, and will return to that track where he will aim to become the 18th horse to complete the Orr Stakes-Futurity Stakes double.

Turn Me Loose (2nd): Also goes to the Futurity, which like the Orr, is run at weight-for-age.

Ecuador (3rd): Announced himself as an Australian Cup player with a fine third and likely to be given the chance to further enhance his standing via the Peter Young Stakes.

Palentino (equal 4th): Has won Group 1 races at his past two third-up runs and will look to make that three in the Futurity Stakes.

Jameka (equal 4th): Eye-catching return from the Caulfield Cup winner, who charged to the top of CrownBets Australian Cup market at $4.60, and goes to the Peter Young Stakes.

WATCH: Black Heart Bart deliver more Group 1 success for Weir

Malaguerra (6th): Much head-scratching from the Gelagotis camp, who are now likely to drop the dual Group 1 winner back to 1200m. William Reid Stakes, at Moonee Valley late next month, an option ahead of the T.J. Smith Stakes in Sydney.

Awesome Rock (7th): Copped a nasty black eye, but other than that emerged from the race well and presses on to the Peter Young Stakes.

Hes Our Rokkii (8th): Satisfactory return and will come back to Caulfield in a fortnight for either the Futurity or Peter Young.

Divine Prophet (9th): Disappointing first-up, but likely to head straight to the Group 1 Australian Guineas (1600m) on March 4.

Lucky Hussler (10th): Had been slated to head to the Futurity, but turned in a rare shocker when never a factor. Will be checked over by the Weir stable in coming days.

Miss Rose De Lago (11th): Had a tough run wide on the speed, but took no harm from the outing and will now be dropped back to mares grade with the Group 3 Mannerism Stakes (1400m) the target.

Arod (last): Plan was to head to the Futurity Stakes second-up, but that may be up in the air following his poor showing. Was vetted post-race, with no obvious abnormalities.

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CF Orr Stakes Where To Next - Racing.com

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Man steals $237 champagne from CF liquor store, police respond … – Chippewa Herald

Posted: at 7:22 am

Some people will do anything for their valentine, including steal a $237 bottle of champagne from a liquor store.

The Chippewa Falls Police Department reported a male subject entered B&G Liquor, 301 Bay St. in Chippewa Falls, around 4 p.m. Monday, Feb. 6, where he shoved a bottle of Dom Perignon champagne down his pants, according to the department's Facebook page.

"He must have really been in trouble with his significant other and figured an expensive bottle of champagne would woo her," the CFPD's Facebook post said.

The bottle retails for $237.38.

The department also had a little fun of their own. They posted a YouTube video of video surveillance of the incident, along to Darius Rucker's song "Alright."

To those unfamiliar with the song, Rucker sings "ain't got no caviar, no Dom Perignon, but as far as I can see I got everything I want."

Let's just say they took the romance out of that song and replaced it with handcuffs and the Chippewa County Jail.

If anyone has any information regarding the incident or the subject, contact Officer Monson at 715-720-4180, or through the department's Facebook page.

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Man steals $237 champagne from CF liquor store, police respond ... - Chippewa Herald

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