Daily Archives: February 10, 2017

Gallery: Tiago Machado’s Canyon Aeroad CF SLX – BikeRadar.com

Posted: February 10, 2017 at 3:22 am

Team Katusha has certainly changed its make up for the upcoming season. A Swiss registration, a new joint-title sponsor in Alpecin and the arrival of individual time trial World Champion Tony Martin gives the team a fresh new look.

While these aspects of the team have changed, the bikes remain much the same from last years season.

Tiago Machado rides the Canyon Aeroad CF SLX with a combination of Zipp Firecrest 303 wheels, a SRAM Red eTap groupset and Selle Italia saddle and handlebar tape.

The finishing kit is Canyons in-house design made up of a S27 Aero VCLS carbon seatpost and an integrated handlebar and stem combination, the H11 Aerocockpit.

The Zipp wheels are paired with Continental Competition 25mm tubular tyres, with the professional peloton issue electrical tape to prevent any unwanted valve rattle.

Although the SRAM groupset provides wireless shifting, Team Katusha-Alpecin is riding a Di2 focussed frameset with the internal cable routing holes bunged up at the rear dropout.

With SRAM not manufacturing any direct-mount brakes, the bike is equipped with Shimano Dura-Ace direct mount brakes.

Swipe or click through the gallery above to see more of the bike.

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Gallery: Tiago Machado's Canyon Aeroad CF SLX - BikeRadar.com

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CF Athletic and Cage Warriors Announce Exclusive Long-Term Apparel Partnership Deal – PR Newswire (press release)

Posted: at 3:22 am

Speaking about the newly-struck partnership,Tyler McCourt, Chief Marketing Officer for CF Athletic said:"We are excited to deepen CF Athletic's brand and presence globally through this exclusive partnership with Cage Warriors. The CF Athletic brand has long been the most recognisable MMA apparel brand in the United States and we are excited to more broadly distribute our high-quality apparel throughout Europe and the Middle East with such a fantastic partner."

Similarly, since 2001 Cage Warriors has become one of the most recognisable MMA event organizations in the world, hosting events throughout Europe, the Middle East, and North America. Many of the biggest stars in MMA have made their names under the Cage Warriors banner, includingConor McGregorandMichael Bisping.

The promotion is all set to kick off their 2017 programme with a bang with a landmark event at their new London home at Indigo at The O2 Arena, aswelterweight stars Matt Inman and Karl Amoussou go head to head for the vacant Cage Warriors welterweight world title at Cage Warriors 80 on February 18.

Casimir Knight, CEO of Cage Warriors, said:"CF Athletic is a great, authentic MMA brand. Like us, they embody both the history and progressive development of the sport. We are jointly committed to continuing to driving MMA's development on a truly international basis. But what really won us over was CF Athletic's positioning of the deal as 'fighters first' with the option of fighters to benefit individually."

One of the key components of this exclusive apparel deal is the 'athlete-friendly' nature of the partnership in which CF Athletic and Cage Warriors provide fighters with the option - but not the obligation -to get involved. The goal of the deal was to be a 'win-win-win' for all parties involved: forCF Athletic, for CageWarriors and forthe athletes in the cage.

This exclusive apparel partnership will begin in February 2017 and will be officiallylaunched at the aforementionedCage Warriors 80 event on February 18.

Fans can secure their tickets for Cage Warriors 80 byclicking here.

About CF Athletic CF Athletic, headquartered in Columbus, OH, USA is a leading worldwide designer, marketer, and distributor of fitness and lifestyle apparel. CF Athletic is a pioneer in the MMA industry, with a rich and storied heritage over the last decade outfitting some of the top MMA athletes and teams in the world. CF Athletic owns the rights to the'CF' and'Cagefighter' brands, as well as the trademarked phrase 'Embrace the Grind'. Learn more about CF Athletic atwww.cfathletic.comor on facebook@cagefightermma, on twitter@cf_athletic, on Instagram@cf_athleticusa.

About Cage WarriorsCage Warriors Fighting Championshipis Europe's leading and longest-running mixed martial arts promotion. An Irish-owned brand with offices in the UK & Ireland, CWFC is the sport's fastest-growing organisation, having staged 80 events in 12 countries across three different continents since its establishment in 2002. Home to some of biggest stars of MMA's past, present and future. Learn more about Cage Warriors atCageWarriors.comor follow them on Twitter@CageWarriors, onFacebookor onInstagram.

To view the original version on PR Newswire, visit:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/cf-athletic-and-cage-warriors-announce-exclusive-long-term-apparel-partnership-deal-300404990.html

SOURCE CF Athletic


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CF Athletic and Cage Warriors Announce Exclusive Long-Term Apparel Partnership Deal - PR Newswire (press release)

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Netflix Boycott Over ‘Dear White People’ Is Right-Wing Political Correctness in Action – Heat Street

Posted: at 3:20 am

Here we go again. People are getting offended over some little TV seriesand even threatening to boycott not only the show, but Netflix, the platform that serves it.

But its not the usual suspects getting triggered over slights to their perceived notions of political correctness. Its not the social justice warriors outraged over lack of diversity, cultural appropriation or past crimes of the director.

No, its white conservatives. The same people who mock and deridepolitical correctness. The same people who claim that broad labels like sexist and racist hamper the free speech of creatorsof entertainment to explore controversial ideas. Now they are the ones peddling their own rightwing version of political correctness to shut down a TV show they do not fully understand.

Netflixs upcoming series Dear White People has created a furor online among some right wingers, even spawning the hashtag BoycottNetflix. Some on Twitter are even claiming they will cancel their subscriptions based on this slight to the white race.

Rightwing influencers like Mark Dice and Paul Joseph Watson are calling the show anti-white and praising the massive amounts of dislikes the promo trailer is receiving on YouTube.

The trailer is certainly transgressive, almost like it was designed to offend some on the right. Does that sound familiar? These are the same people who say that provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos speech, which is also designed to offend, should not be silenced by the left. But by encouraging this boycott they are essentially doing the same thing to this Netflix series.

Part of being against political correctness is having a thick skin. Its not allowing broad, knee-jerk labels to influence your thinking on pop culture. To encourage controversial art that may offend. To promote free speech in the face of those who wish to silence it. These right wingers dont believe in free speech, only free speech they find politically correct.

The hilarious part of Dear White People, is that its not even as controversial or anti-white as these boycotters think it is.

The series is based on a 2014 film of the same name. The longer trailer for the movie paints a completely different picture than the Netflix promo.

In the trailer, its clear the filmis a satirical take on race relations in America. It takes on white peoples lack of empathy for the experiences of black people, but also seeks to challenge the protagonists anger and bitterness over racial injustice, which only hampers her personal relationships with both black and white people.

And spoiler alert: the film ends with the main character, Samantha, entering into an interracial relationship with a white guy and learning to put aside her resentment of white people as a whole. Thats not controversial, thats just a movie taking on controversial subjects.

But even if the film or series did not have such a universalist message, and perhaps kept its edginess right to the end, should people be trying to silence it? Hell no. Least of all those who claim to be fighting against political correctness and censorship.

All these people are doing is fighting back against identity politics with more identity politics. The identity politics of white men. This should be a sinister signto anyone in the free speech, anti-political correctness camp, who dreams of a post-racial world where everyone can be seen simply as humans. These people are not working towards that goal, they are simply propping up a special interest group for white people.

Follow me on Twitter @William__Hicks

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Netflix Boycott Over 'Dear White People' Is Right-Wing Political Correctness in Action - Heat Street

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Foregoing Political Correctness, The Senate Should Have Let Warren Speak – Daily Caller

Posted: at 3:20 am


Federalism is a cornerstone of our constitutional system. Every violation of state sovereignty by Federal officials is not merely a transgression of one unit of government against another; it is an assault on the liberties of individual Americans. (2016 GOP Platform)

In a stunning moment on the Senate floor, Sen. Elizabeth Warren clashed with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell Tuesday night after McConnell determined the Massachusetts Democrat had violated a Senate rule against impugning another senator. In an extremely rare rebuke, she was instructed by the presiding officer to take her seat. Tuesday nights rule means Warren will be barred from speaking on the floor until Sessions debate ends, McConnells office confirmed. (Warren cut off during Sessions debate)

On matters of moral and political principle, and on almost every critical policy issue I can recollect, I stand diametrically opposed to Senator Elizabeth Warren. But I felt outrage when I read the above quoted report. I felt outrage because Senator Mitch McConnell prevented the duly elected representative of the State of Massachusetts from freely speaking as such. I felt outrage that any Senator would be barred from exercising freedom of speech during formal debate, in order to offer relevant evidence in support of her position on the Sessions nomination, or any other issue. Especially when speaking on the floor of the U.S. Senate, U.S. Senators do not speak as individuals. They speak for the governments and people of the States they respectively represent.

It ought to go without saying that they must do so in accordance with their own conscientious assessment of what the good of their State, and the United States requires. Now, the 14th Amendment to the Constitution states that No state shalldeny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law. When her speech was cut off, Senator Warren was reading into the record a 1986 letter, relevant to this Constitutional requirement. In it Martin Luther Kings widow, Coretta Scott King, expressed her opposition to Sessions nomination to be a Federal judge. In it King said:

I write to express my sincere opposition to the confirmation of Jefferson B. Sessions as a federal district court judge for the Southern District of Alabama. My professional and personal roots in Alabama are deep and lasting. Anyone who has used the power of his office asUnited States Attorneyto intimidate and chill the free exercise of the ballot by citizens should not be elevated to our courts. Mr. Sessions has used the awesome powers of his office in a shabby attempt to intimidate and frighten elderly black voters. For this reprehensible conduct, he should not be rewarded with a federal judgeship.

I would not presume to dispute the fact that this letter communicated Coretta Kings sincerely held views. Given the checkered reality of our countrys history with respect to racial attitudes and relations, (particularly in states where racial discrimination and segregation were once enforced by law) I would not presume to impugn her motives for writing as she did. But as a Christian, who believes people can and should repent, I also believe that when good fruit proves their repentance to be sincere, they should be forgiven. Accordingly, the proper answer to Coretta Scott Kings letter is not to silence Elizabeth Warrens effort to use it as evidence for her views of Senator Sessions record. It is to answer her speech with evidence that, as Attorney General, Senator Sessions will fulfill the Constitutions demand that no person be denied the equal protection of the law.

This is a reasonable thing to expect from the person who will, if confirmed, be responsible for overseeing, the Federal governments law enforcement activities, on the Presidents behalf. I respect Coretta Kings sincerity. But I also respect sincere testimony from others that, like our people as a whole, Senator Sessions has risen to the challenge of our nations now broadly accepted determination to make the ideal of equal justice for all a reality. Thats among the reasons I support confirming him as Attorney General.

But the action of the GOP majority in this instance is like a high-handed ruling from the bench in a court of law, to prevent testimony about conduct that bears on the issue being tried. It is an act of Party tyranny; no more acceptable than the judicial tyranny the vast majority of GOPs constituents deplore. Moreover, it shows little respect for Senator Sessions judgment, courage and good faith in allowing himself to be nominated for the position of Attorney General. He knew that his record would be discussed and examined, in light of the Constitutions relevant requirements. He did not shrink from the test.

From what I know of him, he must deplore his colleagues no doubt well-meant but truly misguided attempts to suppress criticism, rather than frankly rebut it. Otherwise, we would have to fear that, as Attorney General, he would seek to suppress dissenting speech, by force of law, instead of defending the freedom of speech, while competently rebutting its content, as appropriate. I would not be surprised to see him speak out, on Constitutional grounds, against suppressing one of the voices the people of Massachusetts have chosen to speak for their state in Congress.

Such majority tyranny, enacted to suppress the duly authorized voice of any State, is an egregious and damaging blow against federalism. Moreover, if the representatives of the states, in Congress assembled, do not have the freedom to cite in debate, relevant testimony supportive of their views, doesnt this contravention of their freedom also portend the very assault on the liberties of individual Americans, the GOPs 2017 platform decries? Doesnt it exemplify the politically stultifying culture of political correctness, extending it into the very heart of political deliberations on which the whole safety, welfare and integrity of our self-government as a people depends?

The GOPs Senate leadership should have let Warren speak. It is for the people of Massachusetts to silence her voice in the Senate, if they will. Meanwhile, the U.S. Senate should display the self-disciplined restraint so many Americans have had to show throughout our history. Their sacrifices in this countrys battles proved their dedication to the often-repeated sentiment rightly expressed with the words: I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your freedom to say it. During his service in the U.S. Armed Forces, my own father did so, in WWII and during the Korean War. He put his life on the line, for a country in which the nations laws still spoke in wrongful derogation of his God-endowed human worth. Is our nations government now so crippled by partisan passion that those in Congress, sworn to the goal of securing the blessings of liberty, no longer have the self-possession liberty requires? Pray God this is not so; and that the U.S. Senates leadership will reverse the action by which they have called for action that suggests that it is.

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Pro-Trump priest casts political correctness aside and creates quite … – BizPac Review

Posted: at 3:20 am

The Rev. Peter West, pastor of St. Johns Catholic Church in Orange, New Jersey, will soon have quite the following on social media once America catches on to his not so politically correct liberal bashing that includes more than a little humor.

beginning with hisTwitter profile: Im a Catholic Priest at St. Johns Church and a Russian agent personally assigned by Vladmir Putin to stop Hillary Clinton.

West, a big supporter of President Donald Trump, doesnt hesitate to take on liberals and their revered institutions, like Planned Parenthood, on Twitter and Facebookwhere hes already amassed 7,300 followers, according to NJ.com.

Renewed calls to get rid of Fox News Shepard Smith after hes unable to control his contempt for Trump

The priest even takes on Islamic extremism, calling moderate Islam a myth while supporting Trumps executive order on immigration and refugees, NJ.com reported.

More from the NJ.com on the clergymans political bomb-throwing, as characterized by the author:

Westhas assailed millennials as snowflakes who attend cry-ins and described liberals as smug and arrogant people who find solace in puppies and Play-Doh.

He has called Hillary Clinton an evil witch and former President Barack Obama a bum, at one point sharing a post that challenged Obamas authenticity as an African-American because he wasnt raised by a poor single mother in the inner city.

In response to the charge of calling liberals snowflakes, West offered up a defense of sorts on Facebook.

I never called all millennials snowflakes I have great respect for family, friends and especially members of our military who are millennials, he wrote.

Now theyre deporting her: NY Times piece stirs seismic reaction on Twitter, but not a lot of sympathy

However old you are, if as an adult you demand a safe space where you wont hear opinions contrary to yours, you are a snowflake, especially on a university campus where there should be debate and a free exchange of ideas.

How can you not love this man?

Here are a few samplings from Wests Twitter feed:

Tom is a grassroots activist who distinguished himself as one of the top conservative bloggers in Florida before joining BizPac Review.

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Pro-Trump priest casts political correctness aside and creates quite ... - BizPac Review

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Stephen Bannon once tried to make a documentary about eugenics, Hitler, and clones – The Week Magazine

Posted: at 3:20 am

Before he was the executive chair of Breitbart and long before he was ever a chief strategist to the president of the United States of America, Stephen Bannon wanted to make a movie. One of those movies, which never came to fruition, was a Hamilton-style rap musical about the 1992 Los Angeles riots.

Another, The Daily Beast has learned, was "an epic documentary-style film about the eugenics movement, Adolf Hitler, 'blood purity,' abortion, contraception, Darwinism, mutants, and cloning."

The 11-page outline for The Singularity: Resistance Is Futile (as the project was naturally called) credits Bannon as writer, producer, and director, although Bannon reportedly met with filmmaker Mel Gibson about getting the picture off the ground. "Essentially, Bannon's is a Christian right-friendly story of arrogant scientists trying to perfect the human race at the expense of the natural order and God's vision of humanity," The Daily Beast writes of the 2005 project.

The Singularity is divided into 22 segments, including "The Religion of Technology," which begins by talking about "the garden of the new Eden, fruit of the forbidden tree: clones, mutants, and designer humans." Other sections touch on the "subjugation of race and class throughout time," the genocides in Rwanda and Bosnia, "the survival of the fittest," the "Aryan Elite," and "the Commercial Eugenics Civilization," which discusses "the perfectibility of life through a human-controlled elite race that will bring about a better world."

But wait, there's more! Bannon goes on to discuss "Yuppie Science"; "bio-technology as big business"; the "new age superpowers" of China, Singapore, Walt Disney, and Ted Williams; and "post-humanity." Read more about the project at The Daily Beast. Jeva Lange

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Stephen Bannon once tried to make a documentary about eugenics, Hitler, and clones - The Week Magazine

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Steve Bannon’s Unproduced Movie About Cloning, Nazis, and Walt … – Gizmodo

Posted: at 3:19 am

Steve Bannon, a man who once favorably compared himself to Darth Vader, Dick Cheney, and Satan, speaks with Kellyanne Conway on January 31, 2017 (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

Steve Bannon, the white nationalist currently helping President Trump dismantle the United States, has produced a number of low budget conservative films. But the movies that Bannon couldnt get made over the years are even more interesting than the ones that were releasedlike an unmade documentary-style film from 2005 about the dangers of futuristic technology.

The Daily Beast obtained a copy of the proposal for the movie, which was being shopped around Hollywood in the mid-2000s. The working titles were The Singularity: Resistance Is Futile and The Harvest of the Damned. The unproduced film focused on a number of scifi elements, including human cloning, immortality, and eugenics. But based on the proposal, this wasnt just about the dangers of technology gone mad.

The entire film was to have a very ham-fisted political bent, drawing lines between the eugenics programs of the Nazis to the abortion and contraception advocates that were to come. Bannon is staunchly anti-abortion. The proposal even includes a frozen Walt Disney, presumably related to the urban legend that Disney was cryogenically frozen.

The acceleration of technological progress is the central feature of the 20th /21st century, one part of the proposal explains, according to the Daily Beast. We are on the edge of change brought about by Mans ability to create Man, the toolmaker, is on the verge of creating greater-than-human intelligence.

The film appears to have nods to various Illuminati conspiracies about an anti-religious elite that would take over the world and survive a post-humanity landscape. Much of this fear would likely be informed by his staunchly Catholic beliefs. Or at least a conspiratorial version of them.

China, a country that President Trump continues to needle over trade relations and military security, also seems to play a large part in instigating whatever the last futuristic element of the documentary was supposed to entail.

Bannon allegedly secured funding from conservative filmmaker Mel Gibson at one point. But when the Daily Beast asked about that, Gibsons publicist called it fake news.

This is far from the first unmade movie by Bannon (hes listed as a writer, director and producer) thats been making the rounds recently. The Washington Post recently found a 2007 proposal for a futuristic film titled The Islamic States of America. The proposal blamed the media and the Jewish community for allowing radical Islam to overtake the United States due to a culture of tolerance.

One scholar told the Washington Post that Bannons proposal for The Islamic States of America was designed to generate hate against not just Islamists, not just extremists, but Muslims writ large.

Bannon has previously cited Leni Riefenstahl as an influence on his filmmaking career, much to the concern of people knowledgable about the history of Nazi propaganda. Riefenstahls most famous film is 1935's Triumph of the Will, a Nazi propaganda movie that remains one of the most infamous examples to date of mass media that glorifies murderous dictators.

People have said Im like Leni Riefenstahl, Bannon told the Wall Street Journal in 2011 during the debut of his documentary The Undefeated, which celebrates Sarah Palin.

Ive studied documentarians extensively to come up with my own in-house style, Bannon continued. Im a student of Michael Moores films, of Eisenstein, Riefenstahl. Leave the politics aside, you have to learn from those past masters on how they were trying to communicate their ideas.

You can read more about the proposal for The Singularity: Resistance Is Futile at The Daily Beast. Say what you will about the proposal, at least it looks like the Nazis were supposed to be the bad guys in this one.

[The Daily Beast]

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Police investigating recent reports of credit card cloning in Aiken … – Aiken Standard

Posted: at 3:19 am

People with credit and debit cards are urged to keep a watchful eye on their account activity as a recent wave of card fraud has left law enforcement investigating multiple reports in Aiken County.

Capt. Eric Abdullah, with the Aiken County Sheriffs Office, said reports of credit card cloning, or skimming, is a common problem. Over the past week, he said there have been several reports of card cloning in the area, some from the same exact location.

John Brooks, of North Augusta, said his debit card was cloned and used on Feb. 3 at the Wal-Mart on Wrightsboro Road in Augusta.

I woke up on (Feb. 4), checked my account and it was $205 short, Brooks said. I looked at my transactions and saw my card had been swiped at Wal-Mart the night before.

Brooks said he went to get a transaction statement from Wal-Mart, where he learned someone had used his information to put money on a gift card.

The Aiken County Sheriffs Office has reports filed on Feb. 2 and Feb. 3, in which three separate residents claimed to have had their card information stolen and used at the same Wal-Mart in Augusta.

I think this problem is getting worse, and it seems like theres not much being done to stop it, Brooks said.

Credit card cloning is a technique where someone obtains credit card information and copies it onto a fake card in order to illegally use it, according to the FBI.

A small, pocketsize device with a scanning slot is typically what is used to steal the information, the FBI's website states.

Brooks said police informed him that when a suspect clones information from someones card they usually use the card within a day or two. He said he believes his information was taken at a fast-food restaurant drive-thru in Aiken County.

I wont be purchasing anything at a drive-thru anymore, he said.

Abdullah said the Aiken County Sheriffs Office will continue to address the situation, but residents can still protect themselves by not providing any credit card or financial information to any person or company they are not familiar with.

He also suggested residents continually keep up with their accounts to make sure nothing is happening that isnt supposed to.

Credit card cloning has become one of the most popular form of credit card fraud over the past few years, growing 87 percent since 2010 and recently resulting in $6 billion in losses nationwide, according to Integrated Family Community Services.

Tripp Girardeau is the crime and courts reporter with the Aiken Standard. Follow him on Twitter at @trippgirardeau.

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Steve Bannon wanted to make a movie about cloning, abortion, and … – A.V. Club (blog)

Posted: at 3:19 am

Feb 9, 2017 12:33 PM

Steve Bannon, the melting bacon fat candle that serves as President Donald Trumps most trusted advisor, had quite the Hollywood career before getting into politics. A few days ago, we wrote about the unproduced Shakespearean hip-hop musical he wrote about the 1992 Los Angeles riots; today, The Daily Beast is reporting on an 11-page outline it obtained for an unmade documentary-style film from 2005 about the dangers of futuristic technology. Bannon wrote it alongside his writing partner, Julie Jones.

Blessed with the very Coheed And Cambrian title of The Singularity: Resistance Is Futile, the sprawling, ambitious story concerns cloning, immortality, Walt Disney, eugenics, and, naturally, Nazis. Heres the broad scope (gird yourselves):

A heady, incomplete mix of science, history, religion, and politics, it sketches out a story in which mankinds unquenchable thirst for knowledge and scientific advancement has led to horrific, fascist atrocities and forced sterilization, drawing a direct line between those atrocities and modern bio-technology.

The draft is unfinished, so it is unclear precisely what Bannons full message and story arc were intended to be. But the theme that genetic and reproductive sciences has led to Nazi horrors and war crimes is a theme seen in a lot of conservative agitprop.

Essentially, Bannons is a Christian right-friendly story of arrogant scientists trying to perfect the human race at the expense of the natural order and Gods vision of humanity.

One ticket, please!

The Daily Beast goes into much, much more detail on the outlines gobbledygook, but whats equally interesting is that several sources claim rage-filled conservative Mel Gibson was once attached to the project (for the record, Gibsons publicist called this claim fake news). Bannon apparently loved name-dropping Gibson, and was also routinely entertained by Passion Of The Christ star Jim Caviezel at exclusive parties at a mansion in Santa Barbara.

Gizmodo provides some interesting context as well, elaborating on Bannons debt to Leni Riefenstahl, the German film director whose most famous film is a piece of Nazi propaganda.

People have said Im like Leni Riefenstahl, Bannon told the Wall Street Journal in 2011. At the time he was debuting his own piece of propaganda: The Undefeated, a documentary celebrating Sarah Palin.

The Singularity: Resistance Is Futile isnt Bannons only project to never take off. Along with his racist hip-hop musical, his shelf is also stacked a piece about Rwandan genocide (oh, brother), an anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim proposal called The Islamic States Of America, and, hey, an adaptation of Shakespeares Titus Andronicus that would be set on the moon with creatures from outer space and probably still somehow be racist.

[Note: Gizmodo, like The A.V. Club, is owned by Univision Communications.]

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Steve Bannon wanted to make a movie about cloning, abortion, and ... - A.V. Club (blog)

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Quantum Cloning Machine Reveals Clues That Could Protect Against Hacking – Photonics.com

Posted: at 3:19 am

Quantum Cloning Machine Reveals Clues That Could Protect Against Hacking
Feb 2017 OTTAWA, Ontario, Feb. 7, 2017 Universal optimal quantum cloning of high-dimensional photonic states has been achieved using the symmetrization method. The work has led to the discovery of information that could help system administrators ...
Boffins create quantum cloning machine to intercept 'secure ...The INQUIRER
Quantum Computing: Researchers Build The 1st ever High ...Latin Post
How to make quantum computers hackproof decodedDaily News & Analysis
ScienceBlog.com (blog) -India TV -International Business Times UK
all 39 news articles »

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Quantum Cloning Machine Reveals Clues That Could Protect Against Hacking - Photonics.com

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