Daily Archives: February 9, 2017

Pantheism – Norse Mythology for Smart People

Posted: February 9, 2017 at 5:58 am

Pantheism is the perception that spirit and divinity dwell within the world rather than apart from it. As the Roman historian Tacitus said of the Germanic tribes, Their holy places are the woods and groves, and they apply the names of deities to that hidden presence which is seen only by the eye of reverence.[1] The invisible, spiritual world is not somehow separate from the visible, tangible world, but instead exists in its heart, to borrow the words of the French philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty.[2] To put it another way: the visible world is the flesh of the invisible gods.

Nowadays, the Norse gods and goddesses are often described as being the god of this or that, but this easily leads to the misinterpretation that the gods exist outside of these things and merely control them from a distance. A more accurate way of speaking about them would be to say that, for example, Thor is not the god of thunder, but rather the god thunder. This is not merely symbolism, nor is it an attempt to explain natural phenomena in a pre-scientific idiom. Its an account of the direct experience of the storm as a personal and divine force.

This can probably be best understood through contrasting it with the dominant strains of Christian theology. In most varieties of Christianity, as we all know, God lives in a remote Heaven and teaches his followers to scorn earthly cares. The world is an artifact that he created rather than a part of his being. As 1 Kings 19 says,

And, behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the Lord; but the Lord was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake: And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.

Here, God is totally incorporeal, and addresses the prophet Elijah only as a disembodied voice that speaks in a human language just like the words of the Bible itself. For a pantheist, by contrast, the whole world is a revelation, a scripture that anyone can read to understand the divine.

More than that: the whole miracle of Jesuss descent to earth, death, and resurrection is dependent on this absolute split between the material and the spiritual. A pantheist would find nothing miraculous or even out-of-the-ordinary in a god assuming bodily form, because all bodily forms are manifestations of divinity. From such a perspective, the idea of salvation is unnecessary and even ridiculous; we are already wholly divine and wholly immersed in divinity. Whereas Christians commune with Jesus in a particular ritual where specially consecrated bread and wine become his body, a pantheist communes with his or her gods all the time, with every breath, every piece of food, and every mosquito bite.

Looking for more great information on Norse mythology and religion? While this site provides the ultimate online introduction to the topic, my book The Viking Spirit provides the ultimate introduction to Norse mythology and religion period. Ive also written a popular list of The 10 Best Norse Mythology Books, which youll probably find helpful in your pursuit.


[1] Tacitus, Cornelius. 1948. The Agricola and Germania. Translated by Harold Mattingly. p. 109.

[2] Merleau-Ponty, Maurice. 1968. The Visible and the Invisible. Edited by John Wild, translated by Alphonso Lingis. p. 150.

Pantheism - Norse Mythology for Smart People

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Kenyan Atheists Demand National Holiday To Celebrate Non-Religious Belief – Face 2 Face (press release) (registration) (blog)

Posted: at 5:58 am

Atheists of Kenya. Photo credit: BBC

Atheists in Kenya(AIK) have called on the government to devote a national holiday for the celebration of non-religious belief.

AIK is an umbrella society for free thinkers and the non-religious in Kenya. The association was officially registered on February 17, 2016, after a long battle to get the authorities to recognize it. It is believed to be the first atheist society to be registered in all of Africa.

The societys president,Harrison Mumia, said although atheists and the non-religious only constitute a minority group within Kenya, they deserve a national holiday to celebrate their beliefs.

We will petition Parliament to legislate that public holiday; we have religious holidays. Why not us? We will move to court if they discriminate against us. Under Article 8 of the Constitution, the government cannot run the country based on any religion, Mumia said.

Consequently, according to Standard Media, atheists have asked that February 17th be declared Atheist Day, a public holiday to celebrate the freedom and responsibility that the non-religious have.

In a recent letter addressed to the Interior Cabinet Secretary Joseph Nkaissery, the society also demanded equal treatment, equal protection, and benefits of the law as provided by the constitution.

Harrison Mumia. Photo credit: Nairobi News

On the 17th of February, we want to celebrate the fact that atheism frees up a lot of time that would otherwise be wasted in worship. We want to celebrate atheism, because it prevents one from being ripped off by religious charlatans, Mumia added.

We want to celebrate atheism because it provides great freedom and at the same time great responsibility, since we are not looking forward to the promise of heaven or the punishment of hell.

We want to celebrate atheism because we can now do things without worrying about metaphysical reward or punishment. We want to celebrate the fact that the results of our actions as atheists are our responsibility and we cant blame it on sin.

The society also wants authorities to scrap the teaching of religion in all Kenyan public schools and believes the study of the three major religions (Islam, Christianity and Hinduism) amounts to discrimination of all other religions.

Last October, the society also demanded that the word God be removed from the Kenyan national anthem, arguing that it was inherently unfair as not all Kenyans believed in a God. They emphasized that Kenya was a secular state and the concept of God was alien to the constitution.

As non-believers, we feel that the National Anthem is not representative of us and goes against the spirit of the Kenyan Constitution. Removing God from the National Anthem will make it inclusive, the society said in a statement.

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Kenyan Atheists Demand National Holiday To Celebrate Non-Religious Belief - Face 2 Face (press release) (registration) (blog)

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Ricky Gervais and Stephen Colbert Debate Atheism – Patheos (blog)

Posted: at 5:58 am

Stephen Colbert and Ricky Gervais discuss atheism, science, and the supposed existence of God.

In Wednesdays episode of the Late Show with Stephen Colbert, host and devout Catholic Stephen Colbert asked his guest, comedian and atheist Ricky Gervais, about faith, be

Colbert began the conversation by asking:

I know that youre an atheist. Do you want to debate the existence of god?

After Gervais agreed, Colbert continued:

Why there is something instead of nothing?

Gervais replied:

Surely, the bigger question is not why but how. Why is irrelevant, isnt it?

Gervais went on to explain atheism to Colbert:

Atheism is only rejecting the claim that there is a god. Atheism isnt a belief system. This is atheism in a nutshell: You say theres a god. I say can you prove that? You say no. I say I dont believe you then.

After Colbert said he did believe in a God, Gervais continued:

Okay. But there are about 3,000 to choose from Basically, you deny one less God than I do. You dont believe in 2,999 gods. And I dont believe in just one more.

By way of explaining the intellectual superiority of atheism over theism, Gervais compared science to religion:

Science is constantly proved all the time. If we take something like any fiction, any holy book, and destroyed it, in a thousand years time that wouldnt come back just as it was.

Whereas if we took every science book and every fact and destroyed them all, in a thousand years theyd all be back, because all the same tests would be the same result.

So I dont need faith in science. I dont need faith to know that, probably, if I jump out of a window, every other time somebody jumps out of the window, they smash to the ground because of this thing called gravity.

Bottom line: Colbert and Gervais engaged in a frank and friendly discussion concerning the serious topics of atheism, faith, and belief in God. More important, Gervais did a nice job of clearly outlining important points about atheism in a friendly, light-hearted, and non-threatening manner.

Watch the exchange below:

Ricky Gervais and Stephen Colbert (Image via Screen Grab)

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NASA Hubble telescope captures ‘Rotten Egg’ nebula – WCVB-TV – WCVB Boston

Posted: at 5:56 am

NASA and the European Space Agency's Hubble telescope captured a rare photo of the Calabash Nebula, a protoplanetary nebula formed from a dying star that's 1.4 light years long and approximately 5,000 light years from Earth.

"This image taken by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope shows the star going through a rapid transformation from a red giant to a planetary nebula, during which it blows its outer layers of gas and dust out into the surrounding space," the ESA said last week. "The recently ejected material is spat out in opposite directions with immense speed the gas shown in yellow is moving close to a million kilometers an hour."

A protoplanetary nebula is an astronomical object that occurs during a star's transition between its late asymptotic giant branch phase and the planetary nebula phase.

The Calabash Nebula is also called the Rotten Egg Nebula due to its sulphur content, which smells like rotten eggs when it comes into contact with other elements.

The photo is especially rare because the phase occurs in an instant, at least by astronomical standards. Scientists predict the nebula will evolve into a planetary nebula over the next thousand years.

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NASA Hubble telescope captures 'Rotten Egg' nebula - WCVB-TV - WCVB Boston

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NASA’s Hubble Telescope Captures Rare Image of Dying ‘Rotten Egg’ Star – TIME

Posted: at 5:56 am

The Calabash Nebula, pictured here which has the technical name OH 231.8+04.2 is a spectacular example of the death of a low-mass star like the Sun. ESA/Hubble/NASA

NASA and the European Space Agency's (ESA) Hubble Space Telescope has captured a rare image that shows the spectacular death of a star.

The dying star can be seen transforming from a red giant to a planetary nebula called the Calabash Nebula, technically known as 231.8+04.2, according to the ESA. During this transformation, the dying star blows its outer layers of gas and dust out into the surrounding space at a speed close to 621,371 miles per hour.

The nebula is also known as the Rotten Egg Nebula, the ESA reports, because it contains a lot of sulphur, which smells like rotten egg when it combines with other elements. Luckily, as the nebula resides over 5,000 light-years away in the constellation of Puppis, humans don't need to worry about the stench.

The star's death occurs "within the blink of an eye in astronomical terms," according to the ESA, which explains why this kind of photo is hard to come by. Next, the star will evolve into a fully formed planetary nebula over the next thousand years.

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NASA's Hubble Telescope Captures Rare Image of Dying 'Rotten Egg' Star - TIME

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The Hubble Telescope Captured This Spectacular Photo of a Star Dying – Thrillist

Posted: at 5:56 am

About five billion years from now, the sun will slowly begin to die by expanding and transforming into a red giant star. Of course, humans will likely be long gone by then, but other stars in the universe can provide us with a good idea of what the sun's death might look like now. In fact, NASA's Hubble Telescope recently captured the explosive death of low-mass star like the sun and, as you can see in the extremely rare image, it's spectacular.

NASA first released the stunning new photo last Friday, noting that such images are extremely rare due to how quickly (in astronomical terms) this phase of a star's evolution occurs. Specifically, the photo shows theCalabash Nebula, a red giant, transforming into a planetary nebula by explosively spewing its outer layers of gas and other materials into space at more than 620,000mph, according to the space agency. The gas (the yellow stuff) can be see shooting into opposite directions, creating the beautiful spectacle.

NASA also points outCalabash Nebula is often referred to as the Rotten Egg Nebula, because it contains a lot of sulphur, which can smell like a rotten egg. So, does that mean space is, uh, letting one rip as the star dies? Thankfully, NASA said we're more than 5,000 light years away. Phew.

h/t BGR

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Tony Merevickis Cities News Editor at Thrillist and thinks this is simultaneously beautifuland kind of terrifying. Send news tips to news@thrillist.com and follow him on Twitter @tonymerevick.

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The Hubble Telescope Captured This Spectacular Photo of a Star Dying - Thrillist

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US Navy kicks of military drills with NATO on Russia’s doorstep – NavyTimes.com

Posted: at 5:55 am

The destroyer Porter and a P8-A Poseidon sub hunter on Wednesday kicked off the at-sea portion of a NATO exercise on Russia's doorstep.

Exercise Sea Shield is an annual maritime drill designed to get NATO forces used to working together in the event of a conflict, according to a Navy release.

We've already strengthened our interoperability through the in-port planning phase of Sea Shield 2017, and Porter in particular is looking forward to the operational phase at sea, said Cmdr. Andria Slough, the Porters skipper. Advanced exercises like Sea Shield provide us with an opportunity to work across all warfare areas, ultimately improving our combined readiness and naval capability with our Black Sea allies and partners.

Porter is based in Rota, Spain, and the P-8A is from Patrol Squadron 45 based in Jacksonville, Florida.

The U.S. forces are joining NATO Standing Maritime Group 2. Countries involved in the exercise include Bulgaria, Romania, Canada, Greece, Spain, Turkey and Ukraine.

The Russian defense minister released a statement last week calling on NATO to keep the exercises contained and to not challenge the Russian Federation.

We hope that the drills will be conducted in the safest possible environment without challenges towards the Russian Federation, said Segey Shoigu, according to the state-funded news agency Russia Today. In any case, we are ready for such challenges.

The annexation of Crimea was a wake-up call for NATO, which has shifted its focus to confronting the high-end threat posed by Russia after years of low-end counter-piracy and counter-terror missions.

"It used to come naturally 25 years ago," Hudson said. "We used to do big, complex NATO exercises in all environments, but the world has changed. We haven't been doing as many of those in the last 10, 15 years. But I think Ukraine has told us we need to up our game and I think that's the plan in the near future."

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Let’s bring NATO to Washington – DefenseNews.com

Posted: at 5:55 am

Few outside of the NATO community realize that one of the alliance's two strategic commands is located not in Europe, but in Norfolk, Virginia. Stood up as NATO began to reorient itself in response to the threats and challenges of the 21st century, Allied Command Transformation, or ACT, is now nearing its 15th anniversary in Norfolk. Today, ACT is charged to look to the future and help the alliance develop new capabilities, forces and doctrine for emerging challenges. But now is the time to consider ACTs future in light of new political realities in America and the worsening security situation in Europe.

For starters, ACT should move to Washington to be closer to American decision-makers and to be able to more effectively draw on the discussions and the decisions being made at the Pentagon. In addition, it is more crucial than ever that American leaders are reminded of NATO's importance on a near-daily basis. What better way than to have a strategic NATO command right next door to the White House, Congress, the State Department and the Pentagon?

All of this matters because of the role of ACT inside NATO. The two major commands in NATOs relatively light organization deal with two different sides of NATOcurrent operations and preparing for the future. Located in Mons, Belgium, NATO Allied Command Operations handles the coordination of the numerous ongoing international operations under a NATO flag. NATO countries also provide forces for other operations such as Operation Inherent Resolve in Iraq and Syria. ACT, on the other hand, is tasked with the business development side of the alliance. ACT is a somewhat overlooked node in a powerful network for the United States and the allianceand, because of the way the alliance works, also for U.S. national interests.

The organization behind NATO is relatively smallonly a few thousand people. NATO as an organization does not have significant military assets. The member states have control with their own armed forces and can choose to use them under a NATO hat or in an ad hoc coalition of the willing.

Through NATO, allied nations learn how to modernize their armed forces and invest for future capabilities and through training and regular standardization they develop common ways for operating together. The resulting interoperability means that NATO militaries are prepared to deploy and contribute to military operations also outside of NATO, such as in Operation Inherent Resolve. ACT plays a crucial role in this effort.

A move to Washington should not mean that NATO departs the Norfolk area. Instead, NATO should leave behind a planning cell that could provide the beginnings of a structure that could support U.S. reinforcements across the Atlantic in times of crisis. A linkage could be made with U.S. Fleet Forces Command, which is responsible for providing U.S. naval forces to the various geographical combatant commands.

Its time to bring NATO to Washington, both as a constant reminder of the alliance's importance to U.S. decision-makers and to energize ACTs purpose for being: transforming NATO toward tackling the many security challenges of the 21st century. And President Donald J. Trump should welcome having a strategic NATO command as a next-door neighbor.

Magnus Nordenman is the director of the Transatlantic Security Initiative at the Brent Scowcroft Center on International Security at the Atlantic Council. Henrik Breitenbauch is the director of the University of Copenhagens Centre for Military Studies and is a nonresident senior fellow with the Brent Scowcroft Center on International Security at the Atlantic Council.

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Let's bring NATO to Washington - DefenseNews.com

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NATO releases new guide for international cyber laws | TheHill – The Hill

Posted: at 5:55 am

NATO on Wednesday released the first major revision to the Tallinn Manual, the closest thing there is to a rulebook for nation-led cyber operations.

Like the original 2013 manual, the new version is the result of a study by NATO to gauge consensus opinions from international law experts on what types of cyber statecraft are acceptable.

Let me assure you, the manual will sit on the desk of every legal advisor in every ministry of defense and every ministry of foreign affairs in the entire world, Director and General Editor Michael Schmitt saidat a press briefing before its launch at the Atlantic Council headquarters in Washington.

The original text was extremely influential and widely used.

Both manuals pull together law originally developed to cover fields ranging from armed conflicts to outer space to extrapolate the likely legal consequences for cyber operations. But while the first draft covered war-like cyber attacks between nations, the new draft adds legal analysis of peacetime operations.

The book compiles the expertise of dozens of international law experts who huddled to determine which issues had a clear legal consensus. Dozens more, including current government representatives, provided non-voting advice.

The new book comes after a variety of new nation-led attacks begin to reshape how politicians view the prospect of cyber warfare.

Many U.S. lawmakers have argued that the breach at the Office of Personnel Management should be considered something beyond run-of-the-mill espionage. Espionage is considered legal by international law, but the immense scope of the breach has lead some to wonder if the breach was a special circumstance beyond what was acceptable.

That is not correct as a matter of law, said Schmitt, who had personal information stolen in the breach.

Espionage is espionage is espionage. It doesnt matter if you steal one document or five million files. Espionage is not unlawful under international law.

But the experts could not reach a consensus on the Democratic National Committee breach that impacted last year's presidential race.

Espionage is often prosecuted as a violation of national laws. The authors agreed that if Russia in fact stole and distributed the files, it was definitely in violation of U.S. laws, and that if Russia coerced voters, it would be in violation of the international laws. But they differed on which jurisdiction the attacks would fall under.

The new manual, caution Vihul and Schmitt, is not legal doctrine, but instead an analysis of the legal standing of various activities under current laws. But they say it will work as a tool to guide nations on how solid their footing might be in the international community to make different arguments.

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NATO releases new guide for international cyber laws | TheHill - The Hill

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Russia calls Romania ‘a clear threat’ and NATO outpost: Ifax – Reuters

Posted: at 5:55 am

MOSCOW Russia views Romania as a NATO outpost and as a threat due to it hosting elements of a U.S. anti-missile shield, the Interfax news agency reported on Thursday, citing a Russian foreign ministry official.

The U.S. military, which says the shield is needed to protect from Iran, not threaten Russia, switched on the $800 million Romanian part of the shield in May last year. Another part of the shield is due to be built in Poland.

"Romania's stance and the stance of its leadership, who have turned the country into an outpost, is a clear threat for us," Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko, a senior Russian foreign ministry official, told Interfax in an interview.

"All these decisions ... are in the first instance aimed against Russia," he said, accusing Romanian authorities of reveling in anti-Russian rhetoric.

Moscow's comments come as NATO deploys thousands of soldiers and heavy weaponry to Poland, the Baltic states and southeastern Europe, in its biggest buildup since the Cold War.

U.S. and NATO officials say the move is needed to provide extra security and reassurance to European countries after Russia's 2014 annexation of Ukraine's Crimea, but Russia says it is part of an aggressive strategy on its borders.

(Reporting by Andrew Osborn; Editing by Alexander Winning)

TOKYO Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will propose new cabinet level U.S.-Japan talks on trade, security and macroeconomic issues, including currencies, when he meets U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday, a Japanese government official involved in planning the summit said.

SEOUL Lawyers for South Korean President Park Geun-hye have rejected a plan by a special prosecutor investigating a graft scandal to question her, citing a media leak, a spokesman for the prosecutor's office said on Thursday.

STOCKHOLM Eight countries have joined an initiative to raise millions of dollars to replace shortfalls caused by President Donald Trump's ban on U.S.-funded groups around the world providing information on abortion, Sweden's deputy prime minister said.

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Russia calls Romania 'a clear threat' and NATO outpost: Ifax - Reuters

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