Daily Archives: February 7, 2017

CHTA Donates $25000 for Bahamas hurricane relief – Yahoo Finance

Posted: February 7, 2017 at 8:40 am

NASSAU, Bahamas, Feb. 2, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association (CHTA) presented The Bahamas with a $25,000 check to aid in restoration efforts following Hurricane Matthew.

Hotels throughout the Caribbean united for a joint fundraising initiative to bring relief to those countries in the region that were seriously impacted by the storm.

Hurricane Matthew blasted through parts of The Bahamas in October damaging several major hotel properties, thousands of schools, businesses and homes. Grand Bahama and Andros were the hardest hit islands. New Providence also suffered extensive damage.

CHTA President, Karolin Troubetzkoy, presented the check to The Bahamas Hotel Tourism Association's (BHTA) President Carlton Russell on Tuesday night during the opening ceremony for Caribbean Travel Marketplace at the Atlantis Paradise Island Resort.

"When Hurricane Matthew wreaked havoc on parts of Haiti and The Bahamas, our Caribbean countries and the industry responded," Troubetzkoy said. "I wish to thank those who answered our personal appeal in the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew. The hotels donated hotel stays, which were auctioned online... I am pleased to announce that we were able to raise close to $70,000 for The Bahamas and Haiti."

The Bahamas was given $25,000. The remaining money will go towards Haiti relief efforts.

The CHTA was the latest in a long line of tourism partners that donated to The Bahamas for relief and recovery efforts.

The Miami HEAT, the Miami Dolphins, the Washington Redskins and shipping company The Bonnier Marine Group, among many other organizations, provided relief in the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Matthew.

Director General of The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism, Joy Jibrilu, said the outpouring of love has been amazing.

"Our partners have risen to the occasion," Jibrilu said. "The people of The Bahamas thank them for their kindness and support. Their donations will be put to good use. We are blessed to have such amazing friends in the region and around the world."

The Islands Of The Bahamas have a place in the sun for everyone. Each island has its own personality and attractions for a variety of vacation styles with some of the world's best golfing, scuba diving, fishing, sailing, boating, as well as, shopping and dining. The destination offers an easily accessible tropical getaway and provides convenience for travelers with preclearance through U.S. customs and immigration, and the Bahamian dollar is on par with the U.S. dollar. Do everything or do nothing, just remember It's Better in The Bahamas. For travel packages, activities and accommodations information, call 1-800-Bahamas or visit http://www.Bahamas.com. Look for The Bahamas on the web on Facebook Twitter and YouTube

A photo accompanying this release is available at: http://www.globenewswire.com/newsroom/prs/?pkgid=42129

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CHTA Donates $25000 for Bahamas hurricane relief - Yahoo Finance

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Offshore Wind Moves Into Energy’s Mainstream – New York Times

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New York Times
Offshore Wind Moves Into Energy's Mainstream
New York Times
LIVERPOOL, England When engineers faced resistance from residents in Denmark over plans to build wind turbines on the Nordic country's flat farmland, they found a better locale: the sea. The offshore wind farm, the world's first, had just 11 ...

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Offshore Drillers Are Still Seeking Recovery Enjoyed by Shale – Bloomberg

Posted: at 8:39 am


February 6, 2017, 4:16 PM EST February 7, 2017, 12:01 AM EST

While oil drillers in U.S. shale basins are starting to see business come back, their offshore brethren will have to wait for prices to surge well above $60 a barrel.

U.S. offshore operators like Diamond Offshore Drilling Inc. and Atwood Oceanics Inc. are down more than 15 percent in the last month, as companies focus on onshore oil that reaps better returns. With oil trading near $53 a barrel, firms are looking toward booming plays like the Permian Basin in West Texas and the Scoop and Stack formations in Oklahoma, according to Marc Edwards, Diamond Offshores chief executive officer.

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Members in the Bloomberg Intelligence Global Offshore Drilling Competitive Peers Index sank 5 percent Monday.As demand continues to fall and the number of idle rigs rises, the offshore drilling industry remains a few years away from a rebound, Atwood Oceanics management said on a call with investors and analysts.

The idea of $60 oil pushing producers to go offshore might be optimistic, David Anderson, an analyst at Barclays Plc, said by phone. Even though the costs and the time to market have come down, offshore is nowhere near as enticing as onshore drilling.

While offshore drillers are using the same number of rigs as a year ago, onshore focused companies are continuing to add rigs and expand production. U.S. drillers are continuing to boost production, adding 267 rigs in the last eight months, according to Baker Hughes Inc. data reported on Friday.

The Permian Basin has seen production double and a jump in merger activity as companies that are operating in the region are taking advantage of breakeven levels that are much lower than their deepwater competitors.

What were seeing, especially today, is a recognition that onshore and offshore drilling are in two separate cycles that are moving at very different paces, said Anderson.

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Offshore Drillers Are Still Seeking Recovery Enjoyed by Shale - Bloomberg

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Offshore Profits and US Exports – Council on Foreign Relations (blog)

Posted: at 8:39 am

8064 3

by Brad Setser February 6, 2017

One important result of my theory about the sources of dark matter in the U.S. balance of payments is a concern that border adjustment might not generate the expected revenues. American multinationals would have a strong incentive to shift their offshore income on intellectual property rights that are now located in subsidiaries offshore back to the U.S..

A lot depends on the details of any proposed tax reform, but I think a firm with U.S. expenses and export revenues would generate a tax loss on its exports (export revenues are excluded from calculation of revenues for the purpose of the tax, and domestic expenses can be deducted). If that tax loss is refundable, exporters essentially get a check back from the government for a sum equal to their domestic labor costs (see Chad Bown on the subsidy component of a border tax adjustment).* Profits that now show up in subsidiaries in Ireland, Puerto Rico, Singapore, and the like** based on intellectual property that is held in the Caribbean, thanks to the low price headquarters charges for the global rights on their intellectual property, might show up back in the U.S.and I suspect the royalties their offshore subsidiaries pay headquarters for research and design and engineering (e.g. exports) would soar.

I havent started to figure out how European companies that now report very little income on their direct investment in the U.S. might try to game the system. I suspect that they have an incentive to try to lower their reported intra-firm importse.g. reduce the transfer prices they charge their U.S. subsidiaries to lower their border adjustment. Auerbach, Devereux, Keen and Vella have emphasized that introducing a destination based cash flow tax in one country would have quite different effects than introducing a destination based cash flow tax in all countries.

But I also wanted to draw out the implications of the rapid growth in the offshore profits of American companies for the broader debate on globalization.

Consider the following chart: normalized versus GDP, the reinvested (tax-deferred, or less politely, largely untaxed as of now) profits of U.S. multinationals have more than doubled over the past twenty years, while U.S. exports of capital goods, consumer goods, and autos (my measure for core manufacturing exports) have stayed constant as a share of GDP. Imports of that set of goods have increased by roughly 25 percent on this measure.

Obviously, setting the initial level at 100 exaggerates a bit to make a pointnamely, that U.S. export and income growth from globalization shows up offshore, not in onshore export jobs.

As a share of GDP, reinvested earnings (a proxy for tax-deferred offshore earnings) have gone from 0.5 percent of GDP to around 1.6 percent of GDP over the past twenty years (they reached a peak of 2 percent of GDP when the dollar was weak).***

Core manufactured goods (autos, capital goods, and consumer goodsI am leaving out manufactured industrial supplies such as chemicalslargely for simplicity) exports have stayed constant at about 5 percent of GDP.

They were a bit higher for a while, but, well, something happened in the last couple of years. I tend to think that something was mostly the impact of the dollars rise but the global fall in demand for oil and mining equipment also played a role.

With rising productivity, a constant (and low) level of exports to GDP meant the export sector was shedding jobs.

And with imports rising relative to GDPcore imports have gone from about 6.5 percent of GDP in 1995 to about 8.5 percent of GDP in 2015 (they will fall a bit in 2016)of course import-competing sectors were shedding jobs.

I suspect the politics around trade would be a bit different in the U.S. if the goods-exporting sector had grown in parallel with imports.

That is one key difference between the U.S. and Germany. Manufacturing jobs fell during reunificationand Germany went through a difficult adjustment in the early 2000s. But over the last ten years the number of jobs in Germanys export sector grew, keeping the number of people employed in manufacturing roughly constant over the last ten years even with rising productivity. Part of the trade adjustment was a shift from import-competing to exporting sectors, not just a shift out of the goods producing tradables sector. Of course, not everyone can run a German sized surplus in manufacturesbut it seems likely the low U.S. share of manufacturing employment (relative to Germany and Japan) is in part a function of the size and persistence of the U.S. trade deficit in manufactures. (It is also in part a function of the fact that the U.S. no longer needs to trade manufactures for imported energy on any significant scale; the U.S. has more jobs in oil and gas production, for example, than Germany or Japan).

Of course, the sectors that have seen their offshore income grow rapidly are growing, and they do employ more peoplethough successful tech companies employ comparatively few people relative to their profits.

But the shift from an economy that pays for its imports by exporting goods to one that increasingly relies on the income its multinationals generate in offshore tax centers likely has had some significant distributional consequences.

And as I have argued before, I suspect that one of the problems the U.S. faces is that a significant share of the gains from globalization arent actually taxed, and thus arent directly available to fund the kind of programs that my colleague Ted Alden has suggested are needed to allow the workforce to adopt to various shocks more effectively. And I am not convinced a border adjustmentwhich I think solves the transfer price problem by exempting export revenue from any calculation of taxsolves this particular problem. I suspect effectively untaxed (permanently tax-deferred) profits offshore become untaxed export profits onshore.

* If the border adjustment leads to an adjustment in the exchange rate, such a rebate is needed to offset the exchange rate drag. ** Puerto Rico is outside the United States for corporate tax purposes, thanks to its unique status. For details on Microsofts tax structure, see the Senate Investigative Committee report. *** Foreign multinationals do not have big cash hoards in the U.S., so their reinvested U.S. profits have stayed roughly constant as a share of GDP, pushing the U.S. surplus on reinvested earnings up.

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A blog on the global economy, paying particular attention to the U.S. current account deficit, China, central bank reserves and the global flow of funds.

In The Hacked World Order, CFR Senior Fellow Adam Segal shows how governments use the web to wage war and spy on, coerce, and damage each other. More

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Through insightful analysis and engaging graphics, How America Stacks Up explores how the United States can keep pace with global economic competition. More

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Williams argues that the status quo for peace operations in untenable and that greater U.S. involvement is necessary to enhance the quality and success of peacekeeping missions.

The authors argue that the United States has responded inadequately to the rise of Chinese power and recommend placing less strategic emphasis on the goal of integrating China into the international system and more on balancing China's rise.

Campbell evaluates the implications of the Boko Haram insurgency and recommends that the United States support Nigerian efforts to address the drivers of Boko Haram, such as poverty and corruption, and to foster stronger ties with Nigerian civil society.

Complete list of Council Special Reports

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Shell Aims To Sell Stake In Danish Offshore Oil, Gas Venture – OilPrice.com

Posted: at 8:39 am

Royal Dutch Shell (NYSE:RDS.A) is looking to sell its share of the offshore oil and gas joint venture Danish Underground Consortium, in which the Anglo-Dutch oil majors stake is estimated to be worth up to US$1 billion, Reuters reported on Monday, citing banking sources.

If the sale were to take place, it would mark Shells exit from Denmark and further align with the supermajors plans to continue divesting assets.

According to Reuters sources, Bank of America Merrill Lynch (BAML) is working on the sale.

Shell holds 36.8 percent in the Danish Underground Consortium (DUC) alongside operator A.P. Moller-Maersk, which owns 31.2 percent, U.S. major Chevron, which has 12 percent, and Denmarks state-run Nordsfonden which holds a 20-percent stake.

In September last year, Shell reached an agreement with Dansk Olieselskab ApS for the sale of A/S Dansk Shell in Denmark, which consists of the 70,000-bpd Fredericia refinery and local trading and supply activities, for around US$80 million, including working capital. The sale which was part of Shells strategy to focus its downstream operations on areas where it can be most competitive - completed the oil majors exit from downstream activities in Denmark.

Shells chief financial officer Simon Henry said last week that the group was making significant progress on selling another US$5 billion worth of assets.

Related: Are We Likely To See A Clash Over Resources In The South China Sea?

Last week Shell also announced it had agreed to sell a package of UK North Sea assets to Chrysaor for a total of up to US$3.8 billion and a stake in a field offshore Thailand for US$900 million.

In Shells earnings release last Thursday, chief executive Ben van Beurden said:

We are gaining momentum on divestments, with some $15 billion completed in 2016, announced, or in progress, and we are on track to complete our overall $30 billion divestment program as planned.

By Tsvetana Paraskova for Oilprice.com

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Offshore Drillers See Gains, But Recovery Afar – E&P

Posted: at 8:39 am

Offshore Drillers See Gains, But Recovery Afar
The tide is slowly changing for offshore drillers, but the sector still awaits smoother sailing based on analysts' and company earnings reports. Houston-based Diamond Offshore Drilling Inc.'s (NYSE: DO) reported Feb. 6 a profit of $73 million for ...
Diamond Offshore sees recovery when oil "well over $60"Reuters
Diamond Offshore Drilling (DO) Q4 2016 Results - Earnings Call TranscriptSeeking Alpha
Diamond Offshore Announces Fourth Quarter 2016 ResultsPR Newswire (press release)
Yahoo Finance
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Offshore Drillers See Gains, But Recovery Afar - E&P

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Further decline in North Sea offshore supply work – BBC News

Posted: at 8:39 am

BBC News
Further decline in North Sea offshore supply work
BBC News
A new study has confirmed the UK's oil and gas supply chain saw its turnover decline in 2015. The report by business advisers EY indicates the fall in the price of oil led to a fall in business activity for firms serving North Sea producers. They ...
Day two of our probe into the offshore crisis that is threatening to destroy Scotland's oil industryThe Scottish Sun

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Further decline in North Sea offshore supply work - BBC News

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‘A community remembers’ coming to Hesston – Leavenworth Times

Posted: at 8:35 am

By Chad FreyNewton Kansan@ChadFrey

HESSTON It has been nearly a year since tragedy struck at Excel Industries. Nearly a full year since an angry man went home, got a gun and started shooting at random cars in Newton before entering Excel and killing three people. He was shot and killed by police in one of the deadliest days in Harvey County history.

It is a day few will ever forget, even if they want to. It is a day, according to Brad Burkholder, that the community is still trying to recover from.

For the past year, people are dealing with it in different ways and are in different stages, Burkholder said. ... We are impacted in different ways, and we all recover at different speeds as well.

Burkholder is pastor of Hesston Mennonite Brethren church of Hesston and a member of the Hesston Ministerial Alliance. He and the alliance are organizing a night to remember that fateful day. The ceremony, called A Community Remembers: 'The Light Shines in the Darkness will begin at 5 p.m. Feb. 19 at Hesston High School.

The ministerial alliance purposely avoided the actual date of the shootings Feb. 25.

We decided not to do the day of, or the Sunday after. We thought it was important to gather before the actual anniversary, Burkholder said.

The Ministerial Alliance, Excel Industries and the Hesston Community Foundation teamed up to create the observance.

The observance is coming as the result of community requests people asking all three organizations when something would be done.

We got to the later part of (2016) and we knew we did not want Feb 25 to pass without something intentional, said Susan Lamb with the community foundation.

The service will include remembering the dead from that day Renee Benjamin, 30; Joshua Higbee, 31; Brian Sadowsky, 44, and Cedric Ford, 38. Also remembered will be those injured during the events.

There will also be a moment of hope offered.

We will have a commissioning. We want to remind people that as they go out in their communities that week we have an opportunity to meet people where they are at, Burkholder said. We need to acknowledge that there is pain and hurt. We all carry with us our past experiences. We know that not everyone who comes will have the same belief system spiritually, but we need each other.

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'A community remembers' coming to Hesston - Leavenworth Times

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Coalition Calls Itself The ‘Eyes, Ears & Voice’ Of Pittsburgh’s Black Community – 90.5 WESA

Posted: at 8:35 am

Politicians from the local and state level are partnering in a new way to find out what issues are most important to Pittsburghs black residents and how to address them.

The Pittsburgh Black Elected Officials Coalition, which includes Allegheny County Councilman DeWitt Walton, Pittsburgh City Councilmembers Daniel Lavelle and Ricky Burgess and state representatives Jake Wheatley and Ed Gainey, just completed its first project.

The group released its Peace and Justice Initiative report last Thursday, which outlines six key areas of concern within the citys African American community, including public safety, housing, family, business and education.

Walton said the issues are interwoven.

How can we better collaborate and coordinate better opportunities from community based and workforce opportunities? Walton said. And as a result, increase the per capita wage income of individuals, and as a result, youll increase home ownership. And a third result, youll increase public safety.

Waltonis one of five black elected officials who represent Pittsburgh at the city, county and state levels. The current terms of three of those five -- Wheatley, Gainey and Lavelle -- will expire in the next two years.

Wheatley, who represents the 19th district, which is majority black, said the group had a clear catalyst.

I think we started to see the explosion of young black men and women being killed by police officers, Wheatley said. And when we started to question, why is that happening? Its not just the criminal justice system, its a culture of neglect that weve allowed to continue. We have to address it in a holistic approach. We have to attack all of these areas, and figure out how we can fundamentally transform how we see view and transform these vulnerable communities.

Wheatley said this is the first time the five men have really worked together. In the past, there had been some tension and political rivalry. But he said to make an impact, you need to have functional relations at every level of government.

I understand the importance of having someone whos a friend or at least a confidant at the city level, he said. Because what we do at the state level impacts the city and what theyre doing at the city level helps inform what I need to do at the state level.

Lavelle agreed.

Currently in the Hill District, were dealing with new housing developments, but many of the dollars have come from the federal government and we also received state grants, he said. And that only happens when you have a close relationship with those representing you on those levels, that understand the vision and your goals.

Since there are so few black elected officials in the area, Wheatley said he feels a particularly heavy weight on his shoulders to serve his constituents.

Leadership has no colors, no gender, no income, he said. But there is a different pressure being in Pittsburgh, being an African American, and being in one of these elected offices, because all around you, you see men and women and children who look like you and are dependent on you to be their eyes and ears and voice. You see them suffering on most of the social and economic indicators. You see them suffering the worst.

From institutional racism to implicit bias,Lavellesaid the members of this coalition intimately understand the challenges facing the black community.

We know it. Weve lived it. Weve experienced it, he said. Even as policy makers, weve experienced it when weve tried to bring issues to the table that affect communities of color but dont necessarily have the ear of all our white colleagues to understand why this is so critical. I think the difference now is when we collectively stand up and being able to have a unified voice, I think will really be able to move the needle in a way that we havent in the past.

Wheatley said moving that needle will require bringing a lot of other people on board with their vision a significant task for he andGainey.

For example, me and Ed are two in a body that has 253 members, he said. So how do you build other members along to what were trying to accomplish to make the transformations on a state level?

Lavellesaid on their own, the five coalition members wont be able to make a tremendous difference on the realities of whats impacting people. He said support needs to come from the top down, but also from the bottom up within his own district.

Its an interesting conversation when I have residents Downtown complaining about broken sidewalks or needing street repair, Lavelle said. Ill often say to them, I understand the need for this, but if you help me increase the economic situation for those who are your neighbors in the Hill District, thatll grow the tax base, bring in additional revenues, to do some of these other things being done.

The coalition held community meetings across the city last year to ask residents what they want changed.Members agreed they each need to be more intentional about who theyre engaging across the community, with special emphasis on those most affectedby social and economic inequities.

The nonprofit Homewood Childrens Village gathered additional data and formed the report. It contained no specific policy recommendations, but members said plans in the pipeline could include legislation; approval from city, county and state leaders; and corporate sponsorship.

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Coalition Calls Itself The 'Eyes, Ears & Voice' Of Pittsburgh's Black Community - 90.5 WESA

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Quantum Entanglement May Be Key To Long Distance Space Travel Ex Lockheed Exec Said It’s Already Happening – Collective Evolution

Posted: at 8:34 am

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Its called quantum entanglement, its extremely fascinating and counter to what we believe to bethe known scientific laws of the universe, so much so that Einstein himself could not wrap his head around it. Although its calledquantum entanglement, thoughEinstein referred to it as spooky action at a distance.

Recent research has taken quantum entanglement out of the theoretical realm of physics, and placed into the one of verified phenomena.An experiment devised by the Griffith Universitys Centre for Quantum Dynamics, led by Professor Howard Wiseman and his team of researchers at the university of Tokyo, recently published a paper in thejournalNature Communicationsconfirming what Einstein did not believe to be real: the non-local collapse of a particles wave function. (source)(source), and this is just one example of many.

They did this by splitting a single photon between two laboratories, and testing whether measurement of it in one laboratory would actually cause a change in the local quantum state in the other laboratory. In doing so, researchers were able to verify the entanglement of the split single photon.

Researchers have since replicated this experiment over and over again, with results of entanglement seen at kilometres of distance. Below is a great visual depiction of what quantum entanglement from the film, What The Bleep Do We Know.

Space is just the construct that gives the illusion that there areseparateobjects Dr. Quantum

Sure, there are a lot of philosophies regarding what all of this stuff actually means, but, as Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher puts it, its a pre-curser to realizing that everything is connected, and that everything in the universe is one. What happens in what we call reality, is effecting something else in that same reality, its all touching. (source)

Whats happening here is that, either we are witnessing the transfer of information at a speed far greater than the speed of light, or even better, something completely instantaneous.

If all points in space are connected, that means vast distances between places are simply an illusion. Furthermore, quantum entanglement challenges Einsteins theory of relativity, but theories are developed to be tweaked and changed. Unfortunately, our world is plagued with secrecy, and you can learn more about that in an article about the black budget linked at the bottom of this article.

Rich was the second director of Lockheed Skunkworks from 1975-1991. Hes been called the Father of Stealth, having overseen the development of the stealth fighter, the F-117Anighthawk.Before his death, Rich made several shocking open statements about the reality of UFOs and extraterrestrials.

We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects, and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity. Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do it. (1)

We now have technology to take ET home. No it wont take someones lifetime to do it. There is an error in the equations. We know what it is. We now have the capability to travel to the stars. (1)

There are two types of UFOs the ones we build and the ones they build. (1)

Where Quantum Entaglement Comes In

When Rich was asked how UFO propulsion worked, he said,Let me ask you. How does ESP work?The questioner responded with, All points in time and space are connected?Rich then said, Thats how it works!

Interesting to think about, isnt it? Perhaps the vast distances that exist between planets, solar systems and more isnt really as much of a barrier as we thought it was.

One of the sources is aerospace journalist, James Goodall, who wrote for publications such asJanes Defense Weekly, Aviation Week and Space Technology, and Interavia. He is an accomplished speaker specializing in the history, development, and operations of the worlds only Mach 3 capable, manned air breathing aircraft, the SR-71 family of aircraft. (1) (source)(source)(source)

He is also an author, as well as the Associate Curator at the Pacific Aviation Meseum, HI. He was also the restoration manager at the Museum of Flight in Paine Field, Everett, WA.

Goodall interviewed many from the classified black budget world (read more about that world here.) He claimed that some of his contacts told him thatwe have things out there that are literally out of this world, better than Star Trek or what you see in the movies. (1)

From his work alone, James Goodall knew Ben Rich well. In a video interview, Goodall stated that he spoke to Rich approximately 10 days before he died:

About ten days before he died, I was speaking to Ben on the telephone at the USC Medical Center in LA. And he said, Jim, we have things out in the desert that are fifty years beyond what you can comprehend. They have about forty five hundred people at the Lockheed Skunk works. What have they been doing for the last eighteen or twenty years? Theyre building something. (1)

Another source comes from John Andrews, who was a legendary Lockheed engineer. He had written to Rich, stating his own belief inUFOs, both manmade and extraterrestrial. Andrews has asked Rich if his own beliefs covered extraterrestrial as well as manmade UFOs. Richs reply was as follows:

Yes, Im a believer in both categories. I feel everything is possible. Many of our man-made UFOs are Un-Funded Opportunities. There are two types of UFOs, the ones we build, and the ones they build. (1)

In Richs reply, he underlined the U, F, and O in unfunded opportunities.

Thirdly, Jan Harzan, a senior executive with IBM, along with Tom Keller, an aerospace engineer who has worked as a computer systems analyst for NASAs Jet Propulsion Laboratory, discusses a talk Ben gave some time ago. OnMarch 23rd, 1993 at a UCLA School of Engineering talk where he was presenting a general history of Sunk Works, he said this:

We now know how to travel to the stars. There is an error in the equations, and we have figured it out, and now know how to travel to the stars and it wont take a lifetime to do it. It is time to end all the secrecy on this, as it no longer poses a national security threat, and make the technology available for use in the private sector. There are many in the intelligence community who would like to see this stay in the black and not see the light of day. We now have the technology to take ET home. (1)

Here is a video of Jan telling the story:

Its quite remarkable how many verified statements we have regarding UFOs (unidentified flying objects) andextraterrestrials from people who have held the highest positions possible within the government, military, academia, politics and more. To be honest, its overwhelming, and when you put all of those statements together with all of the previously classified documentation that has been released over the past few years, it paints a startling picture. Anybody who has done even a fair amount of research, and adheres to the philosophy of condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance, would not be able to deny this, and I have yet to come across someone who has done the research that still subjectsthis topic to the conspiracy theory realm.

If youd like to learn more about UFOs, a great place to start is by checking out what happens when they are tracked on military radar.

To view a fraction of some verified quotes, and documents, and more, you can sift through the exopolitics section of our website and browse through our heavily sourced articles there.

Below is an example, and a video Ive used many times before, as it is an extremely powerful statement. I apologize if youve seen it before, but it really hits home. There really is an abundant amount of evidence.

Below is a great lecture given by researcher Richard Dolan. A great place to start. I apologize if youve seen this content before, but we always have new readers visiting our site, so its important to constantly put this information out there for those new eyes.

A century from now, it will be well known that: the vacuum of space which fills the universe is itself the real substratum of the universe; vacuum in a circulating state becomes matter; the electron is the fundamental particle of matter and is a vortex of vacuum with a vacuum-less void at the center and it is dynamically stable; the speed of light relative to vacuum is the maximum speed that nature has provided and is an inherent property of the vacuum; vacuum is a subtle fluid unknown in material media; vacuum is mass-less, continuous, non viscous, and incompressible and is responsible for all the properties of matter; and that vacuum has always existed and will exist forever.Then scientists, engineers and philosophers will bend their heads in shame knowing that modern science ignored the vacuum in our chase to discover reality for more than a century.

The quote above comes from Paramahamsa Tewari, Inventor of whats called the Reactionless AC Synchronous Generator (RLG).

What he says above has been the subject of discussion within the realms of physics and astronomy for decades. At the turn of the nineteenth century, physicists started to explore the relationship between energy and the structure of matter. In doing so, the belief that a physical, Newtonian material universe that was at the very heart of scientific knowing was dropped, and the realization that matter is nothing but an illusion replaced it. Scientists began to recognize that everything in the Universe is made out of energy.

Quantum physicists discovered that physical atoms are made up of vortices of energy that are constantly spinning and vibrating, each one radiating its own unique energy signature. This is also known as the Vacuum or The Zero-Point Field.

Whats even more fascinating is that the stuff within this space can be accessed and used. This was experimentally confirmed when The Casimir Effect illustrated zero point or vacuum state energy, which predicts that two metal plates close together attract each other due to an imbalance in the quantum fluctuations(source)(source). You can see a visual demonstration of this concepthere.Before Casimir, these pockets of nothing were thought to be voids.

Unfortunately, when contemplating the nature of our reality and what we perceive to be our physical world, the existence of the vacuum and and what lies within what we call space is very much over-looked. I find it amusing how were still searching for the God particle when a large amount of evidence points to the idea that most of what we refer to as reality is actually something we cant perceive with our physical senses!

No point is more central than this, that space is not empty, it is the seat of the most violent physics John Wheeler

Its quite confusing, which is why I am posting the video below of someone (out of many people) who spends their life researching and experimenting with these cool concepts.

Below is a video of Nassim Haramein giving a TEDx talk at USCD. Nassim currently leads teams of physicists, electrical engineers, mathematicians and other scientists to explore the frontier of unification principles and their implications. Harameins lifelong vision of applied unified physics to create positive change in the world today is reflected in the mission of The Resonance Project Foundation. He shares the developments of his research through scientific publications and educational offerings through the Resonance Academy.

Currently Nassim is focused on his most recent developments in quantum gravity and their applications to technology, new energy research, applied resonance, life sciences, permaculture, and consciousness studies. Nassim currently resides in Kauai compassionately raising his two young sons, and surfing the sunlit swells on the shores of the magnificent Hawaiian islands.

HERE is an example of some of his published research, with co authors, one of whom is Elizabeth A. Rauscher, an American physicist. She is a former researcher with the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, the Stanford Research Institute, and NASA.

Space is actually not empty and its full of energyThe energy in space is not trivial theres a lot of it and we can actually calculate how much energy there is in that space and that reality might actually come out of it. Everything we see is actually emerging from that space.

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(1)Dolan, Richard. UFOs For the 21st Century Mind: New York: Richard Dolan Press, 2014(Historian, author, one of the worlds leading researchers on the topic of UFOs)

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