Daily Archives: February 6, 2017

MILO: Eugenics Is Alive And Well At Planned Parenthood – Breitbart News

Posted: February 6, 2017 at 3:26 pm



Progressives like to insinuate that there is something sinister about Big Oil and Big Tobacco. They might even be right! But Planned Parenthood, Big Abortion, is worse, proclaimed MILO. We were all shocked when undercover tapes came out showing they are in the business of selling baby parts to the medical industry. Can you imagine, and I dont think this is a stretch, the senior leaders of Planned Parenthood sitting in a conference room discussing the best timing for an abortion, to maximize their profits from the dead babys body? Its horrifying, and its what feminists want more of.

Planned Parenthood can attribute a good portion of their boffo baby-killing business to their president since 2006, Cecile Richards, he continued. Richards is well on her way to personally matching Hitlers body count. Weve done the grim maths so you dont have to.

Using a conservative estimate of 300,000 abortions a year or 300 kiloscrapes, using the technical metric measure Cecile Richards has presided over three million abortions, or three megascrapes in her ten years as president of the organisation, MILO stated. This has earned her half Holocaust status. Full Holocaust seems eminently reachable given Planned Parenthoods growing hegemony in the abortion industry.

MILO continued to add that these statistics were just since Richards took charge, and didnt include abortions performed prior to 2006.

Planned Parenthood has since 1970 performed 7 million abortions, comfortably surpassing Hitler according to its own annual reports, added MILO. You have to admire the chutzpah, if youll forgive my terminology: Planned Parenthood has amassed a Third Reich-style death count completely legally and while pocketing half a billion dollars a year to do so. But under Richards the numbers have skyrocketed such that in just the last ten years, at least 3 million young lives were ended.

If Cecile stays in her post another decade, she will reach full Hitler, by matching the six million deaths of the Holocaust. In fact itll probably be sooner than that, given the acceleration in procedures during her reign, he continued. The road ahead may be rocky. Besides the undercover videos still being released, some media sources are starting to cover the revolting practices of these sociopathic monsters. Nice normal people, whatever their views on abortion, have no stomach for these unashamed charnel-house activities. And perhaps President Trump will defund them.

If you need to hear more about Margaret Sanger, heres something she once said. She was inarguably racist, MILO explained. She spoke glowingly about a presentation to a group of KKK women in New Jersey, and they loved her messaging about the black race. Messaging like this, in a letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble:

We do not want word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out the idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.

Margaret Sangers goal was to diminish the black race, and one can argue she was at least partially successful. Stats about abortion by race are not always easy to find, but nonetheless paint a compelling picture about the race reality of abortion, proclaimedMILO. In 2012, there were more black children aborted in New York City than born alive. More than 31,000 compared to just under 25,000 live births. Blacks accounted for 42% of the abortions in the city, with Hispanic women accounting for another 31%. Thats 73% of all abortions in the city killing black and Hispanic youth.

Other national data from the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform asserts that black women are 3 times more likely to have an abortion than white women, he concluded. So isnt it fascinating that intersectional third-wave feminists fighting for abortion and so often arm-in-arm with Black Lives Matter? To any BLM members tucked away in the audience, I can conclusively say that feminists are one group that do not believe black lives matter at all.

Written from prepared remarks.

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MILO: Eugenics Is Alive And Well At Planned Parenthood - Breitbart News

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U.Va. School of Medicine looking ahead from eugenics roots – University of Virginia The Cavalier Daily

Posted: at 3:26 pm

Newly named Pinn Hall previously a center for eugenics research, support by Nisha Dabhi | Feb 02 2017 | 02/02/17 2:34am

The field of eugenics commonly discredited as a pseudoscience has deep roots at the School of Medicine. Pinn Hall, was previously named after Harvey Jordan, former Dean of the Department of Medicine. Jordan was a prominent eugenics researcher and a renowned leader of the national eugenics movement.

Popular in the early 1900s, eugenics is a set of beliefs and practices that aims to improve the genetics quality of the human population by deeming certain humans as genetically superior to others. Eugenic theory amplified segregation regarding race, class and disability across the U.S.

The attention garnered in the field led to Virginias Eugenical Sterilization Law in 1927, which attempted to forcibly sterilize those believed to be more inferior than others. Populations most affected by this law included poor and uneducated African Americans and other minorities.

The pseudoscience was taught at leading universities like Harvard, Cornell, Columbia and the University. Research in these institutions centered around data collection for the heritability of traits such as familial mental disorders and criminality, classifying some traits as far superior than others. Researchers would then use their data to provide evidence that certain individuals should not have children so as to inhibit the transmission of undesirable genes.

The popularity of eugenics drew then-University President Edwin Alderman to hire Jordan and Robert Bean to conduct research on eugenics at the University.

However, the renaming of Jordan Hall to Pinn Hall finally erases the small remnants of the Universitys little-known association with the study of eugenics.

The renaming of Jordan Hall as Pinn Hall was really about looking ahead as we get ready to celebrate U.Va.s bicentennial to identify someone who embodies the attributes the students in the School of Medicine aspire towards, Eric Swenson, University Health System Public Information Officer, said.

Vivian Pinn matriculated at the School of Medicine in Fall 1963 a time when white men dominated its composition. When Pinn entered the auditorium on her first day, she soon realized that she was the only female and the only African American student.

There were no other women or people of color in the class, Pinn said. It was a very strange feeling I can still remember that.

At first, Pinn said she felt discouraged and considered abandoning her studies. But when two of her classmates invited her into their anatomy lab group, Pinn felt included and ended up staying, eventually graduating from the School of Medicine.

That was the gesture that two of my classmates made that kind of got me involved in the class and prevented me from feeling like an outsider, Pinn said. That was a kind introduction for me, and I often talk about that since it was a gesture that made a difference in my life.

However, Pinn faced challenges for being different. When obstacles arose, Pinn refused to give up but reminded herself that she was at the University for a reason to be a physician. Pinn advises others facing adversity to remind themselves of their own purpose for pursuing a task, just as she did.

It was just knowing that I was there for a purpose, and I had come so far that I wasnt going to let anyone keep me from doing what I could do, she said.

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Cloning Vector and its Characteristics | Chemistry Learning

Posted: at 3:25 pm

A cloning vector is a DNA molecule in which foreign DNA can be inserted or integrated and which is further capable of replicating within host cell to produce multiple clones of recombinant DNA. Such a vector is called Cloning Vector. Plasmids and phages are the vectors used for cloning purposes, particularly in prokaryotes (bacteria).

A cloning vector is a DNA molecule in which foreign DNA can be inserted or integrated and which is further capable of replicating within host cell to produce multiple clones of recombinant DNA. Such a vector is called Cloning Vector. Plasmids and phages are the vectors used for cloning purposes, particularly in prokaryotes (bacteria).

This process marks autonomous replication in vector. ORI is a specific sequence of nucleotide in DNA from where replication starts. When foreign DNA is linked to this sequence then along with vector replication, foreign (desirable) DNA also starts replicating within host cell.

Besides ORI, a cloning vector should have selectable marker gene. This gene permits the selection of host cells which bear recombinant DNA (called transformants) from those which do not bear rDNA (non-transformants).

It should have restriction sites, to allow cleavage of specific sequence by specific Restriction Endonuclease. Restriction sites in E.coli cloning vector pBR322 include HindIII , EcoRI , BamHI , SalI, PvuI, PstI, ClaI etc.

Structure of E.Coli plasmid cloning vector pBR322

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Credit : Link

Mar 11, 2009admin

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20 years after Dolly the sheep, human cloning is no closer – Genetic Literacy Project

Posted: at 3:25 pm

On July 5, 1996, after 276 failed attempts, a team of scientists at the Roslin Institute at the University of Edinburgh achieved something remarkable:Theymanaged to clone a sheep.

After seeing her, the media went wild, quickly incitinghysteria about what would come next. If scientists knew how to clone a sheep, how soon would it be before they started cloning humans?

Over the last two decades, a number of different animals have been cloned in the same waycows, horses, cats, dogs, pigs. Despite the success in cloning various mammals through nuclear transfer, cloning is still very difficult to pull off. The process is prone to introducing genetic errors, which results in many cloned offspring dying young.

These days, Alta Charo, a professor of law and bioethics at the University of Wisconsin, said no one is really researching reproductive cloning for humans. Its simply too inefficient and error prone to make it worthwhile.Some researchers have suggested cloning technology could be used to rebirth lost children or prevent disease, but Charo said no one has filed an application with the Food and Drug Administration to get started onthis kind of research.

The GLP aggregated and excerpted this blog/article to reflect the diversity of news, opinion, and analysis. Read full, original post:Twenty Years After Dolly the Sheep, Were No Closer to Cloning Humans

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20 years after Dolly the sheep, human cloning is no closer - Genetic Literacy Project

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Beware of Facebook ‘cloning’ scam – USA TODAY

Posted: at 3:25 pm


Let friends in your social network know what you are reading about

Some hackers steal your Facebook name, add your friends and use your photos to clone your account. Then they use the fake account to approach your friends and family online.

Try Another





A link has been sent to your friend's email address.

A link has been posted to your Facebook feed.

USA Today Network Patrick Wright, WFMY-TV, Greensboro, N.C. Published 8:37 p.m. ET Feb. 2, 2017 | Updated 1:26 a.m. ET Feb. 3, 2017

Facebook is on track to hit 2 billion users this year.(Photo: Loice Venance, AFP/Getty Images)

GREENSBORO, N.C. Most Facebook friend requests come from actual friends, but some are from anonymous people with ulterior motives. Falling for their tricks could cost you.

Some hackers are using a tactic called Facebook cloning. They steal your Facebook name, add your friends and use your photos to clone your account. Then they use the fake account to approach your friends and family online.

"Maybe theyre trying to get you to send them money," said Danielle Hatfield, a social media expert and owner of Experience Farm. "However, other scammers are trying to do something a little more nefarious, and thats steal your identity."

Hatfield said the cloners might even check your statuses to learn to mimic your style of communication.

"When they finally get around to the scam of maybe asking for money, your friends and family will fall for it," Hatfield said.


Facebook on track to hit 2 billion users this year, analyst predicts

Hatfield said that if you come across an account you aren't sure is real, just search it on Facebook to see if you're already friends with that person. If they send you a questionable post or link, give them a call or text message and ask if it's really them. If the account is fake, report it to Facebook immediately.

If your account gets cloned, Hatfieldsaid you should change your password, warn others, and then check your privacy settings to make sure only friends can view your profile.

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Beware of Facebook 'cloning' scam - USA TODAY

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Don’t fall for this ‘Facebook cloning’ scam | WJHL – WJHL.com – WJHL

Posted: at 3:25 pm

Don't fall for this 'Facebook cloning' scam | WJHL - WJHL.com
WJHL-TV is the source for breaking local news, weather, and sports in the Tri-Cities. We ask the questions when you can't with our investigative and community ...
Facebook fraudsters cloning users' profiles to steal money from their ...The Express Tribune

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Don't fall for this 'Facebook cloning' scam | WJHL - WJHL.com - WJHL

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Don’t fall for this Facebook cloning scam | WFLA.com – WFLA

Posted: at 3:25 pm

Don't fall for this Facebook cloning scam | WFLA.com
Facebook scammers are targeting users by making fraudulent or fake profiles trying to obtain personal information.

and more »

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Beware of ‘Facebook Cloning’ | KGW.com – kgw.com

Posted: at 3:25 pm

Beware of "Facebook Cloning"

Patrick Wright, WXIA 8:57 PM. PST February 01, 2017

GREENSBORO, N.C. -- Most Facebook friend requests come from actual friends, but some are from anonymous people with ulterior motives. And, if you fall for their tricks, it could cost you.

Some hackers are using a tactic called "Facebook Cloning." They steal your Facebook name, add your friends and use your photos to clone your account. Then, they use the fake account to approach your friends and family online.

"Maybe theyre trying to get you to send them money," said Danielle Hatfield, owner of Experience Farm. "However, other scammers are trying to do something a little more nefarious, and thats steal your identity."

Hatfield says the clonersmight even check your statuses to learn to mimic your style of communication.

"When they finally get around to the scam of maybe asking for money, your friends and family will fall for it.," Hatfield said.

Patrick Wright's great aunt fell victim to Facebook cloning.

"I get upset because this is about the third time this has happened," Yvonne Allen said.

A fake account, made to look like Allen's, reached out to Patrick on Facebook Messenger. The user told him they'd received a $50 million grant from the government and wanted to share the news of how others could get their own.

"I didnt receive anything! If they want to send me $50 million, Ill take it," Allen laughed.

RELATED |Decode your children's texting slang

Hatfield says, if you come across an account you aren't sure is real, just search it on Facebook to see if you're already friends with that person. If they send you a questionable post or link, give them a call or text message and ask if it's really them. If the account is fake, report it to Facebook immediately.

If your account gets cloned, Hatfield says you should change your password, warn others, and then check your privacy settings to make sure only friends can view your profile.

Common text/social media acronyms

( 2017 WFMY)


Beware of 'Facebook Cloning' | KGW.com - kgw.com

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Don’t fall for this ‘Facebook Cloning’ scam – NEWS10 ABC – NEWS10 ABC

Posted: at 3:25 pm

Don't fall for this 'Facebook Cloning' scam - NEWS10 ABC
Facebook scammers are targeting users by making fraudulent or fake profiles trying to obtain personal information.
Scammers clone Facebook accounts to con your friends | WWMTWWMT-TV

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Don't fall for this 'Facebook Cloning' scam - NEWS10 ABC - NEWS10 ABC

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Beware Of ‘Facebook Cloning’ | 9news.com – 9NEWS.com

Posted: at 3:25 pm

Patrick Wright, WVEC 8:53 AM. MST February 01, 2017

GREENSBORO, N.C. -- Most Facebook friend requests come from actual friends, but some are from anonymous people with ulterior motives. And, if you fall for their tricks, it could cost you.

Some hackers are using a tactic called "Facebook Cloning." They steal your Facebook name, add your friends and use your photos to clone your account. Then, they use the fake account to approach your friends and family online.

"Maybe theyre trying to get you to send them money," said Danielle Hatfield, owner of Experience Farm. "However, other scammers are trying to do something a little more nefarious, and thats steal your identity."

Hatfield says the clonersmight even check your statuses to learn to mimic your style of communication.

"When they finally get around to the scam of maybe asking for money, your friends and family will fall for it.," Hatfield said.

13News Now sister stationWFMY News 2's Patrick Wright's great aunt fell victim to Facebook cloning.

"I get upset because this is about the third time this has happened," Yvonne Allen said.

A fake account, made to look like Allen's, reached out to Patrick on Facebook Messenger. The user told him they'd received a $50 million grant from the government and wanted to share the news of how others could get their own.

"I didnt receive anything! If they want to send me $50 million, Ill take it," Allen laughed.

Hatfield says, if you come across an account you aren't sure is real, just search it on Facebook to see if you're already friends with that person. If they send you a questionable post or link, give them a call or text message and ask if it's really them. If the account is fake, report it to Facebook immediately.

If your account gets cloned, Hatfield says you should change your password, warn others, and then check your privacy settings to make sure only friends can view your profile.

( 2017 WFMY)

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Beware Of 'Facebook Cloning' | 9news.com - 9NEWS.com

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