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Half a Life (Star Trek: The Next Generation) – Wikipedia

Posted: January 21, 2017 at 12:07 am

"Half a Life" is the 22nd episode of the fourth season of the American science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation, the 96th episode overall. It was originally released on May 6, 1991, in broadcast syndication. The episode was the first of the series written by Peter Allan Fields, who later joined the writing staff. Director Les Landau said that "Half a Life" was a morality play about "how society deals with the elderly".[2]

Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the Federation starship Enterprise. In this episode, Lwaxana Troi (Majel Barrett) falls in love with Timicin (David Ogden Stiers), a Kaelon scientist who is attempting to test his theories of stellar ignition in the hopes of saving his world's dying star. The experiment fails, and Lwaxana encourages Timicin to continue his research, but as he is about to turn sixty years of age, he prepares instead for a ritual suicide. According to Timicin's cultural tradition, his people voluntarily choose euthanasia to prevent the aged from becoming a burden to the younger generation.

The episode features the first appearance of Michelle Forbes in the Star Trek franchise; she would later appear as Ensign Ro Laren during season five. The cast praised the story and the expansion of the Lwaxana character. The episode received positive reviews, with critics noting the performances of Stiers and Barrett, their character's love story, and the changes to the Lwaxana character.

The U.S.S. Enterprise takes aboard Deanna Troi's (Marina Sirtis) eccentric mother Lwaxana (Majel Barrett) and Dr. Timicin (David Ogden Stiers) of Kaelon II. Timicin is brought aboard to conduct an experiment which he hopes will save his threatened home planet, as its sun is in a state of near-collapse. The Federation enlists the Enterprise to take Timicin to a sun in a similar state of decay to conduct experiments which may yield a method for saving the Kaelon system from destruction.

Upon arrival at their destination, the crew assists Timicin in modifying photon torpedos to launch into the proxy sun with the expectation that it will repair the damaged star and prove that the technique can be safely applied to the Kaelon sun. The torpedos are fired and, although the experiment seems initially to work, the effect is short-lived and the star explodes. The Enterprise returns to Kaelon II. Timicin is crushed, and after some questioning by Lwaxana, he reveals that there are other things troubling him. Timicin tells Lwaxana that he is about to turn 60, and on Kaelon II, everyone who reaches that age performs the "Resolution", a ritual act of voluntary euthanasia. Lwaxana is outraged to learn of this and brings it to the attention of Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart). Picard makes it clear to Lwaxana that due to the Prime Directive, he will not interfere in the planet's local affairs. Lwaxana tries to beam herself down to the planet to halt the process herself but she is thwarted by Deanna who comforts her.

After Lwaxana and Timicin spend an evening together, he tries to explain the custom of the Resolution. He tells her that a fixed age had to be selected by the Kaelons because just randomly choosing a time to die would be heartless. Lwaxana finds the practice barbaric and refuses to accept the Kaelon tradition. She tells Timicin how a Betazed woman on her planet successfully fought the tradition of wearing ornate wigs that contained live, captive birds. It only took one courageous woman to step forward and end this cruel tradition. Lwaxana also compares Timicin's plans to end his life with his research to save his star. If it is Timicin's time to die, Lwaxana argues, perhaps it is also time for his star to die as well, so why should he continue to try to prevent it? Timicin thinks about what Lwaxana has told him.

Timicin's analysis of the failed test turns up some promising options, but if he follows through with the Resolution, no one will have his experience and knowledge to carry on his work to save his world. Concerned, Timicin requests asylum on the Enterprise so that he can renounce the Resolution and continue his research. B'Tardat (Terrence E. McNally), the Science Minister on Kaelon II, is outraged after learning of Timicin's request for asylum, and he sends up two warships to ensure that the Enterprise does not leave the system with Timicin on board. As Picard orders the bridge crew to analyze the offensive capabilities of the Kaelonian ships, Timicin realizes that his situation is not as simple as he had hoped, for his home planet will not accept any further reports from him, and he is told that even if he does find a solution, they will not accept it.

Dara (Michelle Forbes), Timicin's daughter, beams on board the Enterprise to insist that he return to Kaelon II and undergo the Resolution. She tells him that she cannot bear the thought of him being laid to rest anywhere but next to her mother and, although she loves him, she is ashamed of him. Timicin realizes that he is not the man to forge a cultural revolution, and agrees to return to Kaelon II. Lwaxana, despite her disagreement, realizes that Timicin's decision is his to make. As it is the custom for loved ones to be present at the Resolution, Lwaxana beams down to be with him at his side as he dies.

"Half a Life" was the first Star Trek credit for writer Peter Allan Fields, who would later co-write the "The Inner Light" with Morgan Gendel before becoming a staff writer on Star Trek: The Next Generation during season five.[3][4] Prior to writing the script, Fields reviewed "Haven" and "Manhunt", the two previous Lwaxana Troi episodes, but did not use them as references except to note Lwaxana's level of privilege. "I realized that you give her as much as they'll let her have. She'll take it", he explained.[2]

Marina Sirtis, who played Lwaxana's daughter Deanna Troi on the show, thought that compared to earlier episodes, "Half a Life" showed a different side of her character's mother. Lwaxana's interactions in the episode, argues Sirtis, considerably broadened the character; previous episodes had a tendency to become centered around Deanna and Lwaxana.[2] Sirtis and director Les Landau felt that the plot of "Half a Life" resembled a morality play. Landau noted the similarity between the episode and the morality play-style plots that franchise creator Gene Roddenberry included in Star Trek: The Original Series.[2][5] "It deals with the whole issue of growing old and how society deals with the elderly and, in my mind, it was one of the most pertinent story-lines I have done", Landau recalled.[2]

The episode guest starred David Ogden Stiers, best known for his role as Major Charles Emerson Winchester III on the American television series M*A*S*H. Stiers, a fan of Star Trek: The Next Generation, was enthusiastic when the producers asked him if he would be interested in appearing on the show. On the set during production, Stiers met Gene Roddenberry, the series producer, and was invited to his house to practice scenes with Roddenberry's wife, Majel Barrett.[6] Stiers described Roddenberry as "a grand old man - not in his behaviour but in people's deference to him".[6]

Speaking highly of the story in "Half a Life", Stiers indicated that the mood of the episode accentuated the debate over Timicin's decision to end his life. "It was an emotionally involved piece. The script quite responsibly argued both sides [of the suicide] issue and left the viewer to determine whether such a practice is acceptable or not," Stiers said. "That episode was more powerful than simply a discussion."[6]

Michelle Forbes makes her first The Next Generation appearance in "Half a Life", in a performance which led directly to her later casting in the larger role of Ensign Ro Laren, a recurring character from season five onwards.[3][4]

"Half a Life" was first released within the United States on May 6, 1991, in broadcast syndication.[7]Keith DeCandido, in a review for, commended Stiers' acting, saying that he gave "a noble, nuanced performance as Timicin."[3] He also approved of the episode, saying that it was the first time that Lwaxana Troi was treated as a real character without causing him to cringe; at the same time, DeCandido did not forget the problems with her previous appearances on the show.[3] Noting that it was one of the best episodes to feature a Prime Directive debate, DeCandido endorsed the writer's idea not to take sides regarding the suicide. "This is a magnificent, tragic love story, one that takes a thin character and gives her depth, one that gives us a beautifully realized guest character in Timicin (casting Stiers was a masterstroke, as he always brings subtle nuance to his roles), and one that takes its issues seriously," DeCandido wrote.[3] He gave the episode a score of eight out of ten,[3] later concluding that it featured "one of the show's most tragic love stories."[8]

In their book The Unauthorized Trek: The Complete Next Generation, James Van Hise and Hal Schuster observed a significant improvement in Majel Barrett's performance in this episode compared to her previous appearances.[9] They said that Barrett was "capable of depth and feeling",[9] and described the ending of the episode as "touching and disturbing". A society shouldn't naturally evolve to include ritual suicide, Van Hise and Schuster argue, but population control methods such as the one-child policy in China, appear linked to a similar required effect, albeit through different means.[9]

Reviewing the episode for The A.V. Club, Zack Handlen said that Timicin served as an "excellent foil" for Lwaxana and made her "seem less ridiculous".[10] The relationship between Lwaxana and Timicin "has a believable core", even if it is "broad and arguably rushed", writes Handlen.[10] "There are some powerful moments... and it's pleasant for once to see Lwaxana adding, rather than subtracting, from a storyline."[10] Handlen, however, criticizes the setup of Timicin's situation, as it reduced the characterization available to some of the Enterprise crew.[10] In spite of its flaw, Handlen decides that "the episode largely redeems itself by staying true to its main point: No matter how much time you have left, it's never enough."[10]

"Half a Life" was first released on VHS cassette in the United States and Canada on July 23, 1996.[11] The episode was later released in the United States on September 3, 2002, as part of the Star Trek: The Next Generation season four DVD box set.[12] The first Blu Ray release was in the United Kingdom on July 29, 2013,[13] followed by the United States on July 30.[14]

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Half a Life (Star Trek: The Next Generation) - Wikipedia

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Matriarchy – Wikipedia

Posted: at 12:05 am

Matriarchy is a social system in which females hold primary power, predominate in roles of political leadership, moral authority, social privilege and control of property at the specific exclusion of men, at least to a large degree. While those definitions apply in general English, definitions specific to the disciplines of anthropology and feminism differ in some respects.

Most anthropologists hold that there are no known societies that are unambiguously matriarchal, but some authors believe exceptions may exist or may have. Matriarchies may also be confused with matrilineal, matrilocal, and matrifocal societies. A few people consider any non-patriarchal system to be matriarchal, thus including genderally equalitarian systems (Peggy Reeves Sanday favors redefining and reintroducing the word matriarchy, especially in reference to contemporary matrilineal societies such as the Minangkabau[1]), but most academics exclude them from matriarchies strictly defined.

In 19th century Western scholarship, the hypothesis of matriarchy representing an early, mainly prehistoric, stage of human development gained popularity. Possibilities of so-called primitive societies were cited and the hypothesis survived into the 20th century, including in the context of second-wave feminism. This hypothesis was criticized by some authors such as Cynthia Eller in The Myth of Matriarchal Prehistory and remains as a largely unsolved question to this day. Some older myths describe matriarchies. Several modern feminists have advocated for matriarchy now or in the future and it has appeared in feminist literature. In several theologies, matriarchy has been portrayed as negative.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), matriarchy is a "form of social organization in which the mother or oldest female is the head of the family, and descent and relationship are reckoned through the female line; government or rule by a woman or women."[2] A popular definition, according to James Peoples and Garrick Bailey, is "female dominance".[3] Within the academic discipline of cultural anthropology, according to the OED, matriarchy is a "culture or community in which such a system prevails"[2] or a "family, society, organization, etc., dominated by a woman or women."[2] In general anthropology, according to William A. Haviland, matriarchy is "rule by women".[4] A matriarchy is a society in which females, especially mothers, have the central roles of political leadership, moral authority, and control of property, but does not include a society that occasionally is led by a female for nonmatriarchal reasons or an occupation in which females generally predominate without reference to matriarchy, such as prostitution or women's auxiliaries of organizations run by men.[citation needed] According to Lawrence A. Kuzner in 1997, A. R. Radcliffe-Brown argued in 1924 that the definitions of matriarchy and patriarchy had "logical and empirical failings.... [and] were too vague to be scientifically useful".[5]

Most academics exclude egalitarian nonpatriarchal systems from matriarchies more strictly defined. According to Heide Gttner-Abendroth, a reluctance to accept the existence of matriarchies might be based on a specific culturally biased notion of how to define matriarchy: because in a patriarchy men rule over women, a matriarchy has frequently been conceptualized as women ruling over men,[6] while she believed that matriarchies are egalitarian.[6][7]

The word matriarchy, for a society politically led by females, especially mothers, who also control property, is often interpreted to mean the genderal opposite of patriarchy, but it is not an opposite (linguistically, it is not a parallel term).[8][9][10] According to Peoples and Bailey, the view of anthropologist Peggy Reeves Sanday is that matriarchies are not a mirror form of patriarchies but rather that a matriarchy "emphasizes maternal meanings where 'maternal symbols are linked to social practices influencing the lives of both sexes and where women play a central role in these practices'".[11] Journalist Margot Adler wrote, "literally,... ["matriarchy"] means government by mothers, or more broadly, government and power in the hands of women."[12]Barbara Love and Elizabeth Shanklin wrote, "by 'matriarchy,' we mean a non-alienated society: a society in which women, those who produce the next generation, define motherhood, determine the conditions of motherhood, and determine the environment in which the next generation is reared."[13] According to Cynthia Eller, "'matriarchy' can be thought of... as a shorthand description for any society in which women's power is equal or superior to men's and in which the culture centers around values and life events described as 'feminine.'"[14] Eller wrote that the idea of matriarchy mainly rests on two pillars, romanticism and modern social criticism.[15] The notion of matriarchy was meant to describe something like a utopia placed in the past in order to legitimate contemporary social criticism.[citation needed] With respect to a prehistoric matriarchal Golden Age, according to Barbara Epstein, "matriarchy... means a social system organized around matriliny and goddess worship in which women have positions of power."[16] According to Adler, in the Marxist tradition, it usually refers to a pre-class society "where women and men share equally in production and power."[17]

According to Adler, "a number of feminists note that few definitions of the word [matriarchy], despite its literal meaning, include any concept of power, and they suggest that centuries of oppression have made it impossible for women to conceive of themselves with such power."[17]

Matriarchy has often been presented as negative, in contrast to patriarchy as natural and inevitable for society, thus that matriarchy is hopeless. Love and Shanklin wrote:

When we hear the word "matriarchy", we are conditioned to a number of responses: that matriarchy refers to the past and that matriarchies have never existed; that matriarchy is a hopeless fantasy of female domination, of mothers dominating children, of women being cruel to men. Conditioning us negatively to matriarchy is, of course, in the interests of patriarchs. We are made to feel that patriarchy is natural; we are less likely to question it, and less likely to direct our energies to ending it.[18]

The Matriarchal Studies school led by Gttner-Abendroth calls for an even more inclusive redefinition of the term: Gttner-Abendroth defines Modern Matriarchal Studies as the "investigation and presentation of non-patriarchal societies", effectively defining matriarchy as non-patriarchy.[19] She has also defined matriarchy as characterized by the sharing of power equally between the two genders.[20] According to Diane LeBow, "matriarchal societies are often described as... egalitarian...",[21] although anthropologist Ruby Rohrlich has written of "the centrality of women in an egalitarian society."[22][a]

Matriarchy is also the public formation in which the woman occupies the ruling position in a family.[2] For this usage, some scholars now prefer the term matrifocal to matriarchal.[citation needed] Some, including Daniel Moynihan, claimed that there is a matriarchy among Black families in the United States,[23][b] because a quarter of them were headed by single women;[24] thus, families composing a substantial minority of a substantial minority could be enough for the latter to constitute a matriarchy within a larger non-matriarchal society.

Etymologically, it is from Latin mter (genitive mtris), "mother" and Greek arkhein, "to rule".[25] The notion of matriarchy was defined by Joseph-Franois Lafitau (16811746), who first named it gincocratie.[26] According to the OED, the earliest known attestation of the word matriarchy is in 1885.[2] By contrast, gyncocracy, meaning 'rule of women', has been in use since the 17th century, building on the Greek word found in Aristotle and Plutarch.[27][28]

Terms with similar etymology are also used in various social sciences and humanities to describe matriarchal or matriological aspects of social, cultural and political processes. Adjective matriological is derived from the noun matriology that comes from Latin word mter (mother) and Greek word (logos, teaching about). The term matriology was used in theology and history of religion as a designation for the study of particular motherly aspects of various female deities. The term was subsequently borrowed by other social sciences and humanities and its meaning was widened in order to describe and define particular female-dominated and female-centered aspects of cultural and social life. The male alternative for matriology is patriology.[citation needed]

In their works, Johann Jakob Bachofen and Lewis Morgan used such terms and expressions as mother-right, female rule, gyneocracy, and female authority. All these terms meant the same: the rule by females (mother or wife).[citation needed] Although Bachofen and Lewis Morgan confined the "mother right" inside households, it was the basis of female influence upon the whole society.[citation needed] The authors of the classics did not think that gyneocracy meant 'female government' in politics.[citation needed] They were aware of the fact that the sexual structure of government had no relation to domestic rule and to roles of both sexes.[citation needed]

A matriarchy is also sometimes called a gynarchy, a gynocracy, a gynecocracy, or a gynocentric society, although these terms do not definitionally emphasize motherhood. Cultural anthropologist Jules de Leeuwe argued that some societies were "mainly gynecocratic"[29] (others being "mainly androcratic").[29][c]

Gynecocracy, gynaecocracy, gynocracy, gyneocracy, and gynarchy generally mean 'government by women over women and men'.[30][31][32][33] All of these words are synonyms in their most important definitions. While these words all share that principal meaning, they differ a little in their additional meanings, so that gynecocracy also means 'women's social supremacy',[34]gynaecocracy also means 'government by one woman', 'female dominance', and, derogatorily, 'petticoat government',[35] and gynocracy also means 'women as the ruling class'.[36]Gyneocracy is rarely used in modern times.[37] None of these definitions are limited to mothers.

Some question whether a queen ruling without a king is sufficient to constitute female government, given the amount of participation of other men in most such governments. One view is that it is sufficient. "By the end of [Queen] Elizabeth's reign, gynecocracy was a fait accompli", according to historian Paula Louise Scalingi.[38][d] Gynecocracy is defined by Scalingi as "government by women",[39] similar to dictionary definitions[31][32][33] (one dictionary adding 'women's social supremacy' to the governing role).[34] Scalingi reported arguments for and against the validity of gynocracy[40] and said, "the humanists treated the question of female rule as part of the larger controversy over sexual equality."[41] Possibly, queenship, because of the power wielded by men in leadership and assisting a queen, leads to queen bee syndrome, contributing to the difficulty of other women in becoming heads of the government.[citation needed]

Some matriarchies have been described by historian Helen Diner as "a strong gynocracy"[42] and "women monopolizing government"[43] and she described matriarchal Amazons as "an extreme, feminist wing"[44][e] of humanity and that North African women "ruled the country politically,"[42] and, according to Adler, Diner "envision[ed] a dominance matriarchy".[45]

Gynocentrism is the 'dominant or exclusive focus on women', is opposed to androcentrism, and "invert[s]... the privilege of the... [male/female] binary...[,] [some feminists] arguing for 'the superiority of values embodied in traditionally female experience'".[46]

Some people who sought evidence for the existence of a matriarchy often mixed matriarchy with anthropological terms and concepts describing specific arrangements in the field of family relationships and the organization of family life, such as matrilineality and matrilocality. These terms refer to intergenerational relationships (as matriarchy may), but do not distinguish between males and females insofar as they apply to specific arrangements for sons as well as daughters from the perspective of their relatives on their mother's side. Accordingly, these concepts do not represent matriarchy as 'power of women over men'.[47]

Anthropologists have begun to use the term matrifocality.[citation needed] There is some debate concerning the terminological delineation between matrifocality and matriarchy.[citation needed] Matrifocal societies are those in which women, especially mothers, occupy a central position.[citation needed] Anthropologist R. T. Smith refers to matrifocality as the kinship structure of a social system whereby the mothers assume structural prominence.[48] The term does not necessarily imply domination by women or mothers.[48] In addition, some authors depart from the premise of a mother-child dyad as the core of a human group where the grandmother was the central ancestor with her children and grandchildren clustered around her in an extended family.[49]

The term matricentric means 'having a mother as head of the family or household'.[citation needed]

Matristic: Feminist scholars and archeologists such as Marija Gimbutas, Gerda Lerner, and Riane Eisler[50] label their notion of a "woman-centered" society surrounding Mother Goddess worship during prehistory (in Paleolithic and Neolithic Europe) and in ancient civilizations by using the term matristic rather than matriarchal.[citation needed]

Matrilineality, in which descent is traced through the female line, is sometimes conflated with historical matriarchy.[51] Sanday favors redefining and reintroducing the word matriarchy, especially in reference to contemporary matrilineal societies such as the Minangkabau.[52] The 19th-century belief that matriarchal societies existed was due to the transmission of "economic and social power... through kinship lines"[53] so that "in a matrilineal society all power would be channeled through women. Women may not have retained all power and authority in such societies..., but they would have been in a position to control and dispense power."[53]

A matrilocal society is one in which a couple resides close to the bride's family rather than the bridegroom's family; the term is by anthropologists.[citation needed]

Most anthropologists hold that there are no known societies that are unambiguously matriarchal.[54][55][56] According to J. M. Adovasio, Olga Soffer, and Jake Page, no true matriarchy is known actually to have existed.[51] Anthropologist Joan Bamberger argued that the historical record contains no primary sources on any society in which women dominated.[57] Anthropologist Donald Brown's list of human cultural universals (viz., features shared by nearly all current human societies) includes men being the "dominant element" in public political affairs,[58] which he asserts is the contemporary opinion of mainstream anthropology.[citation needed] There are some disagreements and possible exceptions. A belief that women's rule preceded men's rule was, according to Haviland, "held by many nineteenth-century intellectuals".[4] The hypothesis survived into the 20th century and was notably advanced in the context of feminism and especially second-wave feminism, but the hypothesis is mostly discredited today, most experts saying that it was never true.[59]

Matriarchs, according to Peoples and Bailey, do exist; there are "individual matriarchs of families and kin groups."[3]

The royal lineage of Ethiopia, including for the Kandake, was passed through the woman only.[citation needed]

The Cambridge Ancient History (1975)[60] stated that "the predominance of a supreme goddess is probably a reflection from the practice of matriarchy which at all times characterized Elamite civilization to a greater or lesser degree".[f]

Tacitus noted in his Germania that in "the nations of the Sitones a woman is the ruling sex."[61][g]

Legends of Amazon women originated not from South America, but rather Scythia (present day Russia.) Historians note that the Sarmatians (present day Ukraine) are also descendants of the Amazonian women tribe.

Possible matriarchies in Burma are, according to Jorgen Bisch, the Padaungs[62] and, according to Andrew Marshall, the Kayaw.[63]

The Mosuo culture, which is in China near Tibet, is frequently described as matriarchal.[64] The Mosuo themselves often use this description and they believe it increases interest in their culture and thus attracts tourism. The term matrilineal is sometimes used, and, while more accurate, still doesn't reflect the full complexity of their social organization. In fact, it is not easy to categorize Mosuo culture within traditional Western definitions. They have aspects of a matriarchal culture: Women are often the head of the house, inheritance is through the female line, and women make business decisions. However, unlike in a true matriarchy, political power tends to be in the hands of males.[65]

In India, of communities recognized in the national Constitution as Scheduled Tribes, "some... [are] matriarchal and matrilineal"[66] "and thus have been known to be more egalitarian".[67] According to interviewer Anuj Kumar, Manipur, India, "has a matriarchal society",[68] but this may not be a scholarly assessment.

Manipur, in north-east India, is not at all a matriarchy. Though mothers there are in forefront of most of the social activism, the society has always been a patriarchal. Their women power is visible because of historical reason. Manipur was ruled by strong dynasties. The need for expansions of borders, crushing any outsider threats etc. engaged the men. And so women had to take charge of home-front.[citation needed]

In the Dakshina Kannada district of Karnataka, many societies are matrilineal.[citation needed]

In Kerala, the Nair communities are matrilineal. Descent and relationship are determined through the female line.[citation needed]

Anthropologist Peggy Reeves Sanday said the Minangkabau society may be a matriarchy.[69]

According to William S. Turley, "the role of women in traditional Vietnamese culture was determined [partly] by... indigenous customs bearing traces of matriarchy",[70] affecting "different social classes"[70] to "varying degrees".[70] According to Peter C. Phan, that "the first three persons leading insurrections against China were women... suggest[s]... that ancient Vietnam was a matriarchal society"[71] and "the ancient Vietnamese family system was most likely matriarchal, with women ruling over the clan or tribe"[72] until the Vietnamese "adopt[ed]... the patriarchal system introduced by the Chinese",[72] although "this patriarchal system... was not able to dislodge the Vietnamese women from their relatively high position in the family and society, especially among the peasants and the lower classes",[72] with modern "culture and legal codes... [promoting more] rights and privileges" for women than in Chinese culture.[73] According to Chiricosta, the legend of u C is said to be evidence of "the presence of an original 'matriarchy' in North Vietnam and [it] led to the double kinship system, which developed there.... [and which] combined matrilineal and patrilineal patterns of family structure and assigned equal importance to both lines."[74][h][i] Chiricosta said that other scholars relied on "this 'matriarchal' aspect of the myth to differentiate Vietnamese society from the pervasive spread of Chinese Confucian patriarchy"[75][j] and that "resistance to China's colonization of Vietnam... [combined with] the view that Vietnam was originally a matriarchy... [led to viewing] women's struggles for liberation from (Chinese) patriarchy as a metaphor for the entire nation's struggle for Vietnamese independence."[76] According to Keith Weller Taylor, "the matriarchal flavor of the time is... attested by the fact that Trung Trac's mother's tomb and spirit temple have survived, although nothing remains of her father",[77] and the "society of the Trung sisters" was "strongly matrilineal".[78] According to Donald M. Seekins, an indication of "the strength of matriarchal values"[79] was that a woman, Trng Trc, with her younger sister Trng Nh, raised an army of "over 80,000 soldiers.... [in which] many of her officers were women",[79] with which they defeated the Chinese.[79] According to Seekins, "in [the year] 40, Trung Trac was proclaimed queen, and a capital was built for her"[79] and modern Vietnam considers the Trung sisters to be heroines.[79] According to Karen G. Turner, in the 3rd century A.D., Lady Triu "seem[ed]... to personify the matriarchal culture that mitigated Confucianized patriarchal norms.... [although] she is also painted as something of a freak... with her... savage, violent streak."[80]

The Hopi (in what is now the Hopi Reservation in northeastern Arizona), according to Alice Schlegel, had as its "gender ideology... one of female superiority, and it operated within a social actuality of sexual equality."[81] According to LeBow (based on Schlegel's work), in the Hopi, "gender roles... are egalitarian.... [and] [n]either sex is inferior."[82][k] LeBow concluded that Hopi women "participate fully in... political decision-making."[83][l] According to Schlegel, "the Hopi no longer live as they are described here"[84] and "the attitude of female superiority is fading".[84] Schlegel said the Hopi "were and still are matrilinial"[85] and "the household... was matrilocal".[85] Schlegel explains why there was female superiority as that the Hopi believed in "life as the highest good... [with] the female principle... activated in women and in Mother Earth... as its source"[86] and that the Hopi "were not in a state of continual war with equally matched neighbors"[87] and "had no standing army"[87] so that "the Hopi lacked the spur to masculine superiority"[87] and, within that, as that women were central to institutions of clan and household and predominated "within the economic and social systems (in contrast to male predominance within the political and ceremonial systems)",[87] the Clan Mother, for example, being empowered to overturn land distribution by men if she felt it was unfair,[86] since there was no "countervailing... strongly centralized, male-centered political structure".[86]

The Iroquois Confederacy or League, combining 56 Native American Haudenosaunee nations or tribes before the U.S. became a nation, operated by The Great Binding Law of Peace, a constitution by which women participated in the League's political decision-making, including deciding whether to proceed to war,[88] through what may have been a matriarchy[89] or gyneocracy.[90] According to Doug George-Kanentiio, in this society, mothers exercise central moral and political roles. The dates of this constitution's operation are unknown; the League was formed in approximately 10001450, but the constitution was oral until written in about 1880.[92] The League still exists.

George-Kanentiio explains:

In our society, women are the center of all things. Nature, we believe, has given women the ability to create; therefore it is only natural that women be in positions of power to protect this function....We traced our clans through women; a child born into the world assumed the clan membership of its mother. Our young women were expected to be physically strong....The young women received formal instruction in traditional planting....Since the Iroquois were absolutely dependent upon the crops they grew, whoever controlled this vital activity wielded great power within our communities. It was our belief that since women were the givers of life they naturally regulated the feeding of our people....In all countries, real wealth stems from the control of land and its resources. Our Iroquois philosophers knew this as well as we knew natural law. To us it made sense for women to control the land since they were far more sensitive to the rhythms of the Mother Earth. We did not own the land but were custodians of it. Our women decided any and all issues involving territory, including where a community was to be built and how land was to be used....In our political system, we mandated full equality. Our leaders were selected by a caucus of women before the appointments were subject to popular review....Our traditional governments are composed of an equal number of men and women. The men are chiefs and the women clan-mothers....As leaders, the women closely monitor the actions of the men and retain the right to veto any law they deem inappropriate....Our women not only hold the reigns of political and economic power, they also have the right to determine all issues involving the taking of human life. Declarations of war had to be approved by the women, while treaties of peace were subject to their deliberations.

The controversy surrounding prehistoric or "primal" matriarchy began in reaction to the book by Bachofen, Mother Right: An Investigation of the Religious and Juridical Character of Matriarchy in the Ancient World, in 1861. Several generations of ethnologists were inspired by his pseudo-evolutionary theory of archaic matriarchy. Following him and Jane Ellen Harrison, several generations of scholars, usually arguing from known myths or oral traditions and examination of Neolithic female cult-figures, suggested that many ancient societies might have been matriarchal, or even that there existed a wide-ranging matriarchal society prior to the ancient cultures of which we are aware. According to Uwe Wesel, Bachofen's myth interpretations have proved to be untenable.[93] The concept was further investigated by Lewis Morgan.[94] Many researchers studied the phenomenon of matriarchy afterward, but the basis was laid by the classics of sociology. The notion of a "woman-centered" society was developed by Bachofen, whose three-volume Myth, Religion, and Mother Right (1861) impacted the way classicists such as Harrison, Arthur Evans, Walter Burkert, and James Mellaart[95] looked at the evidence of matriarchal religion in pre-Hellenic societies.[96] According to historian Susan Mann, as of 2000, "few scholars these days find... [a "notion of a stage of primal matriarchy"] persuasive."[97]

The following excerpts from Lewis Morgan's Ancient Society will explain the use of the terms: "In a work of vast research, Bachofen has collected and discussed the evidence of female authority, mother-right, and of female rule, gynecocracy."[pageneeded] "Common lands and joint tillage would lead to joint-tenant houses and communism in living; so that gyneocracy seems to require for its creation, descent in the female line. Women thus entrenched in large households, supplied from common stores, in which their own gens so largely predominated in numbers, would produce the phenomena of mother right and gyneocracy, which Bachofen has detected and traced with the aid of fragments of history and of tradition."[pageneeded]

Kurt Derungs is a non-academic author advocating an "anthropology of landscape" based on allegedly matriarchal traces in toponymy and folklore.[citation needed]

Friedrich Engels, in 1884, claimed that, in the earliest stages of human social development, there was group marriage and that therefore paternity was disputable, whereas maternity was not, so that a family could be traced only through the female line, and claimed that this was connected with the dominance of women over men or a Mutterrecht, which notion Engels took from Bachofen, who claimed, based on his interpretations of myths, that myths reflected a memory of a time when women dominated over men.[98][99] Engels speculated that the domestication of animals increased wealth claimed by men.[citation needed] Engels said that men wanted control over women for use as laborers and because they wanted to pass on their wealth to their children, requiring monogamy.[citation needed] Engels did not explain how this could happen in a matriarchal society, but said that women's status declined until they became mere objects in the exchange trade between men and patriarchy was established,[citation needed] causing the global defeat of the female sex[100] and the rise of individualism,[101] competition, and dedication to achievement.[citation needed] According to Eller, Engels may have been influenced with respect to women's status by August Bebel,[102] according to whom this matriarchy resulted in communism while patriarchy did not.[103]

Austrian writer Bertha Diener, also known as Helen Diner, wrote Mothers and Amazons (1930), which was the first work to focus on women's cultural history. Hers is regarded as a classic of feminist matriarchal study.[104] Her view is that in the past all human societies were matriarchal; then, at some point, most shifted to patriarchal and degenerated. The controversy was reinforced further by the publication of The White Goddess by Robert Graves (1948) and his later analysis of classical Greek mythology and the vestiges of earlier myths that had been rewritten after a profound change in the religion of Greek civilization that occurred within its very early historical times. From the 1950s, Marija Gimbutas developed a theory of an Old European culture in Neolithic Europe which had matriarchal traits, replaced by the patriarchal system of the Proto-Indo-Europeans with the spread of Indo-European languages beginning in the Bronze Age. According to Epstein, anthropologists in the 20th century said that "the goddess worship or matrilocality that evidently existed in many paleolithic societies was not necessarily associated with matriarchy in the sense of women's power over men. Many societies can be found that exhibit those qualities along with female subordination."[105] From the 1970s, these ideas were taken up by popular writers of second-wave feminism and expanded with the speculations of Margaret Murray on witchcraft, by the Goddess movement, and in feminist Wicca, as well as in works by Eisler, Elizabeth Gould Davis, and Merlin Stone.

"A Golden Age of matriarchy" was, according to Epstein, prominently presented by Charlene Spretnak and "encouraged" by Stone and Eisler,[106] but, at least for the Neolithic Age, has been denounced as feminist wishful thinking in The Inevitability of Patriarchy, Why Men Rule, Goddess Unmasked,[107] and The Myth of Matriarchal Prehistory and is not emphasized in third-wave feminism. According to Eller, Gimbutas had a large part in constructing a myth of historical matriarchy by examining Eastern European cultures that she asserts, by and large, never really bore any resemblance in character to the alleged universal matriarchy suggested by Gimbutas and Graves. She asserts that in "actually documented primitive societies" of recent (historical) times, paternity is never ignored and that the sacred status of goddesses does not automatically increase female social status, and believes that this affirms that utopian matriarchy is simply an inversion of antifeminism.[citation needed]

The original evidence recognized by Gimbutas, however, of Neolithic societies being more egalitarian than the Bronze Age Indo-European and Semitic patriarchies remains valid.[citation needed] Gimbutas herself has not described these societies as matriarchal, preferring the term woman-centered or matristic.[citation needed] J.F. del Giorgio insists on a matrifocal, matrilocal, matrilineal Paleolithic society.[108]

According to Rohrlich, "many scholars are convinced that Crete was a matriarchy, ruled by a queen-priestess"[109] and the "Cretan civilization" was "matriarchal" before "1500 B.C.," when it was overrun and colonized.[110]

Also according to Rohrlich, "in the early Sumerian city-states 'matriarchy seems to have left something more than a trace.'"[111]

One common misconception among historians of the Bronze Age such as Stone and Eisler is the notion that the Semites were matriarchal while the Indo-Europeans practiced a patriarchal system. An example of this view is found in Stone's When God Was a Woman,[pageneeded] wherein she attempts to make out a case that the worship of Yahweh was an Indo-European invention superimposed on an ancient matriarchal Semitic nation. Evidence from the Amorites and pre-Islamic Arabs, however, indicates that the primitive Semitic family was in fact patriarchal and patrilineal. Meanwhile, the Indo-Europeans were known to have practiced multiple succession systems, and there is much better evidence of matrilineal customs among the Indo-European Celts and Germans than among any ancient Semitic peoples.

Women were running Sparta while the men were often away fighting. Gorgo, Queen of Sparta, responded to a question from a woman in Attica along the lines of, "why Spartan women were the only women in the world who could rule men?" Gorgo replied, "because we are the only women who are mothers of men".

Arising in the period ranging from the Iron Age to the Middle Ages, several early northwestern European mythologies from the Irish (e.g., Macha and Scthach), the Brittonic (e.g., Rhiannon), and the Germanic (e.g., Grendel's mother and Nerthus) contain ambiguous episodes of primal female power which have been interpreted as folk evidence of a real potential for matriarchal attitudes in pre-Christian European Iron Age societies. Often transcribed from a retrospective, patriarchal, Romanised, and Catholic perspective, they hint at an earlier, culturally disturbing, era when female power could have predominated. The first-centuryattested historic British figure of Boudicca indicates that Brittonnic society permitted explicit female autocracy or a form of gender equality in a form which contrasted strongly with the patriarchal structure of Mediterranean civilisation.[citation needed]

In 1995, in Kenya, according to Emily Wax, Umoja, a village only for women from one tribe with about 36 residents, was established under a matriarch.[112] Men of the same tribe established a village nearby from which to observe the women's village,[112] the men's leader objecting to the matriarch's questioning the culture[113] and men suing to close the women's village.[113] The village was still operational in 2005 when Wax reported on it.[112]

Spokespersons for various indigenous peoples at the United Nations and elsewhere have highlighted the central role of women in their societies, referring to them as matriarchies, or as matriarchal in character.[114][115]

A legendary matriarchy related by several writers was Amazon society. According to Phyllis Chesler, "in Amazon societies, women were... mothers and their society's only political and religious leaders",[116] as well as the only warriors and hunters;[117] "queens were elected"[118] and apparently "any woman could aspire to and achieve full human expression."[119]Herodotus reported that the Sarmatians were descendants of Amazons and Scythians, and that their females observed their ancient maternal customs, "frequently hunting on horseback with their husbands; in war taking the field; and wearing the very same dress as the men".[citation needed] Moreover, said Herodotus, "no girl shall wed till she has killed a man in battle".[citation needed] Amazons came to play a role in Roman historiography. Julius Caesar spoke of the conquest of large parts of Asia by Semiramis and the Amazons.[citation needed] Although Strabo was sceptical about their historicity, the Amazons were taken as historical throughout late Antiquity.[120] Several Church Fathers spoke of the Amazons as a real people.[citation needed] Medieval authors continued a tradition of locating the Amazons in the North, Adam of Bremen placing them at the Baltic Sea and Paulus Diaconus in the heart of Germania.[121]

Robert Graves suggested that a myth displaced earlier myths that had to change when a major cultural change brought patriarchy to replace a matriarchy.[citation needed] According to this myth, in Greek mythology, Zeus is said to have swallowed his pregnant lover, the titan goddess Metis, who was carrying their daughter, Athena. The mother and child created havoc inside Zeus. Either Hermes or Hephaestus split Zeus's head, allowing Athena, in full battle armor, to burst forth from his forehead. Athena was thus described as being "born" from Zeus. The outcome pleased Zeus as it didn't fulfill the prophecy of Themis which (according to Aeschylus) predicted that Zeus will one day bear a son that would overthrow him.[citation needed]

According to Adler, "there is plenty of evidence of ancient societies where women held greater power than in many societies today. For example, Jean Markale's studies of Celtic societies show that the power of women was reflected not only in myth and legend but in legal codes pertaining to marriage, divorce, property ownership, and the right to rule."[122]

Bamberger (1974) examines several matriarchal myths from South American cultures and concludes that portraying the women from this matriarchal period as evil often serves to restrain contemporary women.[clarification needed][citation needed]

While matriarchy has mostly fallen out of use for the anthropological description of existing societies, it remains current as a concept in feminism.[123][124]

In first-wave feminist discourse, either Elizabeth Cady Stanton or Margaret Fuller (it is unclear who was first) introduced the concept of matriarchy[125] and the discourse was joined in by Matilda Joslyn Gage.[126]Victoria Woodhull, in 1871, called for men to open the U.S. government to women or a new constitution and government would be formed in a year;[127] and, on a basis of equality, she ran to be elected President in 1872.[128][129]Charlotte Perkins Gilman, in 1911 and 1914,[130] argued for "a woman-centered, or better mother-centered, world"[131] and described "'government by women'".[132] She argued that a government led by either sex must be assisted by the other,[133] both genders being "useful... and should in our governments be alike used",[134] because men and women have different qualities.[135]

Cultural feminism includes "matriarchal worship", according to Prof. James Penner.[136]

In feminist literature, matriarchy and patriarchy are not conceived as simple mirrors of each other.[137] While matriarchy sometimes means "the political rule of women",[138] that meaning is often rejected, on the ground that matriarchy is not a mirroring of patriarchy.[139] Patriarchy is held to be about power over others while matriarchy is held to be about power from within,[137]Starhawk having written on that distinction[137][140] and Adler having argued that matriarchal power is not possessive and not controlling, but is harmonious with nature.[m]

For radical feminists, the importance of matriarchy is that "veneration for the female principle... somewhat lightens an oppressive system."[142]

Feminist utopias are a form of advocacy. According to Tineke Willemsen, "a feminist utopia would... be the description of a place where at least women would like to live."[143] Willemsen continues, among "type[s] of feminist utopias[,]... [one] stem[s] from feminists who emphasize the differences between women and men. They tend to formulate their ideal world in terms of a society where women's positions are better than men's. There are various forms of matriarchy, or even a utopia that resembles the Greek myth of the Amazons.... [V]ery few modern utopias have been developed in which women are absolute autocrats."[144]

A minority of feminists, generally radical,[123][124] have argued that women should govern societies of women and men. In all of these advocacies, the governing women are not limited to mothers:

Some such advocacies are informed by work on past matriarchy:

Some fiction caricatured the current gender hierarchy by describing a matriarchal alternative without advocating for it. According to Karin Schnpflug, "Gerd Brantenberg's Egalia's Daughters is a caricature of powered gender relations which have been completely reversed, with the female sex on the top and the male sex a degraded, oppressed group";[193] "gender inequality is expressed through power inversion"[194] and "all gender roles are reversed and women rule over a class of intimidated, effeminate men".[195] "Egalia is not a typical example of gender inequality in the sense that a vision of a desirable matriarchy is created; Egalia is more a caricature of male hegemony by twisting gender hierarchy but not really offering a 'better world.'"[195][196]

On egalitarian matriarchy,[197]Heide Gttner-Abendroth's International Academy for Modern Matriarchal Studies and Matriarchal Spirituality (HAGIA) organized conferences in Luxembourg in 2003[198] and Texas in 2005,[199][200] with papers published.[201] Gttner-Abendroth argued that "matriarchies are all egalitarian at least in terms of genderthey have no gender hierarchy.... [, that, f]or many matriarchal societies, the social order is completely egalitarian at both local and regional levels",[202] that, "for our own path toward new egalitarian societies, we can gain... insight from... ["tested"] matriarchal patterns",[203] and that "matriarchies are not abstract utopias, constructed according to philosophical concepts that could never be implemented."[204]

According to Eller, "a deep distrust of men's ability to adhere to"[205] future matriarchal requirements may invoke a need "to retain at least some degree of female hegemony to insure against a return to patriarchal control",[205] "feminists... [having] the understanding that female dominance is better for societyand better for menthan the present world order",[206] as is equalitarianism. On the other hand, Eller continued, if men can be trusted to accept equality, probably most feminists seeking future matriarchy would accept an equalitarian model.[206]

"Demographic[ally]",[207] "feminist matriarchalists run the gamut"[207] but primarily are "in white, well-educated, middle-class circles";[207] many of the adherents are "religiously inclined"[207] while others are "quite secular".[207]

Biology as a ground for holding either males or females superior over the other has been criticized as invalid, such as by Andrea Dworkin[208] and by Robin Morgan.[209] A claim that women have unique characteristics that prevent women's assimilation with men has been apparently rejected by Ti-Grace Atkinson.[210] On the other hand, not all advocates based their arguments on biology or essentialism.

A criticism by Mansfield of choosing who governs according to gender or sex is that the best qualified people should be chosen, regardless of gender or sex.[211] On the other hand, Mansfield considered merit insufficient for office, because a legal right granted by a sovereign (e.g., a king), was more important than merit.[212]

Diversity within a proposed community can, according to Becki L. Ross, make it especially challenging to complete forming the community.[213] However, some advocacy includes diversity, in the views of Dworkin[145] and Farley.[214]

Prof. Christine Stansell, a feminist, wrote that, for feminists to achieve state power, women must democratically cooperate with men. "Women must take their place with a new generation of brothers in a struggle for the world's fortunes. Herland, whether of virtuous matrons or daring sisters, is not an option.... [T]he well-being and liberty of women cannot be separated from democracy's survival."[215] (Herland was feminist utopian fiction by Charlotte Perkins Gilman in 1911, featuring a community entirely of women except for three men who seek it out,[216] strong women in a matriarchal utopia[217] expected to last for generations,[218] although Charlotte Perkins Gilman was herself a feminist advocate of society being gender-integrated and of women's freedom.)[219]

Other criticisms of superiority are that it is reverse sexism or discriminatory against men, it is opposed by most people including most feminists, women do not want such a position,[r] governing takes women away from family responsibilities, women are too likely to be unable to serve politically because of menstruation and pregnancy,[225] public affairs are too sordid for women[226] and would cost women their respect[227] and femininity (apparently including fertility),[228] superiority is not traditional,[229][s] women lack the political capacity and authority men have,[t] it is impractical because of a shortage of women with the ability to govern at that level of difficulty[227] as well as the desire and ability to wage war,[u][v][w] women are less aggressive, or less often so, than are men[236] and politics is aggressive,[237] women legislating would not serve men's interests[227][238][239] or would serve only petty interests,[227] it is contradicted by current science on genderal differences,[240] it is unnatural,[241][242][x][244] and, in the views of a playwright and a novelist, "women cannot govern on their own."[245] On the other hand, another view is that "women have 'empire' over men"[246] because of nature and "men... are actually obeying" women.[246]

Pursuing a future matriarchy would tend to risk sacrificing feminists' position in present social arrangements, and many feminists are not willing to take that chance, according to Eller.[205] "Political feminists tend to regard discussions of what utopia would look like as a good way of setting themselves up for disappointment", according to Eller,[247] and argue that immediate political issues must get the highest priority.[247]

"Matriarchists", as typified by comic character Wonder Woman were criticized by Kathie Sarachild, Carol Hanisch, and some others.[248]

Some theologies and theocracies limit or forbid women from being in civil government or public leadership or forbid them from voting,[249] effectively criticizing and forbidding matriarchy. Within none of the following religions is the respective view necessarily universally held:

Feminist thealogy, according to Eller, conceptualized humanity as beginning with "female-ruled or equalitarian societies",[302] until displaced by patriarchies,[303] and that in the millennial future "'gynocentric,' life-loving values"[303] will return to prominence.[303] This, according to Eller, produces "a virtually infinite number of years of female equality or superiority coming both at the beginning and end of historical time."[304]

Among criticisms is that a future matriarchy, according to Eller, as a reflection of spirituality, is conceived as ahistorical,[206] and thus may be unrealistic, unreachable, or even meaningless as a goal to secular feminists.

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Atopic dermatitis – Wikipedia

Posted: January 20, 2017 at 11:44 pm

Atopic dermatitis (AD), also known as atopic eczema, is a type of inflammation of the skin (dermatitis). It results in itchy, red, swollen, and cracked skin. Clear fluid may come from the affected areas, which often thicken over time.[1] The condition typically starts in childhood with changing severity over the years.[1][2] In children under one year of age much of the body may be affected. As people get older, the back of the knees and front of the elbows are the most common areas affected. In adults the hands and feet are the most commonly affected areas.[2] Scratching worsens symptoms and affected people have an increased risk of skin infections. Many people with atopic dermatitis develop hay fever or asthma.[1]

The cause is unknown but believed to involve genetics, immune system dysfunction, environmental exposures, and difficulties with the permeability of the skin.[1][2] If one identical twin is affected, there is an 85% chance the other also has the condition.[3] Those who live in cities and dry climates are more commonly affected. Exposure to certain chemicals or frequent hand washing makes symptoms worse. While emotional stress may make the symptoms worse it is not a cause. The disorder is not contagious.[1] The diagnosis is typically based on the signs and symptoms. Other diseases that must be excluded before making a diagnosis include contact dermatitis, psoriasis, and seborrheic dermatitis.[2]

Treatment involves avoiding things that make the condition worse, daily bathing with application of a moisturising cream afterwards, applying steroid creams when flares occur, and medications to help with itchiness.[2] Things that commonly make it worse include wool clothing, soaps, perfumes, chlorine, dust, and cigarette smoke. Phototherapy may be useful in some people. Steroid pills or creams based on calcineurin inhibitors may occasionally be used if other measures are not effective.[1][4] Antibiotics (either by mouth or topically) may be needed if a bacterial infection develops.[2] Dietary changes are only needed if food allergies are suspected.[1]

Atopic dermatitis affects about 20% of people at some point in their lives.[1][5] It is more common in younger children.[2] Males and females are equally affected.[1] Many people outgrow the condition.[2] Atopic dermatitis is sometimes called eczema, a term that also refers to a larger group of skin conditions.[1] Other names include "infantile eczema", "flexural eczema", "prurigo Besnier", "allergic eczema", and "neurodermatitis".[6]

People with AD often have dry and scaly skin that spans the entire body, except perhaps the diaper area, and intensely itchy red, splotchy, raised lesions to form in the bends of the arms or legs, face, and neck.[7][8][9][10][11]

AD commonly occurs on the eyelids where signs such as Dennie-Morgan infraorbital fold, infra-auricular fissure, periorbital pigmentation can be seen.[12] Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation on the neck gives the classic 'dirty neck' appearance. Lichenification, excoriation and erosion or crusting on the trunk may indicate secondary infection. Flexural distribution with ill-defined edges with or without hyperlinearily on the wrist, finger knuckles, ankle, feet and hand are also commonly seen.[13]

The cause of AD is not known, although there is some evidence of genetic factors, and some evidence that growing up in a sanitary environment encourages AD.[8]

It seems to have a genetic component. Many people with AD have a family history of atopy. Atopy is an immediate-onset allergic reaction (type 1 hypersensitivity reaction) as asthma, food allergies, AD or hay fever.[7][8] In 2006 it was discovered that mutations in the gene for the production of filaggrin strongly increased the risk for developing atopic dermatitis. Most importantly two mutations were found that affect approximately 5% of people in Western Europe that may disrupt the production of filaggrin. Filaggrin is a protein that plays an important role in the retention of water in the stratum corneum. People who have these mutations often have dry skin.[14] Filaggrin also plays an important role in keeping the skin surface slightly acidic, hence giving it anti-microbial effects. It breaks down into trans-urocanic acid, which keeps the pH low.[15]

According to the hygiene hypothesis, when children are brought up exposed to allergens in the environment at a young age, their immune system is more likely to tolerate them, while children brought up in a modern "sanitary" environment are less likely to be exposed to those allergens at a young age, and, when they are finally exposed, develop allergies. There is some support for this hypothesis with respect to AD.

Those exposed to dogs while growing up have a lower risk of atopic dermatitis.[16] There is also support from epidemiological studies for a protective role for helminths against AD.[17] Likewise children with poor hygiene are at a lower risk for developing AD, as are children who drink unpasteurised milk.[17] Exposure to dust mites is believed to contribute to one's risk of developing AD.[18]

A diet high in fruits seems to have a protective effect against AD, whereas the opposite seems true for fast foods.[17]

Atopic dermatitis sometimes appears associated with celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity.[19][20]

An atopy patch test can be used to determine whether or not a specific allergen is the cause of the rash. The test involves applying a series of allergens to the skin surface and evaluating the results in one to three days.[21][22]

People with atopic dermatitis are more likely to have Staphylococcus aureus living on them.[23]

There is no known cure for AD, although treatments may reduce the severity and frequency of flares.[7]

Applying moisturisers may prevent the skin from drying out and decrease the need for other medications.[24] Affected persons often report that improvement of skin hydration parallels with improvement in AD symptoms.[7]

Health professionals often recommend that persons with AD bathe regularly in lukewarm baths, especially in salt water, to moisten their skin.[8][25] Avoiding woollen clothing is usually good for those with AD. Likewise silk, silver-coated clothing may help.[25] Dilute bleach baths have also been reported effective at managing AD.[25]

Vitamin D is an effective treatment for AD.[26]

Studies have investigated the role of long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA) supplementation and LCPUFA status in the prevention and treatment of atopic diseases, but the results are controversial. It remains unclear if the nutritional intake of n-3 fatty acids has a clear preventive or therapeutic role, or if n-6 fatty acids consumption promotes atopic diseases.[27]

Several probiotics seem to have a positive effect with a roughly 20% reduction in the rate of atopic dermatitis.[28] The best evidence is for multiple strains of bacteria.[29]

In people with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity, a gluten free diet improves their symptoms and prevents the occurrence of new outbreaks.[19][20]

Topical corticosteroids, such as hydrocortisone have proven themselves effective in managing AD.[7][8] If topical corticosteroids and moisturisers fail, short-term treatment with topical calcineurin inhibitors like tacrolimus or pimecrolimus may be tried, although they are usually avoided as they can cause skin cancer or lymphoma.[7][30] Alternatively systemic immunosuppressants may be tried such as ciclosporin, methotrexate, interferon gamma-1b, mycophenolate mofetil and azathioprine.[7][31] Antidepressants and naltrexone may be used to control pruritus (itchiness).[32]

A more novel form of treatment involves exposure to broad or narrow-band ultraviolet (UV) light. UV radiation exposure has been found to have a localized immunomodulatory effect on affected tissues and may be used to decrease the severity and frequency of flares.[33][34] In particular, the usage of UVA1 is more effective in treating acute flares, whereas narrow-band UVB is more effective in long-term management scenarios.[35] However, UV radiation has also been implicated in various types of skin cancer, and thus UV treatment is not without risk.[36]

Since the beginning of the twentieth century, many mucosal inflammatory disorders have become more common; atopic eczema (AE) is a classic example of such a disease. It now affects 1530% of children and 210% of adults in developed countries and in the United States has nearly tripled in the past thirty to forty years.[8][37] Over 15 million American adults and children have atopic dermatitis.[38]

Evidence suggests that IL-4 is central in the pathogenesis of AD.[39] Therefore, there is a rationale for targeting IL-4 with anti-IL-4 inhibitors.[40]

Diseases of the skin and appendages by morphology

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Psoriasis –

Posted: at 11:43 pm

How is psoriasis treated?

There are a number of treatments for psoriasis. Your doctor will help you decide which one is best for you. Keeping your skin moisturized with an over-the-counter product is a good first step. Body lotion can help keep skin from getting too dry and cracking. It can also help remove some of the scales. Bathing daily in Epsom salts, Dead Sea salts, bath oil or oatmeal can calm redness and remove scales.

Prescription creams, ointments, lotions and gels (also called topical medicines) that you put on the affected areas are often used to treat psoriasis. To help the medicine stay on the skin, you might apply it and then cover the areas with plastic wrap (such as Saran Wrap). Options include corticosteroids, a type of vitamin D and pine tar. Special shampoos are used for psoriasis on the scalp.

For more severe cases of psoriasis, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics or other medicines in pill form. Some of these medicines can cause side effects, so your doctor may prescribe these for only a short period of time before returning to another type of treatment.

Sunlight also can help psoriasis, but be careful not to stay in the sun too long. A sunburn can actually make your psoriasis worse. Talk to your doctor about how to safely try sunlight exposure as a psoriasis treatment. Light therapy may be another option for treatment of psoriasis. With this treatment, the affected skin is exposed to controlled forms of artificial sunlight, usually after using Psoralen, a light-sensitizing medicine. This is called PUVA treatment. Talk to your doctor about this option.

While psoriasis will typically improve with treatment, it may not ever completely go away. The scales of psoriasis should improve after you begin treatment. It may take 2 to 6 weeks for the affected areas of your skin to return to a more normal thickness, and the redness may take several months to improve. Sometimes, certain scaly spots will get better at the same time that other spots get worse.

After youve been using a certain type of medicine for a while, your psoriasis may get used to the treatment. If this happens, your medicine may not be as effective as it once was. Your doctor may change your medicine. Sometimes you may need a stronger dose of medicine. Talk to your doctor if your psoriasis doesnt seem to be getting better with treatment.

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Ray Kurzweil sees a future in which we can connect our brains to the cloud to augment our more

Vicki Thompson

Ray Kurzweil is a futurist, a director of engineering at Google and a co-founder of the Singularity University think tank at NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View. He is a nonfiction author and creator of several inventions.

Kurzweil met with the Silicon Valley Business Journal to discuss how technology's exponential progress is rapidly reshaping our future through seismic shifts in information technology and computing power, energy, nanotechnology, robotics, health and longevity.

Ray Kurzweil sees a future in which we can connect our brains to the cloud to augment our more

Vicki Thompson

This Q&A interview has been edited for length and clarity.

You've written about the potential to greatly improve humans abilities through a fusion of technology with biology. Could you describe how youre trying to motivate people to make this happen?

I've tried to articulate where I see the technology going and the underlying force behind it, which I call the law of accelerating returns, and the enormous opportunities created by exponential growth of information technology. It's not intuitive our intuition about the future is linear. But the reality of information technology is, it's exponential.

Exponentials are quite seductive because they start out sub-linear. We sequenced one ten-thousandth of the human genome in 1990 and two ten-thousandths in 1991. Halfway through the genome project, 7 years into it, we had sequenced 1 percent. People said, "This is a failure. Seven years, 1 percent. It's going to take 700 years, just like we said." Seven years later it was done, because 1 percent is only seven doublings from 100 percent and it had been doubling every year. We don't think in these exponential terms. And that exponential growth has continued since the end of the genome project. These technologies are now thousands of times more powerful than they were 13 years ago, when the genome project was completed.

Most importantly, we will be able to reprogram this outdated software that runs in our bodies, through biotechnology. We're now seeing clinical implications: It's now a trickle. It'll be a flood over the next decade. We're literally going to be able to reprogram biology away from disease and away from aging.

People say, You know, my cell phone is literally billions of times more powerful per dollar than the computer I used when I was an undergraduate, but it only applies to these gadgets we carry around. Thats not the case. Its going to transform food, printing, manufacturing of housing and energy.

Solar energy is growing exponentially because we're applying nanotechnology to the construction of solar panels and energy storage. It's now 2 percent of the world's energy, so people dismiss it as: It's 2 percent. It's a nice thing to do. It's a fringe player. That's not going to solve the problem. They are ignoring the exponential growth. Two percent is only six doublings from 100 percent. We're doubling every two years. That's 12 years. We can meet all of our energy needs through solar.

When I talk about radical life extension through biotechnology and nanotechnology, you can say, "Yeah, but we're going to run out of resources." But the same technologies that are going to extend life are also going to expand resources.

Ultimately, we can produce food extremely inexpensively through vertical agriculture, and we'll be able to print out everything we need through 3D printing. It's not ready yet for prime time. We're kind of in the hype phase now.

By 2020, we'll have sub-micron resolutions. We'll be able to print out and begin a really revolutionized manufacturing. We'll be able to print out modules and snap them together, Lego style, for construction of houses and office buildings. It's already started in Asia. It's not cost-effective yet, but these technologies have a 50 percent deflation rate.

We'll be able to print out clothing for pennies per pound with 3D printing in the 2020s. And there will be an open-source market of designs that are extremely inexpensive.

How is the rapid increase in computing power democratizing access and changing our economy?

I had saved up for years from my paper route as a teenager to buy the Encyclopedia Britannica for $1,000. I thought it was fantastic. It had all these incredible articles about everything I could imagine. Well, now a kid in Africa with her $30 smartphone can access a much better encyclopedia for free, and that's one of thousands of free fantastic information resources that are at her fingertips.

This is all factored out of the economic statistics. They say, Well, economic growth is limited. That's because we put this growth in both the numerator and the denominator. This kid in Africa that spent $30 on a smartphone is walking around with a trillion dollars of computation and communication and other intellectual resources, circa 1968, and still only accounts for $30 of economic activity.

People say, Okay, these fantastic comparisons apply to this strange world of great devices. You can't eat that, you can't live in it, you can't wear it. All of that's going to change with 3D printing, with virtual reality, with all these other resources that are expanding exponentially, and they sneak up on us. When these things start out, they don't work. By the time they work, they've been around for a long time, and they kind of sneak up on us.

What is your current focus in your work at Google?

I am a director of engineering, and I'm heading up a team working on natural language understanding. Language is like our most important method of communication. All of human knowledge is embedded in language. When we expanded our neocortex two million years ago and we got these big foreheads, the first thing we did was invent language so I could take an idea in my head, which is a hierarchical set of symbols, and transmit it to your neocortex. We needed a hierarchical medium to do that communication, so we invented language.

Since then, we've invented billions of documents in language with all of our knowledge. If we could actually understand the meaning of documents, that would unlock this great world of knowledge to computation and ultimately to humans so we can have our computer programs actually understand what they're reading. And we've already made great strides in that.

What's your primary objective for your work at Google?

We're part of an effort working with other teams to move towards an actual understanding of documents. So a search would not just be looking for keywords, it would actually look for meaning, and language translation would be based on meaning. It's a long-term effort to really understand language. Google's motto is, "We organize the world's information." Well, the most important information if you write a blog post is: What are you trying to say? You're not just trying to put together an interesting collection of words. Google's not the only company working on this, but that's a grand challenge to actually understand the meaning of documents.

What occupies your mind the most right now? Is it machine learning or another area of interest?

Well, I've been very focused on artificial intelligence for 50 years. I actually met with the founders of artificial intelligence. Marvin Minsky, who became my mentor, was the father of the symbolic school of artificial intelligence. And then in '62, when I was 14, I met with Frank Rosenblatt, who's the founder of the connectionist school and neural nets. He invented the first neural net called the Perceptron, and I've been immersed in that field for more than 50 years.

At the same time, I'm a writer and a futurist, so I keep track of all the world's technologies and how they're interacting.

I've had a long-term interest in health, which comes from, for example, my father dying prematurely of heart disease. That interest just comes from being a human being with a version 1.0 biological body. But that now has become an information technology, because we've unlocked the information basis of biology, which is genes, and have the meanings of actually reprogramming this outdated software. This interest, which was not related to my interest in computer science, has become now a field of computer science.

You serve on the board of Martine Rothblatt's company, United Therapeutics. What is that company doing in this area of health?

Yes, I've been on the board since that company was founded in 1999. That's one very good example of biotechnology. I've written about this for a long time, but now it's becoming a reality. We can actually print out hearts, lungs, kidneys, and populate them with stem cells and grow out a human organ. This is being done successfully in animals. We can do it in humans now with simple organs, like tracheas and windpipes.

We can do it experimentally with animals with more complex organs, like kidneys, lungs and hearts. That will be coming to a human near you in five to 10 years, but it's happening. If you can do it in a primate, we know we can do it in a human. We have to go through the whole regulatory and safety process to perfect the technology, but it's coming.

Youve also written about the importance of brain mapping. How does that factor into technologys exponential progress?

I track brain reverse engineering very carefully. We can do noninvasive brain scanning in humans. We can actually see now single inter-neuronal connections forming in real time and firing in real time. And there are a lot of different parameters that are important: the speed with which you can do it, the bandwidth and how deeply into the brain you can go with noninvasive scanning. But all of these parameters are rapidly improving.

How important is understanding how the brain functions in order to develop better artificial intelligence?

To me, the importance of brain reverse engineering is not that we're going to copy exactly how the brain works in cell rhythms, but find out its basic principles of operation. Then we can use good engineering to create the same principles, but do it more quickly with electronics. Our neurons transmit information using electric chemical signals that travel a few hundred feet per second. Electronics are already millions of times faster than our neurons, but we need to understand the principles of how it works.

In my last book, How to Create a Mind, I talk about the evidence we already have on how our neocortex works. It organizes 300 million modules, each of which can learn and understand a pattern, and they're organized in hierarchies. We create that hierarchy with our own thinking, and there have been a lot of insights from the brain reverse engineering projects that really support this thesis.

You've given timelines for bringing on a transhuman reality, in which our capabilities are dramatically increased through the power of technology. How are we doing in keeping to those?

We're very much on schedule. Artificial intelligence itself has done remarkable things that people didn't expect to see for a long time, like drive cars, like play Go better than any human and understand language to some extent.

Jeopardy is a language game. Watson got a better score than the best two humans combined, and answered this query correct: A long, tiresome speech delivered by a frothy pie topping. It quickly said, "What is a meringue harangue?" That's pretty good. And Watson got its knowledge by reading Wikipedia and other encyclopedias. It doesn't read as well as you or I, but it reads a lot more documents. It read 200 million documents. We can't do that. It was able to combine all of its knowledge from that effort.

We're making tremendous progress on understanding the brain. I think we're very much on track to have human-level AI by 2029, which has been my consistent prediction for 20 years, and then to be able to send nanobots into the brain in the 2030s and connect our biological neocortex to synthetic neocortex in the cloud.

This is impressive by itself, but it's more impressive because it connects to the cloud. If you do speech recognition or intelligent search, it goes out to the cloud and makes itself a million times smarter. It does that without you even being aware of it. People don't even know it's happening.

We can't do that directly from our brains yet. We do it indirectly with our devices. We have to use our fingers and our eyes and so forth. Ultimately, we'll do it directly from our brain and not just do search and translation directly from our brain, but actually access synthetic neocortex. So just the way this [he holds up his smartphone] makes itself smarter by connecting to the cloud, we'll make ourselves smarter. And that's the ultimate application of artificial intelligence: to extend our mental reach. That's a 2030s scenario.

Your Singularity University co-founder Peter Diamandis has told me he believes that today, its possible for people to live long enough to live forever because of these rapid technological changes. Do you anticipate this could happen for you?

I'm planning on it. So far so good.

You're 68 years old now?

Yeah. And I could be hit by the proverbial bus tomorrow, but we're working on that, too, with self-driving cars.

What would it take to dramatically extend the lifespan of humans?

I think we're on the order of a dozen years away from a tipping point where we're adding more time through scientific progress than is going by. People say, You think you're going to live hundreds of years taking these supplements, and with your lifestyle and so on, that you describe in your book? And I say, No, the goal of that, which we call Bridge One, is just to get to Bridge Two, which is the biotechnology revolution. And a dozen years from now, we will really have arrested most disease and aging processes. Not all, but we'll reach a tipping point where we're adding more time than is going by.

And then Bridge Two will be a bridge to the nanotechnology revolution: medical nanorobots that can augment our immune system and go beyond our immune system. Our immune system evolved when it was not in the interest of the human species for us to live very long, so it did not select for long life. It doesn't work on cancer for example. So we can finish the job with medical nanorobots that can basically defeat all disease and aging processes. That's 20 years away.

How would that help to bring about a period of abundance?

Well, that will enable us to live longer. Then people say, "We're going to run out of resources." That's where abundance comes in. Solar energy is doubling every two years because we're applying nanotechnology. We're only six doublings from meeting all of our energy needs through solar. We have 10,000 times more sunlight than we need to do that with. We'll have 3D printing for modules to snap together and create a house, for food, for clothing. We'll meet our physical needs through 3D printing. We'll have virtual realities, so we won't have to travel as much. So ultimately, we will have an age of abundance we won't run out of resources.

What would people do with themselves?

We'll continue to create knowledge. What do we do now? Sixty-five percent of all jobs in the United States, Europe and Asia are information jobs. It didn't exist 25 years ago. So what if people are creating art for websites or creating music?

We have 15 million college students and 15 million people that service them. That's 30 million people. It was 65,000 college students in 1870, so we're moving up Maslow's hierarchy. We're doing more gratifying things: creating knowledge of beauty, like music and art, science, technology.

Are you worried about individuals' worst impulses potentially throwing a wrench into the works?

Well I think we're getting better because I think communication has democratized the world. You could count the number of democracies in the world on the fingers of one or two hands a century ago. You could count the numbers of democracies in the world two centuries ago on the fingers of one finger.

We certainly don't live in a perfect world, but this is the most peaceful time in human history. People say, "What are you kidding? Don't you pay attention to the news? Didn't you hear about the incident yesterday and a week ago?" Well that's the point. Our information about violence and what's wrong with the world is getting exponentially better. It could be a battle that wiped out a nearby village and you wouldn't even hear about it a century ago. Now, there's an incident and we not only hear about it, we're immersed in it, we experience it. That's painful, but it's actually a good thing because it motivates us to do something about it.

Steven Pinker's The Better Angels of Our Nature documents an exponential decline in violence. We rightfully get upset about incidents that kill tens, hundreds, thousands of people. You don't have to go back that far in history to see incidents that killed millions tens of millions of people. It's not like this type of violence and intolerance didn't exist. We just didn't actually have very good information about it a century or two ago.

Currently, we're in the political season, and weve seen plenty of polarization. Where do you stand with respect to the U.S. presidential election and how it has developed?

Technology is a double-edged sword, and it can also spread intolerance. I'm not happy with the level of intolerance that we see expressed in some parts of the political sphere. But I do think without commenting specifically on the current presidential race there's a world consensus on tolerance, equality, democracy, liberty, and then we complain about the extent we see things that don't live up to that. We're moving in the right direction. History is always a messy process, and we have much better information about the mess now than we ever did before.

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Psychedelics | Adonis Diaries

Posted: at 1:58 am

Psychedelics and Psychosis: Any links?

No Link Found between Psychedelics and Psychosis?

A large U.S. survey found that users of LSD and similar drugs were no more likely to have mental-health conditions than other respondents

Of those, 14% described themselves as having used at any point in their lives any of the three classic psychedelics: LSD, psilocybin (the active ingredient in so-called magic mushrooms) and mescaline (found in the peyote and San Pedro cacti).

The researchers found that individuals in this group were not at increased risk of developing 11 indicators of mental-health problems such as schizophrenia, psychosis, depression, anxiety disorders and suicide attempts.

Their paper appears in the March issue of theJournal of Psychopharmacology.

The findings are likely to raise eyebrows.

Fears that psychedelics can lead to psychosis date to the 1960s, with widespread reports of acid casualties in the mainstream news. But Krebs says that because psychotic disorders are relatively prevalent, affecting about one in 50 people, correlations can often be mistaken for causations.

Psychedelics are psychologically intense, and many people will blame anything that happens for the rest of their lives on a psychedelic experience.

The three substances Johansen and Krebs looked at all act through the brains serotonin 2A receptor.

The authors did not include ketamine, PCP, MDMA, fly agaric mushrooms, DMT or other drugs that fall broadly into the category of hallucinogens, because they act on other receptors and have different modes of biochemical action.

Ketamine and PCP, for example, act on the NMDA receptor and are both known to be addictive and to cause severe physical harms, such as damage to the bladder.

Absolutely, people can become addicted to drugs like ketamine or PCP, and the effects can be very destructive. We restricted our study to the classic psychedelics to clarify the findings, says Johansen.

The acid casualty myth This study assures us that there were not widespread acid casualties in the 1960s, says Charles Grob, a paediatric psychiatrist at the University of California, Los Angeles. He has long has advocated the therapeutic use of psychedelics, such as administering psilocybin to treat anxiety in terminal-stage cancer. But he has concerns about Krebs and Johansens overall conclusions, he says, because individual cases of adverse effects use can and do occur.

For example, people may develop hallucinogen persisting perception disorder (HPPD), a trip that never seems to end, involving incessant distortions in the visual field, shimmering lights and coloured dots. Ive seen a number of people with these symptoms following a psychedelic experience, and it can be a very serious condition, says Grob.

Krebs and Johansen, however, point to studies that have found symptoms of HPPD in people who have never used psychedelics.

The second of the new two studies, also published in theJournal of Psychopharmacology, looked at 190,000 NSDUH respondents from 2008 to 2012.

It also found that the classic psychedelics were not associated with adverse mental-health outcomes. In addition, it found that people who had used LSD and psilocybin had lower lifetime rates of suicidal thoughts and attempts.

We are not claiming that no individuals have ever been harmed by psychedelics, says author Matthew Johnson, an associate professor in the Behavioral Pharmacology Research Unit at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland.

Anecdotes about acid casualties can be very powerfulbut these instances are rare, he says.

At the population level, he says, the data suggest that the harms of psychedelics have been overstated.

This article is reproduced with permission and was first published on March 4, 2015.

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US court says PSN data doesnt get Fourth Amendment …

Posted: at 1:48 am

Aurich x Getty

If you have any legally incriminating information sitting in your PSN account, don't count on the Fourth Amendment to protect it from "unreasonable search and seizure" by Sony without a warrant. A district court judge in Kansas has ruledin a recent case that information Sony finds has been downloaded to a PlayStation 3 or a PSN account is not subject to the "reasonable expectation of privacy" that usually protects evidence obtained without a warrant.

The case involves Michael Stratton, who went by the handle Susan_14 on PSN. According to Sony, Stratton was reported to PSN multiple times for sending spam messages asking about interest in child pornography. After reviewing the Susan_14 account in response to these complaints, Sony found that several images containing child porn had been downloaded by and uploaded to the account.

Sony shared information about the Susan_14 account and the images with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. The NCMEC then coordinated with the FBI to get additional information about Susan_14's e-mail address and IP address from Google and CenturyLink via subpoena. This action led to a warrant on Stratton's Kansas home, the discovery of child pornography stored on his PS3, and his arrest.

At trial, the defense tried to argue that Stratton had a "reasonable expectation of privacy" for the images on his PSN account and that Sony therefore couldn't share those with authorities absent a subpoena or warrant. In this case, the court ruled that Sony's PSN terms of service "explicitly nullified its users reasonable expectation of privacy." Those terms state explicitly that Sony reserves the right to monitor PSN activity and that Sony may turn over evidence of illegal activity to the authorities.

(The defense also made the related argument that Sony's terms of service were an adhesion contract that put an "unconscionable" and "patently unfairly... take-it-or-leave-it" burden on Stratton. The defense didn't provide enough evidence to demonstrate that claim, according to the court.)

Separately, the defense argued that Sony was acting as a "government agent" when it searched Stratton's PSN account, and, therefore, any evidence obtained needed to be subject to a warrant. This argument hinges in part on the federal "Failure to Report Child Abuse" statute, which requires those that learn of child abuse to "make a timely report" or suffer jail time or fines. Through this law, the defense argued, Sony was essentially being recruited to search for child pornography at the government's request and without any warrant.

The case is not all that different from other cases in which online service providers have worked with law enforcement to report child pornography when found on their services or devices. The main difference here is that the circuit court has found that these same legal arguments apply to the tightly controlled world of the PlayStation 3 and the attached PlayStation Network and not just the more "open" world of personal computers.

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Elon Musk lays out SpaceX’s incredible plan for colonizing …

Posted: at 1:45 am

SpaceX successfully tested its Raptor interplanetary drive prototype this week, but that was only a hint of what SpaceX has planned. On Tuesday, founder Elon Musk took the stage at the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) to explain how SpaceX plans to make humanity a multi-planetary species. There are still some unanswered questions. But by focusing on fuel efficiency and reusable rocket design, Musk says he believes almost anyone will be able to go to the Red Planet and build a new society.

Before he got into talking about the Interplanetary Transport System, Musk explained why Mars would be the ideal target for human colonization efforts instead of the moon, for instance. While Mars is smaller than the Earth, it still has enough gravity for people to live and work in a similar way to how they do on Earth. The mineral wealth on Mars is also greater than what youd find on the moon. In addition, Mars has an atmosphere, although its very thin.

By increasing the temperature of Mars, Musk says the atmosphere could be thickened and enriched with oxygen. We already know theres plenty of frozen water on Mars, so increasing the temperature could result in liquid oceans. The carbon dioxide atmosphere Mars currently has could easily be compressed to grow plant life as well. Taken together, that makes Mars feasible for a self-sufficient human colony.

The technology technically exists to go to Mars because it is fairly close in astronomical terms. But its extremely expensive. A scaled up Apollo-style mission would cost about $10 billion per person transported. SpaceX plans to develop a fleet of reusable vehicles and can be refueled in orbit. With the right systems in place. SpaceX believes it can get the cost of a ticket to Mars down to $200,000, but this isnt an extravagant vacation youd pay $200,000 to start a new life on Mars after selling most of your possessions on Earth (cargo space is limited). Over time, that price might come down to as little as $100,000.

Its not clear what sort of training would be needed for the mission, but Musk said it probably wouldnt be much. Will those with health concerns be allowed to go? Will the colonists own land on Mars? The gravity on Mars is much lower, so will people be able to return to Earth with its high gravity after living on Mars? We dont know the answer to any of these questions yet.

The Interplanetary Transport System would be multi-stage, but the first stage is designed toland itself back on Earth after getting the spacecraft into orbit, just like the Falcon 9. This booster ispowered by 42 Raptor engines for 13,000 tons of liftoff thrust. Due to its size, the first launches will take place on the original Apollo 39A launchpad at Kennedy Space Center.

After its in orbit, several tankers of a similar design will be sent up to refuel the ship before it begins its Mars journey. Upon its arrival, the ship will land propulsively on the surface to drop off colonists and supplies. SpaceX chose to go with a methane fuel for the Raptor because thats easier to make on Mars. The ships that deliver people wont just sit there theyll be refueled and sent back to Earth. This will also allow colonists who have a change of heart to return to Earth.

The ITS passenger ship.

Musk says that the Interplanetary Transport System will take 100 to 200 people to Mars at a time, and the journey could take as little as 80 to 90 days. There are launch windows to Mars every few years, and SpaceX wants to have fleets of multiple ships ready to go for each one. In a few decades, there could be a million people on Mars, which would be enough to make it self-sufficient.

SpaceX plans to start launching to Mars in the next year or two with Falcon 9 Heavy rockets and Dragon 2 landers. This will serve as the first phase of testing for the colonization efforts. The Interplanetary Transport System should begin orbital testing around 2020, and SpaceX wants to send it on test flights to Mars in the early 2020s.

Thats a very aggressive timetable, and we dont have any information regarding how colonists would work to warm Mars or protect themselves from radiation. We might learn more as SpaceX begins transporting materials and supplies to Mars on the Dragon landers. Musk wants to have a Mars mission planned for every launch window to begin laying the groundwork for human habitation.

Theres still a lot that could go wrong. But colonizing Mars has never felt so real.

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Libertarian Party of Bexar County Texas | "Liberty and …

Posted: January 19, 2017 at 6:07 am

LP Texas hold conventions at the precinct, county, district, state, and national level. The state convention will be in San Antonio, Texas April 8-10. The national convention will be in Orlando Florida May 27-30. Anyone may attend the conventions and all interested in the LP are encouraged to do so. The state and national conventions have speakers and panels and are not just business meetings.

Tuesday, March 8th @ 7pm Norris Conference Center,Park North Shopping Center, 618 NW Loop 410 #207, San Antonio, TX 78216, Live Oak Room Please arrive on time to help with the verification and check in.

Saturday, March 12th @ 1pm Luby's,4541 Fredericksburg Rd, San Antonio, TX 78201 Plese arrive on time or early for check in. The convention will start very soon after 1pm. The District Conventions will include US Congressional District 35 and Texas Senate District 26. Additional may be scheduled as we get closer to convention time.

Saturday, March 19th @ 1pm Luby's,4541 Fredericksburg Rd, San Antonio, TX 78201

Friday, April 8th - Sunday, April 10th Norris Conference Center,Park North Shopping Center, 618 NW Loop 410 #207, San Antonio, TX 78216 Find out more atLibertyNow.organd be sure to reserveyour tickets! Convention Accomodations: DoubleTree Hotel @ $99/night

Friday, May 27th - Monday, May 30th. (Non convention meetings start May 25th) Rosen Centre Hotel 9840 International Drive, Orlando, Florida 32819 You can go to thenational convention pageor get reservations.

Note: Our LNC Representative, Kevin Ludlow, is putting together a LP Convention bus trip. has all the information. You can reserveyou seat now to get on the bus.

To be a delegate you need to affiliate with the LP at our conventions. The starting point for this is the precinct conventions. Although not required, it is highly encouraged to bring your voter registration card to make things go quickly and smoothly.

Pleasedirect questionsto Bexar LP Chair, Gil Robinson @210-957-9780|

2016Convention Information Guide

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Welcome to Siem Offshore: Siem Offshore AS

Posted: at 6:04 am

Siem Offshore Inc. serves the global oil and gas industry with a modern, environmentally friendly and technically advanced fleet.

The fleet consists of 46 vessels with focus on low fuel consumption. The fleet includes large Anchor Handling Tug Supply vessels, Platform Supply Vessels, Multipurpose field & ROV Support Vessel and Offshore Subsea Construction Vessels designed to meet the most challenging environments. The latest addition to the fleet is 2 Well-Intervention Vessels.

Siem Offshore operates from Norway (Kristiansand), and has offices in Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, Maca and Aracaju), Germany (Leer), The Netherlands (Groningen), Poland (Gdynia), USA (Houston), Ghana (Accra), Canada (St. John''s and Dartmouth),and Australia (Perth).

The Company is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange.

Platform Supply Vesselfor supply functions and cargo transport for the oil industry.

Offshore Subsea Construction Vessels designed to meet the general offshore supply market.

Anchor Handling Tug Supply Vessel, designed for anchor handling, towing and supply functions.

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