Monthly Archives: December 2016

Jillian Michaels – Scary Mommy

Posted: December 31, 2016 at 2:54 pm

I remember being tired before I had kids. It sucked. I was so tired!

Then I had a baby, and I got even more tired. I mean, I dont know how much more tired Iwaswith a kidthan I used to be, or if I was moretired than my childfree friends have ever or will ever be, but I definitely feltmore tired most days than Iremember feelingback then. To make matters worse,I had to keep my kid alive while being this insane new level of tired.

The tiredness just kept growing, exponentially. I just had my second baby. The tiredness hasnt stopped. It never will.

But I shouldnt say that out loud. And I definitely shouldnt say it online. Fitness guru and mom Jillian Michaels found that out the hard way when she posted what she probably thought was a harmless parenting meme about being exhausted. Unfortunately, in todays landscape of instant outrage, nothing is harmless anymore.

It doesnt matter that shes right (COME AT ME!) All that matters is that the childfree somehow felt victimized by the meme, because if theres anything worth getting upset about, its Facebook memes.

Some well-balanced people feel differently, leaving comments on the post like, Thats YOUR story, but then you obviously werent suffering with long term illness, looking after sick relatives, working 80 hours a week, working 24 hour shifts, looking after sick animals, working three jobs to make ends meet or any of the other tons of reasons there are to be tired!!!!!

Nope. Just one reason to be tired, as the meme CLEARLY states.

Jillian is a new parent and a famous fitness guru, so she knows from exertion, but she is not a scientist, so she should just shut it, according to this kind soul: Hey, genius. Its called being human. Everyone gets tired, whether they have kids or not. Thats what the human body does. Try studying science harder next time.

No one said anything about childfree people not being tired. Again, I was childfree. I was plenty tired. Im sure there are EMTs and medical students and people with insomnia and people with no eyelids who are just as tired as parents, and congratulations, we all tied in the Tired Contest.

Except newsflash:there is no Tired Contest! I was pulling your leg!

Tiredness is not something that can be measured, and neitherMichaels nor I nor those kids staying awake for days on end just to avoid Freddy Kruger can prove theyre more tired than anyone else, but honestly? WHO GIVES A SHIT. Were all tired.

But those of us with more responsibility are probably maybe? a little more tired than those without much? I dont know how much responsibility you have, and neither does Jillian Michaels, unless she has a personal relationship with all 3,035,511 people who like her Facebook page,(If she does, she definitelywins the Tired Contest!), but I know that kids are a lot of responsibility.

You cant sleep through your kids. Once you have a baby, your sleep starts suffering, and you never get it back, at least not until theyre teenagers. And so parents have very limited opportunities to catch up on sleep theyve missed. Maybe youre childfree and you cant catch up on sleep either I dont know your life but if so FUCK YOU FOR OFFENDING ME except not really because getting upset about a humorous (YMMV) meme meant to appeal to other parents is a tremendous waste of time and energy.

In fact, if youre one of the people who went online to scream about this, like this guy?

You may have been cute back then, but you grew up to be a c***. Why arent people allowed to be tired if they dont have sprogs? You chose to have the little c*** goblins, yet all parents seem to do is complain about everything, and try to bring everyone down to their misery. We get it youre tired. Know who else has a better reason for being tired? People who work 40+ hours a week. They arent allowed to be tired? When did moms become so selfish and entitled? Youre making yourselves look like Bitches.

Wow. If youre leaving a psychotic rant like that on a celebritys harmless Facebook post, you clearly have a lot more energy than me.

BOOM! I win.

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Jillian Michaels - Scary Mommy

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Ron Paul Says Obama Helped ISIS But He’s Better Than Bush …

Posted: at 2:41 pm


Former Republican Texas Congressman Ron Paul told The Daily Caller Thursday that the United States has been supporting the Islamic State, but he still thinksPresident Barack Obama has had a better foreign policy than former President George W. Bush.

The former Texas congressman said that the U.S. abroad isnt a peacemaker and is instead too often a mischief makers. Former Rep. Paul was a fierce critic of Bushs foreign policy andwas one of six Republicans to have voted against the House resolution authorizing military action against Iraq.

Paul told TheDC that President Obamas foreign policy has been better than Bushs, although it is miserable. He added, One thing I use is how many Americans died engaged in war duringeight years of Bush versus Obama.

More than 4,000 American troops lost their lives during President Bushs eight years in office, compared to less than 2,000 troops under Obama, according to a March report from The Atlantic.

Two things that Paul liked that the happened under Obama were improved relations with Iran and Cuba. He said, What he did with Iran is fantastic.

But he was cautious not to praise the president too much and criticized his policy in Syria. He said that in order to defeat Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Obama had to ally with the Islamic State.

If hed stayed out of Syria it would haveended a couple years ago. Hes made himself look foolish and the Russians have came out pretty strong on this. Theyre the peacemakers, the former Texas congressman told TheDC. He said that Obama has supported ISIS in a similar way to howthe U.S. backed Afghan mujaheddin in their fight against the Soviet Union.

RENO, NV FEBRUARY 02: Republican presidential candidate, U.S. Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) speaks during a campaign rally at the Grand Sierra Hotel on February 2, 2012 in Reno, Nevada. Paul is campaigning ahead of Nevadas caucus on February 4. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard and President-elect Donald Trump have both previously said that the Obama administration has supported terrorists. If you or I gave money, weapons or support to al-Qaeda or ISIS, we would be thrown in jail. Why does our gov get a free pass on this?, the congresswoman from Hawaii wrote on Twitter two weeks.

President-elect Trump said on the campaign trail that President Obama was the founder of ISIS. Gabbard has pointed to a news storiessaying the United States is arming rebels allied with an Al-Qaeda affiliated groups. Rep. Paul told TheDC that the U.S. doesnt support ISIS directly but indirectly.I think Hillary was involved. The evidence is pretty good that weapons left Libya and some went south and some went to Syria. I dont think theres too much argument about that, the former congressman and two-time Republican presidential candidate said.

Ina 2013 speech Hillary Clinton gave to Goldman Sachs released by WikiLeaks, she said that American allies Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates are supporting Jihadists in Syria. Pauls son Republican Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, who is on the Senate Armed Services Committee, has said the CIAs annex in Benghazi, Libya was used to ferry weapons to Syria among other places. Clinton told Sen. Paul during a senate hearing, I do not have any information on that.

Former Rep. Paulsaid arming extremist rebel groups has almost become tradition for the American government. We do that all the time. If we use radical Islam to get rid of Assad, we think we can contain that, he told TheDC.

Paul has not been known for being a pro-Israel politician, but he came out against Secretary of State John Kerrys Thursday speech in which he attacked Israeli settlement building in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Its an unnecessary mess, former Rep. Paul told TheDC. As a libertarian, we avoid these kind of things because you always have to pick sides, individuals can pick sides, but a country shouldnt go in there and decide what is best.

He said that that Middle Eastern peace wont be able to be settled by outsiders, and that he likes the idea of being more neutral on this but the emotions are so high, you cant possibly win.

Following the United Nations resolution condemning the Israeli settlements, on which the U.S. abstained voting, Republican South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham said, If UN moves forward with ill-conceived [Israel} resolution, Ill work to form a bipartisan coalition to suspend/reduce US assistance to UN.

Graham, war hawk, and Paul, non-interventionist, are at opposite ends of the political spectrum, but Rep. Paul told TheDC he the abstaining might be the closest thing to not supporting the UN. He said that, maybe this reassessmentof the positive nature of the UN is what is necessary, but added that Grahams statement was pure political stuff.

Paul said he has hope that President-elect Trump will change the current foreign policy of aggression, but added a retreat from interventionist policies will only happen when we go broke.

Were close to that. Ill have my way someday, Paul added.

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Quotes About Liberal (122 quotes)

Posted: December 29, 2016 at 4:05 am

These are lines from my asteroid-impact novel, Regolith: Just because there are no laws against stupidity doesnt mean it shouldnt be punished. I havent faced rejection this brutal since I was single. He smelled trouble like a fart in the shower. If this was a kiss of gratitude, then she must have been very grateful. Not since Bush and Cheney have so few spent so much so fast for so long for so little. As a nympho for mind-fucks, Lisa took to politics like a pig to mud. She began paying men compliments as if she expected a receipt. Like the Aerosmith song, his get-up-and-go just got-up-and-went. You couldnt beat the crap out of a dirty diaper! He embraced his only daughter as if she was deploying to Iraq. She was hotter than a Class 4 solar flare! If sex was a weapon, then Monique possessed WMD I havent felt this alive since I lost my virginity. He once read that 95% of women fake organism, and the rest are gay. Beauty may be in the eyes of the beholder, but ugly is universal. Why do wives fart, but not girlfriends? Adultery is sex that is wrong, but not necessarily bad. The dinosaurs stayed drugged out, drooling like Jonas Brothers fans. Silence filled the room like tear gas. The told him a fraction of the truth and hoped it would take just a fraction of the time. Happiness is the best cosmetic, He was a whale of a catch, and there were a lot of fish in the sea eager to nibble on his bait. Cheap hookers are less buck for the bang, Men cannot fall in love with women they dont find attractive, and women cannot fall in love with men they do not respect. During sex, men want feedback while women expect mind-reading. Cooper looked like a cow about to be tipped over. His father warned him to never do anything he couldnt justify on Oprah. The poor are not free -- theyre just not enslaved. Only those with money are free. Sperm wasnt something he would choose on a menu, but it still tasted better than asparagus. The crater looked alive, like Godzilla was about to leap out and mess up Tokyo. Bush follows the Bible until it gets to Jesus. When Bush talks to God, its prayer; when God talks to Bush, its policy. Cheney called the new Miss America a traitor apparently she wished for world peace. Cheney was so unpopular that Bush almost replaced him when running for re-election, changing his campaign slogan to, Aint Got Dick. Bush fought a war on poverty and the poor lost. Bush thinks we should strengthen the dollar by making it two-ply. Hurricane Katrina got rid of so many Democratic voters that Republicans have started calling her Kathleen Harris. America and Iraq fought a war and Iran won. Bush hasnt choked this much since his last pretzel. Some wars are unpopular; the rest are victorious. So many conservatives hate the GOP that they are thinking of changing their name to the Dixie Chicks. If Saddam had any WMD, he would have used them when we invaded. If Bush had any brains, he would have used them when we invaded. Its hard for Bush to win hearts and minds since he has neither. In Iraq, you are a coward if you leave and a fool if you stay. Bush believes its not a sin to kill Muslims since they are going to Hell anyway. And, with Bushs help, soon. In Iraq, those who make their constitution subservient to their religion are called Muslims. In America theyre called Republicans. With great power comes great responsibility unless youre Republican. Brent Reilly

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Obama moves to split cyberwarfare command from the NSA

Posted: at 3:48 am

With weeks to go in his tenure, President Obama on Friday moved to end the controversial dual-hat arrangement under which the National Security Agency and the nations cyberwarfare command are headed by the same military officer.

It is unclear whether President-elect Donald Trump will support such a move. A transition official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the next administrations plans, said only that cybersecurity has been and will be a central focus of the transition effort.

Pressure had grown on Obama to make such a move on the grounds that the two jobs are too large for one person to handle, that the two organizations have fundamentally different missions and that U.S. Cyber Command, or Cybercom, needed its own leader to become a full-fledged fighting force.

[Obama to be urged to split cyberwar command from NSA

While the dual-hat arrangement was once appropriate in order to enable a fledgling Cybercom to leverage NSAs advanced capabilities and expertise, Cybercom has since matured to the point where it needs its own leader, Obama said in a statement accompanying his signing of the 2017 defense authorization bill.

Cybercoms mission is, when ordered, to disrupt and destroy adversaries networks. It is also to defend the nation against incoming threats to critical systems and to protect the militarys computers from cyberattack.

The NSA also has a defensive mission to protect the governments classified networks but is better known for its role in conducting electronic spying on overseas targets to gather intelligence on adversaries and foreign governments.

Cybercom, established in 2009 inside the NSA headquarters at Fort Meade, Md., has long depended on the spy agencys capabilities. NSA and Cybercom personnel sit side by side and use the same networks that were built by the NSA.

The two organizations should have separate leaders who are able to devote themselves to each organizations respective mission and responsibilities, but should continue to leverage the shared capabilities and synergies developed under the dual-hat arrangement, Obama wrote.

Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter and Director of National Intelligence James R. Clapper Jr. earlier recommended to Obama that the two organizations have separate heads.

Obama had been on the verge of ending the dual-hat leadership in late 2013 but was persuaded to hold off when senior officials, including the NSAs director at the time, Army Gen. Keith B. Alexander, argued that the two agencies needed one leader to ensure that the NSA did not withhold resources from Cybercom.

Others, including a presidential review commission, recommended that each of the two groups have its own leader and that the NSA director be a civilian. Since its inception in 1952, the NSA has been led by military officers.

The bill that Obama signed bars the splitting of the leadership role until the defense secretary and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff jointly certify that to do so would not diminish Cybercoms effectiveness.

Obama took a swipe at Congress for imposing that requirement on him.

The Congress ... should not place unnecessary and bureaucratic administrative burdens and conditions on ending the dual-hat arrangement at a time when the speed and nature of cyber threats requires agility in making decisions about how best to organize and manage the nations cyber capabilities, he wrote.

Obama said that the Pentagon and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence have planned a phased transition during which the NSA can continue to provide vital operational support to Cybercom.

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Psoriasis | Methods of treatment

Posted: at 3:44 am

Psoriasis is a common skin disorder, which is manifested by reddish flaky inflamed lesions affecting any part of the body, most commonly knees, scalp, elbows & lower back. Most patents complain of having small zones of damaged skin. Their itching and soreness can be felt in some cases. About 2% of the British suffer from this disease. The most vulnerable category is under 35-year-olds, though psoriasis may affect people of different ages irrespective of their sex. This skin disorder can have different degrees of severity from causing slight irritation to affecting entirely the life quality. There are different types of it, for example: scalp psoriasis, nail psoriasis, plaque psoriasis and others. But the treatment doesnt depend on the certain type, it depends on the complexity of the disease. Being a chronic disease, ithas a cyclical nature with the exacerbation phase, characterized by tangible manifestations of symptoms, alternating the remission phase, when the symptoms get milder or are not felt at all.

The disease is characterized by skin cells overproduction. In psoriasis, cellular renewal process, which typically lasts 3-4 weeks, significantly decreases to 3-7 days. It leads to skin cells build-up appearing on the body forming psoriasis-associated patches. Medical professionals havent succeeded in substantiating the disease cause yet. However, they tend to relate it to the immune system disorder. In normal health conditions, the immune system serves as human body protector against infections & diseases, but in psoriasis, it starts attacking skin cells. Therefore, this disease is classified as anautoimmune one. Sometimes, psoriasis affects several generations of one family, though positive family history hasnt been proved yet. Medical experts are unanimous in emphasizing the trigger of the disease, which can be a skin injury, a throat infection, or a negative effect of taking certain drugs. Fortunately, healthy people dont have to be afraid of being infected by psoriasis-affected family members or acquaintances as the disease is not contagious.

After examining a patients skin a general practitioner can diagnose psoriasis. In some instances, laboratory test biopsy will be needed to confirm the condition. In addition, a microscope-based examination will help to identify the type of disease and exclude skin disorders with similar symptoms (lichen simplex, lichen planus, pityriasis rosea, and seborrhoeic dermatitis). If your health condition is severe, or if your general practitioner is not certain about the diagnosis, he may refer you to a specialized doctor a dermatologist. In case your general practitioner suspects that you have a complication in the form of psoriatic arthritis, he will draw up a referral to a rheumatologist. To rule out rheumatoid arthritis or other similar conditions patients are asked to have their blood tested, ad their joints X-rayed.

There isnt any specific remedy for psoriasis because of its autoimmune nature. However, certain treatments can significantly reduce its symptoms and improve the overall health state. The most common treatment applied for psoriasis includes topical medications, namely analogues of vitamin D and topical corticosteroids in ointment and cream forms. In some cases a treatment plan can be supplemented with phototherapy involving applying ultraviolet light to the affected skin areas. Applying injected or oral systemic medications influencing the entire body can be prescribed to patients with complicated forms of psoriasis or if other remedies appeared to be ineffective.

The effect of the disease on peoples life quality depends on its severity. Psoriatic arthritis can cause certain discomfort because of painful swelling joints or connective tissue. As the disease affects patients appearance, their self-esteem may decrease. Therefore, learning to live with psoriasis is crucially important for patients who have to control the disease jointly with their doctors.

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Compare 231 Psoriasis Medications |

Posted: at 3:44 am

clobetasol Rx C N 46reviews


Generic name:clobetasol topical

Brand names: Clobex, Temovate, Dermovate, Olux, Clobevate, Clodan, Cormax, Cormax Scalp, Embeline, Embeline E, Olux-E, Olux / Olux-E Kit, Temovate E

Drug class: topical steroids

For consumers: dosage, interactions, side effects

For professionals: A-Z Drug Facts, AHFS DI Monograph, Prescribing Information


Generic name:adalimumab systemic

Drug class: antirheumatics, TNF alfa inhibitors

For consumers: dosage, interactions, side effects

For professionals: AHFS DI Monograph, Prescribing Information


Generic name:ustekinumab systemic

Drug class: interleukin inhibitors

For consumers: dosage, interactions, side effects

For professionals: AHFS DI Monograph, Prescribing Information


Generic name:methotrexate systemic

Brand names: Otrexup, Trexall, Rasuvo

Drug class: antimetabolites, antirheumatics, antipsoriatics, other immunosuppressants

For consumers: dosage, interactions, side effects

For professionals: A-Z Drug Facts, AHFS DI Monograph, Prescribing Information


Generic name:mometasone topical

Drug class: topical steroids

For consumers: dosage, interactions, side effects

For professionals: AHFS DI Monograph, Prescribing Information


Generic name:triamcinolone topical

Brand names: Kenalog, Triderm, Aristocort A, Aristocort R, Cinolar, Pediaderm TA, Triacet, Trianex

Drug class: topical steroids

For consumers: dosage, interactions, side effects

For professionals: A-Z Drug Facts, AHFS DI Monograph, Prescribing Information


Generic name:clobetasol topical

Drug class: topical steroids

For consumers: dosage, interactions, side effects

For professionals: Prescribing Information


Generic name:calcipotriene topical

Drug class: topical antipsoriatics

For consumers: dosage, interactions, side effects

For professionals: AHFS DI Monograph, Prescribing Information


Generic name:fluocinonide topical

Brand names: Fluocinonide-E, Vanos

Drug class: topical steroids

For consumers: dosage, interactions, side effects

For professionals: A-Z Drug Facts, Prescribing Information


Generic name:tazarotene topical

Drug class: topical antipsoriatics

For consumers: dosage, interactions, side effects

For professionals: Prescribing Information


Generic name:acitretin systemic

Drug class: antipsoriatics

For consumers: dosage, interactions, side effects

For professionals: AHFS DI Monograph, Prescribing Information


Generic name:betamethasone / calcipotriene topical

Drug class: topical antipsoriatics

For consumers: dosage, interactions, side effects

For professionals: Prescribing Information


Generic name:clobetasol topical

Drug class: topical steroids

For consumers: dosage, interactions, side effects

For professionals: Prescribing Information


Generic name:desonide topical

Brand names: Desonate, DesOwen, LoKara, Tridesilon, Verdeso

Drug class: topical steroids

For consumers: dosage, interactions, side effects

For professionals: A-Z Drug Facts, AHFS DI Monograph, Prescribing Information


Generic name:triamcinolone systemic

Brand names: Kenalog-40, Clinacort, Kenalog-10, Aristospan

Drug class: glucocorticoids

For consumers: dosage, interactions, side effects

For professionals: A-Z Drug Facts, AHFS DI Monograph, Prescribing Information


Generic name:triamcinolone systemic

Drug class: glucocorticoids

For consumers: dosage, interactions, side effects

For professionals: Prescribing Information


Generic name:mometasone topical

Brand name: Elocon

Drug class: topical steroids

For consumers: dosage, interactions, side effects

For professionals: A-Z Drug Facts, AHFS DI Monograph, Prescribing Information


Generic name:cyclosporine systemic

Drug class: calcineurin inhibitors

For consumers: dosage, interactions, side effects

For professionals: Prescribing Information


Generic name:prednisone systemic

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Genetics & Medicine – Site Guide – NCBI –

Posted: at 3:43 am


A collection of biomedical books that can be searched directly or from linked data in other NCBI databases. The collection includes biomedical textbooks, other scientific titles, genetic resources such as GeneReviews, and NCBI help manuals.

A resource to provide a public, tracked record of reported relationships between human variation and observed health status with supporting evidence. Related information intheNIH Genetic Testing Registry (GTR),MedGen,Gene,OMIM,PubMedand other sources is accessible through hyperlinks on the records.

A registry and results database of publicly- and privately-supported clinical studies of human participants conducted around the world.

An archive and distribution center for the description and results of studies which investigate the interaction of genotype and phenotype. These studies include genome-wide association (GWAS), medical resequencing, molecular diagnostic assays, as well as association between genotype and non-clinical traits.

An open, publicly accessible platform where the HLA community can submit, edit, view, and exchange data related to the human major histocompatibility complex. It consists of an interactive Alignment Viewer for HLA and related genes, an MHC microsatellite database, a sequence interpretation site for Sequencing Based Typing (SBT), and a Primer/Probe database.

A searchable database of genes, focusing on genomes that have been completely sequenced and that have an active research community to contribute gene-specific data. Information includes nomenclature, chromosomal localization, gene products and their attributes (e.g., protein interactions), associated markers, phenotypes, interactions, and links to citations, sequences, variation details, maps, expression reports, homologs, protein domain content, and external databases.

A collection of expert-authored, peer-reviewed disease descriptions on the NCBI Bookshelf that apply genetic testing to the diagnosis, management, and genetic counseling of patients and families with specific inherited conditions.

Summaries of information for selected genetic disorders with discussions of the underlying mutation(s) and clinical features, as well as links to related databases and organizations.

A voluntary registry of genetic tests and laboratories, with detailed information about the tests such as what is measured and analytic and clinical validity. GTR also is a nexus for information about genetic conditions and provides context-specific links to a variety of resources, including practice guidelines, published literature, and genetic data/information. The initial scope of GTR includes single gene tests for Mendelian disorders, as well as arrays, panels and pharmacogenetic tests.

A database of known interactions of HIV-1 proteins with proteins from human hosts. It provides annotated bibliographies of published reports of protein interactions, with links to the corresponding PubMed records and sequence data.

A compilation of data from the NIAID Influenza Genome Sequencing Project and GenBank. It provides tools for flu sequence analysis, annotation and submission to GenBank. This resource also has links to other flu sequence resources, and publications and general information about flu viruses.

A portal to information about medical genetics. MedGen includes term lists from multiple sources and organizes them into concept groupings and hierarchies. Links are also provided to information related to those concepts in the NIH Genetic Testing Registry (GTR), ClinVar,Gene, OMIM, PubMed, and other sources.

A project involving the collection and analysis of bacterial pathogen genomic sequences originating from food, environmental and patient isolates. Currently, an automated pipeline clusters and identifies sequences supplied primarily by public health laboratories to assist in the investigation of foodborne disease outbreaks and discover potential sources of food contamination.

A database of human genes and genetic disorders. NCBI maintains current content and continues to support its searching and integration with other NCBI databases. However, OMIM now has a new home at, and users are directed to this site for full record displays.

A database of citations and abstracts for biomedical literature from MEDLINE and additional life science journals. Links are provided when full text versions of the articles are available via PubMed Central (described below) or other websites.

A digital archive of full-text biomedical and life sciences journal literature, including clinical medicine and public health.

A collection of clinical effectiveness reviews and other resources to help consumers and clinicians use and understand clinical research results. These are drawn from the NCBI Bookshelf and PubMed, including published systematic reviews from organizations such as the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality, The Cochrane Collaboration, and others (see complete listing). Links to full text articles are provided when available.

A collection of resources specifically designed to support the research of retroviruses, including a genotyping tool that uses the BLAST algorithm to identify the genotype of a query sequence; an alignment tool for global alignment of multiple sequences; an HIV-1 automatic sequence annotation tool; and annotated maps of numerous retroviruses viewable in GenBank, FASTA, and graphic formats, with links to associated sequence records.

A summary of data for the SARS coronavirus (CoV), including links to the most recent sequence data and publications, links to other SARS related resources, and a pre-computed alignment of genome sequences from various isolates.

An extension of the Influenza Virus Resource to other organisms, providing an interface to download sequence sets of selected viruses, analysis tools, including virus-specific BLAST pages, and genome annotation pipelines.

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Virtual reality, one year out: What went right, what didn …

Posted: December 27, 2016 at 5:59 pm

After years of teases, tantalizing promises, and Kickstarter campaigns, virtual reality finally became actual reality in 2016, with VRs mere existence thrusting the entire PC industry into glorious, wonderful turmoil. Despite being around for just a handful of months, virtual reality has already inspired totally new genres of computers, wormed its way deep into Windows, and sent the price of graphics cards plummeting.

Not too shabby for VRs first real year on the streets, though the implementations could still use some fine-tuning. Lets look back at howthis wild new frontier blossomed in 2016.

From the very start of 2016 it was clear that the dawn of proper PC-powered VR had arrived. You could see evidence of this fact all overCES 2016 in January, where EVGA introduced a specialized graphics card designed to fit VR headset ergonomics; Nvidia rolled out a VR certification program;and seemingly every booth boasted some sort of virtual-reality hook, from VR treadmills toVR pornandVR Everest climbs(the latter two being mind-blowing in their own ways).

The PC world was ready. But virtual reality itself wasnt, at least until the Oculus Rifts big consumer launch later that spring.

The Oculus Rift.

Well, big in theory. While PCWorld praisedthe Oculus Rift in its reviewvirtual reality was here, and it was magical!the launch was far from perfect. The rumbling began in the run-up to the headsets release, with Rifts $600 launch price far exceeding the $250 to $500 range that Oculus higher-ups had teased repeatedly. Once it actually launched, the headset was plagued by hardware shortages and significant shipment delays, which didnt go over well at all.

But the biggest problem for the Rift was that even at launch its days already felt numberednot a vibe you want from $600 hardware. The Rift was designed primarily as a seated VR experience, with a controller in your hands. By the time it launched on March 28, enthusiasts and industry press had already spent time playing with the SteamVR-powered HTC Vive, which used made-for-VR controllers and dedicated tracking stations to enable room-scale VR experiences that let you wander around and actually touch things. After trying Vive, going back to the Rifts sedentary experience felt far less satisfying.

The HTC Vive.

And the HTC/Valve duo didnt waste any time capitalizing on its advantage. The HTC Vive launched on April 5, roughly a week after the Oculus Rift, and immediately seized the crown as PCWorlds preferred VR solution.

Despite that, we recommendpassing on the Rift and the Vive, and for very good reason. While VR can be nothing short of awe-inspiring, these first-gen products also have some obvious flaws.

Man, virtual-reality headsets are expensive.

Oculus Rift with its Touch controllers.

Thats to be expected with bleeding-edge hardware, but $600 for the Oculus Rift or $800 for the HTC Vive puts them firmly in the one percent category. The recent release of Oculuss $200 Touch controllers drove the cost of a full Rift setup to the Vives level, or even more if you want kinda-sorta room-scale experiences and need an extra sensor. VR experiences tend to be high-priced and relatively short-lived compared to traditional PC games. This is not a cheap hobby.

That priciness was exacerbated by the need to connect these headsets to a pretty powerful PCthat cost of which was roughly $1,000 to $1,500 at the time of the headsets' launch. Fortunately, while the Vive and Rift themselves have stayed at the same lofty prices, the cost of a computer to run them absolutely plunged as the year carried on.

The plunge began with the launch of AMDs Radeon RX 480, which revolutionized whats possible with a $200 graphics card. Before its release, VR-capable graphics cards cost nearly twice that amount. (Nvidia quickly followed suit with the $250 GeForce GTX 1060.) Jumping forward two full technological generations paid major dividends for graphics cards.

The AMD Radeon RX 480.

Software tricks helped democratize VR just as much. At the Oculus Connect conference in October, the company revealed a new feature dubbed Asynchronous Spacewarp that used technical tricks to drive the barrier to entry for Rift VR way, way downall the way to an AMD AM4 or Intel Core i3-6100 processor, and a GeForce GTX 960 graphics card. In March, a Rift-ready PC cost at least $1,000; after Oculus Connect, Rift-ready PCs started at $500, and as I write this theres a Best Buy promotion offering a full PC and the Rift itself for $999.

Hot damn, prices plunged fast. And another pesky PC VR problem is already in everybodys sights.

The HTC Vive and Oculus Rift both drive very high-fidelity gaming experiences, and headsets need to be physically tethered to your PC in order to work. That kind of sucks. Its all too easy to trip over the thick cables while youre wandering around the room ensconced in a virtual world, or to twist and turn so much that the cord eventually jerks your head back.

HPs Omen X VR PC.

That (sometimes literal) headache inspired the birth of a whole new class of gaming PCsones that you wear on your back. Youre still wired up, sure, but those wires travel with you instead of getting tangled between your feet. Zotac, MSI, Alienware, and HP have all revealed backpack PCs of various designs, though none have actually hit the street yet.

The standalone Oculus Santa Cruz prototype.

As nifty as they are, however, backpack PCs feel like a stopgap solutiona fix to a problem that will disappear when more robust wireless display technologies or more potent mobile graphics arrive. And you can already see that wireless future on the horizon, with Oculus testing a fully self-contained mobile Rift prototype pictured above and HTC backing a $220 add-on kit that makes the Vive wireless.

While powerful PC-based VR experiences may be tethered, the more modest world of phone-driven mobile VR has already left cords far behind.

Googles Daydream View.

Samsungs Gear VR headset (which only works with Samsung Galaxy phones) blazed the Android VR trail, while Googles low-cost Cardboard brought it to the masses. In late 2016 Google stomped into the Gear VRs turf with Daydream VR, an Android-centric initiative that brings premium mobile VR to the entire ecosystem rather than Samsungs phones alone.

Daydream centers on a trio of pillars: powerful phones, Daydream VR headsets, and Android Nougats new VR features. While Googles own Daydream View headset and Pixel phone kicked off the program, Daydream isnt its alone. HTC, LG, Xiaomi, Huawei, ZTE, Asus, Alcatel, Lenovo, and yes, even Samsung have pledged to create Daydream mobile devices.

A Microsoft rendering shows simulated HoloLens apps.

Microsofts HoloLens is kind of a mix of PC and mobile VR, while also a different beast entirely. Its a portable, fully self-contained system that doesnt need to connect to a PC, but HoloLens utilizes augmented reality, not virtual reality. Virtual reality plops you in fully realized virtual worlds; augmented reality, as the name implies, augments the real world with overlaid objects, such as a Minecraft world sprouting from your coffee table or a Skype video chat appearing on your wall.

Microsoft still hasnt revealed details about when (or if) HoloLens will be available to consumer users, or how much it would cost, but deep-pocketed developers and enterprise users can already pick up the headset for a cool $3,000.

Pricey HoloLens headset arent Microsofts only foray into VR. The massive Windows 10 Creators Update next spring will bake augmented reality features much, much more deeply into the flagship PC operating system, and itll be accompanied by an army of new Windows 10 VR headsets at launchheadsets that will start at just $300 and run on surprisingly modest PCs. Meanwhile, Intel and Microsofts Project Evo partnership aims to change how computers think, see, and hear, with a specific goal of driving mixed reality forward.

Players enjoy a VR experience at HTCs Viveland arcade in Taiwan.

If 2016 was birth of a virtual-reality revolution, look for 2017 to be a year of VR refinement. Witness the new, Oculus Touch-esque Vive controllers that Valve already began to tease, and bookmark the holiday 2017 launch of Microsofts powerful Xbox Scorpio consolewhich could very possibly leverage the Windows 10 Creators Update to run the Oculus Rift or Windows 10 VR headsets as a counter to Sonys surprisingly okay PlayStation VR.

Next year, VR games should only get better as developers gain more experience... if they can navigate the complicated world of consumer expectationsand discover what people really want from the medium, that is. The cost of VR-capable PCs will only keep going down. Expect augmented reality to continue making inroads in car tech. The Vive and Rift may even get price cuts! Heck, with enough advances, 2017 may be the year PCWorld officially recommends you buy a VR headset.

Or it could all come crashing down like previous virtual-reality attempts. (Remember Sega VR?) Living on the bleeding edge may be expensive and exciting, but its not always a sure betthough with so many of techs biggest names spending billions on virtual reality, its hard to imagine this latest push fizzling completely. Time will tell.

See the rest here:

Virtual reality, one year out: What went right, what didn ...

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NBA broadcasts games in virtual reality with NextVR …

Posted: at 5:59 pm

The NBA is upping its game, giving fans a whole new perspective. Thanks to virtual reality technology, fans who might never have a chance to get to an NBA game can now feel like theyre in the stands, or even courtside.

All you need is a subscription to the NBA League Pass, a virtual reality headset, and the free app NextVR on your smartphone.

CBS News correspondent Dana Jacobson gave the technology a try.

I mean, the players are like, there. I should be touching them but Im not, Jacobson said. Its so clear. I dont know how to describe it. Its just unreal.

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Traditionally, sport has been watched on a flat screen and now for the first time in history, we take you inside the screen in a way that youve never been able to stream content, said Danny Keens, vice president of content at NextVR -- NBA Digitals partner in a weekly virtual reality broadcast.

We cant just be different from traditional television; we have be better than television and we cant just be different from being at the game, Keens said. We have to be better than being at the game.

What was it like the first time you watched that full broadcast with the NextVR technology? Jacobson asked Jeff Marsilio, who heads the venture for the NBA.

I was nervous and then I was really excited as I saw it really come together, said Marsilio. We sat the camera at a courtside table and just you know, filmed -- no real production, nothing more than just filming and capturing. But when we watched the experience, we were blown away.

But to broadcast a game each week, the league realized it needed to do more.

Its not enough to simply put the camera down and walk away, Marsilio said. What weve discovered is you really do need the context that you get from some of the more traditional things that we see in television.

That means an entire broadcast crew -- up to eight unmanned cameras with 180-degree views -- are set up throughout the arena, including one on the stanchion of each basket and one center court on the scorers table.

CBS News

And this is actually your right eye, and this is your left eye, Keens explained.

Does it combine in my brain? Jacobson asked about the headset.

Yeah it combines actually in the VR Headset. And so that gives you the depth of 3D because each one is slightly off, and in the headset, it puts it back together and it gives you this sense of a 3D world, Keens said.

One camera is also positioned at a stanchion underneath a basket. Tickets are not available for the seats there.

Theres no ticket for that on the basket position. Just in last weeks game, there was a moment when LeBron [James] was running down the court right at you and you feel like, Oh man, hes coming at me. And the hair raises on your arms. Its pretty exciting, Marsilio said.

From a designated announce team, to the way a game is cut and even the graphics you see, once the headset goes on, its all designed to keep fans engaged.

There is no multi-tasking, there is no Facebook, no Twitter, theres no checking emails, theres no sending a text message, Keens said. So you become fully engaged in the content in a way that youve never been engaged. So youre 100 percent committed to watching the game.

The league is not releasing specific numbers, but told CBS News people are watching the VR games. As for whats next, both the NBA and NextVR said the technology is rapidly improving so they expect the quality of games and the number of broadcasts to grow.

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NBA broadcasts games in virtual reality with NextVR ...

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H.R.2802 – 114th Congress (2015-2016): First Amendment …

Posted: at 5:50 pm


This bill has the status Introduced

Here are the steps for Status of Legislation:

Array ( [actionDate] => 2015-06-17 [displayText] => Introduced in House [externalActionCode] => 1000 [description] => Introduced )

First Amendment Defense Act

Prohibits the federal government from taking discriminatory action against a person on the basis that such person believes or acts in accordance with a religious belief or moral conviction that: (1) marriage is or should be recognized as the union of one man and one woman, or (2) sexual relations are properly reserved to such a marriage.

Defines "discriminatory action" as any federal government action to discriminate against a person with such beliefs or convictions, including a federal government action to:

Requires the federal government to consider to be accredited, licensed, or certified for purposes of federal law any person who would be accredited, licensed, or certified for such purposes but for a determination that the person believes or acts in accordance with such a religious belief or moral conviction.

Permits a person to assert an actual or threatened violation of this Act as a claim or defense in a judicial or administrative proceeding and to obtain compensatory damages or other appropriate relief against the federal government.

Authorizes the Attorney General to bring an action to enforce this Act against the Government Accountability Office or an establishment in the executive branch, other than the U.S. Postal Service or the Postal Regulatory Commission, that is not an executive department, military department, or government corporation.

Defines "person" as any person regardless of religious affiliation, including corporations and other entities regardless of for-profit or nonprofit status.

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H.R.2802 - 114th Congress (2015-2016): First Amendment ...

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