Daily Archives: November 21, 2016

UN News Centre – United Nations

Posted: November 21, 2016 at 10:58 am

21 November

Afghanistan: UN mission condemns killing of civilians in Kabul mosque attack

20 November

UN, international partners underline need to ensure legitimacy and credibility of elections in Somalia

UN chief denounces attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure in Syria's Aleppo

On Universal Children's Day, UNICEF calls for protecting the rights of every child

On Africa Industrialization Day, Ban urges financing 'engines of development' to realize continent's potential

UN chief urges rapid scale-up in action to prevent vehicle-related deaths and injuries

19 November

Zika no longer an international public health emergency, but sustained response needed – UN health agency

Noting upcoming elections in Mali, Ban urges Government to engage with all actors to diffuse tensions

Security Council 'deeply alarmed' over escalation of ethnic violence in South Sudan

Yemen: UN envoy announces resumption of cessation of hostilities

18 November

In Paris, Ban hails support of France during his tenure as UN chief

Reflecting on his five-year term, UN deputy chief pins hopes on multilateralism

MARRAKECH: Countries at UN conference pledge to press ahead with implementation of Paris Agreement

With continuous support, storm-hit Haiti can make real and tangible progress UNICEF

UN expert warns on Turkish governments draconian measures on freedoms of expression

Chad: UN agencies and EU join forces to tackle malnutrition

UN agencies call for immediate support amid deepening food crisis in southern Madagascar

Australias human rights record tainted by regressive migration policies UN expert

Iraq: Sustained funding crucial as Mosul displacement grows, says UN refugee agency

Myanmar: UN urges aid access, warns of rights violations after 'lockdown' in northern Rakhine state

MARRAKECH: We strive to lead, climate-vulnerable countries declare, pledging robust action on Paris accord

On World Toilet Day, UN spotlights impact of sanitation on peoples livelihoods

Security Council extends the mandate of joint UN-OPCW body on chemical weapons in Syria

17 November

UN and Organisation of Islamic Cooperation must cooperate on resolving conflicts, Security Council told

South Sudan continues to face persistent challenges to peace and stability, Security Council told

Colombia: UN-led mechanism investigating alleged ceasefire violation

At governing body, UN atomic agency chief highlights agencys priorities for 2017

Worlds first malaria vaccine set for 2018 rollout in Africa after UN health agency secures funding

New UN initiative aims to save lives and cut climate change by protecting peatlands

UN deputy chief urges donors to support peace consolidation in Central African Republic

Great Green Wall initiative offers unique opportunity to combat climate change in Africa UN agency

MARRAKECH: We need everyone, Ban says, urging society-wide engagement in implementation of Paris climate accord

Nigeria: UN expert seeks urgent answers on brutal eviction of 30,000 people in Lagos

UN health agency denounces attacks on health facilities in Syria

One month into Mosul battle, UN and partners profoundly concerned for civilian safety

DR Congo: Ban takes note of appointment of new Prime Minister

'Philosophy is an art of living together,' says UNESCO on World Philosophy Day

16 November

Kosovo situation yielding fewer results than hoped in 2016, UN envoy tells Security Council

Ban welcomes Canadas announcement of donation to UN Palestine refugee agency

Global humanitarian response affected by lack of funding senior UN relief official

Welcoming Kenyas decision on Dadaab camp, UN urges flexibility on time frames for Somali refugees

Top UN peacekeeping officials hail success of community violence reduction programmes

MARRAKECH: UN chief urges rapid scale-up in funding to address climate change

Do not betray the victims; stand by the Rome Statute and the ICC UN human rights chief

Central African Republic: Justice and reconciliation key to lasting peace, UN expert says

MARRAKECH: Middle East and North Africa region taking action to combat climate change

Brussels conference to play significant role in supporting Central African Republics recovery Security Council

Tolerance is a commitment 'to seek in our diversity the bonds that unite humanity' – UN

15 November

UN relief agencies deploy emergency humanitarian aid and resources to conflict-torn Mosul

MARRAKECH: UN seeks to build climate resilience through new initiative

INTERVIEW: What extreme weather and global temperature rise mean for humanity - WMO chief

Ban welcomes resolution of border dispute between Equatorial Guinea and Gabon

Afghanistan: UN launches nine-month operation to assist returnees with emergency food and cash

Central African Republic: Nearly one in five children is a refugee or internally displaced, warns UNICEF

UN experts back call to halt pipeline construction in North Dakota, citing rights abuses of protestors

UN agriculture agency calls for giant research leap to rein in farm-driven antimicrobial resistance

Poor rains, supply bottlenecks exacerbate food security woes in war-torn Syria, UN warns

With Silicon Valley model, UNICEF invests in tech start-ups working to improve childrens lives

MARRAKECH: Ban hails 'new dawn of cooperation on climate change,' urges action on Paris accord

14 November

UN labour agency advocates policy changes to address rise in non-standard forms of employment

UN provides food assistance to 100,000 Iraqis as conflict in Mosul intensifies

Without urgent action, world heading towards post-antibiotic era UN health agency

2016 slated to be hottest year ever, with record-breaking emissions and melting Arctic ice

MARRAKECH: Deepening South-South cooperation driving climate action among developing countries

On World Day, UN chief urges prevention to reduce diabetes and associated blindness

13 November

Ban commends Colombian Government and FARC-EP for concluding modified peace agreement

In DR Congo, UN Security Council delegation calls for consensual, inclusive electoral calendar

UN chief condemns terrorist attack against Sufi shrine in Pakistan

MARRAKECH: Dozens of heads of State and Government to attend UN climate conference

12 November

In phone conversation, Ban welcomes US President-elect Trump's calls for unity

UN-brokered Cyprus talks to reconvene on 20 November; 'significant progress' achieved

MARRAKECH: Efforts to revolutionize transport gaining momentum, UN climate conference told

11 November

INTERVIEW: Policing is about the passion to serve people- UNAMID Police Commissioner Priscilla Makotose

In new report, UN-backed sustainable development fund highlights importance of broad partnerships

Myanmar: UN envoy urges investigation into alleged sexual assaults after violence flares in Rakhine state

Displacement continues amid recurrent clashes in north-central Somalia UN

Risk of outright ethnic war and genocide in South Sudan, UN envoy warns

UN development agency working with Cuban government in areas hard-hit by Hurricane Matthew

Mosul offensive against ISIL pushing Iraqs civilians into war-ravaged Syria UN rights wing

Rehabilitating drylands key to global food security, according to new UN report

MARRAKECH: Private sector commits to actions on sustainable energy for a just climate future for all

Tough action on pneumonia and diarrhoea can save more than one million lives annually UNICEF

UN mission in Afghanistan condemns deadly attack near German consulate in Mazar

Iraq: Citing 'numbing' extent of suffering caused by ISIL, UN rights chief urges focus on victims' rights

10 November

UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Liam Neeson praises strength of Syrian refugee children in Jordan

New Lebanese government brings mood of optimism needed to address ongoing challenges UN envoy

Senior UN police officers brief Security Council on their work and challenges they face

Syria: UN envoy urges action to avert mass hunger in eastern Aleppo ahead of killer winter

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UN News Centre - United Nations

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Eczema Symptoms, Causes, Treatment – MedicineNet

Posted: at 10:57 am

What are eczema symptoms and signs?

Almost all patients with eczema complain of itching. Since the appearance of most types of eczema is similar, the distribution of the eruption can be of great help in distinguishing one type from another. For example, stasis dermatitis occurs most often on the lower leg while atopic dermatitis occurs in the front of the elbow and behind the knee.

An accurate diagnosis requires an examination of the entire skin surface and a careful history. It is important to rule out curable conditions caused by infectious organisms. Occasionally, a sample of skin (biopsy) may be sent for examination in a laboratory.

The treatment of acute eczema requires repeated cycles of application of dilute aqueous solutions followed by evaporation. This is most often conveniently performed by placing the affected body part in front of a fan after the compress. Once the acute weeping has diminished, then topical steroids (such as triamcinolone cream) application can be an effective treatment. In extensive disease, systemic steroids may need to be utilized either orally or by an injection (shot).

Mild eczema may respond to compresses composed of tepid water followed by room air evaporation. Chronic eczema can be improved by applying water followed by an emollient (moisturizing cream or lotion).

Medically Reviewed by a Doctor on 2/24/2016

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Eczema Symptoms, Causes, Treatment - MedicineNet

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Finally, Politically Incorrect Women Are Coming Out of the …

Posted: at 10:56 am

Finally, Politically Incorrect Women Are Coming Out of the Closet

I feel a strange sort of kinship with Donald Trump: my entire writing career has been built on people who support me privately, but not in public.

Ill never forget the time I found a Southwest Airlines stewardess reading one of my books. I had walked to the bathroom in the back of the plane, only to find it occupied. So I found myself standing in the aisle, sandwiched between two flight attendants on my right who were busying themselves with drinks, and one on my left who was crouched down in a corner.

I happened to look down, and I could see the distinct green outline of The Flipside of Feminism.

I smiled, and asked her: Is that a good book?

She looked up as though shed been caught doing something wrong. When I told her I am the author of the book, she looked at me for a few moments and then checked the photo on the book jacket. Then she smiled from ear to ear and instantly relaxed. She told me:

So she reads it in private, she said.

That exchange is a perfect example of political correctness -- the idea that theres a right way to think and a wrong way to think -- run amok. And last week Donald J. Trump blasted this phenomenon wide open.

The 2016 election proved, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that our country is divided into two groups: the elite, most of whom are liberal-minded and thus think the right way, and everyday folks, most of whom are right-leaning and thus think the wrong way.

This narrative has been used to silence women.

In The misogyny apocalypse, Amanda Marcotte wrote the following in response to the election results:

Marcotte's rhetoric, which is promulgated throughout the country on a regular basis, is precisely the reason that attendant was reading my book in private. If she dared show the world she doesnt subscribe to Marcottes feminist ideology, shed be shamed.


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The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent …

Posted: at 10:56 am

Why Darwinismlike Marxism and Freudianism before itis headed for extinction

In the 1925 Scopes trial, the American Civil Liberties Union sued to allow the teaching of Darwins theory of evolution in public schools. Seventy-five years later, in Kitzmiller v. Dover, the ACLU sued to prevent the teaching of an alternative to Darwins theory known as "Intelligent Design"and won. Why did the ACLU turn from defending the free-speech rights of Darwinists to silencing their opponents? Jonathan Wells reveals that, for todays Darwinists, there may be no other choice: unable to fend off growing challenges from scientists, or to compete with rival theories better adapted to the latest evidence, Darwinismlike Marxism and Freudianism before itis simply unfit to survive.

Wells begins by explaining the basic tenets of Darwinism, and the evidence both for and against it. He reveals, for instance, that the fossil record, which according to Darwin should be teeming with "transitional" fossils showing the development of one species to the next, so far hasnt produced a single incontestable example. On the other hand, certain well-documented aspects of the fossil recordsuch as the Cambrian explosion, in which innumerable new species suddenly appeared fully formeddirectly contradict Darwins theory. Wells also shows how most of the other "evidence" for evolution including textbook "icons" such as peppered moths, Darwins finches, Haeckels embryos, and the Tree of Lifehas been exaggerated, distorted . . . and even faked.

Wells then turns to the theory of intelligent design (ID), the idea that some features of the natural world, such as the internal machinery of cells, are too "irreducibly complex" to have resulted from unguided natural processes alone. In clear-cut laymans language, he reveals the growing evidence for ID coming out of scientific specialties from microbiology to astrophysics. As Wells explains, religion does play a role in the debate over Darwinthough not in the way evolutionists claim. Wells shows how Darwin reasoned that evolution is true because divine creation "must" be falsea theological assumption oddly out of place in a scientific debate. In other words, Darwinists materialistic, atheistic assumptions rule out any theories but their own, and account for their willingness to explain away the evidenceor lack of it.

Darwin is an emperor who has no clothes but it takes a brave man to say so. Jonathan Wells, a microbiologist with two Ph.D.s (from Berkeley and Yale), is that brave man. Most textbooks on evolution are written by Darwinists with an ideological ax to grind. Brave dissidentsqualified scientistswho try to teach or write about intelligent design are silenced and sent to the academic gulag. But fear not: Jonathan Wells is a liberator. He unmasks the truth about Darwinism why it is wrong and what the real evidence is. He also supplies a revealing list of "Books Youre Not Supposed to Read" (as far as the Darwinists are concerned) and puts at your fingertips all the evidence you need to challenge the most closed-minded Darwinist.

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Ron Paul Questions if Trump Will Drain the Swamp | Fox Business

Posted: at 10:56 am

President-elect Donald Trumps Election Day victory was advanced by his plan for tax cuts, his foreign policy outline and his calls to drain the swamp. Former Rep. Ron Paul, (R-Texas), weighed in on whether he is happy with the election results and Trumps presidential agenda.

Ill believe it when I see it.And I think theres going to be some things improved, but we still have a long way to go, Paul told the FOX Business Networks Stuart Varney.

Paul is concerned that Trumps policies would add to the U.S. debt.

I think Republicans have a pretty good record of not being bashful with spending money, especially if they have the House and the Senate and the presidency.And we know that Trump has not been bashful about spending money, so well see.

Paul believes Trumps victory was inspired in part by the fact that Americans felt they were not being heard when they warned of the impact of the inflationary economic environment on their wallets.

I think one of the reasons that Trump did so well is that people are suffering, they dont have good jobs, but the cost of living is going up and nobody will listen to them. Nobody will believe it and they say, oh, there is no inflation so you dont get a cost of living increase. So, I think that is the problem.

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When asked if he voted for Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, Paul responded, No, I did not vote for him, Paul continued, But I did not vote for Donald Trump either.

When asked if he put his own name down as a write-in candidate, Paul responded, Maybe the last name was right.

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Ron Paul Reveals Hit List Of Alleged Fake News Journalists …

Posted: at 10:56 am

Former congressman Ron Paul revealed a list of fake news journalists he claims are responsible for bogus wars and lies about Hillary Clintons chances of winning the election. Journalists from CNN, the New York Times, and the Guardian are included.

This list contains the culprits who told us that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and lied us into multiple bogus wars,according to a report on his website,Ron Paul Liberty Report. Paul claims the list is sourced andholds a lot more waterthan a list previously released byMelissa Zimdars, who is described on Pauls website asa leftist feminist professor.

These are the news sources that told us if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor,he said.They told us that Hillary Clinton had a 98% of winning the election. They tell us in a never-ending loop that The economy is in great shape!

Pauls list includes the full names of thefake newsjournalists as well as the publications they write for, with what appears to be hyperlinks to where the allegations are sourced from. In most cases, this is WikiLeaks, but none of the hyperlinks are working at present, leaving the exact sources of the list unknown.

CNN is Pauls biggest alleged culprit, with nine entries, followed by the NY Times and MSNBC, with six each. The NY Times has recently come under fire from President-elect Donald Trump, who accuses them of beingtotally wrongon news regarding his transition team, while describing them asfailing.

The publication hit back, however, saying their business has increased since his election, with a surge in new subscriptions.

CNNs Wolf Blitzer is also amongst those named on the list. In an email from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) released byWikiLeaks, the DNC staff discusses sending questions to CNN for an interview with Donald Trump.

Also listed is NY Times journalist Maggie Haberman, whom leaked emails showed working closely with Clintons campaign to present the Democratic candidate in a favorable light.

So-called fake news has been recently attacked by US President Barack Obama, who claimed that false news shared online may have played a role in Donald Trumps victory in the US presidential election.

Facebook head Mark Zuckerberg has now said that the social media site may begin entrusting third parties with filtering the news.

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A Post-Human World Is Coming. Design Has Never Mattered …

Posted: at 10:55 am

Digital Design Theory (Princeton Architectural Press, 2016) is available on Amazon.

Futurist experts have estimated that by the year 2030 computers in the price range of inexpensive laptops will have a computational power that is equivalent to human intelligence. The implications of this change will be dramatic and revolutionary, presenting significant opportunities and challenges to designers. Already machines can process spoken language, recognize human faces, detect our emotions, and target us with highly personalized media content. While technology has tremendous potential to empower humans, soon it will also be used to make them thoroughly obsolete in the workplace, whether by replacing, displacing, or surveilling them. More than ever designers need to look beyond human intelligence and consider the effects of their practice on the world and on what it means to be human.

The question of how to design a secure human future is complicated by the uncertainties of predicting that future. As it is practiced today, design is strategically positioned to improve the usefulness and quality of human interactions with technology. Like all human endeavors, however, the practice of design risks marginalization if it is unable to evolve. When envisioning the future of design, our social and psychological frames of reference unavoidably and unconsciously bias our interpretation of the world. People systematically underestimate exponential trends such as Moores law, for example, which tells us that in 10 years we will have 32 times more total computing power than today. Indeed, as computer scientist Ray Kurzweil observes, "We wont experience 100 years of technological advances in the 21st century; we will witness on the order of 20,000 years of progress (again when measured by todays rate of progress), or about 1,000 times greater than what was achieved in the 20th century."

Design-oriented research provides a possible means to anticipate and guide rapid changes, as design, predicated as it is on envisioning alternatives through "collective imagining," is inherently more future-oriented than other fields. It therefore seems reasonable to ask how technology-design efforts might focus more effectively on enabling human-oriented systems that extend beyond design for humanity. In other words, is it possible to design intelligent systems that safely design themselves?

Imagine a future scenario in which extremely powerful computerized minds are simulated and shared across autonomous virtual or robotic bodies. Given the malleable nature of such super-intelligencesthey wont be limited by the hardwiring of DNA informationone can reasonably assume that they will be free of the limitations of a single material body, or the experience of a single lifetime, allowing them to tinker with their own genetic code, integrate survival knowledge directly from the learnings of others, and develop a radical new form of digital evolution that modifies itself through nearly instantaneous exponential cycles of imitation and learning, and passes on its adaptations to successive generations of "self." We must transcend the limitations of human-centered design.

In such a post-human future, the simulation of alternative histories and futures could be used as a strategic evolutionary tool, allowing imaginary scenarios to be inhabited and played out before individuals or populations commit to actual change. Not only would the lineage of such beings be perpetually enhanced by automation, leading to radical new forms of social relationships and values, but the systems that realize or govern those values would likely become the instinctual mechanism of a synchronized and sentient "techno-cultural mind."

Bringing such speculative and hypothetical scenarios into cultural awareness is one way that designers can evaluate possibilities and determine how best to proceed. What should designers do to prepare for such futures? What methods should be applied to their research and training?

Todays interaction designers shape human behavior through investigative research, systemic thinking, creative prototyping, and rapid iteration. Can these same methods be used to address the multitude of longer-term social and ethical issues that designers create? Do previous inventions, such as the internal combustion engine or nuclear power, provide relevant historical lessons to learn from? If little else, reflecting on super-intelligence through the lens of nuclear proliferation and global warming throws light on the existential consequences of poor design. It becomes clear that while systemic thinking and holistic research are useful methods for addressing existential risks, creative prototyping or rapid iteration with nuclear power or the environment as materials is probably unwise. Existential risks do not allow for a second chance to get it right. The only possible course of action when confronted with such challenges is to examine all possible future scenarios and use the best available subjective estimates of objective risk factors.

Simulations can also be leveraged to heighten designers awareness of trade-offs. Consider the consequences of contemporary interaction design, for example: intuitive interfaces, systemic experiences, and service economies. When current design methods are applied to designing future systems, each of these patterns can be extended through imagined simulations of posthuman design. Intuitive human-computer interfaces become interfaces between post- humans; they become new ways of mediating interdependent personal and cultural valuesnew social and political systems. Systemic experiences become new kinds of emergent post-human perception and awareness. Service economies become the synapses of tomorrows underlying system of techno-cultural values, new moral codes.

The first major triumph of interaction design, the design of the intuitive interface, merged technology with aesthetics. Designers adapted modernisms static typography and industrial styling and learned to address human factors and usability concerns. Today agile software practices and design thinking ensure the intuitive mediation of human and machine learning. We adapt to the design limitations of technological systems, and they adapt in return based on how we behave. This interplay is embodied by the design of the interface itself, between perception and action, affordance and feedback. As the adaptive intelligence of computer systems grows over time, design practices that emphasize the human aspects of interface design will extend beyond the one-sided human perspective of machine usability toward a reciprocal relationship that values intelligent systems as partners. In light of the rapid evolution of these new forms of artificial and synergetic life, the quality and safety of their mental and physical experiences may ultimately deserve equal if not greater consideration than ours. Post-human-centered design will teach intelligent machine systems to design the hierarchies of human behavior.

Interaction design can also define interconnected networks of interface touch-points and shape them into choose-your-own-adventures of human experience. We live in a world of increasingly seamless integration between Wi-Fi networks and thin clients, between phones, homes, watches, and cars. In the near future, crowdsourcing systems coupled with increasingly pervasive connectivity services and wearable computer interfaces will generate massive stockpiles of data that catalog human behavior to feed increasingly intuitive learning machines. Just as human-centered design crafts structure and experience to shape intuition, post-human-centered design will teach intelligent machine systems to design the hierarchies and compositions of human behavior. New systems will flourish as fluent extensions of our digital selves, facilitating seamless mobility throughout systems of virtual identity and the governance of shared thoughts and emotions.

Applying interaction design to post-human experience requires designers to think holistically beyond the interface to the protocols and exchanges that unify human and machine minds. Truly systemic post-human-centered designers recognize that such interfaces will ultimately manifest in the psychological fabric of post-human society at much deeper levels of meaning and value. Just as todays physical products have slid from ownership to on-demand digital services, our very conception of these services will become the new product. In the short term, advances in wearable and ubiquitous computing technology will render our inner dimensions of motivation and self-perception tangible as explicit and actionable cues. Ultimately such manifestations will be totally absorbed by the invisible hand of post-human cognition and emerge as new forms of social and self-engineering. Design interventions at this level will deeply control the post-human psyche, building on research methodologies of experience economics designed for the strategic realization of social and cognitive value. Can a market demand be designed for goodwill toward humans at this stage, or does the long tail of identity realization preclude it? Will we live in a utopian world of socialized techno-egalitarian fulfillment and love or become a eugenic cult of celebrity self-actualization?

It seems unlikely that humans will stem their fascination with technology or stop applying it to improve themselves and their immediate material condition. Tomorrows generation faces an explosion of wireless networks, ubiquitous computing, context-aware systems, intelligent machines, smart cars, robots, and strategic modifications to the human genome. While the precise form these changes will take is unclear, recent history suggests that they are likely to be welcomed at first and progressively advanced. It appears reasonable that human intelligence will become obsolete, economic wealth will reside primarily in the hands of super-intelligent machines, and our ability to survive will lie beyond our direct control. Adapting to cope with these changes, without alienating the new forms of intelligence that emerge, requires transcending the limitations of human-centered design. Instead, a new breed of post-human-centered designer is needed to maximize the potential of post-evolutionary life.

This essay was adapted with permission from Digital Design Theory (Princeton Architectural Press, 2016) edited by Helen Armstrong.

Photo: Jonathan Knowles/Getty Images

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