Daily Archives: November 21, 2016

Quotes About Immortality (482 quotes)

Posted: November 21, 2016 at 11:07 am

Study, along the lines which the theologies have mapped, will never lead us to discovery of the fundamental facts of our existence. That goal must be attained by means of exact science and can only be achieved by such means. The fact that man, for ages, has superstitiously believed in what he calls a God does not prove at all that his theory has been right. There have been many gods all makeshifts, born of inability to fathom the deep fundamental truth. There must be something at the bottom of existence, and man, in ignorance, being unable to discover what it is through reason, because his reason has been so imperfect, undeveloped, has used, instead, imagination, and created figments, of one kind or another, which, according to the country he was born in, the suggestions of his environment, satisfied him for the time being. Not one of all the gods of all the various theologies has ever really been proved. We accept no ordinary scientific fact without the final proof; why should we, then, be satisfied in this most mighty of all matters, with a mere theory?

Destruction of false theories will not decrease the sum of human happiness in future, any more than it has in the past... The days of miracles have passed. I do not believe, of course, that there was ever any day of actual miracles. I cannot understand that there were ever any miracles at all. My guide must be my reason, and at thought of miracles my reason is rebellious. Personally, I do not believe that Christ laid claim to doing miracles, or asserted that he had miraculous power...

Our intelligence is the aggregate intelligence of the cells which make us up. There is no soul, distinct from mind, and what we speak of as the mind is just the aggregate intelligence of cells. It is fallacious to declare that we have souls apart from animal intelligence, apart from brains. It is the brain that keeps us going. There is nothing beyond that.

Life goes on endlessly, but no more in human beings than in other animals, or, for that matter, than in vegetables. Life, collectively, must be immortal, human beings, individually, cannot be, as I see it, for they are not the individuals they are mere aggregates of cells.

There is no supernatural. We are continually learning new things. There are powers within us which have not yet been developed and they will develop. We shall learn things of ourselves, which will be full of wonders, but none of them will be beyond the natural.

[Columbian Magazine interview] Thomas A. Edison

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Quotes About Immortality (482 quotes)

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Posted: at 11:07 am

So this is who I am, And this is all I know, And I must choose to live, For all that I can give, The spark that makes the power grow

And I will stand for my dream if I can, Symbol of my faith in who I am, But you are my only, And I must follow on the road that lies ahead, And I won't let my heart control my head, But you are my only And we don't say goodbye, And I know what I've got to be

Immortality I make my journey through eternity I keep the memory of you and me inside

Fulfill your destiny, Is there within the child, My storm will never end, My fate is on the wind, The king of hearts, the joker's wild, But we don't say goodbye, I'll make them all remember me

Cos I have found a dream that must come true, Every ounce of me must see it though, But you are my only I'm sorry I don't have a role for love to play, Hand over my heart I'll find my way, I will make them give to me

Immortality There is a vision and a fire in me I keep the memory of you and me, inside And we don't say goodbye We don't say goodbye With all my love for you And what else we may do We don't say, goodbye

Visit http://www.azlyrics.com for these lyrics.

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Immortality | Dragon Ball Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia

Posted: at 11:07 am

Garlic Jr. becomes immortal

Immortality (, Fushi), also called Eternal Life (, Eien no Inochi), is the concept of living in physical or spiritual form for an infinite length of time without dying. There are several outside methods in the series which can be sought after in order to become immortal, the most common being to make such a wish to the Eternal Dragon, Shenron, using the seven Dragon Balls.

Frieza gaining immortality in Dragon Ball Z: Budokai

Frieza after wishing for an immortal body in Supersonic Warriors

Even if one is immortal, there is one crucial flaw, which is that, even though they are immortal, they are still susceptible to being trapped in a place where they cannot escape, be it a different time era, dimension, etc. They are also susceptible when fusing with a mortal being, spiraling the fused body out of control, causing the fusion to be granted with semi-immortality, susceptible to being killed. They also susceptible to being erased from existence by certain entities such as the Omni-King. There are examples of these such as:

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Immortality | Dragon Ball Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia

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Immortality | Harry Potter Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia

Posted: at 11:07 am

Lord Voldemort, a wizard who sought after, and temporarily achieved, immortality

Immortality (or eternal life) is the concept of living in a physical form for an infinite or inconceivably vast length of time. Immortality is one of the known limits to magic; it is nearly impossible to make oneself immortal; the only known and working ways are making and using a mystical object of great power to sustain life (such as the Philosopher's Stone created by Nicolas Flamel or a Horcrux, the latter having been used by Lord Voldemort). If one were to possess the three Deathly Hallows, it is fabled that they would possess the tools to become the "Master of Death". However, being a true "Master of Death" is to be willing to accept that death is inevitable.

Immortality is not to be confused with amortality, which is for something being unable to die due to never having been alive.

The Elixir of Life

The Philosopher's Stone, a stone created by famous alchemist Nicolas Flamel, is able to produce the Elixir of Life, one of the known means of immortality. In 1991 and 1992, a weakened Lord Voldemort tried to gain possession of the Stone so he could rise again after his downfall ten years prior. The Stone was then destroyed by Albus Dumbledore and Nicolas Flamel himself in order to prevent this from happening again. With the destruction of the Philosopher's Stone, all individuals who were immortal because they drank the Elixir of Life (like Flamel and his wife) died after the supply of Elixir ran out.[1]

The Elixir does not truly grant immortality, as it only extends the drinker's lifespan, as opposed to rendering them invulnerable to damage. Thus, it is possible for them to die even while drinking the potion. It must be drunk regularly, for all eternity, to maintain one's eternal youth.

Some of Voldemort's Horcruxes

A Horcrux is an object chosen for the purpose of being a receptacle of part of one's soul, split by doing the most inhumane action: murder. If all the Horcruxes (and by extension the wizard's soul) are intact, the wizard is considered immortal. Splitting one's soul is considered a violation of the very laws of nature, and existence in such a form is preferred by very few, and is therefore considered Dark Arts of the most vile.[2]Herpo the Foul was the first wizard ever to create a Horcrux, and therefore the person to be accredited to this Dark magic's discovery.

Lord Voldemort split his soul six times in order to maintain his status of immortal being, and kept his Horcurxes a secret from absolutely everyone to protect his own life. He had split his soul that many times in the likely belief that seven is a powerful and magical number, but had intended to make only six Horcruxes, with the seventh part of his soul remaining inside himself, thus a seven part soul. He is the only wizard in history to have created more than one Horcrux and therefore considered the one closest to true immortality. Unbeknownst to him, his soul was split a seventh time. The seven Horcruxes were all items owned by reputable people that played an important or scarring role in his life, including the Four Founders. His best plans were, however, beaten due to his arrogance, when Regulus Black, Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger discovered his secret and found each one of his Horcruxes and destroyed them (Vincent Crabbe also destroyed one, but he did it unknowingly and likely did not know that Voldemort had any at all), returning Voldemort his mortality and led to his eventual and final death.[3]

Fawkes's rebirth from his ashes

Whenever phoenixes die, whether from old age or something like a Killing Curse, they always reborn from their remaining ashes, technically making them immortal. They are so far the only living beings who possess natural immortality, as it seems there is no known method to truly and permanently kill a phoenix. They are also the only creatures who defy the absolute law that nothing can truly bring back the dead. A phoenix bursting into flames to die and then to be reborn (usually by old age) is known as a Burning Day.

Fawkes, the pet phoenix of Albus Dumbledore, has been reborn from old age many times, and revived instantly from his remaining ashes when swallowing Lord Voldemort's Killing Curse meant for Dumbledore during their duel in the Ministry Atrium, he exploded after swallowing it.

Unicorn blood, which maintains the drinker's life

Unicorn blood has the gift to save a drinker from death even when they are nearing it. This makes it similar to the Elixir of Life, which also extends the life of the drinker. However, if taken, it will lead the drinkers to be cursed for all life, as they had slayed an innocent creature.

Quirinus Quirrell drank unicorn's blood while he was possessed by Voldemort, in order to maintain both of their critically near-end lives, until they can gain access to the Elixir of Life. Later, Voldemort had Peter Pettigrew to craft a Dark potion that requires unicorn blood as one of the ingredients to regain his rudimentary physical form, which would require him continuous intake of the potion to maintain the little health he regained.

Symbol of the Deathly Hallows

Many wizards believe that the person who masters the three Deathly Hallows (which are the Elder Wand, the Resurrection Stone and the Cloak of Invisibility) will be the Master of Death and will achieve some form of immortality, while a larger proportion dismiss both the concept and the three artefacts as a fairy-tale.

However, becoming immortal from gathering the three is a misconception, as being a true Master of Death is realising and accepting the fact that everyone will die and there are worse things than death. Harry Potter collected the three Hallows and was willing to accept death and so became the Master of Death. According to Dumbledore, the Hallows were a desperate man's dream, dangerous, and a lure for fools. Indeed, many died in their pursuit of the Hallows and the "Master of Death" legend.

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Immortality | Harry Potter Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia

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IMMORTALITY. An outline study of what the Bible says about …

Posted: at 11:07 am

1999 James A. FowlerYou are free to download this outline provided it remains intact without alteration. You are also free to transmit this outline electronically provided that you do so in its entirety with proper citation of authorship included. IMMORTALITY

I. Biblical usages - NASB (exhaustive)

A. Greek word athanasia 1. Meaning - "no death" 2. Usages I Cor. 15:53 - "this mortal must put on immortality" I Cor. 15:54 - "when this mortal shall have put on immortality" I Tim. 6:16 - "King of Kings and Lord of Lords; who alone possesses immortality..." B. Greek words aphtharsia and aphthartos 1. Meaning - "no destruction, no corruption, imperishable" 2. Usages Rom. 2:7 - "those who seek for glory, honor and immortality, (will get) eternal life" I Tim. 1:17 - "believe in Him (Jesus) for eternal life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God..." II Tim. 1:10 - "our Savior, Christ Jesus, abolished death, and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel"

II. Background of thought concerning immortality

A. Greek philosophy 1. Plato indicated that soul of man is essentially divine, pre-existent and eternal. 2. Aristotle limited divinity, eternality and immortality to "active intellect" of man's soul (rationalism) B. Jewish thought 1. Saduccees a. Did not believe in future life b. Matt. 22:29 - "You are mistaken, not understanding the Scriptures, or the power of God." 2. Pharisees a. Believed in resurrection of the body b. Such was a reanimation or re-embodiment of physical, racial Jewish bodies in a physical, national community/kingdom.

III. Immortality in Biblical perspective.

A. God and immortality 1. God is immortal. John 5:26 - "the Father has life in Himself..." I Tim. 1:17 - "the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God" 2. Immortality is an attribute of God alone I Tim. 6:16 - "who alone possesses immortality" 3. God's attributes are exclusive and non-transferable 4. God manifests His attributes ontologically a. God expresses Himself in His own Person and presence b. God expresses Himself in His own acts c. God expresses Himself by His Son and His Spirit B. Man and immortality 1. Man is not essentially or inherently immortal a. physiologically - body b. psychologically - soul c. spiritually - spirit 2. We must not attribute God's attributes to man a. Such deifies man b. Man is not divine, eternal or immortal c. Such realities are extrinsic to man. 3. God's life and immortality can be invested in man a. God is the creative source and sustenance of all forms of life Neh. 9:6 - "Thou doest give life to all of them" Acts 17:25,28 - "He Himself gives to all life and breath..." I Tim. 6:13 - "God, who gives life to all things" b. God is the sole source of spiritual, eternal life in man. Jn. 17:3 - "this is eternal life, that they may know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou has sent" c. Christocentric immortality and eternal life I Tim. 1:17 - "the King eternal, immortal..." Jn. 14:6 - "I am the way, the truth, and the life" Col. 3:4 - "Christ is our life" II Tim. 1:10 - "Christ Jesus abolished death, and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel" d. Immortality in man is derived ontologically and dynamically from God in Christ by His grace John 11:26 - "everyone who lives and believes in Me shall never die" John 14:19 - "because I live, you shall live also" e. Immortality in man is conditioned on our receptivity of the ontological essence of God's immortality made available in Jesus Christ Rom. 2:7 - "those who seek..immortality, find eternal life" Gal. 6:8 - "the one who sows to the flesh reaps corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit shall from the Spirit reap eternal life" f. Immortality and eternal life are received in regeneration Jn. 3:7 - "you must be born again" Jn. 3:16 - "whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life" I Pet. 1:3 - "born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead" g. Immortality and eternal life will be displayed in our future bodily resurrection (1) The glorified and spiritual body will be an immortal body I Cor. 15:53,54 - "the mortal shall have put on immortality" (2) Spiritual immortality of eternal life is not delayed until bodily resurrection. It is not just a future acquisition. (3) There is a perpetuity and continuum of our spiritual identification with the character and destiny of spiritual being. (a) Not annihilationism (b) No denial of the perpetuity of hell Matt. 25:41 - "eternal fire prepared for devil and his angels" Matt. 25:46 - "eternal punishment" II Thess. 1:9 - "eternal destruction..."

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Automation – Security Hyperstore

Posted: at 11:06 am

Garage door automation goes hand in hand with gate automation and is needed to complete any home access and security. Garage door access security also provides convenience. We use quality machines with, battery backup and a gate remote. Garage door gate control access, security access doors and gates will secure your home and give you peace of mind. You can operate both your gate and garage door from the same remote. Having more than one remote on your keyring is very bulky and inconvenient.

You can use any remote with any garage door motor. Most new systems use code hopping remotes as they are more secure, but the old type can still be used as well. You may want to put infra-red safety beams on your garage doors as well if you want the added safety of the door not closing on your car. Most wall modules these days are wireless and can be used from any place in the garage.

The wall module is used to open the garage door from inside the garage. It can also be used to lock the system so that it will not work. This is used if you have a child who is playing with the system and you want to stop them. They can be carried in the car or can be placed in the house as no wires are needed. Garage doors must be in good working order for the garage door motor to work properly. If the door is not properly balanced and serviced, the motor may give problems. Before you fit a motor make sure that the door is working well.

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Beckhoff Automation – Wikipedia

Posted: at 11:06 am

Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG is a medium-sized, internationally acting company located in Verl, Westphalia, Germany. It was established in 1980 as a business unit of the Elektro Beckhoff GmbH, an electrical installation and retail company which was founded in 1953 by Arnold Beckhoff Senior. Until 2005 the business unit "New Automation Technology" operated under the name Beckhoff Industrie Elektronik (Beckhoff Industrial Electronics).

In 2005 the company Elektro Beckhoff GmbH has been restructured into three companies:

The company Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG produces automation technology in different performance categories, from single components up to system solutions. The company focuses on PC-based control technology with the segments Industrial PC, Embedded PC, fieldbus components, drive technology and automation software. The Beckhoff PC Control philosophy, the Bus Terminals and TwinCAT automation software are multifunctional alternatives to traditional control technology. With EtherCAT, launched in 2003, the company initiated a real-time Ethernet for system control.

In 2015 the company generated a turnover of 620 Million Euro. The actual number of employees amounts to 3000.[2] The Headquarters in Verl is the location for all central departments. The domestic sales department is supplemented by subsidiaries all over Germany.[1]

On the international market, the company is represented by subsidiaries in the following countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Hungary, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Russia, Singapore, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom and the United States. Through co-operation with partners, Beckhoff is represented in more than 75 countries.

Beckhoff products are used for the automation of machines and plants as well as for building automation. The company creates standard and customized solutions for diverse applications in industries like:

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Beckhoff Automation - Wikipedia

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Nobel Peace Prize | Nobels fredspris

Posted: at 11:06 am

The Nobel Peace Prize is an international prize which is awarded annually by the Norwegian Nobel Committee according to guidelines laid down in Alfred Nobel's will. The Peace Prize is one of five prizes that have been awarded annually since 1901 for outstanding contributions in the fields of physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, and peace. Starting in 1969, a Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel has also been awarded.

Whereas the other prizes are awarded by specialist committees based in Sweden, the Peace Prize is awarded by a committee appointed by the Norwegian Storting. According to Nobel's will, the Peace Prize is to go to whoever "shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses". The prize includes a medal, a personal diploma, and a large sum of prize money (currently 8 million Swedish crowns).

The Nobel Peace Prize has been called "the world's most prestigious prize". With the award to The European Union in 2012, a total of 101 individuals and 24 organizations have been awarded the Peace Prize. The Prize is awarded at a ceremony in the Oslo City Hall on December 10, the date on which Alfred Nobel died.


Photo: Odd-Steinar Tllefsen / The Norwegian Nobel Institute

From the Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony of 2006

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Personal Empowerment Coach Certification – The S.W.A.T …

Posted: at 11:06 am

Our Personal Empowerment Coach Certification is designed for the woman who is either ready to launch her coaching business or is already an expert in her chosen field and would love to add Certified Personal Empowerment Coach to her resume.

This self-paced program will give you the fastest yet most comprehensive training to help shift your clients out of any disempowered situation into making healthy, authentic, appropriate choices.

Throughout this course, you will work closely with Professor Izabela Viskupova, L.L.M., M.A., and The S.W.A.T. Institutes Founder, Crystal Andrus Morissette, in receiving all the the practical and theoretical guidance youll need in order to fully master your coaching skills.

Professor Izabela graduated with a Masters degree in Law at the Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia. Later, she earned another Masters degree in Psychology, from the University of Glasgow, Scotland; she also holds a Certificate in Person-Centred Counselling from the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland and is a Master Empowerment Coach certified by The S.W.A.T. Institute.

Our Personal Empowerment Coach Certification is composed of three modules:

The learning objective of the first module is to introduce the students to Empowerment Coaching and the basic tools of this specific coaching method. In this module, students will be invited to master the basic framework of Empowerment Coaching which includes:

This module takes the students in detail through the most crucial emotional levels on the Map of Empowerment such as Shame, Guilt, Apathy, Grief, Fear and Anger, while offering specific coaching strategies and interventions for each of these levels.

Module One offers a vast opportunity for the students to listen to practical examples of real life coaching sessions, which is an invaluable component of the program. Also included are video lectures on each emotional level, one live weekly call where students can chat with Professor Izabela, and a private Facebook Group for fellow student empowerment coaches to share, connect, and support each other.

Nearing the end of this module, students will also be introduced to the concept of Emotional Age (EA), which is the basis of Crystal Andrus Morissettes upcoming book, The Emotional Edge (Random House Publishing, December 29, 2015).

The objective of the second module is to build on the foundations laid out in Module One so that the students can further hone and expand their coaching skills.

This module also incorporates some of the more general topics in coaching such as how to structure the coaching sessions or how to build rapport with a client.

The aim of Module Two is also to prepare the students for some unexpected or more challenging circumstances in coaching such as coaching a client with a different cultural background or a client that has just lost someone they loved.

At the end of this module, students are invited to participate in the 12-Week TeleCourse: The Emotional Edge taught by Crystal Andrus Morissette in order to integrate their learnings, personally. Completion of the 12-Week TeleCourse is not mandatory in graduating with your Personal Empowerment Coach Certification.

The objective of the last module is to have the students do their own coaching and practice all the skills and techniques they have learned throughout the course while coaching their own clients. The clients will be provided by The S.W.A.T. Institute through the Mentorship Program that enables women from any part of the world to get free coaching. This is a beautiful opportunity for our students to hone their coaching skills.

Section 1: What you need to do to start your Practice Coaching

The objective of this section is to cover the logistics side of the coaching practice so that the coaches in training have everything set up and ready before they start their practice coaching.

Section 2: The Critique session

As soon as students have completed approximately half of their practice sessions (10-15 practice session), they select three of their calls and submit them to their Professor of Coaching who will review them and schedule a critique session with them. The objective of the critique session is to give them feedback on how they have been doing thus far.

Section 3: Final Exam Assignment

The objective of the Final Exam is to put everything together for the students both the practical as well as the theoretical side of the training. In order to do that, they are required to:

A new generation of women has emerged and I feel honored to be part of it. Unique women who have come together under a common call: to thrust the world forward while birthing a brighter humanity.

I proudly belong to a tribe of visionaries. They may call us insane, rebels, inspirational, powerful masters, guides or coaches we call ourselves: Simply Woman Accredited Trainers!

~ Loredana Thoenig

Every Tuesday, Crystal Andrus Morissette answers your questions and offers you strategies to your own challenges during a live call! You can write in or chat with her directly on the phone or Skype. Plus, you have two other opportunities each week to chat live with Professor Izabela and our Student Advisors! No matter where you live in the world, you will feel like you are close by, connected to, and supported by our entire institute. We are women empowering women!

Our Mentorship Coaches have all graduated from their Empowerment Coach Training at The S.W.A.T. Institute and are beginning to build their own coaching practice. Before they can graduate they must complete 30 practice hours. Our coaches have spent countless hours learning the empowerment process and this is the perfect way for them to refine their skills while women around the world get the support and empowerment they need at no charge. Its a true giveback and a beautiful win-win! Plus, our Mentorship Coaching Program offers our students and graduates lifelong coaching at no charge. Thats right! You have a slew of brilliant coaches at your fingertips, whenever you need a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, or some kick-ass advice! Click here to learn more!

One of the most unique and special aspects of The S.W.A.T. Institute is our private forum where our students or as we call them siSTARs connect with, share, care, and support each other. No matter what is going on in their lives, each woman gets the loving advice, feedback, validation, and support she needs. We truly are a global coalition of empowered women!

Our five-day, full money-back guarantee allows you to take your time once you register to be certain this program is right for you!

Check out the extraordinary video testimonials sent in to us from some of our graduates!

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Authentic Empowerment – Personal and Professional Life …

Posted: at 11:05 am

Authentic Empowerment: Giving to one's self the giftofconnecting to our true being.

We are a dynamic Life Coaching practice located in Sydney that will help you achieve what you are striving for in your life.

Our society is fast-paced and it is easy to lose sight of what you really want in life. That is why more and more people are turning to life coaching to help clarify their professional and personal values, purpose and goals. We will provide you with a unique performance coaching experience and are highly skilled in assisting you to make radical improvements in your life.

Our coaching program is a solution-focused process incorporating awareness tools and honest conversations. You are empowered to strive outside of your comfort zone, design your ideal lifestyle and start living the life you love!

How will Life Coachinghelp me? Our Life Coaching Programs. Want to know if Life Coaching is for you? Take our easy Self Assessment by clicking here. Life Coaching FAQ

Infertility can make women - and their partners - feel completely powerless. This clear, perceptive and incredibly helpful book enables women to empower themselves to not only deal with infertility but navigate the often difficult and confusing path through IVF.

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