Daily Archives: November 19, 2016

Slovakia (Slovak Republic) Fiscal Freedom | Economic …

Posted: November 19, 2016 at 10:38 am

Indicators Fiscal Freedom for Albania Fiscal Freedom for Algeria Fiscal Freedom for Angola Fiscal Freedom for Argentina Fiscal Freedom for Armenia Fiscal Freedom for Australia Fiscal Freedom for Austria Fiscal Freedom for Azerbaijan Fiscal Freedom for Bahamas Fiscal Freedom for Bahrain Fiscal Freedom for Bangladesh Fiscal Freedom for Barbados Fiscal Freedom for Belarus Fiscal Freedom for Belgium Fiscal Freedom for Belize Fiscal Freedom for Benin Fiscal Freedom for Bhutan Fiscal Freedom for Bolivia Fiscal Freedom for Bosnia and Herzegovina Fiscal Freedom for Botswana Fiscal Freedom for Brazil Fiscal Freedom for Brunei Darussalam Fiscal Freedom for Bulgaria Fiscal Freedom for Burkina Faso Fiscal Freedom for Burundi Fiscal Freedom for Cambodia Fiscal Freedom for Cameroon Fiscal Freedom for Canada Fiscal Freedom for Cape Verde Fiscal Freedom for Central African Republic Fiscal Freedom for Chad Fiscal Freedom for Chile Fiscal Freedom for China Fiscal Freedom for Colombia Fiscal Freedom for Comoros Fiscal Freedom for Congo Fiscal Freedom for Congo, Republic of Fiscal Freedom for Costa Rica Fiscal Freedom for Croatia Fiscal Freedom for Cuba Fiscal Freedom for Cyprus Fiscal Freedom for Czech Republic Fiscal Freedom for Denmark Fiscal Freedom for Djibouti Fiscal Freedom for Dominica Fiscal Freedom for Dominican Republic Fiscal Freedom for Ecuador Fiscal Freedom for Egypt Fiscal Freedom for El Salvador Fiscal Freedom for Equatorial Guinea Fiscal Freedom for Eritrea Fiscal Freedom for Estonia Fiscal Freedom for Ethiopia Fiscal Freedom for Fiji Fiscal Freedom for Finland Fiscal Freedom for France Fiscal Freedom for Gabon Fiscal Freedom for Gambia Fiscal Freedom for Georgia Fiscal Freedom for Germany Fiscal Freedom for Ghana Fiscal Freedom for Greece Fiscal Freedom for Guatemala Fiscal Freedom for Guinea Fiscal Freedom for Guinea Bissau Fiscal Freedom for Guyana Fiscal Freedom for Haiti Fiscal Freedom for Honduras Fiscal Freedom for Hong Kong Fiscal Freedom for Hungary Fiscal Freedom for Iceland Fiscal Freedom for India Fiscal Freedom for Indonesia Fiscal Freedom for Iran Fiscal Freedom for Ireland Fiscal Freedom for Israel Fiscal Freedom for Italy Fiscal Freedom for Ivory Coast Fiscal Freedom for Jamaica Fiscal Freedom for Japan Fiscal Freedom for Jordan Fiscal Freedom for Kazakhstan Fiscal Freedom for Kenya Fiscal Freedom for Kiribati Fiscal Freedom for Korea Fiscal Freedom for Kosovo Fiscal Freedom for Kuwait Fiscal Freedom for Kyrgyzstan Fiscal Freedom for Laos Fiscal Freedom for Latvia Fiscal Freedom for Lebanon Fiscal Freedom for Lesotho Fiscal Freedom for Liberia Fiscal Freedom for Lithuania Fiscal Freedom for Luxembourg Fiscal Freedom for Macau Fiscal Freedom for Macedonia Fiscal Freedom for Madagascar Fiscal Freedom for Malawi Fiscal Freedom for Malaysia Fiscal Freedom for Maldives Fiscal Freedom for Mali Fiscal Freedom for Malta Fiscal Freedom for Mauritania Fiscal Freedom for Mauritius Fiscal Freedom for Mexico Fiscal Freedom for Micronesia Fiscal Freedom for Moldova Fiscal Freedom for Mongolia Fiscal Freedom for Montenegro Fiscal Freedom for Morocco Fiscal Freedom for Mozambique Fiscal Freedom for Myanmar Fiscal Freedom for Namibia Fiscal Freedom for Nepal Fiscal Freedom for Netherlands Fiscal Freedom for New Zealand Fiscal Freedom for Nicaragua Fiscal Freedom for Niger Fiscal Freedom for Nigeria Fiscal Freedom for North Korea Fiscal Freedom for Norway Fiscal Freedom for Oman Fiscal Freedom for Pakistan Fiscal Freedom for Panama Fiscal Freedom for Papua New Guinea Fiscal Freedom for Paraguay Fiscal Freedom for Peru Fiscal Freedom for Philippines Fiscal Freedom for Poland Fiscal Freedom for Portugal Fiscal Freedom for Qatar Fiscal Freedom for Romania Fiscal Freedom for Russia Fiscal Freedom for Rwanda Fiscal Freedom for Saint Lucia Fiscal Freedom for Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Fiscal Freedom for Samoa Fiscal Freedom for Sao Tome and Principe Fiscal Freedom for Saudi Arabia Fiscal Freedom for Senegal Fiscal Freedom for Serbia Fiscal Freedom for Seychelles Fiscal Freedom for Sierra Leone Fiscal Freedom for Singapore Fiscal Freedom for Slovakia Fiscal Freedom for Slovenia Fiscal Freedom for Solomon Islands Fiscal Freedom for South Africa Fiscal Freedom for Spain Fiscal Freedom for Sri Lanka Fiscal Freedom for Suriname Fiscal Freedom for Swaziland Fiscal Freedom for Sweden Fiscal Freedom for Switzerland Fiscal Freedom for Taiwan Fiscal Freedom for Tajikistan Fiscal Freedom for Tanzania Fiscal Freedom for Thailand Fiscal Freedom for Timor Leste (East Timor) Fiscal Freedom for Togo Fiscal Freedom for Tonga Fiscal Freedom for Trinidad and Tobago Fiscal Freedom for Tunisia Fiscal Freedom for Turkey Fiscal Freedom for Turkmenistan Fiscal Freedom for Uganda Fiscal Freedom for Ukraine Fiscal Freedom for United Arab Emirates Fiscal Freedom for United Kingdom Fiscal Freedom for United States Fiscal Freedom for Uruguay Fiscal Freedom for Uzbekistan Fiscal Freedom for Vanuatu Fiscal Freedom for Venezuela 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Intentional Housing Communities | www.hampshire.edu

Posted: at 10:37 am

Residence Life and Housing is committed to supporting and complementing the academic program with the goal of creating a holistic environment that encourages collaboration, connections, learning, and personal growth. It is with this goal in mind that intentional housing communities were established.

Intentional housing communities are living spaces in which the residents have chosen to come together around a particular area of interest that will contribute to and cultivate the campus' culture of learning. They work together with a faculty or staff advisor to educate themselves and the larger community about their area of interest. Students who elect to reside in these spaces can expect to gain meaningful relationships with one another, lasting connections with staff and faculty, access to greater campus resources, and sense of pride in their community.

All IHCs are required to host two (2) educational initiatives each semester. An educational initiative can be anything that increases knowledge about the communitys area of interest. It can be hosting a discussion, creating a blog, screening a film, or displaying thought-provoking artwork on the Magic Board. The audience can be as large as the Five College community or as small as the IHC group. Once the event is over, the IHC must submit a IHC Educational Initiative Evaluation. Evaluations are due no later than one week after the event. The ability to continue these communities is contingent upon groups hosting these events, participating in administrative aspects of the selection process, and having continued demonstrated interest from the community. Any questions about planning or organization of educational initiatives can be directed to the assistant director of residence life, an area coordinator, or an RA. Questions about starting a new IHC or how to maintain an existing IHC should be directed to the housing operations office.

View Information Booklet (pdf)

Apply now

Applications for the current academic year are reviewed on a rolling basis as space permits. Applications for the following academic year will open in early March and close in early April (check the important dates and deadlines page for upcoming deadlines). Students may apply to multiple communities, but can only accept an invitation to one.All applications will be reviewed by a committee composed of current residents and the group's advisor. Invitations to chosen applicants will be sent via Hampshire email addresses. Upon receiving an invitation, applicants will have a specified timeframe (can be as short as 48 hours during the spring room choosing process) to respond confirming their placement or will forfeit the offer.

Art Creation and Appreciation Mod, Greenwich 37: A safe space of creation, existence, and self-expression. Through creation of art--film, poetry, music, sculpture, dance, etc.--residents express themselves without inhibition. Through appreciation of others' art, residents will examine subjective perceptions. Residents strive to strip away the concreteness of objective understanding, to recognize their inability to ever grasp fully someone's meaning, and look instead to appreciate the messiness of human interaction.

Circus Children Mod, Greenwich 33: An environment conducive to learning, sharing, and practicing the circus arts. Residents will bring their unique perspective and skill-set to share with the rest of the mod and the community. Residents will engage in circus as a tool for education, social justice, and for building patience and creativity.

Greenhouse Mod, Enfield 46: A place for growing plants and food, learning about environmental sustainability, and for events that bring the Hampshire community together. These students care for and maintain the Enfield Greenhouse.

Hampshire Basketball Mod, Greenwich 22: The goal of this mod is to broaden the interconnecting basketball community throughout the Five College campuses, show the importance of the basketball team, and bring together the community. Residents value community, healthy lifestyles, and hard work grounded in love and support.

Intentional Arts Mod, Greenwich 5: A space for students who feel passionately about art as a tool of expression, therapy, and/or activism. Residents are interested in how art can be used within these contexts and feel that art is an extremely powerful tool. The goal of this mod is to incorporate artistic practices and methods into the daily lives of the residents, and explore what benefits and drawbacks this holds.

Kosher Mod, Prescott 82: A Kosher living space. All students welcome to apply, regardless of religious affiliation. Unlike other IHCs, the Kosher Mod is an institutionally-designated space and students must re-apply each year to ensure we are meeting the needs of the whole community.

Middle Eastern Immersion Mod, Greenwich 9: A safe space for students to learn from each other, where students who study the Middle East can learn from Middle Eastern students and vice versa. All aspects of Middle Eastern culture is incorporated into mod life, such as language, food, holidays, and discussion of current issues.

Mindfulness Mod, Greenwich 7: A space where students will support one another to be mindful and cultivate moment-by-moment, non-judgmental, focused attention and awareness.

Natural Living Mod, Greenwich 35: A home for students to respect, utilize, and immerse themselves in nature as a way of life. Residents put their values into practice by using homemade and natural health remedies, supporting local farms and co-ops, and abstaining from artificial products and processed foods.

Politics and Food Mod, Greenwich 27: This mod aims to create a space for learning about different underrepresented cultures and communities. Residents foster an atmosphere of community learning through events which address specific issues centered around the history and politics of their own cultures.

STEM Mod, Greenwich 36: A space where students can share knowledge and discuss ideas related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). They focus on developing a community committed to the advancement and appreciation of STEM in everyday lives.

Upcycling Mod, Enfield 55: A mod that will work to integrate art and sustainability in the Hampshire community, by educating students on the importance of reusing and repurposing, and organizing a series of sustainable art projects and events.

Women's Empowerment Mod Enfield 66: A safe and supportive space to engage with and challenge the normative expectations placed on women.

Living and Learning Communities are intentional housing communities that are open only to students in their first year at Hampshire, and must be applied for during the new student housing process.

Each IHC must select a contact person who will act as a facilitator and liaison with the HOO throughout the summer and academic year. This person will be responsible for communicating with the HOO and ensuring the IHC is completing all requirements. The contact person's attendance at an informational meeting each semester is mandatory.

IHCs are required to implement two educational initiatives each semester. During the spring semester, at least one must take place before March 1 in orderfor the IHC to be eligible to accept new applications for the following year. An educational initiative can be anything that increases knowledge about the intentional housing communitys area of interest and furthers the mission of the community. Past initiatives have included discussions, film screenings, art shows, open houses, and community meals. The audience can be as large as the Five College community or as small as the group. Residents must submit a brief evaluation form within one week of the event (a link to the evaluation form will be provided by the HOO via Hampshire email to all members of intentional housing communities). Evaluations will describe the type of event, how it was promoted, how it furthered the mission of the housing community, and how successful it was.

If spaces become available over the summer, the HOO, in coordination with the contact person, will attempt to fill them with alternates. If no alternates were listed, or those listed no longer wish to live in the IHC, the HOO will attempt to fill spaces through an application process in coordination with the contact person. The HOO, however, reserves the right to place interested students in vacancies if deemed administratively necessary.

IHCs should work actively with the HOO to recruit new members whenever vacancies arise during the year. In order to continue as an IHC, groups will need to participate in the spring room choosing process.

Failure to meet any of these requirements will result in loss of the space at the end of the academic year. IHCs that do not complete any educational initiatives during the fall semester may lose their status at the end of that semester.

A group of five or six students who wish to create an intentional housing community that does not currently exist at Hampshire must submit a written proposal (see guidelines below)to the HOO before 4 p.m. on Friday, April 8. The proposal should include a mission statement as well as a list of the students who are committed to living in this space, noting who will live in the double. Proposals will be reviewed by the assistant director of residence life, and approved or denied by Friday, April 15. A meeting may be required for approval.

Approved groups will be given three (3) additional lottery points to add to the group's total points. They will participate in the mod lottery in the traditional manner. There is no guarantee they will win a mod.

1. A mission statement: a short paragraph that will define the communitys purpose, goals, and values, as well as how it will contribute to and cultivate the campus culture of learning. Examples of mission statements can be found in the applications for existing IHCs. Some questions to consider for your mission statement: What do we hope the community can learn by living this way? How could this topic be applied to someones course of study at Hampshire?

2. A signed advisor agreement (found on the final page of this booklet) indicating the continuing support of a faculty or staff member who will act in an advisory role.

3. A proposal, including timelines, for at least two educational initiatives to be carried out in the following semester.

4. A roster of five or six students who are committed to living in the IHC. This must include an indication of two students who have consented to live in a double together, and the Hampshire email address of each student.

All of this information (and more!) can be found in the 2016 Identity Based Mods and Intentional Housing Communities Booklet. Printed copies of this booklet will be provided to all students in their first year at Hampshire, and available for other interested students in the housing operations office, area offices, and other spaces around campus.

See the rest here:

Intentional Housing Communities | http://www.hampshire.edu

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Automation – Official Site

Posted: at 10:34 am

The core experience of the game is the Grand Campaign. In this game mode, spanning from 1946 to 2020, you start your enterprise from scratch and try to become one of the most renowned car companies in the world. Many roads can potentially lead to success: catering to the masses with small, affordable cars, being an exclusive supercar manufacturer, or focusing on big luxurious flagship cars for the few.

Conquer niches with targeted marketing, or diversify while keeping an eye on brand awareness, brand reputation and prestige to build a loyal following. Compete in ever-shifting regional and global dynamic markets that come with various regulations, featuring many different market segments and buyer demographics.

Set up and manage your factories, expand your production capabilities and improve your cars by investing into research and development to get an edge over your competition. High quality cars and good quality assurance might cost a fortune, but may pay for themselves in the long term. Like in real life, in Automation car design and marketing is full of compromises.

To build and maintain a core team of leading engineers helping you shine in different areas of expertise is just as much part of running a successful business as to properly manage your finances. Keep track of commodity and stock markets and invest your hard-earned cash.

Multiplayer Campaign mode will be available, allowing you to cooperate or compete with other players.

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Automation - Official Site

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NSA Chief speaks candidly of Russia and U.S. election …

Posted: at 10:33 am

Admiral Michael Rogers, commander of US Cyber Command, director of the National Security Agency (NSA) and chief of the Central Security Service, speaks during the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association Cybersecurity Summit in Washington, DC, May 28, 2014. AFP PHOTO / Saul LOEB (Photo credit should read SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images)

SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images

NSA Director Adm. Michael Rogers spoke candidly this week about the role of nation-states in affecting the outcome of the 2016 presidential election with cyber attacks.

There shouldnt be any doubts in anybodys mind: This was not something that was done casually, this was not something that was done by chance, this was not a target that was selected purely arbitrarily, Rogers said at a Wall Street Journal election forum on Tuesday. This was a conscious effort by a nation state to attempt to achieve a specific effect.

Rogers is most likely referencing Russia, since U.S. officials have already openly accused Russia of hacking into the Democratic National Committees internal email server in July. Similar spearfishing tactics were attempted, according to U.S. intelligence officials, in the breaching of Clinton campaign chairman John Podestas personal Gmail account. WikiLeaks distributed nearly 50,000 emails, revealing Clinton campaign strategy on everything from possible campaign slogans to the handling of the Clinton Foundation should the former secretary of state have been elected president.

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The host of hackers is so large and diverse, Rogers said, that its difficult to identify perpetrators. The solution to countering possibly damaging cyber breaches, he added, is an integrated approach, one that champions collaboration between public and private sectors. Otherwise, its like fighting with one hand tied behind your back.

My point is that cyber does not recognize these arbitrary lines that we have drawn--it doesnt recognize the geography, Rogers said to the Wall Street Journals Rebecca Blumenstein. Network structures in the world wide web [are] not organized that way. Our adversaries dont work that way.

He also refuted the idea that the public should leave the burden of responsibility on the shoulders of network security specialists. The public needs to invest a personal interest in cybersecurity matters, as well, in order swing the pendulum from favoring privacy to a more balanced approach.

You need to shape the discussion, Rogers said. I dont pretend that this needs to totally dominate your life, but there is a significant role for you to play.

2016 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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The NSA might be spying on you from this creepy NYC …

Posted: at 10:33 am

33 Thomas St.Photo: J.C. Rice

A massive, heavily fortified skyscraper that has puzzled New Yorkers for years sitting windowless and unlit in Lower Manhattan since 1974 is reportedly hiding a very dark secret.

On the surface, the ominous structure known as the Long Lines Building serves as a giant telecommunications hub for the New York Telephone Company, which is an AT&T subsidiary.

But a recent investigation conducted by The Intercept indicates that it might actually house a covert surveillance mega-center, where millions upon millions of phone calls, faxes and emails are intercepted daily by the National Security Agency.

This is yet more proof that our communications service providers have become, whether willingly or unwillingly, an arm of the surveillance state, said Elizabeth Goitein, co-director of the liberty and national security program at the Brennan Center for Justice.

According to the Intercept, the NSA has been using a secure room known as a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility which they integrated inside the Long Lines Building to record conversations and internet data from across the globe.

While mystery has long surrounded the 550-foot tower of concrete and granite, located at 33 Thomas Street, new documents leaked by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, which were published by The Intercept on Wednesday, are said to serve as evidence of the agencys electronic spying efforts.

When combined with architectural plans, public records and interviews with former AT&T employees, the documents reportedly prove that the AT&T building is actually one of the NSAs most important surveillance sites code-named TITANPOINTE.

A series of top-secret NSA memos obtained by the Intercept also suggest that the agency has been using equipment to tap into millions of international phone calls.

The outlet reports that 33 Thomas Street is ultimately a core location thats been used for a number of controversial surveillance programs targeting the communications of the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and at least 38 countries, including US allies such as Germany, Japan and France.

While the NSA documents that Snowden leaked feature dozens of references to TITANPOINTE, its connection to 33 Thomas Street was initially unclear. It wasnt until after the Intercept obtained a set of secret travel guides dated April 2011 and February 2013 that they were able to link the two.

In the document from 2011, the NSA lists various facilities for NSA employees and reveals that TITANPOINTE is, in fact, in New York City. The other guide states that a partner called LITHIUM which according to the Intercept, is the agencys code name for AT&T oversees building visits at the facility.

Inside the building are at least three 4ESS switches, which are used to route calls across different phone networks.

Of the first two, one handled domestic long-distance traffic and the other was an international gateway, Thomas Saunders, a former AT&T engineer who retired in 2004, told The Intercept.

The Snowden documents also describe TITANPOINTE as having access to foreign gateway switches, as well.

In addition to monitoring phone calls, The Intercept reports that the facility also intercepts satellite communications as part of a surveillance program dubbed SKIDROWE.

Many New Yorkers have probably spotted the numerous satellite dishes on the roof of the Long Lines Building, which are believed to be used by the NSA.

This is yet more proof that our communications service providers have become an arm of the surveillance state

After a series of surveillance operations targeting anti-Vietnam War activists, domestic terrorists and foreign radical suspects including Martin Luther King and Muhammad Ali led to tighter controls on intelligence gathering, the NSA implemented a new program called BLARNEY, which was first exposed by Snowden in 2013.

According to the Intercept, NSA documents dated between 2012 and 2013 indicate that TITANPOINTE served as one of BLARNEYs core sites and that equipment was being used at the 33 Thomas Street address to keep tabs on long-distance phone calls, faxes, internet voice calls, video conferencing and other forms of internet communication.

In one instance, an April 2012 memo showed that NSA engineers working under the BLARNEY program were tapping in on a line at the UN mission in New York. This directly led to the collection against the email address of the U.N. General leading the monitoring mission in Syria, the memo said.

Such spying activities are totally unacceptable breaches of trust in international cooperation, Mogens Lykketoft, former president of the U.N.s general assembly, told The Intercept.

According to the NSA documents, most of the cyber espionage going on at 33 Thomas Street involves tracking calls and other forms of communication as they come through AT&Ts international phone and data cables.

The SKIDROWE program ultimately focuses on gathering digital network intelligence as it is sent between foreign satellites, The Intercept reports.

This data is then handed over to XKEYSCORE a mass surveillance system that is used by the NSA to track emails, online chats, passwords and even internet browsing histories.

While the relationship between the NSA and AT&T has been widely known for quite some time, whats been going on inside the Long Lines Building has never been officially revealed.

During the day, the telecommunications center seems foreboding, yet harmless. There are no windows and no lights making for an eerie scene once the sun goes down.

The structure was constructed by John Carl Warnecke, a prominent architect who had been ultimately tasked with designing a telephone exchange building for AT&T.

Dubbed Project X, architectural drawings and plans described it as a skyscraper to be inhabited by machines, which was designed to house long lines telephone equipment and to protect it and its operating personnel in the event of atomic attack.

The Cold War had been going on at the time and since many feared an imminent nuclear strike on the US the 29-floor building was fortified to withstand an atomic blast, according to the Intercept.

It was also outfitted with enough food to last 1,500 people at least two weeks, should their be a disaster and 250,000 gallons of gasoline to fuel power generators. In the event of a power failure, the building is supposed to be able to act as a self-contained city for at least two weeks, the plans said.

After its construction, questions and rumors swirled for years about the enigmatic structure.

According to a New York Times article from 1994, the Long Lines Building served as AT&Ts giant Worldwide Intelligent Network and directed an average of 175 million phone calls each day.

The company went on the defensive when asked about the belief that they were hiding an NSA surveillance hub right under the noses of New Yorkers.

[AT&T does not] allow any government agency to connect directly to or otherwise control our network to obtain our customers information, explained Fletcher Cook, a company spokesperson.

Rather, we simply respond to government requests for information pursuant to court orders or other mandatory process and, in rare cases, on a legal and voluntary basis when a persons life is in danger and time is of the essence, like in a kidnapping situation.

Mark Klein a former AT&T technician who claimed in 2006 that the NSA had been spying on the public from a secure room at one of the companys San Francisco buildings told The Intercept that he worked at 33 Thomas Street for 9 years and wasnt aware of any NSA presence.

But he said he always had a creepy feeling about the building.

I knew about AT&Ts close collaboration with the Pentagon, going way back, Klein explained, adding that he was not surprised by the evidence linking the building to the NSA.

Its obviously a major installation, he said. If youre interested in doing surveillance, its a good place to do it.

The Intercept investigation was ultimately a joint reporting project between the outlet and their filmmaker-driven documentary unit, Field of Vision which is set to debut a short film this week about the Long Lines Building at the IFC Center, titled Project X.

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National Geographic Channel’s ‘MARS’ explores colonization …

Posted: at 10:32 am

National Geographic Channels new event series MARS mixes documentary with scripted drama to explore the colonization of Mars in the year 2033.

Former NASA astronaut Dr. Mae Jemison is involved with the series and shared with Foxnews.com SciTech the advice she gave the actors portraying these space travelers.

If youre using words like nominal and contingency what do they really mean? she explained. Here are some things about personalities what should you know about space and Mars to be comfortable? What is it like? And even doing some exercises about what does it feel like if youre walking in a new place or have been zero G for a long time and then its up to them to take that and move that along.


Actor Ben Cotton plays the commander of the fictional Daedalus ship that heads to Mars in 2033 and spoke about the conditions while filming: Morocco was where we shot all the exterior stuff and it was challenging from the heat. It was hot. There were days it was 125 degrees in the desert and then you put the suit on, the helmet on, you start to lose your mind a little bit because you cant see straight but we had a great time.

And President of the Mars Society Robert Zubrin discussed what information we have from the Mars Desert Research Station in terms of what the conditions on the red planet would be like.


What were really doing at the Mars Desert Research Station is what we call an operational simulation more than a technical engineering simulation, but we find out how you would run a mission on Mars, he said. So for example what weve discovered by running it a number of ways is the mission has got to be led from the front, that is, the commander of the mission is the commander of the crew. We dont even call our mission control mission control anymore we call it mission support - they are there to support the crew - this has got to be led from the front.

He also adds that when it comes to mobility systems there is a preference for ATV-size vehicles that enable a much more informal relationship with the environment in your space suit where you can reach down and pick up a rock and either throw it back or bring it back to sample.


As for that 2033 date, Dr. Jemison, who was the first African-American woman in space, stresses we call it a human mission to Mars not a manned mission. When it comes to issues at hand, she adds that there are engineering challenges, but the engineering challenges to me are not as great as the public commitment and those challenges because as we do that then we are able to say heres how it benefits life on Earth.

MARS premieres November 14th on National Geographic Channel, which is majority owned by 21st Century Fox, the parent company of Fox News.

Fox News Entertainment Producer Ashley Dvorkin covers celebrity news, red carpets, TV, music, and movies. Dvorkin, winner of the 2011 CMA Media Achievement Award, is also host of "Fox 411 Country," "Star Traveler," "Fox 411 Big Screen," and "Fox on Reddit."

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