Daily Archives: October 8, 2016

The Principality of Sealand | Facebook

Posted: October 8, 2016 at 10:34 pm

The 2nd of September is Sealand Independence Day and to celebrate our 48th year, Prince Michael has issued a pre-release edition of his book "Holding The Fort", limited to 500 individually numbered copies.

The book uncovers the truth behind Michael's surreal life and adventures; sleeping with an automatic pistol under his pillow from the age of 14, being kidnapped by armed terrorists, his family setting up their own island nation, government sieges, top-secret government doc...uments and multiple attempts to bring an end to the Sealand dream. The book also includes previously unseen photos from his family's personal collection.

The story of Sealand is stranger than fiction, better than Hollywood and more surreal than Dali - Ben Fogle (Adventurer, author and broadcaster)

"When a story features sawn-off shotguns, dawn helicopter raids, pistol whippings, temperamental generators, shady tax accountants, devious gangsters and at least one flying headbutt to the bridge of the nose, 'romantic' probably isn't the word that springs instantly to mind. Especially when at the heart of that story is an outwardly charmless, forbidding structure way out in the cold and dark of the North Sea. Yet the story of the Principality of Sealand is a patently romantic one. It's a classic case of the underdog kicking against authority and winning; a heartwarming narrative of battling the odds that's grounded in good old- fashioned British eccentricity. It's a riproaring yarn, a classic Boy's Own tale related here by the boy himself, Michael of Sealand, with verve, wit and panache. But look beneath the surface, beyond the guns and dastardly plots, and you learn from these pages that Sealand is also a story of family; of loyalty, respect and devotion flowing between generations and filtered through this tiny principality off the Essex coast; channeled through the dreams, hopes and stubborn stand against seemingly impossible odds of the Bates family. The story of Sealand is like an Ealing comedy crossed with a Bond film and scripted by John Le Carr. It's a story that has often been swathed in myth and blighted by rumour, but here, at last, is the definitive tale from the man best qualified to tell it. And he tells it very well indeed." - Charlie Connelly. Charlie is a bestselling writer and award-winning broadcaster. His books include Attention all shipping.


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Hurricane Matthew kills 269; tears through Haiti, Bahamas …

Posted: at 10:32 pm

At least 276 people have been killed so far in Haiti, the Dominican Republic and St. Vincent and the Grenadines, officials said, with the death toll expected to rise.

As the death toll rises and crucial infrastructure crumbles, hundreds of thousands have been displaced.

Mourad Wahba, the UN secretary-general's deputy special representative for Haiti, described Matthew as the "largest humanitarian event" since the earthquake.

Four people died in the Dominican Republic, the country's government said. Authorities there did not provide details about how they died.

In St. Vincent and the Grenadines, a teenage boy died in a landslide as he was cleaning a drain behind his house, the National Emergency Management Office said. He died Wednesday after storms from Matthew passed.

Hurricane Matthew made landfall in Haiti on Tuesday but the details of its devastating impact are slowly coming to light.

At least 1,580 homes have been flooded in the country, and about 3,215 families have been affected by the severe storm, the country's Civil Protection Agency said.

More than 300,000 people are in shelters across the country, the United Nations said.

Aid agencies are finding that the impact has been far greater than expected.

Ariane Quentier, spokeswoman for the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti, said: "What we are realizing, as we are going further ... is that there's been a lot of devastation and a lot of damage and probably a lot more than what we had initially assessed."

This means the initial aid already sent to the country's worst-affecetd areas in the west and south have fallen short of the need. Evacuation centers are overwhelmed and communities and workers have been forces to set up more and more makeshift shelters with what resources they have.

Haitian pastor Louis St. Germain said the storm sheared a wall off his house and tore roofs off many buildings in the area.

"The river has overflowed all around us," St. Germain said. "It's terrible ... a total disaster."

Southern Haiti was hit especially hard, where winds of 125 mph (200 kph) destroyed homes, flooded villages and cut off the island from the rest of the country.

National Route 2, which connects Port-au-Prince with Haiti's southern peninsula, broke apart when the bridge collapsed, the country's civil protection agency said.

In the wake of the storm, the Electoral Commission postponed the country's presidential election, which had been scheduled for Sunday. A new date has not been set.

Tim Callaghan, assistance response team leader for the US Agency for International Development in Haiti, told CNN that much of the damage in Haiti's hardest hit areas -- the southwestern cities of Les Cayes and Jeremie -- appeared to be structural, and not the result of heavy rainfall.

"The urgent need we're focusing on right now is food, safe drinking water and ... things like plastic sheeting, hygiene kits and so forth," he said.

"We're in the most critical phase to support people."

Dominique Fevry-Gilliand, a spokeswoman for Oxfam Canada, said up to 80% of homes in the most affected areas were destroyed. There was also extensive damage to crops along swaths of southern Haiti.

"Most likely, in the next couple of weeks and months, one of the things they will have to deal with in that region is hunger," she said.

Haiti was only just beginning the "development" phase to rebuild infrastructure following the 2010 earthquake that destroyed much of the country, said Ines Brill, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies representative for Haiti.

"This is an emergency after an emergency, which makes things more complex than a typical disaster," she told CNN.

The powerful hurricane passed over the Bahamas capital, Nassau, on Thursday afternoon.

While no injuries had been reported early on Friday morning, houses had suffered flood and wind damage and a number of roads were impassable due to collapsed trees and poles.

The country's national emergency agency was telling people to stay indoors until an assessment could be made of the damage.

"One of the main roadways in front of Sandals (resort) has been blocked off by debris and fallen trees," Nassau resident Denzil Sirra told CNN, adding his house had not been damaged.

"A lot of debris and fallen trees and damaged shrubs. No electricity right now. Still have running water."

Officials said the hurricane caused flooding in southern and eastern coastal communities and structural damage to a number of resorts in Nassau.

CNN meteorologists said storm surges in the Bahamas reached as high as 15 feet, along with intense rains and damaging winds.

Hundreds of people had the roofs blown off their homes as Hurricane Matthew swept across the country, Cuban state media reported, while photos from the seaside town of Baracoa showed devastation in the severe storm's wake.

More than 30 houses were washed away by the hurricane in the northeastern Cuban town, the site where Christopher Columbus first landed in the Americas, a resident in the town said.

No fatalities were reported as of Thursday evening, local time, as the seafront area of the town had been evacuated ahead of Matthew's arrival.

"I cannot emphasize enough that everyone in our state must prepare now for a direct hit," Florida Gov. Rick Scott said. "Having a plan in place could mean the difference between life and death."

Patrick Oppmann reported from Cuba; Ray Sanchez, Holly Yan and Max Blau reported from Atlanta. CNN's Deborah Bloom, Alexander Leininger, Alison Daye, Natalie Gallon and journalist Yvetot Gouin contributed.

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Hurricane Matthew kills 269; tears through Haiti, Bahamas ...

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NW NJ Ecovillage – Fellowship for Intentional Community

Posted: at 10:31 pm

Vision Statement (4/3/10): We are a family of friends creating a community dedicated to caring for the Earth and its inhabitants by learning, practicing, and demonstrating the skills for ecological sustainability and a nurturing society.

Mission Statement (4/3/10): Our community is cultivating a close relationship with the Earth through low-energy living, permaculture, natural building, and continual waste reduction.

We create community by valuing close, respectful relationships, using consensus decision making and resource sharing.

We support each others well-being and are creating a self-supportive, local economy, where we live and work cooperatively.

List of General Agreements (5/28/06):

House clustering Natural building and retrofitting of existing structures We respect children, families, and parents Energy needs must follow a set of core principles We will have some community-shared buildings There will be no dietary restrictions (except no humans) Respecting of all spiritual and secular beliefs CSA on property Prefer to be five miles from a town Sustainable horticulture and agriculture Cooperative ownership of land and housing with oversight from the community on sustainability practices Shared meals Community composting A learning center in the ecovillage Permaculture Resource sharing Ecological water use (grey water recycling, and no septic or sewer systems) Continual waste reduction Pedestrian walkway with a parking lot on the outskirts of the community Car cooperative of biodiesel and grease vehicles Composting toilets Members will contribute the minimum number of community labor hours We will evolve into a network of local ecological communities

Listserve: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EcovillageNWNJ

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Urban Dictionary: entheogen

Posted: at 10:30 pm

A term derived from the Greek 'entheos', directly translated to mean having "God (theos) within" or more loosely translated as "inspired" and 'genesthe' meaning "to generate". 'Entheos' was typically used to describe poets, musicians and other artists who were believed to receive their gifts from the divine. The word entheogen thus exposes itself as meaning "that which generates God/the divine in a person". The term was first coined in 1979 as a replacement for 'psychedelic' and 'hallucinogen' which both carry with them certain denigrating connotations. The cultures of those who use psychoactives that fall within the category of entheogen (or enthnobotanical, a related term which refers specifically to psychoactive plants) and those who use such substances for 'recreational' or secular uses are in some cases, strongly at ends, and in others allied. Entheogen is a term to be used in strict reverence of substances that act as divine sacraments and facilitate transcendent experiences.

I participated in the ritual use of the entheogen, Mescaline/Peyote when I went on a spirit walk at the Peyote Way Church in Arizona.

Lotsa space for your liquids.

Lotsa space for your liquids.

Your favorite word on a white mug.

One side has the word, one side has the definition. Microwave and dishwasher safe. Lotsa space for your liquids.

Soft and offensive. Just like you.

Smooth, soft, slim fit American Apparel shirt. Custom printed. 100% fine jersey cotton, except for heather grey (90% cotton).

Can you define these popular missing words?

'God within us', those plant substances that, when ingested, give one a divine experience, in the past commonly called 'hallucinogens', 'psychedelics', 'psychotomimetics', etc etc, to each of which serious objections can be made. A group headed by the Greek scholar Carl A.P. Ruck advances 'entheogen' as fully filling the need, notably catching the rich cultural resonances evoked by the substances, many of them fungal, over vast areas of the world in proto- and prehistory. See Journal of Psychedelic Drugs Vol 11.1-2, 1979, pp 145-6. We favor the adoption of this word. Early Man, throughout much of Eurasia and the Americas, discovered the properties of these substances and regarded them with profound respect and even awe, hedging them about with bonds of secrecy. We are now rediscovering the secret and we should treat the 'entheogens' with the respect to which they were richly entitled. As we undertake to explore their role in the early history of religions, we should call them by a name unvulgarized by hippy abuse."

Side note - an example is pretty obsolete, as the only people that actually use the word in every day conversation are wankers;)but if you have too, its pretty interchangable with hallucinogen or psychedelic (within the terms of the definition above

Lotsa space for your liquids.

Lotsa space for your liquids.

Your favorite word on a white mug.

One side has the word, one side has the definition. Microwave and dishwasher safe. Lotsa space for your liquids.

Soft and offensive. Just like you.

Smooth, soft, slim fit American Apparel shirt. Custom printed. 100% fine jersey cotton, except for heather grey (90% cotton).

A drug used to bring about spiritual connections.

We ate some entheogens and saw jesus.

Lotsa space for your liquids.

Lotsa space for your liquids.

Your favorite word on a white mug.

One side has the word, one side has the definition. Microwave and dishwasher safe. Lotsa space for your liquids.

Soft and offensive. Just like you.

Smooth, soft, slim fit American Apparel shirt. Custom printed. 100% fine jersey cotton, except for heather grey (90% cotton).

Generally used in place of "psychedelics" or "hallucinogens" by wannabe Hippies playing as much semantics as the Bush administration.

Actual shaman probably would laugh at the people who call hallucinogens this term because physical and psychological trials usually accompany the ingestion of hallucinogenic substances in shamanistic cultures and these people just sit in the comfort of their air conditioned parents' house and think they're getting in touch with the divine.

Used by people with no knowledge of anthropology and those who would probably be considered Orientalists by those who don't live in Western societies.

Funny how white people say entheogen s are a pathway to god when there is no definitive proof for the existence of a deity and most indigenous societies don't use psychedelics.

Lotsa space for your liquids.

Lotsa space for your liquids.

Your favorite word on a white mug.

One side has the word, one side has the definition. Microwave and dishwasher safe. Lotsa space for your liquids.

Soft and offensive. Just like you.

Smooth, soft, slim fit American Apparel shirt. Custom printed. 100% fine jersey cotton, except for heather grey (90% cotton).

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Urban Dictionary: entheogen

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A State Of Trance – YouTube

Posted: at 10:29 pm

Listen, buy or download: https://AvB.lnk.to/ASOTIbiz... Subscribe to A State Of Trance: http://bit.ly/SubscribeASOT

From all four corners of the world to everything in between, Trance music continues to enjoy a global reign not many genres can match. Few have such a strong and loyal following all over the world, as more and more countries, places, and territories add to its range. To get in A State Of Trance with likeminded people generates a magical feeling words cannot even begin to describe. And the people of Ibiza know exactly what that feels like.

For the third year in a row, A State Of Trance shakes up the party island of Ibiza with a sound both fresh and timeless. Cooked up by Armin van Buuren and seasoned with his own musical flavor, A State Of Trance, Ibiza 2016 provides its fans with 37 breathtaking records in two parts, each capable of uniting the world in a way only music could.

With exclusive tracks and current floor fillers from the likes of Andrew Rayel, Arty, Ben Nicky, Cosmic Gate, ilan Bluestone, Jason Ross, KhoMha, Omnia, rjan Nilsen, MaRLo, Simon Patterson, Super8 & Tab, and never-heard-before remixes on several acclaimed Armin van Buuren originals, Ibiza once again gets its own piece of Trance history. Will you be a part of that?

SIDE 1 - On The Beach

01 Luke Bond - Before The Story 02 Arty & Andrew Bayer - Follow The Light 03 Paris Blohm & Taylr Renee - Left Behinds * 04 David Gravell - Battlefront * 05 Estiva - Sun Goes Down 06 ilan Bluestone & Jason Ross - Amun 07 Rodg - Wired 08 Kryder - Crocodile Tears 09 Same K & Stendahl - Body Language 10 Cosmic Gate & Eric Lumiere - Edge Of Life 11 Willem de Roo - Hyperdrive 12 Mohamed Ragab & Attila Syah - Crux 13 Assaf - Vela 14 Snatt & Vix - Revive (Airborn Remix) 15 Protoculture & Johnny Yono - Luna 16 Omnia - Mystique 17 KhoMha feat. Mike Schmid - Restart (Henry Dark Remix) 18 DRYM & Jennifer Rene - Smile 19 MaRLo feat. Chloe - You And Me

* David Gravell Mash Up

SIDE 2 - In The Club

01 Armin van Buuren & Dave Winnel - The Race 02 Hardwell & Armin van Buuren - Off The Hook (Mark Sixma Remix) 03 Armin van Buuren & rjan Nilsen - Flashlight 04 Robbie Rivera vs Tom Staar - The Funkatron 05 Andrew Rayel & KhoMha - All Systems Down 06 Armin van Buuren feat. BullySongs - Caught In The Slipstream (KhoMha Remix) 07 Markus Schulz - The New World (Fisherman & Hawkins Remix) 08 Super8 & Tab - Into 09 Armin van Buuren feat. Lyrica Anderson - Gotta Be Love (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix) 10 Omnia & Audrey Gallagher - I Believe 11 Jorn van Deynhoven - Neo Paradise 12 Armin van Buuren feat. Rock Mafia - Hands To Heaven (Chris Schweizer Remix) 13 Mark Sixma & Emma Hewitt - Restless Hearts (Ben Nicky Remix) 14 Simon Patterson - Smack (Waio Remix) 15 Heatbeat - Aerys (Mark Sherry Remix) 16 Gareth Emery feat. Ben Gold - Until We Meet Again (Ben Nicky Remix) 17 Allen & Envy & UDM - Ignite (Allen Watts Melodic Remix) 18 Ben Nicky & Chris Schweizer - The Switch

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Trance – Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Posted: at 10:29 pm

Trance describes a state of mind. A trance is when a person is conscious, and not sleeping, but is unaware of what is happening around him or her.

The term trance is associated with hypnosis, meditation, magic, flow, religion, and certain kinds of music. It is an "altered state of consciousness".[1][2]

There are many efforts to define what a trance is.[3][4] Some think it is a borderland between normal consciousness and spirituality[5]

The most straightforward example is when a person is hypnotized, they are in a trance. Conscious, and responding to the hypnotist, the person seems to block out other thoughts and other information.

Another common example is the day-dream, where a person's mind drifts across private thoughts.[6] Everyone daydreams, but young children constantly daydream, and have vivid imaginary fantasies. This is entirely normal. In the language of psychology, this kind of temporary separation from one's surroundings is called "dissociation". Research shows that a lot is going on when we daydream.[7][8]

There are many examples of trance in religion. African animistic religions, such as that of the Yoruba, feature dances in celebration of the spirits. Under the influence of rhythm and song, a group dances, often for hours at a time. During this time, various members of the group may fall into trances, and some may act as if possessed by one of the spirits being worshiped.[9][10][11] States of "spiritual ecstasy" are known in most forms of Christian worship. It is a main part of those aspects of religion known as "mysticism".[12]

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Trance - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Trance Top 100 – Beatport

Posted: at 10:29 pm





































































































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Urban Dictionary: trance

Posted: at 10:29 pm

By far the best form of music that exists. A recent study showed that if a population is divided into musical preference, those who claim a strong allegiance to trance have the highest average IQ.

Trance is the music of the genius-generation.

Lotsa space for your liquids.

Lotsa space for your liquids.

Your favorite word on a white mug.

One side has the word, one side has the definition. Microwave and dishwasher safe. Lotsa space for your liquids.

Soft and offensive. Just like you.

Smooth, soft, slim fit American Apparel shirt. Custom printed. 100% fine jersey cotton, except for heather grey (90% cotton).

Can you define these popular missing words?

Trance is indisputably one of the most emotional genres that actually exists, because it is all self-interpretation. There are no instrumental or musical limits to trance, and rather than listening to some random guy screaming about his life, associating with a trance progression or hookline is much more deep, and much more personal.

Like other genres, trance has many subgenres, some of which have become very commercialised to the extent where the musical merit of some tracks must be questioned (eg. Flip'n'Fill, Scooter etc.)

At the higher end of the more uplifting, melodic (and relatively popular) styles of trance are DJs such as Tiesto, Armin van Buuren, and Ferry Corsten. These DJs in particular can make beautifully structured mixes their own music, and the music of others, building it into a euphoric collage which spans multiple energy levels, in order to provide the listener with peak/trough feelings, and carry them through numerous emotions and mental states.

The creation and spread of trance music is mainly down to machinery such as the Roland JP-8000 (providing the prominently manipulated supersaw wave), and experimental DJs such as Sasha & John Digweed.

I want to listen to a melodic, energetic form of music that emotionally affects my state of mind. Therefore, I will listen to trance.

Lotsa space for your liquids.

Lotsa space for your liquids.

Your favorite word on a white mug.

One side has the word, one side has the definition. Microwave and dishwasher safe. Lotsa space for your liquids.

Soft and offensive. Just like you.

Smooth, soft, slim fit American Apparel shirt. Custom printed. 100% fine jersey cotton, except for heather grey (90% cotton).

The most sublime, divine, advanced music genre known to man, representing a quantum leap in artistic creativity analogous to the development of the frontal lobe in the human brain. Having an IQ below 130 renders one incapable of apreciating, let alone enjoying trance. Being a connoisseur of trance bespeaks of extremely high intelligence and impeccable level of personal sophistication. On the other hand, those who despise trance can uniformly be characterized as primtive troglodytes, closer to ape than man.

OMFG, this Tunnel Trance Force compilation pwnz!

Lotsa space for your liquids.

Lotsa space for your liquids.

Your favorite word on a white mug.

One side has the word, one side has the definition. Microwave and dishwasher safe. Lotsa space for your liquids.

Soft and offensive. Just like you.

Smooth, soft, slim fit American Apparel shirt. Custom printed. 100% fine jersey cotton, except for heather grey (90% cotton).

To put it simply...The best music ever devolped. Uses a pulse pounding beat and uplifting, euophoric melodies. Trance music can be listened to under any circumstances: Getting pumped b4 a game, get wild at a club or party, speeding down the freeway, Chillin in a lounge, sleeping too, even trippin out...

The club exploded when Paul Oakenfold began spinnin.

Lotsa space for your liquids.

Lotsa space for your liquids.

Your favorite word on a white mug.

One side has the word, one side has the definition. Microwave and dishwasher safe. Lotsa space for your liquids.

Soft and offensive. Just like you.

Smooth, soft, slim fit American Apparel shirt. Custom printed. 100% fine jersey cotton, except for heather grey (90% cotton).

Trance has a strong influence from early Detroit techno, but tends to be more dramatic or "emotional" than the minimalism of earlier techno. Common elements in trance include heavy, compressed kick drums, dramatic sweeping pads, and cascading synth arpeggios.

As with any kind of music, there are a billion sub-classifications possible -- hard trance, psytrance, acid trance, goa trance, etc. Trance has been one of the most popular forms of club music over the past few years, and has arguably produced more mainstream appeal (Oakenfold, Van Dyk, etc.) than most other electronic sub-genres.

"She spun a sick trance set in the big room last night; lots of distorted 909s and squelchy basslines, none of this shite that sounds like a car commercial."

Lotsa space for your liquids.

Lotsa space for your liquids.

Your favorite word on a white mug.

One side has the word, one side has the definition. Microwave and dishwasher safe. Lotsa space for your liquids.

Soft and offensive. Just like you.

Smooth, soft, slim fit American Apparel shirt. Custom printed. 100% fine jersey cotton, except for heather grey (90% cotton).

The ultimate music for improving your concentration. Great for studying, writing papers, reading long books, ect. Has a great beat to drown out all distractions but no words to distract you.

Fuck the mozart effect, i'm gonna listen to some trance while I write my report.

Lotsa space for your liquids.

Lotsa space for your liquids.

Your favorite word on a white mug.

One side has the word, one side has the definition. Microwave and dishwasher safe. Lotsa space for your liquids.

Soft and offensive. Just like you.

Smooth, soft, slim fit American Apparel shirt. Custom printed. 100% fine jersey cotton, except for heather grey (90% cotton).

The mental state one is in after being hypnotized. The music genre was named after this mental state.

Donnie's therapist put him in a hypnotic trance to examine his subconscious memories.

Lotsa space for your liquids.

Lotsa space for your liquids.

Your favorite word on a white mug.

One side has the word, one side has the definition. Microwave and dishwasher safe. Lotsa space for your liquids.

Soft and offensive. Just like you.

Smooth, soft, slim fit American Apparel shirt. Custom printed. 100% fine jersey cotton, except for heather grey (90% cotton).

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Urban Dictionary: trance

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Job Seekers – Automation Personnel Services

Posted: at 10:26 pm

How to Get a Job

The best way to get and keep a job through Automation is to help us please our customers. Without them, we have no jobs to offer.

Notify your supervisor immediately. He/She will coordinate with Automation to see that you get appropriate medical care. In the event of an emergency, you will be taken to the nearest emergency room. For other injuries, you will be taken to our primary care center. Never drive yourself to the clinic.

Were glad to have you join our team! We hope to help you find work that puts you closer to fulfilling your personal and career goals.

Included in this brochure are some of our guidelines, procedures and policies. Please read it over and ask any questions.

In order to provide equal employment and advancement opportunities to all individuals, employment decisions at Automation Personnel Services will be based on merit, qualifications and abilities. Automation does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability or any other characteristic protected by law.

Automation will make reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with known disabilities unless doing so would result in an undue hardship. This policy governs all aspects of employment, including selection, job assignment, compensation, discipline, termination, and access to benefits and training.

Automation is committed to providing a work environment that is free of discrimination and unlawful harassment. Actions, jokes or comments based on an individuals sex, race, ethnicity, age, religion, or any other legally protected characteristic will not be tolerated. Anyone engaging in sexual or other unlawful harassment will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Any employee who wants to report an incident of sexual or other unlawful harassment, or feels that they have been discriminated against should promptly report the matter to the branch manager, regional manager, vice president, or the president of Automation. Such reports will be kept confidential and can be made without fear of reprisal.

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Wage labour – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Posted: at 10:25 pm

Wage labour (also wage labor in American English) is the socioeconomic relationship between a worker and an employer, where the worker sells their labour under a formal or informal employment contract.[1] These transactions usually occur in a labour market where wages are market determined.[2] In exchange for the wages paid, the work product generally becomes the undifferentiated property of the employer, except for special cases such as the vesting of intellectual property patents in the United States where patent rights are usually vested in the employee personally responsible for the invention. A wage labourer is a person whose primary means of income is from the selling of his or her labour in this way.

In modern mixed economies such as those of the OECD countries, it is currently the most common form of work arrangement. Although most labour is organised as per this structure, the wage work arrangements of CEOs, professional employees, and professional contract workers are sometimes conflated with class assignments, so that "wage labour" is considered to apply only to unskilled, semi-skilled or manual labour.

The most common form of wage labour currently is ordinary direct, or "full-time", employment in which a free worker sells his or her labour for an indeterminate time (from a few years to the entire career of the worker), in return for a money-wage or salary and a continuing relationship with the employer which it does not in general offer contractors or other irregular staff. However, wage labour takes many other forms, and explicit as opposed to implicit (i.e. conditioned by local labour and tax law) contracts are not uncommon. Economic history shows a great variety of ways, in which labour is traded and exchanged. The differences show up in the form of:

Socialists see wage labour as a major, if not defining, aspect of hierarchical industrial systems. Most opponents of the institution support worker self-management and economic democracy as alternatives to both wage labour and to capitalism. While most opponents of wage labour blame the capitalist owners of the means of production for its existence, most anarchists and other libertarian socialists also hold the state as equally responsible as it exists as a tool utilised by capitalists to subsidise themselves and protect the institution of private ownership of the means of productionwhich guarantees the concentration of capital among a wealthy elite leaving the majority of the population without access. As some opponents of wage labour take influence from Marxist propositions, many are opposed to private property, but maintain respect for personal property.

A point of criticism is that after people have been compelled by economic necessity to no feasible alternative than that of wage labour, exploitation occurs; thus the claim that wage labour is "voluntary" on the part of the labourer is considered a red herring as the relationship is only entered into due to systemic coercion brought about by the inequality of bargaining power between labour and capital as classes.

Wage labour has long been compared to slavery by socialists.[3][4][5][6] As a result, the term 'wage slavery' is often utilised as a pejorative for wage labour.[7] Similarly, advocates of slavery looked upon the "comparative evils of Slave Society and of Free Society, of slavery to human Masters and slavery to Capital,"[8] and proceeded to argue persuasively that wage slavery was actually worse than chattel slavery.[9] Slavery apologists like George Fitzhugh contended that workers only accepted wage labour with the passage of time, as they became "familiarized and inattentive to the infected social atmosphere they continually inhale[d]."[8]

The slave, together with his labour-power, was sold to his owner once for all.... The [wage] labourer, on the other hand, sells his very self, and that by fractions.... He [belongs] to the capitalist class; and it is for him ... to find a buyer in this capitalist class.[10]

According to Noam Chomsky, analysis of the psychological implications of wage slavery goes back to the Enlightenment era. In his 1791 book On the Limits of State Action, classical liberal thinker Wilhelm von Humboldt explained how "whatever does not spring from a man's free choice, or is only the result of instruction and guidance, does not enter into his very nature; he does not perform it with truly human energies, but merely with mechanical exactness" and so when the labourer works under external control, "we may admire what he does, but we despise what he is."[11] Both the Milgram and Stanford experiments have been found useful in the psychological study of wage-based workplace relations.[12] Additionally, as per anthropologist David Graeber, the earliest wage labour contracts we know about were in fact contracts for the rental of chattel slaves (usually the owner would receive a share of the money, and the slave, another, with which to maintain his or her living expenses.) Such arrangements, according to Graeber, were quite common in New World slavery as well, whether in the United States or Brazil.[13]C. L. R. James argued in The Black Jacobins that most of the techniques of human organisation employed on factory workers during the industrial revolution were first developed on slave plantations.[14]

For Marxists, labour-as-commodity, which is how they regard wage labour,[15] provides a fundamental point of attack against capitalism.[16] "It can be persuasively argued," noted one concerned philosopher, "that the conception of the worker's labour as a commodity confirms Marx's stigmatisation of the wage system of private capitalism as 'wage-slavery;' that is, as an instrument of the capitalist's for reducing the worker's condition to that of a slave, if not below it."[17] That this objection is fundamental follows immediately from Marx's conclusion that wage labour is the very foundation of capitalism: "Without a class dependent on wages, the moment individuals confront each other as free persons, there can be no production of surplus value; without the production of surplus-value there can be no capitalist production, and hence no capital and no capitalist!"[18]



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