Daily Archives: October 6, 2016

Space Tourism – National Space Society

Posted: October 6, 2016 at 2:56 pm

NSS deeply regrets the tragic loss of SpaceShipTwo on October 31 and extends it's heartfelt sympathy to the families involved and to everyone who worked in this program.

"The process of creating a successful off-world tourism industry will be the key economic and technological driver enabling the human species to evolve into a real Solar System Species." John Spencer, author of Space Tourism and President and founder of the Space Tourism Society.

"SpaceShipOne [showed that] space travel was no longer just the domain of prohibitively expensive government programs subject to political whim. Now it was just like any other business that could be developed into a thriving industry." From Rocketeers.

2008: Tourists in Space: A Practical Guide, By Erik Seedhouse. Springer-Praxis. 314 pages. [Review]. [Amazon link]. The bulk of this book goes into considerable detail about what sort of training prospective spaceflight participants should undergo.

2007: Rocketeers: How a Visionary Band of Business Leaders, Engineers, and Pilots Is Boldly Privatizing Space, by Michael Belfiore. Smithsonian Books. 304 pages. [Review]. [Amazon link]. An excellent and exciting read that allows you to meet the major players in the development of privatized space flight.

2007: Destination Space: How Space Tourism Is Making Science Fiction a Reality, by Kenny Kemp. Virgin Books. 262 pages. [Amazon link]. A more accurate title would be The Virgin Galactic Story because that is essentially all that is covered (note that the publisher is Virgin Books).

2005: The Space Tourist's Handbook, by Eric Anderson and Joshua Piven. Quirk Books. 192 pages. [Review]. [Amazon link]. A more accurate title would be The Space Adventures Story because author Eric Anderson is president of that company the first company to actually fly space tourists.

2004: Space Tourism: Do You Want to Go? by John Spencer. Apogee Books. 224 pages. [Amazon link]. A broad overview of the entire topic of space tourism, written by the founder and president of the Space Tourism Society. Offers unique perspectives not found elsewhere, such as parallels with the yachting and cruise industries. A significant contribution to the literature.

2002: Making Space Happen: Private Space Ventures and the Visionaries Behind Them, by Paula Berinstein. Plexus Publishing. 490 pages. [Amazon link]. A broad overview of space privatization featuring extensive interviews with the movers and shakers that are making it happen.

1998: General Public Space Travel and Tourism: Volume 1, Executive Summary. Joint NASA study concludes that serious national attention should be given to enabling the creation of in-space travel and tourism businesses, and that, in time, this should become a very important part of our country's overall commercial and civil space business-program structure. 40 pages. [PDF 100K]

1996: Halfway to Anywhere: Achieving America's Destiny in Space, by G. Harry Stine. M. Evans and Company. 306 pages. [Review]. [Amazon link]. Discusses what is involved in airline-like operations for spacecraft, and provides a history of the first re-usable rocket, the Delta Clipper.

"The sheer beauty of it just brought tears to my eyes. If people can see Earth from up here, see it without those borders, see it without any differences in race or religion, they would have a completely different perspective. Because when you see it from that angle, you cannot think of your home or your country. All you can see is one Earth...."

Anousheh Ansari, Iranian-American space tourist who flew to the International Space Station in September 2006.

"It was amazing. The zero-g part was wonderful. I could have gone on and on space here I come."

Stephen Hawking, renowned British astrophysicist who was able to leave his wheel chair and experience zero-gravity aboard a parabolic airplane flight on April 26, 2007. Hawking plans to fly on SpaceShipTwo.

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Space Tourism - National Space Society

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SPACE TRAVEL – Fact Monster

Posted: at 2:56 pm

People began traveling in space in 1961 in tiny spacecraft called capsules, which were launched from Earth by powerful rockets. Russian crews still travel in this kind of craft, in Soyuz capsules, but Americans now travel into space in shuttles, which are rocket-powered space planes.

There is no oxygen in space, so all crewed spacecraft carry a life-support system. This supplies air for people to breathe. The system also includes equipment to keep the air at a comfortable temperature and pressure and to remove carbon dioxide and odors.

Gravity in space is much weaker than it is on Earth. When people travel in space, they seem to become weightless. This often makes them feel sick. Their bodies do not have to work as hard, because they are not fighting gravity to sit or stand up. If they stay in space for a long time, the lack of gravity makes their muscles start to waste away. Exercise and a special diet help to combat these effects.

Astronauts on the APOLLO PROJECT traveled to the Moon, about 239,000 miles (385,000 km) away. Russian cosmonaut Valeri Poliakov traveled a distance of about 174 million miles (280 million km) around Earth while in the Mir space station.

In the space race of the 1960s, the US Apollo Project beat the Soviet Union by landing the first astronauts on the Moon. The first Moon landing, by Apollo 11, took place on July 20, 1969, when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first humans to set foot on another world.

The Apollo spacecraft was launched from Earth by the Saturn V rocket. On the launch pad, the whole assembly stood 365 ft (111 m) tall. The spacecraft itself weighed 50 tons (45 metric tons). It was made from three main modules (sections). The command module for flight control housed the three-person crew. The service module carried equipment, fuel, and a rocket motor. The lunar module detached from the craft and landed two astronauts on the Moons surface.

There were six Moon landings, beginning with Apollo 11 in July 1969 and ending with Apollo 17 in December 1972. During the missions, 12 astronauts explored the lunar surface for a total of over 80 hours and brought back nearly 880 lb (400 kg) of Moon rock and dust for examination on Earth.

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WW3 World War 1 Statistics, World War 2 Statistics …

Posted: at 2:55 pm

The Real Cause of WW1

According to Albert Pike, the First World War was designed to enable the Czarist Government in Russia to be finally and completely overthrown and replaced with a new atheist, Communist government.

History records that this First World War did indeed occur as predicted. The Western powers in Europe, in conjunction with the United States, financed Lenin's expedition into Russia, and financed his government consistently. The US has financed Russian Communism at least once per decade since then.

A little closer to home, in 1909, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace was tasked to answer the following question posed by the US government: "If it is desirable to alter the lives of an entire nation, is there any means more efficient than war?" After a year of research, the answer came back: "There are no known means more efficient than war, assuming the objective is altering the life of an entire nation."

And for what reason would anyone want to alter the lives of an entire nation?

Historian Walter Mills wrote the following about the purpose of the war and about Colonel House's basic intent: "The Colonel's sole justification for preparing such a batch of blood for his countrymen was his hope of establishing a new world order, [a world government] of peace and security...."

The Second World War was foreseen to originate between Great Britain and Germany. However, one of the planned results of this war was to strengthen the new Communist Russian government, so that it could weaken and destroy other governments and religions.

History again records that the Second World War did indeed accomplish this objective. The war started when Germany invaded Poland, causing Great Britain to declare war on Germany. Very soon, the troika (3's) of powers were set up to wage this war. Germany, Italy and Japan vs. Great Britain, United States and Russia.

The Pike vision of the Second World War building Russian Communism into a super power was fulfilled to a startling degree. Historians have always been mystified as to how Churchill and Roosevelt could have given away all of Eastern Europe to the Soviets, when the preponderance of power was clearly against the Soviets. Clearly, when Roosevelt and Churchill ceded all of Eastern Europe to Russia, the Communist Government of Russia, completed its transition to a super power, exactly as Pike's vision had foretold.

The Third World War was foreseen to be between Zionism and Islam. This prediction is incredible in many ways, beginning with the understanding that this prediction of a third world war occurred in 1870, a time when Israel did not exist as a nation, and when no one believed it would ever exist again.

The vision predicted that out of the smoke and destruction of this World War, a new leader will stride triumphantly, to put an end to the War, and to finally give the embattled world "Peace and Safety".

Interestingly, to back up this prediction, a report was released in December 1996 by The U.S. House of Representatives' Task Force On Terrorism And Unconventional Warfare. It was entitled, 'Approaching the New Cycle of Arab-Israeli Fighting'. In brief, the report tells us that such nations as Syria, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, and Egypt are planning and building for a final, devastating war of annihilation against Israel. This includes acquiring nuclear, biological and chemical weapons (NBC) in a mix with conventional weapons, e.g. tanks, aircraft, and soldiers, all in massive, overwhelming numbers." [P. 43]


Alexandre Millerand, Andrew Bonar Law, Antonio Salandra, Aristide Briand, Arthur Balfour, Arthur Henderson, Arthur Ponsonby, Benito Mussolini, Charles Trevelyan, David Lloyd George, Dragutin Dimitrijevic, E. D. Morel, Edouard Daladier, Edouard Herriot, Edouard Vaillant, Eduard Benes, Edward House, Eleftherios Venizelos, Frederick Smith, Gaston Doumergue, George Barnes, George Lansbury, Georges Clemenceau, Giacomo Matteotti, Giovanni Giolitti, Henry Cabot Lodge, Herbert Asquith, Herbert Samuel, James Keir Hardie, James Thomas, Jan Smuts, Jean Jaurs, John Burns, John Morley, Joseph Caillaux, Joseph Clynes, Jules Guesde, King Albert I, King Carol, King Ferdinand, King Peter, Leon Blum, Leon Trotsky, Louis Botha, Louis Malvy, Newton Baker, Nikola Pasic, Paul Painleve, Philip Snowden, Pierre Laval, Radomir Putnik, Ramsay MacDonald, Raymond Poincare, Rene Viviani, Richard Haldane, Robert Borden, Robert Lansing, Sir Edward Grey, Theodore Roosevelt, Tomas Masaryk, Tsar Nicholas II, Victor Emmanuel III, Vittorio Orlando, Vladimir Lenin, W. M. Hughes, Walter Lippmann, Weetman Pearson, Wilfred Laurier, Will Crooks, William Joynson-Hicks, William Massey, William Taft, William Wedgwood Benn, Winston Churchill, Woodrow Wilson.


Adolf Hitler, Albert Lebrun, Andrei Vyshinsky, Antonio Gramsci, Antonio Salazar, Archibald MacLeish, Benito Mussolini, Carl Mannerheim, Chaim Weizmann, Chaing Kai-Shek, Charles De Gaulle, Clement Attlee, Constantin von Neurath, Drazha Mihailovic, Edouard Daladier, Emperor Hirohito, Engelbert Dollfuss, Farouk I, Francesco Nitti, Francisco Franco, Francois Mitterrand, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Franz Epp, Franz von Papen, Fumimaro Kondoye, Galaezzo Ciano, George II of Greece, George Mandel, Georgy Malenkov, Harold Macmillan, Harry Hopkins, Harry S. Truman, Heinrich Himmler, Henri Giraud, Herman Ehrhardt, Hermann Goering, Hideki Tojo, Invanoe Bonomi, John Anderson, John Foster Dulles, John J. McCloy, Joseph Goebbels, Joseph Stalin, Josip Tito, Kantaro Suzuki, Karl Doenitz, Kiichiro Hiranuma, Kimmochi Saionju, Lord Halifax, Lord Woolton, Matyas Rakos, Maurice Thorez, Menachem Begin, Moshe Dayan, Naruhiko Higashikuni, Neville Chamberlain, Nikita Khrushchev, Nikolai Bulganin, Pius XI, Pius XII, Queen Wilhelmina, Reinhard Heydrich, Rudolf Hess, Samuel Hoare, Sepp Dietrich, Shigenori Togo, Stanislaw Mikolajczyk, Victor Emmanuel III, Vittorio Orlando, Vyacheslav Molotov, Winston Churchill, Wladyslaw Raczkiewicz, Wladyslaw Sikorski, Yosuke Matsuoka.



George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Colin Powell, Connie Rice, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Karl Rove, Paul Bremer, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle


Tony Blair

Allied Enemies

Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, Endless future enemies

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Dietary supplements, Nutraceuticals, Functional foods …

Posted: at 2:51 pm

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Daily consumption of drinks containing caffeine could help in the fight against dementia, a new study has claimed.

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) will look at the safety of green tea catechins in a report that could confirm or clear up long-standing concerns over liver damage.

Litigation in the krill sphere continues to proliferate, with a new suit from Aker BioMarine againstChinese firm Luhua BioMarine.

Vitamin giant BASF is expanding its vitamin A production capacity by 1,500 metric tons to meet growing global demand for the micronutrient.

Kodo millet, an underutilised crop plant used as a staple food by Himalayan communities in India, may have wide-reaching potential for nutraceuticals and functional food products, research has discovered.

A low protein, high carbohydrate diet may be the most effective for stimulating a hormone with life-extending and obesity-fighting benefits in later life, new research suggests.

A single dose of Coromega Big Squeeze or Coromega Omega3 Squeeze produces significant increases in blood levels of the omega-3 EPA, says a new study that supports the bioavailability of the products.

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ecology.iww.org | Abolish wage slavery AND live in harmony …

Posted: at 2:50 pm

By Brooke Anderson - Climate Workers, October 3, 2016

Click here to download the sample resolution as an editable Word doc

[Sample] Local Union Resolution Against the Dakota Access Pipeline

WHEREAS, the $3.78Billion, 1,172-mile Dakota Access Pipeline would carry over half a million barrels of dirty crude oil from the Bakken oil fields in North Dakota, through South Dakota and Iowa to Illinois to connect to other pipelines bringing oil to the East Coast and the Gulf; and

WHEREAS, the pipeline is slated to pass through the tribal lands of Standing Rock Sioux near Cannon Ball, North Dakota, and underneath the Missouri River, the main source of water for the tribe; and

WHEREAS, the pipeline desecrates the ancestral burial grounds of the Standing Rock Sioux; and

WHEREAS, millions of workers including many union members their families, and communities live in the path of the proposed pipeline; and

WHEREAS, the transport of heavy crude is particularly volatile, leading to 18.4 million gallons of oils and chemicals spilled, leaked, or released into the air, land, and waterways between 2006 and 2014 in North Dakota alone, causing death, contamination of soil and water, and all kinds of disease; and

WHEREAS, scientists have warned that in order to avoid wide-scale, catastrophic climate disruption, the vast majority of known remaining fossil fuel reserves must be left in the ground; and

WHEREAS, Native American land protectors and their supporters have been brutally attacked by private security forces with attack dogs and pepper spray; and

WHEREAS, Native Americans and other activists defending their land and water have the same right to defend their land and engage in non-violent protest as workers who are protesting the actions of an unfair employer; and

WHEREAS, the U.S. Congress has repealed the ban on exporting oil, meaning that the oil transported by the pipeline is likely to be sold overseas and not contribute to US energy independence; and

WHEREAS, we know that the real threat to workers lives and livelihoods is catastrophic climate change; and

WHEREAS, many large corporations, and especially fossil fuel corporations, have been putting profits ahead of the common good of workers, the public, and the environment, and these corporations have been granted the unjust constitutional rights and powers of person-hood, and the doctrine of money as speech through activist Supreme Court decisions thereby diminishing democracy and the voice and power of the people; and

WHEREAS, numerous national and international unions have already passed resolutions against construction of the pipeline, including National Nurses United, the Amalgamated Transit Union, the Communications Workers of America, the United Electrical Workers, and others; and

WHEREAS, this local union is already on record supporting the development of renewable energy sources and investment in sustainable energy including quality union jobs; and

WHEREAS, more long term good paying jobs would be created by investing in sustainable energy infrastructure projects using already existing technologies while at the same time reducing pollution that creates greenhouse gases; and

WHEREAS, we support the rights of our union brothers and sisters building the pipeline to work in safe environments at jobs that are consistent with respect for the environment and the rights and safety of frontline communities; therefore be it

RESOLVED, that we call upon the Federal Government to make permanent the moratorium on construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline by revoking permits for construction issued by the Army Corps of Engineers; and be it further

RESOLVED, that this local union calls on the labor movement to support a just transition to a renewable energy economy and investment in the construction of a nationwide sustainable energy infrastructure that will address the growing threat of climate change and its consequent droughts, floods, fire, crop failure, species extinction and other dire consequences of global warming; and be it further

RESOLVED, that this local union make a financial contribution of $_____ to the land protectors at the Standing Rock protest camps; and be it further

RESOLVED, this local union urges its internal union and the rest of the labor movement to become actively involved in promoting a just transition to a sustainable alternative energy economy that protects the environment and respects the rights of all working people to good paying safe jobs, human rights and justice for all; and be it finally

RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the International Union and all Central Labor Councils we are affiliated, with, with a request for concurrence.

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Abolitionism – United States American History

Posted: at 2:50 pm

The abolitionist movement called for the end of the institution of slavery and had existed in one form or another since colonial times; the early case had been stated most consistently by the Quakers. Most Northern states abolished the institution after the War for Independence, reacting to moral concerns and economic unfeasibility.

The movement gained new momentum in the early 19th century as many critics of slavery hardened their views and rejected their previous advocacy of gradualism (the slow and steady progress towards the goal of freedom for slaves) and colonization (finding land in Africa for former slaves). As the movement grew and became more formally organized, it sparked opposition in both the North and the South; Northern mill owners depended upon slave-produced cotton every bit as much as the Southern plantation owners.

Undeterred, many abolitionists defied the original Fugitive Slave Act of 1793, as well as the later Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, and actively sought to assist runaway slaves in their quest for freedom, most notably through the auspices of the Underground Railroad.

Abolitionist leaders included such figures as William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman and William Lloyd Still.

Garrison adopted a militant tone which differed strikingly from the more timid proposals of prior abolitionists, who generally favored "colonization" of blacks away from white society. Garrison demanded the immediate end of slavery without compensation to slaveowners and equal rights within mainstream society for everyone, regardless of race.

Garrison`s efforts led to the formation of the American Anti-Slavery Society in 1833. He wrote its initial declaration, which appeared on December 14, 1833, reading in part:

Within five years, the society had 1,350 local chapters. The success of the abolition movement in the North, and the large amount of propaganda that it generated, enraged the South. South Carolina took the step of declaring that

They further petitioned the federal government to have the post office stop the distribution of abolitionist literature. Congress decided that this would be unconstitutional, but in practice it was not unusual for Southern postmasters to prevent the delivery of offending material.

After the Reverend Elijah Lovejoy, editor of an Abolitionist newspaper in St. Louis, moved it in 1836 to Alton, Illinois, the citizens of Alton destroyed in on three occasions. On the fourth, on November 7, 1837, the mob murdered Lovejoy. His associate Edward Beecher, brother of Henry Ward Beecher, wrote in the narrative of the Alton riots, which appeared in 1838, "The true spirit of intolerance now stood exposed. Events were so ordered by the Providence of God as to strip off every disguise. It now became plain that all attempts to conciliate and to discuss were vain; and nothing remained but to resist or to submit."

One of the early leaders of the Abolitionist movement was Theodore Weld, who helped organize the American Anti-Slavery Society in 1833, and whose 1839 work, Slavery As It Is, inspired Harriet Beecher Stowe to write Uncle Tom`s Cabin.

Although some in the Abolitionist Movement, especially Garrison, felt that women should play a prominent role, that position was resented by many. When in 1840, Garrison and his followers elected a woman to the American Anti-Slavery Society`s business committee, a split in the organizations resulted. The departing members explained themselves:

It is interesting to note that abolitionists anticipated an argument later used by the Confederacy. Just as Southerners eventually concluded that their institution of slavery could not be protected under the Constitution while the number of free states grew, abolitionists argued that since slavery could not be abolished under the existing Constitution, it was the obligation of the north to secede! In 1843, the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society endorsed disunion by a vote of 59 to 21. They argued that no principled abolitionist could either vote or hold office under the Constitution as it then existed. In 1845, the group published a pamphlet to that effect with an introduction by Wendell Phillips.

---- Selected Quotes ----

Quotes regarding Abolitionism.

By Stephen A. Douglas Abolitionism proposes to destroy the right and extinguish the principle of self-government for which our forefathers waged a seven years' bloody war, and upon which our whole system of free government is founded. Speech in the U.S. Senate, March 3, 1854 By Susan B. Anthony Many Abolitionists have yet to learn the ABC of woman's rights. Written in her journal, 1860 By John C. Calhoun Abolition and the Union cannot exist. As the friend of the Union, I openly proclaim it, and the sooner it is known the better. The former may now be controlled, but in a short time it will be beyond the power of man to arrest the course of events. Senate Speech in 1837 By Jefferson Davis Do they find in the history of St. Domingo, and in the present condition of Jamaica, under the recent experiments which have been made upon the institution of slavery in the liberation of the blacks, before God, in his wisdom, designed it should be done do they there find anything to stimulate them to future exertion in the cause of abolition ? Or should they not find there satisfactory evidence that their past course was founded in error? 1850 speech

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Abolitionism - United States American History

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What is nihilism? – gotquestions.org

Posted: at 2:48 pm

Question: "What is nihilism?"


Friedrich Nietzsche, a German philosopher, is usually credited with being the founder of nihilism. In his Will to Power he wrote, Every belief, every consideration of something true, is necessarily false because there is simply no true world. Thus, nihilism is the belief that all values are utterly worthless, that nothing can be known or communicated. The philosophy of nihilism is also associated with extreme pessimism and deep-seated skepticism about life. It has no allegiance to anyone or anything.

Nihilism takes numerous forms. Ethical or moral nihilism rejects the existence of ethical or moral values. That which designates such values as good and evil is seen as indistinct, and values are simply a result of social and emotional pressures. Existential nihilism declares that life has no inherent meaning or purpose. Political nihilism promotes the obliteration of all existing political, social, and religious institutions as a precondition for any and all future advancements in society.

Epistemological nihilism denies any possibility that truth and knowledge even exist. This view is often associated with those who suffer from extreme skepticism. For example, the classic question If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, did it make a sound? is carried one step further by the nihilist who asks, Did the tree even exist? The nihilist will contend that truth not only cannot be perceived but in fact does not exist and is not real.

By direct contrast, Christians know assuredly that nihilism is a false philosophy and that truth, knowledge, faith, and values most certainly do exist and the source of all of them is God who is the source of all truth and knowledge, who gives faith as a gift to His people, and from whom all values emanate. There is the One who is greater than unbelief, One who has touched mankind: We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true. And we are in him who is trueeven in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life (1 John 5:20; see also John 17:3).

As Christians, we have the supreme confidence and conviction that God is who He says He is and will do what He says He will do. The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else. From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us. 'For in him we live and move and have our being . . . We are his offspring (Acts 17:2428).

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In Defence of Freedom of Speech: from Ancient Greece to …

Posted: at 2:48 pm

Freedom of speech is at the heart of individual liberty and democracy. Yet, in Australia and around the Western world, it is under attack on all sides: from regulations to force balance on the press, to new human rights like the right not to be offended.

In this important new book, Chris Berg offers a bold reinterpretation of why freedom of speech matters. Only by understanding how the right to free expression and freedom of conscience arose can we understand the magnitude of the threats we now face.

The liberty to express our thoughts and opinions is one of the central foundations of Western Civilisation. When governments threaten that freedom of speech, they threaten the foundations of liberty and the democratic system.

Chris Berg is a Research Fellow with the Institute of Public Affairs, and a columnist with the Sunday Age and Sun-Herald, and ABCs The Drum. He is an award-winning former editor of the IPA Review.

Other books by Chris Berg:

To read articles and newspaper columns by Chris Berg, visit the IPA website.

For more Institute of Public Affairs work on freedom of speech, click here.

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What is pantheism? – gotquestions.org

Posted: at 2:47 pm

Subscribe to our Question of the Week: Question: "What is pantheism?"


Does the Bible teach pantheism? No, it does not. What many people confuse as pantheism is the doctrine of God's omnipresence. Psalm 139:7-8 declares, Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. God's omnipresence means He is present everywhere. There is no place in the universe where God is not present. This is not the same thing as pantheism. God is everywhere, but He is not everything. Yes, God is present inside a tree and inside a person, but that does not make that tree or person God. Pantheism is not at all a biblical belief.

The clearest biblical arguments against pantheism are the countless commands against idolatry. The Bible forbids the worship of idols, angels, celestial objects, items in nature, etc. If pantheism were true, it would not be wrong to worship such an object, because that object would, in fact, be God. If pantheism were true, worshipping a rock or an animal would have just as much validity as worshipping God as an invisible and spiritual being. The Bibles clear and consistent denunciation of idolatry is a conclusive argument against pantheism.

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What is panentheism?

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What does it mean that God is omnipresent?

Can monotheism be proven?

Questions about False Doctrine

What is pantheism?

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What is pantheism? - gotquestions.org

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Gene Medicine Research Group – Nuffield Division of …

Posted: at 2:43 pm


The Group is led byProf Deborah Gill andAssociate ProfSteve Hyde and forms one third of the UK Cystic Fibrosis Gene Therapy Consortium. The main aim of this Consortium of scientists and clinicians, is to make gene therapy for Cystic Fibrosis (CF) lung disease a clinical reality. Early Phase I clinical studies have already demonstrated proof of principle for CF lung gene therapy leading to correction of the CF genetic defect in the epithelium lining the nose and lung of CF patients. The clinical development of new gene therapy formulations for CF and other lung diseases is underway. The cationic lipid GL67A complexed with a novel CFTR expression plasmid has been aerosolized to the lungs of patients with Cystic Fibrosis and has been shown to be sufficiently safe for long-term evaluation. We can now deliver monthly doses of this formulation, over a 12 month period, to determine if this leads to clinical benefit. In parallel we are interested in developing viral vectors for gene delivery to the lungs. We are currently developing a new viral gene therapy vector using Lentivirus pseudotyped with envelope proteins that permit efficient entry into lung cells.

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