Daily Archives: October 1, 2016

Transhumanism – Transhumanismo

Posted: October 1, 2016 at 1:44 am

-Alguien Quiere Ser Androide? - El Cerebro Puede Sobrevivir a La Muerte del Cuerpo

- Biological Immortality and You

- Cerebros y Mentes Digitales - A La Vuelta de La Esquina

- Chemtrails, Transmutacin Gentica y Transhumanidad


- Cyborg America - Inside the Strange New World of Basement Body Hackers

- Cyborg Brain/Machine Interface is Now Reality

- DARPA - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency - Main File

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- El Movimiento Singularidad, la Inmortalidad y Quitando el 'Fantasma' de La Mquina

- El Programa Inmortalidad 2045' del Transhumanismo Amenaza La Integridad de La Humanidad

- El Reino de Las Mquinas - La Separacin de los Mundos 1

- Ethical Assessment of Implantable Brain Chips

- Ethical Issues in Human Enhancement

- Futurist Claims Technology Causing Humans to 'Evolve' Into a New Species

- 'Genetically Modified Micro Humans' to be 'Farmed' for Drug Testing by 2017 - Mad Science

- Google versus Muerte - El Combate del Siglo?

- Hacking The Human Brain Furthers The Advent of Super Soldiers

- How 'Smart Dust' Could Spy on Your Brain

- Humans Fully Outsourced to Robots by 2045?

- Immortality Transhumanism Program 2045 Threatens Humanitys Integrity

- Intelligent Neural Dust Embedded in The Brain Could Be The Ultimate Brain-Computer Interface

- Is The Transhumanist Movement a Threat to Our Survival?

- Kurzweil and Google Working Together to Develop Technology for Immortality

- La Agenda de Vacunacin - Transhumanismo Implcito


- La Fantasa del Transhumanismo es un Fracaso para la Humanidad


- La Inmortalidad Digital

- La Trampa del Transhumanismo - Porqu el Hackeo Biolgico Encadena la Conciencia al Mundo Material

- Literal Smart Dust Opens Brain-Computer Pathway to "Spy on Your Brain"

- Merely Human? Thats So Yesterday

- Merging Man and Machine - Singularity vs. Humanity

- Mind-Blowing Benefits of Merging Human Brains and Computers - Hitler Would Have Loved The Singularity

- Nano-Bots, Mind Control and Trans-Humanism - The Future of Consciousness?

- Neo-Humanity - Transhumanism Will Merge Man With Machine

- Neural Dust - An Ultrasonic, Low Power Solution for Chronic BrainMachine Interfaces

- Pentagon Looks to Breed Immortal 'Synthetic Organisms' - Molecular Kill-Switch Included


- Por La Senda del Transhumanismo


- Revelacin de los Objetivos Transhumanistas de la Elite

- Russian Scientist Says Immortality Possible for Wealthy Elite by 2045

- Scientist Says Immortality Only 20 Years Away

- Signs of a Transhuman Future - The New Technologies that Will Change Human Civilization as We Know It

- Superhuman Powers and Life Extension Technologies will Allow Us to Become Like God - Transhumanists

- 'Super Soldier' - Genetically Modified Humans Won't Need Food, Sleep

- Teilhard de Chardin and Transhumanism


- Tecnologas Trans-Humanas - Anticuerpos Plsticos, Impresin de rganos

- The Coming Technological Singularity - How to Survive in The Post-Human Era


-Te Gustara Ser como 'Dios'? - Transhumanismo

- The Anatomy of Cyborg Man - Overcoming the Mechanistic Mind

- The Ethics of Transhumanism and The Return of Eugenics

- The Evolution of The Humanoid Robot

- The Human Avatar Programs by NASA & DARPA

- The Looming Future of GMO Technology - Transhumanism, Biocrops, and More

- The Machine Kingdom

- The Singularity - Main File

- The Singularity Movement, Immortality, and Removing the Ghost in The Machine

- The Transhumanism Fantasy is a Failure for Humanity

- The Transhumanism Trap - Why Biohacking Chains Consciousness to the Material World

- The Vaccination Agenda - Implicit Transhumanism

- Top Transhumanism CEO Says Artificial Intelligence Singularity Will Go Very Badly For Humans

- TransEvolution - The Age of Human Deconstruction

- (Trans)humanism and Biopolitics

- Transhumanism Advances With The Creation of GM Babies

- Transhumanist Bankers Plan Robotic Future

- Transhumanism - From MK-Ultra to Google

- Transhumanism - Is a Future Where Men Have Merged With Machines Inevitable?


- Transhumanismo - Desde el MK-Ultra hasta Google


- Transhumanismo - La Agenda Antihumana del Culto a la 'Singularidad'

- Transhumanism - The Anti-Human Agenda of the 'Singularity' Cult

- Transhumanism - The New Face of Eugenics

See original here:

Transhumanism - Transhumanismo

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Trump and the Second Amendment – The Washington Post

Posted: at 1:43 am

At last nights presidential debate Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton made all kinds of attacks on each other. But on one notable issue, they were in complete agreement: they both think people on the federal governments no fly list should be categorically denied their right to buy guns under the Second Amendment. Both candidates have repeatedly said so for months. Trumps stance on this issue should be deeply troubling to those who care about gun rights and also to people concerned about constitutional rights generally, even if they dont care much about this one.

As both the ACLU and conservative commentators point out, the no fly list is notoriously inaccurate. It is also provides little or no due process protections. The process is secret, people are not told the reasons why they were placed on the list, and they are not given any advance opportunity to challenge the designation. And, once on the list, even a completely innocent person might find it difficult and time-consuming to get off it.

If Trump is committed to the idea that your Second Amendment rights can be stripped on such a flimsy basis, with so little due process, then virtually any other politically feasible limitation on gun rights is also acceptable. The sort of reasoning that would uphold this restriction on gun ownership would permit pretty much any other. That should give pause to people supporting Trump because they think he is going to protect Second Amendment rights. It is also yet another reason to doubt that he would appoint originalist judges committed to protecting important constitutional rights generally. Most such judges are unlikely to uphold these kinds of gun regulations (as well as many other items on his political agenda).

Trumps disdain for Second Amendment rights is not limited to the no fly list. At last nights debate, he also said he wants police to use stop and frisk searches to take away guns from bad people. Its not entirely clear what he means by this remark (it could be interpreted as being limited to people the police believe to be felons or gang members whom he also mentioned in the same part of the debate). But, at the very least, its another example of him advocating gun confiscation without due process. It also indicates a disturbing level of confidence that the government can identify bad people and take away their guns without victimizing the innocent.

Even people who do not care much about gun rights and the Second Amendment have reason to be concerned about Trumps position on this issue. As liberal legal commentator Mark Joseph Stern (who is no fan of gun rights), points out, if this constitutional right can be taken away with so little due process, others can be as well:

If the government can revoke your right to access firearms simply because it has decided to place you on a secret, notoriously inaccurate list, it could presumably restrict your other rights in a similar manner. You could be forbidden from advocating for causes you believe in, or associating with like-minded activists; your right against intrusive, unreasonable searches could be suspended. And you would have no recourse: The government could simply declare that, as a name on a covert list, you are owed no due process at all.

Stern believes that the Second Amendment should not be interpreted as protecting an individual right to bear arms. But so long as the Supreme Court continues to hold otherwise, revoking this right on the basis of a secret list with no due process sets a dangerous precedent for other constitutional rights.

In fairness to Trump, Hillary Clinton is no better than he is on the no fly issue. It is, as already noted, one of the few things they agreed on last night. While I believe that she is, on balance, a lesser evil than Trump, this is not one of the issues that makes her so. On other gun control issues, she almost certainly favors more extensive regulation than he does.

But there is this difference: Hillary Clinton and many other liberals make no bones about the fact that they believe either that the Second Amendment does not protect an individual right to bear arms at all, or that the right in question is an unimportant one that should be relegated to second-class status compared to what they see as more significant parts of the Bill of Rights. I think theyre badly wrong about that. But their reasoning at least creates the possibility that they and the judges they pick could approve the no-fly list gun ban without creating too much of a dangerous precedent for other constitutional rights. Like Stern, I believe that many liberals seriously underrate the risk of dangerous slippery slope effects in this area. But at least they are making some effort to contain them.

By contrast, Trump repeatedly claims that hes a strong supporter of the Second Amendment. If hes nonetheless willing to undermine it so blatantly, that does not bode well for the many constitutional rights for which he has (even) less regard.

UPDATE: Commenters on Twitter point to Trumps seeming support of a GOP bill sponsored by Sen. John Cornyn that would allow the government to ban people on the no fly list from buying guns for only 72 hours, after which they would have to go to court to provide evidence of links to terrorism, in order to extend the ban. Its a fair point, and one I should have addressed in the original post. But I dont think it much changes the bottom line on the dangerous implications of Trumps position on this issue.

While it is entirely possibly that Trump would sign the Cornyn bill if it passes, he has never clearly stated that he supports it. Much more significantly he has never said that he will only support the no fly, no buy policy if it includes a right to a judicial hearing. And, in the debate last night, he suggested the contrary by emphasizing his essential agreement with Hillary Clinton on the issue. He even said he quite strongly agrees with her. This implies he would be just as happy to sign a bill with no such judicial safeguards (which is the approach Clinton advocates). Trump did indicate that there should be a legal way for people to get off the no fly list if they should not be there. But, of course, that is no different from the status quo. People can already entirely legally get off the no fly list by asking the federal government to remove them. It just often takes many months or even years to happen.

The important broader issue here is not whether Trump would sign the Cornyn bill. It is Trumps cavalier approach even towards those constitutional rights, such as the Second Amendment, that he claims to strongly support.

See the original post:
Trump and the Second Amendment - The Washington Post

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Tor Browser Portable Download – softpedia.com

Posted: at 1:43 am

Hide your identity when navigating the web, encrypt communication and access blocked content, with this portable version of the popular Tor browser

While antivirus software may protect you against malware attacks, countless websites track your location and browsing habits when you navigate the web, something many users prefer to avoid.

Tor Browser Portable provides you with a solution, as it directs traffic through large network of relays maintained by volunteers from around the world. Not only does this browser maintain your online anonymity, but it enables you to access regionally restricted content as well.

Tor Browser Portable does not store any information on your PC outside of the application folder, so it can be installed on USB flash drives and deployed on any system that meets the OS requirements.

It can be integrated with the PortableApps.com Platform, making it possible to include it in a custom application suite for use on your PC, USB stick or cloud drive.

Tor Browser Portable works by routing your URL request through a series of servers from around the world, thus preventing others from viewing the direct path from your PC to the visited website.

The browser displays the Tor circuit for each web page you have accessed, and a new identity can be created with a couple of mouse clicks.

When first launching the application, you may need to configure the Tor network settings, although the default configuration should work in most scenarios.

Tor Browser Portable is essentially a modified version of Mozilla Firefox, so users who are familiar with it should have an easy time making the transition.

However, the browser also includes the NoScript and HTTPS Everywhere add-ons, which provide an extra layer of security and encrypt communication.

To sum up, Tor Browser Portable is a great solution for users who wish to hide their identity when navigating the web. It prevents others from tracking your location or browsing habits, and it can even be run from portable storage devices.

Go here to read the rest:
Tor Browser Portable Download - softpedia.com

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What is TOR browser? Is TOR Safe? – vpntorrents.com

Posted: at 1:43 am

We are living in the era of internet where it is now possible to reach to anywhere in the world virtually with the help of internet. Internet has bring new revolutions in humans history. We have invented so many things with the help of internet which the people living in last century cannot even think about it. But, the invention of new technology does not came along with positive changes only but there are negative impacts of technology as well. For example, people, today, who are using internet has issues of privacy and day by day, online privacy issues are getting complicated.

Privacy is not just all about your personal information but also, businesses who are using e-business in their business faces lot of problem regarding to the leakage of very important information, which could be anything from a business idea to financial information etc. Although governments all around the world is very concern about the online activities of their citizens. Many governments are spying the online activities of people to have better control on them and stop any activities which is being planned online against them etc. In short, internet has bring many privacy related issues and people are looking for cheap solutions to get rid from them.

There are several ways through which you can make your online activities anonymous. The popular ways including online proxy, web proxy, VPN, Hotspots, browsers related plug-in and extension. Although, there is a popular browser called TOR which is believed a secure browser to hide your online activities.

Unlike other ways of going online anonymously, TOR is a web browser which is created to make web suffering totally anonymously. It was developed by a nonprofit organization but later due to the new idea and privacy concern, the government of United States has funded the organization who was developing it. It is also popular that the government of America has used this browser during their war related activities in different countries to send important information from one place to another place to hide from other people. Although, there is another rumor, according to which, it has been believed that TOR browser was originally designed and developed for USA navy.

The TOR was originally called the Onion Router due to its software design which hides the online activity of a user with layers of different routers in same way like an onion.

It is true that TOR helps with anonymity of traffic but TOR does not promise about online privacy at all. To make it clear to their users, TOR did not comes up with their complete privacy policy or what they do with the data logs of their user. Although, isnt not enough to know that the whole software is funded by government? Why would the government of a country is interested to fund a software which makes online traffic anonymous? In Short, TOR is not safe because your online activities can be still recorded by the government. Even, the issue regarding to the privacy or TOR is always in news and many studies has been arranged by different companies which proves that TOR is not so anonymous in terms of online privacy.

Instead of above issues which makes TOR un-safe, the design of TOR software is enough to make it one of the unreliable software to use it to hide your online activities because there are many routers get involved to make your online activity anonymous in TOR which means that any break of security at any point of the router will leaked your information to anonymous people or to those who break this security or hack it on purpose etc.

Even if you are planning to use TOR for regular purpose like browsing websites anonymously, unblocking the blocked content and watching movies at Netflix, TOR is still not a reliable choice to choose because TOR is using Java technology which makes online browsing very slow. Although, TOR itself is very slow software to operate. Number of IP address available to hide your activities through TOR is very limited and internet speed on those servers are not always stable. So, forget about your online security and online privacy for a second, TOR is even not a good choice for other purposes as well.

There are number of different ways which you can use instead of TOR as I have mentioned earlier like web proxy, online proxy, VPN and Hotspot etc but not all of them comes up with super features which you deserve while you are using internet. For example, Hotspot has slow internet speed where options like web proxy comes up with limited features, high prices and web ads in case if you are using free proxy. As compare to these alternatives, you can go with VPN which is stands for virtual private network and created to provide online privacy and online security to the people.

VPN may comes up with limited privacy option but online if you choose a low quality VPN company. There are some companies which provide high internet speed, excellent privacy policy and 100% guaranty of your online security. For example ExpressVPN do that.

ExpressVPN is different from others in terms to provides you an exclusive privacy solution. Their privacy policy is very clean in which they have mentioned that they do not record the data logs of their clients activities where they have sent different online security protocols to make the online security possible of their users as well.

Indeed TOR browser is cheap where ExpressVPN is not but if you compare the features of both of them and you are concern about your privacy then you should not be worried about very little monthly fee of ExpressVPN because in terun you are getting fast internet, access of hundreds of VPN servers in 90 countries, unlimited monthly bandwidth and excellent 24 hours support to get your problem solved etc. Read our ExpressVPN Review

More here:
What is TOR browser? Is TOR Safe? - vpntorrents.com

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