Monthly Archives: September 2016

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Posted: September 10, 2016 at 5:35 am

Alternate Title: betting

Gambling, the betting or staking of something of value, with consciousness of risk and hope of gain, on the outcome of a game, a contest, or an uncertain event whose result may be determined by chance or accident or have an unexpected result by reason of the bettors miscalculation.

The outcomes of gambling games may be determined by chance alone, as in the purely random activity of a tossed pair of dice or of the ball on a roulette wheel, or by physical skill, training, or prowess in athletic contests, or by a combination of strategy and chance. The rules by which gambling games are played sometimes serve to confuse the relationship between the components of the game, which depend on skill and chance, so that some players may be able to manipulate the game to serve their own interests. Thus, knowledge of the game is useful for playing poker or betting on horse racing but is of very little use for purchasing lottery tickets or playing slot machines.

A gambler may participate in the game itself while betting on its outcome (card games, craps), or he may be prevented from any active participation in an event in which he has a stake (professional athletics, lotteries). Some games are dull or nearly meaningless without the accompanying betting activity and are rarely played unless wagering occurs (coin tossing, poker, dice games, lotteries). In other games betting is not intrinsically part of the game, and the association is merely conventional and not necessary to the performance of the game itself (horse racing, football pools). Commercial establishments such as casinos and racetracks may organize gambling when a portion of the money wagered by patrons can be easily acquired by participation as a favoured party in the game, by rental of space, or by withdrawing a portion of the betting pool. Some activities of very large scale (horse racing, lotteries) usually require commercial and professional organizations to present and maintain them efficiently.

A rough estimate of the amount of money legally wagered annually in the world is about $10 trillion (illegal gambling may exceed even this figure). In terms of total turnover, lotteries are the leading form of gambling worldwide. State-licensed or state-operated lotteries expanded rapidly in Europe and the United States during the late 20th century and are widely distributed throughout most of the world. Organized football (soccer) pools can be found in nearly all European countries, several South American countries, Australia, and a few African and Asian countries. Most of these countries also offer either state-organized or state-licensed wagering on other sporting events.

Betting on horse racing is a leading form of gambling in English-speaking countries and in France. It also exists in many other countries. Wherever horse racing is popular, it has usually become a major business, with its own newspapers and other periodicals, extensive statistical services, self-styled experts who sell advice on how to bet, and sophisticated communication networks that furnish information to betting centres, bookmakers and their employees, and workers involved with the care and breeding of horses. The same is true, to a smaller extent, of dog racing. The emergence of satellite broadcasting technology has led to the creation of so-called off-track betting facilities, in which bettors watch live telecasts at locations away from the racetrack.

Casinos or gambling houses have existed at least since the 17th century. In the 20th century they became commonplace and assumed almost a uniform character throughout the world. In Europe and South America they are permitted at many or most holiday resorts but not always in cities. In the United States casinos were for many years legal only in Nevada and New Jersey and, by special license, in Puerto Rico, but most other states now allow casino gambling, and betting facilities operate clandestinely throughout the country, often through corruption of political authorities. Roulette is one of the principal gambling games in casinos throughout France and Monaco and is popular throughout the world. Craps is the principal dice game at most American casinos. Slot and video poker machines are a mainstay of casinos in the United States and Europe and also are found in thousands of private clubs, restaurants, and other establishments; they are also common in Australia. Among the card games played at casinos, baccarat, in its popular form chemin de fer, has remained a principal gambling game in Great Britain and in the continental casinos most often patronized by the English at Deauville, Biarritz, and the Riviera resorts. Faro, at one time the principal gambling game in the United States, has become obsolete. Blackjack is the principal card game in American casinos. The French card game trente et quarante (or rouge et noir) is played at Monte-Carlo and a few other continental casinos. Many other games may also be found in some casinosfor example, sic bo, fan-tan, and pai-gow poker in Asia and local games such as boule, banca francesa, and kalooki in Europe.

At the start of the 21st century, poker exploded in popularity, principally through the high visibility of poker tournaments broadcast on television and the proliferation of Internet playing venues. Another growing form of Internet gambling is the so-called betting exchangesInternet Web sites on which players make wagers with one another, with the Web site taking a small cut of each wager in exchange for organizing and handling the transaction.

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In a wide sense of the word, stock markets may also be considered a form of gambling, albeit one in which skill and knowledge on the part of the bettors play a considerable part. This also goes for insurance; paying the premium on ones life insurance is, in effect, a bet that one will die within a specified time. If one wins (dies), the win is paid out to ones relatives, and if one loses (survives the specified time), the wager (premium) is kept by the insurance company, which acts as a bookmaker and sets the odds (payout ratios) according to actuarial data. These two forms of gambling are considered beneficial to society, the former acquiring venture capital and the latter spreading statistical risks.

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Events or outcomes that are equally probable have an equal chance of occurring in each instance. In games of pure chance, each instance is a completely independent one; that is, each play has the same probability as each of the others of producing a given outcome. Probability statements apply in practice to a long series of events but not to individual ones. The law of large numbers is an expression of the fact that the ratios predicted by probability statements are increasingly accurate as the number of events increases, but the absolute number of outcomes of a particular type departs from expectation with increasing frequency as the number of repetitions increases. It is the ratios that are accurately predictable, not the individual events or precise totals.

The probability of a favourable outcome among all possibilities can be expressed: probability (p) equals the total number of favourable outcomes (f) divided by the total number of possibilities (t), or p=f/t. But this holds only in situations governed by chance alone. In a game of tossing two dice, for example, the total number of possible outcomes is 36 (each of six sides of one die combined with each of six sides of the other), and the number of ways to make, say, a seven is six (made by throwing 1 and 6, 2 and 5, 3 and 4, 4 and 3, 5 and 2, or 6 and 1); therefore, the probability of throwing a seven is 6/36, or 1/6.

In most gambling games it is customary to express the idea of probability in terms of odds against winning. This is simply the ratio of the unfavourable possibilities to the favourable ones. Because the probability of throwing a seven is 1/6, on average one throw in six would be favourable and five would not; the odds against throwing a seven are therefore 5 to 1. The probability of getting heads in a toss of a coin is 1/2; the odds are 1 to 1, called even. Care must be used in interpreting the phrase on average, which applies most accurately to a large number of cases and is not useful in individual instances. A common gamblers fallacy, called the doctrine of the maturity of the chances (or the Monte-Carlo fallacy), falsely assumes that each play in a game of chance is dependent on the others and that a series of outcomes of one sort should be balanced in the short run by the other possibilities. A number of systems have been invented by gamblers largely on the basis of this fallacy; casino operators are happy to encourage the use of such systems and to exploit any gamblers neglect of the strict rules of probability and independent plays. An interesting example of a game where each play is dependent on previous plays, however, is blackjack, where cards already dealt from the dealing shoe affect the composition of the remaining cards; for example, if all of the aces (worth 1 or 11 points) have been dealt, it is no longer possible to achieve a natural (a 21 with two cards). This fact forms the basis for some systems where it is possible to overcome the house advantage.

In some games an advantage may go to the dealer, the banker (the individual who collects and redistributes the stakes), or some other participant. Therefore, not all players have equal chances to win or equal payoffs. This inequality may be corrected by rotating the players among the positions in the game. Commercial gambling operators, however, usually make their profits by regularly occupying an advantaged position as the dealer, or they may charge money for the opportunity to play or subtract a proportion of money from the wagers on each play. In the dice game of crapswhich is among the major casino games offering the gambler the most favourable oddsthe casino returns to winners from 3/5 of 1 percent to 27 percent less than the fair odds, depending on the type of bet made. Depending on the bet, the house advantage (vigorish) for roulette in American casinos varies from about 5.26 to 7.89 percent, and in European casinos it varies from 1.35 to 2.7 percent. The house must always win in the long run. Some casinos also add rules that enhance their profits, especially rules that limit the amounts that may be staked under certain circumstances.

Many gambling games include elements of physical skill or strategy as well as of chance. The game of poker, like most other card games, is a mixture of chance and strategy that also involves a considerable amount of psychology. Betting on horse racing or athletic contests involves the assessment of a contestants physical capacity and the use of other evaluative skills. In order to ensure that chance is allowed to play a major role in determining the outcomes of such games, weights, handicaps, or other correctives may be introduced in certain cases to give the contestants approximately equal opportunities to win, and adjustments may be made in the payoffs so that the probabilities of success and the magnitudes of the payoffs are put in inverse proportion to each other. Pari-mutuel pools in horse-race betting, for example, reflect the chances of various horses to win as anticipated by the players. The individual payoffs are large for those bettors whose winning horses are backed by relatively few bettors and small if the winners are backed by a relatively large proportion of the bettors; the more popular the choice, the lower the individual payoff. The same holds true for betting with bookmakers on athletic contests (illegal in most of the United States but legal in England). Bookmakers ordinarily accept bets on the outcome of what is regarded as an uneven match by requiring the side more likely to win to score more than a simple majority of points; this procedure is known as setting a point spread. In a game of American or Canadian football, for example, the more highly regarded team would have to win by, say, more than 10 points to yield an even payoff to its backers.

Unhappily, these procedures for maintaining the influence of chance can be interfered with; cheating is possible and reasonably easy in most gambling games. Much of the stigma attached to gambling has resulted from the dishonesty of some of its promoters and players, and a large proportion of modern gambling legislation is written to control cheating. More laws have been oriented to efforts by governments to derive tax revenues from gambling than to control cheating, however.

Gambling is one of mankinds oldest activities, as evidenced by writings and equipment found in tombs and other places. It was regulated, which as a rule meant severely curtailed, in the laws of ancient China and Rome as well as in the Jewish Talmud and by Islam and Buddhism, and in ancient Egypt inveterate gamblers could be sentenced to forced labour in the quarries. The origin of gambling is considered to be divinatory: by casting marked sticks and other objects and interpreting the outcome, man sought knowledge of the future and the intentions of the gods. From this it was a very short step to betting on the outcome of the throws. The Bible contains many references to the casting of lots to divide property. One well-known instance is the casting of lots by Roman guards (which in all likelihood meant that they threw knucklebones) for the garment of Jesus during the Crucifixion. This is mentioned in all four of the Gospels and has been used for centuries as a warning example by antigambling crusaders. However, in ancient times casting lots was not considered to be gambling in the modern sense but instead was connected with inevitable destiny, or fate. Anthropologists have also pointed to the fact that gambling is more prevalent in societies where there is a widespread belief in gods and spirits whose benevolence may be sought. The casting of lots, not infrequently dice, has been used in many cultures to dispense justice and point out criminals at trialsin Sweden as late as 1803. The Greek word for justice, dike, comes from a word that means to throw, in the sense of throwing dice.

European history is riddled with edicts, decrees, and encyclicals banning and condemning gambling, which indirectly testify to its popularity in all strata of society. Organized gambling on a larger scale and sanctioned by governments and other authorities in order to raise money began in the 15th century with lotteriesand centuries earlier in China with keno. With the advent of legal gambling houses in the 17th century, mathematicians began to take a serious interest in games with randomizing equipment (such as dice and cards), out of which grew the field of probability theory.

Apart from forerunners in ancient Rome and Greece, organized sanctioned sports betting dates back to the late 18th century. About that time there began a gradual, albeit irregular, shift in the official attitude toward gambling, from considering it a sin to considering it a vice and a human weakness and, finally, to seeing it as a mostly harmless and even entertaining activity. Additionally, the Internet has made many forms of gambling accessible on an unheard-of scale. By the beginning of the 21st century, approximately four out of five people in Western nations gambled at least occasionally. The swelling number of gamblers in the 20th century highlighted the personal and social problem of pathological gambling, in which individuals are unable to control or limit their gambling. During the 1980s and 90s, pathological gambling was recognized by medical authorities in several countries as a cognitive disorder that afflicts slightly more than 1 percent of the population, and various treatment and therapy programs were developed to deal with the problem.


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Libertarian Presidential Candidate Gary Johnson Asks ‘What Is …

Posted: at 5:35 am

Libertarian presidential nominee Gary Johnson drew a blank during a live interview on MSNBC this morning when asked what he would do to address the situation in Aleppo, perhaps the most devastated city in the five-year civil war in Syria.

"What is Aleppo?" Johnson replied when asked how he would address the crisis there.

"You're kidding," journalist Mike Barnicle said.

"No," Johnson said.

Barnicle then explained that he was talking about the Syrian conflict, and Johnson quickly found his footing and explained what he believes should be done about Syria, which he called "a mess."

"I think the only way that we deal with Syria is to join hands with Russia," Johnson said, "to diplomatically bring that to an end. But when we align ourselves with when we've supported the opposition of the Free Syrian Army the Free Syrian Army is also coupled with the Islamists and then the fact that we're also supporting the Kurds, and this is, it's just a mess. And that this is the result of regime change that we end up supporting and, inevitably, these regime changes have led to a less safe world."

"I'm incredibly frustrated with myself," Johnson later said, adding that he "feels horrible" and has to "get smarter."

Johnson, a former Republican governor of New Mexico, released an official statement explaining why he was initially confused by the Aleppo question.

"This morning, I began my day by setting aside any doubt that I'm human. Yes, I understand the dynamics of the Syrian conflict I talk about them every day," he said in the statement. "But hit with 'What about Aleppo?' I immediately was thinking about an acronym, not the Syrian conflict. I blanked. It happens, and it will happen again during the course of this campaign."

He continued, "Can I name every city in Syria? No. Should I have identified Aleppo? Yes. Do I understand its significance? Yes. As governor, there were many things I didn't know off the top of my head. But I succeeded by surrounding myself with the right people, getting to the bottom of important issues and making principled decisions. It worked. That is what a president must do."

Speaking on ABC's "The View" hours after his MSNBC interview, Johnson said there's "no excuse" for his lapse on Aleppo while reiterating that he thought the question was referring to an acronym.

Co-host Joy Behar told him she thinks the gaffe is disqualifying, to which he replied simply, "Fair enough, fair enough."

"I guess people will have to make that judgment," he continued. "For those that believe this is a disqualifier, so be it. Absolutely, it's fair game. I'm running for president of the United States, and hey, it's how you deal with adversity that ultimately determines success."

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SeaLand :: Schedules

Posted: at 5:34 am


Container Type 20' Dry Standard 40' Dry Standard 40' Dry High 45' Dry High 20' Reefer Standard 40' Reefer High 20' Open Top 40' Open Top 40' Open Top High 40' Flat Standard 40' Flat High 20' Flat 20' Tank 40' Tank

Vessel Flag Anguilla Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belgium Belize Bermuda Island Bosnia and Herzegovina Brazil Bulgaria Cambodia Canada Cape Verde Island Chile China Comoro Islands Cook Islands Costa Rica Croatia Cyprus Denmark Egypt Estonia Fed St of Micronesia Finland France Georgia Germany Gibraltar Greece Grenada Guam Guatemala Guinea Guyana Hong Kong Iceland India Indonesia Iran Ireland Isle of Man Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kenya Korea, South Kuwait Lebanon Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxemburg Macau Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Montserrat Morocco Myanmar (Burma) Namibia Netherl. Antilles Netherlands New Zealand Norway Pakistan Panama Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Russia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia South Africa Spain Sri Lanka St Kitts-Nevis Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Tanzania Thailand Togo Tonga Turkey Turks and Caicos Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Uruguay Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam Virgin Islands (US) Yemen

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SeaLand :: Schedules

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Sealand Marine – Find Boats and Trailers for Sale in Nebraska at …

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Our mission at Sealand Marine has always been to deliver exceptional, quality products and services to our customers. With our 4 convenient locations, we are set up to provide you a pleasurable experience when you are looking for your first boat, trading in your existing boat for your next boat or if your current boat is in need of some repairs. With our award winning manufacturers lineup you can bet that we have a boat for everyone. If you are looking for a pontoon the Bennington products are hard to beat. Bennington offers over 120floorplans,in 4 different series, in both cruising and fishing models that are able to meet many different price points. If a fiberglass pleasure boat or deck boat is more your thing then our Regal, Bayliner and Stingraybrands have you covered and for those who enjoy fishing we are proud to represent Alumacraft.

With many years of experience, Sealand Marines service departments are here to take care of you on anything from boat and motor repairs, annual services and winterizations, trailer repairs, and even gelcoat repairs. We also offer fully secured indoor winter storage at very competitive prices.

We here at Sealand Marine and Recreation invite you to stop in to one of our locations or give us a call to see for yourself our dedication in helping you find the right boat at the best prices.

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Sealand Hercegsg Wikipdia

Posted: at 5:34 am

A Sealand Hercegsg (angolul Principality of Sealand), rviden Sealand (IPA: /silnd, kb. szlend) mikronemzet (nerbl kikiltott, de nem regisztrlt llamszer egysg) egy az szaki-tengeren ll msodik vilghborban plt erdtmnyen Nyugat-Eurpban, az Egyeslt Kirlysg partjaitl nhny kilomterre.

A Sealand Hercegsg Anglia keleti partjai mentn, a Temze torkolattl szakra, a parttl mintegy 10 kilomterre (6 mrfld) elhelyezked, kilencszer huszonhrom mter alapterlet mestersges szigeten tallhat, amelynek egyetlen fldrajzi jelleg kpzdmnye a Roughs Tower.

A Roughs Tower egyike a msodik vilghbor idejn a brit katonai doktrna szellemben ptett erdknek, amelyeknek funkcija a krnyez g figyelse, ellensges lgier visszaverse, s az elsllyesztett hajkbl kiszott matrzok kimentse volt. Az akkori nemzetkzi vizeken kt nagy vasbeton lbra (n. beton sllyesztszekrny; a belsejben klnfle szobkkal, kamrkkal) ptett kosrlabdaplynyi platform mai formjban akr memlknek is tekinthet, mivel a hbor utn valamennyi trst lebontottk. Olajos, rozsds romknt mindssze csak ez maradt meg hrmondnak az szaki-tengeren.

1966-ban a Bates csald telepedett meg itt, majd 1967. szeptember 2-n kikiltottk a hercegsg fggetlensgt. A hercegsg cmerben olvashat a csald mottja: E Mare Libertas, azaz Szabadsg a tengertl.

1967-ben Paddy Roy Bates angol rnagy kitzte a zszlt s kikiltotta magt az orszg hercegnek.

Az Egyeslt Kirlysg mint hajt kvetelte vissza a terletet, azonban a brit brsg megllaptotta, hogy mivel a tengeri hatron tl van a platform, gy nincs illetkessge dntst hozni a krdsben. Innen a kvzi fggetlensge.

1978-ban egy nmet zletember megbzsbl holland izomemberek puccsot hajtottak vgre, s foglyul ejtettk Michael Bates-t, Paddy Bates fit. Nemsokkal ksbb Paddy nhny hozz h emberrel visszafoglalta a szigetet, kiszabadtotta Michaelt, a hollandokat pedig hadifoglyul ejtette. Nmetorszg kveteket kldtt Sealand-be, trgyalni a bkrl s a foglyok szabadon engedsrl. A kis orszgot idvel felfedezte a maffia is: egyre tbb hamis sealandi tlevl jelent meg, valsznleg a fent mr emltett nmet zletember ltal. sszesen kb. 150000 hamis tlevl kerlt forgalomba. A Miamiban 1997-ben meggyilkolt Gianni Versace olasz divattervez gyilkosa, Andrew Cunanan pldul szintn sealandi tlevllel igyekezett hamis szemlyazonossgot teremteni magnak. Az llam ltezsnek fenntartsra (rozsdsods ellen) sajt pnzt verettek, blyegeket nyomtattak, st, sajt rendszmtblt is ksztettek.

Az orszg (pontosabban a Bates csald cge, a Haven Co.) f bevteli forrsa ma a szigeten elhelyezett szerverek ltal a weblapok hostolsa. Havi 1500 dollrrt golyll betonnal vdett szervert kaphatunk, amely folyamatos mikrohullm kapcsolatban van az angol hlzatokkal.

Roy, Sealand hercege (sz. 1922) 1944-ben vette el a 18 ves angol modellt, akibl 1967-ben Joan, Sealand hercegnje (sz. 1926) lett. Az uralkodprnak kt gyermeke szletett, Penelop hercegn (sz. 1950) s a trnrks, Michael herceg (sz. 1952). Michaelnek kt fia van, James herceg (sz. 1986) s Liam herceg (sz. 1988).

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Bahamas Vacation Packages & Travel Deals |

Posted: at 5:33 am

Venture into the crystal blue waters of one of the worlds largest marine habitats at Dolphin Cay! In Dolphin Cays Shallow Water Interaction area, youll wade in waist-deep waters to enjoy these magical creatures as they show off their amazing athletic abilities. Then youll get nose to bottlenose for an unparalleled, up-close adventure of touching, hugging and even kissing a new dolphin friend!

The Snorkel Bahamas Adventure takes you to an undersea extravaganza of living coral and tropical marine life! Known as the Worlds Most Exciting Snorkel Trip the dedicated snorkel guides will take you to a combination of Nassaus most famous reefs, Hollywood sites, or shipwrecks each surrounded by Nassaus diverse marine wildlife!

Experience the unique Sunset Dinner Cruise in Nassau, Paradise Island by Seahorse Sailing Adventures! Come and experience a beautiful evening out on one of Seahorse Sailing Adventures state of the art sailing catamaran! This cruise is a truly unique dining experience full memories that will last a lifetime.

Experience unforgettable delights from 7 locally-adored food stores, restaurants and flavorful ethnic eateries! This guided tasting and cultural walking tour takes you on a culinary adventure through historic downtown Nassau while seamlessly combining delicious and authentic food flavors!

It`s not Scuba.It`s not Snorkeling.It`s SNUBA. SNUBA is an underwater adventure with the support of surface supplied air. It`s fun, it`s easy and great for the entire family!

Join the fun crowd of thrill seeking SUB aquanauts for an undersea experience youll be telling all your friends about! You will zoom effortlessly around the coral gardens on your personal submarine giving you the unique opportunity to interact with colorful tropical fish and living coral!

If you have ever wanted to try SCUBA diving, Nassau is the perfect place! Scuba Diving at Stuart Coves is fun and easy with a professional instruction to get you up to speed on the basics and enjoy your first dive alongside your professional instructor!

Stuart Coves Shark Adventure could quite possibly be the most exciting dive you will ever experience! This 2-tank dive program introduces thrill seeking divers these magnificent misunderstood creatures in their natural habitat!

Enjoy morning or afternoon snorkeling trip aboard one of Seahorse Sailing Adventures' state of the art sailing catamarans! This experience takes you to one of the Bahamas' most beautiful reefs where you can experience a variety of exotic fish and astonishing reefs!

No more expensive taxi fees! Enjoy the convenience of round-trip transfers to and from your hotel with Leisure Travel & Tours Ltd! Start your Caribbean getaway right with the stress free convenience of being transferred in air conditioned comfort to and from your hotel with a professional, reliable transportation company with a modern, clean fleet of vehicles.

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Bahamas Map / Geography of Bahamas / Map of Bahamas …

Posted: at 5:33 am

Archeologists believe that Taino people from Cuba and the island of Hispaniola migrated into the southern reaches of the Bahamas in the 11th century.

Those first settlers, known as Lucayans, lived across some scattered islands in the Bahamas when Christopher Columbus arrived in 1492.

There are a few other claims, as well as unsubstantiated opinions, but it is now widely accepted that Christopher Columbus's first landfall in this 'New World' was on the Bahamian island of San Salvador.

Like most other isolated islands, when the indigenous population had not been exposed to the outside world, diseases carried in by European explorers and their crew (unintentionally) decimated the local population; the same was true here for the Taino Indians.

Over the next century, or so, the Taino population was further decimated, as the islands became a major launching base for the Spanish conquest of the Caribbean, and they took the Taino with them as slaves.

Assorted factions from Europe (mainly from England) attempted to settle these islands in the early 17th century. In 1648, English Puritans established the first permanent European settlement on an island they named Eleuthera.

In 1670, England's King Charles II literally rented the islands for trading purposes to a group of English nobles that were at the time governing British colonies in North America, such as Maryland, Carolina, and New Jersey.

Over the next half century, these low-lying islands, with many places to hide, became a haven for pirates and lawlessness.

To curb those problems, Britain transformed the Bahamas into a crown colony in 1718, one first governed by Woodes Rogers, an English sea captain and privateer.

During the American War of Independence, the British-controlled Bahamas were a frequent target of American naval forces; in fact, American forces once briefly occupied the capital city of Nassau.

After the new country of America gained its independence in the late 1770s, thousands of disgruntled British loyalists (complete with their slaves) moved to the Bahamas.

Across their remaining colonies, mainly because of pressures applied on the home-front, the British abolished the slave trade in 1807. Soon liberated African slavesdominated the population of the Bahamas.

Through the mid 20th century the British remained in control. Then in 1964, the islands were granted some levels of internal self-governing. Full independence came July 10, 1973.

Since that day the Bahamas have moved forward into prosperity. Today tourism is the major industry, and these stunning islands of gregarious people, beautiful scenery and sunny skies are one of the most popular cruise ship and vacation destinations on the planet. Bahamas which celebrates its national day on July 10th, has a population of 316,182 and gained its independence 1973.

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Bahamas Family Resorts and Hotels – Family Vacation Critic

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Hotel Deals: Save as Much as 60% Off Family Hotels!

Search our partners for great deals and savings up to 60% off. Searching, we found the following deals as advertised by our partners:

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Family Vacation Critic allows you to search various sites at once so you can compare the prices and options offered. Prices or promotions on Family Vacation Critic are reflective of what's offered on those sites. When you book tickets, your booking is handled by one of those sites directly, not by Family Vacation Critic. Transactions, and all subsequent customer care, are directly handled by the site where you booked your travels. Family Vacation Critic does not control the price, rules, regulations, or restrictions surrounding the price. Please read all rules and regulations before booking.

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Trance (2013 film) – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Posted: at 5:30 am

Trance is a 2013 British psychological thriller film directed by Danny Boyle with a screenplay by Joe Ahearne and John Hodge from a story by Ahearne. The film stars James McAvoy, Vincent Cassel, and Rosario Dawson. The world premiere of the film was held in London on 19 March 2013.

Simon (McAvoy), an art auctioneer, becomes an accessory to the theft of a paintingGoya's Witches in the Airfrom his own auction house. When a gang attacks during an auction, Simon follows the house emergency protocol by packaging the painting. The gang's leader Franck (Cassel) then takes the package from him at gunpoint. Simon attacks Franck, who delivers him a blow to the head that leaves him with amnesia. When Franck gets home, he discovers that the package contains only an empty frame. After ransacking Simon's apartment and trashing his car, the gang kidnaps and unsuccessfully tortures him. But he has no memory of where he has hidden the painting. Franck decides to hire a hypnotherapist to try to help him remember.

Franck makes Simon choose a hypnotist from a directory, and he chooses a woman named Elizabeth Lamb (Dawson). As a first hypnotic exercise, Simon recalls where he put some car keys. Elizabeth exposes the gang's plan to have her hypnotize him, and demands partnership. In a next hypnotic episode, under gang supervision, Simon remembers that, shortly after the blow to his head, he awoke alone. On finding the stolen painting hidden in his suit, he left the art gallery. Distracted by a phone text message, while crossing the road, he was hit by a red car. The female driver tried to take him to hospital. Simon, in a kind of memory fugue, believed the woman was Elizabeth, recalling that she had made him forget her. The gang tries violently to force Simon to remember where he put the painting, and that ends the hypnotic episode. When asked by Elizabeth about how he met Franck, Simon confesses that he has a gambling problem. Franck helped him pay his debts in exchange for his help in stealing the painting.

To help Simon recover from the violence, Elizabeth stays overnight in his apartment. In the morning, Simon dreams of Elizabeth's having used a brain-scan behaviour-conditioning technique to erase an obsession that he had for her. Elizabeth tells Franck about that.

For the next step to recover the painting, Elizabeth tells Franck that she will sexually seduce Simon. Simon's feelings for Elizabeth recur, gently this time. At the same time, Franck and Elizabeth have unanticipated sex, and she steals his pistol from his bedside drawer. Nate, a gang member, sees them together and warns Simon, who confronts Elizabeth with it. She responds by touching his erotic mindspot, related to Goya's Nude Maja.

Remembering where the painting is, Simon goes with Franck and his associates to reveal the location, but overhears their plan to kill him. He calls Elizabeth and tells her that the painting is in a red car in a certain car park, and unable to leave Franck's apartment, he returns and kills the gang members instead. After shooting Franck, Simon wakes up: this was all dream, and he still is in Elizabeth's apartment. Elizabeth takes the car keys and goes to get the painting, leaving Franck's pistol for Simon. While searching for Elizabeth, Simon finds Franck in her apartment. Nate and his associates intercept Elizabeth and bring her there. Franck takes Simon to get the painting, and as he kisses Elizabeth, she secretly passes three bullets into his mouth. On the elevator, Simon stops Franck with a fire extinguisher, and then with the pistol, now loaded with the three bullets. In the apartment, Nate prepares to rape Elizabeth. Heading back into the apartment, Simon shoots the three gang members. He takes the car keys from Elizabeth, and loads the pistol with the remaining three bullets. He takes Elizabeth to get the painting, and she tells him to let Franck come with them. With Franck driving, Simon leads them to a parking garage where the painting is.

They collect the red car and drive it to a safe warehouse. During the trip, Elizabeth reveals that Simon was previously a client of hers. He had a gambling addiction he wanted to fix. They started an affair, and she found his erotic mindspot. However, he became obsessed with her, and eventually abusive. Fearing for her life, she re-directed the hypnosis to make him forget her. This led him back into his gambling addiction, which as previously stated, caused him to go in debt and to try to pay it off by stealing a painting, with the help of Franck. Simon recalls that, after the heist, when he was hit by the red car and mistook the female driver for Elizabeth, he strangled her.

At the warehouse, in the car's trunk, Elizabeth finds the painting and the body of the female driver. Simon, having at last remembered his past and wanting to forget, douses the car in fuel with Franck zip-tied to the steering wheel, sets it on fire and tells Elizabeth to run away with the painting. She runs away but promptly returns driving a truck which she drives into Simon, pinning him against the other car, and ultimately sending Simon, and the car Franck is trapped in, into the river.

Franck manages to escape, while it is implied that Simon is killed. The scene cuts to Franck swimming in his apartment while thinking of the event. He gets out of the pool and receives a package. He opens the package and finds an iPad that plays a video of Elizabeth talking about the painting, which is now hanging in her apartment. She reveals that when she hypnotized Simon to make him forget her, she also hypnotized him to go back into his gambling addiction and then try to steal a painting to pay off his debt. When this happened, he would instead give the painting over to Elizabeth. This explains why Simon took the painting away from Franck at the beginning and the text message he received before being hit by the car, which is revealed to be from Elizabeth telling Simon to deliver the painting to her. Elizabeth tells Franck that he can search for her and try to find her, but also gives him the option to forget the entire ordeal, and a button for an app called "Trance" appears as the video ends. Franck is shown debating whether to press the button just as the screen cuts to black.

After director Danny Boyle filmed Shallow Grave in 1994, Joe Ahearne sent the director his screenplay for Trance, seeking Boyle's encouragement. Boyle thought that the project would be "quite difficult" for a beginning screenwriter. Ahearne later turned the script into a 2001 television movie.[5][6] Boyle never forgot it, and almost two decades after their original conversation he contacted Ahearne about turning it into a feature film.[7] Partially based on Ahearne's 2001 British television film of the same name, Trance underwent script doctoring by screenwriter John Hodge marking the fifth motion picture collaboration between Hodge and Boyle.[8]

In May 2011, Michael Fassbender was cast as Franck but dropped out due to scheduling conflicts.[9][10]Colin Firth was considered for the part before Cassel was cast.[11][12]Scarlett Johansson, Melanie Thierry, and Zoe Saldana were considered for the role that went to Dawson.[12][13]

McAvoy, who accepted the role in 2011, said that he almost turned down the part, while reading the script, because Simon seemed to be a victim, which didn't interest him. He told NPR's reporter Laura Sullivan, "And then I got about 15 or 20 pages in, and I started to sense that something else was coming in the character. And then something else did come. And then about every 10 pages, something else came. Until at the end, I was hunching at the bit, as we say in Scotland... It just means I was desperate...I was hungry to play this part."[14]

Principal photography began in September 2011. After filming wrapped up, the film was placed on hold in order for Boyle to work on the opening ceremony of the 2012 Summer Olympics in London. Post-production was then picked up again in August 2012.[15]

Boyle said that this is "the first time I put a woman at the heart of a movie."[8] He also said that he originally intended to set the movie in New York City,[16] but it was filmed in London and in Kent instead, as Boyle's Olympic ceremony duties meant he had to stay in the UK.[17]

On 4 January 2013, it was announced that Rick Smith of the band Underworld would be composing the music for the film.[18] Underworld previously contributed tracks to other Danny Boyle films, including Trainspotting (1996), A Life Less Ordinary (1997), The Beach (2000), and Sunshine (2007). About the collaboration, Smith said, "After finishing the Opening Ceremony, I hardly knew what day of the week it was. I took a month off work, off music, off everything. Exactly one month and three days after we said goodbye in the stadium, I received a text from Danny that said, 'Do you ever want to hear from me again workwise and would that go as far as having a chat about Trance... Questions, questions.' Two Minutes later I was on board."[19] The soundtrack album for Trance was released in the United Kingdom on 25 March and in the United States on 2 April 2013.[19][20]

When asked by an interviewer about the secret of their 17-year-old creative partnership, Boyle joked, "He's cheap." Then, answering seriously, he said that they both like electronic music and that he doesn't prescribe a sound for a scene, but lets Smith follow his own instincts.[21]

Boyle showed a teaser trailer and an extended version of an alternate ending at South by Southwest on 9 March 2013.[22][23] The entire film could not be screened at the festival, as is usually done, because the producing studio Path owned the rights to the world premire.[24] The world premire of the film was held in London on 19 March 2013.[25] The film saw general release on 27 March 2013 in the United Kingdom,[26] with a United States release date on 5 April 2013.[27]

The film received mostly positive reviews from critics. Rotten Tomatoes gives a score of 68% based on reviews from 160 critics; the site's consensus is: "As stylish as ever, director Danny Boyle seems to be treading water with the surprisingly thinly written Trance -- but for fans of Boyle's work, it should still prove a trippily entertaining distraction".[28]Washington Post writer Michael O'Sullivan describes Boyle as "playing fast and loose with reality."[29]

On Metacritic, which assigns a weighted mean rating out of 100 based on reviews from film critics, the film has a rating score of 61% based on 37 reviews.[30]

Empire magazine in its review gave the film 4 out of 5 and called the film "a dazzling, absorbing entertainment which shows off Danny Boyle's mastery of complex storytelling and black, black humour."[31]Empire also ranked it 27 in its top 50 films of 2013.[32]

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Trance (2013 film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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ABB Robotics

Posted: at 5:28 am

Robot selector

Choose your robot by application, payload or reach

IRB 52

Paint Robot A compact painting specialist

IRB 120

Payload: 3 kg; Reach: 0.58 m

IRB 5350

The door opener robot

IRB 1200

Payload: 5, 7 kg; Reach: 0.7, 0.9 m

IRB 5400

Paint Robot Built to fit your needs

IRB 140

Payload: 6 kg; Reach: 0.81 m

IRB 5500-22

Paint Robot Designed for 100 % uptime

IRB 14000 YuMi

Payload: 500 g; Reach: 500 mm

IRB 5500-25

Paint Robot with Elevated rail

IRB 1410

Payload: 5 kg; Reach: 1.44 m

IRB 580

Paint Robot Compact Design

IRB 1520ID

Payload: 4 kg; Reach: 1.50 m

IRB 660

Payload: 180 - 250 kg; Reach: 3.15 m

IRB 1600

Payload: 6 - 10 kg; Reach: 1.2 m, 1.45 m

IRB 6620

Payload: 150 kg; Reach: 2.2 m

IRB 1600ID

Payload: 4 kg; Reach: 1.5 m

IRB 6620LX

Payload: 150 kg; Linear axis length: 1.8 - 33 m

IRB 2400

Payload: 7 - 20 kg; Reach: 1.5, 1.81 m

IRB 6640

Payload: 130 - 235 kg; Reach: 2.55, 2.75, 2.8, 3.2 m

IRB 260

Payload: 30 kg; Reach: 1.5 m

IRB 6650S

Payload: 125 - 200 kg; Reach: 3.0 m, 3.5 m

IRB 2600

Payload: 12, 20 kg; Reach: 1.65, 1.85 m

IRB 6660 for pre machining

Payload: 205 kg; Reach: 1.93 m

IRB 2600ID

Payload: 8, 15 kg; Reach: 1.85, 2.00 m

IRB 6660 for press tending

Payload: 130 kg; Reach: 3.10 m

IRB 360

Payload: up to 8 kg; O : 800 - 1600 mm

IRB 6700

Payload: 150 - 300 kg; Reach: 2.60 - 3.20 m

IRB 4400

Payload: 60 kg; Reach: 1.95 m

IRB 760

Payload: 450 kg; Reach:3.18 m

IRB 460

Payload:110 kg; Reach: 2.40 m

IRB 7600

Payload: 150 - 500 kg; Reach: 3.5, 3.1, 2.8,2.55, 2.3 m

IRB 4600

Payload: 20 - 60 kg; Reach: 2.05, 2.51, 2.55 m

IRB 8700

Payload: 550 - 800 kg; Reach: 3.5, 4.2 m


ABB Robotics

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