Daily Archives: September 27, 2016

Politically Incorrect – /pol/ | Facebook

Posted: September 27, 2016 at 6:18 am

ID Badges will check that you are a productive good-goy You betta watch what you say goy > A new Orwellian ID badge developed by a Boston-based company will give employers the ability to monitor their employees exact location and record everything they say in realtime. > The new badge, which hangs from the employees neck, is equipped with two microphones that perform real-time voice analysis and sensors that track the employees movements. > Within three or four years, ev...ery single ID badge is going to have these sensors, said Ben Waber, chief executive of Humanyze, an employee analytics company based in Boston. We are only scratching the surface right now. Some people really want to make employment a living hell, don't they. If forced diversity+sensitivity training, having obese negresses runing the HR dept., and training your Pajeet replacement weren't enough, now you've got a listening device around you which will only be used against you, in the event someone needs an excuse to fire you. http://archive.is/5CDM6 http://www. infowars.com/new-id-badge-records-employee-conversations/ (just buy the filters and vitamins, I've got a family to feed kid).

See the article here:
Politically Incorrect - /pol/ | Facebook

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