Daily Archives: September 11, 2016

Alternative Medicine | What Is Alternative Medicine?

Posted: September 11, 2016 at 5:25 pm

Alternative medicine is becoming ever increasingly popular in this day and age, but what exactly is alternative medicine? It takes on many forms in a wide variety of guises from remedies such as Herbs, Oils, Massage and Chinese Acupuncture, which most of us will have heard of and maybe even tried to Ayurvedic medicine which has widely been used in India for over five thousand years.Alternative medicine was once perhaps given a wide berth by the sceptics but today over 600 million people pay visits to those offering alternative treatments and remedies. What Benefit does Alternative Medicine Have?

Most alternative treatments are based on the use of herbs, oils and massage so its perfectly safe and for thousands of people it has been proven to work time and time again. There are a vast array of different types and treatments available from minor illnesses through to those more severe, some people even suffering life threatening illnesses have benefited from some types of alternative medicine where conventional treatments have failed.

Listed below are some of the types of alternative treatments and therapies available:

Acupuncture treatment is not only the insertion of fine needles into the points on the body but also the detection of disharmony within the body. This is assessed by a series of questions on the persons lifestyle and emotions.

Originating from the Chinese Taoist monks acupressure is similar to acupuncture but without the use of needles, instead finger pressure is applied to the points.

Essential oils taken from plants are used in this treatment which can take the form of massage or inhalation. It is thought to be especially beneficial for those suffering from stress related illnesses.

This type of treatment stems back from India and is a complete system of exercise, diet and detoxification of the entire body.

Chiropractic treatment works mainly for those suffering from joint problems and is performed along the spine by adjusting joints.

There is a vast range of herbs used in treatment which the Chinese have used for thousands of years and are capable of treating a wide variety of illnesses.


Alternative Medicine | What Is Alternative Medicine?

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Alternative Medicine – healthworldnet.com

Posted: at 5:25 pm

As opposed to conventional medicine, a career in alternative medicine has its advantages such as better hours and more flexibility, as well as spending more quality time with your patients, many of whom swear that it is beneficial.

"Let's say you've always wanted to help people feel better, but a career in health care has eluded you till now. You're lured by the nursing profession's booming job market and you've thought about medical school, yet traditional Western allopathic medicine doesn't feel quite right.

The good news is that complementary and alternative medicine is on the rise and, with the right course of study, you may practice it in locations ranging from hospitals and integrative medicine clinics to healing centers and nutrition offices.

And you can kick the image of beads and incense; CAM has a home in hospitals, too. According to a recent survey by the American Hospital Association, 42 percent of 714 surveyed hospitals offered at least one complementary or alternative therapy in 2010, as compared with 27 percent just five years earlier. What's more, 42 percent of 714 surveyed hospitals offered at least one complementary or alternative therapy in 2010, as compared with 27 percent just five years earlier. In other words, alternative healing is becoming less alternative." Source: Alternative healing complements health career options, Tribune Media Services, June 7, 2012.

So, why does alternative medicine remain controversial?

"Debate about complementary and alternative therapies has often been polarized, with advocates squaring off against critics and no common ground emerging. There are, in fact, some causes for concern. Many excessive claims are being made for alternative health practices, many therapies are lacking in plausibility, and some are being found to be potentially dangerous. But the field of complementary and alternative medicine is not monolithic. Some therapiesindeed some of those most widely usedare sensible and deserve our attention as we look for methods to help with problems not well managed by conventional medicine.

The most common health problem for which people turn to complementary and alternative approaches is chronic pain. Pharmacological management of chronic pain, while important, has hazards. Evidence is showing, based on carefully controlled studies, that there is promise in certain complementary treatments as adjuncts to conventional pain management. For example, the pain of osteoarthritis may be relieved by acupuncture; tai chi has been found to be helpful in reducing the pain of fibromyalgia; and massage and manipulative therapies can contribute to the relief of chronic back pain...

With acupuncture, for example, a number of studies have shown clear benefit for pain management when compared to conventional care, but only marginal benefit when the control group receives equal attention from a health care provider and a sham intervention that looks and feels like acupuncture. Should we dismiss this as a placebo or acknowledge this source of benefit for patients? A difficult question for which there will not be a single answer."

Source: The Continuing Debate, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, June 24, 2011.

But, thanks to organizations like the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine and the American Medical Student Association as well as dedicated alternative medicine practitioners, the 'medical establishment' is starting to accept alternative medicine as a viable and integral part of health care system.

"Medicine has long decried acupuncture, homeopathy, and the like as dangerous nonsense that preys on the gullible. Again and again, carefully controlled studies have shown alternative medicine to work no better than a placebo. But now many doctors admit that alternative medicine often seems to do a better job of making patients well, and at a much lower cost, than mainstream careand theyre trying to learn from it.

Rather than going ballistic when they hear that patients believe themselves to benefit under the care of alternative practitioners, argues the Mayo Clinics Victor Montori, doctors ought to be praising, or at the very least tolerating, alternative medicine for the way it plugs gaping holes in modern medicine. Who cares what the mechanism is? he says. The patient will be healthier.

In fact, a more open-minded consideration of alternative-medicine practices has become par for the course at medical schools. In recent years, the American Medical Student Association has co-sponsored an annual International Integrative Medicine Day..."

Source: The Triumph of New-Age Medicine, Atlantic Magazine, July/August 2011

Debate about complementary and alternative therapies has often been polarized, with advocates squaring off against critics and no common ground emerging. There are, in fact, some causes for concern. Many excessive claims are being made for alternative health practices, many therapies are lacking in plausibility, and some are being found to be potentially dangerous. But the field of complementary and alternative medicine is not monolithic.

Medicine has long decried acupuncture, homeopathy, and the like as dangerous nonsense that preys on the gullible. Again and again, carefully controlled studies have shown alternative medicine to work no better than a placebo. But now many doctors admit that alternative medicine often seems to do a better job of making patients well, and at a much lower cost, than mainstream careand theyre trying to learn from it.

The leading online directory for schools of Alternative Medicine.

The good news is that complementary and alternative medicine is on the rise and, with the right course of study, you may practice it in locations ranging from hospitals and integrative medicine clinics to healing centers and nutrition offices.

The Alternative Medicine College of Canada (AMCC) is an educational institution that offers accredited distance learning training in Naturopathy, Homeopathy, and Bioenergetics, providing students world-wide with the training and expertise necessary to become qualified specialists in their desired field.

Noninvasive in nature, focused on prevention and gaining ground among traditional health care providers, alternative medicine has found significant popularity among the masses.

The Program in Integrative Medicine's mission is to lead the transformation of healthcare by creating, educating, and actively supporting a community of professionals who embody the philosophy and practice of Integrative Medicine.

ACHS is recognized as an industry leader in holistic health education worldwide. Our flexible, online programs, highly qualified faculty, diverse student body, and commitment to exceptional online education make ACHS the perfect choice. Your education is legitimately accredited and recognized throughout the holistic medicine community.

The Barbara Brennan School of Healing is a specialized college for the study of hands-on energy healing and personal transformation. Students may choose to earn a Bachelor of Science Degree or a Diploma in Brennan Healing Science.

The Acupuncture diploma Program is a three-year program with 2900 hours of training including traditional Chinese medicine foundation, diagnostic methods, Tui Na massage, acupuncture, western biomedical science, Chinese herbal medicine, Chinese and western medicine clinical courses such as internal, pediatric, gynecological, dermatological illnesses, sports injury, muscularskeleton illnesses, and clinical observation and internship.

Complementary therapies such as acupuncture, Shiatsu and homeopathy were once viewed by the medical establishment as at best ineffective or, at worst, potentially harmful to public health. But seven years since the House of Lords produced its own authoritative analysis of complementary or alternative therapy - concluding that there needed to be clearer regulation arrangements by the various professional bodies - the incorporation of alternative medicine into mainstream healthcare has moved on apace.

Those who have an interest in medical and health professions may want to pursue a career in alternative medicine. Alternative medicine includes naturopathic medicine, complementary medicine, acupuncture, herbal therapy, aromatherapy, holistic medicine, and many more.

In general, health careers in the CAM field take a wholistic approach to patient care; that is, the patient is seen and treated as a whole person, not just a set of symptoms. They also tend to be strongly prevention-oriented and place a high value on the body's natural ability to heal itself.

In general, health careers in the CAM field take a wholistic approach to patient care; that is, the patient is seen and treated as a whole person, not just a set of symptoms. They also tend to be strongly prevention-oriented and place a high value on the body's natural ability to heal itself.

We are an education directory focusing on alternative and natural healing education, such as holistic medicine, Chinese medicine, massage, chiropratic, spiritual healing and related studies. Learn more about these professions at our career center.

Join the alternative medicine revolution. Earn your holistic certification from one of the many accredited alternative medicine/holistic health schools or legally accredited colleges and universities of naturopathy.

In early 2011, a fellow tennis player in Barrie, Caitlyn Lawrence, now a university student in South Carolina, asked me to participate in a career-related Q&A for a class project. I thought that some of the following would be useful to others considering a career in health care. - Ben Kim

Browse our comprehensive list of top alternative medicine and holistic health schools and find the right one for you. Find and compare massage schools, acupuncture schools, chiropractic schools, Chinese medicine schools and more. Our directory makes it easy to research schools and request information from admissions officers.

The evolutionary shift from conventional medicine oriented treatments to alternative medicine has changed the focus of health care as it provides natural and holistic healing methods. As the focus among general population is profoundly escalating towards alternative source of medicine, people are shifting from conventional surgery and medicine, which have already taken backstage in the world of medicines.

Pacific Rim College is a complementary and integrative medical college located on Vancouver Island in beautiful Victoria, British Columbia. The college was founded to provide world-class education, modern research opportunities and premiere clinical services in a variety of medical modalities.

Meet the man your doctor doesnt want you talking to - Dr. Joe Mercola. Hear about his alternative health practices and find out why hes such a controversial figure.

Alternative medicine and wellness is not accepted by everyone. There is, in fact, a great deal of skepticism and even charges of quackery about many of these fields. What needs to be remembered is that alternative medicine and wellness do not offer cures in the same way that traditional allopathic medicine does.

IT IS, you might suppose, always good to have an alternative. In medicine, though, that is a controversial proposition. Alternative and complementary medicine are mostly quackery. Yet they are very popular. Clearly, they have something that mainstream medicine does not. The question is, what?

According to his Guide to Complementary and Alternative Medicine, around 95% of the treatments he and his colleagues examinedin fields as diverse as acupuncture, herbal medicine, homeopathy and reflexologyare statistically indistinguishable from placebo treatments.

The biggest difference between Western medicine and alternative medicine is in the way each discipline views the body. While Western doctors and surgeons treat the body as a conglomeration of organs and systems, alternative medicine doctors look at the body, mind and spirit as a whole.

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Alternative Medicine - healthworldnet.com

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Alternative Treatments for High Blood Pressure – WebMD

Posted: at 5:25 pm

There are many different types of complementary and alternative treatments believed to be effective for treating high blood pressure (hypertension). Scientific evidence indicates that a diet that is low in saturated fat and salt and rich in complex carbohydrates (vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and fruits), increased physical activity, and regular practice of relaxation techniques such as yoga, Tai Chi, or Qigong, can help to lower high blood pressure.

One of the simplest and most effective ways to lower your blood pressure is to eat a healthy diet, such as the DASH diet. Doctors recommend:

A solid body of evidence shows that men and women of all age groups who are physically active have a decreased risk of developing high blood pressure. Findings from multiple studies indicate that exercise can lower blood pressure as much as some drugs can. People with mild and moderately elevated blood pressure who exercise 30 to 60 minutes three to four days per week (walking, jogging, cycling, or a combination) may be able to significantly decrease their blood pressure readings.

Blood pressure increases when a person is under emotional stress and tension, but whether or not psychological interventions aimed at stress reduction can decrease blood pressure in patients with hypertension is not clear.

Nevertheless, recent studies suggest that ancient relaxation methods that include controlled breathing and gentle physical activity, such as yoga, Qigong, and Tai Chi, are beneficial. People with mild hypertension who practiced these healing techniques daily for two to three months experienced significant decreases in their blood pressure, had lower levels of stress hormones, and were less anxious.

The results of a recent small study suggest that a daily practice of slow breathing (15 minutes a day for 8 weeks) brought about a substantial reduction in blood pressure. However, these findings need to be confirmed in larger and better-designed studies before these ancient healing techniques are recommended as effective non-pharmacological approaches to treating hypertension. Still, possible benefits, coupled with minimal risks, make these gentle practices a worthwhile activity to incorporate into a healthy lifestyle.

Note: It is important that inactive older people or those with chronic health problems be evaluated by their doctor before starting a program of any physical activity, including Tai Chi, Qigong, or yoga.

The effectiveness and safety of herbal therapies, such as Rauwolfia serpentina (snakeroot), Stephania tetrandra (tetrandrine), Panax notoginseng (ginseng), and Crataegus species (hawthorn) for treating high blood pressure have not been extensively studied. Because of potential health risks associated with these herbs, it is imperative that you inform your doctor if you plan to use or are already using them. This is even more important if these herbs are used in combination with high blood pressure drugs. Some herbs, such as licorice, ephedra (Ma Huang), and yohimbine (from the bark of a West African tree) should not be used by people with hypertension, because they can increase blood pressure.

Some supplements have been evaluated as blood pressure-lowering options, including:

Talk to your doctor before starting any medication, including these supplements, which may be available without a prescription. The risks and benefits of every medicine (including over-the-counter drugs) must be carefully weighed on an individual basis.

Extensive research on the effectiveness of acupuncture for lowering blood pressure has been reported, but many studies have considerable weaknesses. More rigorously controlled research is needed to determine the value of acupuncture as a treatment for hypertension. At this time, there is no evidence that acupuncture reliably lowers high blood pressure.

SOURCE: University of Maryland Medical Center.

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Alternative Treatments for High Blood Pressure - WebMD

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Alternative Medicine, Complementary Medicine, definitions of …

Posted: at 5:25 pm

Alternative medicine is any form of practice that is outside the realm of conventional modern medicine. It covers a broad range of healing philosophies, approaches, and therapies. Most of these treatments and health care practices are not taught widely in medical schools. Examples are naturopathy, chiropractic, ayurveda, homeopathy and acupuncture. (A complete listing of alternative medical practices are given later.)

If alternative medicine or therapy is used alone or instead of conventional medicine, it is called "alternative" medicine. If the treatment or therapy is done along with or in addition to conventional medicine, it is referred to as "Complementary Medicine" as the two practices complements each other. For example, many Chinese hospitals use acupuncture to reduce the pain during the surgery instead of anesthetics. This is complementary medicine. Later, we refer to the use of sesame oil as a complementary treatment for cancer. Dean Ornish uses life style changes to combat heart disease. These are all examples of complementary medicine.

Many of the alternative practices pay attention to the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of health, in addition to the physical body. Therapies like hypnosis and visualization claims to be able to change physical conditions through purely mental interventions. They believe that our bodies are remarkably resilient machines, capable, with some occasional prodding or intervention, of healing themselves. The name "holistic medicine" came from this unification of the mind and the body. Holistic practitioners treat the "whole person" as opposed to the individual organs of the body where symptoms occur. The importance of self care and preventing illness are stressed by holistic practitioners.

Any therapy that relies on the body's own healing powers may be considered natural medicine. These include herbal remedies, diet and water therapies.

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The Zeitgeist Movement – RationalWiki

Posted: at 5:24 pm

The Zeitgeist Movement is a grass-roots international network promoting a change[1] in the current spirit of the time (hence the name "The Zeitgeist Movement") that was formed in response to Peter Joseph's Zeitgeist: Addendum documentary. Basically a modern re-hash of the Technocracy movement, their ideas are derived from multiple sources, primarily The Venus Project and Buckminster Fuller. Indeed, the movement's Activist Orientation Guide defines itself as "the activist arm of the Venus Project"[2], despite their split with the Venus Project in April 2011.[3] They consider themselves to be a "sustainability advocacy organization."[4] The community is largely concentrated on the internet and have their own live broadcasting shows.[5][6]

The Zeitgeist movement is organised into various different 'chapters' across more than 50 different countries, though just how active these chapters are is probably only known to those involved in them [7] and differs greatly from chapter to chapter. Recordings of most chapter meetings are freely available online, where all types of chapter related matters like activity are discussed. A quick glance at some chapter websites reveals they have at least some presence in certain university societies and at the local level. Nevertheless, most of their forum posting seems to be discussions about the movement's philosophy and what activists intend to do in the near future. It is however difficult to measure if the movement achieves its goals seeing their sole intention is to be an educational movement[8] and "spread awareness," one could suspect they do seeing new chapters are added on a monthly basis (see chapter list on the website) and the userbase on the different Facebook pages[9] show an increase.

The organization is based on undirected whining about capitalism, accompanied by a belief that somehow computers should be used excessively to do all future resource planning for the purpose of maximum efficiency and sustainability, and that shortly robots will be doing most work - in summary something one could call techno-utopianism.

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Tailored Access Operations – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Posted: at 5:22 pm

The Office of Tailored Access Operations (TAO) is a cyber-warfare intelligence-gathering unit of the National Security Agency (NSA). It has been active since at least circa 1998.[1][2] TAO identifies, monitors, infiltrates, and gathers intelligence on computer systems being used by entities foreign to the United States.[3][4][5][6] The NSA terms these activities "computer network exploitation".

TAO is reportedly "now the largest and arguably the most important component of the NSA's huge Signals Intelligence Directorate (SID)[7] (SIGINT), consisting of more than 1,000 military and civilian computer hackers, intelligence analysts, targeting specialists, computer hardware and software designers, and electrical engineers."[1]

A document leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden describing the unit's work says[not in citation given] TAO has software templates allowing it to break into commonly used hardware, including routers, switches, and firewalls from multiple product vendor lines".[8] According to The Washington Post, TAO engineers prefer to tap networks rather than isolated computers, because there are typically many devices on a single network.[8]

TAO's headquarters are termed the Remote Operations Center (ROC) and are based at the NSA headquarters at Fort Meade, Maryland. TAO also has expanded to NSA Hawaii (Wahiawa, Oahu), NSA Georgia (Fort Gordon, Georgia), NSA Texas (San Antonio, Texas), and NSA Colorado (Buckley Air Force Base, Denver).[1]

Since 2013, the head of TAO is Rob Joyce, a 25-plus year employee who previously worked in the NSA's Information Assurance Directorate (IAD). In January 2016, Joyce had a rare public appearance when he gave a presentation at the Usenixs Enigma conference. [9]

In the Remote Operations Center, 600 employees gather information from around the world.[10][11] Their motto is "Your data is our data, your equipment is our equipment - anytime, any place, by any legal means."

Details[citation needed] on a program titled QUANTUMSQUIRREL indicate NSA ability to masquerade as any routable IPv4 or IPv6 host. This enables an NSA computer to generate false geological location and personal identification credentials when accessing the Internet utilizing QUANTUMSQUIRREL.[15]

The NSA ANT catalog is a 50-page classified document listing technology available to the United States National Security Agency (NSA) Tailored Access Operations (TAO) by the Advanced Network Technology (ANT) Division to aid in cyber surveillance. Most devices are described as already operational and available to US nationals and members of the Five Eyes alliance. According to Der Spiegel, which released the catalog to the public on December 30, 2013, "The list reads like a mail-order catalog, one from which other NSA employees can order technologies from the ANT division for tapping their targets' data." The document was created in 2008.[16] Security researcher Jacob Appelbaum gave a speech at the Chaos Communications Congress in Hamburg, Germany, in which he detailed techniques that the simultaneously published Der Spiegel article he coauthored disclosed from the catalog.[16]

The TAO has developed an attack suite they call QUANTUM. It relies on a compromised router that duplicates internet traffic, typically HTTP requests, so that they go both to the intended target and to an NSA site (indirectly). The NSA site runs FOXACID software which sends back exploits that load in the background in the target web browser before the intended destination has had a chance to respond (it's unclear if the compromised router facilitates this race on the return trip). Prior to the development of this technology, FOXACID software made spear-phishing attacks the NSA referred to as spam. If the browser is exploitable, further permanent "implants" (rootkits etc.) are deployed in the target computer, e.g. OLYMPUSFIRE for Windows, which give complete remote access to the infected machine.[17] This type of attack is part of the man-in-the-middle attack family, though more specifically it is called man-on-the-side attack. It is difficult to pull off without controlling some of the Internet backbone.[18]

There are numerous services that FOXACID can exploit this way. The names of some FOXACID modules are given below:[19]

By collaboration with the British Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) (MUSCULAR), Google services could be attacked too, including Gmail.[20]

Finding machines that are exploitable and worth attacking is done using analytic databases such as XKeyscore.[21] A specific method of finding vulnerable machines is interception of Windows Error Reporting traffic, which is logged into XKeyscore.[22]

QUANTUM attacks launched from NSA sites can be too slow for some combinations of targets and services as they essentially try to exploit a race condition, i.e. the NSA server is trying to beat the legitimate server with its response.[23] As of mid-2011, the NSA was prototyping a capability codenamed QFIRE, which involved embedding their exploit-dispensing servers in virtual machines (running on VMware ESX) hosted closer to the target, in the so-called Special Collection Sites (SCS) network worldwide. The goal of QFIRE was to lower the latency of the spoofed response, thus increasing the probability of success.[24][25][26]

COMMENDEER [sic] is used to commandeer (i.e. compromise) untargeted computer systems. The software is used as a part of QUANTUMNATION, which also includes the software vulnerability scanner VALIDATOR. The tool was first described at the 2014 Chaos Communication Congress by Jacob Appelbaum, who characterized it as tyrannical.[27][28][29]

QUANTUMCOOKIE is a more complex form of attack which can be used against Tor users.[30]

According to a 2013 article in Foreign Policy, "TAO has become increasingly accomplished at its mission, thanks in part to the high-level cooperation it secretly receives from the 'big three' American telecom companies (AT&T, Verizon and Sprint), most of the large US-based Internet service providers, and many of the top computer security software manufactures and consulting companies."[36] A 2012 TAO budget document claims that these companies, on TAO's behest, "insert vulnerabilities into commercial encryption systems, IT systems, networks and endpoint communications devices used by targets".[36] A number of US companies, including Cisco and Dell, have subsequently made public statements denying that they insert such back doors into their products.[37]Microsoft provides advance warning to the NSA of vulnerabilities it knows about, before fixes or information about these vulnerabilities is available to the public; this enables TAO to execute so-called zero-day attacks.[38] A Microsoft official who declined to be identified in the press confirmed that this is indeed the case, but said that Microsoft can't be held responsible for how the NSA uses this advance information.[39]

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BoE Accelerator Will Focus On Blockchain Pilots – Bitcoin News

Posted: at 5:21 pm

The Bank of England (BoE) is ramping up its efforts to research and develop fintech and understand distributed ledger technology (DLT). During the recent launch of UKs FinTech Accelerator program, BoE chief cashier Victoria Cleland discussedthe firms technology options with blockchain protocol.

Also read:Bank of England: Digital Currency Can Raise GDP By Almost 3%

The BoE accelerator beganin London,focusing solely on R&D efforts in a working partnership with fintech firms. The program will develop innovative technologies on issues that matter to the Banks mission and operations, the company said.

Clelands speech focused around the banks intentions to explore fintech and distributed ledger technology. She said:

We also need to understand the technology options. Could, and should CBDC be delivered using DLT, and is this technology the best way to achieve the necessary scalability and resilience? What are the implications on privacy, and how could the rules for the operation of the distributed ledger be managed?

The bank has been interested in virtual currencies and blockchain technology for some time. In July, Bitcoin.com reported on its paper regarding a central bank-based cryptocurrency. The paper stated that a centralized crypto could raise the UKs GDP by almost 3%. However, in Clelands speech, she said she believes the technology is in its very early stages and the BoEshould explore its options.

DLT is still in its infancy, and there are numerous questions that need exploring. The Bank has already undertaken a proof of concept using this technology, and we are looking for new opportunities through our FinTech accelerator, Cleland said.

She added thatthe latest wave of fintech has brought high expectations, and a considerable amount of attention has been focused around DLT. There are projects in the works that could reshape the trading and settlements landscape, and peer-to-peer deposit and lending schemes could disintermediate incumbent banks.

The London accelerator is also working with Big Four global auditor PwC onits DLT proof of concept. TheBoE is also working with BitSight, which uses publicly-available bulk data to assess firms cyber-resilience and Privitar, that provides tools to anonymize and desensitize data. BoE seems to be focused on its DLT but says its also interested in other areas of fintech such as anomaly detection and pattern recognition with machine learning.

BoE seems steadfast onplaying a significant role within the blockchain landscape. Its recent reports, and Victoria Clelands speech, show BoE wants these technological developments to progress the banks infrastructure. With its London FinTech Accelerator program and existing distributed ledger network, the Bank is taking the necessary steps in order not tobe left behind.

What do you think about the Bank of Englands fintech and blockchain accelerator? Let us know in the comments below.

Source:BoE Chief Cashiers Public Speech, and IBTimes

Images via Shutterstock, and Pixabay

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Atopic Dermatitis / Eczema – Allergy UK

Posted: at 5:19 pm


Eczema, also known as atopic eczema or atopic dermatitis, is a skin condition causing inflammation and intense irritation. Eczema symptoms tend to be caused by dry skin. The skin becomes hot, itchy and inflamed; it may also be red and appear irritated. Atopy, or being atopic, means having a genetic tendency for your immune system to make increased levels of IgE antibodies to certain allergens. An atopic individual is likely to have more than one allergic condition during their lifetime, such as eczema, asthma, hay fever or food allergy.

In young children, patches of dry, scaly skin, or (less commonly) wet, weepy skin, can appear anywhere on the body. In older children, the eczema usually appears on wrists, ankles, elbows, knees and face, including the eyelids. In adults, it may localise, affecting the face, hands, neck and scalp although it can affect any part of the body.

Skin that is affected by eczema gets sore and broken when it is scratched, it can look wet and may bleed. Scratching is hard to avoid since the main distressing symptom of eczema is unbearable itching but once the skin gets broken and cracked, infections can set in, causing even more discomfort. Those with severe eczema often feel cold when others are hot. This is because the skin is the largest organ of the body and one of its roles is helping to regulate body temperature. Conversely, being hot in bed causes severe irritation.

This skin condition can affect any age range and it is thought to be caused by a defect in the skin barrier that makes it more susceptible to inflammation and allows allergens and bacteria to make contact with the immune system.

Eczema can affect ones quality of life significantly and may also affect sleep patterns. Whilst this can make you irritable and frustrated, good management can help alleviate these problems. This skin condition is well understood and dermatologists (skin doctors) have developed effective skin treatment regimens to control and manage the symptoms. It can take some time to find the most suitable therapy for each individual, often causing embarrassment and daily frustration with the symptoms in the meantime. Many people do not understand that eczema is neither infectious nor contagious.

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Generally, GPs can diagnose eczema and differentiate whether you have eczema or another skin condition. Seasons of the year (for example, in winter), or even emotional responses (such as stress), may cause eczema to worsen. However, a large number of eczema sufferers are not able to link a cause to their symptoms. It is essential that any known triggers are avoided and sometimes keeping a trigger symptom diary at home may help you to realise what might be causing flares. Important things to consider include bubble baths, shampoos, make-up products, chemicals such as cleaning products and occupational irritants such as hairdressing products or heavy oils and lubricants used in the motor industry or allergens, such as latex gloves, leather, cement or certain plants.

If further investigation is needed, or the skins condition is not improving with barrier protection and prescribed treatment, your GP may make a referral to see a dermatologist to pinpoint the exact cause of the condition. Allergy patch tests can identify substances causing contact allergy. Allergy tests (either skin prick testing or a specific IgE blood test) may help to identify airborne or food allergens involved in flares, as many people with atopic dermatitis/eczema may also have asthma, allergic rhinitis/hay fever. Allergens that trigger these may also trigger symptoms in eczema, such as house dust mite, animal dander, mould spores, pollen or foods. You may need to be referred to an allergy clinic for skin prick or specific IgE blood tests.

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No. Children are born with the tendency to have eczema and many things can make their eczema worse. These are known as triggers for the eczema. Foods can be triggers for eczema especially in infants but the foods are not the primary cause of the eczema. If a food is found to make eczema worse, excluding that food may significantly improve symptoms but not cure the condition. A food that is not eaten often but causes symptoms may be easier to identify than one that is eaten daily, such as milk/dairy products, wheat or soya.

Some patients with the IgE-associated variety of AEDS suffer from worsening of their skin symptoms after contact with certain airborne allergens, such as house dust mite, pollens, or animal hairs, and improve after appropriate allergen avoidance strategies are introduced.

Emollient lotions and creams are prescribed for eczema and dry skin, and are, in their simplest form, mixtures of oil and water. Some emollients may also contain slight amounts of antibacterial chemicals (to avoid infection in broken skin), or steroids (to reduce inflammation).

Emollient products range in their consistency, from being runny lotions to thick creams, and while they can be a very cooling and soothing treatment for eczema, the stickiness of the thicker products can sometimes make them a source of annoyance. It is important to find a product that is suitable for you.

Dry skin is more susceptible to eczema, and once the skin barrier is broken, it is open to potential infection and further irritation from allergens and other chemical irritants. Scratching also causes the body to release histamine, which further aggravates the symptoms. Emollients work to reduce eczema symptoms by creating a protective barrier on the top layer of the skin, moisturising it and reducing water loss. The oil also provides lubrication so that the dry skin, which is often itchy and rough, will not be as easily irritated.

Although emollients do not stop the underlying cause of eczema, they calm and soothe the skin, and give it time to repair itself. For emollients to work effectively, they need to be used as part of a regular treatment regimen. This means that they should be applied at set times of day, and should be used whether they appear to be needed or not.

Eczema can flare up at any time, in some instances due to infection, hormonal changes, stress or allergens, but also for no obvious reason. Even when emollients are used, there may be times when eczema seems to get worse. However, regular treatment can help to minimise the number and severity of flare ups.

Emollients should be continued, even when all traces of eczema have vanished. By keeping the skin moisturised, it will be better hydrated and with less chance of the skin barrier being broken, the risk of allergens and other irritants causing eczema is reduced.

Emollients are available as lotions, creams, ointments, shower and bath products and soap substitutes. These products should be used every day as emollients support the skins barrier function by helping it to retain water and form a protective layer against allergens or bacteria. They can also help to relieve the itchy symptoms typical of eczema.

Water can have a drying effect on skin and so emollients are also available as bath products, which help to hydrate and protect the skin while soaking in the water, although it is no longer advised to soak for more than 15 minutes. In addition, soap can also make eczema worse because it dries the skin further. Soap substitute emollients can also be prescribed, which can be rubbed on and rinsed off skin just like liquid soap.

You may find that you are prescribed several creams if your eczema symptoms vary and different creams may be more suitable for different times. For example, you may prefer to use a less oily cream during the day and use a thicker cream or ointment treatment at night. Ointment also have the advantage of needing less or no preservatives, to which a few people can eventually react.

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It is sometimes necessary to apply topical corticosteroids (e.g. hydrocortisone), as these reduce inflammation in the skin.

Many people worry when steroids are mentioned as a treatment option because of stories they may have heard in the media, particularly related to anabolic steroid abuse in sports. These, however, are not the same steroids that are used as medical treatments and, when used as directed by a physician, steroids have an important role to play in treating a range of ailments, including eczema.

Topical steroids are safe to use but it is important to always follow the instructions provided, making sure you understand which areas you apply the cream to and exactly how much. If you have any questions, then ask your doctor or nurse for further advice and information.

Steroid creams only need to be applied to the inflamed areas of skin. One fingertip of cream (where the cream is squeezed along the fingertip as far as the first joint) is usually enough to cover an area of skin twice the size of an adults hand. Fingertip units are used as a guide for the amounts needed for different parts of the body.

Sometimes emollients and other creams (i.e. steroids and antibiotics) are needed in combination. It is important to leave an adequate gap between applying the different creams to allow one cream to be absorbed before applying another, ideally at least 10 minutes. If creams are applied too soon after each other they may be diluted so healing and control of the symptoms can take longer. Steroid creams, when used for a long time at a high dose, can cause skin to be thinned. This will not happen when steroid creams are prescribed at the appropriate strength, with less potent steroids being prescribed on the face than on the body. It is also important to use steroid creams as early into flares as possible, as this will avoid the need for higher strength preparations, required when the eczema is severe. Doctors are also increasingly using steroid creams proactively for only a couple of days a week (weekend therapy), even when the eczema is well controlled, to prevent future flares, as this has been shown to reduce the amount of steroids needed in the long-term.

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Sometimes, special pyjama-like garments (known as wet wraps) that are used for children, may also help certain areas of your body that have not responded to the usual topical application of emollients and steroids. Wet wraps can also be useful if you suffer from itch at night and cannot sleep, allowing you to have a better quality of sleep during times when the eczema is particularly bad. There are various ways of applying these garments and your nurse or doctor will be able to demonstrate the best way of application.

It important to follow the advice of your treating practitioner for the length of time of wet wrap treatment, and it is important to have your skin re-assessed when the treatment comes to an end.

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Calcineurin inhibitors are an alternative to steroid creams. There are two different preparations, Tacrolimus (0.03% and 0.1%) and 1% Pimecrolimus (also known as Protopic and Elidel), licensed for use in children over the age of two. Like steroid creams, they reduce the skin inflammation and can lessen itching.

These creams are suitable for use on almost every part of the body, as they do not thin the skin and are often used when steroids have proved unsuccessful, or are not suitable, for example, on sensitive skin around the eyes. Emollients should continue to be used as well as these creams.

A common side effect of these creams is a short-lived burning sensation on application, which is harmless and generally settles down after a few applications. These drugs are thought to be safe and effective in the short-term but their safety for long-term use has yet to be proven.

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There are many other types of dermatitis/eczema, which are non-atopic, i.e. not triggered by allergens or related to allergy, such as seborrhoeic; pompholyx; irritant contact; gravitational/asteototic; discoid/nummular. Information on these is available from http://www.eczema.org

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Atopic Dermatitis / Eczema - Allergy UK

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Eczema – National Library of Medicine – PubMed Health

Posted: at 5:19 pm

Evidence reviews Effects of antihistamines on eczema

Eczema is a common chronic disease. Itch is the most important symptom, and eczema is often accompanied by dry skin. Skin lesions include rash, redness, swelling of the skin, crusts, oozing, and sometimes also bleeding as a consequence of persistent scratching. Although the disease can resolve during childhood, it might also recur in or persist into adult life. The cause of eczema is considered to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Moisturisers, topical corticosteroids, and topical immunomodulators are the mainstay during treatment of eczema, while more severe cases might need UV light therapy or systemic immunosuppressants. Itch is very difficult to treat and leads to scratching, which leads to more inflammation of the skin, and often people with eczema end up in a vicious circle of itching and scratching. The role of histamine in itching associated with eczema is not fully elucidated, but oral H1 antihistamines have been used for many years in the treatment of eczema. These might have been used largely for their sedative action, with highly sedative antihistamines, e.g. chlorpheniramine and hydroxyzine. However, oral H1 antihistamines are widely used in the treatment of allergic disorders, such as urticaria, allergic rhinitis, and allergic conjunctivitis, but their efficacy in alleviating itch and eczema remains unclear. This systematic review sought evidence for the effects and safety of the use of oral antihistamines for eczema, to guide their use in clinical practice.

Atopic eczema (atopic dermatitis or childhood eczema) is a big problem worldwide. The skin of people with atopic eczema often contains high numbers of a bacterium called Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus).

This review of clinical trials aimed to find out whether topical pimecrolimus is better than topical corticosteroids or tacrolimus for treating eczema in infants, children and adults by assessing the improvement of eczema and adverse events associated with treatments.

See all (133)

Eczema is a common chronic disease. Itch is the most important symptom, and eczema is often accompanied by dry skin. Skin lesions include rash, redness, swelling of the skin, crusts, oozing, and sometimes also bleeding as a consequence of persistent scratching. Although the disease can resolve during childhood, it might also recur in or persist into adult life. The cause of eczema is considered to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Moisturisers, topical corticosteroids, and topical immunomodulators are the mainstay during treatment of eczema, while more severe cases might need UV light therapy or systemic immunosuppressants. Itch is very difficult to treat and leads to scratching, which leads to more inflammation of the skin, and often people with eczema end up in a vicious circle of itching and scratching. The role of histamine in itching associated with eczema is not fully elucidated, but oral H1 antihistamines have been used for many years in the treatment of eczema. These might have been used largely for their sedative action, with highly sedative antihistamines, e.g. chlorpheniramine and hydroxyzine. However, oral H1 antihistamines are widely used in the treatment of allergic disorders, such as urticaria, allergic rhinitis, and allergic conjunctivitis, but their efficacy in alleviating itch and eczema remains unclear. This systematic review sought evidence for the effects and safety of the use of oral antihistamines for eczema, to guide their use in clinical practice.

Probiotic supplements for pregnant women and babies can prevent the development of eczema in some children. Probiotics have been better researched than prebiotics.

Atopic eczema (atopic dermatitis or childhood eczema) is a big problem worldwide. The skin of people with atopic eczema often contains high numbers of a bacterium called Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus).

See all (40)

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Eczema - National Library of Medicine - PubMed Health

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What is Eczema? Eczema Treatment | Dr. Weil

Posted: at 5:19 pm

What is eczema?

Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a chronic allergic condition in which the skin develops areas of itchy, scaly rashes.

Eczema can occur on almost any part of the body but eczema on face areas is common, as is eczema on the scalp, inside of elbows, knees, ankles, and hands. It typically appears as extremely itchy patches on the skin. Eczema can get worse when scratched; in fact, itchy skin may appear normal until scratched; the irritating action may then cause the characteristic rash and scales to develop.

Other eczema symptoms include:

Scratching can introduce infectious agents into the skin, leading to secondary complications including bacterial infection and permanent scars.

Eczema is caused by a reaction similar to that of an allergy and can promote chronic inflammation. The condition will often wax and wane and accompany other allergic conditions such as asthma. In some cases, a specific substance, such as certain soaps, detergents, or metals, dust mites, and animal dander, can trigger eczema. For many people, however, there is no known allergen that causes this reaction. Eczema can be worsened by dry climates, exposure to water, temperature changes, and stress.

Eczema is particularly common in infants and children. A persons risk of developing the problem also increases if he or she has a family history of eczema or allergic conditions such as asthma and hay fever.

Physicians usually diagnose eczema by conducting a physical exam and asking questions about the patients symptoms, medical history, lifestyle, and habits.

Conventional doctors often recommend a combination of self-care techniques and medical therapies in the treatment of eczema. First, people with eczema should avoid any potential triggers that appear to make symptoms worse. Take warm, not hot, showers or baths if you have eczema. Use soap as sparingly as possible, and apply a soothing, hypoallergenic moisturizer immediately after bathing. Physicians may also suggest using over-the-counter anti-itch lotions or low-potency steroid creams.

When these measures dont alleviate eczema, the doctor may prescribe one or more of the following treatments:

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What is Eczema? Eczema Treatment | Dr. Weil

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