Daily Archives: September 6, 2016

Caribbean | Caribbean Hideaways

Posted: September 6, 2016 at 8:11 am

Desire to be Surprised

by Desire Resorts

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Caribbean | Caribbean Hideaways

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New Atheism – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Posted: at 8:11 am

New Atheism is the journalistic term used to describe the positions promoted by atheists of the twenty-first century. This modern-day atheism and secularism is advanced by critics of religion and religious belief,[1] a group of modern atheist thinkers and writers who advocate the view that superstition, religion and irrationalism should not simply be tolerated but should be countered, criticized, and exposed by rational argument wherever its influence arises in government, education and politics.[2]

New Atheism lends itself to and often overlaps with secular humanism and antitheism, particularly in its criticism of what many New Atheists regard as the indoctrination of children and the perpetuation of ideologies founded on belief in the supernatural.

The 2004 publication of The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason by Sam Harris, a bestseller in the United States, was joined over the next couple years by a series of popular best-sellers by atheist authors.[3] Harris was motivated by the events of September 11, 2001, which he laid directly at the feet of Islam, while also directly criticizing Christianity and Judaism.[4] Two years later Harris followed up with Letter to a Christian Nation, which was also a severe criticism of Christianity.[5] Also in 2006, following his television documentary The Root of All Evil?, Richard Dawkins published The God Delusion, which was on the New York Times best-seller list for 51 weeks.[6]

In a 2010 column entitled "Why I Don't Believe in the New Atheism", Tom Flynn contends that what has been called "New Atheism" is neither a movement nor new, and that what was new was the publication of atheist material by big-name publishers, read by millions, and appearing on bestseller lists.[7]

These are some of the significant books on the subject of atheism and religion:

On September 30, 2007 four prominent atheists (Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris, and Daniel Dennett) met at Hitchens' residence for a private two-hour unmoderated discussion. The event was videotaped and titled "The Four Horsemen".[9] During "The God Debate" in 2010 featuring Christopher Hitchens vs Dinesh D'Souza the men were collectively referred to as the "Four Horsemen of the Non-Apocalypse",[10] an allusion to the biblical Four Horsemen from the Book of Revelation.[11]

Sam Harris is the author of the bestselling non-fiction books The End of Faith, Letter to a Christian Nation, The Moral Landscape, and Waking Up: A Guide to Spirituality Without Religion, as well as two shorter works, initially published as e-books, Free Will[12] and Lying.[13] Harris is a co-founder of the Reason Project.

Richard Dawkins is the author of The God Delusion,[14] which was preceded by a Channel 4 television documentary titled The Root of all Evil?. He is also the founder of the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science.

Christopher Hitchens was the author of God Is Not Great[15] and was named among the "Top 100 Public Intellectuals" by Foreign Policy and Prospect magazine. In addition, Hitchens served on the advisory board of the Secular Coalition for America. In 2010 Hitchens published his memoir Hitch-22 (a nickname provided by close personal friend Salman Rushdie, whom Hitchens always supported during and following The Satanic Verses controversy).[16] Shortly after its publication, Hitchens was diagnosed with esophageal cancer, which led to his death in December 2011.[17] Before his death, Hitchens published a collection of essays and articles in his book Arguably;[18] a short edition Mortality[19] was published posthumously in 2012. These publications and numerous public appearances provided Hitchens with a platform to remain an astute atheist during his illness, even speaking specifically on the culture of deathbed conversions and condemning attempts to convert the terminally ill, which he opposed as "bad taste".[20][21]

Daniel Dennett, author of Darwin's Dangerous Idea,[22]Breaking the Spell[23] and many others, has also been a vocal supporter of The Clergy Project,[24] an organization that provides support for clergy in the US who no longer believe in God and cannot fully participate in their communities any longer.[25]

The "Four Horsemen" video, convened by Dawkins' Foundation, can be viewed free online at his web site: Part 1, Part 2.

After the death of Hitchens, Ayaan Hirsi Ali (who attended the 2012 Global Atheist Convention, which Hitchens was scheduled to attend) was referred to as the "plus one horse-woman", since she was originally invited to the 2007 meeting of the "Horsemen" atheists but had to cancel at the last minute.[26] Hirsi Ali was born in Mogadishu, Somalia, fleeing in 1992 to the Netherlands in order to escape an arranged marriage.[27] She became involved in Dutch politics, rejected faith, and became vocal in opposing Islamic ideology, especially concerning women, as exemplified by her books Infidel and The Caged Virgin.[28] Hirsi Ali was later involved in the production of the film Submission, for which her friend Theo Van Gogh was murdered with a death threat to Hirsi Ali pinned to his chest.[29] This resulted in Hirsi Ali's hiding and later immigration to the United States, where she now resides and remains a prolific critic of Islam,[30] religion, and the treatment of women in Islamic doctrine and society,[31] and a proponent of free speech and the freedom to offend.[32][33]

While "The Four Horsemen" are arguably the foremost proponents of atheism, there are a number of other current, notable atheists including: Lawrence M. Krauss, (author of A Universe from Nothing),[34]James Randi (paranormal debunker and former illusionist),[35]Jerry Coyne (Why Evolution is True[36] and its complementary blog,[37] which specifically includes polemics against topical religious issues), Greta Christina (Why are you Atheists so Angry?),[38]Victor J. Stenger (The New Atheism),[39]Michael Shermer (Why People Believe Weird Things),[40]David Silverman (President of the American Atheists and author of Fighting God: An Atheist Manifesto for a Religious World), Ibn Warraq (Why I Am Not a Muslim),[41]Matt Dillahunty (host of the Austin-based webcast and cable-access television show The Atheist Experience),[42]Bill Maher (writer and star of the 2008 documentary Religulous),[43]Steven Pinker (noted cognitive scientist, linguist, psychologist and author),[44]Julia Galef (co-host of the podcast Rationally Speaking), and Michel Onfray (Atheist Manifesto: The Case Against Christianity, Judaism, and Islam).

Many contemporary atheists write from a scientific perspective. Unlike previous writers, many of whom thought that science was indifferent, or even incapable of dealing with the "God" concept, Dawkins argues to the contrary, claiming the "God Hypothesis" is a valid scientific hypothesis,[45] having effects in the physical universe, and like any other hypothesis can be tested and falsified. Other contemporary atheists such as Victor Stenger propose that the personal Abrahamic God is a scientific hypothesis that can be tested by standard methods of science. Both Dawkins and Stenger conclude that the hypothesis fails any such tests,[46] and argue that naturalism is sufficient to explain everything we observe in the universe, from the most distant galaxies to the origin of life, species, and the inner workings of the brain and consciousness. Nowhere, they argue, is it necessary to introduce God or the supernatural to understand reality. Atheists have been associated with the argument from divine hiddenness and the idea that "absence of evidence is evidence of absence" when evidence can be expected.[citation needed]

Non-believers assert that many religious or supernatural claims (such as the virgin birth of Jesus and the afterlife) are scientific claims in nature. They argue, as do deists and Progressive Christians, for instance, that the issue of Jesus' supposed parentage is not a question of "values" or "morals", but a question of scientific inquiry.[47] Rational thinkers believe science is capable of investigating at least some, if not all, supernatural claims.[48] Institutions such as the Mayo Clinic and Duke University are attempting to find empirical support for the healing power of intercessory prayer.[49] According to Stenger, these experiments have found no evidence that intercessory prayer works.[50]

Stenger also argues in his book, God: The Failed Hypothesis, that a God having omniscient, omnibenevolent and omnipotent attributes, which he termed a 3O God, cannot logically exist.[51] A similar series of logical disproofs of the existence of a God with various attributes can be found in Michael Martin and Ricki Monnier's The Impossibility of God,[52] or Theodore M. Drange's article, "Incompatible-Properties Arguments".[53]

Richard Dawkins has been particularly critical of the conciliatory view that science and religion are not in conflict, noting, for example, that the Abrahamic religions constantly deal in scientific matters. In a 1998 article published in Free Inquiry magazine,[47] and later in his 2006 book The God Delusion, Dawkins expresses disagreement with the view advocated by Stephen Jay Gould that science and religion are two non-overlapping magisteria (NOMA) each existing in a "domain where one form of teaching holds the appropriate tools for meaningful discourse and resolution". In Gould's proposal, science and religion should be confined to distinct non-overlapping domains: science would be limited to the empirical realm, including theories developed to describe observations, while religion would deal with questions of ultimate meaning and moral value. Dawkins contends that NOMA does not describe empirical facts about the intersection of science and religion, "it is completely unrealistic to claim, as Gould and many others do, that religion keeps itself away from science's turf, restricting itself to morals and values. A universe with a supernatural presence would be a fundamentally and qualitatively different kind of universe from one without. The difference is, inescapably, a scientific difference. Religions make existence claims, and this means scientific claims." Matt Ridley notes that religion does more than talk about ultimate meanings and morals, and science is not proscribed from doing the same. After all, morals involve human behavior, an observable phenomenon, and science is the study of observable phenomena. Ridley notes that there is substantial scientific evidence on evolutionary origins of ethics and morality.[54]

Popularized by Sam Harris is the view that science and thereby currently unknown objective facts may instruct human morality in a globally comparable way. Harris' book The Moral Landscape[55] and accompanying TED Talk How Science can Determine Moral Values[56] proposes that human well-being and conversely suffering may be thought of as a landscape with peaks and valleys representing numerous ways to achieve extremes in human experience, and that there are objective states of well-being.

New atheism is politically engaged in a variety of ways. These include campaigns to reduce the influence of religion in the public sphere, attempts to promote cultural change (centering, in the United States, on the mainstream acceptance of atheism), and efforts to promote the idea of an "atheist identity". Internal strategic divisions over these issues have also been notable, as are questions about the diversity of the movement in terms of its gender and racial balance.[57]

Edward Feser's book The Last Superstition presents arguments based on the philosophy of Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas against New Atheism.[58] According to Feser it necessarily follows from AristotelianThomistic metaphysics that God exists, that the human soul is immortal, and that the highest end of human life (and therefore the basis of morality) is to know God. Feser argues that science never disproved Aristotle's metaphysics, but rather Modern philosophers decided to reject it on the basis of wishful thinking. In the latter chapters Feser proposes that scientism and materialism are based on premises that are inconsistent and self-contradictory and that these conceptions lead to absurd consequences.

Cardinal William Levada believes that New Atheism has misrepresented the doctrines of the church.[59] Cardinal Walter Kasper described New Atheism as "aggressive", and he believed it to be the primary source of discrimination against Christians.[60] In a Salon interview, the journalist Chris Hedges argued that New Atheism propaganda is just as extreme as that of Christian right propaganda.[61]

The theologians Jeffrey Robbins and Christopher Rodkey take issue with what they regard as "the evangelical nature of the new atheism, which assumes that it has a Good News to share, at all cost, for the ultimate future of humanity by the conversion of as many people as possible." They believe they have found similarities between new atheism and evangelical Christianity and conclude that the all-consuming nature of both "encourages endless conflict without progress" between both extremities.[62] Sociologist William Stahl said "What is striking about the current debate is the frequency with which the New Atheists are portrayed as mirror images of religious fundamentalists."[63]

The atheist philosopher of science Michael Ruse has made the claim that Richard Dawkins would fail "introductory" courses on the study of "philosophy or religion" (such as courses on the philosophy of religion), courses which are offered, for example, at many educational institutions such as colleges and universities around the world.[64][65] Ruse also claims that the movement of New Atheismwhich is perceived, by him, to be a "bloody disaster"makes him ashamed, as a professional philosopher of science, to be among those hold to an atheist position, particularly as New Atheism does science a "grave disservice" and does a "disservice to scholarship" at more general level.[64][65]

Glenn Greenwald,[66][67] Toronto-based journalist and Mideast commentator Murtaza Hussain,[66][67]Salon columnist Nathan Lean,[67] scholars Wade Jacoby and Hakan Yavuz,[68] and historian of religion William Emilsen[69] have accused the New Atheist movement of Islamophobia. Wade Jacoby and Hakan Yavuz assert that "a group of 'new atheists' such as Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and Christopher Hitchens" have "invoked Samuel Huntington's 'clash of civilizations' theory to explain the current political contestation" and that this forms part of a trend toward "Islamophobia [...] in the study of Muslim societies".[68] William W. Emilson argues that "the 'new' in the new atheists' writings is not their aggressiveness, nor their extraordinary popularity, nor even their scientific approach to religion, rather it is their attack not only on militant Islamism but also on Islam itself under the cloak of its general critique of religion".[69] Murtaza Hussain has alleged that leading figures in the New Atheist movement "have stepped in to give a veneer of scientific respectability to today's politically useful bigotry".[66][70]

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New Atheism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Colonization Home Page

Posted: at 8:08 am

The Continental Congress - Founding Fathers:

Lost New York runs using HTML TADS Interpreter 3 LOSTNY.zip (353Kbytes) WinZip File, by Neil deMause. "As a bored tourist in the Big Apple, you discover a time-travel device that lets you witness first-hand the development of the city in four centuries. A well-researched period piece with good wry descriptive prose, rather sad in many places about the passing of old landmarks and the ruthlessness of modernity. Good explorability, although towards the end trekking about and waiting for trains can get to be a chore. The puzzles are mostly (but not entirely) straightforward, but careful examination of scenery is required to obtain equipment. The geography is representative rather than exhaustive - walking north from 14th Street, for example, takes you to 23rd Street."

New York City, New York State - one of the Great Cities of the World. Site of Interest: (1) The Battery Park, (2) The Brooklyn Bridge, (3) Central Park, (4) Empire State Building and Grand Central Station, (5) Wall Street, (6) Pennsylvania Station, going to Carolina, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Long Island, and New Jersey.

Other attractions include the Statue of Liberty [built 1886] (on Liberty Island), Ellis Island [1892-1954] (were European Immigrants came in), the United Nations Building (in the Upper East Side, next to Queens Borough Bridge), and lots of Museums. And New Style Taxis, Hotels, Bloomingdale's Department Store, Staten Island Ferry, and JFK Airport on Long Island. 'the El' or Subway Train Network has several branches including the Hudson Line, Harlem Line, New Haven Line, New Canaan Branch, and Danbury Branch.

As an aside, it is known Randolph and Mortimer from the Trading Place's Movie live by the Hudson River, in the West Bronx Borough. New York City is also home to Marvel Comics: Superman, Spiderman, Johnny Voltaire etc...

The name Ledgard is of Norman French origin, Anglicized during one of our numerous Wars with France ending with the Napoleonic Wars. It means 'Keeper of the Keep' - their Job was to raise and lower the Drawbridge and Portcullis which protected the entrance to the Castle. A Portcullis is on the 1 Pence Coin.

William I (the Conquer - as Duke of Normandy) was the First King in the British Royal Family. In 1066 at the Battle of Hastings (in East Sussex) he beat the Anglo-Saxon King Harold II. Who had just repelled the Viking King Harold Harade at the Battle of Stamford Bridge, Fulford near York; and force marched his men to Southern England.

King William was Crowned King of England at Westminster Abbey on Christmas Day 1066. And the Normans soon built a network of Motte and Bailey Wooden Castles up and down the Country. Founding Newport SE Wales, and Newcastle as frontier Towns. The Tower of London in East London on the Thames was built as a Royal Castle for the King and his entourage. Later Castles were rebuilt in Stone, as were new Cathedrals and Monasteries.

I had a friend called Sleigh (a Norman Foot Soldier) who worked as a High Level Computer Programmer for battery monitoring equipment which a two PIC Microcontrollers on each battery. One read the battery Ampage, the other Rx and Tx signals down a fibre optic loop to a Psion Computer that reported if the battery was faulty. He likes going the caf and is from East London, and a bit of a Geezer. He says there aren't any houses for local people to move in to to start a family in London.

My Brother Jonathan looks a lot like the TV personality Frasier, and seems to have 1/3 Norman Blood which makes his strong and confident, while being decent and compassionate, re-emerging from a Ancestor way back when buried in the DNA.

My Genome, by David Magnus Ledgard:

Peoples who have excelled in the Fields of Invention, Culture, and Manufacturing:

Southern Italy is Poor because it is too hot to work much, except on the land. They grow the Olive in Southern Italy, and Greece, for Olive Oil to cook with, or make healthy 'Butter' Margarine. Italy also makes Beef, Milk (for Cheese), Tomatoes (without Greenhouse) and Wheat (for Spaghetti), and Garlic. Also Italy is fond of Coffee e.g. Cappuccino, Mocha (half Chocolate), or Latte. There used to be a lot of Lemons grown in Sicily once, but it's Population is greater now.

There are also two other important jobs:

What are WizKids??? WizKids are young people who know about Computers, programme them, enjoy programming them, and make something Fun or Useful. Like Bill Gates of Microsoft Fame who programmed MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System [5.25 Inch Disk]), and Windows 95 / 98. With some help. When Men were Men, and Programmers were Programmers listings used to come with ribbon feed, and you could look right done the listing as each page was connected to the other.

You may have noticed there have been a lot of Intel Microprocessor types coming out lately. Here is a list of some of the IBM Clone PC (Personnel Computer) Chipsets by Intel:

Currently there are 10 Million Computers with a Base Unit, Keyboard, Mouse, and Monitor of type Pentium IV, and Core Multi-processors in Warehouses in the East, and the United States of America. As Computers use a lot of Rare Metals it seems a waste that they aren't used, or sold at a knock down price. There have been endless Laptops made which have very little Software on them. Just film websites, and office programmes. There seems to be a desperate shortage of Software, and 2D and Strategy Computer Games. FEW NEW COMPUTERS are being sold because people might forget their passwords stored in "cookies", and they have to copy all files across - either by going to the Computer Shop, or using the Read/Write CD-ROM (Compact Disk ROM). Remember you can order a Proper Computer with Big Screen and Keyboard from DELL off the internet with a Base Unit. Don't Forget to Buy a Manual from amazon.co.uk for example in e.g. BASIC Programming.

The well known and liked Micro-Computers the Commodore 64, and BBC Micro where 8-bit (1-byte) Computers. This meant they could have Colour 0-255. 16-bit (2-byte, or Word) Computers like the very popular Commodore Amiga could have richer Colour 0-65536. 32-bit (4-byte, or Longword) Windows PC Computers could have xxRRGGBB ($00-$FF) Red-Green-Blue Colour. Which can make Red (xxFF0000) for example or any mix of Colours. The Nintendo 64 has 64-bit (8-byte, or Octbyte) i.e.. 4 x 16 lines on it's custom built chip. No 128-bit Computer ever seems to have been made as it is 'inconceivable and 'near infinitely complex'.

Networks of Transputer Computer Chips can be connected together to make a super-computer with Parallel Processing. Used to make Computer Graphics and Films like 'toystory'.

The Microprocessor I learned consisted of a ALU (Arithmetic and Logic Unit), RAM (Read Only Memory), and Control Unit (which processed Op-codes, the Accumulator, and the Status Register). The BASIC programme itself could be stored in ROM (Read Only Memory), now most of it is on the Hard Disk Drive. The 3.5" floppy disk has fallen out of use, as did the 5.25" drive before it.

Example Op-codes (also known as Mnemonics by some people - written perfectly by some very clever and thoughtful Computer Scientists) include:

Variables are required to Run a Computer Programme:

There is also a Status Register with Flags like Division by Zero Error (if this happens the computer crashes); Carry (if two 8-bit numbers are added they might go one to make a 9-bit number - this is stored in the Carry Bit); Branch (Equal, or NOT Equal - for the IF/THEN/ELSE Statement).

A letter can be stored as an 8-bit Number (0-255) in ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange): 0-31 are control codes like 7 for the BELL sound, or 13 for Carriage Return; 32 is Space; 48-57 is 0-9; 65-89 is A-Z; 97-116 is a-z (+32, or twiddle bit 6 to TRUE). C is good at bit twiddling.

As an interesting point of Mathematics and Physics it is said that 1/0 (one divided by 0) has no meaning or is infinite!!!!!

ROM's (Read Only Memory):

The BASIC Programming Language [Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Language] was designed by Dartmouth Naval College New England.

What Happened to the Old COMPUTER MANUAL? It used to tell you how to do all types of things on a Computer. The Electronic One is hardly ever Read. It was the Computer Programmers BIBLE. For BASIC, Pascal, Windows 95...

There are two famous BASIC programmes for Beginners, or Quick BASIC if you use labels and not line numbers, it compiles as it runs i.e. a run-time language:

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What’s your favorite politically incorrect joke? : AskReddit

Posted: at 8:07 am

2550 points

What is your go to Tinder Alternative?

5137 points

Redditors who go into peoples' houses for their job, what is the strangest/creepiest thing you've ever seen or experienced?

440 points

You're in a car full of diverse strangers and they hand you the aux. What song do you play in order to please as many of them as possible?

880 points

Which 2 entire countries should have sex with one another and create a baby country?

4580 points

Pick any 2 movies from the same actor. Those movies are now part of the same reality. What happened to the actor to get them from movie A to movie B?

584 points

Waiters, waitresses, and bartenders of Reddit: You guys are involved in some big moments in some people's lives (engagements, anniversaries, birthdays, etc.). How did you fuck it up for them?

845 points

What's the worst way you've been defeated by an inanimate object?

312 points

[Serious] People who have known a serial killer/murderer prior to the murders, how did you react? Did you see it coming?

764 points

Reddit, what's the truest version of "There are two kinds of people in this world..."?

2219 points

What are some subcultures most people are probably completely unaware of?

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What's your favorite politically incorrect joke? : AskReddit

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U.S. Navy Held Meetings With Transhumanist to Discuss …

Posted: at 8:06 am

By Joseph Jankowski

The U.S. Navy has held meetings with American presidential hopeful and TranshumanistZoltan Istvan to discuss thepossibility of implanting humans with microchips fitted with global positioning (GPS) technology, reports The Sun.

AccordingtoVice Admiral Wisecup, who has retired from full-time service to work in a Navy department called the Chief of Naval Operations Strategic Studies Group, the meeting broadened our understanding of the merger of humans and machines.

A bunch of navy officers came to my house and one of the main topics was this chip implant strategy, Transhumanist and Futurist Istvan said.

Zoltan Istvan is currently running for president of the United States as a part of the Transhumanist Party.

The Transhumanist Party aims to uphold the energy and political might of millions of transhumanist advocates out there who desire to use science and technology to significantly improve their lives.

Istvan told The Sun that the Navy is worried that soldiers could enter service with chips already implanted into them and is struggling to create policy around this issue.

You can imagine how challenging that would be if someone had a non-authorized chip implant on a nuclear base, so policy has to be created and created soon, says Istvan.

I helped the US Navy do some policy work on this issue.

The presidential candidate believes that within 10 to 15 years, artificial intelligence will advance to the point of solving all of civilizations most vexing problems, including death, and he has even traveled around America in an immortality bus mocked up like a coffin to promote his ideas.

According to Istvan, themilitary has already experimented with chipping soldiers so they can be tracked.

Its crazy to me that we dont develop it and use it in ourselves (humans) more, and especially in our children, says the Transhumanist.

Istvan believes that GPS microchipping could be beneficial to parents who want to be able to keep track of their children and could have allowed investigators to find the body of Lane Graves, who was killed in an alligator attack, in just a matter of minutes.

As a father of a twoand five-year-old, Im a big believer in the future that all children will get chipped, perhaps like all children get vaccines in the US, Istvan told The Sun.

Joseph Jankowski is a contributor for Planet Free Will.com. His works have been published by recognizable alternative news sites like GlobalResearch.ca, ActivistPost.com, Mintpressnews.com andZeroHedge.com.

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U.S. Navy Held Meetings With Transhumanist to Discuss ...

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Futurism and Preterism – Amazing Discoveries

Posted: at 8:06 am

The Reformation preachers unanimously identified the papal system as the Antichrist, and the Roman Church as Babyloncausing a mass exodus of believers out of the Catholic institution.

Because Rome realized that the Reformation could jeopardize her position as a religio-political power, she employed five strategies in what became known as the Counter Reformation. One of those strategies was the creation of futurism and preterism, two different interpretations of the prophecies in Daniel and Revelation. These interpretations contradicted the reformers' stance of historicism.

The Oxford Handbook of Eschatology says that futurism argues that Revelation looks beyond the first century to the period immediately before the end times. Thus the book was not written for those who received it, but for those living much later. Jesuit scholars after the Reformation refined this approach to prove that current attempts to identify the Pope as the Antichrist could not possibly be true since the Antichrist will not be revealed until far into the future, just before the Parousia (Christs Second Coming)."i

The same book explains that preterism sees Revelation only in terms of its immediate historical context: Revelation [is] described [as] the plight of Christians in the late first century, and its apocalyptic symbols pointed directly to [the city of] Rome as the churchs persecutor...Most modern [preterist] interpreters...insist that the book was never intended to predict conditions or events beyond the first century.ii

According to futurism, the Antichrist is still to come. According to preterism, the Antichrist was in the past. However, this is not Biblical, as Jesus spoke in Matthew 24 of the great apostasy taking place in the future. Both of these false systems disagree with the reformers belief that the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy is taking place throughout history.

Throughout the Counter Reformation, preterism and futurism diverted attention away from prophecies identifying the Roman Church as Babylon and the papal system as the Antichrist.

Here is a diagram to help us understand how these false interpretations were created and spread. In this diagram, you can see that the 1260 years of the Dark Ages was the period of papal supremacy prophesied in Daniel and Revelation.iii

Francisco Ribera In 1585 Jesuit scholar Francisco Ribera (1537 - 1591) appears. He started the futurist interpretation by publishing a 500-page commentary on the book of Revelation. Ribera took the last week (seven day-years) of the 70-week prophecy of Daniel 9:25, divided it into two 3 year periods, and applied it to a future Antichrist, while avoiding any application to the papal system.

Robert Bellarmine Riberas views would have fallen away quickly if not for Robert Bellarmine (1542 - 1621), a cardinal who promoted Riberas ideas. His lectures were published as Polemic Lectures Concerning the Disputed Points of the Christian Belief Against Heretics of This Time. Froom describes these lectures as the most detailed apology of the Catholic faith ever produced. Froom also says they became the arsenal for all future defenders and expositors.iv

Luis de Alcasar The diagram shows Jesuit scholar Luis de Alcasar (preterisms creator) in 1604. His book, Investigation of the Hidden Sense of the Apocalypse, was published in 1614. Froom states this:

Applying the New Jerusalem to the Catholic Church, Alcazar contended that the Apocalypse describes the twofold war of the church in the early centuriesone with the Jewish synagogue, and the other with paganismresulting in victory over both adversaries. Revelation 1 to 11 he applied to the rejection of the Jews and the desolation of Jerusalem by the Romans. Revelation 12 to 19 Alcazar allotted to the overthrow of Roman paganism and the conversion of the empire to the church, the judgment of the great Harlot being effected by the downfall of pagan idolatry; Revelation 20 he applied to the final persecution by Antichrist, and the day of judgment; and chapters 21 and 22, referring to the New Jerusalem, he made descriptive of the glorious and endless triumphant state of the Roman church.v

The Roman Church produced two contradictory interpretations of end-time prophecy, neither of which were true to Scripture.

In his book Truth Matters, Professor Walter Veith explains the following:

To counter the stand of the Reformers, the Catholic Church launched the counter-reformation spearheaded by the Jesuit Order. The doctrines of Preterism and Futurism, published by Alcasar and Ribera, two Jesuit priests, in 1585, redefined the reformation position on the Antichrist and shifted the emphasis away from the papacy to the Greek king Antiochus Epiphanus IV and to some tyrant who would persecute the Jews some time in the future.vi

Further, Professor Veith observes that by accepting these alternative approaches to Biblical prophecy, the Protestant world...saw in it an opportunity to cease hostilities with Rome.vii

Here the true danger is exposed: if Protestantism ceases to protest against the falsehoods of Rome, then there is no opposition to the Roman plans, and no check against the corruption of Biblical Christianity found in the Roman Catholic system. The Dark Ages can come again with a vengeance.

Want to learn more? Here is a list of informative resources from Walter Veith and Victor Gill:

Total Onslaught DVD series Rekindling the Reformation DVD series Professor Veiths bookTruth Matters These resources and many more are available from the Amazing Discoveries online store.

i. Jerry L. Walls, The Oxford handbook of eschatology (Oxford University Press, 2007).

ii. ibid.

iii. This diagram is adapted from a similar diagram on page 508 of Le Roy Edwin Froom, The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers Volume 2 (Washington DC: Review and Herald, 1948).

iv. Le Roy Edwin Froom, The Prophetic Faith of Our Fathers Volume 2 (Washington DC: Review and Herald, 1948).

v. ibid.

vi. Walter Veith, Truth Matters (Amazing Discoveries, 2002).

vii. ibid.

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Futurism and Preterism - Amazing Discoveries

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