Monthly Archives: September 2016

Germ Warfare – No Sweat

Posted: September 29, 2016 at 11:54 am

Germ Warfare

Many hockey players, such as reporter Randy Boswell, are skating biohazards. With bacteria growing on their equipment at up to 3,440 times higher than acceptable levels, they can be a danger to themselves and others, reports Hugh Adami. by Hugh Adami

December 11, 2004

'This is very bad," he said quietly, with a wary look that would make most wonder what horror they were about to be told. Felix Skora unfolded the sheet of paper and slid it across the desk for his guest to see. The information was numbing. Germ warfare. That's what Skora's Gatineau laboratory, Micro B, found in Randy Boswell's hockey bag after we took it there to see if the CanWest News reporter's soppy, rank equipment posed a hazard to his health and to those around him when he's on the ice trying, as he says, to be "an amalgam" of Bobby Orr and Wayne Gretzky. Skora has no idea if Orr and Gretzky had as much disregard for the care of their equipment as Boswell does for his, but suggested some fast action be taken in the laundry room. " There is a need to disinfect this equipment," Skora said. "Possibly with chlorine, alcohol and perhaps washed at a high temperature. Then, you should be able to eliminate the bacteria, the yeast, the mould." What Micro B found lurking about Boswell's equipment was a cesspool of bacterial growth. "Very high concentrations," Skora explained. Dr. Barry Dworkin, who writes a health column for the Citizen, said the bacteria could include numerous types of pathogenic germs, viruses and fungal substances, which can lead to a variety of illnesses and skin infections, some of which he has treated. Sounds good so far, eh? The lab didn't test for moulds and yeast, but Skora said the high bacterial concentrations would virtually guarantee their presence. In fact, said Dr. Dworkin, heat and humidity stimulate growth of fungal matter. Dr. Dworkin also said that in extreme cases, dirty hockey equipment can be a habitat for the hepatitis B virus, which causes very high fever, weakness and jaundice. The virus is found in infected blood and other bodily fluids, such as sweat and saliva. " It's disgusting," Dr. Dworkin said of what can lurk in a stinky hockey bag. Having dirty sports equipment, he said, "is no different than not following routine hygiene like changing your socks and underwear." Bacteria- and viral-contaminated equipment is a very easy means of transmitting infection. People who play sports are particularly susceptible to infections for various reasons: Germs grow when athletic equipment gets warm and moist; sweating softens the skin's main barrier, the stratum corneum, to the body; and germs enter the body from scrapes, cuts and bruises. Professional hockey players, who are covered from head to toe in protective padding and sweat profusely during play, can be very susceptible to infection because many, for superstitious reasons, refuse to update their equipment. But at least professionals, and players through the junior and university ranks, have training staffs responsible for the maintenance of equipment. It's those who play at the minor levels, children and beer-leaguers, who may have the most to worry about if they just leave their wet equipment in their hockey bags until it's time to play again. Not hanging up wet, smelly equipment to dry is a major reason for severe bacterial contamination. While some may wash their jerseys, hockey socks and undergarments before the next game, leaving the rest of the stuff in the bag, like Boswell does, is not uncommon. There doesn't seem to be a reasonable explanation from those who let their equipment rot, other than offering the frequent refrain, "It's kind of a guy thing." Allowing equipment to dry kills a lot of bacteria, although Dr. Dworkin suggested that cleaning equipment with disinfectants should also be part of the process, to make sure you're getting more bacteria and any spores left by dead germs. Because they're reproductive cells, spores can be activated by sweat or other moist conditions, which leads back to bacterial growth. Athletic equipment is a very good host for germs because of the plastics and foam used in its construction. For example, bacteria can get trapped in crevices and pores of the materials and, if equipment isn't dried or cleaned properly, the germs can flourish, multiplying en masse. It is highly recommended that players do not share any piece of equipment. Health issues are not the only problem with dirty equipment. " What (damages) equipment is bacteria and mould buildup," said Darren McCready, co-owner of Hockey Wash, a local company that specializes in cleaning sports gear in what basically is a huge washing and drying machine that uses special detergents and sanitizers. " (Dirty equipment) eventually rots and falls apart. Equipment is expensive. By keeping it clean, you're protecting your investment." Skora's lab, which primarily conducts microbiological tests for bacteria in wells, air, restaurants and food-processing plants, took bacteria samples from five-by-five-centimetre surfaces of eight pieces of Boswell's equipment -- helmet, shoulder pads, pants, skates, elbow pads, athletic support, gloves and shin pads. A count of 25 or less of bacteria on hard surfaces (such as a restaurant counter) is considered acceptable under Quebec provincial guidelines. Anything above is considered a potential health hazard and disinfection is recommended. There are no guidelines to bacteria levels in hockey equipment, although Skora said the levels in Boswell's equipment were simply too high to ignore out of concern for infection. Here's what the lab results show: 1. Shoulder pads: 480 bacteria that were reproducing on that equipment as we spoke. A concentration of 19 times higher than the acceptable quota under the provincial guidelines. 2. Helmet: 750 (30 times higher) 3. Skates: 2,800 (112 times higher) 4. Pants: 4,500 (180 times higher) 5. Elbow pads: 6,200 (248 times higher) 6. Athletic support: 9,400 (376 times higher) 7. Gloves: 79,000 (3,160 times higher) 8. Shins pads: 86,000 (3,440 times higher) In other words, in Boswell's equipment, the lab found 188,650 living, reproducing bacteria on just eight samples, measuring 25 square centimetres each. How many more were there? Three, four million? Boswell's equipment has since been cleaned by Hockey Wash. Micro B tested the equipment afterward, and Skora says the results were amazing compared with the first tests. Every sample taken showed counts of bacteria to be within the standard set by Quebec's environment ministry for hard surfaces -- 25 or less. There was no sample taken in the second test of Boswell's skates: he didn't want them cleaned for fear that the slightest change after being washed might throw off his game. Here are the result from the second lab test: 1. Shoulder pads: 18 2. Helmet: 22 3. Skates: No sample taken. 4. Pants: 24 5. Elbow pads: 14 6. Athletic support: 8 7. Gloves: 16 8. Shin pads: 12 While your skin is already a host to some of the bacteria found in the contents of a hockey bag, and some of that bacteria on your skin is considered "good" because it kills harmful germs, Dr. Dworkin said the "bacterial load on dirty hockey equipment is greater than what your body is used to." Thus, bacteria and viruses that get into your system, or that of the player you just made contact with, can make either one of you as sick as a dog or cause some excruciating pain. Dr. Dworkin explained there are numerous ways for players to suffer or pass ailments caused by the bacteria and viruses. Most of it, he said, is through hand-to-hand contact. One example is a player who adjusts a piece of equipment, such as his shoulder pads or athletic support, and then grabs a drink from a water bottle. Another player touches the same water bottle, either to move it or take a drink, and then adjusts his mouthguard, allowing the bacteria he picked up from the bottle to mix with his saliva, which carries it into his body. Players colliding on the ice can send contaminated sweat showering into the air, and into the nasal or oral passages. Skin infections occur as bacteria find their way under the skin through cuts, abrasions and bruises. Germs also get under the skin as it gets soft and prune-like from the body's heat and sweat. Fungal infections such as athlete's foot also require heat and moisture to be stimulated. Dr. Dworkin said various micro-organisms can cause problems once they get through the skin because they multiply rapidly in warm and wet cells. Nasty illnesses that bacteria and viruses found in hockey equipment can cause include: * Gastroenteritis (commonly know as stomach flu, which results in diarrhea and nausea); * Other viral illnesses such as influenza, colds, pneumonia and chicken pox; * Various skin infections, including impetigo, caused by either the streptococcus (strep) or staphylococcus (staph) germs; * Diarrhea, bleeding and cramping, caused by a strain of E. coli, found in fecal matter and often ending up in the athletic support. The streptococcus and staphylococcus families of bacteria can be extremely dangerous and are spread through broken skin. Staphylococcus aureas, or MRSA, is one that is particularly feared because it is resistant to certain antibiotics, can poison blood and even kill you. Sometimes, though, it causes no more than a mildly painful blister. Recent cases of MRSA, considered a "superbug," have involved U.S. high school and university football players who developed infections through razor nicks from cosmetic body shaving. The infections spread through body contact. Last year, several members of the NFL's Houston Texans developed MRSA infections and needed intravenous antibiotics. Former Toronto Maple Leafs forward Mikael Renberg had a run-in with group-A strep and nearly lost a hand as a result. While tying his skates for a practice in late December 2002, a lace opened a blister on his left hand. The hand became so infected the next day that he developed a 104-degree fever and ended up in a Vancouver hospital, where doctors considered amputation over fears that the infection could spread and kill him. Boston Bruins star Joe Thornton was put on intravenous antibiotics in January 2003, after he fell and bruised his left elbow during practice and developed an infection a few days later. It was believed that the infection came from bacteria in his elbow pad or from bacteria in his hand, which he transmitted by rubbing the bruise. Some other NHL players who suffered bad infections in recent years include Detroit Red Wings forward Darren McCarty (elbow), Leafs goalie Eddie Belfour (hand) and former San Jose Sharks defenceman Gary Suter (shoulder). Suter's infection ate a large part of one of the triceps muscle in his upper arm. In September 2003, Tampa Bay Lightning star Vincent Lecavalier was prescribed antibiotics after his right ankle became infected through scar tissue as he was breaking in a pair of skates. Boswell? He claims he is as "healthy as a horse" and doubts he has ever suffered an illness related to his equipment.

Reprinted with the permission of the Ottawa Citizen

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Bible Verses About Golden Rule – King James Bible

Posted: at 11:54 am

Bible verses related to Golden Rule from the King James Version (KJV) by Relevance

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Matthew 7:12 - Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.

Luke 6:31 - And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.

Galatians 5:14 - For all the law is fulfilled in one word, [even] in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

James 2:8 - If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well:

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Mark 12:31 - And the second [is] like, [namely] this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.

1 Peter 3:9 - Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing.

Matthew 7:1-5 - Judge not, that ye be not judged. (Read More...)

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micronations! –

Posted: at 11:52 am

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Slide: 1 / of 18 . Caption: Travis McHenry or Montague Ier, King of Calsahara. Lo Delafontaine

Slide: 2 / of 18 . Caption: With a living area of 5,920 square feet, Sealand boasts multiple bedrooms, a chapel and a prison. Lo Delafontaine

Slide: 3 / of 18 . Caption: Princess Chirley of Sealand. Lo Delafontaine

Slide: 4 / of 18 . Caption: Prince Michael of Sealand. Lo Delafontaine

Slide: 5 / of 18 . Caption: The Consul Philippon de la Boirie of the Consulate of la Boirie. Lo Delafontaine

Slide: 6 / of 18 . Caption: The Consul Pascalux de la Boirie of the Consulate of la Boirie. Lo Delafontaine

Slide: 7 / of 18 . Caption: Frederikke Rose Holm, Julie Holstein, Nanna Gilsgaard, Christine Barnett and Bolette Winnerskjold Gjaldbk, The Butterflies of the Kingdom of Elleore. Lo Delafontaine

Slide: 8 / of 18 . Caption: The people of Elleore waiting for their king. Lo Delafontaine

Slide: 9 / of 18 . Caption: Sir Peter Anderson, Secretary General of the Conch Republic. Lo Delafontaine

Slide: 10 / of 18 . Caption: The airport of the Conch Republic. Lo Delafontaine

Slide: 11 / of 18 . Caption: The border between Molossia and the United States. Lo Delafontaine

Slide: 12 / of 18 . Caption: The post office of Molossia. Lo Delafontaine

Slide: 13 / of 18 . Caption: Kevin Baugh, President of the Republic of Molossia. Lo Delafontaine

Slide: 14 / of 18 . Caption: Georgette Bertin-Pourchet, President of the Republic of Saugeais. Lo Delafontaine

Slide: 15 / of 18 . Caption: Jacques Vuillemin, customs officer of the Republic of Saugeais. Lo Delafontaine

Slide: 16 / of 18 . Caption: Gianni Trucchi, guard of the Principality of Seborga. Lo Delafontaine

Slide: 17 / of 18 . Caption: Emperor George II of the Empire of Atlantium. Lo Delafontaine

Slide: 18 / of 18 . Caption: A television crew interviews the Emperor of Atlantium. Lo Delafontaine

Never heard of the Imperial Kingdom of Calsahara? The Conch Republic? The Principality of Sealand? Youre not alone.Lo Delafontaine hadnt either until 2012, when he visited the Republic of Saugeais, a self-proclaimed micronation in eastern France. Hes since become fascinated with countries unrecognized by world governments and organizations. His bookMicronations documents independent states that are just as varied and interesting as their official counterparts.

Humankind likes discoveries and challenges. One solution is the creation of new countries, but not in order to persecute people or for religious reasons. The idea, rather, is to create new countries and territories for fun, to make people think, to re-enchant the world in a way, he says via email.

French writer and historian Bruno Fuligni, who wrote the introduction to Micronations, estimates there are more than 400 of these self-proclaimed entities.

Delfontaine visited 12 locationsthroughout the US, Europe, and Australia. They included monarchies, republics, funny dictatorships, and some with no government at all. He earned citizenship in threethe Principality of Sealand, the Principality of Seborga, and the Conch Republic.

ThePrincipality ofHutt Riverin Australia draws thousands of visitors annually, which is one reason it exists at all. Others serve as political satire.Conch Republic, for example, was created in 1982 after Key West Mayor Dennis Wardlow symbolically began the Conch Republics Civil Rebellion by breaking a loaf of stale Cuban bread over the head of a man dressed in a U.S. Navy uniform according to the Conch Republics website. Some micronations are easily accessiblewhile others are difficult to get to.In Copenhagen, tourists can enter Christiania on foot, while visitors to thePrincipality of Sealand, a WWII island fortress six miles off the eastern shores of Britain, have to shell out over $2,000 for transport and a visa.

Regardless of their intention, these countries commit: They have national anthems and flags, passports and coins, militaries and laws. The Kingdomof Elleore hosts history classes for kids and created its own national sport.

Most of the people I met were really well educated, curious, ironic and completely aware of what they are doing. They are not crazy or greedy for power. But they like to dress up and make fun of their country of origin, he says.

Most of these micronations declared sovereignty between the 1970s and 1990s. But there have been some newcomers; the Imperial Kingdom of Calsahara in southern California declared its sovereignty in 2009. Delafontaine says most new micronations, like theKingdom of Talossa,exist primarily online.

I think that the golden age of micronations is almost over. The famous ones, like the Principality ofHutt River and the Republic ofSaugeais,are headed by very old people, he says. And after their death, their micronations will disappear with them. Young people interested in micronations dont seem to be interested in claiming a physical territory. They prefer to create new countries online. Its not better or worse, but its different.

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PRIVATE ISLAND NEWS – Private islands for sale and for …

Posted: at 11:52 am

Great news for our German readers you could win a trip to Sir Richard Bransons exclusive private island retreat in order to take part in the final round of the Extreme Tech Challenge.

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A lucky Australian man was announced as the new owner of a profitable private island resort on Tuesday evening after securing the winning ticket in the worlds most-talked about prize draw.

A lucky Australian man enjoyed the surprise of his life on Wednesday morning after finding out that hed won a Pacific private island Read More: Micronesia: Australian Man Wins Private Island Resort in $49 Dollar Raffle

The private island lifestyle certainly seems to be going down well with Antiguas hawksbill turtles. The endangered breed is thriving due to a research program funded by private island owners.

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After sending Wales to dizzy heights at EURO 2016, Gareth Bale splashed the cash on an two-week trip to Ibizan private island Tagomago the favourite hideaway of Real Madrid team mate Cristiano Ronaldo.

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Jumby Bay (Antigua) has become the latest private island to adopt a more sustainable attitude to its culinary output, turning to local farmers and fishermen for ingredients and inspiration.

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Quite simply its the prize package of the century. For just AUD 49- you could become the proud owner of a private island resort in the South Pacific. What are you waiting for?!

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The Ammonoosuc Conservation Trust has reached an agreement to transfer the two private islands in New Hampshire into public hands. A 311 acre farm will also be protected.

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Proposals are in place to protect Floridas Dot-Dash-Dit Islands an island group home to Tampa Bays only coastal colony of wood storks. A public comment session is planned for later this month.

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Private Island News also informs potential buyers about other relevant matters to life on private islands such as the environment, climate change and island development. We discuss issues of global warming, extreme weather, politics and green technology, and focus on how to live in harmony with the natural environment. PIN also brings you the hottest news about luxury lifestyles, new literature, and the rich and famous who buy or rent islands. Furthermore, we also discuss governments and their strategies and reasons for buying islands.

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Anti-fog Technology | VitreOx | SiO2 NanoTech

Posted: at 11:51 am

Welcome to SiO2 Nanotech we developed several ground breaking new technologies, including the optical anti-fog coating VitreOx and the Biomedical Testing technology HemaDrop. VitreOx is a patent pending anti-fog solution that produces a hydrophilic film to enhance vision clarity.

VitreOx can be used for a wide-range of applications, from surgical lenses, to athletic eyewear and beyond.

VitreOx is safe, entirely non-toxic to skin, eye and nose, effective, and lasting.

SiO2 NanoTech was incorporated in 2013 by Dr. Nicole Herbots and Clarizza Watson, and is located at the Center for Entrepreneurial Innovation (CEI) in Phoenix, Arizona.

VitreOx can be directly applied and used for temporary, semi- permanent and permanent anti-fog coatings on lenses, surfaces and medical devices. VitreOx INSTANTANEOUSLY eliminates fogging, by changing how water droplets behave on the surface, by producing a super hydrophilic surface. Instead of visible droplets (water beads), a uniform wet sheet instantly grows on the surface, resulting in a transparent surface instead of fogged lenses. Thus, VitreOx eliminates light scattering and the distortion of your vision by eliminating water droplets. Thus, VitreOx does not rely on heating, or evacuation to eliminate fogging.

In addition to VitreOx, SiO2 Nanotech is excited to announce our latest product we have developed HemaDrop, a technology used to analyze biological samples at the atomic level, using only a thousandth of the volume required in current biological testing. Using both HemaDrop and Ion Beam analysis, we are able to determine the exact atomic composition of samples such as blood or mucous. This analysis can be done quickly and can be repeated many times, ensuring accurate results within 5% error. With further development of this technology, we will be able to detect infectious diseases, chemical imbalances, and mineral deficiencies both portably and without the wait associated with current medical tests. Current Applications: Microscope slides Ruthersford Back Scattering (RBS) Analysis Kit Particle Induced X-Ray Emission (PIXE) Analysis Kit Spectrometry Analysis Kit Forensics

To learn more about VitreOx anti-fog technology, please contact us or call (602) 565-3447.

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In A Perfect World | Free Podcasts | PodOmatic

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December 31, 2015 08:27 PM PST

A deeply personal post-ayahuasca sharing session in Peru, April 2015, with Rak Razam and Meriana Dinkova. After recent inoculations with the 5-MeO-DMT sacred medicine of the Bufo Alvarius toad, which induced a full spectrum remembrance of unity consciousness (i.e., GOD), Razam has noticed that the 5MEO circuit is consistently re-activated on other entheogens and indeed, is the ON Switch inside us all. This conversation was held directly after a second ayahuasca retreat session which triggered hours long immersion into the 5MEO light field, and a corresponding decompression of language and integration. Its all words, dear listener. What is offered here is the act of languagizing itself, a sacred pillow-talk conversation about God as a unified field and the relationship of co-discovery between the Creator and the Created. So you recognize divinity: Now what? Before enlightenment: chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment: chop wood, carry water. What is the value of enlightenment? Photo: Ben Hewett. JOIN US! Subscribe to and join the New Paradigm movement...

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December 01, 2015 09:06 PM PST

Rak Razam is the worlds leading experiential journalist,writing about and helping shape the emergence of a new cultural paradigm in the 21stcentury. Author of the critically acclaimed book Aya Awakenings: A Shamanic Odyssey and the companion volume of interviews, The Ayahuasca Sessions (, he is a frequent lecturer on ayahuasca and the shamanic revival sweeping the West. He wrote, produced and co-directed the groundbreaking new visionary documentary Aya: Awakenings ( that toured across 10 cities in the USA in early 2014. He has been hosting dynamic speaking engagements, panel facilitation and lectures across Australia and North America at conferences, transformational festivals and other events for the past five years, weaving together the New Age, counter-culture and progressive thought. He has been called one of the leading spokespersons for the new paradigm.

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Trance Wikipdia, a enciclopdia livre

Posted: at 11:50 am

Origem: Wikipdia, a enciclopdia livre.

Trance, uma das principais vertentes da msica eletrnica, apreciadas sobretudo por pessoas jovens, que, emergiu no incio da dcada de 1990. O gnero caracterizado pelo tempo entre 130 e 190 bpm, apresentando partes meldicas de sintetizador e uma forma musical progressiva durante a composio, seja de forma crescente ou apresentando quebras. Algumas vezes vocais tambm so utilizados. O estilo derivado do house e do techno[1], tendo pegado uma melodiosidade no caracterstica do techno, com seus sons industriais, e menos orgnicos, alm de parecerem menos meldicos.

Em geral, a maioria das canes so calmas e de efeito lento e constante na energia-alma e no estado de pensamento. A traduo literal do termo trance para portugus transe. O nome foi recebido devido s batidas repetitivas e pelas melodias progressivas caractersticas, que levam o ouvinte a um estado de transe, de libertao espiritual, enquanto ouve.

As principais vertentes do trance so:

Pode-se encontrar elementos primitivos da msica trance nas razes religiosas do shamanismo, hindusmo e budismo. Mas o trance da forma moderna, eletrnica e evoluda em conjunto com outras formas de msica eletrnica danante, surgiu na Alemanha no incio da dcada de 1990[2].

Ao longo da dcada de 1970, Klaus Schulze gravou vrios lbuns de msica eletrnica caracterizados pelo ambiente atmosfrico e o uso de sequenciadores. Em alguns dos lbuns da dcada de 1980 a palavra trance era includa nos ttulos, como Trancefer (1981) e En=Trance (1987).

Elementos que tornaram-se caractersticos da msica trance tambm foram explorados por artistas do gnero industrial da msica eletrnica no final da dcada de 1980. O objetivo era produzir sons de efeitos hipnticos aos ouvintes, o que tambm poderia levar a um alto grau de estado de transe ou euforia.

Esses artistas do gnero industrial eram dissacioados cultura rave, embora muitos j mostravam interesse no Goa trance, no qual o som mais pesado comparado ao som que agora conhecido como trance. Muitos dos lbuns produzidos por artistas industriais eram em sua grande maioria experimentais, e no tinham o intuito de originar um gnero musical com uma cultura associadaeles permaneceram fiis s suas razes industriais. Com o trance dominando cultura rave, a maior parte desses artistas abandonaram o estilo.

As primeiras gravaes realizadas comearam no exatamente com a cena trance, e sim pelo acid house originrio do Reino Unido, mais precisamente pela banda The KLF. Eles utilizaram o termo pure trance para designar algumas gravaes que na verdade eram verses, e que fizeram um grande sucesso comercial em 1991.

Alm deste nascimento no Reino Unido pode tambm ser mencionado o comeo do gnero trance em clubes alemes durante os meados da dcada de 1990 como uma ramificao do techno. Frankfurt frequentemente citada como o bero do estilo. DJ Dag (Dag Lerner), Oliver Lieb, Sven Vth e Torsten Stenzel, so considerados pioneiros e produziram vrias composies utilizando diversos nomes artsticos. Em 1991, Dag Lerner e Rolf Ellmer formaram o "Dance 2 Trance" (Dance to Trance), cuja msica "We Come In Peace" representou a definio inicial do trance como estilo musical[3].

O Chinese Trance uma vertente do gnero Trance, que surgiu em meados do ano 2000 na China. Seu principal fundador o DJ Sunny. O tempo mais acelerado, girando entre 160 e 190 bmp. O estilo derivado do House, Techno, Psy e Goa Trance, criado na ndia.

Atualmente, aps ter perdido um pouco da sua fora no fim da dcada de 1990, o trance voltou a ganhar fora novamente a partir do ano de 2000 e permanece forte at hoje. Produtores consagrados na cena eletrnica como , Armin van Buuren , Paul van Dyk , Ferry Corsten, Paul Oakenfold , Above & Beyond , ATB , Gareth Emery, Aly & Fila , Markus Schulz , Solarstone , Jorn Van Deynhoven , The Thrillseekers, Ronski Speed, Alex M.O.R.P. H , Giuseppe Ottaviani , Cosmic Gate , 4 Strings ,, John O'Callaghan e tambem novos artistas que surgiram como David Gravell , Rafael Frost , Ferry Tayle, Deniz Aydin , Ost & Myer , BenGold , Simon Thaur, Andrew Bayer , Beat Service , Mohamed Hagab , Marlo , Eximinds ,Protoculture , Alexander Popov , Andy Moor dentre outros novos e consagrados mantem o estilo em alta, alguns iniciantes no mundo Psychedelic [[John O'Callaghan|confundem o Trance com Psytrance , Fullon etc. Porem so estilos diferentes.

Na era 1997-2008 o Trance vivia os famosos "Anos de Ouro", quando era o mais popular estilo de msica eletrnica do mundo. Cujo pblico lotava estdios e festivais relembrando os grandes shows de rock do passado.

de facto conhecida uma certa rivalidade entre o Trance e o Psychedelic, mais conhecido como PsyTrance, no Brasil e Portugal. Na sua essncia, o Psychedelic mantm a mesma proposta de transe atravs do som. Porm musicalmente o estilo diferente do Trance, o que caracterizou a antiga sub-vertente do GoaTrance como um novo estilo de Trance, para evitar subdivises desnecessrias. O Psychedelic atual apresenta uma estrutura musical baseada em bpms altos, kicks sintticos e pode apresentar, ou no, melodias (um dos elementos bsicos no Trance e no GoaTrance).

Enquanto o Trance nasceu na Alemanha, o Psychedelic Trance foi originado em Israel com base tambm na ndia - devido ao GoaTrance, que surgiu em Goa na India derivado do Trance, caracterizando assim o Psy como um tipo de Trance. Sendo Goa Gil (Gilbert Levey) seu maior expoente no ramo (sub-gnero).

O trance formado em sua grande parte por batidas retas (4x4),que algumas vezes difere da batida do techno por ter um alcance de freqncia um pouco mais alto alm dos sons graves. mas algumas vezes ocorre a mistura de batidas do hip hop ou quebra da estrutura 4x4 (quebradas). O baixo pode ter uma base de swing ou preencher totalmente a base remetendo ao full-on. Uma caracterstica marcante do estilo uso do sintetizador TB-303, que utilizado para fazer levadas variando constantemente ou no a frequncia de corte e com uma ressonncia alta ou para produzir sons psicodlicos como "borrachas", "gotas", "bombas".usa-se tambm o Roland JP-8000.

Nos estilos mais meldicos h o uso constante de pads (notas com alta sustentao, tambm chamado string) deixando a composio mais atmosfrica.

O termo tem sido usado para descrever o que a maioria das pessoas chamam de "transe pico" na cena trance do Reino Unido, para descrever alguns no sediadas no Reino Unido atos transe comerciais, como Brooklyn Bounce ou Darude, que criou alguma confuso na terminologia e classificao. 'Muitos fs britnicos chamam esses actos "uplifting house" (quando na verdade esses artistas esto mais perto de progressive house / trance e de trance uplifting)'. O termo tambm usado no psytrance / Goa trance, embora estes estilos no so realmente significava a soar uplifting (existe a possibilidade de algumas pessoas podem estar pensando do termo "uplifting" neste caso significa "euforia").

Amrica Dance 90's

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Trance Wikipdia, a enciclopdia livre

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Posted: at 11:49 am

Jonathan Robinson has made a career of uncovering hacks that increase happiness & bliss in peoples lives. We introduced him to the concept of neurohacking and gave him some Qualia to try. He liked it so much, hes added it to his morning protocol. Below are a... Supplement Police is a rank and review nutritional supplement website. They base their reviews off 6 elements they believe will tell you whether the product youre searching for will be a worthwhile investment. Theyve taken the time to review Qualia, and were... Thaddeus and Chris at ERISFIT are consummate biohackers. They focus on how they can modify their nutrition, exercise, sleep, movement, and mindset to maximize performance and achieve greater levels of wellbeing. Their goal is to bring these tools and practices into... In a previous post, we discussed the value of nootropics as a tool in the neurohackers toolbox. They can help get us dialed in with laser focus and get things done. They can aid with concentration, learning, and memory. But productivity isnt the only context for the... Lets face it as anyone who is paying attention knows, we humans are in a bit of an emergence through emergency scenario. Every day the people and institutions that we used to be able to rely on are falling apart; failing to do even a little part of their... Neurohacking is all about using the right tool for the job. While racetams and transcranial stimulators more directly interface with our brain and neurochemistry, there are other less obvious ways to impact our psychological well-being and subjective experience.... Nootropics. You might have heard of them. The limitless pill that keeps Billionaires richer than you. The smart drugs that students are taking to help jack up their hyperfocus (Vice). The cognitive enhancers that give corporate executives an unfair advantage.... The term hacker has its origins in computer programming subcultures from the 60s, and was used to describe people who wanted to take on hard problems in a spirit of playful exploration and a resistance to unearned authority. Although the methods, means and...

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Softbank Robotics | Humanoid robotics & programmable robots

Posted: at 11:48 am

Who is Pepper? Who_is_pepper_962x314_EN

Pepper is a human-shaped robot. He is kindly, endearing and surprising.We have designed Pepper to be a genuine day-to-day companion, whose number one quality is his ability to perceive emotions.

58 cm in height, NAO is our first humanoid robot. He has continually been evolving since the beginning of his adventure in 2006.

Take the challenge of innovation in your business by implementing humanoid robots to enrich customer experience and transform the interace you use to interact with them.

Humanoid robots such as Pepper and NAO, are, today, bringing in brick & mortar stores the power of e-commerce sites.

Right from the beginning, NAO has won the hearts of classes and teachers from infant schools through to universities.

Humanoid robotics plays a key role in digital transformation for all customer facing industries. Pepper offers significant business opportunities today to companies with development skills, technology integration capabilities and specific vertical expertize.

Romeo is a 140 cm tall humanoid robot, designed to explore and further research into assisting elderly people and those who are losing their autonomy.

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Softbank Robotics | Humanoid robotics & programmable robots

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Cell Size and Scale – Learn Genetics

Posted: at 11:44 am

Some cells are visible to the unaided eye

The smallest objects that the unaided human eye can see are about 0.1 mm long. That means that under the right conditions, you might be able to see an ameoba proteus, a human egg, and a paramecium without using magnification. A magnifying glass can help you to see them more clearly, but they will still look tiny.

Smaller cells are easily visible under a light microscope. It's even possible to make out structures within the cell, such as the nucleus, mitochondria and chloroplasts. Light microscopes use a system of lenses to magnify an image. The power of a light microscope is limited by the wavelength of visible light, which is about 500 nm. The most powerful light microscopes can resolve bacteria but not viruses.

To see anything smaller than 500 nm, you will need an electron microscope. Electron microscopes shoot a high-voltage beam of electrons onto or through an object, which deflects and absorbs some of the electrons. Resolution is still limited by the wavelength of the electron beam, but this wavelength is much smaller than that of visible light. The most powerful electron microscopes can resolve molecules and even individual atoms.

The label on the nucleotide is not quite accurate. Adenine refers to a portion of the molecule, the nitrogenous base. It would be more accurate to label the nucleotide deoxyadenosine monophosphate, as it includes the sugar deoxyribose and a phosphate group in addition to the nitrogenous base. However, the more familiar "adenine" label makes it easier for people to recognize it as one of the building blocks of DNA.

No, this isn't a mistake. First, there's less DNA in a sperm cell than there is in a non-reproductive cell such as a skin cell. Second, the DNA in a sperm cell is super-condensed and compacted into a highly dense form. Third, the head of a sperm cell is almost all nucleus. Most of the cytoplasm has been squeezed out in order to make the sperm an efficient torpedo-like swimming machine.

The X chromosome is shown here in a condensed state, as it would appear in a cell that's going through mitosis. It has also been duplicated, so there are actually two identical copies stuck together at their middles. A human sperm cell contains just one copy each of 23 chromosomes.

A chromosome is made up of genetic material (one long piece of DNA) wrapped around structural support proteins (histones). Histones organize the DNA and keep it from getting tangled, much like thread wrapped around a spool. But they also add a lot of bulk. In a sperm cell, a specialized set of tiny support proteins (protamines) pack the DNA down to about one-sixth the volume of a mitotic chromosome.

The size of the carbon atom is based on its van der Waals radius.

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Cell Size and Scale - Learn Genetics

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