Monthly Archives: August 2016

NSA Architect: Agency Has ALL of Clintons Deleted Emails –

Posted: August 27, 2016 at 7:10 pm

SIGN UP FOR OUR NEWSLETTER PHILADELPHIA The National Security Agency (NSA) has all of Hillary Clintons deleted emails and the FBI could gain access to them if they so desired, William Binney, a former highly placed NSA official, declared in a radio interview broadcast on Sunday.

Speaking as an analyst, Binney raised the possibility that the hack of the Democratic National Committees server was done not by Russia but by a disgruntled U.S. intelligence worker concerned about Clintons compromise of national security secrets via her personal email use.

Binney was an architect of the NSAs surveillance program. He became a famed whistleblower when he resigned on October 31, 2001, after spending more than 30 years with the agency.

He was speaking on this reporters Sunday radio program, Aaron Klein Investigative Radio, broadcast on New Yorks AM 970 The Answer and Philadelphias NewsTalk 990 AM.

Binney referenced testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee in March 2011 by then-FBI Director Robert S. Mueller in which Meuller spoke of the FBIs ability to access various secretive databases to track down known and suspected terrorists.

Stated Binney: Now what he (Mueller) is talking about is going into the NSA database, which is shown of course in the (Edward) Snowden material released, which shows a direct access into the NSA database by the FBI and the CIA. Which there is no oversight of by the way. So that means that NSA and a number of agencies in the U.S. government also have those emails.

So if the FBI really wanted them they can go into that database and get them right now, he stated of Clintons emails as well as DNC emails.

Asked point blank if he believed the NSA has copies of all of Clintons emails, including the deleted correspondence, Binney replied in the affirmative.

Yes, he responded. That would be my point. They have them all and the FBI can get them right there.

Listen to the full interview here:

Binney surmised that the hack of the DNC could have been coordinated by someone inside the U.S. intelligence community angry over Clintons compromise of national security data with her email use.

And the other point is that Hillary, according to an article published by the Observer in March of this year, has a problem with NSA because she compromised Gamma material. Now that is the most sensitive material at NSA. And so there were a number of NSA officials complaining to the press or to the people who wrote the article that she did that. She lifted the material that was in her emails directly out of Gamma reporting. That is a direct compromise of the most sensitive material at the NSA. So shes got a real problem there. So there are many people who have problems with what she has done in the past. So I dont necessarily look at the Russians as the only one(s) who got into those emails.

The Observer defined the GAMMA classification:

GAMMA compartment, which is an NSA handling caveat that is applied to extraordinarily sensitive information (for instance, decrypted conversations between top foreign leadership, as this was).

Aaron Klein is Breitbarts Jerusalem bureau chief and senior investigative reporter. He is a New York Times bestselling author and hosts the popular weekend talk radio program, Aaron Klein Investigative Radio. Follow him onTwitter @AaronKleinShow.Follow him onFacebook.

NSA Architect: Agency Has ALL of Clintons Deleted Emails -

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Tor Browser Torrent Downloads – download free torrents!

Posted: at 7:09 pm




























































































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Tor Browser Torrent Downloads - download free torrents!

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Posted: at 7:09 pm

All You Ever Needed And Wanted To Know about the Tor Browser and how it relates to Internet Security

With The Complete Tor Browser Guide, you'll learn everything that you need to know about the Tor Browser and how it relates to internet security. When you enter the online world you are putting yourself at risk every time you log on. With the Tor Browser you can safely shield your identity from those who might want to take advantage of you. The Tor Browser bounces your internet communications across the Tor Network to ensure:

Anonymity Tor Browser Tor Relays Hidden Services Security Total Privacy Tor Abuse

When you install the Tor Browser on your local computer you are ensuring yourself total privacy while you are on the internet. To maintain total anonymity while browsing the internet your information will pass through a minimum of three Tor relays before it reaches its final destination. Tor users can set up relays to become part of the Tor network, but they can also configure hidden services to offer even more security. As with any privacy software there is a potential for abuse, but actual Tor abuse is minimal.

One of the greatest things about the Tor Browser is it can be used by anybody looking to protect their privacy. Unlike other similar programs the Tor Browser offers users total anonymity and security. Ordinary people can use it to protect themselves from identity thieves, while law enforcement and military personnel can use it to gather intelligence for investigations and undercover operations. With the Tor Browser nobody will know who you are or where you are.

The rest is here: Tor: Tor Browser: Anonymous Surfing Ultimate ...

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Tor Browser Counterpunches With a Security Upgrade

Posted: at 7:09 pm

Larry Loeb

Principal, PBC Enterprises

Larry Loeb has written for many of the last century's major "dead tree" computer magazines, having been, among other things, a consulting editor for BYTE magazine and senior editor...

Tor is fighting back. The Onion Router (Tor) released version 6.5a1 of its browser in early June, and users will be happy to note that the updated browser contained some welcome security initiatives.

As the Tor Project announced on its blog, the latest version of its browser updates Firefox to 45.2.0esr and contains all the improvements that went into Tor Browser 6.0. Specifically, this new release boasts significant security advancements designed to avoid privacy invasions and deanonymization things Tor is supposed to fundamentally prevent.

The Project worked on the Firefox browser that runs underneath Tor to reduce its potential as an attack surface. This hardening was needed given recent and apparently successful deanonymization attacks, which revealed the identities of Tor users.

But theres more: Softpedia reported that this hardened version of the Tor browser includes a new feature called Selfrando. The article described this feature as an enhanced and practical load-time randomization technique. This should prevent user identities from ever going public as the result of a cyberattack.

The Tor Project and researchers from the University of California, Irvine have been collaborating to create Selfrando. It is an alternative to the use of address space layout randomization (ASLR), which Tor had used previously. ASLR works by taking code and shifting the memory location in which it runs. Selfrando increases the granularity of code execution by taking each code function separately and then randomizing the memory address.

This can have a major impact on Tor security. If an attacker cannot predict the memory position in which parts of the code will be executing, then use of some sort of memory corruption bug which could allow them to run malware inside the Tor browser wont do them any good.

It remains to be seen whether these hardening efforts will pay off in the future for Tor, but they look encouraging.

Topics: Firefox, Tor, Tor Project, Web Browser

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Tor Browser Counterpunches With a Security Upgrade

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Transhumanism – .xyz

Posted: at 7:06 pm

Welcome to the website of Transhumanist Party (Global); A place where you can get news and information about the Transhumanist Party worldwide. The Transhumanist Party is the primary political branch of the broader Transhumanist movement.

If you are looking for links and information about the various national-level Transhumanist Party groups, please see the links in our wiki (further information on the wiki below).

The largest and most effectively organised Transhumanist Party in the world is currently the one constituted and registered in the UK. As of late 2015, anyone can JOIN the Party as a full voting member, regardless of what citizenship they hold or where they live in the world. You can find the Transhumanist Party here:

In an attempt to share the lessons learned in setting up the UK party, its founders created Transhumanist Party (Global) TPG as an organisation dedicated to supporting Transhumanist Parties around the world and encouraging effective cooperation between them. TPG does not hold any dominion over the national-level Transhumanist Parties, which manage their own affairs, but only exists to help them do so in a spirit of effective cooperation.

TPG MISSION: To facilitate cooperation between national-level Transhumanist Parties and continental TP organisations, and to enable party members worldwide to interact directly regardless of which national parties they support.

TP (Global) does not support individual membership. Instead, it is composed of continental and national-level party organisations, plus a small number of TPG initiatives. You can see all of these listed in the TPG wiki.

The primary, initial function of TPG is to help with the development of new national-level Transhumanist Parties. New parties start as precursor groups, dedicated to laying the groundwork for the establishment of a party, and all that is really needed for that is a single person with commitment, time, and energy.

For advice on establishing and developing new Transhumanist Party groups, please see advice for new groups in the TPG wiki, and if you would like direct help in setting up or developing a new group then please contact TPG:

The following information is from Using the TPG wiki:

You may be able to see this wiki, but not be able to see buttons allowing you to edit its pages. If that is the case, then you have either not yet requested access (everyone who requests is given editing access without good reason otherwise, for now), or you are not signed in to Google (look for a tiny blue sign in link at the bottom of the page).

If you are having trouble and would like to be sent an invitation to edit this wiki, please email from the email address you would prefer to sign in with.

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Transhumanism - .xyz

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Transhumanist Party | Facebook

Posted: at 7:06 pm

Friends, Have you heard off the 22-day push-up challenge? My good friend Mike La Caze nominated me to do it. Basically, one does 22 push-ups a day for 22 days t...o raise awareness for combat veterans (and we record our pushup experiences and share it). There are approximately 22 vets a day that are committing suicide, and this is a small way to raise awareness for that issue. As a journalist who has been to war zones and seen tragedy, I'm especially interested in making sure our soldiers are happy when they return home. The hope here is that awareness of this tragic issue brings more funding, resources, and support to the vets that need it when they face depression.

Everyday, I'm supposed to nominate somone else to do this too. Today I nominate Transhumanist Party officer and friend Chris T. Armstrong.

The rules are simple: * Once you are nominated your 22 days start the following day. * Every day, you record yourself doing 22 push-ups. Try your best to reach 22. If that means doing assisted (from your knees) push-ups or that you have to stop and take a break that's fine but try to get them all done in one video. * Every day you must nominate a different person. Try to choose people you think will want to do this and/or have the ability to do it. * And finally, have fun with this. This is a simple and fun way to get the word out about a matter that more people need to be aware about. **These brave men and women put their lives on the line to protect our freedom and it's sad that so many veterans feel that suicide is the only way out. For more information: #transhumanism #ScienceCandidate #Election2016 #POTUS #22PushupChallenge

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Transhumanist Party | Facebook

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Ayn Rand Wikipdia, a enciclopdia livre

Posted: August 25, 2016 at 4:36 pm

Origem: Wikipdia, a enciclopdia livre.

Ayn Rand, nascida Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum (em cirlico russo: ; So Petersburgo, 2 de fevereiro de 1905 Nova Iorque, 6 de maro de 1982) foi uma escritora, dramaturga, roteirista e filsofa norte-americana de origem judaico-russa, mais conhecida por desenvolver um sistema filosfico chamado de Objetivismo, e por seus romances.

Nascida e educada na Rssia, Rand emigrou para os Estados Unidos em 1926. Ela trabalhou como roteirista em Hollywood, e teve uma pea produzida na Broadway, no perodo de 1935 a 1936.

Alcanou a fama com seu romance The Fountainhead (que foi lanado no Brasil com o ttulo de A Nascente, e deu origem a um filme homnimo conhecido no Brasil por Vontade Indmita), publicado em 1943. Em 1957 lanou seu melhor e mais conhecido trabalho, o romance filosfico Atlas Shrugged (no Brasil, Quem John Galt?, inicialmente lanado em 1987 e, posteriormente, relanado em 2010 como A Revolta de Atlas).

Sua filosofia e sua fico enfatizam, sobretudo, suas noes de individualismo, autossustentao e capitalismo. Seus romances preconizam o individualismo filosfico e a livre iniciativa econmica[1].

Ela ensinava:

Um admirador de Ayn Rand, David Nolan, organizou, em 1971, o Partido Libertrio Americano, cujo programa original tinha os traos que ela mesma defendia nos anos 40.[2] Posteriormente, ela brigou com libertrios como Murray Rothbard[3] e passou a criticar o partido[4] pelo fato da filosofia dela ter se distanciado a da escola austraca.[5][6]

Um de seus principais pupilos foi Alan Greenspan, mais tarde presidente da Reserva Federal (o sistema de bancos centrais dos Estados Unidos).[7][8]

Ela se posicionou tambm como uma anti-arabista e sionista durante o conflito rabe-israelense.[9]

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Ayn Rand Wikipdia, a enciclopdia livre

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Libertarian Gary Johnson: ‘We should embrace immigration …

Posted: at 4:36 pm

"Look, we should embrace immigration," Johnson said Wednesday during an appearance on CNN's "New Day." "These are really hard-working people that are taking jobs that U.S. citizens don't want."

The former governor of New Mexico was dismissive of recent signals that the Republican nominee could moderate some of his immigration proposals, including his previous call to round up and deport all 11 million undocumented immigrants currently in the United States.

"He still says he wants to build a wall across the border," Johnson said of Trump. "And, really, he's not going to deport all 11 million. He's going to keep some."

Trump's hard-line position on the issue of immigration has animated his campaign more than any other, but that once-resolute stance has turned fuzzy this week.

Kellyanne Conway, Trump's newly appointed campaign manager, said Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union" that the candidate might back off from his support of a deportation force.

But appearing on Fox News on Monday, Trump stood by his support of mass deportation, saying there are "a lot of bad people that have to get of this country."

"They're going to be out of here so fast, your head will spin," Trump said.

The following day, in a different interview on Fox News, Trump said "there could certainly be a softening (on immigration) because we're not looking to hurt people."

Trump wasn't the only candidate who drew scrutiny from Johnson on Wednesday. Addressing the report that Hillary Clinton met with donors to the Clinton Foundation during her time as secretary of state, Johnson said there is an "implication" of a "pay-to-play" arrangement.

But he said that no legal lines were crossed.

"Nobody's going to get prosecuted for this because that's also the nature of this," Johnson said.

Johnson is jockeying to get on the debate stage with Trump and Clinton this fall. In order to qualify, he must eclipse 15% in an average of five different polls. Johnson has yet to hit that threshold in any major national poll, but he said Monday he's "kind of optimistic" about his chances of qualifying.

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Freedom in the 50 States 2015-2016 | Overall Freedom …

Posted: at 4:35 pm

William P. Ruger

William P. Ruger is Vice President of Policy and Research at the Charles Koch Institute and Charles Koch Foundation. Ruger is the author of the biography Milton Friedman and a coauthor of The State of Texas: Government, Politics, and Policy. His work has been published in International Studies Quarterly, State Politics and Policy Quarterly, Armed Forces and Society, and other outlets. Ruger earned an AB from the College of William and Mary and a PhD in politics from Brandeis University. He is a veteran of the war in Afghanistan.

Jason Sorens is Lecturer in the Department of Government at Dartmouth College. His primary research interests include fiscal federalism, public policy in federal systems, secessionism, and ethnic politics. His work has been published in International Studies Quarterly, Comparative Political Studies, Journal of Peace Research, State Politics and Policy Quarterly, and other academic journals, and his book Secessionism: Identity, Interest, and Strategy was published by McGill-Queens University Press in 2012. Sorens received his BA in economics and philosophy, with honors, from Washington and Lee University and his PhD in political science from Yale University.

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Freedom in the 50 States 2015-2016 | Overall Freedom ...

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Offshore Company Formation, Incorporation & Bank Accounts

Posted: at 4:34 pm

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Today there are a multitude of offshore jurisdictions touting themselves as the best tax haven to domicile a corporation in. What one needs to look for when selecting an offshore jurisdiction is the following: There should be no taxation on offshore-derived income. The jurisdiction must be stable and secure. A lot of jurisdictions that were once good have in recent years gone bad Click here to read more about offshore corporations

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