Monthly Archives: August 2016

Bible Map: Ai

Posted: August 30, 2016 at 11:03 pm


Ai and surrounding area

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Genesis 13:3 He went on his journeys from the South even to Bethel, to the place where his tent had been at the beginning, between Bethel and Ai,

Joshua 7:2 Joshua sent men from Jericho to Ai, which is beside Beth Aven, on the east side of Bethel, and spoke to them, saying, "Go up and spy out the land." The men went up and spied out Ai.

Joshua 7:3 They returned to Joshua, and said to him, "Don't let all the people go up; but let about two or three thousand men go up and strike Ai. Don't make all the people to toil there, for there are only a few of them."

Joshua 7:4 So about three thousand men of the people went up there, and they fled before the men of Ai.

Joshua 7:5 The men of Ai struck about thirty-six men of them, and they chased them from before the gate even to Shebarim, and struck them at the descent. The hearts of the people melted, and became like water.

Joshua 8:1 Yahweh said to Joshua, "Don't be afraid, neither be dismayed. Take all the people of war with you, and arise, go up to Ai. Behold, I have given into your hand the king of Ai, with his people, his city, and his land.

Joshua 8:2 You shall do to Ai and her king as you did to Jericho and her king, except its spoil and its livestock, you shall take for a plunder for yourselves. Set an ambush for the city behind it."

Joshua 8:3 So Joshua arose, and all the people of war, to go up to Ai. Joshua chose thirty thousand men, the mighty men of valor, and sent them out by night.

Joshua 8:9 Joshua sent them out; and they went to set up the ambush, and stayed between Bethel and Ai, on the west side of Ai; but Joshua stayed among the people that night.

Joshua 8:10 Joshua rose up early in the morning, mustered the people, and went up, he and the elders of Israel, before the people to Ai.

Joshua 8:11 All the people, even the men of war who were with him, went up, and drew near, and came before the city, and encamped on the north side of Ai. Now there was a valley between him and Ai.

Joshua 8:12 He took about five thousand men, and set them in ambush between Bethel and Ai, on the west side of the city.

Joshua 8:14 It happened, when the king of Ai saw it, that they hurried and rose up early, and the men of the city went out against Israel to battle, he and all his people, at the time appointed, before the Arabah; but he didn't know that there was an ambush against him behind the city.

Joshua 8:17 There was not a man left in Ai or Beth El who didn't go out after Israel. They left the city open, and pursued Israel.

Joshua 8:18 Yahweh said to Joshua, "Stretch out the javelin that is in your hand toward Ai, for I will give it into your hand." Joshua stretched out the javelin that was in his hand toward the city.

Joshua 8:20 When the men of Ai looked behind them, they saw, and behold, the smoke of the city ascended up to heaven, and they had no power to flee this way or that way. The people who fled to the wilderness turned back on the pursuers.

Joshua 8:21 When Joshua and all Israel saw that the ambush had taken the city, and that the smoke of the city ascended, then they turned again, and killed the men of Ai.

Joshua 8:23 They captured the king of Ai alive, and brought him to Joshua.

Joshua 8:24 It happened, when Israel had made an end of killing all the inhabitants of Ai in the field, in the wilderness in which they pursued them, and they had all fallen by the edge of the sword, until they were consumed, that all Israel returned to Ai, and struck it with the edge of the sword.

Joshua 8:25 All that fell that day, both of men and women, were twelve thousand, even all the men of Ai.

Joshua 8:26 For Joshua didn't draw back his hand, with which he stretched out the javelin, until he had utterly destroyed all the inhabitants of Ai.

Joshua 8:28 So Joshua burnt Ai, and made it a heap forever, even a desolation, to this day.

Joshua 8:29 He hanged the king of Ai on a tree until the evening, and at the sundown Joshua commanded, and they took his body down from the tree, and threw it at the entrance of the gate of the city, and raised a great heap of stones on it that remains to this day.

Joshua 9:3 But when the inhabitants of Gibeon heard what Joshua had done to Jericho and to Ai,

Joshua 10:1 Now it happened when Adoni-Zedek king of Jerusalem heard how Joshua had taken Ai, and had utterly destroyed it; as he had done to Jericho and her king, so he had done to Ai and her king; and how the inhabitants of Gibeon had made peace with Israel, and were among them;

Joshua 10:2 that they were very afraid, because Gibeon was a great city, as one of the royal cities, and because it was greater than Ai, and all its men were mighty.

Joshua 12:9 the king of Jericho, one; the king of Ai, which is beside Bethel, one;

Ezra 2:28 The men of Bethel and Ai, two hundred twenty-three.

Nehemiah 7:32 The men of Bethel and Ai, a hundred twenty-three.

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Bible Map: Ai

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Ai dictionary definition | ai defined – YourDictionary

Posted: at 11:03 pm

(1) See Adobe Illustrator.

(2) (Artificial Intelligence) Devices and applications that exhibit human intelligence and behavior, including robots, driverless cars, medical diagnosis and expert systems. Voice and natural language recognition are major components. Artificial intelligence implies the capability to learn and adapt through experience, and today's large organizations, search engines and social media sites are learning billions of details about the world's content and human behavior every day. One result of this knowledge is the voice-activated, natural language assistant, such as Apple's Siri, Google Now and Microsoft's Cortana (see virtual assistant). See Big Data, autonomous vehicle and expert system. An Earlier Buzzword Decades ago, the AI buzzword was very much abused as it referred to any and all advancements. However, the acid test of AI was defined in the 1940s by English scientist, Alan Turing, who said, "A machine has artificial intelligence when there is no discernible difference between the conversation generated by the machine and that of an intelligent person" (see Turing test). Question and answer dialog is already here and will continue to get better; however, a "real" conversation like the androids in the movies could take a very long time. See social robot, computer generations, neural network, AI anxiety and Watson. Artificial means Human The term "intelligence" means processing capability; therefore, every computer is intelligent. However, artificial intelligence implies human-like intelligence. An ironic twist in terminology.

Shakey the Robot

Developed in 1969 by the Stanford Research Institute, Shakey was the first fully mobile robot with artificial intelligence. Seven feet tall, Shakey was named after its rather unstable movements. (Image courtesy of The Computer History Museum,

Forty-Four Years Later - Still a Bit Shaky

Funded by DARPA and made by Boston Dynamics, the 400-pound, 6'2" Atlas was designed for emergency rescue. Built in 2013, Atlas stumbled a lot in its first tests; however, teams of AI engineers are teaching Atlas to become very sophisticated. (Image courtesy of Boston Dynamics,

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Ai dictionary definition | ai defined - YourDictionary

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Natural Alternative Medicine, Herbal Remedies & Holistic …

Posted: at 11:02 pm

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Complementary and Alternative medicine provide you with many different therapy options for any condition.

Across the world physicians and healthcare providers are searching out what are seen as new and improved ways of finding answers to the treatment problems of their patients, likeMiami Doctors. In many cases the new treatments doctors are finding are based on ancient treatments and therapies now placed in the medical category known as complementary and alternative medicine. These treatments are generally based on the idea of realigning the energies of the body to help treat medical conditions ranging from simple colds and allergies through to more serious conditions like various forms of cancer and auto immune conditions.

Complementary and alternative medicines are largely based on ancient principles and can include a large variety of treatments in which the patient has a large say in the course of the treatment. When looking forAlternative medicine Miamiresidents know a trip to the Dayton Medical Center can help them treat medical conditions in a natural or complementary way to work alongside conventional medical treatments. In many cases patients arrive at theMedical Wellness Center Miamiwhen they have exhausted every other treatment opportunity or are frustrated at the lack of a definitive diagnosis.

The Dayton Medical Center offers both conventional and complementary treatment options in an attempt to provide relief from pain and suffering from medical conditions. Offering mainstream therapies available through the majority of hospitals in the U.S. the offering of alternative and complementary medical treatments can be used to speed the recovery time for patients or help relieve recognized symptoms.

Many complementary and alternative therapies work by restoring natural balance and detoxifying the human body from the poisons found in the modern world. One therapy offered through Dayton Medical Center is Chelation therapy, which is concerned with removing heavy metals and toxins from the human body. During the therapy a fluid containing chelating chemicals is transferred into the veins, which grabs onto heavy metals within the blood and withdraws them from the veins to improve the general well-being of the individual being treated.

Alternative injectionsare often used to treat a variety of medical conditions, including serious conditions such as Parkinsons Disease and MS. Injection therapies can be used to effectively target the specific areas of the body being affected by a disease or medical problem. In these therapies nutrients are delivered to the specific areas of the body being targeted in a bid to relieve painful or debilitating symptoms.

Not all the therapies offered at theMedical Wellness Center Miamiare targeted directly at medical conditions and their symptoms. Many complementary and alternative therapies can be used in an effort to delay the signs of aging and make the individual receiving the therapy feel younger and energized. One of these treatments is a series of injections delivering a chemical known as GH3, which has been known about since the 1950s and first used in the Eastern European country of Romania. The use of GH3 has been shown to limit the onset of aging skin and reduce the number of wrinkles visible to give people a younger appearance. The use of these injections is thought to help strengthen muscles, lungs and can help people affected by moods, which have a negative effect on the lives of individuals and their loved ones.

Alternative Medicine is not only better, it is the best.

What is it about alternative medicine that is supposed to be better for you? We hear others speaking about it but does it really work? Everyone has their own opinion about whether or not alternative medicine is the best way to go. There are also opinions to what extent you should be using these methods. But like I said we all have an opinion. So how about I give you some facts about alternative medicine, and you decide.

Lets begin with discussing what Dayton Medical is all about. They employ only the top Miami doctors in the state so that the patients that come in will get the best care possible. Every single doctor is trained to engage and help educate their clients on the pros and cons of alternative methods, when they are needed and when they are not. Through their various tools and medicines, Dayton Medical helps everyone. Whether its from chronic back pain or those who are dealing with symptoms of Cancer and other various illnesses, Dayton Medical can help. Now truth be told there are many other clinics and offices that provide chronic pain relief and other medical treatments, both conventional and non-conventional. But Dayton is by far the best alternative medicine clinic Miami has to offer.

No matter what kind of patient walks through that door, each and every one of them are treated with kindness, compassion and the highest respect. No matter what the situation is, Dayton doesnt believe in turning anyone away. Dayton also has an outreach program that specializes in various forms of testing. Within this outreach center, testing is done for those patients who might have a problem that cant be diagnosed with in a normal visit. These tests can be covered under most insurances and they are completely natural. There are alternative medicine treatmentsfor anyone.

During your initial visit you will be asked to fill out the usual form. On this form you will be asked specific questions about your health and where you feel you are at risk. In other words, when you fill out the form you will be filling out the order of your ailments, from what hurts the most to what hurts the least. The doctors and nurses want to make sure you get the most out of your visit.

Now of course you will have options for how they can treat your problems. You can choose to have conventional methods done for some of the aliments. Or you can choose to have things done unconventionally, the choice is completely up to you. Just so there isnt any confusion, the pros and cons of each method will be outlined and given to you on the forms that you fill out. That way both ends are covered, the doctors have done their job and you have the information that you are required to get.

The doctors view the signs and symptoms as indicators of the imbalance that is happening within your body. Those imbalances have a direct affect on everything else that your body goes through physical stress to emotional stress. What many dont fully understand is that your emotional issues can cause breakdowns within the body. This will affect your overall health, and can also lead to other impurities. The doctors know this. So when the doctor uses various healing methods he or she is helping to restore health to your body.

Dayton Medical Center Miami keeps track of everything, in order to know where to look. The problem with other medical practices is that the only take a look at the symptoms, and not the signs. When you do this you only remove a portion and not the whole thing. By using up-to-date technology and methods, the medical clinic will get to the root of what is bothering you, and to the root is what is causing all of the difficulties.

Miami Doctors take a look at both sides and attacks these difficulties with a very aggressive methodology, which is different when compared to other doctors and alternative medical clinics. By using natural healing methods and medications, Dayton gives the medical profession something to talk about.

There are Alternative Practices at Dayton Medical Center in Miami that are just for you.

When people become sick, hurt or just have some aches and pains from their daily routine they will often seek out medical attention. Some of the people are already on several prescription medications and every time they go to see a medical doctor another prescription medication is prescribed to their already flowing medication list. Instead of putting pills into our bodies over a number of years it is better to with Miami Doctors, in which to find a better Alternative Medicine Miami and allow a more natural way of healing our bodies and minds.

One of the best places in which to receive the best alternative care is at the Dayton Medical Center there in Miami, Florida, which was established back in 1973. The doctor who started this alternative medicine practice felt that people could be healed without having to take prescription drugs. Some patients like to take baby steps when it comes to switching over from the original medical practice to the non-traditional way of practicing medicine.

The center approaches each and every ailment from headaches to cancer with compassion and will talk with their patients about how they would like to proceed. One of the options that a patient has is to use Acupuncture Miami, however once a patient has determined how they want to proceed with their treatment the doctor and staff are there to help guide them on the road to recovery.

The Dayton staff and doctors are all about finding the best alternative treatments to fit their patients needs. They talk and research different medical aspects from everywhere around the world. They are also aware that the signs and symptoms that their patients portray are only the tip of the under lying problem. Getting to the root of the problem is their mission and they do this with little risk to the patient. When a unusual sign or symptom is noticeable the doctor and staff know they must eliminate those unusual signs and symptoms in order to allow the body and mind to become healthy again.

When you enter into the Dayton office for the first time the staff and doctors will want to know what alternative medicine you are on, why you are there and what signs and symptoms you have been having and how long you have been having them and what you are allergic to. Since patients have a choice as to the type of treatment they prefer they are told in great detail all the advantages or disadvantages to each particular treatment.

Miami Doctors feel that in order for a patient to be completely healed in mind and body they should be able to utilize every option from regular medicine along with the non-traditional medicine. This way the patient has the opportunity to find out which way is going to work the best for them. More doctors are becoming aware that by working together in the conventional medical way along with the all-inclusive medical ways is better for the patient to be healthy, happy and whole.

Miami Doctors have been recognized as the leading medical practices in the country.

Miami Doctors have been recognized as the leading medical practices in the country. This center stands as the oldest medical facility that uses this medicine. The treatments can range anywhere from colds or allergies, you need to visit this medical center that can offer this to every detail. This is a friendly center that offers itself in treating every patient that receives the best attention. They can help you to improve your health while minimizing the risk of medical care. To offer excellence in health, they use natural way to get this as you will be asked to list what your major health concerns are. This is an office visit for great results for medical care, and you can offer different options for your visit.

This is a great advance in alternative medicine, and many fields have been adapted. Using the technology from both fields, not only can you overcome against the diseases like cancer, but you can see the healing signs and symptoms of this disease and treat the causes. This is shared among the medical profession and the professionals such as nurses, as this is what medical care is all about. These are the only medical technicians that can practice medicine that can deal with the patients. This is a group of people who have been trained to apply the medical knowledge, and in many countries they have legal rights of whom practices these medicines. There are other fields such as sports medicine, as this varies to the specialized sport. These are different systems of health care practice and they are human societies. Most of these are separate from medicine, and many other types of natural medicine are used in the health care world.

These alternative medicine therapies of the health care world, are sometimes considered as a competition to the other medicines that have been brought into this field. This is why it is important for you to use a medical alert bracelet. These bracelets alert the people if you are a victim of an accident or a medical emergency, to properly identify you. These bracelets are showing up in styles and they alert the vendors of a medical issue. This is information that goes where you go, as you can use these bracelets every where you go. These are bracelets that are used in an emergency situation, so that the person that you help can relay the information. This is good for any allergic reactions that do not occur. These bracelets can help a person gets the attention that you need, and you do not draw the attention to this condition, and they look like plain jewelry. These bracelets can save your life. This is where the Medical clinic Miami can help you.

Therapy brings warmth to the tissue, and it increases the circulation of nutrients and it cleans the toxins out. This helps you to overcome the disease and it brings you good health. Alternative Medicine Miami uses a therapy of higher temperatures that help in overcoming the infections and addressing cancer. They offer the best possible care and benefits, they offer special areas of expertise for a better approach. Natural remedies offer conventional or alternative medical approach for treating the infection. This was established to focus oncomplementary medicine. These doctors have been there through the years to help you feel better and they have more knowledge than any doctor.

People are actively searching for alternative ways to treat a number of common ailments to more serious health concerns.

People are actively searching for alternative ways to treat a number of common ailments to more serious health concerns. In addition, a growing number of people are very disappointed with traditional medicine and the toxic chemicals or drugs that are prescribed to treat their ailments. This has led to a revival in herbal healing, holistic care, and other types of natural remedies to treat common ailments. Alternative medicines stress treating the entire person in a healthy way with natural methods. The Miami Medical Center could be the cure for what ails you. The staff filled with Miami Doctors who use a truly holistic approach to medicine are a welcomed change.

The average patient at Miami Medical Center is looking for an alternative way to treat their health problem. Many have spend months or perhaps years trying various traditional methods with very little results. They have arrived at the decision to take another approach to health and healing.

Dayton Medical Center is a meeting ground for patients in various stages of health. Some have minor problems like an allergy or sinus problem. Then there are those with aching backs or injuries. Another group might have more serious life threatening problems like cancer. All the patients are welcomed at the center.

The Miami Doctors based at the center are experienced with various holistic healing methods that have proven successful with patients. Their feeling is that the alternative medicine approach takes into consideration the whole being of the patient. Of course, many associate the holistic approach with new age treatments. Holistic medicine or many alternative medicines are centuries old. The alternative medicines were used with great success by many ancient cultures. Their natural approach to treating illness or disease is gaining great respect in the traditional medicine world among doctors and other health professionals.

Natural remedies take many forms. There are at least several alternative medical practices that are used at the center. The Medical Center focuses on mixing the alternative methods with a few non-invasive traditional methods. They find that a natural balance is reached by combining the best of each practice. Some of the common alternative medicines might include Acupressure which is an ancient Chinese Medicine practice that believes placing pressure on certain meridian points on the body release chi which helps to heal illness. Acupuncture Miami is another Chinese Medicine practice similar to Acupressure. They use tiny needles instead of pressure. Reflexology is an alternative medicine practice that believes that touching certain pressure points on the hand or foot relieves stress. Massage Therapy is a technique that uses body massage to release tension and stress in the body which leads to illness. Many of the specialist at the center are very experienced with the methods mentioned here.

Many wonder if the methods are right for them. It is important that they consult with one of the specialist at the center and discuss their concerns and any other issues that are pressing in their mind. The medical professionals will guide you to selecting the alternative treatments that are best for your condition.

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The Informal Economy and Decent Work: A Policy Resource …

Posted: at 11:01 pm

PART I : KEY CONCEPTS 1. Decent Work and the Informal EconomyExplores the main conceptual issues including what is the informal economy, who is in it and what are the main drivers of informality ? It emphasizes that informality manifests itself in different ways according to different country contexts and labour market characteristics. 1.1 Key conceptual issues 2. Measurement of the Informal EconomyExamines the methodological issues related to the collection of accurate data on the informal economy. It highlights the innovations from the international statistical community which will enable data on the informality to be captured more fully. 2.1 Addressing statistical challenges PART II : POLICIES TO SUPPORT TRANSITIONS TO FORMALITY 3. Growth Strategies and Quality Employment GenerationExamines the complex relationship between economic growth and informality. It makes the case for employment-centred macro-economic policies explicitly targeted to curbing informality. 3.1 Patterns of economic growth and the informal economy 4. The Regulatory Framework and the Informal EconomyThis thematic area covers ten technical briefs, which are divided into three subsections (A) international Labour Standards, (B) Specific Groups and (C) Labour Administration. Among the briefs in this section are a survey of ILO Conventions and Recommendations most pertinent to the informal economy; the challenges of applying labour law to micro and small enterprises; a brief on the issues surrounding the employment relationship; technical briefs on gaps in the regulatory frameworks covering specific groups, and briefs examining the scope of labour administration and labour inspection to reach the informal economy. A International Labour Standards 4.a1 The Regulatory Environment and the informal economy: setting a social floor for all who work 4.a2 International Labour Standards (ILS): bringing the unprotected under the law 4.a3 Understanding the employment relationship and its impact on informality B Specific Groups 4.b1 Domestic Workers: strategies for overcoming poor regulation 4.b2 Homeworkers: reducing vulnerabilities through extending and applying the law 4.b3 Street vendors: innovations in regulatory support 4.b4 Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs), informality and labour law: reducing gaps in protection 4.b5 Strategies for transforming undeclared work into regulated work C Labour Administration 4.c1 Labour administration: overcoming challenges in reaching the informal economy 4.c2 Labour inspection and the informal economy: innovations in outreach 5. Organization, Representation and DialogueSocial dialogue is an essential component of democratic policy making on the informal economy, and good governance in the labour market in general. This section looks at the diverse ways in which informal economy actors are organizing, mobilizing and engaging in social dialogue. 5.1 Social dialogue: promoting good governance in policy making on the informal economy 5.2 The role of Employers organizations and small business associations 5.3 Trade unions: reaching the marginalized and excluded 5.4 Cooperatives: a stepping stone out of informality 6. Promoting Equality and Addressing DiscriminationExamines issues of discrimination and exclusion from formal labour markets which pushes particular groups into informality. It also examines segmentation within informal labour markets and makes the case for inclusive approaches based on equal opportunities for marginalized groups. 6.1 Promoting womens empowerment: a gendered pathway out of informality 6.2 Migrant workers: policy frameworks for regulated and formal migration 6.3 Disability: inclusive approaches for productive work 7. Entrepreneurship, Skills Development, FinanceThis section comprises three briefs: the brief on informal enterprises examines the incentive structures, supports and services which can encourage them to both formalize and upgrade; the brief on skills development looks at how skills upgrading can enhance access to the mainstream economy and the brief on microfinance details how it can be used as a catalyst out of informality through incentives and targeting. 7.1 Informal enterprises: policy supports for encouraging formalization and upgrading 7.2 Enhancing skills and employability: facilitating access to the formal economy 7.3 Microfinance and the informal economy: targeted strategies to move out of informality 8. Extension of Social Protection This section currently contains four briefs. Firstly, on innovative practices in social security and health insurance in an effort to extend social security to all; and three briefs reviewing evolving practices in child care, maternity protection and measures to address the economic and social exclusion of those living with HIV/AIDS. 8.1 Extending social security coverage to the informal economy 8.2 HIV/AIDS: overcoming discrimination and economic exclusion 8.3 Extending maternity protection to the informal economy 8.4 Childcare: an essential support for better incomes 9. Local Development StrategiesThis section examines the potential of local development strategies to generate integrated measures to support the move out of informality for poor communities. 9.1 Local development: opportunities for integrated strategies for moving out of informality

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LEAGUE PLAY – Alabama NSA Fastpitch Softball

Posted: at 10:57 pm

2016 Allstar Rules




State Director Wayne Hughes (205) 602-3429

League Director .......Dane Urban (334) 651-9587

Executive Board Ruling for 2015 All-Stars:

If a coach or player is ejected from a game, for any reason, the coach or player will be suspended for the remainder of the current game and the next game the coach or player are scheduled to participate.If a coach or player is ejected in an elimination game then the coach or player will be suspended for the first game of the next tournament they are scheduled to participate.

The youth fast pitch program will be divided into the following classifications:

A players age on December 31, of the previous calendar year determines the age classification in which the player is eligible to participate.

The recreation/league fast pitch program is designed for girls age 18 & under.The fast pitch sanction will run from August 1 until July 31.

Age Divisions Offered:

Girls 6 & Under

Girls 8 & Under

Girls 10 & Under

Girls 12 & Under

High School Division

A player shall not compete in any sanctioned tournament of the association with more than one team during the same tournament.

Divisions Coach Pitch/Girl Pitch


Pitcher's Rubber (ft)

Base Path (ft)

Pitching Circle


























(b) Every Player on the Roster must bat if present.

(c) Each half inning will end when the defense records three (3) outs or the offense scores seven (7) runs, whichever comes first.

(d) Each batter will get 5 pitches to put the ball in play. If the Batter fouls the 5th pitch she will get another pitch until she hits the ball in fair territory or swings and misses the pitch.

(e) No stealing. If a player leaves the base before the ball reaches Home Plate she will be called out.

(f) Play 10 in the field.

(g) There are NO automatic two outs with the last batter. There must be an out on the lead runner. Touching home plate constitutes getting the lead runner out.

(i) The defensive team shall have no more than 6 infielders. Up to four (4) players shall be positioned in the outfield at least 10 feet behind the baselines until the ball is batted. Only 10 players will play on defense at one time, however, each team may substitute freely at any time.

(j) A 10" poly-core Level 5 softball ball will be used for all 6U competition. Made by A.D. Starr

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Getting started – Bitcoin

Posted: at 10:56 pm

Using Bitcoin to pay and get paid is easy and accessible to everyone.

How to use Bitcoin

Bitcoin is different than what you know and use every day. Before you start using Bitcoin, there are a few things that you need to know in order to use it securely and avoid common pitfalls.

You can bring a Bitcoin wallet in your everyday life with your mobile or you can have a wallet only for online payments on your computer. In any case, choosing your wallet can be done in a minute.

You can get bitcoins by accepting them as a payment for goods and services or by buying them from a friend or someone near you. You can also buy them directly from an exchange with your bank account.

There is a growing number of services and merchants accepting Bitcoin all over the world. You can use Bitcoin to pay them and rate your experience to help honest businesses to gain more visibility.

How to accept Bitcoin

Bitcoin does not require merchants to change their habits. However, Bitcoin is different than what you know and use every day. Before you start using Bitcoin, there are a few things that you need to know in order to use it securely and avoid common pitfalls.

You can process payments and invoices by yourself or you can use merchant services and deposit money in your local currency or bitcoins. Most point of sales businesses use a tablet or a mobile phone to let customers pay with their mobile phones.

Merchants often deposit and display prices in their local currency. In other cases, Bitcoin works similarly to a foreign currency. To get appropriate guidance regarding tax compliance for your own jurisdiction, you should contact a qualified accountant.

There is a growing number of users searching for ways to spend their bitcoins. You can submit your business in online directories to help them easily find you. You can also display the Bitcoin logo on your website or your brick and mortar business.

Getting started - Bitcoin

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Reaching Singularity: Physicist Asserts We Will Never Truly …

Posted: at 10:53 pm

Consciousness Conundrum

One of the most probable ways we will reach the Singularity is with computers that mimic our brains. But to achieve that, we will have to tackle one of the bigger mysteries of life: consciousness. What it is, how it works, and why it works will have to be answered if we want to put our brains into computers.

Sadly, we may not be able to answer those questions. Edward Witten, a bigly-regarded physicist, is of the view that we wont be able to decipher consciousness, and that it will always remain a mystery tous.

In an interview with journalist Wim Kayzer, Witten had this to say about our understanding of consciousness:

Biologists and perhaps physicists will understand much better how the brain works. But why something that we call consciousness goes with those workings, I think that will remain mysterious. I have a much easier time imagining how we understand the Big Bang than I have imagining how we can understand consciousness

Understanding the function of the brain is a very exciting problem in which probably there will be a lot of progress during the next few decades. Thats not out of reach. But I think there probably will remain a level of mystery regarding why the brain is functioning in the ways that we can see it, why it creates consciousness or whatever you want to call it. How it functions in the way a conscious human being functions will become clear.But what it is we are experiencing when we are experiencing consciousness, I see as remaining a mystery

Perhaps it wont remain a mystery if there is a modification in the laws of physics as they apply to the brain. I think thats very unlikely. I am skeptical that its going to be a part of physics.

If you dont want to watch the wholevideo interview with Witten, the relevant part begins at 1:10:25.

Witten is saying that, we either already understand, or will someday understand, the processes behind thinking, learning, feeling, and doing. However, we will never understand the higher philosophy of consciousness. We may know that we are conscious, but not why.In essence, understanding thehow of consciousnesswill be achievable and knowable, while the whyswill remain out of our grasp.

While we would be inclined to trust the man who has been called the modern day Einstein, others point out that Witten could be wrong, though. John Horgan from Scientific American writes,

Just because Witten is a genius does not mean he is infallible. He is wrong, I believe, that string theory will eventually be validated, and he could be wrong that consciousness will never be explained.

We will just have to wait and see if our consciousness can tackle the philosophy of itself.

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Reaching Singularity: Physicist Asserts We Will Never Truly ...

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Euthanasia in the United States – Wikipedia, the free …

Posted: August 29, 2016 at 7:47 am

Euthanasia is illegal in most of the United States. Physician aid in dying (PAD), or assisted suicide, is legal in the states of Washington, Oregon, California, and Vermont;[1] its status is disputed in Montana. The key difference between euthanasia and PAD is who administers the lethal dose of medication: Euthanasia entails the physician or another third party administering the medication, whereas PAD requires the patient to self-administer the medication and to determine whether and when to do this.[citation needed] Attempts to legalize PAD resulted in ballot initiatives and "legislation bills" within the United States of America in the last 20 years. For example, the state of Washington voters saw Ballot Initiative 119 in 1991, the state of California placed Proposition 161 on the ballot in 1992, Oregon voters passed Measure 16 (Death with Dignity Act) in 1994, the state of Michigan included Proposal B in their ballot in 1998, and Washington's Initiative 1000 passed in 2008. Vermont's state legislature passed a bill making PAD legal in May 2013. However, on May 31, 2013, Maine rejected a similar bill within its state legislature (95-13).[citation needed]

Debates about the ethics of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide date from ancient Greece and Rome. After the development of ether, physicians began advocating the use of anesthetics to relieve the pain of death. In 1870, Samuel Williams first proposed using anesthetics and morphine to intentionally end a patient's life. Over the next 35 years, debates about euthanasia raged in the United States which resulted in an Ohio bill to legalize euthanasia in 1906, a bill that was ultimately defeated.[2]

Euthanasia advocacy in the U.S. peaked again during the 1930s and diminished significantly during and after World War II. Euthanasia efforts were revived during the 1960s and 1970s, under the right-to-die rubric, physician assisted death in liberal bioethics, and through advance directives and do not resuscitate orders.

Several major court cases advanced the legal rights of patients, or their guardians, to practice at least voluntary passive euthanasia (physician assisted death). These include the Karen Ann Quinlan (1976), Brophy and Nancy Cruzan cases. More recent years have seen policies fine-tuned and re-stated, as with Washington v. Glucksberg (1997) and the Terri Schiavo case. The numerous legislative rulings and legal precedents that were brought about in the wake of the Quinlan case had their ethical foundation in the famous 1983 report completed by the Presidents Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine, under the title "Deciding to Forgo Life-Sustaining Treatment" (Angell, Marcia. "How to Die in Massachusetts." The New York Review of Books. 21 February 2013: 60.3. Web. 14 Jul. 2014.). The Commission sustained in its findings that it was morally acceptable to give up a life-supporting therapy and that withholding or withdrawing such a therapy is the same thing from an ethical stand-point, while artificial feeding and other life-supporting therapy are of the same importance for the patients and doctors. Before this report, to withdraw a medical therapy was regarded as much more serious decision than not to start a therapy at all, while artificial feeding was viewed as a special treatment. By 1990, barely a decade and a half after the New Jersey Supreme Courts historic decision, patients were well aware that they could decline any form of medical therapy if they simply choose to do that either directly or by expressing their wish via appointed representative.

In a 2004 article in the Bulletin of the History of Medicine, Brown University historian Jacob M. Appel documented extensive political debate over legislation to legalize physician-assisted suicide in both Iowa and Ohio in 1906. The driving force behind this movement was social activist Anna S. Hall. Canadian historian Ian Dowbiggen's 2003 book, A Merciful End, revealed the role that leading public figures, including Clarence Darrow and Jack London, played in advocating for the legalization of euthanasia.

In the 1983 case of Barber v. Superior Court, two physicians had honored a family's request to withdraw both respirator and intravenous feeding and hydration tubes from a comatose patient. The physicians were charged with murder, despite the fact that they were doing what the family wanted. The court held that all charges should be dropped because the treatments had all been ineffective and burdensome. Withdrawal of treatment, even if life-ending, is morally and legally permitted. Competent patients or their surrogates can decide to withdraw treatments, usually after the treatments are found ineffective, painful, or burdensome.[3]

The California legislature passed a bill legalizing physician-assisted suicide in September 2015, and the bill was signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown on October 5, 2015. [4] The law went into effect in June 2016.[5]

On May 31, 2013, the Maine state legislature rejected decriminalization of physician assisted suicide and voluntary euthanasia (95-43).

On December 5, 2009, state District Court judge Dorothy McCarter ruled in favor of a terminally ill Billings resident who had filed a lawsuit with the assistance of Compassion & Choices, a patient rights group. The ruling states that competent, terminally ill patients have the right to self-administer lethal doses of medication as prescribed by a physician. Physicians who prescribe such medications will not face legal punishment.[6] On December 31, 2009, the Montana Supreme Court delivered its verdict in the case of Baxter v. Montana. The court held that there was "nothing in Montana Supreme Court precedent or Montana statutes indicating that physician aid in dying is against public policy," although prosecutions under the state's assisted suicide statute are still possible.

In the United States legal and ethical debates about euthanasia became more prominent in the case of Karen Ann Quinlan who went into a coma after allegedly mixing tranquilizers with alcohol, surviving biologically for 9 years in a "persistent vegetative state" even after the New Jersey Supreme Court approval to remove her from a respirator. This case caused a widespread public concern about "lives not worth living" and the possibility of at least voluntary euthanasia if it could be ascertained that the patient would not have wanted to live in this condition.[7]

Measure 16 in 1994 established the Oregon Death with Dignity Act, which legalizes physician-assisted dying with certain restrictions, making Oregon the first U.S. state and one of the first jurisdictions in the world to officially do so. The measure was approved in the 8 November 1994 general election in a tight race with the final tally showing 627,980 votes (51.3%) in favor, and 596,018 votes (48.7%) against.[8] The law survived an attempted repeal in 1997, which was defeated at the ballot by a 60% vote.[9] In 2005, after several attempts by lawmakers at both the state and federal level to overturn the Oregon law, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled 6-3 to uphold the law after hearing arguments in the case of Gonzales v. Oregon.

In 1999, the state of Texas passed the Advance Directives Act. Under the law, in some situations, Texas hospitals and physicians have the right to withdraw life support measures, such as mechanical respiration, from terminally ill patients when such treatment is considered to be both futile and inappropriate. This is sometimes referred to as "passive euthanasia".

In 2005, a six-month-old infant, Sun Hudson, with a uniformly fatal disease thanatophoric dysplasia, was the first patient in which "a United States court has allowed life-sustaining treatment to be withdrawn from a pediatric patient over the objections of the child's parent."[10]

In 2008, the electorate of the state of Washington voted in favor of Initiative 1000 which made assisted suicide legal in the state through the Washington Death with Dignity Act.

On May 20, 2013, Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin signed a legislative bill making PAD legal in Vermont.

Attempts to legalize euthanasia and assisted suicide resulted in ballot initiatives and legislation bills within the United States in the last 20 years. For example, Washington voters saw Ballot Initiative 119 in 1991, California placed Proposition 161 on the ballot in 1992, Oregon passed the Death with Dignity Act in 1994, and Michigan included Proposal B in their ballot in 1998. Despite the earlier failure, in November 2008 physician-assisted dying was approved in Washington by Initiative 1000.

In 2000, Maine voters defeated a referendum to legalize physician-assisted suicide. The proposal was defeated by a 51%-49% margin.

Reflecting the religious and cultural diversity of the United States, there is a wide range of public opinion about euthanasia and the right-to-die movement in the United States. During the past 30 years, public research shows that views on euthanasia tend to correlate with religious affiliation and culture, though not gender.

In one recent study dealing primarily with Christian denominations such as Southern Baptists, Pentecostals, and Evangelicals and Catholics tended to be opposed to euthanasia. Moderate Protestants, (e.g., Lutherans and Methodists) showed mixed views concerning end of life decisions in general. Both of these groups showed less support than non-affiliates, but were less opposed to it than conservative Protestants. Respondents that did not affiliate with a religion were found to support euthanasia more than those who did. The liberal Protestants (including some Presbyterians and Episcopalians) were the most supportive. In general, liberal Protestants affiliate more loosely with religious institutions and their views were not similar to those of non-affiliates. Within all groups, religiosity (i.e., self-evaluation and frequency of church attendance) also correlated to opinions on euthanasia. Individuals who attended church regularly and more frequently and considered themselves more religious were found to be more opposed to euthanasia than to those who had a lower level of religiosity.[11]

Recent studies have shown white Americans to be more accepting of euthanasia than black Americans. They are also more likely to have advance directives and to use other end-of-life measures.[12] Black Americans are almost 3 times more likely to oppose euthanasia than white Americans. Some speculate that this discrepancy is due to the lower levels of trust in the medical establishment.[13] Select researchers believe that historical medical abuses towards minorities (such as the Tuskegee Syphilis Study) have made minority groups less trustful of the level of care they receive. One study also found that there are significant disparities in the medical treatment and pain management that white Americans and other Americans receive.[14]

Among black Americans, education correlates to support for euthanasia. Black Americans without a four-year degree are twice as likely to oppose euthanasia than those with at least that much education. Level of education, however, does not significantly influence other racial groups in the US. Some researchers suggest that black Americans tend to be more religious, a claim that is difficult to substantiate and define.[13] Only black and white Americans have been studied in extensive detail. Although it has been found that minority groups are less supportive of euthanasia than white Americans, there is still some ambiguity as to what degree this is true.

A recent Gallup Poll found that 84% of males supported euthanasia compared to 64% of females.[15] Some cite the prior studies showing that women have a higher level of religiosity and moral conservatism as an explanation. Within both sexes, there are differences in attitudes towards euthanasia due to other influences. For example, one study found that black American women are 2.37 times more likely to oppose euthanasia than white American women. Black American men are 3.61 times more likely to oppose euthanasia than white American men.[16]

In "Gender, Feminism, and Death: Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia" Susan M. Wolf warns of the gender disparities if euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide were legal. Wolf highlights four possible gender effects: higher incidence of women than men dying by physician-assisted suicide; more women seeking physician-assisted suicide or euthanasia for different reasons than men; physicians granting or refusing requests for assisted suicide or euthanasia because of the gender of the patient; gender affecting the broad public debate by envisioning a woman patient when considering the debate.[17]

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Ascension Symptoms & Signs of Spiritual Awakening

Posted: at 7:42 am

The Ascension process and the Signs and Symptoms associated with it are occurring on a personal and planetary level. Ascension involves the acceleration of vibrational energy and the expansion of awareness which creates a shift in consciousness. When a particular life system raises its vibrationary state from one energetic state of being/realm of existence, to another higher one, it is ascending. Put simply, it is like tuning into a particular radio station frequency--you can't hear a particular radio station unless you're tuned in to it's particular frequency.

During the ascension process changes are occuring on all levels of your being. Ascension is a completely natural universal evolutionary process. As one shifts in vibrational frequency and as their awareness expands, symptoms are experienced on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. Your system is rebooting, being 'tuned up' or upgraded. Old patterns begin to fall away as one starts to embody much more light.

As one moves through the Ascension process there may be periods where the energy and symptoms become much more intense for several days or weeks at a time; then suddenly these symptoms may abruptly cease altogether for awhile, or symptoms may suddenly change or shift in intensity or frequency. The ascension experience is different for everyone and symptoms can vary according to one's individual degree of awareness, personal vibration, spiritual practice and even individual purpose on the planet.

[Read Expanded version]

You just 'know' or sense that something is happening/changing. You just feel different for reasons you can't explain.

Stomach and digestive issues, IBS, gasto-intestial problems; loss of appetite; periods of unexplained nausea.

Sudden changes in body temperatures; increased sensitivity or intolerance to heat or cold; abnormal heat and/or cold in certain body parts.

Cold or Flu-like symptoms that appear and then dissapear just as suddenly without escalating.

Frequent headaches; head pressure or other unusual sensations in the crown area; warmth, tingling, pinpricks, pulsating energy.

Increase in sensitivity of smell; strange smells from time to time that seem to come out of nowhere; Sinus and allergy issues.

Changes in vision and perception; catching glimpses of shadows, mist or smoke, flashes of light, sparkles, colors and swirling forms of energy.

Changes in hearing or sensitivity to sound; hearing strange sounds, tones and frequencies in your ears; whooshing, buzzing or ear popping/pressure.

Periods where you feel extremely cold for long periods of time or have a chill in your body, cold hands or feet; circulation issues.

Changes in diet, appetite and eating habits; Sudden cravings for or aversions to certain foods; Unexplainable weight gain or loss.

Sudden intolerances/allergies to certain food or other products and chemical sensitivities.

Changes in sleep patterns; waves of extreme fatigue that come and go unexpectedly; periods of restlessness or insomnia; a need for more or less sleep than normal;

Sporadic sleep schedules; repeated waking in the middle of the night especially around 3 am; unusual dreams or more lucid dreams.

Increase in daydreaming, fantasy; flashes of insights and visions; increased creativity and imagination.

Intense waves of heat throughout the body, hot flashes, chills or night sweats; feeling extremely hot or waves or warming energy in various chakra centers.

Increased static electrical charge in the body; energy 'zaps', tingles, itching, pinpricks; muscle spasms or twitches that occur sporadically in certain parts of the body.

General body aches and pains, tension and soreness not caused by injury or exercise.

Clumsiness, lack of coordination at times, bumping into or dropping objects more often; dizziness or feeling ungrounded.

Sporadic bursts of increased energy or inspiration; feeling hyper-active or frantic energy; panic attacks; accelerated mental energy; racing or scattered thoughts.

Unexplainable nervousness or anxiety that comes and goes spontaneously for no apprent reason.

Feeling Intense or unusual vibrations; experiencing pulsating or rushing waves of energy, tingling sensations pressure throughout the body or in specific areas (chakra centers).

Exteme sensitivity; feeling over-emotional; Episodes of crying for no apparent reason or bouts of hysterical laughter for no apparent reason.

Periods of intense frustration, anger or rage, short-tempered or easily agitated or impatient.

Moments where you experience increase in heart rate out of the blue, or unusual sensations in the heart chakra area.

Unusual skin changes that come and go (rashes, hives, itching or tingles).

Changes in hair and nail texture, color or rate of growth. Hair and nails may grow faster than normal.

Feeling more drawn to be in nature and in more serene environments.

A sudden increase in synchronicity (meaningful coincidences); seeing 11:11 or other recurring numbers often.

Abrupt changes with job, friends, hobbies, interests, or living environments or strong urge to relocate.

Physicality may feel 'unreal' at times and external reality appears dreamlike at times.

Increased "self talk" or inner dialogue; issues with voice or speech.

A need for more personal space and alone time; introversion.

Feeling invisible, alienated or detached from from others and/or the world around you.

Feeling lost or a sudden loss of your old 'identity' and a calling to find your true self.

A deep longing to go Home even though you may not know where 'home' is.

Asense of urgency like you are running out of time or that 'something is about to happen'.

Moments of heightened energy where you may receive channeled information ; or automatic writing.

Sudden lack of mental focus and ability to concentrate or comprehend linear information; feeling scattered; brain fog; confusion; forgetting things more often.

Feeling ungrounded at times, scattered or spacey thoughts; feeling detatched or in a dream-like trance.

Time distortions; losing track of time; a sense that time is 'speeding up' or 'slowing down' at various moments;

You begin to see halos of light around people, animals and objects; distorted or blurred vision; sensitivity to bright light; more intense closed-eye visions.

Increased Telepathy with other people and animals; flashes of insight and increased Intuition.

Feeling that you have a Divine purpose on the planet and that you are on a special 'mission'.

Profound feeling of love, peace, understanding and interconnectedness with All things.

Increased psychic awareness and sensitivity, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and intuition.

Bizarre or intense dreams; prophetic or precognitive dreams or dreamlike visions occuring more often.

Electronic devices may malfunction often in your presence (lights may flicker or bulbs burn out often).

A feeling that you are not alone or that there is a non-physical presence near you (visits from angelic beings, spirits, e.t's, messengers and guides)

Experiencing sudden inspirations and divine revelations, rushes of energy and flashes of deep insight.

A feeling that something is 'about to happen' or something important is coming, although you don't know what or when.

Remember that not all of these symptoms may be due to the ascension process. Please follow your own inner guidance and consult a health care professional as needed. If you are experiencing a majority of these symptoms it is a good indication that you are experiencing the ascension process more fully or at an accelerated rate. For treating ascension symptoms, more holistic healing methods and natural remedies are always encouraged alongside any other necessary treatment and for overall long term health and healing benefits.

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Xcalibur Magnetic Field Generator | Ascension Energy Program

Posted: at 7:42 am

The Xcalibur machine has been in development for the last 5 years and is the latest addition to the AscensionEnergyprogram now comprised of 5 separate technologies under one basic subscription price.The Xcalibur Magnetic field Generator is based on the Dotto Ring technology that was developed in the 1970?s by Giovanni Dotto as an Age Reversal Device. It mimics and amplifies the frequencies found in the Hunza valley in Northern Pakistan, where the inhabitants as opposed to the citizens live up to 150 years according to more legends. The original Dotto Ring was a big bulky Thermo-couple that generated a magnetic field with both heat and cold at the same time on a copper-nickel ring that would move vertically up and down. The magnetic field would increase the replication rate of cells and also re-grow the telomeres the aging clock of the bodies cells. The frequencies of 1.9Mhz-2.1Mhz, Dotto claims triggers DNA replication. Dan Winter claims that more Gravity=Life, charge compression through the heart chakra leads to an increase in life force energy. Christ would describe it as going the eye of the needle of zero point energy without the attachments to the physical plane. You are on this world but not of this world. Essentially, you live in overlapping realities at the same time. Magic is a function of living in the higher planes and being anchored in the lower planes at the same time. more 5D than 3D in attitude and actions. The process of moving through ascension is essentially accumulation of energy which could also be described as an increase in magnetism or the aura. The concept of the halo is a visible aura emitting from a person that has become holy or unified. Esoteric religion describes and teaches the use of Quantum mechanics, String theory and the Grand Unified Field theory application to become an ascended being, someone that moves out of time and becomes immortal beyond the effects of entropy. Age Reversal, I believe is a pre-cursor to becoming an ascended being. It will show up in the physical body as a sign of Youthing. If it is not, you are probably not as evolved as you think you are. The wage of sin is death after-all, which is simply a dissolution of the physical body and a failure to alchemize or fire the DNA coding.This machine produces a magnetic field over 10x as strong as the planetary magnetic field. My hypothesis is that the garden of eden had magnetic anomalies that were much stronger that is currently available and was the main reason for the average lifespan of over 1000 years reported in the bible. The garden of Eden was a heavier gravitational environment. Nuclear radiation has degraded our DNA through unhealthy mutations. Essentially genetics is a function of consciousness, higher evolved beings have longer DNA strands. There are functions within the junk DNA, that when fired with magnetic charge are rearranged and will lead to much extended lifespans. My contention is that this can be achieved in this lifetime with the use of Bridge technologies such as theXcalibur Magnetic Field Generator.

The Readers Digest is that Gravity=Life. More gravity=More Life or Negative Entropy or Anti-aging. Dotto studied an area in Northern Pakistan called the Hunza valley where the average lifespan was over 120 years old. Most people attribute the longevity of the Hunzas to the food and the water found in that particular area. Dotto discounted this as the reason for the long lifespans. Dotto said the region contained magnetic anomalies not found anywhere else in the world. The Hunza valley has a unique juxtaposition of a mountainous glacier area next to a hot valley. Dotto states that it is the thermal unbalance of the region that creates a magnetic field stronger than the surrounding area.

The originalDotto Ring is a Thermo-couple that creates a hot and cold magnetic field equivalent to 5X the field strenght of the Hunza valley. According to the legend, Dotto reversed peoples age over 20 years. The premise is that the device created magnetic induction or energy transfer directly into the DNA. The DNA is a spiraling coil like a caduceus, as you age the coil shortens and tightens as a function of conservation of energy. The DNA bases are proteins that hold magnetic charge like a battery. The proteins convert the magnetic energy into electrical energy to run the processes of the cells. This is known as pre-natal chi by the Chinese. The Chinese system believes you have a limited amount of pre-natal Chi and that once it is exhausted you die.

The RNA is on both ends of a DNA base, as the cells replicate pieces of the RNA are lost. The RNA strands shorten until they are too short to communicate to the DNA to split.

This essentially is also death from a western scientific point of view. In addition as the DNA coil shortens and tightens electrical impedance increases. Electricity is harder to run through the DNA coil. The replication process slows down as impedance increases. As you age you notice, you do not have as much energy and you need to sleep more. The feeling that people are growing younger around you and that you are growing older is another function of loss of energy within your genetics. The Bible has stories of people living for close to 1000 years old. We live for approximately 120, why the difference?

On Wed afternoon, June 15th, 2011; 30 minutes before the full lunar eclipse, I heard a knock on the door and a clump outside the door as boxes were being dumped on the floor. It was like a scene out of the matrix, the Xcalibur machine had arrived

The Xcalibur Magnetic Field Generator has more flexibility than the original Dotto Ring and is much smaller and more portable.This is the second generation device, the first one I had briefly in the summer of 2007 for six months. That device could only be run for about 15 minutes at a time before it would over-heat. Even with the limitations of the original device, I noticed during that brief period that both my eye color and hair color changed from hazel to blue and auburn to a brighter red.

The Xcalibur Magnetic Field generator has three settings, the Dotto Ring frequencies 1.9-2.1Mhz, the Schumann resonance 7.83hz which is the planetary field and a external music subliminal function, where there is a microphone that will pick up either external music or a IPOD or a MP3 player. The Music/Subliminal function then converts the music into a magnetic field. Russian studies have shown that DNA can be re-programmed with common language. This is the best device on the market that I am aware of for DNA activation and can be used re-motely as a radionics device. I have added it to the and it is being included in the price of a general subscription. You could say it is a sum total of all my experiences over the last 21 years, starting with my relationship to Preston Nichols of the Montauk Project fame. The few experiences that people have had with the machine so far are a sense of timelessness and a return to innocence. There is a feeling that life is again unlimited in potential similar to one had in youth. The Xcalibur magnetic field generator is the beginning of a new world and is the latest addition to the AscensionEnergyProgram.

Click link for a brief video on theXcalibur Magnetic Field Generator Age Reversal Subliminal

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