Monthly Archives: August 2016

Ayn Rand’s Ideas – An Overview |

Posted: August 16, 2016 at 4:34 pm

Ayn Rand wrote volumes urging people to be selfishThe Objectivist ethics proudly advocates and upholds rational selfishnesswhich means: the values required for mans survival qua manwhich means: the values required for human survivalnot the values produced by the desires, the emotions, the aspirations, the feelings, the whims or the needs of irrational brutes, who have never outgrown the primordial practice of human sacrifices, have never discovered an industrial society and can conceive of no self-interest but that of grabbing the loot of the moment... The Objectivist Ethics, 31View Full Lexicon Entry.

What? Arent people already too selfish? Just do whatever you feel like, be a thoughtless jerk, and exploit people to get ahead. Easy, right? Except that acting thoughtlessly and victimizing others, Rand claims, is not in your self-interest.

What Rand advocates is an approach to life thats unlike anything youve ever heard before. Selfishness, in her philosophy, means:

At the dawn of our lives, writes Rand, we seek a noble vision of mans nature and of lifes potential. Rands philosophy is that vision. Explore it for yourself.

See original here:

Ayn Rand's Ideas - An Overview |

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Atlas Shrugged Wikipdia, a enciclopdia livre

Posted: at 4:33 pm

Origem: Wikipdia, a enciclopdia livre.

Atlas Shrugged um livro de fico da autora e filsofa Ayn Rand publicado em 1957.[1] Lanado no Brasil como Quem John Galt? em 1987, relanado em 2010 como A Revolta de Atlas. O quarto e ltimo romance de Ayn Rand, considerado por muitos sua principal obra. Atlas Shrugged contm elementos de fico cientfica,[2] mistrio e romance,[3][4][5] contendo a mais extensa declarao de Rand sobre o objetivismo.

O livro explora um Estados Unidos distpico, em que muitos dos industriais mais importantes e bem sucedidos da sociedade decidem abandonar suas fortunas e a prpria nao, em resposta a agressivas regulaes do governo, que insiste em taxar e regulamentar os cidados produtivos, suas empresas e realizaes individuais. O ttulo uma referncia a Atlas, um Tit descrito no livro como "o gigante que mantm o mundo em seus ombros". O significado desta referncia aparece em uma conversa entre os personagens Francisco d'Anconia e Hank Rearden, em que d'Anconia pede que conselho Rearden daria a Atlas ao ver que "quanto maior o esforo [do tit], mais pesado fica o mundo em seus ombros". Com Rearden incapaz de responder, d'Anconia d a sua prpria resposta: "To shrug".

O tema de Atlas Shrugged, como Rand o descreve, "o papel da mente do homem na existncia". O livro explora uma srie de temas filosficos de que Rand posteriormente desenvolveria como objetivismo.[6][7] Ao fazer isso, ela expressa a defesa da razo, o individualismo, capitalismo, e as falhas da coero governamental.

Atlas Shrugged recebeu muitas crticas negativas aps sua publicao de 1957, mas alcanou popularidade duradoura e consistncia de vendas nas dcadas seguintes.[8]

A protagonista Dagny Taggart, vice-presidente operacional da Taggart Transcontinental, uma empresa ferroviria criada pelo av, tenta manter a empresa viva. O irmo James Taggart, presidente da ferrovia, vagamente consciente dos problemas da empresa e toma decises errneas, como a insistncia em comprar ao de uma empresa que repetidamente posterga a entrega do metal encomendado. Dagny, ento, passa por cima da autoridade do irmo e compra, para os trilhos de sua empresa, um metal inventado por Hank Rearden, um magnata. Dagny e Hank levam a srio suas ambies e so mostrados como arautos do desenvolvimento e do progresso. Por outro lado, polticos tentam impor cada vez mais controle sobre a sociedade por meio de medidas populistas. Conforme a interferncia estatal cresce, industriais, artistas, cientistas e empresrios comeam a se rebelar e desaparecer sem deixar pistas, largando trabalhos e negcios para trs.

H uma gria aparentemente sem sentido, "Quem John Galt?", repetida como uma resposta quando se faz uma pergunta difcil.As pessoas, na maior parte do livro, no sabem quem Galt e ainda assim repetem a pergunta, como quem diz "E quem se importa?".

Excerpt from:

Atlas Shrugged Wikipdia, a enciclopdia livre

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What is The Libertarian Party? | Libertarian Party

Posted: at 4:33 pm

The Libertarian Party is your representative in American politics. It is the only political organization which respects you as a unique and competent individual.

Libertarians believe in the American heritage of liberty, enterprise, and personal responsibility. Libertarians recognize the responsibility we all share to preserve this precious heritage for our children and grandchildren.

Libertarians believe that being free and independent is a great way to live. We want a system which encourages all people to choose what they want from life; that lets them live, love, work, play, and dream their own way.

The Libertarian way is a caring, people-centered approach to politics. We believe each individual is unique. We want a system which respects the individual and encourages us to discover the best within ourselves and develop our full potential.

The Libertarian way is a logically consistent approach to politics based on the moral principle of self-ownership. Each individual has the right to control his or her own body, action, speech, and property. Government's only role is to help individuals defend themselves from force and fraud.

The Libertarian Party is for all who don't want to push other people around and don't want to be pushed around themselves. Live and let live is the Libertarian way.

Read more:

What is The Libertarian Party? | Libertarian Party

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Upcoming Events Welcome the Golden Rule to Poulsbo …

Posted: at 4:33 pm

Tuesday June 28, 2016, 7:00 pm 9:00pm

Kitsap Regional Library, Poulsbo Branch, 700 NE Lincoln Rd, Poulsbo, WA 98370

In 1958 a crew of Quaker peace activists attempted to sail the Golden Rule to the Marshall Islands to interfere with US nuclear bomb testing. This bold nonviolent direct action inspired a worldwide movement leading to the Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty of 1963.

After five years of restoration by Veterans For Peace and many friends, the Golden Rule is once again sailing for a nuclear-free world and a peaceful, sustainable future!

Come hear the story of the Golden Rule, how she was rescued from a watery grave in Humboldt Bay in Northern California and lovingly restored by Veterans For Peace, Quakers and others, her voyage to San Diego in 2015 and her voyage around the Pacific Northwest this year.

Hank and Claire, folksingers in the Pete Seeger tradition will provide music, and Retired Navy Captain (and former nuclear submarine commander) Tom Rogers willintroduce the program on behalf of Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action.

Click here to view or download a printable poster/flier for the event.

NOTE: The Golden Rule will arrive at the Port of Poulsbo Marina on June 27th, and will be available to tour and take people sailing on both June 27th and 28th.

Event sponsored by:Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action

For more information, call 206-499-1220 or 206-992-6364

The Golden Rule will be visiting much of the Pacific Northwest throughout the Summer.Click here to learn more about The Golden Rule project. The Golden Rule is also on Facebook.

Continued here:

Upcoming Events Welcome the Golden Rule to Poulsbo ...

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Freedom in the 50 States 2013 | Overall Freedom | Mercatus …

Posted: at 4:33 pm

William P. Ruger

William P. Ruger is Vice President of Policy and Research at the Charles Koch Institute and Charles Koch Foundation. Ruger is the author of the biography Milton Friedman and a coauthor of The State of Texas: Government, Politics, and Policy. His work has been published in International Studies Quarterly, State Politics and Policy Quarterly, Armed Forces and Society, and other outlets. Ruger earned an AB from the College of William and Mary and a PhD in politics from Brandeis University. He is a veteran of the war in Afghanistan.

Jason Sorens is Lecturer in the Department of Government at Dartmouth College. His primary research interests include fiscal federalism, public policy in federal systems, secessionism, and ethnic politics. His work has been published in International Studies Quarterly, Comparative Political Studies, Journal of Peace Research, State Politics and Policy Quarterly, and other academic journals, and his book Secessionism: Identity, Interest, and Strategy was published by McGill-Queens University Press in 2012. Sorens received his BA in economics and philosophy, with honors, from Washington and Lee University and his PhD in political science from Yale University.

See more here:

Freedom in the 50 States 2013 | Overall Freedom | Mercatus ...

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Orgone Radionic Machine | Ascension Energy Program

Posted: at 4:30 pm

Orgone Radionic MachineSubscribe Now

I have been building a Massive Orgone Radionic device out of a huge cherry woodchest that reminds me a bit of the Ark of the Covenant. This will be anothermachine that will be included in the base priceof a subscription.It is lined with Copper foil, powered with a 20 Amp DC generator. I have attached to it a Schauberger vortex coil that structures water and an Environmental Harmonizer made from pure .999 Gold. All the resin for the Orgone is structured with the; Etheric Water, charged with the miracle frequency, 528hz as well as with a13 Crystal Singing bowl. The device is more of atraditional radionics device; ithas a very grounding effectand works on the physical plane. It will help you ground into the body and open up the heart.

Withthe Orgone machine, I am focusing more on Love than Power. As a result of that; I am including flower essences and aromatherapyand actual flowers; such as Lillies, Rose and Orchids.Layered into the Orgone are the symbols from the bio-resonance machines as well as gold, platinum and Silver flake. There is of course the traditional steel as well as numerous crystals such as quartz points, tiger, Amethyst, jade, tourmaline, topaz andturquoise.On top of the Orgone will be a bed of Peat Moss, about 4 bags full and a massive amount of Silver. Peat moss has the remarkable ability to hold charge or energy; it is perhaps the ultimate capacitor.You can see the preservative effects of peatin the story of the bog man. Adead man that wasfound in a peat bog that was mistakenfor a recent murder victim that was well over 2000 years old!Silver is the metal that has been traditional associated with the Feminine and the moon. It reveals the shadow side of our personality which is where the latent power is. Silver also has remarkable abilities for regeneration, not to mention the accumulation of wealth. If you want to get out of debt; start to buy some silver. There is a real metaphysical powerin holding the metal. The world is in the state it is, because of the use of paper currency.All the religious books from theKoran to theOldand New Testaments talk about the use of Silver and Gold as money.We have been hoodwinked into the use of paper as money, which it is not.

Jennifer my assistant is helping me build the device to add moreof a feminine touch.There needs to be a balance between, Love, Power and Knowledge. I have noticed we are a bit too top heavy onmale energy.Finding that balance takes time and is the actual purpose of the spiritual journey. We are not perfect, but striving towards perfection, whatever that is.Radionic machines are influenced by the operators; which in this case is Bill and now me with the Orgone device. You cannot separate the machines from the people, as technology becomes more sophisticated it becomes somewhat sentient. I noticed this very profoundly with the Dotto Ring, when I had the original prototype for a scant few months before I blew out the Amps. I am still in the process of building the Orgone machine and most likely will be till the end of the summer, however it is functional now.

My apartment is a massive portal due to all the Orgoneand the hoursof prayer and meditation that I have done over the years. My meditation of choice is pure contemplation. Radionicmachines can be driven by the operators which I did over the end of last summer with the experiment with the NY Yankees. I plan on holding group meditations in my apartment to accelerate the spiritual progress of the members of the are good, but human beings themselves are the ultimate radionic device. As the machines clear the human, they become a representation of the divine on earth; as above so below. We resonate divine qualitieswith the higher dimensions as we clear. Engaging the members in the active use of their spiritual power will move people beyond the passive stage into the realm of the magician. It will also help you evolve; use it or lose it. If you do not learn towield your power, I guarantee it will be used against you. Youcannot remain a victim if you expect to ascend. Ascension does not start with the couch and the TV.You have a tremendous effect on reality; now is the time to begin consciously directing your life with your mind, heart and will. It is the synchronization of these three elements that completes the circuit and makes one a shining example to the rest of mankind. To be included on the new Orgone radionic machine, you need to send me an email. If you would like a stronger connection to the machine, I will be accepting signatures to beplaced on the machine. Email me and I will reply with my mailing address.

Subscribe Now

Subscription includes Bio-Resonance,Etheric Water,Tachyon Mirror Machine,Orgone Radionic Machine and coming soon Xcalibur Magnetic Field Generator

Originally posted here:

Orgone Radionic Machine | Ascension Energy Program

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Human Cloning: What is cloning? How to clone. Is cloning …

Posted: at 4:26 pm

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New Utopia Design Build – Los Angeles, CA, US 90012

Posted: August 14, 2016 at 7:19 pm

New Utopia Inc. is an innovative and holistic design firm who is passionate about building relationships and community through conscious design. New Utopia offers design consultation, project management, and construction services for residential, commercial and real estate development. New Utopia is a design build team committed to building relationships with each step of the design and construction process . Their passion for conscious building allows businesses, communities, and the environment to thrive in a world of well-being and sustainability. The New Utopia 50/50 business model provides half of their resources to be committed to non-profit and charitable causes and helps serve communities and the environment for a sustainable future. Find us at and follow us @nu_designla.

Services Provided

New Utopia offers design consultation, project management, and construction services for residential, commercial and real estate development. In addition, New Utopia offers interior design and styling consultations to help create a fresh, modern and stylish look for your home.

Areas Served

Los Angeles Long Beach Orange County

Certifications and Awards

Houzz Spotlight 144 Gorgeous Homes Around the World

Innovative Residential Design-Build Studio Serving Southern California

page_type: pro_plus_profile

License Number: CSLB 1007225

Typical Job Costs: $500.00 - $10 Million New Utopia's hourly consultations are for anyone interested in making improvements to their home/property. New Utopia provides a variety of services for design build projects, construction, interior design and styling.

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New Utopia Design Build - Los Angeles, CA, US 90012

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Bahamas Cruises, Bahamas Cruise, Cruise Bahamas, Bahamas …

Posted: at 7:18 pm

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The Bahamas are pristine islands off the coast of Florida, known for beautiful, white-sand beaches, crystal-clear water and laid-back style. Bahamas cruises operate year-round and typically range from three to nine nights.

Bahamas cruises depart from the Florida ports of Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Jacksonville and Port Canaveral as well as other ports on the eastern seaboard, as far north as New York. Itineraries may include port calls in Nassau or Freeport or any of the highly popular private islands operated by a number of cruise lines.

Vacations To Go offers the worlds lowest price on every Bahamas cruise.

To scan a complete list of Bahamas cruises for early-bird discounts or last-minute markdowns, use our Find A Bargain search tool.

When you've found the perfect cruise, call us toll-free at 800-338-4962 for a free quote or reservation. We look forward to helping you!

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Bahamas Cruises, Bahamas Cruise, Cruise Bahamas, Bahamas ...

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CIA World Factbook: Bahamas – Central Intelligence Agency

Posted: at 7:18 pm

Lucayan Indians inhabited the islands when Christopher COLUMBUS first set foot in the New World on San Salvador in 1492. British settlement of the islands began in 1647; the islands became a colony in 1783. Since attaining independence from the UK in 1973, The Bahamas has prospered through tourism, international banking, and investment management. Because of its location, the country is a major transshipment point for illegal drugs, particularly shipments to the US and Europe, and its territory is used for smuggling illegal migrants into the US.

chain of islands in the North Atlantic Ocean, southeast of Florida, northeast of Cuba

24 15 N, 76 00 W

Central America and the Caribbean

total: 13,880 sq km

land: 10,010 sq km

water: 3,870 sq km

slightly smaller than Connecticut

0 km

3,542 km

territorial sea: 12 nm

exclusive economic zone: 200 nm

tropical marine; moderated by warm waters of Gulf Stream

long, flat coral formations with some low rounded hills

mean elevation: NA

elevation extremes: lowest point: Atlantic Ocean 0 m

highest point: Mount Alvernia on Cat Island 63 m

salt, aragonite, timber, arable land

agricultural land: 1.4%

arable land 0.8%; permanent crops 0.4%; permanent pasture 0.2%

forest: 51.4%

other: 47.2% (2011 est.)

10 sq km (2012)

0.02 cu km (2011)

hurricanes and other tropical storms cause extensive flood and wind damage

coral reef decay; solid waste disposal

party to: Biodiversity, Climate Change, Climate Change-Kyoto Protocol, Desertification, Endangered Species, Hazardous Wastes, Law of the Sea, Ozone Layer Protection, Ship Pollution, Wetlands

signed, but not ratified: none of the selected agreements

strategic location adjacent to US and Cuba; extensive island chain of which 30 are inhabited

noun: Bahamian(s)

adjective: Bahamian

black 90.6%, white 4.7%, black and white 2.1%, other 1.9%, unspecified 0.7% (2010 est.)

English (official), Creole (among Haitian immigrants)

Protestant 69.9% (includes Baptist 34.9%, Anglican 13.7%, Pentecostal 8.9% Seventh Day Adventist 4.4%, Methodist 3.6%, Church of God 1.9%, Brethren 1.6%), Roman Catholic 12%, other Christian 13% (includes Jehovah's Witness 1.1%), other 0.6%, none 1.9%, unspecified 2.6% (2010 est.)


note: estimates for this country explicitly take into account the effects of excess mortality due to AIDS; this can result in lower life expectancy, higher infant mortality, higher death rates, lower population growth rates, and changes in the distribution of population by age and sex than would otherwise be expected (July 2015 est.)

0-14 years: 22.98% (male 37,838/female 36,747)

15-24 years: 17.15% (male 28,195/female 27,459)

25-54 years: 44.08% (male 71,528/female 71,555)

55-64 years: 8.58% (male 12,429/female 15,436)

65 years and over: 7.21% (male 8,981/female 14,429) (2015 est.)

Population Pyramid

For additional information, please see the entry for Population pyramid on the Definitions and Notes page under the References tab.

total dependency ratio: 41.2%

youth dependency ratio: 29.6%

elderly dependency ratio: 11.7%

potential support ratio: 8.5% (2015 est.)

total: 31.5 years

male: 30.4 years

female: 32.6 years (2015 est.)

0.85% (2015 est.)

15.5 births/1,000 population (2015 est.)

7.05 deaths/1,000 population (2015 est.)

0 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2015 est.)

urban population: 82.9% of total population (2015)

rate of urbanization: 1.53% annual rate of change (2010-15 est.)

NASSAU (capital) 267,000 (2014)

at birth: 1.03 male(s)/female

0-14 years: 1.03 male(s)/female

15-24 years: 1.03 male(s)/female

25-54 years: 1 male(s)/female

55-64 years: 0.81 male(s)/female

65 years and over: 0.62 male(s)/female

total population: 0.96 male(s)/female (2015 est.)

80 deaths/100,000 live births (2015 est.)

total: 11.92 deaths/1,000 live births

male: 11.75 deaths/1,000 live births

female: 12.1 deaths/1,000 live births (2015 est.)

total population: 72.2 years

male: 69.77 years

female: 74.7 years (2015 est.)

1.96 children born/woman (2015 est.)

7.3% of GDP (2013)

2.82 physicians/1,000 population (2008)

2.9 beds/1,000 population (2011)


urban: 98.4% of population

rural: 98.4% of population

total: 98.4% of population


urban: 1.6% of population

rural: 1.6% of population

total: 1.6% of population (2015 est.)


urban: 92% of population

rural: 92% of population

total: 92% of population


urban: 8% of population

rural: 8% of population

total: 8% of population (2015 est.)

3.22% (2013 est.)

7,700 (2013 est.)

500 (2013 est.)

36.6% (2014)


total: 30.8%

male: 29.6%

female: 32.2% (2012 est.)

conventional long form: Commonwealth of The Bahamas


CIA World Factbook: Bahamas - Central Intelligence Agency

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